Boulevard. The lie, flooding by the van wyck. The Grand Central floods easily. Knapp street, those areas, you can see the red is causing flooding. Lets show you the fdr. That floods easily. Over by 70 and 9th street, you have traffic slow southbound and northbound because of flooding conditions. Theres the fdr drive and 96th street, the harlem river drive. You have to be careful. Thats the new jersey turnpike heading towards the gothels bridge. Theyre trying to take care of thing. Heading to new jersey, youre fine. On the eastbound side, as far as the trains, we had problems with long island railroad. Thats doing okay. That was suspended because of a power outage. They have resumed service. Huntingdon. All service has resumed. Dari thank you. Lets go to new jersey where the storm caused a tree to topple. This is inglewood. This was the scene on tyrone avenue about an hour ago. You can see how part of the roof was smashed by the tree. Nobody was hurt. Steve the storm knocked out power across the area. More than 12,000 outages in pse g, long island, about 16,000. Jodi goldberg has a look at some of the damage there. Reporter crews just finished wires. Hempstead is one of the areas that sustained damage from this powerful storm. By tuesday afternoon, long island was getting soaked. In long beach, traffic lights swayed and rain fell sideways. Psg long island had thousands of outages to deal with. On island park, the high tide was a concern, but not a problem. Gusts of wind sent tree limbs flying. People we caught up with say theyre tired of the weather. It was real windy. I drive a van. I was going out toward long island. It blew me over a bit. Very strong winds. Its crazy. Its 50 degrees, 20 degrees, 0 degrees. Degrees. They are reporting more than 14,000 outages. 3,000 in the town of hempstead alone. County. Most of them expected to be repaired sometime tomorrow morning. Hempstead. Dari thank you. Two people were injured by falling glass. Thats in midtown today. A glass table fell from the roof of a 22story building at 7th between 38th and 39th streets. Reports suggest it was the high winds that blew the table off the rooftop. On. Two women were taken to Bellevue Steve a study questioning whether all children should be screened for autism. Dari Linda Schmidt explains why some experts do not believe this type of testing is beneficial. It goes against Expert Consensus and against Scientific Research. Reporter Autism Speaks is disheartened by a federal panels decision not to recommend universal screening for autism. The u. S. Preventive Services Task force found that more evidence is needed before it can make a recommendation for doctors to screen for autism in children under 21 2 years old. We needs to know more about the best age, the best screening tools and whether screening all children improves their quality of life. Reporter the screening is a five minute questionnaire for parents about their childs development. The Task Force Says until it has evidence, it cannot recommend for or against autism screening in young children. Autism speaks, a leading science and advocacy organization, says early screenings are critical 18 months or whenever a parent requests. Expert advice and Scientific Research has shown us that screening is not only not harmful, its helpful in identifying individuals with autism as early as possible. Those days or weeks or months can be critical in a childs long term outcomes. Steve reporter the American Academy of pediatrics suggests the screenings at 18 and 24 months. Dari well, funeral arrangements are being finalized for Supreme Court justice scalia. He died saturday in texas. His body will lie in repose at the Supreme Court on friday. The public can pay its respects from 10 30 in the morning to 8 00 at night. Justice scalias funeral is set for saturday in washington. Until then, his courtroom chair will be draped in a black traditional tradition which dates back to 19th century. But putting it into practice will be a challenge because many do not understand whats expected of them. A federal judge in 2013 ruled that the stop and Frisk Program violated the rights of minorities. They provided new training for recruits and current officers. Dari democratic president ial candidate Hillary Clinton was in town today having her meeting with the reverend al sharpton and other civil rights leaders. Bernie sanders last week. As sharon shows us, sharpton isnt endorsing anyone yet. Reporter democratic president ial candidate Hillary Clinton is courting minority voters on the campaign trail in harlem today. There are still very real Barriers Holding back africanamericans from fully participating in our economy and our society. Reporter earlier clinton met with reverend al sharpton and Community Leaders at the her next fight is in South Carolina where a majority of the democratic voters are black. I believe absolutely that america cant live up to its potential unless every Single Person has the chance to live up to theirs. With the first black family leaving the white house in American History at the end of the year, the concerns of our community cannot be marginalized and ignored. Reporter sharpton met with Bernie Sanders at sylvias in harlem last week. Sharpton has not endorsed either candidate. First he says he wants answers about how they will help the black community. Im going to lean toward whoever leans towards us the most. Reporter well, before making his decision, sharpton says he wants to see where each candidate stands on the future of the Supreme Court and voter rights. Polls say clinton is ahead in South Carolina, but shes in a tight race in nevada. Bernie sanders beat clinton by a sizable margin in the new dari sharon, thank you. Marco rubio is stumping for votes in South Carolina ahead of saturdays republican primary at a town hall in beaufort. The florida senator outlined his policies to make america more competitive in the global economy. He told voters that religion is the biggest influence on his life and made an impassioned speech about religious values. Steve Grand Central back to normal this morning. Officials say crews worked to restore power to the lower level. Metro north said the message board and ticket machines were back in working order. A broken water pipe flooded the transformer which led to the outage yesterday plunging the lower level into the dark. For the first time in five decades, there will be Airline Service between the u. S. And cuba. An agreement was signed earlier today. Dari dan bowens is live in west new york, new jersey, where people are cheering the renewal of relations between the two countries. Dan, you were there in the last year, werent you . Reporter yeah. I was there with Governor Cuomo its a 21 2 hour flight from new york city, 1300 miles from new york to havana, plenty of opportunities here in hudson county. This area, west new york, union city, once described as havana on the hudson because so many exiles moved here in the 70s or 80s. This opens up new opportunities. When you talk to people, they say when it comes to issues of the home land, some are as divisive as ever. Theres light at the end of the tunnel. Its about time. Its been a long time coming. Reporter Orlando Perez is a Third Generation cuban american. Its been over 50 years. Nothing has changed. I think our influence in cuba is going to help change the situation there. Reporter from the classic cars, famous for buzzing the narrow streets of old havana, to the neo classic buildings preserved in time, the culture closer to the american public. The goal both sides say is to expand tourism and business. [inaudible] reporter the deal is the latest effort from the Obama Administration to restore relations between the two countries severed since the days of the cold war. Many remain critical, like miguel, a cuban defector, whos vowed never to return to the country where he was born. Its good for the american people. But i think im cuban. They no have change. No change for the people there. Reporter no change for the people there. Change for the people. Reporter can the new chapter in americancuban relations lead to some of the changes so many want . Richard, a professor of latin american studies at william is a start. America is much more important to cuba than cuba is to the u. S. Cubans need foreign investments. Cubans need tourism. Reporter no word on when or if congress will take up that embargo issue. Certainly a controversial topic. Technically, according to american law, americans cant travel to the small island nation for simply for tourism. It has to be related to education, artistic or athletic purposes. Back to you. Dari thank you. No matter how much you love the past, dont time travel on your iphone. Steve the glitch that takes place if you set your phone back too far. They want to be better. Dari why the Wine Industry may millen this is the face of addiction. Addiction doesnt discriminate. Alcohol smoking weed pills crack k2, spice acid cocaine crystal meth heroin this is also the face of hope. Addiction is a disease. Help is available. Visit the new York State Office of alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services Website today. Pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. Then your eyes may see it differently. Only flonase is approved toprelieve both itchy, watery eyes pand congestion. No other nasal allergy spray can say that. When we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over producing six key cause our symptoms. Most allergy pills only control one substance. Flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. Complete allergy relief or incomplete. Let your eyes decide. Flonase. Steve beware of the trolls who are tricking iphone owners into breaking their own phones. Dari and millennials love their wine. Alison morris is here with the days headlines. Thats very interesting. Reporter youll be surprised by the millennials and what theyre doing. Beware of the trolls. Well start off with the market. They did a weird thing today. It was a good thing. They completely ignored oil prices. This is a look at the dow which jumped 222 points today in spite dropped 40 cents nearing 29 a barrel. You might remember the dow rallied 300 points on friday. It was closed yesterday. So weve put together two solid days in a row. That is something we havent seen a lot this year. Whats going on . China opened its markets yesterday after a week off for Lunar New Year and did well. Were seeing strength in the u. S. In financial stocks and apple. Lets talk more about apple. There was an Endless Supply of news out of apple today. The Company Announced a plan to sell bonds. They will buy back stock and pay dividends. And the headphone jack, the next iphone will have another speaker and that will give the phone stereo sound. This is the nuttiest news of the day. Do not set the date on your turns out if youre running any version of ios 8 or newer, that move can shut down your phone permanently. Apple is working on a fix. A new study Shows Millennials may be keeping the Wine Industry afloat. According to wine spectator, millennials are buying nearly half of the wine in the country. They drank 159. 6 million cases last year. Thats an average of two cases per person. Women are the biggest wine buyers, outpurchasing men two to one. Theyre not buying the cheap crap. According to the study and to nick on our pops in island park, one of long islands best liquor more. Things. Theyve grown tired of the less expensive bottles, even though the quality dollar for dollar is good. And theyre drinking better. Wine seems to be considered a health item. Are health conscious, wine has a good reputation. Reporter he says if you look at the trends, people used to love, especially young people, to buy the cheap craft, throw it back, get disheveled, but theyre not looking to do that now. They have varied tastes and younger people know what they want and what they like and buying good stuff. Steve they have more information. They can research online. Fascinating. Reporter its healthy. Steve right. Doing it for the resveratrol and everything else. Thank you. Fascinating. Lets talk about the weather. Dari you know, nick, we were all saying its like you have to have seven different kinds of boots and jackets in circulation for yourself and children. Nick completely covered all bases. Thats how its been. From a forecasting standpoint, youre all over the map temperaturewise and precipitationwise. Thats the way it was in the last 24 hours. Yesterday morning we started at 13 degrees. Today we ended up at 54 with over an inch of rain in the city in the last 12 hours or so. 35 was the low this morning. Again, weve been rising steadily. Well be back to the average by tomorrow, the average high of 42. 71 and 1 in the records. Right now still a bit of rain in the city, but for the most part its coming to an end. 53. The humidity at 83 percent. Winds out of the southwest. The pressure is low but rising. The cold front has moved along to the east. Take a look at fox 5 sky guardian. Really most of the rain has gone off to the east. A few isolated leftover showers in the wake of that front, but theres the bulk of the rain. Rhode island, its cleared the east end of long island and were done with the rain. Well keep some clouds around, but looks like a dry forecast for the next few days. Mid 50s around the area today. Even poughkeepsie hitting 58. We had 60 in parts of central and southern new jersey. Bridgeport, 55. Monticello the same. 54 at islip. 51 at montauk. 50 montauk to islip. 53 in the city. And back to 45 monticello towards middle 40s in allentown. Look at this temperature jump from 24 hours ago. 25 to 35 degrees warmer thanks to the wind out of the south. It was busy at times. Now its southwesterly and gusty, 15 to 25. Were seeing gusts in excess of 30 miles an hour. That will settle down. As we look at fox 5 sky guardian 3d, you can see the storm here. Theyve had heavy snow extending up into the adirondacks. Through new england. Thats all moving along. As you look at the satellite photograph, well be watching this disturbance move away and a warm front is off to the north of us. South. Theres another cold front dropping in from the north and west. After that happens, well have a return to colder air for temperatures wont get out of the upper 30s. Well be in the 30s out the door 20s in the suburbs. A little more clouds later and more sun through the day. 44 should be the high tomorrow. Thats now seasonal for this time of year. Theres futurecast. Heres the second front. Sun gives in to clouds. The front crosses the area. Well end up with lots of sunshine on thursday but temperatures struggle to stay in the mid and upper 30s. Lots of clouds tonight. 36 in the city. 20s to lower 30s north and west. Tomorrow, sun, clouds, figure a high of about 44 or so. Pretty close to average. And then the seven day shows chilly weather for thursday and friday in the upper 30s, lows in the 20s. Could be a couple of showers friday night. We jump back to 50 or greater saturday and sunday with overnight lows in the 30s. A good weekend coming up. 49 monday. A couple of showers. We trend colder tuesday. A couple of showers. Then we watch wednesday, thursday. There may be another threat of a coastal storm coming our way. You know what that can present. Steve yeah. Anything. Nick thats my point. Steve 30 one day. 50 the next. Rain, snow, flooding, the whole thing. Fascinating stuff. Dari hes going from cuba to Carnegie Hall. [music] steve not hard to see how. Incredible. Meet the man whose hot latin beats to Carnegie Hall. Dari and we sit down with kelly roland about where shes been dari okay. Tonight simone sits down with former former destinys child singer Kelly Rowland about how being a mom isnt stopping her from having fun. Steve simone caught up with her at the launch of her escape flavors for this interview. [music] describe the perfect day for kelly. The perfect day for me right now would be waking up to my beautiful son, putting the touches on my show and finishing up a record. My hands are quite full. Reporter im intrigued by the show, chasing destiny. Tell us more about the premise of it. Basically it is a show where im forming a group, a girl group, and its all the dynamics and the challenges of, you know, getting into the group to maintaining a group and the sound, allowing them to develop. [music] reporter youve been through the process that these contestants are going through. Whats the advice you would offer them based on your experience . Dont be afraid of the work. Its a lot of work. It requires a lot of work. Mental work, physical work, like learning movement and understanding your voice and understanding being a part of a group. Thats work. Reporter there really hasnt been another girl group like destinys child. I mean, no one can compete for years. Why do you think that is . Its big shoes to fill. Before destinys child, there was in vogue and the supremes respect. Reporter i feel like were in a time where women are encouraging each other more. What was that like being in destinys child . Always. It was a great feeling. You feel youre supported. Reporter we have a fan question i want to share with you. Lets take a look. Hi. Im wondering how being a mother has changed your outlook on the way you do your music. Know that moms have fun. Just because you have a baby doesnt mean youre just mommy. But also, i have to Say Something was perfect. I want my son to be proud and like my mama was jamming on this record. Reporter i love that. I cant wait to hear them. Thank you. Pleasure talking to you. Steve very cool. Thats tonight. It is an honest look at life in some of the citys grittiest areas. Dari the artists taking their stories from the streets to the scene and this. [music] steve adele explains her off Key Performance at last nights i hope we have a buyer for the house. Me too what are the neighbors doing here . Bill hey i didnt know your home wifi could stream so many devices at the same time. Dad, its Time Warner Cable. 300 megs. Crazyfast. Dad you can get wifi all over this place. Cool make your home as connected as possible. Get 50 meg internet with unlimited data for 39. 99 per month. And ask about free installation. Listen up im here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. And give her the strength and energy to stay healthy. Whos with me . yay the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. Dari hello. The city is planning to build look at that thing. Its a huge street car system that will connect brooklyn and queens. Steve if they build it, will Jessica Formoso went to find out. Reporter its been more than 50 years since new york city has seen a street car. The city is planning on bringing it back, the brooklynqueens connector, stretching 60 miles from queens down to sunset park here in brooklyn. This is what it would look like. It would serve almost 50,000 passengers per day, making it one of the biggest urban street car systems in the nation. This is revolutionary for new york city. Reporter mayor de blasio saying it would create opportunity, more access to jobs at developing industrial centers, like the Brooklyn Navy yard and it would address income inequality, allowing those in isolated neighborhoods to have Public Transit that meets their needs. It will connect this new light rail system to 10 ferry landings, 15 subway routes and 30plus bus lines. Reporter the street car is set to have an Economic Impact on the city. The growth impact will be 25 billion. Reporter the cost of it all . 2. 5 billion, of which the mayor says it would be paid through bonds. It will create revenue that wouldnt have been there otherwise and allow us to pay off the bonds that will allow us to build the system. To ride it, it would cost the same as a sing the ride metro card, traveling time would be cut by more than 30 minutes. For example, from astoria to minutes. The bqx would get you there in 27 minutes. For some, it would allow them to experience places theyve never been to because they havent had a quick and practical way to get there. There. Get on, ride to astoria, enjoy a different ambience, Different Community and ride back. Reporter groundbreaking is set to start as early as 2019. In red hook, im Jessica Formoso, fox 5 news. Dari martinez is making his mark on the new york music scene. Best percussionists in the world. He started playing in havana and at a cuban hotel for a dollar a month. He joined a tour group and moved to the u. S. In 1998 and everything has changed. Now hes getting ready to play at Carnegie Hall friday night. What can i tell you, man . Its a dream come true. Its about being who you are, being real, being transparent and being honest to yourself. Dari hes played with big, big people. This will be his first time at Carnegie Hall. Steve a lot of people talking about adeles performance last night at the grammys, plagued by [music] steve she sang all i ask. Mike fell on to the instrument strings, creating a tinny sound. She kept a sense of humor about the whole thing tweeting out to fans what happened followed by blank happens. Not all was lost. Because of it, im treating myself to an in and out burger. Maybe it was worth it. The grammy audience, regardless of the technical glitches, gave her a standing o. Dari the other person people were talking about was taylor swift. Steve tmz joins us to talk about her most memorable moments from the grammys. A lot of people took to heart and appreciated her speech which they found to be classy. Yeah. I guess everybody would think it was classy unless you were kanye west. Maybe she needed some in and out. She was ornery last night. A couple of moments. You were talking about adeles audio problems. Taylor also thought she had an audio problem during her performance of out of the we caught her in the audience later talking to selena gomez. She was saying i blew that note. Nobody really noticed it. What everyone noticed was after her win for album of the year, taylor swift went up there and used this as her platform to get back at kanye west. Make no mistake. You know who she was talking about. We broke the story that kanyes song that debuted at Madison Square garden last week where he makes a reference to taylor swift and calls her a nice word but says he made her famous, well, taylor has denied that they ever had a conversation about that. Theyve been going back and forth. Last night she said all the little girls out there who want to perhaps win a grammy someday, remember some people will try to take credit for your success. They will try to take credit for your fame. Dont let them knock you down. About kanye west. Shes not letting this thing go, which is strange. We dont see this when two stars are feuding. They dont do it in public. Taylor and kanye are not backing down. Neither is. Dari somehow maybe its good for both of them. Steve i think so. It reinforces their whole brands, for better or worse. Dari look what she got. All this girl power tweeting and Reese Witherspoon you go [indiscernible talking over one another] dari we figured it out. Thank you, charles. There it is. Steve a gritty and wildly popular web series. Dari lisa evers has more on how the demand for real stories is fuelling the rise of urban content. Reporter this is no ordinary apartment in flatbush. This is home base to the hit series money and violence now in season 2. Its success has been so huge, its helped to launch a new cinema. You can tell the wildly popular web series, money and violence, has a major production deal. Instead of a friend with one camera, theres a fuel moviestyle crew and staff. I met up with the creator who also plays raif for a look on set. Hows it going . Going great. Its more than i ever could have expected. Reporter there have been adjustments for everyone, but most of all for him who writes, directs and acts and manages every detail. The big est gest is the legalities, the clearances. Last season we were able to get up and go shoot. Everything now is very much more structured. Structured. Reporter not since the days or al pacino in serpco have we seen so much. Crime heights, based out of Crown Heights brooklyn, the double up for harlem and project heat based in the pink houses Public Housing development where akai gurley was shot and killed by a police officer. We all grew up in the ghetto, like we done been through so much stuff. I cant explain. If you watch, youre going to see what goes on in the projects. Theres no show that hasnt touched on the projects. Reporter this Movement Goes beyond entertainment. These series are giving jobs and new skills to talents that may otherwise have never had a chance. Im lisa evers, fox 5 news. Steve racing stress with a for you strokes of a colored pencils. Dari why staying in the lines can be an effective way for adults to relax. Steve and decision day at the westminster dog show. Some of the dogs in the running to be the top dog. I always heard fios was a lot but, i thought it would be a hassle to switch. Turns out it wasnt. They showed up when i asked and they set up wifi on my laptop, my tablet and stuff. Its true. It is better. Im here to mow the lawn. Its february, curtis. Maybe i should change some other things around here. Only fios has the Fastest Internet available with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. Get 100 meg upload and download speeds. Plus tv and phone for just 69. 99 a month online with no annual contract. Switch to better. Since 1961, Pearle Vision has provided the neighborhood with expert eye care. That was dr. Stanley pearles vision and we still proudly carry on his legacy. Lisa hamilton perform eye exams that can help detect diabetes. Because we care for you. And your eyes. This is genuine eye care, in your neighborhood. Kids. Steve mac king shows us how adults are rediscovering the art of being a kid. The first time i came here, i said what am i doing here . Reporter 20 years ago, friendship. Then they started coloring. The first time we walked out and we were so tranquil. It was wonderful. We said did you ever hear of an hour going so fast. Reporter several of the women attended that first coloring class at the new york public library. Theyre becoming more and more popular. I know within the new york public library, several of our branches do have adult coloring book classes and they are growing every month. Reporter the senior librarian oversees a group of members who gravitate towards craftier programs. She read about the popularity of to see how her charges liked aiming the pointed instrument. Lot. Reporter for those who distracted easily as children, who struggled to color within the lines, whose parents hung our scribbled masterpieces on the fridge, trying out this activity as an adult unlocks surprising benefits. We understand color more. We understand blending. I tried to blend. A little kid will just color. Reporter a kid may not need the change of pace of losing herself in the coloring as does an adult dealing with adult life. This class has yet to attract a male regular but hosts women from a wide range of age groups, many of who require multiple sessions to finish a single page. Only one to gain something from their hour spent trying to keep a boxful of colors within the lines of the page. When my wise guy son comes to look what your mother does in her free time. Reporter im mac king, fox 5 news. Steve they do a great job. Some of the childhood things are timeless. Its very zen. Are you getting your moneys worth when you buy organic . The Health Benefits organic meat and milk have. Steve and the garden gone to the dogs. Tonight the contenders are looking to be named best in show in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. All across the state the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and university partnerships, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in utica, where a new kind of workforce is being trained. And in albany, the nanotechnology capital of the world. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow, today pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. Then your eyes may see it differently. Only flonase is approved toprelieve both itchy, watery eyes pand congestion. No other nasal allergy spray can say that. When we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. Most allergy pills only control one substance. Flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. Complete allergy relief or incomplete. Let your eyes decide. Flonase. Steve in fox 5 health news, the World Health Organization supports a plan for wiping out zika, but critics are concerned about the potential longterm consequences. Dari joining us is dr. Teo mendez from new york orthopedics. Good to see you. Wow. Genetically modified mosquitos. This is just one tool that the World Health Organization is looking at to control this outbreak. What theyre doing is releasing some mosquitos in the population that have a gene that signals some of the larvae to die. Its reducing some of the population genetically. Theres critics that are worried this will disrupt the balance of nature. This mosquito is an invasive species. Its already disrupted the balance. Steve it seems to be the thing. Everyone has the fear of unintended consequences. What happened if you succeed in wiping out do we know about the possible repercussions if we wipe out the mosquitos population . Theres the downstream effects of what its predator is, spider populations. Thats not necessarily whats going to happen with this. Theyre trying to theyre trying to decrease the level. Dari control the population. Understood. This is interesting. More evidence that organic might be the way to go. Theres a new study that finds organic meat and milks have more nutrients. We were talking about this earlier. Most people think about organic as far as avoiding the chemicals and the antibiotics, the pesticides and all that. Now were talking about what better nutritional absolutely. Its important to point out organic vegetables and meat and milk products. The difference is organic meat and milk products, the cows are raised differently. Theyre grass fed instead of grain fed. Cows eat grass. They theyre healthier when eating grass. Because of that, their meat and milk have higher levels of omega 3 fatty acids which are shown to be deficient in the american diet and may prevent high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks. Thats really its not the organic, but how youre raising the cows. Thats the difference the study showed. Steve you get more bang for your buck with meat and milk. You do. At the end of the day, what matters more is the cut of meat, whether its lean or a fatty cut of meat. If youre looking for omega 3 fatty acids, cold water fish have 10 times more than dari okay. The cut of beef is more important than organic or not organic . In terms of nutrients. A leaner cut the difference is 50 percent more omega 3 fatty acids across the board with the grassfed beef. A fattier cut of beef can have 10 or 100 times more fat than a lean cut. Dari not necessarily good fat. Got you. Fish is better. Thank you, thank you. We understood that. Steve we appreciate it. Thank you. Nick, 53 out right now. What a journey today was. We had the heavy winds and rain move through. Nick just about everything today. Well be taking the journey to here. Look at the temperatures to the west in the 30s. Well be arriving there by tonight. Tomorrow well be back in the 40s. Our transition the next couple of days is going to be towards colder weather. The weather will be tranquil for the rest of the week into the weekend. 54 today. 60 degrees there. It was mid 50s all the way to albany. 54 to boston. 53 washington, d. C. Again, back to the freezing mark as you get towards buffalo. A few isolated showers popping up on fox 5 sky guardian in the Hudson Valley as you get near the stewartnewburgh area and scattered showers towards scranton, one or two lonely showers out there. The bulk of the rain is off to the east. You see that on fox 5 sky guardian. That is moving away. Improvement will be coming in. You put that into motion. You can see how quickly its moving. It poured hard for a bit this afternoon in the city. Thats now lifted quickly into eastern new england. Theyre getting heavy rain on the cape. Theres been heavy snow towards parts of western new york state moving to the western parts of the adirondacks. You can see that on the bigger satellite picture. The storm right about in that fashion. Theres the heavy snow moving in that direction. As we look at temperatures, were holding on to 50 in the city. 53. 55 poughkeepsie. Down two degrees in monticello. 48 at sussex. Islip. Theyre down two degrees in the last hour. 50 as you get out towards islip. Westsouthwest. Mostly a west wind tonight. Miles an hour. Into the later part of tonight into tomorrow. Heres the weather map. The storm heading up northward. No more worries about that. Right in here, theres a cold front. Behind that is the next surge of colder air that will be dropping down from the north and west. This disturbance is sliding along. As the cold air comes down with the northwesterly airflow, you can see the chillier air to the west. While were in the lower to middle 40s tomorrow, chicago is only at 30. And 25 as you get towards minneapolis. Were likely to be in the upper 30s again here for highs on thursday and friday while 70s tomorrow will be found in texas. 60s to new orleans. 80 in vegas tomorrow. Nice for them. Cool a bit in los angeles. They were in the high 80s today. Only in the 70s tomorrow. Only. That would be nice. A little bit of clearing overnight. Still a fair amount of clouds. Tomorrow, sunshine and clouds. Low to middle 40s, so pretty seasonable for this time of year. Next cold front rolls through on wednesday. Bright and sunny. Only in the upper 30s. Well be in the 20s out the door thursday morning. Chilly on friday and warmer for the weekend. 36 tonight in the city. 27 to 32 as you get north and west. Lots of clouds. Tomorrow, sunshine, some clouds around, 44. Then 37 thursday. Beautiful day. Sun to clouds friday. A couple of showers at night. Back to 50 or greater saturday and sunday. Pretty nice weekend coming up. Then showery weather on monday. Tuesday, a couple more showers. Notice the trend in temperatures. And the stage may be set for a coastal storm to bother us sometime later tuesday into wednesday. That will be the next target to watch. Thank you, nick. Dari more than 3,000 dogs are competing in the Westminster Kennel Club show. But only one can be named top dog. Steve the competition is fierce. Lidia curanaj introduces us to some of the best in show contenders. Reporter this is brutus, a rottweiler, his first time here at the westminster dog show. Although its his first time, hes pretty confident hell go all the way. Right brutus . You got it. Beauty like this doesnt come easy, but its worth it here at the westminster dog show. Its the love of the dogs. Absolutely. Yeah. Compassion. Since i was a kid, i wanted to do this. Reporter this is your grammys, your oscar. My fulfillment of my dream. Reporter more than 3,000 participated. The judging took place at pier 92. The winner go to Madison Square garden tonight to compete for the ultimate treat, to be declared best in show. Compete. Sherman shermans having a good time here. Windsor, a bull mastiff didnt want to sit in my lap. Hes as big as he is sweet. How do you take care of something 200 pounds . How much food does he require . Not a lot. They have a lower metabolism. They dont do a lot of running around. Reporter hes a big boy. Is he friendly . Very sweet and friendly. A good boy. Reporter with 197 breeds showing, there are seven new breeds showing for the first time time. This looks like a cross between a German Shepherd and doberman, but its a breed that dates back to the 1800s. As beautiful as he is, he didnt make it to the finals, but second runner up. The best is show is tonight. Im lidia curanaj, fox 5 news. Steve right at the end of the 10 00. Dari well tell you when we find out. Well see you back at 10 00. Steve heres ernie with whats coming up. Keep it right here. We have a lot to talk about. Were continuing our black History Month celebration by looking at a program that builds more diversity to arts and maybe following in copelands footsteps. And what might be motivating Hillary Clintons new york visit. An expert has some answers. All across america families are coming back to Time Warner Cable for a whole new experience. Pwe came back for internet speeds so fast even the kids are impressed. Oh shes impressed. Were catching up on movies and shows on demand just as fast as we can watch them. Twcs home wifi is so strong we can use all our devices at the same time. Come back today. Youll get 100 meg internet, tv, phone and more for 89. 99 a month. And ask how you could get a 300 reward card. Announcer live from studio 5 in new york city, this is the news at 6 00. Good evening. Im ernie anastos. We thank you very much for joining us. We start tonight with the high intensity of this president ial race, plus what could be a pivotal visit to new york for Hillary Clinton. She courted minority voters. She is facing a tougher than expected fight in South Carolina where a majority of democratic voters are black. Absolutely that america cant live up to its potential unless chance to live up to theirs. With the first black family leaving the white house in American History at the end of the year, the concerns of our community cannot be marginalized and ignored. Ernie just last week, sharpton met with the other democrat in the race, Bernie Sanders. Sharpton has not endorsed either candidate. He first wants answers about how they will help the black community. Lets continue to talk about it. Joining us, alan marcus, a political analyst. Thank you for joining us. Good to see you. Ernie what does this move mean . She comes to new york and meets with sharpton. Hillary clinton has to come immediately before the South Carolina primary and the never caucuses to new york to wait on al sharpton shows the weakness in her campaign. Ernie what does it mean . As far as going into south

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