Transcripts For WNYW FOX 5 News At 5 20151008

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gun fight with police in brooklyn. authorities say the three plain clothed officers spotted the suspects in a dispute near park and north portland avenues. the suspects opened fire on the officers, hitting their squad car several times, before fleeing the scene. one of the suspects was arrested while being treated for a gunshot wound at a local hospital. the other two were arrested this morning. none of the officers was hurt. steve: there will be more cops patrolling city streets. hundreds of recruits were sworn in at the department's new state-of-the-art academy. the 678 member class upholds a promise by mayor de blasio to hire more. >> 678 of you joining the finest police force in the nation, the finest police force on this earth. this is an extraordinary moment for each and every one of you in your lives, for your families. but it's a great moment for new york city as well. steve: the commissioner says the officers will be on the streets training in the community. at 6:00, lidia curanaj will have more on the expansion of the nypd. dari: an american serviceman who stopped a terror attack on a train bound for paris is in stable condition tonight after being stabbed in california. steve: steve: jen lahmers is here with more. >> reporter: the latest is that spencer stone is out of surgery and is recovering. cops are looking for the guys who did it. the air force times reported that he was actually stabbed as many as four times in the chest. it happened early this morning. you can see the surveillance video right there. just before 1:00 in midtown sacramento near a bar. police say this has nothing to do with terrorism and they doubt the attackers knew who stone was. was. stone rose to fame after he tackled a gunman who was about to attack passengers with an assault rifle on a train in france in august. he and his two friends were credited with saving lives that day. as for the morning's scuffle, this was not in any way related to what happened in europe. >> it's believed mr. stone was out in the area with a group of friends last night when a physical altercation led to him being stabbed. immediately after the assault, the suspects fled the scene. >> reporter: those two fled the scene. nobody else in the group was hurt. police believe the fight was alcohol-related and there were reports that stone was defending himself and a friend. back to you. dari: okay. thank you. police have identified a woman accused of abducting a teenage girl in connecticut. the 17-year-old girl says she was walking to school on monday when a woman lured her into her car, then assaulted her. the teen escaped by jumping out of a moving car in bridgeport. police found the car earlier today. now they're searching for the suspect, who is described as a and freckles. steve: the nypd investigating if officers used excessive force. they were seen punching the suspect. the suspect stole an ems worker's cell phone. he's seen throwing punches on the video. the suspect is the only one who's been charged. dari: the nurse in new jersey who reused syringes while giving flu shots will not be giving out any more. her nursing license has been temporarily suspended. state officials say she reused syringes while giving flu shots to 67 employees at a pharmaceutical company in west windsor, new jersey. officials say the risk of infection is low, but the company is notified patients who may have been affected. steve: the head of a charter school operation will not run against mayor de blasio. dari: this morning, eva moskowitz ended speculation about her political future. what's next for her and the ongoing debate about city schools. >> good evening to you. eva moskowitz will continue doing that work and not run for mayor in 2017. >> i am not running for mayor in 2017. >> reporter: eva moskowitz saying she would rather stay in education than run for mayor of new york city. >> i am not running because i think what could be accomplished in public education is game changing, is life changing. >> reporter: moskowitz is the founder of success academy charter schools which operates 34 schools and educates 11,000 students. she is a long time critic of mayor de blasio and made the announcement on the steps of city hall amid loud cries from protestors. when she finished, her opposition from the alliance for quality education, jumped to the podium. >> what we've learned today is that eva moskowitz speculation that she fuelled about running for mayor was nothing but a stalking horse. >> that was a very visual representation of the polarizing climate and the war of words that has been heating up for the past several years. >> reporter: jeff decker, a reporter for chalk beat new york, a non-profit education news organization, says even though she isn't running for mayor, the rift with de blasio and the fight over how to improve education is not going away. >> it will continue to be a very heated topic. >> people can shout and boo, but there's work to do on behalf of children, and i'm going to continue to do that work with all of my heart and soul. >> when asked, the mayor said each person has to make their own choice on whether they want to run. i welcome anyone who makes the choice. i'm ready to have a spirited moskowitz says she's not ruling out a run in 2021. back to you. dari: thank you, liz. well, the house postponed the planned vote to determine nominees to become the next speaker. that decision came after majority leader kevin mccarthy, out of the blue, dropped out of the running. his ability to gather enough votes became unclear in recent days after he suggested that the house benghazi committee was formed to bring down hillary clinton's presidential campaign. the current speaker john boehner is expected to step down at the end of the month. but he says he'll stick around. that's the story. steve: that was the plan. the ceo of vw grilled over the emissions rigging scandal. he apologized in front of a house subcommittee saying they want to compensate the owners of 482,000 cars that have devices set up to cheat on u.s. emissions tests. >> we have broken the trust of our customers, dealerships, employees, as well as the public and the regulators. let me be clear. we take full responsibility for our actions and we are working with all the relevant authorities in a cooperative way. steve: he says vw set aside 7.3 billion to pay for the scandal, but it may not be enough. dari: companies like uber and lyft are making it easier than ever to be your own boss. steve: can you pay the bills as a free time freelancer? what you have to consider before you go solo. dari: and we'll explain why a potato farm is sprouting up next it's not about being wasteful either. you just gotta find that balance. where taking care of yourself takes care of more than just yourself. lease an mkz hybrid for $299 only at your lincoln dealer. switch now, new york and get installed as early as today. mom switched. we switched. i switched to time warner 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hear about quarterly estimated taxes or the labor law protections that you won't get, but these are real issues you'll have to deal with if you'll try to make real money in the economy. over 50 million americans have given up their 9 to 5 jobs in favor of freelance work. but this author of survive to thrive says while anyone can go out, better do your homework. >> what are people getting for the kind of offering i'm giving? what kind of skill-set do i have? that's a driver for pricing. if you're too cheap, people won't hire you because people think you don't know what you're talking about. if you're too much, people won't hire you because you're pricing yourself off the market. >> reporter: rethink your resume. prioritize past projects over experience. >> education or past employment means nothing. it's about the output. you have to have a portfolio that shows what you have done. >> gig jobs run the gamut. uber and lyft drivers, grocery delivery, coding technology and consulting. but the business times says there's more to think about than just getting paid for the work. >> you owe more in taxes. you don't have labor law protections that you have as an employee. you're not covered by antidiscrimination laws. you're not covered by minimum wage or overtime laws. >> reporter: you need to get your own healthcare. >> you want to buy a plan if you're over 26. if you're under 26, you can get on one of your parents' plans. >> you can make $15 an hour to a couple hundred dollars an hour. also, you can have projects that are $5,000 to $100,000. it all depends on who you are, what kind of work you're doing, and who are you doing the work for. >> reporter: something to think about. why not moon light as a gig worker? try to do some free-lancing work on the side before you quit your day job to see how it goes. there's great web sites. is a good place to look for available work. and freelancers, that's the union site. you can use it resources. good to dip your toe in before the plunge. steve: good to make the moves, but a little bit at a time is the better idea. dari: amazon is giving etsy competition. this is a marketplace that offers all types of handmade items and crafts. it offers more than 80,000 items, from sellers all over the world. handmade at amazon is free to use and sellers will be verified to make sure they're made by hand. steve: that's another way people are making money. lots of competition in that world. lots of people doing that. what can we say? a nice day. nick: we keep cranking them out. we'll have a little bit of a change tomorrow. then we'll set up for great weather to return in time for the holiday weekend. timing is everything when it comes to weather. this one will be another win-win situation. 72, 59 today. above average. and we'll get more above average in temperatures tomorrow for one more time. 87 the record high. 37 the record low. and your sunrise at 7, setting at 6:27. there are a few scattered clouds, but it's mild at 66. the wind has come to the south-southeast. that's cooled temperatures a bit, along with the cloud cover. pressure is 30.10 and continues to rise. fox 5 sky guardian, no rain nearby at this hour. it will be about 24 hours from now when we'll see showers around. a few may pop up north and west before day break tomorrow. it's more likely tomorrow afternoon into the first half of tomorrow night we'll deal with showers and an isolated thunderstorm. it doesn't look like a lot of rain. we still need rain for the deficit, but we won't be getting a lot as we go into the forecast. another mild day. 72 in the city. 70 at poughkeepsie. upper 60s to the north and west. jersey shore, 66. and 67 at islip. same coming from montauk. we're in the 60s along the coast. it's cooled a little bit. 64 in islip. 64 at montauk. 66 bridgeport. 72 still at allentown. wind out of the south-southeast. it will be a southerly wind tonight. it will stay out of the south for the most part, south and southwesterly tomorrow. we will see some clouds come in tonight. most of them are off to the west. they will be arriving as time goes along. a couple of weather feats causing that. one thing is a storm in canada, a cold front, and a warm front that will be trying to pass through. first the warm front comes by. tomorrow, we'll get in the middle and upper 70s tomorrow. then you notice this thin band of showers here associated with that front. that's our shower activity that will be happening mostly mid to late afternoon tomorrow in towards the first half of tomorrow night. 50s in the burbs. a couple of breaks of sun in the morning. the shower threat gets going mid to late afternoon. 76 tomorrow. could be an isolated thundershower in the evening. you see in the futurecast not a lot of rain going on as the front barrels through. later tomorrow night into early saturday morning, starts clearing out. saturday, beautiful, just a touch breezy. we'll look for sunshine in the 60s. high pressure builds in. you'll like sunday and monday. we're starting to roll back up towards the 70-degree mark or greater as we head into columbus day. a lot of clouds tonight. 60s in the suburbs. tomorrow, it's clouds, a couple of breaks of sun in the morning and the shower threat comes in in the afternoon. there will be a breezy south-southwest wind. temperatures push the upper 70s. by saturday, that's gone. it's sunny and 65. 68 sunday. 72 columbus day. showers may arrive on tuesday. that doesn't look like much rain. around 70. we'll hover in the upper 60s wednesday and thursday. most of the days are above average for this time of year. steve: this is the time of year you don't take them for granted. there's not an unlimited supply. nick: we'll enjoy them. steve: there's a new law that will force businesses to keep doors shut when the ac is on. doors open wastes energy. cafes and restaurants will be exempt. store owners will face fines of a thousand dollars. that law goes into effect next summer. dari: get ready for the sounds of tractor joining the roar of jet engines at kennedy airports. jetblue is getting into the farming business. steve: how the potato crop will get from the ground to the sky. >> reporter: jetblue is going green with the new farm at the jfk terminal. this space will promote new york agriculture and aims to enhance the traveller experience by tapping into the organic community. >> everyone likes fresh foods. everyone likes green space. why wouldn't you put those things at an airport? jfk is basically a small city. there are tens of thousands working here, millions of travelers coming through. if this is what we love at home, let's put it here. >> reporter: there are 3,000 crates of food. being handled by katrina. >> everything from planting, transplanting, pruning, harvesting, watering, pest management, the whole gamut of what farming is. >> the farm completes a full cycle of food production through composting. every day jetblue takes 300 pounds of left over food from the restaurants and brings it to the hudson valley. it is brought back to the farm and is used to grow potatoes and produce. the herbs and produce will be used in the terminal's restaurants and the thousands of blue potatoes will find their way onboard flights. >> every bag of chips has a few potatoes in it. most are grown in family farms around the country. what we did was bring some of the potatoes into the urban farm. over time, we're hoping to incorporate those potatoes into the bags on flights. >> reporter: items from the t-5 farm will be donated to local foods pantries and schools. by spring, grow nyc plans to have educational programming at the farm. audrey puente, fox 5 news. steve: interesting. farm to table. the city now the center of the pop culture world. dari: simone boyce is taking us inside the amazing world of new york comic-con at the javits center. steve: plus the role an old airstrip on long island could play in the ever growing world of drones. it took joel silverman years to become a master dog trainer. but only a few commands to master depositing checks technology designed for you. so you can easily master dari: pop culture worlds are colliding at the javits center. steve: fans of movies, comics, video games and more are there for comic-con. we sent simone boyce in to check it out. >> 170,000 characters have invaded new york city, making this the biggest, baddest new york comic-con yet. right? >> i work in accounting. normal life is boring. this is like seeing the action live. this is like the most exciting part of the year for me. since 10:00 a.m. to get his hands on this godzilla figurine. >> you have to have a plan when you come to comic-con. you can't be awestruck. >> with his shopping list complete, he plans to see some of his favorite artists up close in artist alley. it's really about the art, about comic books. >> it is the cool place to be. >> she's a teen cop who goes back to the '80s to fight crime. it's all in new york. >> reporter: just down the hall, kristin creates heros with jelly beans. >> i'll do a rough painting on the background of my little board. i start at the bottom with the glue and then go row by row until i'm done. >> reporter: you never know who you're going to find at new york comic-con. stars of hbo's silicon valley t.j. miller got the party sponsored by smirnoff. cheers. has anyone ever told you you look like these two actors from silicon valley? >> yeah. i said that to you earlier today. >> i thought you looked like t.j. miller. >> we rode tripped to comic-con, road tripped to comic-con, from los angeles, california, where we both live and work in hollywood. on the way, we encountered people, places and spaces that reminded us anybody can be a superhero, especially these two weirdos. >> i'm simone boyce. may the force be with you. >> may the force rule forever. steve: we did get the worst advice. you've got to do something sensible. do this. this will be the big thing 30 years from now. dari: parents are practical. steve: they are practical. that became big business. good stuff. still to come, a sports convicted domestic abuser goes viral. >> greg hardy has to pretend to respect women for 12 minutes. just 12 minutes. and he couldn't even do that. dari: we'll tell you about hardy's criminal past and the comment that set the reporter off. steve: and intriguing new clues about the possible intentions of the new owner of this old steve: an old airstrip on long island could be back in service. dari: instead of being used for planes, the site could be home to a new drone company. mac king has more. >> the most exciting economic development thing to happen to all of long island. >> reporter: a company calling its luminadi air space bought this site and riverhead town's supervisor knows the identity of the company's financial backer. >> i can't tell you who they're affiliated with. that is something, when the parent company wants to release their information, they can release their information. >> i have to respect the confidential nature of the program. >> reporter: the ceo and chief technology officer daniel preston said almost nothing about his company or the latest endeavor. >> we are a project that's multimillion in nature. >> a search returns the tail number of an aircraft on the faa web site to this address in red hook where we find a chocolate factory and distillery. >> it's comprised of scientists, engineers, professors. >> reporter: walter could tell us this mystery firm and their bank roller plan to built solar powered aircraft to send signals to africa. >> you're talking about planes that are over 150 foot wingspan. >> reporter: the plan to launch the drones to provide internet access sounds similar to projects undertaken by facebook and google. >> i can't comment on that. >> reporter: 4 billion people live without access to the internet, representing a potential 4 billion more users of facebook and google. we learned this week facebook's drone team and project loon discussed collaborating to improve the access. >> technology moves at a fast pace. >> they're looking to start almost immediately, have the first plane in the air in the next four months. >> reporter: walter sees them bringing 40 jobs to the region followed by dozens more from related support industries. >> i will move heaven and earth to get the deal done. >> reporter: i'm mac king, fox 5 news. dari: well, fox sports 1 host katy nolen went back on hardy. he returns after a four game suspension. he was found guilty by a judge for beating up his girlfriend and throwing her on to a pile of guns. when asked about playing this week, he said that he plans to come back guns ablazing, a statement that didn't set well with her. >> reporter: he had to pretend to respect women for 12 minutes, just 12 minutes, and he couldn't even do that. and what's worse, no one stopped him. they let him go on about girlfriends and guns and posted video on dallas because who [bleep] cares? women won't see it. dari: nfl and dallas cowboys have yet to comment on the remarks. steve: seth blatter has been suspended by the organization's ethics committee and suspended uefa's president who was favored to replace him once he steps down. both men are being investigated. dari: in long island, healthcare workers received training from several of nassau county's bravest firefighters while dozens of nurses through fire safety instructions including how to prevent a fire and the process of rescuing patients if one ever breaks out inside of a hospital or a clinic. >> it's important that staff is highly trained to aid those patients and prevent the fire from spreading before the fire department can arrive. dari: the fire marshal says close to 500 healthcare workers year. steve: an nypd lieutenant, one of new york's finest, even not on duty. linda schmidt shows us how she's helping people in need. >> this was a medical mission, back. >> reporter: alison used her vacation time for more than a vacation. it was an opportunity for her to change the lives of impoverished children. allison, a lieutenant with the nypd, hiked four days on the inca trail in peru. it raised money to pay for the life altering cleft palate and lip surgeries for children in peru. >> not only can it be life-threatening because they can't get the proper nutrients, they live in darkness. they're supposedly cursed. their parents are ashamed of them. them. >> reporter: she met several of the families whose children were undergoing the corrective surgery. she carried the children into the operating room and was able to watch the surgeries. allison participated through the smile network, a non-profit international humanitarian organization based in minneapolis. it's been operating in developing countries for 12 years. medical teams donate their time and talents and volunteers like like like like allison raise money to pay for the surgeries. after the 45 minute surgery, this father is overwhelmed with relief and so grateful that his little girl will have a chance at a normal life. >> it's as big a gift from me as it was for them. it's something i will take away from it and i will hold for the rest of my life. when they get their kids back. >> allison is terrific. she's a new york city police officer, but you don't have to be a cop. anybody can do this. if you're interested in doing it, pay your own expenses, including your air fare, hotel and your trek fees. the way you raise money is that people sponsor you on that four-day trek. back upstairs to you. how rewarding this would be to do something like this. steve: pretty powerful for sure. thank you. clive owen taking a break from hollywood to star on broadway. >> and selena gomez makes a surprising revelation about why she cancelled part of her tour last year due to health issues. that's a big bull. i think that's old cyrus. 1800 pounds of do whatever the take the long way, huh? thank you cyrus. lease an mkc for $299 a month okay. 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reporter: clive owen has made his way to broadway. the british actor stars in the new play old time. he is known for his intricate plots, full of twists and turns. he's created a play that's described as sexy and intense. owen says as soon as he read the script, he knew he wanted to be >> he's one of the greatest play writes of modern time. there's no question you read the script and the language is so beautiful and so beautifully constructed, that it's a joy for an actor to play. >> reporter: old times is about three people whose past relationships collide with their present ones. owen's character is married to kelly riley's character kate. then it all gets strange when they get a visit from kate's old roommate. this is owen's broadway debut. he radiates a confident, strong masculinity. >> i'm discovering the character. it's not straightforward. >> reporter: old times is filled with drama, desire and blurred realities, a show that will have your mind spinning. >> the characters are umbilically linked. they're fighting each other. they're in love with each other. they want to kill each other. >> it's sexy because it's so alive and potent. and powerful in their awfulness and their love for one another. >> reporter: the play's creepy vibe is matched by an ominous score by tom york. owen thinks theatre goers will leave with a lot to talk about. >> it's one of those plays like a lot of his work, but it defies a clear explanation. people come going i want to know what this is about, it's illusive and more like poetry. but it is emotional and, you know, we're hoping people come and will get impacted by it. >> reporter: you can catch old times at the american airlines center here on 42nd streethn times square. i'm christal young, fox 5 news. steve: selena gomez firing back at rumors she had an alcohol or drug problem. dari: the serious problem she's battling and the treatments available. dr. manny in the house. replica of [excited yelling] ah, yes! you can't stop it! 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-- lupus is an autoimmune disease. it's when your immune system creates antibodies that affects cells. you get the rash in the face, you have joint pains, malaise, you're tired, fatigued. then you can do laboratory tests to see if your antinuclear antibodies is positive or not. if you have a mild case, you take ibuprofen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories. sometimes you take steroids. to get to the point of chemotherapy, that means that your immune system is attacking because these are very toxic chemicals. i don't hang around with her to tell you how active she is. she seems pretty active a couple of weeks before. i don't know. i'm glad she said what she said. it's good to have awareness about lupus and -- it's very common. and there's treatments for it. it could go into remission. you can lead a normal life. dari: have you ever heard of this, treating it with chemo? >> yeah. a lot of people take chemotherapy, sometimes even in pill forms like methyl trexate. those are typical cases after everything fails, you have the lupus flair up and it's a chronic thing. you have to arrest it. steve: let's talk about this. obviously as we get older, it's harder to keep the pounds off. this study shows us that the earlier you go to bed, the better off you are. even regardless of what schedule you works. >> what's my problem? i go to bed at 8:00. look at me. this is very interesting. it does reveal the fact that the less sleep you get, over a five-year period -- it doesn't happen in one night -- over a five-year period, you tend to have an increase in your bmi, statistical increase, so you tend to be heavier. explanation, if you go to bed late, after 11:00, you tend to eat more, especially in the evening and snack watching tv. also, you wake up not having the time that you want to have eating a healthy breakfast. so you rush out the door. the other physiological importance is when you don't have enough hours of sleep, your metabolism changes, hormones change like cortisol. steve: the stress hormone. >> it goes up. that increases your sugar. higher sugars makes more fat. more fat makes you heavier. that's the answer why people should focus on getting that seven hours, especially adults and younger kids even more than that. god, i'm so smart. dari: you really is. you can talk about anything. you want to do the weather? >> give me another one. the weather. the weather. beautiful weather. nick: see, he got it right. exactly. what about tomorrow? dari: why don't you run for president? >> i would have certain positions on the weather. dari: you should run for president. steve: he won't reveal them now. if he were elected, he'd let us know his positions on the weather. beautiful day. but changes tomorrow? nick: changes tomorrow. we have a weak front coming in. that's going to cause a couple of showers. it's not going to put any dent in the rainfall deficit. we're behind for this time of year. whatever rain we had last weekend helped, but we have a long way to go. it will be a dry pattern into next week. today we hit 72 in the city. another day above average. albany back to buffalo. 75 towards pittsburgh. nothing happening on the radar as fox 5 sky guardian confirms. there might be a couple of showers late tonight. mostly early tomorrow morning over the far northern and western suburbs. i don't think you'll see that much. tomorrow afternoon the chance will increase and the showers, you see them here, located across the northern parts of michigan with the front approaching tomorrow. we're off the highs. we're down into the 60s now. 64 belmar. that's down two degrees in the last hour. 66 in the city. we're hanging on to low and middle 60s across long island. 69 at poughkeepsie. back to 68 sussex. and hanging on to 70 at allentown. a lot of the areas down two to five degrees from 24 hours ago. a little ocean component to the wind has helped to cool things down a bit. there is the wind. you can see it out of the south-southeast in a few places. it's light, 5, 10 miles an hour. south wind tonight will get breezy into tomorrow's forecast as the weather system approaches from the west. there's a couple of things in store in southern canada. there's a warm front moving ahead of that. that warm front will cross the area first. then we get into the south-southwesterly flow tomorrow. we're talking mid to upper 70s in parts of the area tomorrow. certainly the warmest day of the month. and we'll find the risk of a couple of showers in the morning and very few and far between. it's more so in the afternoon into the evening. you can see there's not a lot of rain. that's the shower activity we'll be watching. could be an isolated thunderstorm moving into the late afternoon and evening. the front is moving quickly, good news for the holiday weekend. then things will be looking nice for saturday. a little cooler, but nice and refreshing for fall. then we'll warm it back up, especially by the time we get to columbus day. it's mid 70s tomorrow. 80 in atlanta. 80s to near 90s in texas. 80 south florida. notice on the other side of the front, there's the coolest of the air. chicago, 59. minneapolis, 61. back to 70 at denver. they've had warm to hot weather the last month and a half. here's our futurecast. more clouds as the night goes along. could be a couple of peeks of sun in the morning. 2:00 in the afternoon, a couple of showers appear. it's later in the day -- there we go -- that band of showers coming through. by saturday, it's back to sunshine. a touch breezy, but we'll find temperatures in the middle 60s. delightful weather for the rest of the holiday weekend. 60 in town. 50s in the burbs. a lot of clouds around. the wind out of the south. tomorrow should show, one more time -- there it goes -- a little sun early, then the shower threat in the afternoon. 76 in new york city. a breezy south wind. beautiful saturday and sunday. mid to upper 60s as you move through those days. 72 monday. another great day for columbus day. showers tuesday. not a lot. 70. we'll stay relatively mild for this time of year wednesday and thursday. steve: thank you, nick. this is incredible. back to the future, we talked about this, turned 30 years old this year. the film, of course, is still a sci-fi classic. dari: baruch shemtov hit the streets in a delorean to find out where people would go if they had a time machine. >> reporter: it's the 30th anniversary of back to the future, the highest grossing film of 1985 that later expanded to become a trilogy and a cultural phenomenon. but time travel would have been impossible without one truly fully loaded car. >> you built a time machine out of a delorean? >> we have, yes, a delorean complete with a flux capacitor. let's see where it takes us. let's do it. all right. we didn't make it to the past or the future, but we did make it to third avenue. the crowd of back to future fans who quickly assembled were eager where would you travel if you could get into that delorean? >> woodstock. >> when i was born. >> the '90s. >> 2030. i would see what my granddaughters are going. >> way back in the past and go where god lives. >> reporter: in order to celebrate the film's legacy in a new way, back to the future in concert is coming to radio city music hall october 15th and 16th when the movie will play on hd in front of thousands of screens complete with accompaniment from the orchestra and appearances by the people who made the movie a success, including christopher lloyd who played doc brown. >> it is a film that resonates with so many people. it is a story that is prescient today. to see this live with the score played live and the film on a giant screen, with a giant audience cheering through the whole film, laughing through the film, when was the last time you >> reporter: baruch shemtov, fox 5 news. dari: wow. steve: i love that movie. great. dari: okay. what would you do if you could walk from jersey city to lower manhattan? kevin shane dreamed up the idea of connecting the two with a huge foot bridge. he teamed up with an architect to create these renderings of what he calls liberty bridge. it would allow pedestrians and cyclists to travel over the hudson river right into manhattan. he didn't stop there. he even created an online petition to city officials to try to make the dream come true. he didn't say who was going to pay for it and considering the fact that we're having these mta fights -- steve: get back to us when you figure out the financing. i'm all for the plan. looks phenomenal. dari: financing. small detail. steve: that's the hitch. dari: definitely. okay. we'll see you at 10:00. steve: here's ernie with what's coming up at 6:00. all right. thank you very much. hi, everyone. keep it right here. we're next with what you need to know. coming up tonight, the first expansion of the nypd in 15 years. where will those new officers go? an expert will join me to explain what this means. and next, the effect all of our devices and screens have on our eyes and especially our children's eyes. who needs classes. all coming up next just for you at 6:00. ernie: good evening. it's thursday. thank you very much for joining us. we're on top of the news for you and we're talking about. we're talking about the first expansion of the nypd. hundreds of new police officers join the ranks at a critical time for the department. it's a time when it is struggling to regain the trust of the community it's sworn to protect. lidia curanaj has more on this expansion of the nypd in fort green brooklyn where there was a police involved shooting last night. tell us more. >> the scene is behind me. the street is still shut down as police continue to investigate. three plainclothes officers were shot at. all of them are okay. this as the nypd is set to add more than a thousand officers. >> and faithfully discharge my duties. as a new york city police officer. >> as a new york city police officer. >> reporter: it's an expansion of the nypd that hasn't happened in 15 years. >> 678 of you joining the finest police force in this nation, the finest police force on this earth. >> reporter: almost 700 recruits were sworn in today, the result of a budget authorized by the city council and mayor de blasio.

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