severe heat has now produced pdangeroosá storms heediig toward maryland... meteorologiss tony pagnotti... &pto show usswhere these storms are right now... and the hazards they couud bring us... ? tony? another scorcher today... with temperatures ...reaching ...ttiple-digits! wook all day in this ype oo heat. for many peopll - like peality! hhll and his pprtner run mrs. blanche's kitchen - a food truck on the corner of fayette and gay streets. the still manages to serve up fried food... with a smile. steven hall/food truck owner: 238 come out for a break and there..but other than that. juut deaa with he heat 45 45because of the dangerous temperatures - baltimore city declared today throogh sunday code red eat alert days. with temperatures topping 100 degrees ... many are trying find a cool place... to stay.../. anne... arundel county... has opened cooling centers.... where residents and... sit... in the... air conditioning..../ centers ...will be open for 24 hours.... officials... r.emind... people.. to limit outside activities. it's the last of it's kind in movie theater. ann tonight n bengie's is also the winner of a bbg court battle. battle.janice park is streaming live in middle river to ell us why a jury awarded bengie's nearly a million dollars. janice? janice? bengie's issthe very last drive maryland. and it's been a family business for the past 56 years.but since the royal farms 2008...the owner of bengie's says tte bright lights frrm the convenience store has interfered with people watching movies... bengie's saas the lights are 10 to 100 times brighter thann the image oo the screen. & buuld a huge wall...but also to protect aa family legacy. god had two avengers i going out for this jury" a neighborhood ggthered rec center scheddlld to clooe. mary rodman rec ccnter on west the cenners that will change its program because of budget cuts...residents thereesay... the children will have nowhere else to go. iq: well its kiiking our children oq: keeping this rec center open open4 rec centers will close for good. starting sunday... maryyand ressdents will see several tax hikes take effect. effect. the state's "flush" tax will double to $5 a month.... that's an increase from $30 to $60 annually.the revenue wwll gg toward upgrading wastewaterrtreatment facilities. also taking effect... a new law to reduce pollution from septic systems.... by limiting where developers can build residential subdivisions that use them. property ownees face new stormwater fees to fight pollution caused by &prainwater runoff.... and th statt will raise taxes from 15 percent of wholesale to 70 percent on little cigars.... and 30 percent on mokeless tobaaco. 3 one day ... after... the... u-s supreme court ... upheld the health care law,.... the effects... are setting in... pn.... at... "drug cityy... in dundalk,... ownees predict the new law ...will cost them... at least... 200---thouuand dollars... a year.../. the... new law... requires... buuinesses... which employ... more than fifty people... to pay... 100-percent of their eeployees... health care plln..../ or,... ay the government ...a subsidy.../. he... owners..... fear... it could... put heir condition.. in critical (23:38:11) "that would &pemployees or reduce the size of my store or gooout of busine" business...." (00:52) devastating. i hear on thh devvstaaing....!" for businesses... which pmploo... fewer than fifty ...aren't as drastic. that ... brings uu our question of the day.../.should... the affordable care act... be repeaaed? repealee?this... is our... faceeook page...//ealth care reform... and ...the court's decision... is... the biggess topic... on everyone'' mind... right now.../join... the iscussion... by goiig to... facebook dottcom... slash fox- baltimore it... was... the swing vote....that nobody.... saw commng.../. hief... justice... john majority --/ ith the upholding... the affordable... care act.../. but... did... roberts... change his vote... us....the possible evidence... - áinsiieá... the pinion itself itself severinn says, "there are a lot of clues in the structure offthe opinion that suggest switch." there are chief justice john roberts may court's liberal block finding the andate in the health care lawwa constitutional use of congressional taxing power after initially agreeing with conservatives to throw out the entire law. dupree says, "the dissent definitell does seem in places to have at least t one point been a majority opinion. you can see various verbal clues. one othee notable aspect is the fact that they pointtd out that the tax issue wasn'ttrealll discussed at argument. and so that suggests at east that it miggt have been a somewhat late reaking development." as legal scholars continue &pto digest the opinion, some asseet thattthe dissent's many references to justice ruth "dissentt is telling - because she didn't write one per se. however, she did break from the majority opinnon on key issues - so what she wrote that looks to be a concurring opinion could be fairly charrcterrzed as a form of speculation that she was in the minority at some point. the law's supporters say the opinion imply proves that poberts is truly functioning as the umpire he promised to pe during his confirmation hearings - calling only balls and strikes.wydra "i thiik that tteeafforrabll are act ppinion goes a long way toward saying that the roberts ccurt is not jjst motivated by politics. and that at times, they can put tte law and the thhir personal, political preferences, ann do what the fox nnws polling done after - &pthe arguments in march showed sixty-seven percent of those surveyed belleved politics would definiteey impact the washington, shannon bream, fox news. the justice department says it will ánotá prosecute u-s attorney general eric holder... day after holder was held in contempt of congress. a letter to house &pspeaker john boehner...the will not take the case to a take any other action againss him......because - they say hisswithholding of the &pdocuments coogress wants in the fastt nd furious "and you heard me make a tá a c. ccmmitment to that lady... ms terry... i shall not rest pntil everybody involved in ttis process... and i mean that... i shall not rest until &pall of that is addressed." aadressed."that was representatiie elijjah cummings... in a house oversight committee hearing a little more than a year ago... ...saying e would fully investigate the fast and furious program......thaa apparently lead to the death of border patrol aggnt brian terry in 2010.he seems to be channing his mind on this... ...because after holder was helddin contempt... he released his staaement... saying... "this is a sad dayyfor our democracy. today's contempt vote against attornee general eric holderris tte culmination of one of the most highly politicized and reckless congressional investigations pn decades. " 3 &ppennsylvania town...//. - cool off... frommthe eat... with an... inflatable poolá... is... against the rules. every ummer... joanne and fred mignogna try to find... fun ways ...for their grandkids beat the heatt../ so... they bought... this inflatable pool.../ .only... problem is... a... 50-year-old were fined 375-dollars... andd have... the... pool in the áfroot yardá../.. but... there's only onee otter problem... / the... mignongna's &p...ddn't have a back yard. "i offered to put it on the side in the back ann they ccaim that beccuse we are a corner house, our whole ard is a front yard, which i think its ridiculous." ridiculous." the... only... option code... enforcers... gave them... is to... put he pool... on... the concretee...behind their house... / &pbut... they say ...that's not going toowork ... because's also used... ass.. a thru... street. its a very good day... for driv. drivers...gas prices are still of a gallon of gas is now 3 dollars and 32 cents gallon...downn5 cents from last week...down 23 ceens from this time last year...and at phis time last year... we were paying 3 dollars and 58 cents ffr gallon of gas.... ...ann take a look at this... pou''e not seeing things...3 brothers auto reppir is changing the price of gas... to 3 dollars and 9 cents this weekend. 33 bullied>>teens... bullling a bussmonitor...the puniihment fox45 neww at ten... plummer says: "he was telling me he was taking me to jail for bstructing justice.. yearr"but next...the warning this woman was giving driverss..ttat may have gotten &ppolice very upset...after the break a... 4th person pn.. .a... murder-for-plot... sentenced... to... 20 years... in... jail today. today.prosecutors... say... matthew brown... rode with walter bishop... station... on... joppa road../. ...wheee... bishop killed... william porter...//.karla... porter... his wife.. year. on trial... early next - 3 woman ... is... as behind bars ... after attempting... to... warn... ddrvers... of... a speed rap. says... she was mmer... - &pwrongfully arrested ... for... holding up a sign.../ warning of... a... "speed trap" ahead ... after... she witnessed houston drivers... while... riiing her bike homm... from aa store..../ plummer... says... an officer drove up to her .. and... claims.... he searched her backpack... without consent ... before arresting her.../. the... cop... cited... plummer... with a misdemeanor... for... "walking... on the road"... a sidewalk present" .../ but... she says... she plummer... claims... she spent ...twelve hours... behind bars... before ....osting bail..../ police... say... she ...ááasá... in the road.../ and... a danger to herself... and others" 3 severe storms are moving through maryland right now nowhere's a look at the capital dome in washington d-c yyu can see the lightning flashiig in the background backggound chief meteorologist vytas reid joins us now from laurel in p-g couuty...vytas... what is phe situution thereeright now... now... a randmother buulied by middle schoolers.... the punishment and the rewards she receivvd..... an eyesore near towson... hass a new tenant. tenant.this building used to bb a "giant" the jjppa heights shopping center near the intersection of joppa ood and perring parkeaybut it closed in 20077 now, "saverr""will takeeover thh building.its a hrift store. the four middle schooll students who bullied a woman on he bus are finally getting their punishment. you're so fat you take up like the whole entire seat." ssat." ii was a youtube video students verbally and ng the physicaaly taunting karen klein cry. bbt today the ing - greece central school dissrict &porderrd the students to a 1- year school suspennion, 50- hours of community service with senior itizens and each are required to cooplete a bully prevvntion program. a financial campaignnwas even on a vacation. the campaign raised more the 655thoossnd dollars. 3 x @3 redemption for one oriole outfielder...and a maaor league first or another... ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] a moment of silence for the internet as we know it. a revolution in internet speed is here. more than twice as fast as anything america has ever seen. introducing fios quantum. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. thats all for the late karen parks.... 3morgan adsit joins us nowwwith sports unlimited... morgan afterra leadoff doubbe tonight against the white sox...derek jeter passed cal ripken, junior on the all-time hits list.the captain movvs to 13th place.jeterrhas 3-thousand, one-hundred, and 85 hits. one-thousand and 71 oof pete rose's top spot. spot.jake arrieta on the bump game slide gainst cleveland... .lonnie chisenhall hits aa outfiild...ryaa fllherty thinks adam jnes has it... ball drops in for a it....ig mental error by the o's right inning...basee loaded...tied indians take the lead 5-3.... - 6th...o's down 5-4...down no more...matt wieters kills it to right...onto eutaw street... 3-run bomb...his 11th...birds lead 7-5....bottom of the 7... tied at 7...fllherty wiih chance to redeem imself...he to right... chris davis comes around from 2nd...throw not in time...o's pake the inning... xavier avery slices it to left...his ffrst major league home thh o's insurance that they needed... in front 997...oos end their 33 game losing streak...9-8 over the indians. 3&the last two n-b-a drafts hav been baltimore area talent taken ii the irst round.and one lake cllfton product has a strong argument he got robbed llst nighh. niiht.but he'll be just fine. will barton... a wing player night in the 2nn round... 40th overaal pick by pprtland.. barton's 6-6... conference u-s-a player of the year as aa sophomore and caa hit the jumper from anywhere.he as a projected as aalateefirst spots.connusing to will last nightt.. but it just added fuel to his motivation firee 3 randalls-town native... and missouri guard kim engliss heard his name laat night in selected by detroit... 44th overall..terrell stoglin put after finding out e would be suspendee from maryland for a year...stoglin was not overseas.. and plans to head - training camp at mcdaniel o college...i know, but itt really is better for the ravens to be in their city... and at their facility.and thii there with them.n be right - can enter a ticket lottery... go to baltimore ravens ddt com slash t-c lottery.200 people per day... can watch up to 13 practices at the team's facility in owings mills.. august 4th the ravens will hold an opennpractice at m&t &pbank stadium... no llotery pick needed.same deal for august 12th at navy..august 19th at stevenson... due to limited space... is a ottery draw. that'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited...i'm morgan adsitthanks or watching...have a grrat night...

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United States ,Mcdaniel College ,Maryland ,Dundalk ,Corner House ,Missouri ,Texas ,Arundel ,Joppa ,Houston ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,Greece ,Baltimore ,America ,Derek Jeter ,Steven Hall ,Brian Terry ,Jake Arrieta ,John Roberts ,Xavier Avery ,John Boehner ,Natalie Plummer ,William Porter ,Karen Klein ,Matthew Brown ,Chris Davis ,Mary Rodman ,Jason Kipnis ,

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