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with so many city pools closed, kids are taking a risk to stay cool. good evening, i am jennifer gilbert..3 jeff is off tonight. more on the struggle to keep alert in effect today. how much longer do we have to endure the hot temperatures. go straight to vytas reid with a look at the forecast. vytas? >> annther hot one out there. we saw the temperatures slowly climbing up into the mid 90s anddupper 90s as we head into the latter half of the evening. three to four to five clock hours. looking at the highs today. 98 downtown. 98 in d.c. 97 hagerstown. 97 salisbury. currently downtown baltimore. warm side. 88. 87 to tte west out there in hagerstown. cross the mountains for the cooler aii and 70s. so we are holding on to some of the heat and humidity out there. looking at the h.d. radar. it looks like we have a few pop-up showers making the way down around the balt beltway of dc it looks like that should stay mainly south of uss we should be clear through the overnight. we will get our chance of getting maybe rain in the forecast later this week. but until then, we are once again going to see another hot day tomorrow. those temperatures around 79 to 80 degrees starting out at 6 a.m. for the morning commute. and lunch time looking at the temperatures around 92. and we will continue to see the temperaaures climb nto the mid 90s as we go into the afternoon. i will show you when the shift and when we get the stormy weather in the forecast. coming up in a bit. >> thank you, vytas. >> city council president jack young wants to use rainy day funds to reopen the city public pools. city losed the pools earlier this year saying it could not afford to keep them open. but did not keep some kids from jumping the fence and jumping into the pool. no lifeguard. thhy are not supposed to be there. >> yeah, i jumped it. >> why? >> because it was hot and the pool was cold, i guess. >> well council president jack young is calling for a special session of the city council friday. he will ask the council to approve the use of rainy day funds to reopen the pools. that's the question of the day. should baltimore city keep pools open through the summer? so far 94 percent say yes. 6 percent say no. and on facebook, kknny has a suggestion. maybe they should just charge a minimal fee this summer, it is so hot. and it helps to give the kids something to do to keep them out of trouble. >> well, a staff member at ciiy college high school accused tonight of abusing a 17-year-old female student. the suspect's name is ryann3 coleman. and he is described as a hall monitor, and deafen disciplineú at the school. police say between december of 2009, and march,,coleman on several occasions touched the girl on her back, inner thigh and buttock, no comment from the school on the investigation. but parents in the area are speaking out. >> they are too old to be thinking about touching a little child. so therefore something wrong in they are predators or something. you know, touching little children. >> police arrested coleman last month. he is now free on $10,000 bail. >> arundel county police now have a better description of the ú%spect who killed a man, who was stopped at a traffic light in odenton. police are looking for a white man, early 20s, 5'9 to 5'10, weighing 170 to 175 pounds. may be driving a dark red four door car. police say he shot calvin yoong, young is sitting at the light for telegraph road and route 100. after he was shot, his car crashed into a support wall of the highway. >> county police are also looking for rodney barnwell, he is the second suspect in a brooklyn park murdfrom her july. police say barnwell should be considered armed and dangerous. and he is wanted for shooting was found dead insiie of his car on audrey avenue. >> sexual assault charges dropped agaiist four morgan state university students. but not before they are all attacked while being held at city jail holding cells. few details of the attack are available. but men were treated for their injuries. the city state's attorney office decided not to prosecute. after their accuser changed her3 story. originally she said at the hamilton hills apartment men attacked her. they have a connection to the school's marching gland owners of a siberian husky shot and killed by a off duty federal police officer may file a lawsuit. ryan and rachael hired an attorney, their dog bear bear shot in a dog park in severn last week. the officer that killed bear bear was at the park with his dog and felt threatened after the animals got in a fight. arundel county authorities have not decided whether to file charggs. >> a baltimore county mom gets life without the possibility of parole for killing her husband and trying to murder her own daughter. 60-year-old mary koontz shot her husband ronald and turned the gun on her daughter kelsey..3 mentally ill.eam said koontz is but prosecutors say the attack was well planned. kelsey told the judge she lived with the mom -- if she dddn't get her way made others suffer. >> i think, that for my mom, yeah, like maybe she had bad things happen in her childhood. but it is an individual's talk to people. make sure that you don't leave the rest of your life down the path of no return. >> the defense team said that it already has plans to appeal the life without the possibility of parole sentence. >> the race for baltimore city state's attorney is heating up criticizing just her opponents. jessamy claims thht fred bealefield, police commissionee is actively campaigning for her opponent even while in uniform. comes a week after campaign spotted in the commissioner's front yard. so jessamy wants bealefield to help her select a independent fact find tore investigate what she calls a serious credibility issue. >> the citizens expect a police commissioner to be free of bias. expect the police commissioner to be truthful. >> frankly if there should be any independent investigation, it should be about the ineffectiveness of the state's attorney's office over the last 15 years. >> police spokesman said bealefield has not engaged any prohibit active political activities. stay tune for the latest election, go to and click on the vote 2010 icon in the news features section. >> 2010 census is almost done. and federal government said it would come in $1.6 billion under budget. you never hear that. budgeted at $14.7 billion. things went smoothly more people returned the forms than expected. meaning fewer workers had to make house calls. >> well july was a tough month for home sales. in the baltimore area. and sales dropped almost 19 percent. compared to july of lasttyear. and the median price of home dropped more than 3 perceet. however, homes did sell faster. homes stayed on the market 99 days this year. compaaed to 115 days last year. >> but there is one bright spot in the economy. and maryland is playing a key role in it. overall, the economy grew just 1.4 percent, between 2005 and 2009. the video game industry, grew more than seven times faster than that. in 2009, according to a new study. the gaming industry in maryyand, added more than $100 million to the state's economy. the industry is grown by aa annual rate of almost 3 percent since 2005. and nearly thhee times the growth of the state's overall economy. >> here in maryland, you know, we're close to washington, close to the federal government. there is a lot of military here. strong health care in the area. so all of those areas are the really booming areas,,that are first doctors of gained technology. >> the entertainment software industry employs more than 120,000 workers, in 34 states. >> cash straped states are getting more help from the federal government. but counting billons. the house gave final approval to $26 million -- billion dollars,ú in state aid by a voteeof 247 to 161. the money is intended to prevent the layoffs of teachers and other government employees. but the bill only passed the senate after two republicans broke rank with the rest of the party. republicans say there is no more money to spend. >> if there is an national aemergency, we have the not enough money. lets spend billons more. >> if we do no, these educators3 will not be returning, to the classroom this fall. and that won't just deprive them of a paycheck, but deprive the children and parents, who are counting on them to provide a decent education. >> the president signed the bill this afternoon. state and local governments cut 48,000 jobs last month. the bill also sends $16 billion medicaid bills.lp cover their >> if you re looking for a job, you may want to avoid drinking alcohol. ú%searchers found simply holding an alcoholic beverage has the chance to lower the perceived intelligence of a person. overall, the study found american bosses use drinkers as less intelligent and hireable. never too late to get in shape. fitness experts say if you start to exercise, in your 40s, 50s, 60s, you can reap the benefits. doctors emphasize flexibility, strength and aerobic tracking, no matter what level your body can handle. >> somebody drug me by the hair, i might. i would be furious. >> outburst at the take out window. the denied request that led to this fight. and how the wooan's friends are defending her actions. >> more accusations that a lawmaker was breaking house ethics rules. why the r [ male announcer ] there are many vehicles that claim to be just as capable off-road as the jeep grand cherokee. but without triple-sealed doors, a raised air-intake system, or even a watertight drivetrain, just how far off-road are they talking about? ♪ >> fast-food furry. we showed you this video last night. that unbelievable fight at the mcdonald's drive-thru. friends saa that outrage wasú justified. >> january 1, 6:30 a.m.. this is video of the main street mcdonald's in east toledo with melody driving up to the window. at the window n employee telling her she stopped selling mcnuggets, you see a verbal argument and twenty one 24-year-old melody gets out aad punching the drive-thru employee in the mouth. >> they caught her -- called her names first. >> melody's friends tell us that she no longer goes to this mcdonald's because they get the orders wrong and miss treat customers. %-no fries. get home, there are you go back up there, and shh is going to argue with you about it. >> according to police, it was the manager, who then walked to the window, also took swings from melody and tried to pull melody up through the window by her hair. >> mcdonald's handled differently and just closed the winnow, when it started, instead of grabbing her. >> and that's what happened next. it became a tug of war with the drive-thru window. with melody on one side, and 2 to 3 mcdonald's employees on the other. screaming and trying to break3 the glass. >> somebody drug me by the hair, i might. i would be furious. >> melody's attorney said that she suffers panic attacks, which are heightened when drinking. >>well, it was new years. you know, new years eve. you know, stuff like -- you know you drink. >> she was definitely shocked what she saw, because she did not remember. >> melody received two months in jail and a year probation. mcdonald's was back up and running without nearly skipping a beat. >> former alaska senator ted stevens is dead after the plane he was on crashed. nine people were on board the plane headed to a fishhng lodge in southwest alaska. a total of five died. senator stevens longer serving in history. and his career ended in 2008 when convicted on corruption charges. but he was later cleared. >> congressman charles rangel refuses to step-down as he is accused of more ethics violations, admitted to honest mistakes in the past for failing to disclose all the income and property. but he says nothing adds up to corruption, however he has given upphis chair position on the house, ways and means committee. >> new vaccine for deny gay fever is being tested. cases of the disease reported in florida for a month. at infection carried by mosquitoes and causes flu-like symptoms and it could be fatal. if all goes well, the vaccine could be ready for final testing on patients within the next four years. >> so verr hot out there today. but showees this week could bring relief. go straight to chief meteorologist vytas reid with a look at the forecast. vytas? >> we could see showers and thunderstorms back in the pictures further in the week. but it looks like definitely seeing the hot temperatures sticking around in the 90ss now today we got the temperatures in the mid to upper 90s. it took a few hours to get there. but nonntheless it was a hot and humid day. hd skycam shows 83 downtown. we have haze. more breaks in the clouds than clouds. and we have a little haze. 83. winds out of the southhsouthwest at three. so very light wind. and humidity levels are sitting right now at 68 percent. so that combination of a 68 percent humidity level, and the temperatures at 83. makes it feel muggy out there at ú%is time. almanac pages shows out at bwi thurgood marshall airport. we had a temperature of 97. temperatures started us off earlier at 75. and no precipitation to talk about. and across the state, a lot of folks ggt to get into the upper 90s. stretching over the 95 corridor. 98 in downtown baltimore. 98 in d.c. looking at 98 for the high in fredericksberg. 97 in hagerstown. salisbury up to 97 degrees. so it was a hot day and still holding into the mid to upper 80s at this time. and we will continue to stay warm through the night. through the downtown sections of the region. so looking at what is going on bigger picture. off to the west. there is heat down over parts of kentucky. and indiana..3 even parts of illinois. but we have a little cooler air north. we have an area of high pressure, weak area of high pressure that will continue to be just over the reggon to the south of us. working also in conjunction with a stationary front. that's creating instability out there. helping tooget a few showers and thunderstorms workinn off to the west. on the future scan you can see we will stay mainly clear. through the day tomorrow..3 %-us.oppup showers, back west of but our chance for showers, will increase as we go into thursday and friday. then off-and-on through parts of the weekend. but good news is coolerr3 temperatures push in. looking at clear skies. haze. temperatures 75 overnight low, 95 for the high tomorrow. hot and humid. and we will see changes thursday. 87 thursday with 50 percent chance for showers and thunderstorms. and kind of scattered showers and thunderstorms. but nonetheless some organizes, and few strong. 83 friday. cooler. in the mid 80s for saturday and sunday with a few scattered off-and-on showers here and there. back to you. >> wwo will win the kiiker job? head coach john >> wwo will win the kiiker job? knock knock. hey! it's finally ready. [ female announcer ] just because a counter looks clean, doesn't mean it is clean. but with one sheet of bounty, you'll have confidence in your clean. in this lab test, just one sheet of bounty leaves this surface three times cleaner than the bargain brands. want confidence that your surfaces can get really clean? even with just one sheet? bring it. super durable... super absorbent... super clean. bounty. the clean picker upper. and for huge value? try bounty huge roll. >> as the raven's head into the first preseason game of the 2010 season, there is the predictable walking wounded list to deal w will not play because of a back injury. quarterback carr tweaked a hamstring, standing down as well. another battle is at kicker, cundiff is competing with gram for the job. two veterans going head-to-head. john harbaugh is taking a novel approach thursday night. >> we will alternate every kick, that's what coach rosburg wants to do. for the whole the game and give them a fair amount of republicans, so looking forward to that. >> after a triumphant debut, see if buc shhwalter's act plays on the road. orioles that won six of seven with showalter at the helm open up a road trip with first of three with the indians in cleveland. o's lead.e fourth. shoe.lines one off masterson and daniel cabrera bare hhnds the ball throwing down. throwing from the seat of the pants to gettpeia at first. look at that. what reflexes by daniel cabrera. mid handed in mid air. next batter. wieters rips the single. luke scott scores from third. orioles scores four times and they lead it 4-1. bottom of the fourth. game tied at four. bases loaded. they line the double down the right field line t goes in the corner. and marson scores, brandtly, and daniel cabrera headed home. here comes the relay throw from rrberts, he is out at home. after a block at the plate by whiteers. indians aaswer, and they lead it 6-4. top of the fifth. birds counter punch. two on for peia. and drives one to deep center. it is going to carry. and carry, and go over the wall. for the three run homer. his fourth of the year. orioles take the lead at -6. top of the eighth. 8-6 and add insurance. wieters, cranks one to deep right center. and that ball is long gonn. two run shott his 9th of the year. orioles up 10-6, they win, to improve to 7-1 under new manager buc showalter. birds go for the fourth straight win tomorrow night in cleveland. back to you. since i've been doing roller derby for the last three years, i'm more brash, more confident and i love this. can i use my hands? is that alright? i take good care of my body and i do it so i can do this. [ male announcer ] to keep doing what you love, keep your heart healthy. cheerios can help. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. i, i want to be doing roller derby until i break a hip. and then i'll do it for a little bit longer. hahaha. [ male announcer ] it's simple, love your heart so you can do what you love. what do you love? see how cheerios can help you do it. ♪ yes! ♪ look, they fit! oh my gosh, are those the jeans from last year? how'd you do it? simple stuff... eating right...whole grain. whole grain? [ female announcer ] people who eat more whole grain tend to have healthier body weights. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 lightly sweetened calories. more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios. >> final look at the seven-day ú%recast. it looks like we will see another warm day or hot day, i should say, with temperatures around 94. sun. and sun and clouds thursday,. ú%th a chance of showers and thunderstorms working in by the afternoon. maybe few gutsyyones overnight. lingering to friday morning. front pushes through fully. not bad. 85 for saturday. we have about a 30 percent chance for off-and-on spotty showers because of heat out there and instability. summertiie, garden variety showers. ú% saturday. sunday 87 degrees. 87 monday. %-so it looks like the weekend will shape up to be better temperature wise. jennifer? thank you, vytas. >> personalize your own forecast with i-radar. use the interactive tools to track storms down to your street. go to and click on i-radar. that's all for the "lateú edition". thank you for joining us tonight. i am jennifer gilbert. up next, s the 70s show. tune in to morning news tomorrow starting bright and early at 5:00. have a great night. provided by u.s. captioning [ male announcer ] there are many vehicles that claim to be just as capable off-road as the jeep grand cherokee. but without triple-sealed doors, a raised air-intake system, or even a watertight drivetrain, just how far off-road are they talking about? ♪

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United States , Brooklyn Park , Maryland , Hagerstown , Indiana , Baltimore County , Alaska , Arundel , Masvingo , Zimbabwe , Kentucky , Morgan State University , Florida , Illinois , Odenton , Hamilton Hills , Zimbabwe General , Salisbury , Mashonaland East , Washington , District Of Columbia , Baltimore , American , Daniel Cabrera , Mary Koontz , Rodney Barnwell , Ted Stevens , Calvin Yoong , Bwi Thurgood Marshall , Jennifer Gilbert , John Harbaugh , Luke Scott , Buc Showalter , Charles Rangel ,

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