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Buys in the use of natural gas and to a lesser extent oil despite the rise of renewable energy in most parts of the world according to the authors it's merely slowing down the continued growth of fossil fuels Australia has repealed a law which gave doctors the rights to evacuate asylum seekers from offshore detention centers for medical treatment the Medi Vac law was passed by opposition and independent lawmakers in February from Sydney Shaima Hill reports the government's push to scrap the medivac bill has been criticised as cruel and inhumane the Greens Party senator described it as a dark day for the majority of Australians who supported the legislation but Prime Minister Scott Morrison argued the law had presented a national security risk the bill which was passed by the opposition in February gave doctors power to recommend transfers for refugees on narrow and menace islands for treatment in the country the scientists say people as young as 25 should have their cholesterol levels checked to help protect against the risk of heart attacks or strokes later in life a study tracked almost 400000 people from 19 countries over 40 is it showed a clear link between high cholesterol levels in young people and their eventual risk of having heart attacks or strokes the research was published in The Lancet medical journal Well news from the b.b.c. . A federal court in New York has sentenced a Lebanese born us citizen Ali Karami to 40 years in prison for buying weapons and gathering intelligence on j.f.k. Airport and federal buildings for the Lebanese Shia group Hezbollah the United States considers the Iranian backed group a terrorist organization in his sentencing statement only karate showed no remorse and repeatedly railed against his adopted country. Mexican officials say they have arrested 10 men who they say were part of a group of at least 60 drug cartel members who attacked a town near the u.s. Border near Union or in Co Wheeler state was terrorized over the weekend by the gunmen who arrived in heavily armed vehicles and sprayed buildings with bullets 23 people were killed when Mexican security forces engaged them in a series of gun fights. For the 1st time in its 35 year history Britain's prestigious Turner Prize has been awarded to all 4 shortlisted artists after they declared themselves a collective they will share the $52000.00 in prize money the decision was prompted by the artists themselves the Jordanian Lawrence Abu Hamed an Oscar Maria of Colombia and the Britons Thais Shani and Helen comic Helen comic explained their thinking when there is already so much that divides people we feel strongly motivated to use the occasion of the price to make a collective statement in the name of commonality multiplicity and solidarity in act as in a society. Rugby Union or Thor is he's in Australia and the former international Israel Folau have reached a confidential settlement in their legal dispute over his sacking for remarks denigrating gay people rugby Australia New South Wales Rugby and fill out issued a statement saying the comments reflected the players' Christian religious beliefs but that he did not condone discrimination the authorities apologize for any hurt caused to Israel Folau b.b.c. News. You're listening to the newsroom from the b.b.c. World Service with me Joe Lyneham days after President Trump signed a law in support of pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong the u.s. Congress has further angered China by condemning its mass detention of weaker is in other and other most mostly Muslim minorities the House of Representatives has overwhelmingly passed legislation which calls on Mr Trump to slap sanctions on Chinese officials behind the crackdown in the north western region of Shin Jang upwards of 1000000 people are believed to be held in reeducation camps where human rights groups say Muslims are abused and made to give up their Islamic customs the Republican Congressman Chris Smith said that America and the rest of the world couldn't stay silent while there were such gross violations the size and scale of what is happening inching Jang is a dash easily repressive even by Chinese low standards the massive Turman of millions of people on a scale that has not been seen since the Holocaust children ripped from the warm embrace of their families to be in doctrine aided in common is idiology and forced to renounce their religious culture and language that atrocity such of these going to exist in the 21st century is astounding and enormously sad the measure by the u.s. Congress raises tensions with China as the 2 superpowers trying to resolve their trade war it still has to pass the Senate and the White House hasn't said whether President Trump would sign the bill into law Beijing claims that the camps are benign vocational training centers which offer job training and education to thousands in the region and it points to the absence of any terrorist attacks there in the last 3 years as evidence that their scheme is a successful method of dealing with the threat faced by all nations are China correspondent John Sutter with has been inside some of the camps and joins us now from Beijing John what's been the reaction from China to this. Well livid I guess you could say in a word and pretty predictable as well a statement from the foreign ministry issued shortly after this bill was passed by the House of Representatives saying that it deliberately defames the human rights situation in changing that it that it maliciously attacks China's got the Chinese government's policy and that it seriously violates international law a suggestion that I think the sanctions elements of this bill if it does eventually get enacted into law the idea that officials may be targeted as a result of being responsible for the policy in changing would be would be somehow in breach of international protocols but as you say I mean this is this is nothing new we've heard this from China many times it insists that these things are schools the trouble is of course the evidence is now overwhelming the evidence we've seen ourselves the evidence from China's own government documents the evidence from eyewitnesses and the testimony of family members that while China may want to call these things cool they are clearly places of incarceration people are not they're entirely of their own free will I think that much is absolutely established and this kind of response is pushed back we're now seeing from for u.s. Politicians and of course echoed in other parts of the world is a response to that what kind of restrictions would these sanctions bring into force if this bill is passed into law. So basically what this bill would do is it especially orders that u.s. Administration within a few months of its passing to identify officials who are responsible and apply sanctions to them. Basically sanctioning the assets any assets they may may hold in the United States putting visa restrictions on their ability to travel to the United States and the other thing it does Joe is it would stop u.s. Companies providing the Chinese government with any support for any of these policies or technology support export support that kind of thing all of those things would be hit by this bill if it does eventually become law and accounts of course help the the trade talks which are going on going to John sort of out there in China thank you very much for joining us now one of the last things that any American president seeking reelection wants is to be served with articles of impeachment these are formal charges which could allow the u.s. Congress to remove Donald Trump from power in a $300.00 page report which will form the basis for any such charges Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee leading the impeachment inquiry have set out their case presenting evidence against Mr Trump which they say is overwhelming there are 2 central allegations firstly that the president pressured Ukraine to investigate his political rival Joe Biden secondly that Mr Trump launched an unprecedented campaign to obstruct the congressional investigation and Adam Schiff the Democrat who chairs the Intelligence Committee said that politicians on Capitol Hill at a juicy to act if the Congress allows a president to sell Foley and. Blank it lay obstruction of the work of Congress even involving an impeachment of estimation into the president's own misconduct. Then we are begging for more of the same we are signaling to any future president they can gauge and whatever corruption malfeasance or negligence and they are beyond accountability this is the result of a president who believes that he is beyond indictment beyond impeachment beyond any form of accountability and indeed above the law and that is a very dangerous thing for this country President Trump has been dismissive of the impeachment inquiry describing it as an attempt to overturn his election victory in 2016 the White House said on Tuesday the Democrats have failed to produce any proof overawing doing by ms to trump it referred to the report as a one sided sham process which read like the ramblings of a basemen blogger straining to prove something when there was evidence of nothing the Republican leader of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy also had strong words for Mr Schiff adamant as a hard time with the truth because Adam said just a few days ago. In his words he is going to send the president back to the golden throne he came from. Adam had made his mind up long before. He just didn't have the proof so he had to write his own story our North America Correspondent Peter Bowles told me more about the report it really lays out the case against the president as far as the Democrats which control list committee are concerned they're saying that this evidence that he placed political interests his personal political interests over the national interests of the country of the United States and they use the power of his office to withhold aid to Ukraine to gas or according to our Jim chef who have heard from to get his political dirty work done that is the work of the president and the report says Mr Trump's came subverted u.s. Foreign policy toward Ukraine and undermined national security in favor of these politically motivated investigations that he wanted to see happen one thing that we have learned that is new we do know about some telephone records intriguingly the text of these many pages of this report talk about mobile phone records of Rudy Giuliani the president's personal lawyer which seemed to connect him with the office in the White House that really control over that money that aid to Ukraine that was held up for a while and why this is interesting is that it seems to fly in the face of those defenders of the president who say that Mr Giuliani was operating independently of the White House but this seems too closely connected with an important office in the White House and this is only the 1st major stage in this process what happens next it goes to the House Judiciary Committee next to draw up the Articles of Impeachment this is going to happen within a matter of hours and the panel will Considine a number of charges against the president and it will then be voted on by the full House of Reps. Essentially if the Democrats are in control it seems that it will therefore passed and then go to the Senate where the impeachment trial is likely to take place probably the beginning of next year bitter bows now for something seasonal. Choir singing Christmas carols as world leaders arrive at 10 Downing Street to visit the British prime minister Boris Johnson for a NATO reception on choosing night earlier they had met the Queen at Buckingham Palace to celebrate 70 years of the military alliance but there wasn't much harmony on show among the 29 NATO members which I discussed with defense and diplomatic correspondent Jonathan Marcus Well I think the preliminaries to this NATO gathering had been marked by a remarkable disunity very public differences between President Trump on the one hand the French president a man your macro on the other continuing rounds between France and Turkey I think the Turks as many other NATO allies feel that America is in something of a retreat in the Middle East that countries that have serious concerns about security in that region having to look more to their own devices and also the was was the Trump spoke in general terms of up being rather more favorably disposed towards NATO because European allies were spending more he nonetheless seemed to take that back by referring to all of the old language that he's used the suggestion that countries who didn't pay their 2 percent of g.d.p. Into defense were in some sense delinquent his belief that NATO somehow offered the Europeans a lot more than it offered the United States and raising questions about whether Russia which is seen as the principal rival to the ally still is really. A friend rather than a fellow NATO meets a slightly more formally on Wednesday in Watford just north of London what sort of conclusions if any should we expect I think one should play down expectations particularly in the light of the previous day's divisions this is not billed as a full summit by NATO they've called it leaders gathering that means that there won't be an elaborate communique a very detailed text that all governments will have to subscribe to I think we'll see talk about NATO dealing with us Arias like space revitalizing its efforts in dealing with cyber challenges to begin discussing what of law alliances relationship and position should be towards China and of course when you have a a disruptor like President Trump so it all becomes much more complicated is NATO going to fail and wither away I absolutely don't think so but it isn't going to be the kind of united voice that it was at the height of the Cold War in very very different circumstances Jonathan Marcus now one of the most prominent rugby players in Australia Israel Folau as reached a settlement with rugby Australia over his controversial sacking for writing anti gay posts on social media in one post he said Hell Awaits gay people his contract was terminated in May and he had been sued suing the rugby authorities for 9 and a half $1000000.00 The parties of now settled for a confidential amount follow a Christian had argued that the germination of his contract was a case of religious discrimination in Peyton is editor in chief at a rugby dot com in Australia he had hired a public relations firm to help him get his message out there was no shortage of messaging coming across from from his camp is reclined that it was it was very much to do it in along with his religious beliefs any any stressed even in the statement that they should today that he didn't intend to offend or. Or harm anyone may just was you know he was issuing that warning from a message of love is what a climbs Obviously there are a few in the community in his triumph particularly who don't view it that why they see it as a message of divisiveness and and an unacceptable message in this day and I didn't and I think that's got to do with why we're seeing a settlement now there was some suggestion you know rubbish I didn't want to be taken to the High Court on on our freedom of religion or for any mother expression case I suspect that sort of something that isn't friendly on the political agenda Airness rather as it is around the world and we really see it tested in the courts that's in place in there and we're coming up to 20 past the hour let me give quick reminder of the u.s. House of Representatives has approved a bill demanding sanctions against China. Now when a group of teenage footballers became trapped in a cave in Thailand last year the billionaire founder of Pay Pal space x. And Tesla cars over to send a prototype submarine to help get the boys out that idea was publicly mocked though by one of the experienced British divers of the caves Vernon worth Mr Musk then described Mr Ellsworth as a paedo in a tweet and it was that tweet which has landed a long mosque in court accused of defamation our correspondent Sophie long was in court in Los Angeles on Tuesday as jury selection began and she told me more about the case. Defense case all parts of it is that he never meant to call him that he defile it was simply an insult and he could have used any other insult in its place he said he was no way implying that it. Was guilty of any crime and he wasn't accusing him of doing that other people of course feel that that is short and paedophile and that's what the jury will have to decide in this case whether or not a reasonable cost and reading those tweets. Would have thought that they refer to Vernon's west in the 1st place and secondly whether or not a reasonable person reading those tweets would have thought that he was accusing him of being a paedophile this case has had an impact on Tesla shares hasn't it. But it's interesting you mention that because in the evidence that we've heard it almost this afternoon that did come out of the cooler and e-mail that he sent to his defacto chief of staff is here is referred to in the courtroom when he was encouraging a mask during a time of share drops to make an apology. Now the court was shown an email sent from Iran must to his defacto chief of staff and which he says after sleeping on it I've decided not to apologize he said that he felt it would look like a non-genuine a cynical if you like attempt to rescue traffic share price and he said at the end of email Let's stop. And. The claimant Vernon owns worth how much money is he seeking from damages but we're told he's thinking damage is of $75000.00 which sounds like a lot of money but of course if you think about the man he's suing Musk I think is now rated 14 richest man in the world he is a multi billionaire with many international businesses so that's the figure that we've heard. That official in terms of we haven't had that out in court yet Sophie long no it's not often that you get to invent a company whose very name becomes a verb used all over the world but that's what surrogate Brin and Larry Page did 21 years ago when they started a dot com called Google Now the 2 entrepreneurs are stepping down from running Google's parent company alphabet our tech correspondent in California Dave lead discusses the impact of the 2 men since Larry Page on circuit brain creates a Kuko in Silicon Valley Karajan 998 they have both had a major say and how that company one of the world's most powerful has room when alphabet was set up in 2015 The pair took an expected back seat on running Google day to day leaving that to the well regarded. Who was installed as c.e.o. Mr bitch I would now take over alphabet as a whole a move which represents the most significant shakeup of leadership at the firm since its inception in their letter Mr Page Mr Brin said they would never wants to hold on to management roles when they felt they were better ways to run the company and that's the justification all things decision however while apparently relinquishing some management to tease this is not mean them giving up ultimate power between them Mr Page and Mr Brin control 51 percent the voting rights on alphabet sport in California Danielle has some other stories from our news desk Australian Police searching for the final member of a group people came stranded in the outback more than 2 weeks ago have found a body has not yet been identified by. It is believed to be 46 year old Clare Hall creates his Hockridge had been travelling with 2 others when their car got stuck in a river bed and they split up to find help that he weathers were found alive earlier this week local reports from the Philippines say at least 11 people died as a result of typhoon can Morry the region of recall was West hit with severe flooding in some parts hundreds of thousands of people remain displaced there the tropical storm is now moving away from the country over the West Philippine Sea wildlife experts have expressed alarm off to footage emerged online of a polar bear with the name of a Soviet tank t. 34 spray painted in black on its side they have all the stunts could affect the animals ability to blend in with its surroundings in Arctic Russia and to hunt for food and investigation is underway to determine whether video was filmed and Apple's announced its most popular apps and games of the year You Tube Instagram and snap chat on top of the free charts Mario Kart tour was the most downloaded free iphone game beating Call of Duty and fortnight Thank you Danielle we end this program in Saudi Arabia a country that's been changing massively in the last few years one big shift has been the Saudi economy trying to diversify away from its dependence on oil and create new jobs for its young people the result has been the birth of a generation of entrepreneurs are of affairs editor Sebastian Usher has been in Saudi Arabia meeting some of the people women in particular who have chosen this risky unconventional career path. His idea has been for up to provide Arabic newspapers books and magazines as audio books it's taken her on a more risky route than Saudis have been used to in the workplace it is very hard to to to confront your family to confront your mother your father was already drawn the path for you played my mom doesn't know anything about. No ship she was like why I'm leaving you governmental job see there this is a change that long time observers have been surprised to see put into practice in Saudi Arabia new pop up businesses have been sprouting up in the capital Riyadh where live music and street food have to come normal. For 16 years the business analyst Jones faqih enough has has been observing Saudi Arabia from within society wouldn't be so energized to think of out great alternative sources of revenue other than oil or working look sector saw a truck or more sure that young people were thinking. This is a different story happening they. Know expense bad events like the misc global forum have been used to sell this new vision of Saudi Arabia the organizer of the event Shaima it again recognizes when you opportunities being presented to women but stresses her belief shared by many that this is not a total break with the past roughen had married his 1st wife who is an entrepreneur or a business woman that was older than he was and she never changed who she was after she got married she was the mother she was the breadwinner so I'm always inspired by all the economic changes are aimed at the countries under thirty's who make up some 70 percent of the population no longer guaranteed no seeking government sign to chose and with unemployment a major problem that being encouraged to make their own futures. Is right outside your door one of the institutions at the forefront of these changes is couse the Science and Technology University that was founded a decade ago with the aim of reviving the Arab world's once a leading role in the sciences laid has used her research that to set up a business to try to tackle the problem of food waste and mazing to see the girls and young men here. To be able to have their own company and take work on what they're passionate about those opportunities are drawing some Saudis back home like all about he a fashion designer and social media influencer who's been living in the u.s. For years and sometimes feels the rapid pace of change has left her lagging behind her Saudi based friends I think there is more opportunities for any. New York is so saturated and so busy in New York as New York but Saudi right now is the time when things are happening the shadow hanging over all this optimism and dynamism remains the imprisonment of some of the most high profile activists who fought for the rights that Saudi women are now enjoying the dilemma is that both the reform and the repression but Mark this new Saudi Arabia have the inescapable imprint of the most powerful man in the country Crown Prince Mohammed bin sound man young Saudis put their faith in his vision as much as many commentators on Saudi Arabia fear and distrust the impulsive flaunting of his power so best you know sure they're reporting from Saudi Arabia a reminder of the main b.b.c. News the Us Help House of Representatives has approved a bill demanding sanctions against China over the mass incarceration of Muslims in Jang prompting a furious reaction from Beijing reminder you can get all our news programs live on the Internet on b.b.c. World Service dot com This has been the newsroom and I have been Joe Lyneham. Distribution of the b.b.c. World Service in the u.s. Is made possible by American Public Media producer and distributor of award winning public radio contact a.p.m. American Public Media with support from one drug providing a new way to manage diabetes that can help lower your blood sugars in just one month at Wal-Mart Apple stores and get one drop dot com. Hello I'm Francine Jones and this is the b.b.c. World Service 50 years ago I found myself working at a hotel in Canada which suddenly became the subject of international media attention let's face it he was one of the biggest stars in all of the world John Lennon and Yoko Ono had chosen legalisms hotel in Montreal to stage one of their famous bed in stripping 6 and peered over me. Giving peace a chance again straight after the news. B.b.c. News with Danielle you know we've yet scoured the u.s. House of Representatives has overwhelmingly approved a bill demanding sanctions against China over the mass incarceration of Muslims in Shin Jiang the House speaker Nancy Pelosi said it was a critical step to counter horrific human rights abuses China has responded angrily calling the bill a wanton smear the 2nd day of Nato's 70th anniversary meeting in Britain is set to deal with concrete issues off to a fractious 1st day today's meeting has been pared down to 3 hours to consider on a day agenda including how the alliance deals with threats from space and cyber attacks and the challenges presented by an assertive China. A new study says the growth in global c o 2 emissions has slowed this year largely because of an unexpected drop in the burning of coal but experts are warning that the drop in coal is offset by the strong growth in natural gas and oil consumption Australia has repealed a law which gave doctors the right to evacuate asylum seekers from offshore detention centers for medical treatment the medivac law was passed by opposition and independent lawmakers in February but the prime minister argued that it posed a threat to national security scientists say people as young as 25 should have their cholesterol levels checked to help protect against the risk of heart attacks or strokes later in life a study tracked almost 400000 people from 19 countries over 40 years. The co-founders of Google Larry Page and Sergey Brin are stepping down from their roles as chief executive and president of its parent company alphabet they'll remain on the board and keep their controlling stake and the former rugby star Israel Folau has reached a settlement with rugby Australia over his controversial sucking for writing anti gay posts on social media for allow who's a Christian argued the terminations of his contract was a case of religious discrimination b.b.c. News. When you were 13 years old what was your world of music Elvis Presley or the rock n roll of 20. In your life was the same thing when you were. Coming down the bank about never say to defend you. I'm sitting essentially about where I was at the time and if I take a look at the bed I could imagine in there I mean I could look at that bed close my eyes and I can see them there. And Francine Jones in 1969 I was in the system public relations officer at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal this is from heads of state important people and celebrities were commonplace and I sort of took it for granted but there was one guest or more precisely 2 guests a couple who were different. Newlyweds John Lennon and Yoko Ono I decided to hold a 2nd that they're now famous that inspire peace at our hotel in the world was captivated You're listening to giving peace a chance on the b.b.c. World Service. This to mean that she's 17 more quotes more easy to come in here today because on May 27th 1069 just walking from this elevator to the air there were hundreds of people who just came and say Ok I want to see John Lennon and the day it was let you in it was crazy as we say in French it was a bus that. I'm back at the hotel where I worked exactly 50 years ago to meet some other people who became part of this peace protest one of them was you know. Well it's quiet. I feel that it's almost as if to was I recall the 2 posters hairpiece in bed. Now it's white but it was kind of beige or attend the time of the Flower Power time you know you had to put that many many colors every where they degrade id to find some furnitures that belonged to deceive even the telephone he wanted to get the telephones he would have and. He staged. Yes I'm quite surprised. That is really it I share. A bed piece headpiece piece kind. You didn't use got out the before that there were so thousands of people who were who wanted to see them came a deal tell it was fairly easy I think for people to be able to access this week because I think that it was part of what John and Yoko Why did they didn't want it to be cut off so they had basically said have to say don't live as long as people were pretty much vetted that you know they could be allowed in as long as the room permitted but it was a party for a while of young people and older people to well the thing that I thought was amazing listen to what extent this event galvanized people from different areas you had people from almost every walk of life that had some connection to the message and to the way that was being put forth we tried to do it in New York but the American government wouldn't as in they knew we'd done in in Amsterdam they didn't want to be peaceniks which is what the we had the Department of whoever controls that said well we ended up doing it in Montreal Instead I'm broadcasting across the border after I'm trying all these questions. Many Many Many Many Many Many Many Many times it got down to all we was saying was give peace a chance John and Yoko were lying in bed completely relaxed John was it his white bitch and murderous Yoko was lying on the bed her hair fanned out on the pillow and Kyoko their daughter was jumping up and down into bed and flinging flower petals out of a basket they just embodied peace you know sometimes people are voicing an opinion but their body language is not that but in their case everything was in sync I think really what struck everyone was to what extent the whole situation did basically exude peace in their own life and whatever was happening and it emanated from this situation to whoever happened to be in that room. The producer of a joke about said Lennon and Yoko Ono are in town could you come to morrow and interview them said Ok let's go wrong was a young fairly new journalist and producer to his own surprise he managed to get an extended interview with John and Yoko it was during Vietnam War 2 years before I was of the youth for the young of the Expo 67 when all the world that came to Montreal and I remember welcoming some Americans guys who were my age at that time who had been to war and came back wounded and were against the war so 2 years later there was this guy John Lennon with his wife saying Stubbs this war so many American journalists came here to interview him because he was not permitted to go to a New York and they were quite aggressive Why do you do that though we are a country of for freedom we fight for freedom we fight for democracy it's. When I managed to get near him I introduced myself and I said we wanted to interview him about the impact of musicians and the history of music that had an impact on him and how music could play a role in important role for peace so Lennon was enthusiastic about this because we would not talk about politics but talk about art and that time suddenly a man stood up and said Ok guys everybody out except radio came back we were astonished I have to take off my shoes and got into bed and I told him Listen you're a 29 years old guy I'm 26 if we would be Americans we would have been to war in Vietnam maybe we would be dead or wounded and he started to talk to me as a guy who meets another guy of his generation but shows recording was lost for nearly 50 years and only recently turned up with rummaging through the teleco back archives and managed to salvage the short clip but was really struck by rock'n'roll mainly Elvis Presley and long Richard why I was it that changed my life Lennon told me that is music could be as important as the classical music for example he talked to me about Elvis Presley and all the rock'n'roll the guys that impressed him do you think of Elvis Presley hadn't existed you would be here today talking of peace having done so much recording and music I can't speculate on more would have happened if I hadn't thought of this. Day in a impossible then you Corno told me Well you know I am older than John and I studied classical music people that needed that I was playing I am planning and listening only back then and mental film. And people feeling around there today we understand how important she was in John Lennon's life in his music and this evolution and I would say standing composition fell at Note that I want to share my bed and date that way then you know when you are in the situation of interviewing someone very important you must not let the emotion take you it's just only after that you say whoa I spent half an hour in the bed with John Lennon and is wife. And using the. Experience. After having done this interview the papers in Montreal published a small piece saying that we interviewed John Lennon for a joke a back which is education over radio station it went to the National Assembly National to the parliament in incorrect and for 2 hours they ask questions to the Minister of Education Why did you Tolliver it that rate your québec goes and interview a guy who have admitted that this well off I didn't know but this until you mentioned I guess there's a difference between an international mindset and local mindset that's it and I think that part of that was really the residual of Expo 67 because you're right Montreal was transformed really was by 6 months of immersion into world cultures that they could not digest themselves of but other people who came here to visit from outside Montreal stayed for a weekend or for a week went and it was interesting but it was like seeing a movie and I think that that was what. Probably fueled this interest it also would explain the back. 50 years ago I was a student at the University of Ottawa who would rock was a young 20 year old Beatles bad in 1959 we read in the newspapers that John Lennon and Yoko Ono were doing a bed in for peace so we began wondering how we could entice them to visit Ottawa we eventually conceived the idea of a world conference on peace we pretended that we were going to invite prime minister Pierre Trudeau Justin Trudeau his father and that we would to give John and Yoko an opportunity to speak a boat world peace and how it could be achieved I went to the suite in which they were in bed a lot of noise there was a hurry Krishna group in the corner that was chanting it was a Montreal radio station broadcasting live from the corridor and when they brought me into the bedroom where John and Yoko were in the midst of all this chaos they were actually a picture of serenity very calm and there was something about their manner that really put one of ease he was very down to earth there was no rock and roll Majesty to it no ego no arrogance you know I mean let's face it he was one of the biggest stars in all of the world and here he is listening to this proposal from this kid he doesn't know talking about an event in a city he's never been to that was also putting myself in a difficult position because in the unlikely event that they agreed to come I would then have an immense task to try to make good on my representations of how am I ever going to get the prime minister and how we were going to organize a conference to match the description I've given obviously John and Yoko were tracked it by the idea of coming to to the city getting away from Montreal for the day and so they decided to come. They arrived at the conference to be rather a loud and boisterous news conference is what it was a lot of media a lot of students lot of public as well the university facility was very crowded and very noisy but it was fabulous I mean John and Yoko were outspoken provocative they spoke about peace they were highly critical of nations and war particularly the Vietnam War They were appealing especially to young people to hold the flag for freedom and for the peaceful resolution of disputes it was really quite an inspiring session and after dinner they said you know we'd like to see something of this city before we go back to Montreal can you show us around I said Of course I'd be proud to do that to help jog his memory Alan retraced the route he took driving John around the Canadian capital. So my memory is that we had them down near the student union building which is just over there and then I To John Lennon wanted to be Trudeau and so they stopped at his official residence at $24.00 Sussex Drive Nowadays the whole place is locked down for security but in 1969 I was able to drive right up to the front door no trouble at all wasn't stopped or asked any questions but we knocked on the door and a housekeeper came to the door and said No unfortunate Mr Trudeau is not he and he was away and John wanted to leave a note so he he took out a piece of paper and a pen and he wrote a note up against the door of 24 Sussex which he left and 6 months later John and Yoko came back to Ottawa and met with Trudeau in his office on Parliament Hill and I want you to know I take full credit for that. I still remember where I was when I learned of his his having been shot it was deeply shocking and profoundly sad I couldn't imagine a greater contrast between the message that he championed during his career and the manner of his head it was just such a contrast so tragic and the other thing is you know I sort of internalized his message I I paid attention when he spoke about peace when he spoke about the way we should deal with each other and the way government should serve people and I listen to that and to me it was not platitudes it was real and I internalized it and. I think that he left the city of Ottawa having made a deep and lasting impression on least one young person. You're listening to giving peace a chance on the b.b.c. World Service with me Francine Jones but I want to rumble sheets. Of sitting on the end here but you. This is something we could not do that was the bedding but there were so many people our perspectives of the Bedouin are a little bit different he walked into a very full room I walked into a very empty room John and Yoko were happy to be relaxing I'm sure. Yes What I find funny is that at 76 years old I can feel that I'm still 26. You know he said Art. Is quite wonderful it really is after seeing her peculiar Kark is perhaps most famous for its downtown I was performing at the test and I had a period a few times in Montreal before I thought well this is great now I can do a bilingual show. However it wasn't as easy as that and the audience was really specific to that I had the French speaking fans who didn't like it at all when I sang in English and vice versa open war in that they had to to was very upset by her reception and didn't feel that anyone understood how she was feeling just by chance I had a newspaper in front of me and saw that John Lennon and Yoko were in town doing and they didn't and I thought well I don't know John Lennon you know what I don't have to talk to him so after my show I leave the theater is pouring with rain and pretty cold as it can be in Montreal and walked to his hotel and the clothes he has recognize. Raise it up if you doubt come over I said I want to see John Lennon he said oh yeah oh he's just up there you know gave me a number of the room walked in rather timidly I was drenched by the way and there they were John and Yoko sitting up in bed and then I G.'s and John peered over me he wasn't expecting me and he said is that you for Jr I think. He said Well come here love and so I go over and he gives me a big condo never missing before and I started to cry. And he wants what's wrong so I told him the story about the bilingual freakout that was going on in the theater joint immediate response to the reaction of petunias audience was a 4 letter word which is the broadcast book. So that made me laugh Actually I said Oh Ok neat if that's your advice junkie said yes it was a great help anyway he said you need a drink and he was right so I went into the sitting room I was. A very nice glass of red wine and there was this music going on in the background then they started giving out lyric sheets so I thought was a bit funny why not we were all in a good mood. Through I looked at this and it was. His. This is the ice you know we were all singing it together. And little did I know maybe the others knew we were being recorded So this turned out to be part of the Give Peace a Chance recording. Oh . Thank you. Under Perry tells us how he came to record give peace a chance I had produced 2 of the most famous recording and French Canada I recorded with what a 4 track machine the size of half of a refrigerator you know and very heavy and one we arrive there I saw right away that it was almost impossible to do a proper recording it was so much noise people were banging on all kinds of stuff they were banging on doors song ashtrays there was all the hippies up one side you know the christian those who are there they are a Christian out with their bells there were people that were banging all beat I made it was a chaos Yeah and there was like Tommy small listen to Leader Reid and Dick Gregory and old people sort of clapping along and singing on the chorus and if you hear the record is funny actually because my rhythm sense is always been a bit wild and half way through it when I go on the on be in sort of a back beat and it was hard because all that was known musicians playing along with us and then I played it back of course it was terrible I begin a drummer I said Ok I'm going to give it back to being this kind of film so I waved and I picked up my garbage bag which was made of rubber and the kind of foam thumb that you hear throughout the recording comes from that. You listen to it and he flicked it he says that sob salutes me and credible. Record a song called Remember love with Yoko beautiful eyes and I live this moment where we were together the 3 of us for all for 4 hours they were sitting on the floor and from a bed and I was right there very close miking them they had just gotten married they were deeply in love and he went to bed you know kids than a hug and I said well I'm going to leave if you can call me by then don't moment you can say it was a wonderful experience. Well known here was. The story of the Montreal bit is still resonating today earlier this year an all female singing group. Or ma chorus took part in an exhibition at Montrose by foundation in which they did their own take on give peace a chance. To . Make an artistic director of I didn't arrangement and I was really struck in the video footage of the original how collective the video was people's voices coming in everybody singing along this effort and everybody's joining in everybody's singing and and it doesn't matter if you're exactly on pitch it's just his idea of singing collectively and so I started with everybody's talking about me layered it in lots and lots of different ways to get that idea of everybody gathering together and then we all sort of came together for the chorus and that included the audience to have them being really involved in this process as well for this program we invited them to the actual bedroom to tell us what it is about the song and. Which they hold so special Oh it's a great example of the kind of activism that John and Yoko were involved in Seeger Katie Russell for women's choir we really appreciated the opportunity to camera. Role in that peace movement and it was very interesting to recreate the energy that they had back in 1969 we dressed up as Bohemian revolutionaries and let our hair down so that's always fun to dress up and there was a lot of energy in the room and there was a huge picture of John and Yoko We were shouting out stuff like climate change and black lives matter issues that where very concerned about today and they gave us sort of a way of bringing all these issues together it's my 1st time visiting the suite it's very exciting for me it's really cool to see the view above the bed because you've got the lettering of hair piece and bad piece but then through that you see the cityscape and that to me is a really sort of magical spot in the room there's some wall paneling behind us the lyrics of all we are saying is give peace a chance is just sort of subtly and laid bare and so you don't notice it at 1st but once you take a closer look it jumps out at you and it's really nice. The thing that strikes me is to what extent that it resonates with so many people but I think it's because the message is one that is so actual and important today and we all are hoping. There's going to be a peaceful solution to the world problems and all of us remembering that event makes it all the more important people were invested in this and the Years later remember it like it had. Yesterday. Giving peace a chance was presented by me Francine Jones and was made in Manchester production for the b.b.c. World Service. Scandals surprises wars of words it's not your favorite t.v. Drama this is real life and is major news unfolds Morning Edition moves faster to break it all down to give you context and help you understand what's happening in politics and when you need a break we take a break with stories on science and art and even some humor claims his roommate. Listen every day from n.p.r. News. Mornings from 5 to 9. This is Connecticut Public Radio p.r. And w. N.p.r. . At 90.5. 88.5. 1.3. 4. 2 2 Hello welcome this is New Year's Day Coming to you live from London b.b.c. World Service and Laurence Pollard. Our top story the House of Representatives wants sanctions on China over the program of mass incarceration China would say reeducation aimed at the weaker Muslim minority. And there is. The move to Beijing a lot but what difference can the overwhelming vote make our business story is related to China is considering a backlash on the u.s. Tech companies NATO leaders are going to spend 3 hours trying not to disagree at a summit meeting today and one.

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