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Our lives from here Radio players are broke Greg has a low rent and my car musical director Mike Elizondo leads our house band with Chris Bruce Matt Chamberlain Alex Hargraves Sean Martin Kelly live from here supported by one drop providing a new way to manage diabetes that can help lower your blood sugars from just one at Wal-Mart Apple stores get one drop dot com. And buy Lowenstein Sandler l l p a leading law firm with a deep commitment to the tech startup and growth company community to learn about their event series for the tech and venture community venture crush dot com. And buy new monitoring a personalized weight loss program that uses psychology and small goals to help lose weight and keep it off for good learn more at Noma n o m dot com. Live from here it's produced by American Public Media. When. You're. Poor poor poor. Poor. Poor poor. When. The. That was the 1st minute and a half of Philip Glass's metamorphosis or as I like to call it let's get the party started I. Was of course inspired by Kafka's Metamorphosis which is something I've been thinking a lot about this week the city has transformed as it does every December New York has donned its holiday sweater and unlike human holiday sweaters It's quite flattering. The family and I went downtown this past Sunday in the financial district was positively brimming with holiday cheer strings of light all up and down Broad Street menorahs and manger scenes and shop windows and outside the New York Stock Exchange a massive fully decorated Christmas tree financed I believe by the carried interest loophole. Of course it's not just New York everywhere you go the holidays cut through the political turmoil to light up cities and towns all over America and the world it's like if Kafka had been a happy person. Now why should stringing up some lights make us feel so much more deeply connected I guess somehow it doesn't just change the way our towns look it changes us it invites us to become kinder gentler beings who wear the love we have in our hearts on our sleeves in the form of caroling expedition gift giving and wearing prosthetic and marched to work. This annual metamorphosis serves as proof to me that we're capable of changing however temporarily for the greater good . And if we can do it for a month who's to say we couldn't do forever. In . The streets chance to move. From Home. His son. His son along to some of. If a great show for you tonight 1st hit me in the me here in the carry on. In. Piers they should. Step. Back. From. His They still. See them. At the county fair. Shouting his men. And those aside. From a. Copy of a shilling. To. Come home. Let me. Say. Good to see. You know the mic you know. Took in so. What since that his. Visions of. Long. Got to be. One to be. Quite full of. The. Good they still have been. Caught up in these and me knowing they found. In the. Can we welcome to the stage Miss Monica Martin everybody in the. Afternoon. On the message. I guess to see. Hockey stick I think told. It's time you. Took me. To her. First the. Loser in full play. Caught sing the songs don't come to. Terms with the. Blues it is both of us live all. Those we saw this thing not me so I talked to sue the school board and if it sounds we should talk. To both. Of new. Blood to. Her. This is. You. This episode of why I'm here is sponsored in part by the midlife crisis hotline. Are you a male between the ages of 45 and 55 and think about doing something stupid like purchasing a new motorcycle or growing a ponytail Those are both sound pretty lip. Are you seriously considering taking your kid's college savings and investing in your buddies bitcoin mining business he said it's the new cold. Do you find yourself becoming more comfortable wearing tube socks with crocs in public what's the big deal I'm just going to the mailbox and probably Home Depot. If you answered yes to any or all of these questions call the midlife crisis hotline dial 18 stop me. Crisis counselors are standing by to stop you from making things worse I think the 22 year old who makes my coffee in the morning is flirting with me. No she's not. The way they do here plugs today no one can tell yes they have. You know what's going to help my arms look totally ripped a tattoo of some barbed wire. But don't worry help is arrive dial 18 stop me and let one of our experience crisis counselors give you a clear vision of what's really happening what is happening you're dying what. But not right away you just have to get used to being acting a little older I am thinking about wearing a cardigan There you go with some easy or other midlife crisis hotline helping out save you from you. Thank. a song that knows the city will always be changing no one can make a post-apocalyptic hell scape sound quite as whimsical as Mr David Byrne with help from Maggie Rodgers and both pack hears nothing but flowers by the talking heads. Ily. Kook. Through. How. Much closer to. Her. This is an outrage the guy is clearly guilty we have to go through due process we've been here for 3 days we've been through all the evidence what more do you need and you just don't know if you did it you know I mean why would someone do something like that can I just speak for myself. I'll take that as a no this isn't some joke pal this is a condo association and. The rules clearly state that you may not speak on your own behead right all I wanted to say is that I'm happy to just take the bird feeder down you think it's that easy do. You just break the bird feeder rule and then you say take it down well I'm not going to let you get away with it Birdman. What did I tell you about these people they're no good I mean these people letters. I'm just house sitting for my sister I thought would be nice to hang a bird feeder for when she got back from her trip if she comes back watch Why wouldn't she come back well I called the Department of Homeland Security this morning and I put her on the no fly list. She is not going anywhere until we figure out what is going on. I told you I know how I'm here because I rented my room in Brooklyn I. Just found your execution order bad you never see air b.n. B. The rich people and this crazy. You all are taking this whole condo association thing a little too serious oh that didn't lock him in the back story it's we can't somebody filled it to the brim with blue apron bucks and. Then we're just going to have to send him back to Brooklyn where he came from before he turns the whole place into a couch surfing sanctuary city. You know what I already broken. More rules. Yeah I locked my bike up in the lobby of the cube I didn't separate all the recycling because I'd been eating tuna fish for 3 days straight and didn't feel like washing out all the can. I use the service elevator was because I had a date over and we thought it'd be fun to make out in the one place that isn't crawling with security cameras there are actually security cameras in there I watched it you're a pretty good kisser. But what I'm saying is maybe if you all stopped worrying so much about other people breaking the rules and started worrying about whether the rules are there to help everyone maybe this would actually be a good place to live you know I will remind you all of our ancestors were house sitters at some point. But what do we do if we don't have anything to worry about this condo association is all I have. That's pretty pathetic. You know maybe he's right when I got into the condo association I thought it was because we share some common values but we've gotten so focused on enforcing the rules then we sort of you know kind of place we want to live in the 1st place. I mean I divorced my husband because he wouldn't pay the association feet. But I don't miss him look. I apologize for the bird feeder and I will take it down. Can you one time me now oh yeah. Thanks and I don't know what you guys are up to tonight but I'm thinking about having a few people over know that. Thank. You Julie this is the house it was comedian Chris Hill sir thank you so much for being here it's real pleasure thanks for having me so you're a comedian but I just found out you're also a published author of a new book that came out last month called lose Well yeah. A huge deal that must be to have been here this I have heard of it. So well read audience very well what's the what's the book about well it's funny because you did say you know it's very nice you and it is some reflection of success to post a book the book is actually all about failure though it's not about success about how much I love failure I really enjoy failure I think it's very useful and especially as a creative person if you want to get anything done you can't avoid failure can't sit around scared thinking I shouldn't try this because I might fail at any time I've met with success it has been merged over and over again with extreme failure I know that for me my biggest break in my early days I don't work in 10 years a comedian I cast as the lead on a sitcom and they told me it was like fancy they told me if I got picked up long term I'd make 2200000 dollars a day got picked up there was a New York Times they sent me out on this big pressure get one that was very fancy clothes they sent a card in my house and I went to leave my house and the the door knob it broke off in my hand and I was looking and I couldn't understand what had happened I didn't I couldn't figure out to put it back on but I was running late at this point in the car the driver kept calling me so I climbed up on my fire ski and then I couldn't figure out how to get the ladder to go down so I had to jump into a big pile of garbage bags. And that's what success often looks like a. Good god you didn't seem to be doing better Chris Cuffe 3rd thank you thank you thank you. Thank you thank you. a segment we call. Not my call you there Tom I'm here Chris hello New York. On behalf of Live From here I continue my journey across the country shining a light on all the good people in America this week I was on my way to Spokane Washington when mechanical problems grounded me at Chicago's O'Hare Airport it was wasn't much of a surprise as winter is smack down the upper Midwest with the cold intensity of an Iron Hammer the airport makes a real decorating effort during the holidays with everything from great displays of Lights up to the ceiling all the way down to a single strand of Garland in the darkest part of baggage claim and when you move through it all with your family on your way to see loved ones it truly gives you an uplifting feeling but when you're stuck there alone toher and weary wondering if your plane will ever take off the Christmas decorations actually have the opposite effect they seem to come together and spell out what a lonely loser you are. Then the Christmas carols kick in and suddenly become the saddest songs ever written being Crosby was playing over the loudspeaker slowly torturing us with all be home for Christmas well I'm not. At home being none of us are home we're stranded in Terminal 5 and the man across from me just took off his shoes and his rubbing his feet. People were getting angry there were business men and wrinkled suits and sad crumpled ties eating chex mix with their newspaper stained fingers a business woman who thought the trip would be short enough to endure wearing tight high heels tossed them right in the trash and the toddler ran screaming down the hallway like Mel Gibson in Braveheart as if he was trying to lead us all away from this hellish place. A poor maintenance man faced with the hard world of the late afternoon men's room took a deep breath and went in with his car to never be seen or heard from again. But the unhappiest of all was the poor gave its attendant working behind the counter there she stood dutifully at her post as a representative of the airline with a name tag that read Debbie but might as well have said punch me in the face. A line of angry people queued up to scream at this sweet looking woman wearing reindeer and players as if she was responsible for everything that had gone wrong in their lives up till now. Why do people think that a gate attendant has control over the airline or the plane or the weather if she was actually that powerful Would she really be wearing a polyester uniform. And what does yelling at her accomplish other than letting everyone else know that you are horrible person. But she stood her ground I heard her say to one blow hard you'll never fly this airline again honey if that means you'll go away that's just fine with me. I couldn't take the tension and I decided to shove my way into the airport bar that was more crowded than the c. Train at rush hour. I squeezed onto a stool with 2 between 2 giant men who were sitting there like bears in Green Bay Packers jerseys they were using the stool between them for that extra space that lets everyone know they may be friends but they're very very straight. I ordered a beer on tap raise the glass to them and said Go bears they didn't laugh. Their names were Bob and Bill and they were on their way to see the Packers at Lambeau Field they work together at the Ford auto plant in upper Illinois it's a good job Bob said but every day the robots are doing more and more that's why we're here robots can't drink beer. Have you ever thought you were being attacked by a furry reindeer only to realize it was your gate attendant climbing over you to order a drink. I have. It was Debbie the gate attendant. Leaning in for a shot of tequila. When I said hello she snapped back at me I don't have any new information and. I tried to let her know I was friendly and didn't mean any harm I'm sorry she said I just had to get out of there for a minute but don't say anything if they see me and hear I could lose my job which at this point would be just fine with me. I introduced her to Bob and Bill it turns out she's a Packers fan too they joked about taking her with them to Green Bay for the weekend she said let's do it my husband wouldn't even notice I've been married so long you probably think I'm in the bathroom the whole time. She said you can't wait for the holidays to be over Bill said Come on it's Christmas didn't you love it when you were a kid yeah but when you're a kid all you have to do is eat cookies and show up Christmas morning Bill said that's all I do now. Nat King Cole's Silent Night started to play over the. Speaker Debbie cried out not this one again this song is going to send me to the loony bin if I don't hear this song again in my life that would be just fine with me everyone laughed and then fell quiet silent night took over the bar I don't know if it was the alcohol or the company but for a moment we all start to feel just a little better until Debbie got an alert on the phone and said she had to go I stood up to follow or to the gate. Not you honey your flights cancelled. You're not going anywhere and I. Put his arm around me and asked Have you ever gotten stranded in Chicago and had to spend the night on an airport floor you're going to. I ordered another round for the boys and I never did make it to Spokane and that was just fine with me until next time this has been time pop out in America. Thank you. Thank. You Thank You. Thank you thank you thank you. Thank. You. Wow. Oh. Oh. Now. Oh. Yes. How. To slow. Down. Life from here supported by t. Rowe Price offering a strategic investing approach that examines investment opportunities 1st hand institutions advisers employers and individuals choose Tina Rowe Price Price invest with confidence. And by noon offering a personalized weight loss program based on a cognitive behavioral approach with the goal of losing weight and keeping it off for good learn more at noon and o m dot com. And by the United States Postal Service offering a holiday postage stamps for purchase a checkout at more than $40000.00 participating supermarkets drugstores office suppliers and wholesale clubs. And buy one drop a new way to manage diabetes with supplies delivered to your door and personal health coaching one drop can help lower blood sugars in just one month at Wal-Mart Apple stores and get one drop dot com. And by page had nation you can learn to play mandolin guitar fiddle and other acoustic instruments with video courses that paid head Nation dot com No matter your musical skill level pick head nation has lessons for you instructor and sign up information at Page had Nation. Com slash lot of. Tickets sign up for our newsletter listen to past episodes and watch favorite video clips at live from here dot org The best place to stay up to date with all the fun we have planned for this fall with guests like Sarah paralysis pixies or Maria Bamford Crooked Still you can also check out the season schedule and more at live from here not. Live from here is produced by American Public Media. Today is a great day to become a member of Connecticut Public Radio and it's easy just visit w. Npr dot org and click don't I support comes from the Mattituck museum just off the green in Waterbury celebrate the holidays with a mad at Rosehill for a family what are fast visit with Sat our create what are themed crafts and much more December 7th that museum dot org. The young guitarist on this week's from the top fled Iran at the age of 15 to avoid religious persecution then and during the trials of life as a refugee in Turkey by playing his guitar every single day now living in Las Vegas East thriving and quickly becoming a local superstar hear his story on this week's from the top hope you can join us tonight at 11. In New England the weather is always changing listen for weather forecast for meteorologist Garrett or G.M.'s during Morning Edition and All Things Considered support comes from say brick home and Mystic Seaport Museum This is Connecticut Public Radio w n.p.r. And w n.p.r. H.t. One merit and at $90.00 to be p.k. T. In to be p.k. t h d One Norwich at $89.00. F.m. Stamford at $88.00. Southampton at 91.3 m. W. In the war. Welcome back you're listening to Live from here from the town hall. In my wildest dreams you will notice there has not yet been a song of the week it's Ok if you have it it's totally Ok so also in my wildest dreams you'll have remembered that there was this song of the week right around this time last week that was the 1st one from rather daemonic triptych. That was commissioned by Carmen Carnegie Hall they asked me to write something for for the mandolin and and and for voice which worked out really nicely because that's kind of what I do. So I've been thinking a lot about the about the Screwtape Letters for whatever reason the Screwtape Letters a bit of a bit of Christian apologetics for Mr c.s. Lewis that I was allowed to read as a young Christian boy and. The device is an older demon talking to a younger demon about how to corrupt the soul I started thinking about what those demons might be what tactics those demons might be using to corrupt our souls these days our 1st the 1st installment was. Was a demon talking to a religious zealot trying to actually actually get him via increasing his zealotry and in this one we have a our. We have a newly. Discovered religious zealot Maybe something along those lines and this is the ministering to capitalize on that term the self-righteousness of the recently discovered. This is part 2 of salt in the wounds of the earth. READY READY RINGBACK.

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