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Through his music for 40 years we'll pay tribute to Tom Petty this week by revisiting our interview with him from 2003 and discussing his music and legacy that's this week on Sound Opinions. Good evening I'm Kiowa wealth that's 9 o'clock the Dinner Party Download is next. Welcome to the Dinner Party Download the Arts and Leisure section of public radio I'm Brendan Francis Newnam I am Rico Gagliano And today we've got something special for you are all t.v. Episodes yes featuring conversations with the likes of Emmy winner Viola Davis and Emmy winner Ru Paul who has a special dessert for dinner guests who don't like his menu choices you can have a nice glass of ice water cold yes both senses of the word Also coming up after America for Aaron explains why she returned to t.v. After a 4 year hiatus and Thomas Middleditch of h.b.o. Silicon Valley muses on his nerd range and nerd rage but 1st it's that time of year ice cream awareness we know it's time to support public radio not a solicitous just as essential indeed we make dozens of new episodes a year folks as do the people behind all the shows you hear on the station and your support helps make it possible support from you specifically we are breaking the 4th wall of radio Here's some radio superstars to tell you how to get live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Janine Herbst hurricane warnings are up for parts of the u.s. Gulf Coast and the mayor of New Orleans has issued evacuation orders for parts of that city as a tropical storm Nate heads to the area it's expected to make landfall somewhere between Louisiana and the Florida Panhandle this weekend as a hurricane N.P.R.'s Debbie Elliott reports as Nate moves rapidly northward over the Gulf of Mexico residents are rushing to be ready Forecasters say conditions will deteriorate late Saturday and Nate is likely to make landfall overnight New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu So given that challenge I mentioned joining a mandatory curfew that will begin Saturday evening at 6 o'clock pm and ending Sunday morning coastal and low lying areas are being evacuated in Alabama Mississippi and Louisiana weekend events have been canceled and ports and harbors are securing vassals. Nade is expected to produce damaging winds flash floods and significant coastal storm surge Debbie Elliott n.p.r. News Orange Beach Alabama and at least $21.00 deaths in Central America are being blamed on the storm police in Los Vegas continue to search for the motive in the massacre last Sunday that left $59.00 people including the shooter dead authorities say they believe he was alone in the hotel room and as N.P.R.'s Sarah McCammon reports they're investigating the shooter's life from birth to death authorities say they're looking at the shooters in every aspect of his life his economic situation the people he knew any potential for radicalization which they say so far there's no evidence of a terrorism link but they are looking at that and they also say they're keenly interested in his mental health N.P.R.'s Sarah McCammon reporting Florida Senator Bill Nelson is criticizing the trumpet ministration for its slow response in bringing aid to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria N.P.R.'s Greg Allen reports the Democrat from a state with more than a 1000000 Puerto Rican is also slamming the administration for preventing members of Congress from visiting the island Senator Nelson credits a military operation directed by Army General Jeffrey Buchanan for kick starting the relief operation in Puerto Rico but not until week after Hurricane Maria devastated the island now also and also is critical the troubled ministration for repeatedly did not request by congressional delegations known as ko Dels to visit hard hit areas in Puerto Rico I had a codel going a few days ago that was canceled I had a codel go one day after to morrow that was canceled because they don't want me to go and see the parts of the island where they're still hurting Nelson says a theme official told him this week there are mountain communities in Puerto Rico where the agency still has not made contact Greg Allen n.p.r. News Miami all straight ahead of the day in mixed territory the Dow down one point at 22773 the Nasdaq up 4 points at 6590 the s. And p. 500 down 2 You're listening to n.p.r. News from Washington. 4 u.s. Soldiers were killed this week the Pentagon announced today they were part of a joint u.s. a New shared train advise and assist mission officials say the soldiers died Wednesday in southwest Nisha as a result of hostile fire while on a reconnaissance patrol they were assigned to the 3rd Special Forces Group port Bragg North Carolina the incident is under investigation comedian Ralphie May has died according to his publicist he had been battling pneumonia N.P.R.'s Elizabeth Blair reports he died of cardiac arrest in Las Vegas at the age of 45 nothing was off limits for the edge larger than life Raffi Maine including his southern roots I mean I'm real Southern I mean I've read Southern I was born in Tennessee raised in Arkansas go to Texas when I was 18 I'm a home cousin. Females raunchy tales turned his life specials into hits for Netflix Comedy Central and Showtime he 1st got hooked on comedy when he performed at a church conference when he was 13 May did several tours with the u.s.o. Performing for troops in war zones among the many comedians paying tribute to Ralphie May Larry the Cable Guy writes Thanks for your kindness Ralphie Elizabeth Blair n.p.r. News the number of Americans filing for 1st time unemployment jobless benefits fell last week the Labor Department says claims dropped 120028 seasonally adjusted 260000 government's monthly jobs report and crude oil prices are lower today down nearly 3 percent of 49 dollars 29 cents a barrel I'm Janine Herbst n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from the John d. And Catherine t. MacArthur Foundation supporting creative people and effective institutions committed to building a more just verdant and peaceful world more information is that Mack found dot org and the listeners who support this n.p.r. Station. Brendan Francis Newnam Rico Gagliano Welcome to the Dinner Party Download your audio Atlas to the best in arts and culture we are so pleased to have your guests and welcome to our special all t.v. Episode featuring our favorite conversations with stars of the small screen can we actually say small screen or t.v. Is a pretty big no like literally and culturally true I don't know stars of the indeterminate size screen isn't as catchy true but what better way to kick things off then with some wisdom from Violet Davis It is not a stretch to say she is one of the most celebrated actors working today she won 2 Tonys and earned to ask her nominations for the film's doubt and the help plus just around things out she became the 1st black woman to win an Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a drama for her starring role on Shonda Rhimes t.v. Show how to get away with murder Davis plays Anneliese Keating a tough as nails professor and criminal defense lawyer when we spoke last year I asked what made her excited about t.v. Work I just feel like I'm a part of this renaissance with how people are seeing women of color especially that playing. Is giving people a different viewpoint into the pathology of women of color which is that we're just as vast just as messy just as beautiful maybe just as dynamic as anyone else because people don't realize that Jim Crow laws over segregation is pretty much over so is slavery but what's left is a perception mindset you can't gauge that but in just being a part of the land you changing people's perception you're forcing them to come into a world where there's someone who you may not necessarily have thought of in that way I love that because. That's exactly why I became an artist. It's exactly. The one and only Viola Davis kicking off this special all t.v. Episode later this hour you'll hear from other guests who are changing people's perceptions from the queen of drag queens Ru Paul to America for a superstar of superstore But 1st let's meet a super nerd self-proclaimed that is no judgment Thomas Middleditch earned an Emmy nomination for playing Richard Hendricks the hero of the h.b.o. Comedy series Silicon Valley Richard is a shy computer genius who invents the greatest data compressor ever but in the weird cutthroat world of Silicon Valley can't quite seem to earn the billions he deserves from it he also doesn't do so well with the ladies here's a clip in which he loses a girlfriend because he doesn't like the way she uses space keys when she codes I just I just don't understand what you want to just spaces over tabs like if it's all the same one I just use taps because it could look different on other people's computers tends to create smaller file sizes Alright I run a compression company Trust me I've devoted my life to minimalizing file size it's what I do and I do not get why anyone would use spaces over tabs I mean why not just use of him over even x. And you. God help us when recommit up with Thomas this past spring to talk about the show and all things nerdy he welcomed him like this and it is a pleasure to have you sir it is a displeasure to be here that's terrible like they come in super agro great Ok fine interviews over Ok Iris in my previous statements and say it is a total bummer to be here what. A good step do these jokes how do I approach from this into my actual questions with a solid hey here's the 1st question here we go so are we going to do that sound effect their peer peer peer peer peer for. Course. It's going to suddenly sound like top 40 Yeah isn't that what n.p.r. Has to do now to stay afloat Yeah just more air horn here we go it's fun for. You have really come to be identified with this character of Richard how much is he like you oh well I was going to say something very cliche that most actors say about this kind of thing there's probably an element of me in just about any character I've I've ever played and will ever play including when I finally play Hamlet Hamlet a serial killer version of Hamlet set in 1900 London all my family you know I don't I hope that's not true I hope you're not a depressed maniac if that's what you're saying well. It's true every kind actually there's only well there's 3 technically with the edge but it's not. I'm not a hopefully not identical like Richard I think it would be a very socially crippling way to live but yeah I mean I've had my experience with nerdy miss and that type that is a programmer type I've been to and hosted many a Lan Party local area network party that's when you get a bunch of people together and you play games over Yeah and that work you create Yeah you physically connect your computer. It's a little sexy Yes a little sublimated So you're thinking there weren't any girls at those things you'd be 100 percent correct server and you're so you were kind of a d.m.d. Player I think in your you know yeah the Venn diagram is almost a complete circle of minor genius I did want to ask you actually what character did you playing Dungeons and Dragons for those who don't know the roleplaying game set in a fantasy world of dragons and dungeons Yes it's true I kind of like those Wizard types or wizard really me some magic and some spells but do you do you miss I mean things like Did you like all of this stuff is cool now being into donors and Dragons being into coding Yeah being into popular culture even in this way is now mainstream Yeah you may. The time when it was a subculture a real struggle man you've talked to the right guy about that about the sort of yeah I mean or maybe the wrong guy because I might get too angry. Well I mean I do not enjoy being part of this loser club that was like all you have to be ultimately uncool to be a part of this but I think what's happened is that larger entities whatever studios they realize that you can make a ton of money off of it and so I'm relatively new to Comic-Con I never really went there but I've been going for the past few years and it's essentially people lining up to watch promotional material and that rabid fandom that just says to anyone peddling their wares like I'll buy it as long as it's in the wheel house I think kind dilutes in a way I've also experienced a pretty negative aspect of this nerd culture it's like now we're now we're on top and we don't have to take any more crap anymore and in fact if you're not on board we're going to be a pretty angry with you know and it's just sort of like did we learn nothing yeah we were we were beaten up all the time now we have to beat up yeah did we learn nothing I just reminds me that we're all human it's not like nerds or the special sensitive breed is just we're just human beings that like to different things but in the end we're just dark little chimps with suits on. Dragging our butts along the ground thrown banana peels everybody in a way that's kind of what the show is about right. You know not about the chimp part but the idea that these are the awkward antisocial guys in a lot of ways but they just happen to be around at a point where they could become the owners of the world they could become a billionaire true I mean you know it's I think now having encountered a lot of these people like the super bright programmer types what I've noticed is that they've kind of got this burden of intelligence that they have to deal with I mean they are hyper smart and I think it comes potentially at a price. It's sociability potentially but also it's you know if you had to talk if you had to carry on a conversation with an aunt all day it's it's tiring I think everybody is on some level intellectually beneath Yeah and I don't even think they approach the situation as a lot of judgment I have conversations of them and they're not like a dummy it's just they're racing at 300 miles an hour and I'm at 80 and totally comfortable with being at the beach I know that they spend a lot of time on the set of your show trying to get the you know the math right there's a guy from Stanford that apparently checks all the equations yeah have you actually processed any of this stuff and become you know smarter Can you code much better now than you did when you started that I have no need to make any more websites thankfully what's one more interesting I want to actually have a higher degree of interest in is the investor side of it all you know the business well yeah it's like you get a little bit of pocket change by being on t.v. Show and I was going to go do something with it but this is kind of unique in that through the show I have direct access to Silicon Valley and various v C's and funds and angel investors and all kinds Are you Ok you actually like getting advice on investing here and there I mean it's a steep learning curve but it's been interesting what kind of things you're interested investor Well one was aviation just because I've always been like a big flight nerd and I've got. A real you know I think there's room for innovation in general aviation and then also commercial aviation you know a supersonic start up that's kind of like the Concorde $2.00 that just got funded it is taking off. And there's a another company called right Electric who are trying to do short haul commercial flights with a completely electric drive train power train all right I am sure. I mean radio Yeah and I'm kind of like an ant right now. Yeah I can but I want to squash but listen we have a question we ask everyone on the show you've kind of already answered it. But I'll pose it to you anyway tell us something we don't know. Which could be about anything a piece of trivia Well I did told you I'm investing I worked at one point here's a fun fact I worked as an entertainer with 2nd City on our cruise line school there we can cruise lines has a deal with 2nd City where if you go on some of their mainstay ships you'll see 2nd silly 2nd sillies comedy show review and at one point I was a player on there I think this this is more it's not necessarily my favorite memory because that's probably for a podcast and not public radio if you know what I'm saying and I gosh but one thing I thought was kind of funny and very indicative of me so we for the 1st half of the cruise ship we put it out of New York City and went to like Bermuda Norwegian Cruise Lines private island it sounds like it was kind of like you know those Sunday cartoons where it's just like a mound of sand with a coconut tree and it was that plus a bar so that was kind of like a summer vacation vibe and since it was pouring out of New York we got to like Jersey Bronx Queens folk and they're all very nice and you were anonymous until you did the show and then they'd recognize you and they'd be like are Circuit City let me buy your shack unbelievable this guy when you get to be honest and I'm believable when you walk the walk but like it was dad and like very democracy it was pretty wild to Halfway through we switch up the crews It's the fall tour to watch the leaves change and we got to like Bar Harbor New from land come back City and stuff and Everett most people are retiring yes they played Andrews Sisters on the p.a. Like part of our talk about. I mean it was a totally different thing and I like the 2nd one more because I was like this. You know if you haven't been and it feels classy The elder sisters makes anything glad it was a longer tour to see just you really get to soak it on I thought I thought you were going to say was and they change and it's fall and it's mostly retirees and they're like hey look at this guy come over here want to play is just it's just a legit. Exactly the same yes just all background from the movie Casino. And yeah. Yeah. Yeah Thomas Middleditch star of Silicon Valley intern 10 Emmy nominations this year including enough for best comedy series you know hearing Thomas talk about investing is pocket change now makes me feel like I should be doing something with all the loose dimes sitting in my old fresh air May Well Brendan your timing is excellent because our friends at this station are asking for donations in any amount although ideally one that he was at least a few dollars would be nice I mean it's a pretty big bug I thought about whether it's weird to donate to my station you know is it like a snake eating itself and I've decided conclusively that it is not gray hairs so many shows not named The Dinner Party Download that I learned from bringing me news programming economic updates unbiased political coverage I really value all of the stuff people what is all that stuff worth to you if you value shows like this one please consider supporting this station as a side benefit you'll keep public radio mornings you style air horn free sorry one just for kicks. Ok got that out of my system make you here's some nice people to tell you how to give Here's a great way to give 180-584-2788 you can also go online to w npr dot org And joining a joy enjoying rather the Dinner Party Download with you I'm Ray Hartman here with Katie to Marcy and you know the Dinner Party Download just perfect for Friday night you know that the end of the week you want to blow off a little bit of steam you've got this great sort of new show The Dinner Party Download talking about all things culture food entertainment bringing on some amazing guests and just so you know if you've been listening for a while it does take a little bit of money to bring you this programming that's why we're here asking you to become a member of this public radio station we can't continue to bring you great programs like these without your support so if you have 2 minutes right now you. Miss a 2nd of the show call us 180584278 that's right 180-584-2788 is the number to call other some great celebrity guests today they were hearing from Viola Davis Ru Paul Jane Fonda coming up really exciting to hear from I always love celebrity interviews I know it's like a secret sort of just just let your mind go yes yes exactly on celebrity and so it's a great thing Dinner Party Download brings you. As Ray said you know it's a great weekend show and it's part of a slate of really great weekend shows that w. N.p.r. Offers you we've had some changes recently as Car Talk has gone off the air we're bringing on it's been a minute with Sam Sanders as more of a newsies show but really great host Sam Sanders who's who is part of the N.P.R.'s political pod cast So again we're making some changes we're thinking about our audience thinking about what your what you like to listen to what making some changes what might you want to try out so as always give us feedback 180584278 is the number to call to support programs like The Dinner Party Party Download or anything else that you're hearing throughout the week again 180584278 Now if you've never done it before let me tell you it's really simple you can call that number 180-584-2788 you'll talk to a very friendly phone volunteer and they'll get all of your important information down and you become a member in good standing bring your credit card to the phone it makes you an instant member you can also do this online at w npr dot org And again we've made this fast easy and secure for you online as well I tell you what here's something if you're just kind of feeling around to see how much might cost what the you know here's a great item that we can send you as a way of saying thank you at a suggested gift level of $8.00 a month this is the w. N.p.r. Socks. This is a fun one that's right n.p.r. Socks it is a new item it is comb cotton socks fits anyone it has the w. N.p.r. Logo with microphones in between when I was a kid my my dad or my grandfather had Santa Claus socks and I thought that was so cool this is kind of like Santa Claus socks a 6 up it's got the w. N.p.r. Logo on it so for a gift of $8.00 you can send this as a gift to somebody get yourself w. N.p.r. Socks $8.00 a month is going to pay for a lot of programming here so call us with a pledge of support 180-584-2788 that's right apparently funky socks are sort of hip right now I like murder I've read something around find out exactly how this is just so you can be on trend with this I would just think right 105842780. Many thank you waves at w. N.p.r. O.-r. G. This is our fall membership campaign we appreciate you supporting us at n.p.r. 10584278 supporting shows like The Dinner Party Download which we're going to get back to you in just a minute again stay tuned for Ru Paul Jane Fonda America Ferrera and call us 180-584-2788 or go online to w npr dot org And thank you so much for listening. Welcome back to the Dinner Party Download the Arts and Leisure section of public radio I'm Brendan Francis Newnam Rico Gagliano You're joining us in the midst of our special all t.v. Episode featuring great conversations with the folks behind this Golden Age of Television and a few folks from the Silver Age lever Coming up we drink the Jane Fonda's iconic video workout and America Ferrera explains why she's sick of watching movies about boys but 1st it's time for our weekly etiquette lesson and here's how Rico welcomed a very special etiquette expert this past spring each week you send in your questions about how to behave and here to answer them this week is rube hall not sure he needs an introduction. But suffice to say his probably the best known drag queen in the world and possibly known drag queen in the world I am the most famous drag queen in the history of the world so I was just about to say that Ok no go get it twisted possibly of all time possibly of all time there's more you've done more than just one greatest drag queen of all time possibly I don't understand you all right I'm going to finish up this league at least a slew of hit records is that true yeah you had it with Elton John Yeah last year you want an Emmy for hosting a competition show Ru Paul's Drag Race you're much easier on Brendan Nyhan season of that show debuts March well because I didn't say that he was probably and I'm overly Ababa possibly 9th season of The show debuts March 24th a v h one ripoff Yeah it's an honor to have you here oh I know you're the best known drag queen of all time yeah I think the the enemy you are the editor down and down with Republicans well. Actually let me ask you this if you asked I think the average person in the world to name one drag queen they would name you may be the late divine and they might be unable to name anyone else what do you think made you above all other drag queens a household name probably my breath. Which is marvelous By the way for radio land said the light you know I don't know if they'd be able to name divine most people are really dumb and I speak frankly most people don't remember anything and I actually I d.j. At a party last night for Planned Parenthood a benefit and I really thought people my age I'm 56 I thought people my age would come out it was from 7 to 11 not a late night yes and I brought a playlist that was really suited for them well the people who came were all children who watch our show children who could get into a nightclub the young people really like you they like the show but they don't know who divine is they don't know and that's that's one of the reasons our show ripples drag race is so important because we end up teaching them about divine I think one of the seasons we had a divine. Challenge where the kids dressed up as divine You know when I win my day we had mentors and it was your mentor I had several when I found I tried I had gay mentors who were 12 years older than me who taught me about Fellini Angela bank had and children Kaposi and all of the important things sort of all the cultural touch points that sort of undergird that move exactly but after the plague of the eighty's and those people moved away and the young people didn't have mentors so what's happened is our show is taking up the slack and yeah really taught a generation of kids about Grey Gardens the documentary and lots of things that they should know about what do you think is hardest actually that you that you end up teaching them the what's the hardest thing about drag that maybe the casual viewer the amateur performer doesn't realise well what they really don't realise is that the big message with Drag is not about being a woman it's a commentary and an act of social treason really to say you are not the body you think you are you're not what it says you are in your driver's license you are an extension of the power that created the whole universe we're not separate from one another we're one thing and that with that one thing we are is for lack of a better word I'm not religious for lack of a better word we like to use the word God That's what we are we're not playing dress up that's that's what drag is about we're mocking the ego we are mocking identity the concept of an a Dennehy I'm a Catholic white from Devor New Jersey whatever you know all those things throughout the ages dragons been that with Shaw men's or witch doctors or court jesters who remind you that you are more than what you think you are you are an extension of the power that created the whole universe don't forget it I feel empowered write your you should good I'm Guy My work is done here when I had to. Because actually we told our listeners they were coming in they submitted etiquette questions for you know that we want you to draw from that wisdom to help answer the question is are you ready All right this 1st one comes from David in New Orleans nolens David writes What's the protocol for addressing someone by their drag name as opposed to their name at birth you know it's not important nothing's really important you know when you are Ok. When you are a sweet sensitive soul on this planet what happens is there are these these stages of realization the 1st stage of realization that you been lied to that this whole world is really a hoax So initially you get angry and then you become bitter and you become cynical and then the next stage beyond that is where you don't take anything all that serious you can laugh about it so once a lot of people get stuck in the cynicism in the bitterness but if you're really an Ascended human you go on to the laughter and you're not taking everything to seriously so glad to know that's next for me exactly so in the laughter phase of this all of the pronouns and all that stuff is like what ever I know it doesn't matter it's not important you don't mind if they use your drag name or your name the birth it doesn't matter David I think of your answer and here's something from Rachel in San Francisco California Rachel Ray it's say you're hosting a dinner for a few friends you send out an e-mail to guests the day before with a menu that consists of say Greek chicken rice pilaf for cucumber salad and for dessert peanut butter pie then you receive a response from one of the guests that says Just so you know I don't like peanut butter How do you respond to that I I don't respond. I don't you know what your little things that you have going on inside of you know little pain about a problem now that I know my business. You know how to eat the peanut butter pot you can have a nice glass of ice water. There's on the top of your head you give them ice that's nice of you just give them water instead of people people are very particular you know was a generation of young people who grew up whose parents you know I guess they helicopter them and everything is so particular and so on but me me me but what about me what about my special needs to listen that's up to you and your life you know or your therapist. I mean you did this too I mean this next question comes from Iris. In Chicago that's a great name I always love the name Iris That is so Iris writes My brother came out of the closet last year and now has a boyfriend my family is 100 percent accepting of his sexuality and happy to welcome anyone he cares for into the family but they his brother and his boyfriend are very very affectionate to the point that it makes everyone uncomfortable who now we'd be uncomfortable if you were doing this with the woman but we feel like we can't say anything without coming off as homophobic their way to ask them to tone it down without making him question our acceptance Oh see you know this is the problem with that question is that she is worried about what he might say afterwards and that's in the future you if you if your phone you have to be stay in the now if your focus is what might happen down the road that's all ready a problem well you just come out and you say you know what I don't want to see that . I just don't care if a man or woman I think you know please I know I'm trying to eat I'm pretty my pain about. Delicious peanut butter but to live with the followed by a glass of ice water ice water do you want some ice water on your lap yesterday you guys are getting too close. You know in acting class there's this thing where you're taught about a phone conversation a phone conversation when there's another person in the room say you're standing over there and I'm talking to Rico on the phone Ok everything I'm doing on the phone talking to Rico is actually for your benefit they teach at an acting class so when people are doing that public display of affection it's not for them is actually for the other guy in the room and what if they say so or not whether they say so or not show it's important for the other people say listen I'm Auntie I got your number husky I don't what you're doing and you know what yeah I don't Iris I think you have your answer how does inspect come out and say it you it stand the No just in Rights What are your thoughts on bachelorette party and a kid at drag shows slash gay bars. Better check yourself before you Recchi oh so yeah you know this is them this important thing you know people who live in the mainstream in the status quo think that everyone else is there to serve them Ok so I'm brown skin gay man you know I do drag I feel early on I learned that I could do it well and make money so people are magically ask me about beauty tips and I get kids who write me and say Cause she could do my makeup for my problem or I was you could do my make up for my wedding I'm like I'm not a makeup artist I'm a it's a tank her Ok And so but the people don't know how to place in their consciousness they think you know you must be here to make me look good that's what gay guys are right you're an accessory for my straight life just because your limited view is that everyone's there to serve you and that you're the only person in the world yes I work that way but on the one hand the bachelorette party going to a gay bar in a way could expand their consciousness if they're going as a group of girls it's something you know traditionally it's not always but usually the Gomez group of girls as a way of let's go together let's go together so that they don't really have to go outside of their wheel house their tour and yeah you know it's not really saying you were fierce and I'm going to respect you for you Queen for who you are and it's like it's like you're there as a party clown So how did how do you how do you think they should express their appreciation and more respect for it if I owe Oh I can tell you in one word cash. Cash philosophy and it both. Cash and the money upfront girls do it here is something from Con in San Francisco here is a beautiful and sort of heartbreaking Question My husband recently passed away rights Conny he was just getting interested in drag when if ever is it appropriate to give his maker. Up and wigs away we have some friends whose car got broken into and all their drag stuff was stolen Is it weird for me to offer my husband's things to them will they feel compelled to accept it because I'm grieving what is the etiquette here I'm sorry to hear that about her husband you know life is you know that nobody gives us instruction books with life and handling grief and all of that stuff we have to unfortunately learn learn it on our own and this is less to do with the clothes it has more to do with holding on to the people that we love and those people we love and we that move on they stay in our hearts they're not in the things so it doesn't matter what you do you know. If you could throw him away on the way or offer to these people it sounds like you'd offer them up and say hey if you don't want these you can throw the most sure your we want to put this importance on things things are just things the things that really matter that stick are I'm going to get teary eyed when I can show that when I say this is the love that we give and the love that we are allow our selves to receive those are things that stick so things are important no and I mean we're sure. Recalled thanks for telling your audience how to behave Yeah yeah. There you have it the breakthrough Paul Mays and Rico I think there's an important takeaway from that conversation a lot of Which bit are you speaking have full roots suggested that showing appreciation for something you like like oh I don't know public radio is certainly welcome right do you appreciate us ladies and gentlemen you appreciate the unbelievably important news in conversation you can only hear on this station well Rupali has spoken yes you're listening right now so clearly you value public radio is your chance to show us how much these fine people will tell you how the number is 180-504-2788 I am Kate. Here with this fine person Ray Hartman asked you for your support during the Dinner Party Download this is our fall membership campaign another opportunity for us to come on the air and ask for you to support programs like this and all the programming on w. N.p.r. All of our news and information a local talk shows a local newscast all that you hear on w n.p.r. Support it now 180584278 this is our phone membership campaign and we are hoping to bring in as many new members as possible to renew memberships to bring everyone together to bring you this type of programming it doesn't it doesn't come free obviously and what we do is ask you to help defray some of that cost by becoming a member of this public radio station just in case you're not used to this whole public radio idea probably the 1st thing you noticed was on the Dinner Party Download there's no commercials I mean occasionally come in and you know give you the time and we get great help in the form of underwriting but really the biggest source of our funding here are people just like you who love this programming so much that they're willing to give maybe 10 or $1520.00 a month to help support it so won't you be that next person and let us know that the Dinner Party Download is something that you love 180-584-2788 when 805-042-7888 is l.l. Bean ball some wreaths season so for a gift of $12.00 a month get your hands on one or more $24.00 inch l beanball some wreaths a lot of people just get these every year support Public Radio and also get a great wreath for your home or maybe the home of someone that you love again you know all the things that come on these wreaths 4 pounds of greenery pine cones reindeer moss the right bright red bow all those great things so again this wreath l.l. Bean $12.00 a month 1805842. 788 is the number to call other Thank you items at w N.P.R.'s work yeah you did mention the folks you know that's an important part of a beautiful read they were real Maybe I want to show you where they were real I would stink up pretty quickly. But this is a great read a great item I send one to my mother and she'll take a picture of it and of course you know. She was in Florida and so you know there's palm trees and everything and then there's this the next winter central New England reef but she loves it and I know someone on your list would love it as well and you know what $12.00 a month is going to pay for a lot of programming here at w n p r that's why Katie and I are here asking you to become a member of this public radio station look one out of 10 people who listen regularly to public radio give during these membership campaigns we would love to make it 2 or even 3 out of 10 but we can't do that without your support so you're really doing something above and beyond I guess that's the point 180-584-2788 is the number to do that you can see all of our great thank you gifts and become a member securely of w.n. P.r. Dot org You know I'm a sucker for celebrity interviews so I love The Dinner Party Download coming up Jane Fonda and America Ferrera really we've heard from Ru Paul Violet Davis Thomas Middleditch from Silicon Valley which I love so again if you're a fan of this program if you're a fan of the other sort of more light hearted more storytelling interviewee we can programs call us let us know 180-584-2788 support the programming npr dot org How do we get all these famous people on our show it's a good connection and then they're like so fun and free and relaxed and everything and you know used and we're all stressed out here. But I got on this show I know I know I'm going to I'm going to volunteer to be out in turn or something on the Dinner Party Download we want you to enjoy the show but also get involved with us here at w n.p.r. Because without your support we can't continue to bring you programs. These we go into every fiscal year hoping we can make the difference up at 180-584-2788. Welcome back to. The show that gives you an edge in your weekend conversations. In which we. Make. This opportunity. To have a conversation that encompasses more people than just your choir but 1st time for. Once again we tell you something that happened in history and give you a fitting drink to serve along with it it's like history. But instead of a. Tiny part of. The pictures super blurry the history part of the way back in 1902 head. Factures the world over rejoice the video industry tells the tale some of the biggest trends of the eighty's were Thanks to Jane Fonda. At that point she already sex symbol fashion model she'd won 2 Academy Awards and big chunk of America by visiting the enemy during Vietnam there was just one real. Fitness. Ballet. But after breaking her foot she turned to a new exercise regimen. Soon she had her own studio and a best selling workout. So best selling it gave a guy named Stuart and I. Produced v.h.s. Video tapes about home improvement on these expensive new fangled can. Called video cassette recorders only about 5 percent of households even own one but Karl thought a video of Jane leaving in a row picks class might sell a few copies he was totally wrong. Jane Fonda's workout sold more like 17000000 copies to watch it people had to buy V.C.R.'s arguably launching the home video aerobics became a nationwide craze launching the fitness industry and chains workout uniform launched a neon colored spandex the legwarmers. Jane went on to appear in $29.00 more exercise videos including one at age 70. She was the 1st engineer ever inducted into the video Hall of Fame. So that was the history of the drink to serve I'm talking with. Here in Los Angeles the birthplace of Jane Fonda's workout. But this city is actually here that's not true this would be no place to exercise so you've heard the history what drink are you going to serve on with it we're going to drink since this is kind of the advent of you know video cassettes becoming more popular drink called a v.h.s. . Drink that's my acronym the v.h.s. So basically we're trying to get a somewhat healthy cocktail that you certainly shouldn't drink while you're working out but it might not be a vacuum. I could be in a clean spirit and then you know get some strawberries from a god and there to keep your levels pretty even instead of sugar so my best guess for a lime juice you know I've never heard a cocktail described as helpful Oh absolutely they're all healthful All right so let's watch this being made you're starting you've got lovely strawberries we're going to cut off. A little glass here. Add to that good sized bed leaves I'm assuming this is all going to get muddled up nice course at this point you could put this in a blender and pretend that you're just really introduces absolutely did a little bit of a god which is probably best sweetener you can use low glycemic index you know this is the most l.a. Drinks ever so far at least the way we're talking about it it's very l.a. And then from there we're going to add probably the least healthy but still until it's just a nice organic women vodka from a distillery in downtown l.a. And then also from the same distillery fruit labs organic had biscuits with some fresh lime juice about 3 quarter ounce of fresh 9 juice to offset the sweet a little shaky shake. Stream then into a nice fresh ice glass it's very lovely looking it's kind of reddish pink very tropical almost looking good Hughson do you care to try yes or no I'm just going to walk away all right I'm going to stop this. Oh man I love it yeah it's both sweet and tart it's got like some nice aromatics and they're. Coming from mostly the base the one thing is though like it should I think you have to serve this with more ice so the glass is sweating. The technically Jane Fonda's workout originated in Beverly Hills not Los Angeles we would want to deny Beverly their historic achievement that's right and I wanted to take the bartender over there but when I got to city limits they said my body fat index was too high and they would let me a beautiful people only over there but folks our website is open to all you'll find recipes for drinking eating their dinner party download. America forever is best known for starring as the homely office assistant with a heart in the a.b.c. Comedy Ugly Betty that. Role earned her an Emmy a Golden Globe and a Screen Actors Guild award she's also starred in a number of films including Real Women Have Curves and the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants title ever now as she is in her 3rd season starring in the n.b.c. Sitcom superstore in which she plays Amy do a young mom working at a big box store the show revolves around the misadventures of the staff in this scene Amy defends an offhand remark she made at a store wide diversity training Ok yes I should not have done that impression but I want to be clear that I was not even racist I was making a comment about racism. Personally I'm not a fan of racist comments no it's not what I was exaggerating on purpose to make a point parody she was making a joke about raises Yes what are racist jokes Ok again well Ok Did you hear the one about the Jewish bird you know what never mind America spent 4 years away from t.v. Before taking this role when we met I asked her what about a juror back they had already begun the casting process it was actually a little bit later in the pilot season and I was really excited not just by the talent of the cast but the diversity of the cast too I thought there really making it feel unique and authentic and it was exciting to me the possibilities of this setting and what one could talk about and what one could represent in this setting which is the voices of everyday working class people from a lot of very different backgrounds and so that was what was most provocative to me about it this show like like a super store itself it has an appeal to a broad audience and it also has to appeal to a broad audience because this is like network television unlike say a movie or a kind of a more kind of nice cable network I think that's actually a noble cause they can create a program with a broad appeal in this day and age but it can't be easy what Yeah it's not you know one of the things that's always exciting. Me about broadcast and believe me I am a cable watcher or a streaming watcher binge or I love all kinds of television but what I think is still a huge opportunity that lies in broadcast is to have a conversation that encompasses more people than just your choir you know so yeah when you you know if it is about pushing the envelope in a way you know one Modern Family on broadcast is worth you know 100 shows on the Logo channel Yeah you know it is mind on logo but you are kind of having a conversation with a bigger audience and for those who don't know logo is a cable channel and at the l g b t community exactly and I it's kind of our I feel about everything in our culture these days whether it's your news coverage or you know the means you watch your the cat videos you get you know there's so much curation that we never have to. Really have a conversation on a bigger scale with people who disagree but I think it's kind of an amazing challenge and I think an artistic challenge to to see you know how do we how do we appeal how do we have a conversation that appeals and includes a larger audience than just the people who r.t. Feel the way we feel not all of the employees at Superstore in the show are working class one of them is named Jonah and he seems like an upper class kid and he's educated and you know we learn why he ended up at Superstore But it's interesting his approach to work but kind of comes a subplot he's competent some ways Clewiston others he approaches it sometimes with this kind of insouciance perhaps one of the fact that he has other options I interview a lot of actors and while researching this interview I learned that your background is much different than many of the people I speak with you. Have described your beginnings as humble you are one of 6 children. Raised by a single mother who clean rooms at a hotel how if at all do you think your background has informed your approach to your work well yeah I mean that's a that's a big question. Well you know I do think that I've thought about this a little bit you know that kind of growing up being a huge fan and lover of film and television and never really seen people who represented me exactly for who I was you know whether that was like lead female roles or were women of color you know what Latino's that were American and not you know just the Mexican immigrant maids and gardeners on television the fact that the heroes of the stories never really looked like me or felt like me I think built a muscle very early on on how to put myself in someone else's shoes and how to have an imagination and how to relate and how to be able to say oh yeah that might be Tom Hanks or that might be Will Smith or you know that might be Julia Roberts says you know character story but I I can put myself in those shoes and and really you have to imagine yourself in the role of the protagonist or the hero because they didn't there wasn't some natural connection yeah so I think that in some ways that that kind of created inelasticity of my imagination and allowed me to kind of relate in a lot of ways to other people's stories even if they don't look like me you know it's always you know anyone it's like oh boys won't watch movies about girls that's like what do you think girls have been doing forever we've been watching movies about boys and having to imagine ourselves be the heroes even though we never get to see ourselves as the heroes but you know an unexpected bright side to cultural bigotry right all right I need to ask you one of our standard questions it's simply what question are you tired of being asked in interviews. I would have the said. A When people ask me like oh my gosh you're so pretty what did it feel like to be to have to play Ugly Betty. I always am really kind of I hate that question because yeah I just feel like that. In what does one have to do with the other like I'm an actor and I snuck into an interpreter and also what if I was ugly. Lady or what if I you know what if you know I just feel like that's not a question or a standard that we shared to male actors to but for a woman like somehow the bravest thing you could play is ugly and that to me yes I think it's very irritating and people don't mean it in a mean way I think people think they're being really nice when they say You're so much prettier in person but you know it's it's just kind of evidence of. A bunch of really integrating standards in our culture that that make me feel like it like it restricts my job or my going to be. America Ferrera or show superstore airs on n.b.c. All right and that concludes this all t.v. Episode of The Dinner Party Download it would have been possible without senior producer Jackson muscular associate producers Krista ripple and James Kim associate digital producer Christina Lopez in turn Emeril Douglas engineer Chris Clark and you dear listeners that's right Public Radio's not cheap to make and the majority of funding comes from listeners So here's a request think of how much you pay for say cable t.v. I mean channels for streaming video services and then think about how much you get at a public radio every day yes and then please give what you think is fair for all that entertainment insight and news and while you're at it tell someone who isn't a listener how much you love the station let's keep spreading the word about public media and as America says bringing different points of view into the fold Thanks a lot here is I want to tell you how to give you become a member at one. 105842788 you can also go online to w npr dot org and become a member here at w n p r w n.p.r. Bringing you the Dinner Party Download one of the great things like America for said a great things about public radio is that we get to hear different points of view from all over the place that's what National Public Radio is all about and Dinner Party Download really just kind of part of that with so much cool information and recipes and great interviews with celebrities but it does take a little bit of money to support it we do pay an extra fee for a Dinner Party Download so we want to help defray some of that cost right now when you become a member of the phone numbers 18058427881805842788 and I love Jane Fonda I remember doing a workouts to my mom's v.h.s. Tapes when I was a kid if you have the leg or my leg spandex letterers She's awesome so again 180-584-2788 we are having fun with the focus on the Dinner Party Download today and asking you to support Public Radio this is listener supported radio that's not commercial radio as you know so we're here occasionally asking for your support and today we are asking during this program The Dinner Party Download So help us support these programs all the programs on w n.p.r. 180-584-2788 we have wreaths we have socks and mugs they're all it'll be npr dot org Yeah just tons for just sure we got a public radio nerd t. Shirts right water bottles we got all that you know that 180584278 Well let's talk about these w. N.p.r. Socks this is a brand new item that's right there socks the Says here they use the finest comb cotton sourced from the southwestern United States so I guess I mean the Congo in from the southwestern United States which is great and it has the w. N.p.r. Logo in kind of a band all around the sock. Then interspersed dizzy little tiny microphones it's really kind of cool and cute this is a gift of $8.00 a month you can send this to someone it'll come in time for the holidays so why not take advantage of that get the really cool w. N.p.r. Socks and your supporting Public Radio 180-584-2788 also made in America made in Maine is the 24 inch l.l.b. Thall some rethought you know the quality of l. Being a lot of you probably have gotten these wreaths in the past so those are available for you again for a pledge of $12.00 a month our monthly giving program makes it so is easy for you to spread out payments throughout the years you don't have to give one big chunk of money which we know is hard but maybe $51012.00 a month if you can do 818-058-4278 take advantage of the funky socks or the reef there any of the other Thank you items in support public radio most importantly 180584278 The Dinner Party Download was originally just a pod cast and someone they caught someone at Public Radio's attention now it's on every week they bring you interesting little factoids talking about culture talking about food and drinks and then bringing on so many famous celebrities I mean were they they gave us a list here of some of the people that have been on I mean it's amazing Lynn manwell Miranda Scarlett Johanssen Anthony Bourdain people from all walks of celebrity life seem to have kind of a creeped on to the Dinner Party Download and that we're celebrating it tonight and we want you to become part of what we do here to help pay for it so that's why we're here at 180-584-2788 support us during this fall membership campaign support programs like this like you're hearing now like you hear throughout the weekend throughout the week on w n.p.r. It's so important that we hear from you that you call in to become a member and become a part of this community 180584278 is the number to call again the website w npr dot org And thanks so much. This is w. When p.r. Connecticut's public media source for news and ideas w when p.r. And w. One p.r. H.d. One Meriton at $90.00 w p k t w p k t h d one Norwich out 89 point one w w f m Stamford at 88.5 w.r.i. Southampton at 91.3 and w one p.r. Dot org. Crazy good linguini with caramelized onions bacon and olives under 500 calories yes this cookbook from the Bashi on a family healthy pastas every one of the 100 recipes is under 500 calories it's extraordinary on the food choose party here and w n p r. Tomorrow at noon support comes from Carlos pasta arest and specialties and I am sitting market of New Haven support comes from u. Conn's ne Ags school of education at every point with a college degree you can become a math or science teacher in less than one year 3 u. Conn's teacher certification program for college graduates more it s. U. Conn dot edu slash teach and from best cleaners featuring environmentally safe green earth dry cleaning same day service Monday through Saturday home delivery and onsite tailoring information a best cleaners dot com Good evening I'm coyote Wolf it's 10 o'clock fresh air is that. From w.h.y. Why in Philadelphia this is Fresh Air I'm Dave Davies in for Terry Gross today of someone who knows more about t.v. History than anyone we know of our t.v. Critic David Bianculli his book The platinum age of television from I Love Lucy to The Walking Dead how t.v. Became terrific is now out in paperback We'll play some clips from groundbreaking shows this is my absolute favorite clip maybe from all of television we'll hear about the prankish way David once tried to save cheers in its 1st season when it was one of T.V.'s lowest rated shows I got 2 calls the next day one was from a representative of the AC Nielsen Company threatening to sue me and David will tell us how t.v. Kind of saved him when he was growing up also Justin Chang reviews the Florida project starring Willem Dafoe by the same director who made the film.

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