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Vinnie, i cant. This is my parents bedroom. Its about time it saw a little action. Oh, youre so disgusting janine, this is the best room in the house. Its like a paradise. We got a kingsized bed, Home Entertainment center. How would you feel if this was your parents bedroom . Are you kidding . Is a can of pringles on the nightstand. Just relax. Ill feel guilty enough for the both of us. [door slams] oh, my god. Cats . Im talking about the shopping trip hi, princess. Youre home early. Want to fix us dinner . Why dont we go out to eat . We just got home. We never do anything as a family anymore. O. K. Is that o. K. With you . Fine. Fine. Let me freshen up a bit. I feel so dirty bumping against all those shoppers. Mom something the matter, honey . No. Nothing. Lets not go anywhere fancy. I dont want to bother with a coat and tie. Aah. We could always try that new italian place. Youre looking a little disheveled. Maybe you should take a minute and freshen up yourself. Good idea. Im feeling a little unfresh. Im glad janines spending more time at home instead of with that poison dwarf. Can we have one evening where we dont discuss Vinnie Delpino . Im not obsessed. Im fascinated. Im fascinated as to how our daughter managed to find the only italian hood in brentwood. It could be worse. How, nancy . Buona sera, mrs. Stewart. E e surgery was to correct a congenital defect known as club feet. I was assisting dr. Friedman. The procedure was a success . We still have to remove the cast, but were very confident. Dr. Howser, what happened the following week . Pao yangs parents came to see me. They were very upset. They wanted to suspend treatment immediately and to discharge their son from the hospital. What was your reaction . Well, i was stunned. Pao yang also has a congenital hip problem. We had planned further surgery. Did they give you any reason . It has something to do with their religious beliefs they practiced in laos. They felt the surgery was offending the spirits. Spirits . You mean like banshees and goblins . Theres no call for sarcasm. I apologize. His mother suffered a miscarriage. The family was told by a hmong holy man that they had been cursed. The miscarriage was punishment for allowing doctors to meddle with gods work. How did you feel . I was angry. These people were choosing to put their religious beliefs before their sons welfare. I have no further questions. Are you aware if the department of Childrens Services has its way, pao yang will be taken from his parents . Only for the treatments duration. How long is that . A few months. Maybe a year. A year in a foster home . I dont know if youre familiar with hmong culture. Theyre a very closeknit, familyoriented people. Have you considered the psychological damage that move could cause . I withdraw the question. Let me ask you another. In your opinion, is the surgery urgent . Well, if you mean i mean, is pao yangs life in danger . Im more concerned with the quality of his life. I didnt ask you about the quality well, im concerned about it. Youre condemning him to a life of crippling arthritis. Dr. Howser. Confine yourself to answering counsels questions. Dr. Howser. Is pao yangs life in danger . No. No further questions. I dont doubt the sincerity of the doctors intentions, nor that surgery would improve the childs condition. Its clear in every other respect with him, that he cherishes them. Theres a real danger hed suffer serious emotional damage if he was taken from them. In light of this, and because his condition isnt life threatening, i must reluctantly order that further surgery be discontinued. Were adjourned. 20minute recess for the next case. We went the extra mile. There are different kinds of suffering. The familys attorney made a very good point about this childs pain in being separated from his parents. When youre older, youll understand. Thats not something i want to understand. Yesterday it was minigolf. Today it was the laundromat. Ive got a sinus infection from breathing in all that fabric softener. Have you talked to your father . You dont talk to my father. You listen. Its not smart to forbid you to see vinnie. I can see vinnie as much as i like, as long as i drop out of college and pay my parents back for my braces. Hes only making things worse. Absolutely. Katherine. Thats what happened to us. What happened . My father wasnt exactly bowled over by dr. Howser. How did you work it out . We muddled through somehow. They eloped. Really . Yeah. That is so cool. Its hard to imagine you doing anything that romantic. Weve had our moments, janine. Ive got a 1 00 with vinnie at the westwood cemetery. Were meeting behind Marilyn Monroes crypt. How very seductive. This isnt funny, doogie. I hate sneaking around. I feel cheap and devious and dirty. Its wonderful. You can get right down to it. No complimenting her on her outfit you were never big on the social graces. Im serious. Im really understanding why people fool around. Just knowing you could get caught makes you so so. Horny. This could be the best thing that happened to us. Ive seen it in the movies. S this need to prove just how much shed do for her man. Badaboom. Dont get your hopes up. My hopes have been up since i was 9. Vincenzo love petal. I was going crazy pacing around my bedroom. Theres nothing i wouldnt do for you. Theres nothing i wouldnt do for you. Really . I realize weve been left with only one alternative. You dont know how long ive waited for this. We have no choice no choice whatsoever. We need to prove how serious we are. Im committed, baby. So were going to elope here it is. Look. This is the tour damour hotel in vegas. Their honeymoon suite has a heartshaped hot tub. And i saw this in lifestyles of the rich and famous, the Elvis Presley love chapel. Doesnt that sound like a memory just waiting to happen . Yeah. Yeah. This is such an inspired idea. Howd you think of it . Well, actually, it was doogies idea. I never said you should elope. I told you what my parents did. Look how great that turned out. Yeah, they gave us you. Are you happy about this . Baby, baby, im ecstatic. Im just a little worried about the technicalities. Are we old enough to get legally married . 18 is the legal age in 48 states. Thank you, mr. Almanac. To think this through. Marriage is a serious commitment. Do you want to start your lives together at the Elvis Presley love chapel . Thats typical of you, doogie. Youre not romantic. You cant understand that passion that drives me and vinnie. Yeah. Its driving us to vegas. We can leave friday night after my hair appointment. Ive got to choose my trousseau. Love you. Love you, too. Im dead. What do i do now . Well, i think first prioritys a bachelor party. Doog, this aint funny. Youll have to reason with her. Well, what do i say . Shes out picking her trousseau. I dont even know what a trousseau is. Just tell her the truth. Tell her that youre too young, and too inexperienced, and this whole idea of eloping is farcical. Janine, baby, i love you madly, but theres no way in hell ill marry you. Maybe it wont be so bad. Theres still the honeymoon to think of. Five five lustfilled nights at the tour damour. Then well find some trailer park somewhere. Calabasas. Ill get a job with my name stitched on my shirt pocket, and janinell put on 30, 40 pounds, spend her days cutting tuna recipes from redbook. Doog, i think im going to cry. There is an alternative. Double suicide . Go and talk to mr. Stewart. Single suicide. Apologize for your misbehavior, and maybe hell let you date janine again. Doog, you dont understand. He wont even see me. He hates me. Ill make an appointment at his office. If his toes change color or if theres any pain or discomfort, he needs to come back in. [speaking hmong language] my parents dont blame you for what happened. Its comforting to know the spirits arent holding a grudge against me. [speaking hmong language] he says if it was meant to be, god will cure pao. He needs a surgical shelving procedure. Thats what will cure him. Who told you that . Your 10 00 is here, sir. O. K. Send him in. Hello, mr. Stewart. Its good of you to see me bill, who do you trust, me or some snotnosed kid out of work . Just listen. This is quality Oil Exploration stock. The economys had the pants scared off it by the gulf. Well drill in yellowstone if we have to. Its a winwin proposition. O. K. You call me when youre serious about making money. Have a seat. Is that Richard Nixon . Yeah. Very misunderstood. So, dr. Howser, what can i do for you . You interested in futures . Well, not mine, exactly. Im here on behalf of a friend, someone familiar to both of us. [knock on door] uh, hi, mr. Stewart. Gee, you have a nice office. Susan, get security in here. Just give me five minutes of your time. You should hear me out. Why dont we all sit no, thanks. Im on a roll. Otten off on the best footing. I want to apologize to you and mrs. Stewart a beautiful woman by the way i know janine and i are only 18, but we have real and deep feelings for each other. Your daughter loves me, and im devoted to her. Its too cruel of you not to let us see each other. This one. Now wait a minute. Mr. Stewart, i love her. Janine is eloping with vinnie. Dont let him in the lobby. Shes making all the arrangements. She even picked out the honeymoon hotel. Let him go. Wait outside. I warn you, if this is some joke, ill fix it so theyll never see each other again. Well, no. You cant. The reality is, legally, theyre adults. If they wanted to get married tomorrow, they could. D their relationship into this romantic usagainstthem. Instead of getting what you want, youre forcing them to do something desperate. How do you propose i get what i want . Youre a businessman. Cut a deal. Allow vinnie to see janine, and he promises not to marry her for, say, 10 years. Wait a minute. 10 years . Ill be an old man. You think my daughter will stick with him for 10 years . Shell be sick of him in six months. Then youve got nothing to lose. Its a winwin proposition. This really turns my stomach. But i have limited choices. Thank you. Thank you. Thats the nicest thing hes ever said to me. Hes not such a bad guy. Nice uniform. It to you, doog. You were brilliant in one stroke, you saved my relationship with janine, and rescued me from teenage marriage and abject poverty. Well, when i saw that picture of Richard Nixon in his office, i knew we were dealing with no ordinary man. Yeah, but you know what i admire about you . You know how to talk to people on their own terms. You didnt waste time trying to change him, blabbing away about feelings. You just figured out the best way for us to get what we wanted. I guess thats why youre a genius. Not always. Thanks. [bells ringing] is that a chicken . Were prepping pao yang for surgery, dr. Canfield. Keep talking, dr. Howser. I started from the premise that the family was under some sort of curse. We talked things out. I agreed to take part in this ritual. Were asking that the family be absolved of the guilt from the operation and that gods anger fall upon me. Well, thats very gratifying, but i dont normally allow barnyard animals in my hospital. Its the only way we could get the parents consent. It occurred to me were wasting our time trying to change these peoples beliefs. We had to accept who they are and to find a way to work with them. Its a small price to pay for a child to walk. [speaking hmong language] [speaking hmong language] its a simple language, once you get the hang of it. Now, how long does this curse last . There is no curse. Dont be too sure. My uncle vitos very cynical about that stuff. My aunt tutti put the evil eye on him. All his hair fell out. Every man in your family is bald. But he was the first. Im telling you, youre in dangerous territory. Love petal vinnie, i just ironed this blouse. Are you ready . Where you guys going . Now that were public again, i got to buy janine dinner. I cant believe my father gave in. What did you say . Janine, i keep telling you, im an extremely charming person. I have a very persuasive personality. Doogie talked to him, didnt he . He threw in a word or two. Janine, you think now that were legit that our passion has leaked out . Go away. Leave me alone, why dont you . Come on. Wayne. They dont know what theyre talking about. Sure, they do. Im a nogood bum. I always will be. Thats not true. Wake up, sandy. Itll never work. You dont want anything to do with me. Maybe i do. Its wrong. It may be wrong. But its what i want. Right there. See what i mean . Im telling you, doog, the woman wants me. Its official, vin. Youve lost your mind. Have you been watching . She was all over me. It was an acting class. She was acting

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