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Eyeopener. Your world in 90 seconds. Get him out get him out of here i cant believe that in louisiana, it takes this long showdown saturday. President ial candidates square off in five more states. With just four republicans left in the fight for the gop nomination, Donald Trumps looking to extend his winning streak. Donald trump is skipping cpac. I think someone told him megyn kelly was going to be here. A lot of people who love me, they just wont vote for me, but its okay. Hillary clinton and Bernie Sanders campaigned in michigan. We have got work to do lets join hands lets lift ourselves up. You guys are coming out to vote on tuesday, we are going to win here new developments in the o. J. Simpson case. Sources tell a knife just revealed by police does not appear to be the same type of knife used to kill nicole a homicide still ongoing. A successful launch for a spacex rocket and landing on to a drone ship failed yet again according to elon musk on twitter. Joey has died and she was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer in 2014. She was just 40 years old. And all that matters. The final field goal of the Third Quarter and it goes in oh, he hits it from halfcourt on cbs this Morning Saturday. A shoutout to astronaut scott kelly. The only big surprise was it seemed like i lived there forever. This guy was in space for a year. Can you imagine that . Got back to earth this week. They told him trump was going to be president. Of here welcome to the weekend, everyone. We have a great show for you this morning. A bit later, were going to take you to wales and introduce you to a craftsman who makes some of the worlds most soughtafter Musical Instruments. But while it takes days to make just one, hes actually in a race against time. His incredible story ahead. Also, chef Matt Jennings runs one of the best restaurants in the county. Find out how a summer job at a Grocery Store ended up being the catalyst for his career. And in our saturday session, the soul of the south meets rock n roll. The Network Television debut from seratones is ahead. Our top story this morning. Voters in five states are casting ballots in caucuses and a primary for president ial candidates today. Its only to add tension to the last night, demonstrators were dragged out of a donald trump speech in new orleans last night. Trump was trying to rally voters ahead of todays republican president ial primary in louisiana. Trump is the partys frontrunner by a wide margin. But other republicans are working to keep him from winning the partys nomination. Major garrett is in our Washington Bureau with that. Major, good morning. Good morning. Another state to watch today is kansas. Famous for moderate republicans. Dwight w. Eisenhower and bob dole and kansas is the battleground over the soul and the Republican Party. Cruz and rubio made play for the state and its 40 delegates. We had john mccain, he lost. We had mitt romney, he lost. You said you know what . I back this one and back that one. Next time, i said im just going to do it myself reporter donald trump today sought to take control of the Republican Party the day after clashing with his rivals at the 11th gop debate. This little guy has lied so much. Here we go. About my record. He has lied so much reporter the rift between trump and the republican establishment continues to grow. Trump cancelled his scheduled saturday appearance before an annual conference of conservative activists, drawing ridicule from ted cruz. He was told there were conservatives that were going to be here reporter those conservatives were skeptical of trump. If he doesnt show up he is dodging what goes on here. He doesnt represent our values at all. Donald trump is a phony, a fraud. Reporter as mitt romney and other gop leaders plot ways to deny trump the nomination, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said the turmoil would not hurt the partys chances in the fall. Mr. Chairman, is your party coming apart at the seams . Not at all. I think what you see is drama and intrigue and i think good for our party. Reporter what are the probabilities of an open or contested convention . You know, i dont know about that. I still believe that its likely that we wouldnt go to a Contest Convention but, you know, whatever the case is, we are going to be prepared. Please i know its hard not to interrupt. Breathe, breathe. Lyin ted. Reporter despite the rancor at last nights debate, all the candidates pledged to support the eventual republican nominee. Thats how bad Hillary Clinton is the fact we keep getting asked will you vote for the frontrunner as a republican tells you what a flawed candidacy it is. Reporter retired neurosurgeon ben carson announced the end of his candidatesy yesterday. Saying in an interview, that the reason for he dropping out is because of poor staffing and lack of press conference. Major garrett in washington, thanks. On the democratic side, contests are being held today in kansas, louisiana and nebraska. Both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are focusing on michigans primary on tuesday, which has more delegates than the three states voting today combined. Nancy cordes has more. There were so many insults flying back and forth. It was hard to keep track. Reporter in detroit, the Republican Debate drew a brief quickly turned to michigans economy, taking a tough line on trade in a state hardhit by outsourcing. And we dont take action until after the damage is done. Which often means after workers are laid off. That is ridiculous. Reporter in traverse city, sanders argued he not clinton has consistently opposed freetrade deals. Nafta and trade deals with china have cost this country decent paying jobs. Reporter the delegates both visited waterstricken flint, clinton more than once, they want to show they are equipped to solve crises like that one when they arise. Or cbs this Morning Saturday, im nancy cordes in washington. We are joined by jamelle buoy. Good morning. Reporter periodwe heard from nancy and major. Taking swings at donald trump. The gloves are off. How does it help him . I think in this stage you have the entire republican establishment going at him, it helps him. The argument is at the establishment not listen to the ordinary voters i will protect you and fight for you and do deals for you. And the establishment going at him like this this hard this late in the process is a sign to his supporters that, oh, trump must be doing something right here. He must be everyone take him down right now. He must be on the right target. We heard in majors story that the Republican Party chairman Reince Priebus saying the party is not coming apart. This is drama and intrigue. Is he right . When i hear that it seems like chairman priebus is in a fire and telling everybody everything is okay. I dont think its that at all. The fact they are talking about a brokered convention, the fact they are openly discussing can we coop or get rid of trump at party is cracking apart under strains developing a long time. A close primary and caucus states only registered republicans can vote. How does that affect them . I think it gives a boost to the other candidates. Trump does well with registered republicans. He has won them in most of the contests he has won, but a lot of his support in open primaries has come from people joining in or jumping in to vote for trump. I think rubio and cruz and kasich may do better and have a chance to block him in some places because its a close primary i wouldnt count on the fact its registered republicans to save them. Eventually they have to convince trump voters to vote for other candidates. We saw the support for the gop nominee, even if it is trump. Does that undermine the attacks against him at this point . I think it completely does because it makes this just ordinary primary politics. The argument from romney, even from rubio and from cruz is this trump is a threat not just to the Republican Party but to everyone. Then to say after i that support him in general and undermines it and says to voters dont take this too seriously. They dont need to endorse democrats but i think they should be willing to say we are willing to lose if that is what it takes to beat donald trump. I think that sends the serious message that the voters need to hear. What is your assessment what is happening on the democratic side right now . Hillary clinton has won seven states. Is it a momentum issue . Is there anything ahead of for her that youre weary of . The next couple of states and march 8th and 15th primaries is states good for sanders and he should be able to capitalize on but Hillary Clinton is doing so well with the africanamerican and latino voters very much suggest her path to the nomination is secure because they make up an important part of the voting population and delegaterich states like michigan, ohio, pennsylvania, california, new york, so on, so forth. Unless sanders can crack into clinton has he doesnt have a path tthe nomination even as he will continue to do well in states going forward. Always interesting. Thank you very much. Thank you. Los Angeles Police are conducting dna tests on a knife reportedly found buried on simpsons Properties Years ago. Simpson was accused in the murders of his exwife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend ron goldman. But police never found the knife that prosecutors claim he used to kill them. Simpson was acquitted in a lengthy public trial. As carter evans reports, while police are taking the investigation seriously, they caution it could turn out to be another false lead. I was really surprised. Reporter the los Angeles Police department was stunned when a retired Police Officer recently turned in a knife that was allegedly found nearly two worker during the demolition of o. J. Simpsons estate. The offduty or retired officer was working in the area of the Rockingham Estate and he claimed that an individual who worker provided him with this knife, claiming that it was found on the property. So he held onto it. Reporter that former officer has not been publicly identified but he is believed to have the knife many years before turning it in about a month ago. Retired lapd detective tom languagee was the detective on the case and said sompssimpsons property was thoroughly overlooked. The time that simpson had this knife, i would be very surprised if we would missed Something Like this. Reporter the knife that could have tied simpson to the murders has never been found. During his trial, simpson famously tried on a bloody glove that evidence was dismissed by his attorney johnnie cochran. If it doesnt fit, you must acquit. Marcia clark was the prosecutor in the case. Clark spoke to entertainment tonight. If it does turn out to be connected to the murders of ron and nicole, it would be interesting if there was some evidence on that knife that pointed to who might have helped to bury it. If, indeed, someone else did. Do you know what is going on here . O. J. Is in the back seat with a gun to his head it comes as a cable miniseries and it has renewed interest in the case. We dont a situation here and we dont want anybody to get hurt you have to question the timing at the miniseries on the o. J. Case and all of a sudden they come up with this knife . Its going to raise some eyebrows. Reporter lapd investigators say this new Knife Development could turn out to be, in their words, bogus. Mr. Simpson, would you please reporter even if its not, according to carl douglas who was part of simpsons defense team, it will be of little significance to his former clients. Not guilty of the crime of murder. The case is over involving o. J. Simpson. He can never be prosecuted for those crimes again. So what i would say for anyone who is grasping for straws is, please, to move on with their life. For cbs this Morning Saturday, carter evans, los angeles. Heavy rain is falling across Northern California this morning. Its part of a powerful storm system that will affect much of the nation in the week ahead. River flooding is possible. Southern New Hampshire snow caused a 40car pileup on an interstate on friday and ten drivers had to be hospitalized. Sanders are set to debate tomorrow night in flint, michigan. The city struggles to address Significant Health concerns from lead found in its drinking water. Yesterday a crew dug up a corroded pipe out of a home where a mother and 8yearold girl lived. It was replaced from a copper pipe. One down and 8,000 left to go. Adriann diaz has that part of the store. Im tony. One of the nurses from the Health Department. Reporter nurse tony larocha is checking on this little girl. She has been tested and it was lower. Reporter one of five house calls the nurses from the Health Department will make today. Part of a citywide effort to keep track of kids with lead poisoning. How has the load of homes you have to visit increased . Numbers of families that we are seeing has exponentialally grown. Reporter when you were first told your daughter had high levels of blood, what went through your mind . I was very afraid because of how young she is and i didnt know the dangers of it. Reporter five months after flint switched its water supply back to the lake huron, a thousand homes have Dangerous Levels of lead in the water and 72 children are still testing positive for high lead levels in their blood. But only half of flints 8,000 children under 6 has been screened. Because testing is voluntary. Since lead can remain in the body for decades the state is developing a registry to track Flint Residents for years. But stephanie says until all of the lead lines are out she will be afraid how the water is affecting her daughters future. Its making me want to leave the city of flint, to move just because of the water and everything. Its frustrating now, there is only enough funding to replace 30 lead pipes out of 8,000 flints recovery will likely be a recurring theme in sundays democratic debate that is being held right here in flint. For cbs this Morning Saturday adriana diaz, flint, michigan. A new round of peace talks to end the fiveyear long civil war in syria is set for next week in switzerland. Elizabeth palmer was given rare access to the city of aleppo for a look at conditions there. Reporter the ancient covered market of aleppo had endured until a thousand years, until this war. The bombs and shells of syrian soldiers battling rebel fighters. Until at last, the army won. But at the cost of this protected jewel. Now the whole area is quiet, on guard and the occasionally definitely not quiet are the residential neighborhoods crammed with people and many of them having fled from fighting elsewhere. In this front line in this city, tarp shield residents from snipers. They get their water from primitive wells drilled straight down through the roads. Can we come up and see you . This family invited us inside. Theres no Running Water or electricity. In their tiny apartment, the mother explains her son, a soldier, was killed in action. Without his salary, everyone, including the five grandchildren, is surviving on charity. Downstairs, there is a soccer game. Hammad is pretty fast on his crutches now. A year since a rocket took off his leg. Are you coming back from school . With my mom. People can still do errands in aleppo and shop for food in the parts that havent been smashed to pieces. And since the ceasefire, the mood has lightened. But even as a new round of peace talks are scheduled to start next week, everyone knows that on the other side of town, the syrian army is tightening its siege on the rebelcontrolled section of aleppo. In the immediate future, conditions for thousands of people may get each worse. For cbs this Morning Saturday, elizabeth palmer, aleppo. Time to show you some of this mornings headlines. The New York Times reports two new studies show a stronger connection between the zika virus and serious birth defects. One showed pregnant women who tested positive for the virus delivering babies with tiny heads, nerve damage, and possible blindness. Another report indicates how the virus works to destroy cells brain. Experts say although the studies were small, they still underscore the dangerous effects of the zika virus. Nashville reports closing arguments made friday in the case of erin around who peds 75 million after secretly videotaped photos were made public of her in a hotel room. The hotel says the blame lies with the stalker. The boston globe reports a committee at Harvard Law School is proposing the school choose a new logo. The recommendation follows a request from students who object to the shield which represents a family that owned and abused slaves. The symbol has been used at harvard since 1936. The University Says it will review the proposal and make a decision in the coming weeks. The Atlanta Journalconstitution says the to a player after he was asked an inappropriate question. Ohio state student eli apple says a coach asked him if he liked men at the nfl scouting combine. Apple said he was caught offguard by the question and it prompted him to go public. The Falcons Head Coach said this is not what the team is about. The nfl and the team are investigating. The website gizmodo says customers vented on gentleman what they called prepeeled prepackaged oranges and tangerines. One tweet suggested, quote, if only nature could provide a covering preventing so much plastic from being needed to protect the fruit the store says they agree with the concerns of its customers and have pulled the packages from their shelves. Its interesting. There were a lot of tweets reminding people this is great for disabled people or people with arthritis. So sometimes i dont want to peel an orange either, ill be honest your local weather. We are off to a little bit of a cloudy start outside. You can see that we do have some overcast skies. Temperatures right now in the 30s. Its 38 in raleigh, 32 in durham, 37 in fayetteville. On our coming up, what is it . A beautiful piece of architects . Or an overpriced train station . The worlds most expensive transit hub is now open in new york and the reviews are mixed. Later, hands off the move to Driverless Cars is accelerating faster than you think and the benefits may surprise you. Morning saturday. But the men battling in tonights main event were ready to rumble at fridays weighin. The two lunged at each other at the prefight photo op. They had to be separated by dana white. White took a shot when two men fighters squared off but things were more cordial when holly holmes and her challenger tate shook hands before their bout. Fighting starting efficiently. Revving up. Coming up an alarming discovery at the top of the world and what it means for rising seas and endangered polar bears. Tomorrow is the final episode. A look at what made this show so popular. We will be right back. Morning saturday. phone ringing you cant deal with something, by ignoring it. But thats how some president ial candidates seem to be dealing with social security. Americans work hard, and pay into it. So our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. elephant noise donkey noise good saturday morning. Off to a cloudy start to our day outside. Youre taking a live look from Raleigh Durham international airport. We will see some breaks in the clouds today but generally looking the at a pretty cloudy start to the weekend. Current temperatures is 38 in raleigh. 28 in siler city and sanford, 37 is our current temperature in fayetteville. We are going to be warming up into the 50s today well see again a few breaks in some of the clouds this morning into early this afternoon but then more clouds rolling through tonight 6 p. M. Our temperature done to 51 degrees but were up to 55 today. Showers roll through late tonight into early tomorrow morning. We dry out by tomorrow afternoon with a high of 58, and then temperatures they warm up as we head through this week. 62 monday, in the 70s after tuesday. Breaking news to get to overnight in raleigh a shooting happened just a street away from involved shooting earlier this week. Someone shot a a man just before midnight at bragg street, hes expected to survive. Gunman. People say at the time of the shooting they were having a party in honor of akiel denkins whos the 24year old suspect shot and killed by a raleigh Police Officer. Protesters blocked the street in front of the dpac last night claiming the Durham County detention facility treats inmates unfairly and does not provide adequate food or medical care. The second installment of the battle of the blues plays out tonight at duke. The devils bee the tar heels 74 to 73 less than a month ago. A win today will give the tar heels at least a share of the acc regular season title. Tip off is at 6 30. Lets head to break and show city [ female announcer ] most of the time its easy to know which option is better. Other times, not so much. So its good to know that Mazola Corn Oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. And a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. Take care of those you love and cook deliciously. Our top story this half hour. Controversy over the most expensive train station in the world. It is the new transit hub at the World Trade Center site in lower manhattan. It opened this week to little fan fare and the New York Times critic who branded it a boondoggle. Reporter its called oculus. 15,000 tons of steel riching more than 25 stories tall. The famed architect designed the hub to resemble a bird right siding. Its archways will hub seven Railroad Lines and officials estimate 250,000 commuters a day. What first struck you about this design . I really liked the interior space the best actually. It should be building buildings for people. Its nice to arrive in a city with a place that gives you a lift. I think those great moments are like the exclamation points in the city. Reporter as much as places like this help downtown war back to life, its not without its controversy. This structure is billions overbudget and at least five years behind schedule. When the hubs design was first unveiled in 2004, officials estimated it would cost around 2 billion but after rush design changes, water leaks, and super storm sandy in 2012, the finished product will cost almost twice as much, coming in at 3. 9 billion. The hubs governing body, the Port Authority of new york and new jersey, called the project challenging, but added it will serve a Vital Transportation need for the region while becoming an important landmark. It was a very, very yes, it cost a lot. Yes, probably it should have cost somewhat less. But, in fact, exciting innovative architecture is forever. Reporter officials are hopeful this landmark will also prove to be an economic engine. Within these public atriums is over 2,000 square feet of potential retail space. This was a very successful mall before 9 11 and we have no doubt its going to be a very successful shopping center. Reporter is that a feat in and of itself this is finished . I think its an extraordinary feat. You feel now the life of the city has come back to this 16 acres again in a way that it hasnt been for a long time. Reporter for cbs this Morning Saturday, michelle miller, new york. 3. 9 billion for what is only the 18th most busy subway stop in new york and some critics say its too much but its a really striking building. Architect has done something similar in milwaukee but, still, i mean, i couldnt look away could you . No. Its an exciting thing to see. Coming up, call it the ultimate School Project. These Elementary School students are the first of their age to build a satellite for nasa. On the space station about to be launched into earths or were off to a dry start to our day. Heres a live look be from our airport camera. Current temperature in raleigh is 38 degrees, 32 in durham, 37 in fayetteville. Were staying up next, medical news in our morning rounds, including an important new report why so many women with Ovarian Cancer dont learn about it until its too late. The new research on the looming signs of a cardiac arrest. This is cbs this morning if your family outing is magical for all the wrong reasons. You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec is different than claritin. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Try zyrtec. Muddle no more. [music] no, no, no, no, people are both soft and strong. Yey which is why our products are too. Soil is the foundation. For healthy plants. Just like gums are the foundation for healthy teeth. New Colgate Total daily repair toothpaste. It helps remineralize enamel and fight plaque germs for healthier teeth and gums. Strengthen the foundation for healthy teeth. New Colgate Total daily repair. Were non stop, weve gotta have our extra protein. Oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurt has 15 grams of protein. Zero added sugar, zero artificial sweetener and zero fat. And zero holding me back oikos triple zero. Be unstoppable. Mmm dannon before i had the shooting, burning, pinsandneedles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet were the first in my family to graduate from college, raised active twin girls, and trained as a nurse. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Now i have less diabetic nerve pain. And i love helping little ones get off on the right foot. It is time now for morning rounds cbs news chief medical correspondent dr. Jon lapook and cbs news contributor dr. Holly philips. A board sounded an alarm this week about Ovarian Cancer. Every year 22,000 women in the United States are diagnosed and because its often caught too late more than 14,000 die. Here is jon with more. Reporter the report found surprising gaps in what we know about Ovarian Cancer starting with a basic definition. Even though its called Ovarian Cancer, it can start outside the ovary in the fallopian tubes or the uterus. This doctor heads the Gynecology Research lab at a Cancer Center and one of the report authors. Its a collection of many diseases. The subtype of Ovarian Cancer but very different origins. Reporter why is that important . It tells you important important about prevention. Reporter prevention is key because, right now, there is no effective way of finding Ovarian Cancer early. One reason the disease is so deadly. 34yearold morgan, mother of three, got genetic testing last fall and learned she was at increased risk. I was not gambling with my life especially knowing they would not catch Ovarian Cancer in its early stages. Reporter so she opted for prentive surgery. In her case that meant removing the ovaries and fallopian tubes and whole hysterectomy. You can screen for Breast Cancer and colononcancer. Why is Ovarian Cancer so different . The precursor cells turn into cancer and spread very quickly. We really have a very limited identify the cancer cells. What are the symptoms for a person if they have Ovarian Cancer . That is the big problem. Very often, there are no symptoms or they are so vague they are gastrointestinal, things that that look like bloating and discomfort and change in bowel habits and maybe prsk pelvic pain but nothing says that is Ovarian Cancer so we are desperate for new ways to pick this up early. New finding on sudden cardiac arrest. Each year over 350,000 out of hospital cases of sudden cardiac arrest in the u. S. Recent Research Suggests there may be warning signs before this often deadly condition strikes. Holly, what are the warning signs . Sure. Anthony, as you said, we used to think that cardiac arrest happened just out of the blue that there really werent any symptoms we could pick up on. The recent research you mentioned suggested more than half of people have some symptoms in the days or weeks arrest and almost 90 have symptoms within the first 24 hours before they have the arrest. But most significantly, the vast more than, 80 dont act on the symptoms and dont call 911. That might be in part because they dont recognize them. Some of the symptoms we associate with heart problems, like chest pain or shortness of breath. Others are more subtle and might not necessarily they think relate to our hearts like nausea, vomiting, abdominal or back pain. Flulike symptoms or passing out. Fatigue also. Yeah. Thats another one. What is the difference . I think most people dont know the difference between cardiac arrests and a heart attack. I think that is the biggest misconception. A heart attack is there are tiny blood vessels that supply the heart muscle to muscle with blood. When one of those gets blocked or narrowed, then the part of that heart, that muscle that is supplied by that blood vessel, can die. It can get too little blood flow that is just a part of the whole heart. So the whole heart can still beat even though part of it is limping along because part of the heart muscle has died. That is different than in a cardiac arrest. In a cardiac arrest, you have too little blood flow often or other causes that causes the heart instead of beating like this regularly and pumping out blood to beat like a bag of worms like this. Its called ventricular fibula fibrillation fibrillation. The blood is not coming out in a way and you get no blood flood to the carotid arteries to the brain and you go down. In that case every minute of getting shock because a shock can save your life for every minute delay your survival goes down 10 . Ten minutes, very little chance. You diagnose this is happening to someone and youre in the room, what should you do in the first seconds. The survival rate is dismal, less than 10 of people survive. Its also a really difficult illness. Its a difficult condition because it strikes in the prime of life, right . Right around the age of 65. But what is interesting about cardiac arrest is that its reversible for many, many people if you act on it right away, within the first few minutes. So the very first step, no matter what is to call 911. Get ems on their way over. Then grab a defibrillator called an aed if youre in a place that has one and use it. Cpr should be started right away and continue the cpr until ems arrives. No matter what the patient looks like or whether or not you think its working, continue it straight through. In an ideal setting two people. One person call 911 and grab the defibrillator and the other perform cpr. I think people are afraid to they are afraid of invadeing their personal hurt and sadly i was involved in an experience last week where a woman collapsed, a middleaged woman and i was the first person there to start cpr so i did mouthtomouth and i did cpr. We used a defibrillator. She actually, we got there soon enough she had a shockable rhythm. You put the pads on and if the person has a pulse and is fine by the way, it will say do nothing. But we were able to give her a shock. Unfortunately, she died. And it was incredibly sad but i will tell you this in terms of people deciding to do it or not, when i spoke to the husband that night of 32 years, he was so grateful that at least somebody did something. Right. All right. Dr. Jon lapook and dr. Holly phillips, thank you both very much. Up next, selfdriving cars are coming and not change the way you drive but find out how they will change our streets, the design of our cities and Morning Saturday. 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I have a Resident Named joyce, and she kept complaining about all her aches and pains. And i said come to class, lets start walking together and i said and i bet you money youll be able to do that senior walk. That day i said ok its me and you girl, me and you i said if you need to stop, theres a bench well just hang out in the shade. She said absolutely not we are going to finish this race and we were the last ones in, but you know what . Tt0w tx hi 4 youre under automatic control. Hands off steering back in 1956 General Motors pricked the rise of selfdriving cars in this musical commercial called key to the future and the key took its time getting here. But 60 years later, selfdriving cars are truly around the corner. While backlash in the time story, the producer matt thinks they will make the future more profitable. Lets look at the phrase we used to start with, safer, more livable and more prosperous. How so . Safer, the easy answer. Human beings make mistakes when unfortunately, and that leads to most accidents. But the other two are a little bit more esoteric. We are but we are saying we are on the verge of the internet and disrupt a lot that we are used to. Whenever this topic comes up, the next topic immediately is safety. What if the selfdriving cars have a defect or an incident. Last week we saw it. Googles Autonomous Car crashed into a bus. When things like that happen is it a huge step back . A huge question and i think a lot of people in the car industry are worried that some catastrophic event, some accident where someone, you know, god forbid lose their life sets it back. 94 of all road accidents are the fault of human being error. Distraction, mistakes, that kind and computers tend not to make those kinds of mistakes. Computers dont get drunk, they dont get tired, they cant blink, you know . So its a concern and people are watching it but its not a setback. In addition to a to this cal shift here, you point out, matt, a major psychological shift at work because i love the line in your piece. You say in the throne room of the american psyche a drivers seat occupies central stage but you also point out no right to drive enshrined in the constitution. Are we ready to make this adjustment . You know, its interesting. Some some revolutions happen overnight. And some creep more slowly. I think the driverless car is the second. Drivers have been losing control over their cars slowly for decade. Traction and Cruise Control and stability control and all of taking our control away from us. And i think the more and more people get used to that the more they are being conditioned to essentially say im ready to let the computer take over. You have all of these supporting Industries Like Auto Insurance and how we design lanes and seems everything will be changed. Will this be mandatory . I think its not overnight mandatory i think. My personal belief and i think we will see it. Thank you. The end of an era for millions of devoted downtown ab abbey fans. We will look how the show kept audiences spellbound over six seasons. Saturday. If you have moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis or crohns, and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. If other treatments havent worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio works by focusing right in the gitract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients achieve both symptom relief as well as remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. While not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio. If your uc or crohns medication isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. Bleeding gums . You may think its a result of brushing too hard. Its not. Its a sign of early gum disease which you can help reverse by using listerine added to your brushing routine listerine kills up to 99. 9 of germs and helps reverse early gum disease in just two weeks. Listerine power to your mouth also try listerine floss. Mastering irresistibly smooth. The lindor truffle. Created with passion. By the lindt master chocolatiers. A hard outer shell with a smooth center. Luscious. Flowing. Welcome. To the best time of your day. Unwrap. Unwind. Experience the melt. Only the lindor truffle. From the lindt master chocolatiers. baseball on tv in background with Heart Failure, danger is always on the rise. Symptoms worsen because your heart isnt pumping well. water filling room about 50 percent of people die dog whimpering within 5 years of getting diagnosed. But theres something you can do. Talk to your doctor about Heart Failure treatment options. Because the more you know, the more likely you are. dog whimpering i enjoy working with miss edmond. A life change for the lady announce the family take a morning stroll. Tomorrow night everyones favorite drama downtown abbey come to an and marking the end to a successful sixseason run and likely sending millions of devoted fans into a state of mourning. The series which premiered on britains itv in 2010 focused on life at a turn of the century english Country Estate downtown abbey. The home of robert crawly, is somewhat dysfunctional family and their army of servants. The upstairs upstairs and downstairs like drama became an instant hit with fans and critics alike and made stars out cast led by the dane who played the sharp tongue countess violent crawly. Youre a mess i feel sorry for larry if i didnt dislike him so much. Reporter over the years they won a mountain of awards and inspired a slew of parodies on shows like the simpsons. And late night with jimmy fallon. It seems you have taken unfortunate hieroglyphics. And even comedy central, the colbert report. My lord, mr. Spider to see. Reporter krik theput on your sunday best and open up a bolts of champagne because tomorrow night we will find out the answers to will the lord and lady have to give up downtown abbey and will lady mary final find lasting love and what will become of the scheming underbutler thomas and will the countess have the very last word . She is not run down. I spent 30 years, to see it go . I love her. The creator said the tv is definitely done but there could be a movie or a musical or there could be a play. 120 Million Viewers that show it. You know it will have the proper sendoff. Coming up, it wasnt your average bake sale. Kids from a virginia Elementary School raised tens of thousands of dollars to build their own space satellite and its about to be launched into orbit. Find out how they did it. Morning saturday. Good saturday morning. Were off to a cloudy start to our day outside right now. You can see some of those overcast skies. We may see a you few breaks but it is going to be generally a cloudy day across the area. On our satellite and radar dealing with some cloud cover outside but we will see a few peeks of sunshine this afternoon. Its currently 39 in 38 in fayetteville and as we head throughout the day today were going to see the temperatures rising to about 55 degrees, some showers likely late tonight into very early tomorrow morning. Drying out and becoming sunny by tomorrow afternoon with the high of 58 back in the 60s on monday and thursday. Breaking news overnight about 8 hours ago Raleigh Police responded to a shooting. It happened just a street away from involved shooting that happened earlier this week. The shooting happened around hid night on bragg street. The victim is expected to survive. The search is on for the gunman. Today drivers can expect minor delays near lake crab tree. The town of cary will shift traffic in the eastbound lane of aviation parkway to the center from 8 until 5 for utility work. Today heidi cruz is expected to speak at the Leadership Conference in cary. North carolinas primary takes place on march 15th. As we head to break heres a live look over the capitol city. We will be back in about continues next. Welcome to cbs this Morning Saturday. Im noinanthony mason. Im vinita nair. Coming up, scientists are discovering the arctic is melting much faster than they originally thought. Mission accomplished. A group of students in a school in virginia developed a Tiny Satellite that is about to depart the International Space station. We take you to the mountains of wales to meet one of the best craftsman of Musical Instruments and his race against time. Voters in five states today are casting ballots for president ial candidates today. On the republican side, donald trump is expected to do well. [ screaming ] last night not everyone was demonstrators in new orleans were dragged out of a trump speech there. The billionaire was rallying voters at the time. Ahead of todays primary in louisiana, trump is the front return in spite of a number trying to block his nomination. Reporter donald trump won 7 out of 11 caucuses and primaries on super tuesday and looks to rack up more victories today in connecticut, louisiana and maine. Kansas is a top battleground with rubio and cruz. Meanwhile, a panicked gop establishment tries to halt trumps momentum p. M. This week, 2012 republican nominee mitt romney called trump a fraud. A letter released warning trump lacked Foreign Policy experience was simplistic about the dangers of terrorism and russia and china. Only four candidates remain in the republican race. Ben carson who was once neck and neck with trump in iowa dropped but he took his defeat in stride. You know, a lot of people who love me. They just wont vote for me, if you its okay. Its not a problem. You know, i will still continue to be heavily involved, you know, in trying to save our nation. Reporter trump remains a target for protesters his republican rivals and the establishment and the answer he hopes to come tonight . Victory. By winning trump will argue hes with the voters and that is the safest place to be. Democratic voters make their choice today in three states, kansas, louisiana, and nebraska. Bernie sanders was campaigning in michigan on friday and talked about jobs lost there because of free trade relations with china. Hillary clinton was also in michigan. She took a tough line on the outsourcing of american jobs. And we dont take action until after the damage is done. Which often means after workers are laid off. The vote in the michigan primary on tuesday is worth more delegates than three states voting today combined. Nations employment picture is brighter than economists were expecting. The Labor Department said friday employers added 225,000 jobs last month and unemployment held steady at 4. 9 . President obama celebrated that at the white house on friday. There seems to be an alternative reality out there from the some of the political folks that america is down in the dumps. Its not. America is pretty darn great right now. Investors rallied on the jobs report giving the dow its fourth straight winning session on friday. Police in los angeles were stunned by possible new evidence in the o. J. Simpson murder trial. A retired Police Officer recently turned in a knife that was allegedly found nearly two worker during the demolition of simpsons estate. The lapd says that simpsons property was thoroughly searched after the death of Nicole Brown Simpson and ron goldman. The lead investigator is skeptical. There is always a possibility that it was overlooked but the time that we had and the time that simpson had this knife, i would be very surprised if we would have missed Something Like this. Since simpson was acquitted of his trial, experts say this possible evidence would not be of great legal significance. The police chief of san bernardino, california, is adding his voice to the chorus demanding that apple unlock the iphone of syed farooq who and his wife shot 14 people in a Christmas Party in december in san bernardino. Unlocking the phone could help them determine if there there apple is denying the right to access the phone citing prifssy concerns. Federal agents found a man stuffed inside a gas tank of an suv. Customs and Border Protection agents said the man paid nearly 10,000 to sneak into the u. S. From brazil. The driver of the suv is charged with human smuggling. Tributes pouring in this morning for Country Music singer joey who died yesterday at the age of 40. She and her husband were joey and rory. The couple won several Country Music awards. They also were nominated for a grammy last month. After first appearing on the tv competition show can you duet in 2008, joey had been battling Cervical Cancer. A blog post on friday, rory said my wifes greatest dream came the Country Music world has been reacting online. Carrie underwood and Blake Shelton are just some of the musicians expressing their condolences. Pat conroy died. His novels, many of them were turned into movies and set in his home state of south carolina. His biggest hit was prince of tides. And pat conroy had pancreatic cancer and was 74. Heavy rain in california and storm system will affect much of the nation this week. States on the west coast will be getting heavy rain and strong winds this weekend. And starting monday, that storm system is expected to bring Severe Weather to the central and southern u. S. It may cause some river flooding early in the week. The wild swings of the weather appear to be making a mark at the top of the world. Surrounding the Arctic Circle is melting much faster than first thought. The missing ice winter is enough to cover california three times. Don dahler has the story. Reporter the arctic ocean is 6 million square miles. Most of it covered in ice. But last month, the top of the world was up to 14 degrees above normal and broke the record for the lowest amount of ice in february. More than 400,000 square miles short. Its completely unprecedented. People who work up there, you know, go up to the arctic and go out on boats and cruise around to measure these things are absolutely stunned. Reporter Robert Newton is an arctic researcher at columbia university. Its the dead of with winter there. There is no light. Its well below freezing. It should be locked in with ice all the way across. But the ice is significantly retreated even in wintertime. Reporter the shrinking sea ice could have a potentially disastrous effect on animals such as polar bears and seals and breathe. Icefree ocean absorb more heat and become warmer, which speeds up glacial melting and raising sea levels even more. Ice is a great reflector of light which is where most of the heat on the planet comes from. Open water, its dark, its a fantastic absorber. Reporter newton says changes in the arctic can also affect weather here, causing storms and droughts to last longer and be more extreme. Fascinating for a scientist, but scary for a person . Scientists are both scientists and people. So we are both fascinated and frightened by it, yes. Reporter for cbs this Morning Saturday, don dahler. After a year in space, astronaut scott kelly has talked about his time at the International Space station. Kelly grew two inches while he was aboard the station because of the lack of gravity allowed his spine to expand. But he says hes had trouble since he returned to earth. Soreness and fatigue is a lot higher than it was last time. I think coming back to gravity is harder than leaving gravity, so, i dont know. Maybe aliens got it a lot easier than we do. He set a record for an american astronaut. He was at the space station 340 days. In that time he circled the earth 5,400 times and traveling nearly 144 million miles. Short men everywhere is like, good saturday morning. Off to a cloudy start to our day. You can see the overcast, a few breaks in between. Its 39 degrees in r up next, not all of the satellites launched by nasa are in fact, you could hold a satellite built by school kids in the palm of your hand. Its already in orbit and astronauts are getting ready to launch it. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. I use whats already inside me to reach my goals. So i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating whats within me. With onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. It helps activate my body to do what its supposed to do release its own insulin. Trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen and i may even lose a little weight. Trulicity is a onceweekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. Trulicity is not recommended as the first medicine to treat diabetes and should not be used by people with severe stomach or intestinal problems, or people with type i diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Trulicity is not insulin and has not been studied with longacting insulin. Do not take trulicity if you or anyone in your family has had medullary Thyroid Cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2 or if you are allergic to trulicity or its ingredients. Stop using trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as itching, rash, or difficulty breathing; if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe stomach pain that will not go away and may move to your back, with or without vomiting; or if you have symptoms of Thyroid Cancer, which may include a lump or swelling in your neck, hoarseness, trouble swallowing, or shortness of breath. Medicines like trulicity may cause stomach problems, which could be severe. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and any medicines you take. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. Which may cause kidney failure. With trulicity, i click to activate whats within me. If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a noninsulin option, ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. And click to activate your within. Feel secure in your dentures. Feel free to be yourself all day. Just switch from denture paste to seabond denture adhesive seals. Holds stronger than the leading paste all day. Without the ooze. Feel secure. Be yourself. With stronger, clean seabond. If your family outing is magical for all the wrong reasons. You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec is different than claritin. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Astronauts on the International Space station have conducted hundreds of experiments and launched many satellites. But this morning, students at a school in virginia are interested in just one because they built it. Becoming the first elementaryaged kids to do so. Their satellite hitched a ride on a nasa rocket late last year and it will be released into space the next few days. Mark albert has more. Reporter walk past the library at st. Thomas kacathedral school and youll find Real Life School in the here. These students are in arlington, virginia, have a satellite in space. And they built it themselves. My first thoughts were, at first, wow, this is a big deal. And can we really do this . Reporter 11yearold Gabriel Macphail and rebecca el, which roueiry took this on with gusto. We can do this because once you start there is noverever going back. Reporter it started four years ago when felixs dad heard about cube saturdays. Father Joe Pellegrino happens to be a nasa engineer. We were beyond thrilled that nasa chose our, you know, small Catholic School as a mission to reporter with pellegrinos guidance, the students tested and designed a small space camera and put it inside the cubesat frame. We taught the students how to do xurtedcomputeraided design and the students helped us with a vibration test. We did a High Altitude test in the parking lot of a school. I wasnt sure if we, a grade school, a bunch of really young kids, could actually put a satellite in space. Reporter but you have. But we have reporter building a satellite, even a small one like this, doesnt come cheap. It cost about 50,000 and the school and students had to raise every penny liftoff. Reporter the fourinch squared School Project launched on a rocket in december with five other cubesats and is now aboard the International Space station. Astronaut are set to deploy the cubesat as early as tuesday morning. Put the cubesat in this side of the air lock. Reporter the moment of students including his son felix find out if the camera is going to work. This is how you receive the imagines from your satellite . Yes. Reporter its designed so snap and send an image back to earth in 30 seconds until its battery dies in about a year. The students will intercept the photos use this ham radio and software that converts radio deps into images. Thats one small step for man. Reporter the same Technology Used by the apollo 11 astronauts when they beamed back those stunning photos from the moon a half century ago, pixel by pixel. We are the First Grade School in the world to build a cubesat. Reporter for pellegrino the results are not the true measure of success. Youre in a recruiting mission . Absolutely. We need american, you know, engineers and scientists, so that really is the mission goal. If the satellite works and takes pictures, thats wonderful, right . For me personally, i felt we have met 90 of the Mission Objective with all of the education and inspiration we provided the students over the last four years. Reporter so far, it appears to be mission accomplished. What is the lesson that youve learned after doubting yourself and being able to do it . To always believe in yourself that you just cant give up on something this big. Reporter for cbs this Morning Saturday, mark albert, arlington, virginia. What a great project all the way around its great. He said recruiting but so many of us have a Pivotal Moment in Elementary School that change the course our career. Can you imagine . I wasnt doing that in fifth grade, not even close. How about going it alone your next big trip . Why so low traveling is so popular and how it could change your life. Morning saturday. two text tones now . text tone excuse me. phone tone again . Be right back. Always running to the bathroom because your bladder is calling the shots . You may have oab. Enough of this. Were going to the doctor. Take charge and ask your doctor about myrbetriq. Thats myrbetriq, the first and only treatment. In its class for oab symptoms of urgency. Frequency, and leakage. Tell your doctor right away if you have trouble emptying your bladder, or have a weak urine stream. Myrbetriq may cause serious allergic reactions. If you experience. Swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue or difficulty breathing, stop taking myrbetriq and tell your doctor right away. Myrbetriq may affect or be affected by other medications. Before taking myrbetriq. Tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems. Common side effects include increased blood pressure. Common cold symptoms, urinary tract infection. And headache. Its time for you to make the calls, so call your doctor to see if. Myrbetriq may be right for you. Visit myrbetriq. Com to learn more. Now. A breakthrough from aveeno absolutely ageless night cream with active naturals blackberry complex. A whole new way to keep skin looking younger longer. Starting tonight. Part of the new absolutely ageless collection from aveeno lowes presents how to put your foot in your mouth. Man, wish my yard looked like yours. Hey, the grass is always greener on the other side of the. Sorry. Winter can be tough on our bodies. 90 days juggling hectic schedules. 40 heavy comfort meals. No wonder our digestive systems can act up. Enjoying activia twice a day for two weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues. Winter may still have a grip on much of the country, but with spring just around the corner, many people are starting to think about vacation. The travel magazine afar says the new trend in getting away is going solo. Though it may seem intimidating at first its easier and rewarding than you may think. More. Good morning. How popular are solo vacations . The reason we chose it for our current cover its people wanting to get away. So many demands on our time and solo travel is way to escape. What is the demographic . A certain age group or ethnicity tends to do this more often than the others . You are seeing a growth in solo travel. 15 increase in flying solo. 30 have traveled alone. Sometimes people want to go separately and go their own ways and its completely acceptable. Half of solo travelers, more than half over 45 are married. Exactly. That has to hurt someones feelings very acceptive iveive these days. Own schedule and go whenever you want and go to sleep when you want and change your itinerary around and so many possibilities the other things youre so much more approachable. I find when i travel solo which i do a lot for work and pleasure ive struck up these conversations because people are more curious about you and more willing to see why youre in their destination and kind of give you access to their destination. I did this once around the world almost and it was a little lonely. There were parts of it, youre right, people approach you but do you find people say you get over that loneliness the more you do it . If you get to know your City Different neighborhoods you can go to a little bit more social. In london you might want to sit at the bar and chat with the bartender or go to sort of a lounge and sort of just introduce yourself to somebody. What about the safety issues when youre by yourself . There are things to be aware of. I would definitely say make sure you leave an itinerary with somebody back home so somebody register with the state department if youre travel internationally. Y. A travel program that alerts local embassies when youre traveling. Its about common sense. Dont do anything you wouldnt do back home. Its one of the richest experiences you can have on the road but trust your gut and trust your instincts. Dont go into any sketchy neighborhoods you wouldnt go into late at night if you were at home. You want to go to a city you know is inviting. First on the list is berlin, germany. Yes. Berlin, amazing city. A mix of grit and glamour and has great neighborhoods just like i was saying. Youre bound to run into likeminded locals there at crotsburg. It has a wilder side too. It is a cool place. Next is ubad in indonesia. We know Julia Roberts went there to find love. Long before that, bali is one of those places not just about sitting on the beach. People are interested in sharing their culture with you. There is a really great local scene and easy to get around. One of the best destinations for solo travelers. If you want to take a cooking or surfing class, that is another great structured way to meet locals as well. Montreal, good for us too. Wonderful city in the summertime, especially for solo travelers because so many going on in the city. First of all, its europe here and north measure which is fantastic. It has cobble stone streets and jazz fest come to life in july. So easy to meet locals, likeminded people there and great solo travel destination. Montreal is a beautiful, beautiful city. Next on the list surprised me. Ashley asheville, north carolina. I love this city and it has a huge personality. If youre into beer its kiled the n called the napa of craft beer. Its liquid courage and for solo travelers, its definitely a you have the Blueridge Parkway there. Seattle, washington, last our list. Amazing place. Youve got a wonderful, smart local tech crowd coming in just because of the tech industry. Great neighborhoods like ballard which is a former scandinavian. There are probably a Million People that love and hate you, spouses and single people. Ever, thank you very much. Great list. Speaking of exotic locales, where some of hawaiis coveted its a good saturday morning. Were off to a cloudy start to our day outside. Right now you can see a live look from our tower camera looking toward the capitol city right now. Its 39 degrees in raleigh. And well see some breaks in some of the clouds this morning here but expect to see most of it lingering throughout the day today and into this afternoon especially those clouds really increasing. Its 39 degrees once again in raleigh, 37 in durham and littleton, 37 also in goldsboro, it is 38 right now in fayetteville and as we head throughout the day today the clouds will be thickening up, a High Temperature this answer of 55 degrees, 58 tomorrow, showers rolling through very late tonight into very early tomorrow morning but drier and warmer through the rest of this upcoming week. Good morning, everyone. We do want to get you caught up on about 8 hours ago Raleigh Police responded to a shooting. The shooting happened around midnight on bragg the street. The victim is expected to survive. The search is on for the gunman. Theres a Traffic Alert today in cary. Crews will shift traffic in the eastbound lane of aviation parkway to the center from 8 until 5 for utility work. Right now the wife of president ial candidate ted cruz is in wake county. She is expected to speak at the conservative Leadership Conference in cary. As we head to break here is a live look over the city of oaks. Well be back with more local news and we begin this half hour with kuleles. Adapted from than old poring geese portuguese design. Ukes their popularity spread around the world of the jazz age of 1920s but true home is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean which is why you may be surprised to learn somewhere in of the best u lakekuleles are made. Here is johnathan vigliotti. A welsh landscape of jagged peaks and cascading water didfalls and visitors are first created by curious sheep and in this man and inside a small workshop a man and his apprentice make music. Professional musician but the ukuleles he handcrafts have put him on the map. 8,000 miles away in hawaii. The volcanoic islands are the birth place of ukuleles. Reporter nicely done. Bravo and in the pacific state, hallets ukulele is considered one of the best. What goes on in your mind when you think about your name and your instrument showing up halfway around the world in hawaii . Well, i just think its bizarre reporter bizarre, maybe. But when you look at his finished product, youll understand why. Theres something about making a ukulele, youve either got it or you havent. Reporter his mojo begins in this room. This wood will be molded, chiseled, sanded, and accomplished to perfection. When you think about this, what goes through your mind . They dont deserve you. My wife says its painful to watch them come by to pick up your instrument. Here is your instrument. Reporter each piece fetches up to 3,000. Thirty years ago, hallet struggled to make ends meet. I ran a Design Business for eight years and sold insurance five years, and wasnt until 1994 when i lost the business and guitar maker said come have therapy and make yourself a guitar. Reporter that guitar would later catch the eye of an hawaiian ukulele dealer. Reporter but hallet was a quick study and soon outpaced hawaiians who had other distractions. Surfs up. Lets go down to the beach and you dont get any work done. Reporter had you ever been to hawaii prior to making ukuleles . Never been reporter you never been . Dont you think its time to go . I do reporter it was performances like smells Like Team Spirit by the emerging ukulele orchestra of Great Britain that would increase popular demand for eke lay lees and make hallet a maim beyond the island. People say i can do that. Reporter you have nirvana to thank for this . Yes reporter hallet has made 725 ukuleles so far and had the goal of 1,000 by the time he is 70, but in 2015, a shaky hand and a visit to the doctors changed everything. So eventually i see a diagnosed me as having parkinsons. Reporter he was told the neurological disease would eventually rob his hands of his craft. Two ways to approach it. You getive into it and become an miserable man or this is an opportunity for me to do something completely new. Reporter that is why hallets young apprentice steps in. Two years ago, tommy came to the workshop from germany to intern with the master craftsman. When was the moment that you knew tommy was the one . The day i cried when he left after his internship. Reporter after hallet was diagnosed, he asked tommy to come back and help him with his race against time. Tommys hands will not only help hallet reach 1,000, they will eventually inherit the business. I really happy to be here. The chance he gave to me and gives me at the moment. Reporter and for someone to carry our legacy is like marriage . Yes, it is. Finally hand over his tools, youll still find a piece of him in each of his ukuleles. A sill owe wet is here at the head stock. Hallet and his music play on. Reporter to make 1,000 ukuleles and to teach others how to do so is this your way of taking control of parkinsons . Yes. Saying you dont own me. When i can do it, actually, i will be able to show people how to do it and that way, ive won. Ive really won. Somewhere over the rainbow reporter for cbs this Morning Saturday, johnathan vigliotti, in wales. Wow. What a lovely story. Really is. Since we shot that story, he is actually won a fellowship from the trust to go to hawaii. Going to want to come back. Do you know what i mean . Hell fall in love al good saturday morning. Off to a cloudy start to our day outside right now. We do have temperatures around the 30 in the 30s and overcast skies out there. Its 39 in raleigh, 37 in durham, 38 in fayetteville. On our up next, the dish. A lot more to new england cooking than chowder did i say it right . Yes. Chef Matt Jennings knows all about it and he has brought samples of cuisine from his hit restaurant in boston. Youre watching cbs this Morning Saturday. Ional aerosols that are . New air wick room mist with life scents is a multilayered fragrance, just like scents in real life. Finally, a truetolife fragrance, for your lively home. Air wick. Home is in the air. Ive been claritin clear for 14 days. When your allergy symptoms start. Every day of your allergy season. For continuous relief. With powerful, 24 hour. Nondrowsy claritin, live claritin clear. Every day. Does your makeup remover take it all off . Every kissproof, cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Need any more proof than that . What if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis . This is tecfidera. Tecfidera is not an injection. Its a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. Imagine what you could do with fewer relapses. Tecfidera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability, and decreases in your white blood cells. The most common side effects are flushing and stomach problems. Tell your doctor about any low white blood cell counts, infections, any other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. For relapsing ms in the us, at tecfidera. Com. Talk to your doctor about tecfidera, and take another look at relapsing ms. Matt jennings is a new englander through and through. His childhood was filled with red sox games making pot pies from scratch and fishing on the north shore. But it was his summer job at a local Grocery Store that may have had the greatest influence. The cafe next door gave him his first taste of working in a professional kitchen. Last year, he opened townsmen in boston where he serves up what he calls farmhouse cuisine and count four James Beard Award nominations for best chef in the declared him one of the biggest thinks in the Food Industry and esquire magazine named him one of the best new restaurants in the country. Welcome. Thank you. What did you bring for us . A smatter of things we love to cook with friends or family and eat together. Fried chicken a classic, right . Pulls on the heartstings of nostalgia. A little bit of an inflection of new englander there with the cider. Nice and crispy on the outside. Potatoes that i call ugly. They are very gently boiled and smashed and fried. They dont taste ugly, i can tell you that they taste delicious and here so finish it off and a salad with feta and spinach and onion and mediterranean. Up front beautiful pickled plums which is unusual for you guys but we love things like that at townsmen. Had to have those nice assit to cut the fat of the chicken too. I dont think too many people think about bringing avocado but its great and put a little green dressing in there as well. A nice little potpourri. You forgot anthonys favorite part you put something in my ice tea its a shandy so what better to drink with Fried Chicken than beer cheers. There is basal chopped up on top and blood orange jews in there as well. Nice first words out of your mouth was almost family. Yeah. Teams like its a big part of your story. Huge part of my story. I have a wonderful family, two boys and a wife at home in boston. And, you know, family has always fed into my food. I grew up in a family that really appreciated food and had gardens and we grew food and cooked with my parents. I started as a stock boy in a grocery story. Store. I did. The owner of the Grocery Store had a cafe next door and finish my work with the grocery and beer into the back kitchen door of the cafe and saw cooks that looked like pirates and said i have to get in there. The first job was like a cheese shop . A gourmet specialty shop no providence. We expanded and grew organically overtime into having a bistro next door. One of the most important people to meet was there at that cheese store . Yes. I met my wife to be there and didnt know i was going to at the time. This vision in an apron came to the front door to let me in and poured my first cup of coffee and that was it we fell in love owner cured meats and cheeses what a romantic spot. How did you end up in providence . We werent ready to move to boston or come to new york so providence seemed like a great spot. Great art scene and culture and Incredible Community and natural for us. We have difference chefs on sew and they have great with social media. I embrace it. I think a great way for me to connect with my peers in the industry. So often, we see each other at this gala events and this way we connect and see what each other is doing with food and inspire our teams and share that. For me its a great way to kind of meet new people and guests that come into my restaurant see im a family guy and i like to cook and so i think they can relate. After a long run in providence, you decided to go back to boston. One Year Anniversary now. What took you back . It was just time to go home. It was really more of a Family Decision than a career decision. Boys. I loved going to red sox games as you mentioned as a kid. Having these experiences going out surf casting on the shore. I wanted them to experience that same thing. For me, it was about getting closer to family and bringing the boys into part of my youth as well. As i hand this dish to you to get your signature on it, we want to ask you seems like the perfect family meal but if you could have this meal with any person past and present who would that be . One and only miss julia child. I had a pleasure to meet her when i worked in cambridge, massachusetts and was her personal shopper. She would call and we would go through the store and we would select items for her pantry together. If i could she would be sitting right here with me. She would love Fried Chicken too. I think she probably would. For more, head to the following website. A band born out of a Louisiana Church from shreveport. The seratones are next announcer the dish is sponsored by emirates. Fly emirates and wake up to flying as it should be with a right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. Without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. Only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. You could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. Learn how abreva starts to work immediately at abreva. Com dont tough it out, knock it out, fast. With abreva. Im billy, and i quit smoking with chantix. I had a lot of doubts going in. 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Its 41 degrees in raleigh right now. 37 degrees in durham, 42 in fayetteville and as we head through today expect temperatures to warm to about 55 this afternoon. Were looking at a high of 58 degrees tomorrow with showers wrapping up before dawn. Weve got warmer weather in the forecast for the rest of next week, 62 on monday, in the 70s tuesday through friday. The shooting happened just about a street away from the scene of a deadly officer shooting last week. The Victim Police still looking for the gunman. People at the scene say at the time of the shooting they were denkins. Protesters walked the street in front of the dpac last night. Theyre claiming the detention facility treats inmates unfairly. The second installment of the battle of the blues plays out tonight. The devils beat the tar heels less than a month ago. A win will give the tar heels least a share of the regular season title. Enjoying the outdoors brooke hey everyone, this is chicken soup for the souls Hidden Heroes, the cameras are rolling. This is a different kind of hidden camera experience. Were on the lookout for everyday people who show courage and kindness to total strangers. They know how to do the right thing. What they dont know is that were about to share their stories with the world. On todays episode, watch what happens when these Hidden Heroes turn the act of listening into a moment of caring for those less fortunate. And, anyone hiring . Actor oh. Hi. Brooke were on the hunt for a hidden hero at this restaurant. Actor i have to get their other salad, can you sweep that up for me . Woman i dont work here. Brooke then, tell me something good. Our reporter is on the street ready to broadcast some great news today

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