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But a ah humbug. Two Major Airlines announce they are raising backage fees just for the holiday season. How much will you be paying for your trip home . And floating to safety. Oh, my god. Whose car is he going to hit . Whose car is he going to hit . Thats not a person attached to that parachute, its an entire plane carrying the former ceo of walmart and two others. The technology that helped save their lives today, wednesday, november 4th, 2015. Announcer from nbc news this is today with matt lauer and Savannah Guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. And good morning, everyone. Welcome to today on a wednesday morning. That is some amazing footage. Some video youve got to play again and again to really believe what youre seeing there. Heard about this technology and now we see it in action saving lives. Much more on that story in just a little while, but on a wednesday morning we start with twist in the death of a Popular Police officer in illinois who was found shot to death back in september after he radioed that he was chasing three unidentified suspects. Well, now it appears that officer actually took his own life. Nbcs john yang is in chicago. John, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, matt. Bizarre indeed. This morning a shocking ending to a story that shook this area near the wisconsin border. A Law Enforcement official familiar with the findings tells nbcs chicago station wmaq that investigators are expected to close this case this morning in a most surprising way. This morning investigators are expecting to announce that lieutenant charles jay glenwicz took his own life, a conclusion as stunning as the discovery of his body two months ago. That led to a massive manhunt as hundreds of state, local and federal investigators scoured had gunned down the 30year police veterinarian knowned a gi joe. Subjects are to be considered armed and dangerous. M reporter morning of september 1st glenwicz, the married father of four, was on routine patrol when he radioed that he was chasing three suspicious men on foot. 17 minutes later backup officers found him dead, shot with his own gun, officials said, above his bulletproof vest. Glenwicz was a beloved figure, a mentor for young people this. Small tightknit community was in mourning and on edge, virtually locked down. We love you, joe. Reporter hundreds turned out for a memorial honoring him. Joe was my best friend, my world, my hero. The love of my life. Reporter investigators reported getting 400 tips and took dna samples from about 100 individuals, but no suspects were ever identified or apprehended. In an interview with crime watch daily gliniewiczs widow responded angrily after the coroner said he would not rule out suicide, but last months investigators seemed to acknowledge the possibility. I wholeheartedly believe he was murdered. Reporter and to say otherwise . Is disrespectful, hurtful, iryresponsible. Reporter but last month investigators seemed to acknowledge the possibility. The weapon could have been fired by lieutenant gliniewicz or he could have been in close proximity of the weapon being fired. Reporter can you rule out a suicide . Nothing is off the table. Reporter what investigators present with what they call their conclusive findings here later this morning we might hear what they believe led gliniewicz to take his own life. Matt, savannah. Thank you very much. Tweet from donald trump has the republican president ial candidate facing criticism as new poll numbers revealing how volatile this race has begun. To that in a moment but first katy tur is here with more on mr. Droump trump. Gogood morning to you. Reporter trump revealed his new book not naming his rivals by name highlighting solutions. That night he was back on the attack and this time firing at jeb bush. The latest in whats become a series of attacks against his rival candidates, donald trump retweeting a post overnight slamming jeb bush. It features a photo montage of the former florida governor. One picture shows an image of bush next to a swastika and another shows him wearing a some breyera. The caption reads adios jeb, aka jose. The online reaction was swift. One user responded vile attacks on your own party is how you prove youre conservative and president ial and another tweeted tweeting out swastikas and racial stereotypes to attack jeb bush, very grown up. I do my own tweets, 90 . Reporter its not the first time trump not known for mincing words has found himself in hot water for his inflammatory tweets. Last month he reposted a tweet mocking iowans that indicated ben carson was leading in the state. He later blamed an intern. The person thought it was a cute. I didnt think it was cute and i took it off. It wasnt a big deal. I this that really marco is overrated. Reporter and yesterday while promoting his latest book, trump went on the attack again, this time targeting florida senator marco rubio whose poll numbers have been steadily on the rise. All you have to do is look at his credit card. I mean, hes a disaster with his credit cards. He has a very bad record of finances if you look at what happened with his houses, with his, you know, he certainly lives above his means, theres no question about that. Reporter even with that rubio swipe, trump has been focusing more on calling out his rivals on substance lately rather than the personal attacks, a sign hes maturing as a candidate. Still, this morning he just deleted the swastika tweet, the campaign telling me that he did not see this image but that he did retweet it like hundreds of others. They just told that to me right now. He retweeted and hadnt looked closely tat. Reporter had not seen the image of the image that he retweeted. By the way, trump took a new swipes at the new frontrunner on republican side as well, but dr. Ben carson appears to be taking it all in stride. Nbc National Correspondent Peter Alexander has a closer look at carsons surge. Peter, good morning to you. Reporter hey, matt, good morning to you. This really has been a stunning rise. Ben carson, still technically off the campaign trail right now, but try telling that to the thousands of supporters who stand in line to see him at book signings across the state of florida. Donald trump may be flashy, but carson has proven to be a fe phenomenon. Ben carson in florida greeting big crowds, the outsider now on an inside track to the nomination. I think its a marathon and polls are going to go up and down so im not going to spend a lot of time worrying about it. Reporter our polls now have carson vaulting over donald trump who insists it wont last. When a man is weak on immigration and wants to get rid of medicare, i dont know how he stays there. Reporter and now a new poll out this morning taken after the last Republican Debate shows carson beating Hillary Clinton by ten points in a general election matchup. Carsons strongest support comes from evangelicals and women. Hes just that kind of a person that makes you just want to smile when you listen to him because he is so inspiring. Reporter with no background in politics the retired neurosurgeon an best selling author even worked as an expert court witness, reportedly earning 750 an hour for reviewing medical records. Hes appealing to independents, a doubledigit advantage over clinton. First known for memorably taking on president obama in 2013. Our deficit is a big problem. Reporter critics say carson may be haunted by comments made on the campaign trail. He did apologize for suggesting that prison made people gay. Because a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight and when they come out they are gay, so did something happen while they were in there . Reporter but he says Political Correctness is ruining our country sand standing by controversial comments on islam. I would not advocate that we put muslim in charge of this nation, i absolutely would not agree with that. Reporter and on nazi germany. I think the likelihood of hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed. Reporter carson speaking softly but on the campaign trail making plenty of noise. We all agree that these polls can vary, but even donald trump concedes they generally do show a trend and our most recent poll shows the hypothetical Clinton Carson matchup while clinton beats every other major republican in the race. Matt and savannah. Thank you very much. Other political news, we have results from around the country on several closely watched initiatives that were on the ballot n. Ohio, voters rejected a measure that would have legalize the recreational and medicinal mayor wan ashe. Some blame the fact that it would have given the power to grow pot to a small group of investors, including music star nick lachey and nba hall of famer oscar robertson, lachey tweeting last night change takes times. Lets go to houston where an ordinance designed to protect the right of gay and transgendered people failed to pass. Opponents focused on one aspect of the measure that allowed the use of public rest rooms by transgender men and women. Houstons mayor who is gay called that a campaign of fearmongering but the measure failed. And San Francisco voters rejected a proposal prompt the by the citys housing crisis to airbnb and other home sharing services limiting the number of day people could rent on the platt forms to 75 per year. Airbnb spent 8 million on ads in a Successful Campaign to defeat that measure. And now to the investigation into the deadly crash of a russian passenger plane and a new claim now that it is isis that brought down the jet. Nbc chief global correspondent bill neely is in cairo again for us. Bill, good morning. Reporter good morning, savannah. Day five, and we still dont know what caused this, but one by one they are eliminating possibilities. The desert search area has been expanded but the range of possible causes is now naoing. They are getting closer. Investigators now focusing on a few small sections of the plane. Notrations of a bomb, no evidence of explosives found so far, according to reports on russian media, but the heat flash detected from the plane by was an explosion that split the plane in midair, the evidence now pointing towards some catastrophic event that made a fuel tank explode or a bomb. Whether its mechanical or intentional, thats yet to be determined. Reporter all the bodies recovered are now in russia being identified. The state News Agency Says those in the back of the plane suffered injuries consistent with an explosion. The tail was found three miles from the rest of the plane. They are now examining a repair job on the tail that was damaged hitting the ground 14 years ago. They are also searching the airport where the plane took off, questioning those who serviced it, caterers, cleaners, baggage handlers. The terror group isis is active in egypt and claims it downed the plane. The truth will likely emerge from the two flight recorders. Investigators analyzing these now but making nothing public. And indeed making it clear that they wont say anything for a long time. Within the last hour isis has repeated its claim. Nbc news cannot authenticate this yet, but if it was a bomb, there will be evidence, explosive residue, a timer, a fragment of a circuit board. There is no such evidence like that for now. So spare a thought this morning for the families of all those on board, still not knowing how on earth this happened. Matt, savannah. Can you imagine. Bill neely, thank you very much. Well turn now to a story thats affecting millions of drivers all across the country. U. S. Safety regulators are slapping takata with a hefty fine for failing to disclose defects with air bags. Nbcs tom costello has more on that. Hi, tom. Reporter good morning, matt. For years Takata Corporation sold defective air bags insisting that they were safe, but now with seven deaths and 100 injuries in the u. S. , retigulators are taking action. Its one of the biggest finds the Takata Corporation facing a 70 million penalty for lapses in air bag safety, but the total fine could grow to 200 million if the Company Fails to comply with a consent order. U. S. Investigators say takata failed to immediately alert regulators about air bag inflators containing ammonium nitrate, a chemical thats potentially unstable and could cause air bags to explode. To date these represent tours are responsible for seven u. S. Deaths and nearly 100 injuries. Reporter in 2014, this woman was killed after her air bag ruptured in florida. Attorney hank didier told me at the time chards of flying metal shot from the air bag. What happened here, as you can see the shrapnel on the floor here from where the steering column was blown apart backwards, but what went forward towards her are metal fragments from the inflator itself. Reporter just came right into her face and neck. Reporter now the government is requiring them to phase out the use of ammonium nye trail. Takata has already recalled nearly 20 million vehicles involving a dozen automakers and the recall could still expand. In a statement takatas chairman says, quote, we deeply regret the circumstances that led to this agreement. The settlement is the an important step forward for takata that will enable us to focus on rebuilding the trust of automakers, regulators and the driving public. Another development overnight, honda announcing it will no longer use takata air bags in new honda or acura models. If youre worried your car may be part of the recall, go to safercar. Gov, enter your vehicles identification number, the v. I. N. If your car is affected can you call your dealer and hopefully arrange for a free repair. Matt, back to you. Lets stick with the Auto Industry for a sec. Youre also following that scandal with vw, and its growing now. Reporter yeah, vw now says it understated the emissions on another 800,000 cars. Of course, vw has already said up to 11 million of its vehicles had software that allowed them to deceive emissions testers so the size and the scope of the volkswagen scandal is growing yet again, mostly now overseas. All right. Tom costello covering two important stories for us this morning. Tom, thank you. Meantime, the e. Coli outbreak that caused chipotle restaurants to shut down dozens of those restaurants is growing. There are now at least 37 confirmed cases of people being sickened in oregon and Washington State, but this morning scientists believe they are closing in on the exact source, the specific microorganism responsible for this has been identified now. They are saying it may have been carried on Fresh Produce such as lettuce, tomatoes, cilantro or on jones. And now to some very disturbing Surveillance Video showing a city bus hitting and killing a 70yearold woman as she tries to cross the street. Take a look at woman. Shes in a green sweatshirt. Shes using a walker and waits for the cars to go by and then she starts to cross. An outofservice bus makes a left turn and hits her. We stop the video right there. The driver paused in the intersection for a few seconds and then drove away. Arrested charged with leaving the scene of an accident. Some of his family members claim he did not see the woman crossing the street. Heartbreaking. Now to that remarkable video we showed you at top of this show, an astonishing sight in the skies over fayetteville, arkansas. A small plane piloted by former walmart ceo bill simon was forced to make an Emergency Landing with help, yes, from the aircrafts parachute. Apparently the plane experienced a sudden drop in oil pressure so the pilot decided to deploy the emergency chute. Several bystanders, as you can see, caught incident on camera. When the plane finally land it had actually hit a Truck Driving down the road. The driver of the truck and all three people on the plane were taken to the hospital, but were happy to report that they are suffering only minor injuries. Thats miraculo. , incredible to see that and the producer just told me it cost about 800,000 to equip a plane with that. Saved his life. Sal here. Lets get a check of the forecast. A lot of stormy stuff. We go to california, san diego. Heavy thunderstorms and a lot of lightning. They had a lot of rain as well. Roads were flooded out. Big problems there. Lets move a little further east. Yellowstone, take a look. About 7 inches of snow, and its still coming down, so skiers are rejoicing right now. But a lot of folks in texas not rejoicing as this storm system makes its way to the east. Weve already got flood watches and flash flood watches in effect through friday for a good portion of texas, and weve also got torment risk of strong storms, isolated tornadoes and damaging wind gusts over 60 miles per hour. This front will be pushing through. That will bring the snow into yellowstone. Thursday flood watches and and continues into thursday evening. Much cooler air behind it. Well be looking at changes and rainfall again. Why weve got the the flood watches in effect. 3 to 4 from little rock a starting out in the 50s again in the city. But 40s and a few 30s in the suburbs north and west. Similar to yesterday morning. Not as chilly. Were heading towards another warm afternoon. Warm by november standards certainly. With sunshine. 71 the expected high. Cooler tomorrow. Could be a couple of showers, especially afternoon and evening. 69 the expected High Temperature tomorrow. Just shy of 70. Low 70s friday. Clouds and sun evening shower. Low 60s, clouds saturday. Back to the sunshine, cooler sunday. Middle 50s. Thats your late weather. Matt. Thank you very much. Coming up, final days of Robin Williams life as his widow speaks out. And Companies Going after people who post bad reviews about their services y. Your words could land you with a bill for thousands dollars and what coming up, the airlines that Just Announced they are charging its a long day and sometimes, an even longer night. Helping with homework before doing your own. And you may think no one notices. She sees more than mom, she sees determination. We do too. For nearly 40 years, weve designed an education for people just like you. Learn more at phoenix. Edu. I was not aware of how much acidity was in my diet. I was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. I wanted to fix it, i wanted to fix it right away. My dentist recommended pronamel. 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I was given warfarin in the hospital but i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. Then my doctor told me about eliquis. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. Pnot only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots, t but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding v than the standard treatment. Knowing eliquis had both. Turned around my thinking. Pdont stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. Peliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Pdont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Pif you had a spinal injection while on eliquis pcall your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. Pwhile taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. Pand it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Pseek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Peliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Ptell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. V eliquis treats dvt pe blood clots. V plus had less major bleeding. Both made switching to eliquis right for me. Ask your doctor if its good morning everyone. 7 26. Its wednesday morning. 56 degrees out. Very nice. Im darlene rodriguez. In the news this morning, the mta bus driver accused of running down an elderly woman is due in court today. Katherine creag has details from downtown brooklyn. Kat . Reporter darlene, we will be inside that courtroom here at the courthouse when that mta bus driver is arraigned. Hes 48yearold paul roper who faces a number of charges, including leaving the scene of an accident. Hes been an mta bus driver for 15 years and has now been suspended. The 70yearold victim seen on Surveillance Video crossing the street. Fulton street when the bus takes a turn according to police. The bus struck her and the driver stop and later took off. Kat, thank you so much. Lets look at the commute with lauren scala. A couple of big problems out there. This accident on the l. I. E. Westbound by exit 24 shuts down two lanes. Delays all the way back through on the gowanus, inbound aught the prospect expressway, theres a tractortrailer accident that blocks the right lane and the ramp to the prospect expressway. You can see a slow ride through here. We have an overturned tractortrailer on 287 northbound before mt. Airy road. Delays are awful. Back to you. Thanks so much, lauren. Well be right back with the forecast. Good trech of weather continues with more sunshine. Low 70s this afternoon. Might be cooler up against the coast. Upper 60s tomorrow. A spotty shower or two in the afternoon. A warm day on friday. 73. Could be an evening shower. Slightly cooler with clouds. Back to the sunshine, 50s on sunday. Darlene. The massive online response after a teenage social media sensation pulled the plug saying enough is enough. Stay tuned. Welcome, to the simply orange tour. This is our plant. These are our workers. And this, is upper management. But what you wont find around here, is any freezing, flavoring, or concentrating. Which brings us to our end product. Simply orange. Honestly simple. Thats just the night watchman. Its 7 30 now. Its wednesday morning, the 4th of november, 2015. And theres a pretty shot from the top of the rock. It feels like summer again in the northeast. Yes. Its gorgeous. I love it. Winter can take your time, take your sweet time. Good morning, everybody. Nice to have you along. Heres whats happening in the headlines. This morning investigators are set to reveal significant new information as they call it in the september shooting death of an illinois Police Officer. That led to a massive manhunt for potential suspects. You may remember the case, but officials are expected to announce now that lieutenant Joe Gliniewicz actually took his own life. A new Quinnipiac University National Poll out this morning shows donald trump and ben carson in a virtual tie in the republican president ial race with trump leading by just a percentage point. In third marco rubio followed by ted cruz and jeb bush at 4 . And a measure in ohio that would have legalized both medicinal and medical marijuana has been rejected by voters there. Critics say it would have created a monopoly on growing pot for a small group of investors. Let us begin this half hour with Robin Williams widow now opening up about the beloved actors tragic death. Nbcs joe fryer has that story for us. Joe, good morning. Reporter good morning, matt. For the First Time Since williams committed suicide, his widow susan is speaking out and tells People Magazine that it wasnt depression that killed her husband but she believes a disease that was diagnosed after his death. Maybe they should have a gps that ages with you, becomes age appropriate so eventually the car is going theres your turn, hello. Reporter williams life was filled with laughter which is why his suicide last year shocked so many and now in fridays issue of People Magazine his widow susan is opening up life about life in the months before his death. Both robin and susan knew something was very wrong but doctors couldnt pinpoint exactly what it was. Reporter it wasnt until after his death an autopsy revealed williams was suffering from something called dementia with louie bodies. There was ongoing speculation that his depression or ongoing financial problems was the reason he committed suicide but in the end susan believes it was this disease. Reporter like alzheimers it is a progressive brain disease. Theres a lot of difficulty with focus and contrace which affects memory and thinking. Reporter can it be tough to diagnose sometimes . Sometimes its misdiagnosed as alzheimers disease. Reporter Susan Williams pels people that before robin died for the star and he went through massive bouts of anxiety and his movement became impaired and once she found him bleeding from the head in the bathroom. He apparently hit his head on a door and unable to articulate that and simply pointed to the door and she had to fill in the blanks. Reporter now susan says it all makes sense. She believes doctors were moving towards a diagnosis but robin took his life before they could get there and shes sharing her story hoping to raise awareness about the disease. She did cry at times, but she was also very resilient and resolved about her new mission in life. Reporter Susan Williams says robins death was for a reason, to educated people about lewy body dementia and hopefully some day find a cure. Itows believed more than a million americans have the disease but many have not been diagnosed. Matt and savannah. Joe fryer on that story, joe, thanks very much. Taking a turn, oscar winner Quentin Tarantino is hitting back calling for a boycott of his new movie stemming from remarks he made at a rally against police brew at all. Natalie is following the story. Police unions in the nations largest cities, they are behind this push for people to pass on the hateful 8 which comes out next month but the pulp fiction director says critics are twisting his word and ignoring the underlying problem. Quentin tarantino not backing down. On tuesday defending earlier comment telling the los angeles times, quote, i am not a cop hater. That is a misrepresentation. That is slanderous. The twotime oscar winner clarified remarks that have kicked off a wave controversy unarmed individuals. Tarantino now saying all cops are not murderers. I never said that. I never even implied that. Controversy began when tarantino spoke at a rise up october rally in new york last month. When i say murderers, i cannot stand by and i have to call the murdered the murdered, i have to call the murderers the murderers. Reporter several Police Unions fired back calling for a boycott of tarantinos upcoming film the hateful 8. With unions in new york, chicago, houston, philadelphia, new jersey, l. A. And original county all joining the backlash. The bottom line is he said what he said. Hes trying to hide behind it now. Hes not coming forward and changing his opinion so were going to push steadfast and disrupt his movie the best we can. Reporter tarantino does have his supporters in the form of fellow activists as well as actors like jamie foxx who teipamed up with the director for django unchange the. This is my world and in my world youve got to the get dirty. And defended him at an awards show this past weekend. I want to say this. Quentin tarantino, you are boss. Youre absolutely amazing. Keep speaking the truth and keep telling the truth and dont worry about none of the haters. Meanwhile tarantino is saying by focusing on him rather than the shootings themselves that Police Unions are focusing on the wrong issue. There are still a full seven weeks before the hateful 8 opens up on Christmas Day meaning the controversy and the threats of the boycott just getting started, heating up and boiling up. The first time were hearing him respond to it. Natalie, thank you. Not backing down. Let us get a check of the weather now from al. So the jet stream right now is acting like a wall between the colder air out west and the fantastic warm weather here in the east. Its slowly going to make its way east as we get into thursday and friday, but in the meantime from texas right into the northeast we are going to be looking at gorgeous weather. You get out west though, temperatures way below normal. Reno 481 by friday and same in salt lake, flagstaff, arizona, 47 and other side of the front, look at these temperatures. 73 in nashville by friday and 78 in atlanta. Jacksonville 85 and washington, it will be 76 in new york city. Rest of the country today, weve got snow in the rockies and also up into the cascades and look for showers in the pacific northwest. Wet weather moving into texas but eastern third of the country fabulous though a lot of fog advisories throughout parts of al, thanks very much. Looking at another sunny day. Unseasonably mild one too. 71 the expected high this afternoon. Cooler in coastal areas because of the southeasterly wind direction off the water. Patchy clouds leave tonight. 57 in the city, 40 suburbs. Showers, mainly in the afternoon. Highs in the upper 60s. Into the 70s though on friday. Morning clouds, then sun. Could be an evening shower. 73. On the cloudy side saturday. Low 60s. Back to sunshine but chillier sunday. Middle 50s. Get your weather any time you need to go to the weather online. Okay, al. Thank you so much. Could you be forced to the pay Company Online, thousands of dollars in some cases . Well tell you about the new push to bring that to an end. Also ahead, tired of hitting the gyms for hours on end to keep the pound off . Were going to tell you about a simple thing you could be doing instead but first, these have you heard about the toysrus price match guarantee . Price match . Explain. If a customer finds you for a lower price at another store, theyll match the price. Small childs toy, are you telling me theres more than one Optimus Prime . Well, sure. Look to your left. [gasp] ah ah ah ah well match any price on even the hottest toys hey, mom im moving out what do you mean . Well, after all a man just needs his car and a wireless plan he can afford. Dear, look at your brother he switched to verizon and hes still here because it cost him so darned much. Relax im switching to sprint. 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Com there is a rhythm that beats inside all of us, and it whispers, be bold. Be an artist. A titan of business. Inspire. Be a hero. We all have greatness in us, and with the right tools, there are no limits to where your rhythm will take you. Introducing the ultimate laptop. Surface book by microsoft. Were back at 7 4. Weve got a consumer alert that will have you looking a lot more closely at the fine print. Apparently Small Businesses are going after customers who post negative Online Reviews, and now theres a push to stop them. Nbcs Gabe Gutierrez is here with more on that. Weve been going over this. Youve been explaining it to us. Explain it to the viewers. Reporter hey there, guys, good morning. Well call it view retaliation. In the digital age even a few negative online comments can cost a Small Business big time. The question is now should they be allowed to stop you from writing them . The power of a keystroke, scathing Online Reviews fighting bad service, but can the company fight back . We were scared. We were stressed. We had no idea what was actually going to happen. Reporter jen palmers hu tsband order her gear from a Company Called kleargear. Com and said she posted a review saying these people are horrible to deal with and then the company charged the customer 5 3 5 hundred. What scared me more is they werent coming after us because i wrote a bad review because they were hitting his credit for something i did. Reporter they are called nondisparagement clauses, allowing companies to take action if a customers bad review could hurt their bottom line, and they are popping up more often from online retailers to wedding vendors. We see it as an issue of Consumer Rights and freedom. Reporter senator john thune is the chairman of the Commerce Committee and has introduced legislation to ban customer gag cliauses nationwide. This is really sort of online bullying, when you intimidate and create an atmosphere of fear that a consumer cant express their views about a product or service online. Reporter but right now the clauses are allowed in every state except california, so what should you do before you bash a Company Online . First, read the fine print. If the clause is in the contract, you may want to take your business elsewhere. Second, dont make things up. Theres a fine line between a bad review and defamation. And third, dont ignore it. If a company does fine you for a bad review and sends the bill to a Collection Agency it could ding your credit score for years. Thats what happened to jen palmers husband, so kleargear and after years Court Battles a judge award them 307,000. The Parent Company did not immediately respond to comment and did not respond to the law sue. The websites current donor tells nbc news the brand will be dissolved later this month. If you dont want bad reviews dont provide bad service. It seems so common sense to me. Reporter and theres a hearing on the proposed bill on cap he will. A similar measure was introduced earlier in the year and the authors hope to get it passed by the end of the year. They say it has bipartisan support, but, guy, as we know few things move quickly in congress. In the meantime though youve got to read the fine print and make sure you understand what the terms r. All right, gabe. Thank you. Thank you. Coming up on pop start when gwen stefani just revealed about her feelings for her voice costar carson daly, no, Blake Shelton. Goodness. And the duke and duchess of cambridges ver how you doing . Hey how are you . Where are we watching the game . Youll see. I think my boys have a shot this year. Yeah, especially with this new offense were running. I mean, our running back is a beast. Once he hits the hole and breaks through the secondary, oh hes gone. And our linebackers and dbs dish out punishment, you didnt expect this did you . No i didnt. The nissan altima. Theres a fun side to every drive. Nissan. Innovation that excites. Terry bradshaw . What a surprise you know what else is a surprise . Shingles. And how it can hit you out of nowhere. I know. I had it. C mon let s sit down and talk about it. And did you know that one in three people will get shingles . all no. That s why i m reminding people if you had chickenpox then the shingles virus is already inside you. all oooh. Who s had chickenpox . Scoot over. And look that nasty rash can pop up anywhere and the pain can be even worse than it looks. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist. About a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. Before it was honey in these honey nut cheerios, it was honey being collected. And honey getting made. And honey that was just beginning. Set of wheels, then. Wham a minivan guess what your insurance give you 37thousand to replace it. Depreciation they claim. How can my car depreciate before its first oil change . You ask. Maybe the better question is, why do you have that Insurance Company . With Liberty Mutual new car replacement, well replace the full value of your car. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Give extra. Get extra. Welcome to the sleep revolution. All new emergenzzzz. A natural way to power down. With melatonin, plus vitamin c and other antioxidants. To work their magic while you sleep. Dont just sleep, revitalize. New emergenzzzz, power down to power up. At ally bank no branches equals great rates. It s a fact. Kind of like ordering wine equals pretending to know wine. Pinot noir, which means peanut of the night. All right. Were back now with members of the royal family taking on a modern day problem. Carson is here for that. Thats right. Good morning, guys. Were talking about the duke and duchess of cambridge and Cyber Bullying. Nbcs keir simmons is at Buckingham Palace with more. Keir, good morning. Reporter hey, carson, good morning. Just try jumping on facebook or twitter and see whats said about kate, a lot of positive stuff admittedly but a fair. A criticism, some of it unfair. What kate and william are really concerned with is that kind of abuse direct the at young people. They are already interested in young peoples mental health. Now they are taking on the online bullies. They became more aware of the growing problem after hearing from young people during charity visits, and as new parents to 2yearold Prince George and princess charlotte, just 6 months, they really worry about the effect on children. Who knows, Prince George is probably using an ipad already like most toddlers are. Reporter thats why they reportedly plan to put pressure on social Media Company to change the statistics. 33 of teenagers have been victims of Cyber Bullying. 1 million children were to other forms of Cyber Bullying last year while 67 of young people think Cyber Bullying is a problem. While kate herself was bullied when she was young. Because she thinks young people are increasingly becoming vulnerable to these kinds of attacks and playground bullying is what kate experienced and online its much more pernicious. Reporter two parent wanting to protect their children and everyones from the bullies in an age when even young royals are on the internet. And weve yet to find out when the meeting with the heads of twitter and facebook might happen with the royals, but carson, you know, you and i as fathers, were watching our children jump on smartphones and tablets even before they can speak. I guess its kind of reassuring to realize that the royals have the same same problem. Their Little Prince and princesses jumping online and want to make sure they are protected. Keir, thanks very much at Buckingham Palace. You bring up a good point. Let me point out that both facebook and twitter do have sections of their website devoted to dealing with online abuses. On facebook, they call this their bullying hub where they describe what bullying is and various scenarios and different ag es can read up there. Lets go over to twitter, twitter is more immediate so you can take action just by hitting the threet dots there once you get a tweet you dont like and can immediately block a user or report a case right then and there. The royal family isnt the first highprofile group taking on Cyber Bullying, a few celebrities who have closed their twitter accounts at some point due to hateful comment. Most have rejoined after a period of time though in a much more limited capacity. Its going to be interesting to see if this potential meeting between the royals and social media executives will help combat this issue that so many parents are concerned about. Guys . Im glad they are focused on it. Yes. Raising kids in the online digital age, not easy. And social media has to contend with that dark side of it, you know, the hate that is out there. Thats true. Coming up, another online concern. Can you rea [ barks ] come on. Welcome to the annual lighting of the tree. Let the holidays begin [ crowd gasps ] oh that is not good a bulb has gone out. Who will go on the perilous journey to replace it . We will crowd huh . We will . Yeah shell ya later be careful out there. Good luck to the used car buyer whos worried about getting dont worry. The only rides youll get taken on at carmax are the ones you take yourself. But just in case that absolutely 100 percent perfect choice. Turns out to be. Less than perfect. We give you five days to change your mind. Sorry. I have a Resident Named joyce, and she kept complaining about all her aches and pains. And i said come to class, lets start walking together and i said and i bet you money youll be able to do that senior walk. That day i said ok its me and you girl, me and you i said if you need to stop, theres a bench well just hang out in the shade. She said absolutely not we are going to finish this race and we were the last ones in, but you know what . We finished the race. And she goes desiree, ill never quit walking. Ever well, this is a first. At t and directv are now one. So get ready to laugh here and cry here. Scream over here and freak out over there and maybe go back to laughing here. And crying there. Try not to laugh here though, its rude. And maybe dont cry here, people will get the wrong idea. Introducing the all in one plan. Only from directv and at t. under loud music this is the place. Their beard salve is made from sustainable tea tree oil and kale. You, my friend, recognize when a trend has reached critical mass. Yes, when others focus on one thing, you see what s coming next. You see opportunity. That s what a type e does. And so it begins. With e trade s investing insights center, you can spot trends before they become trendy. E trade. Good morning everyone. 7 56. It is 56 degrees out on a wednesday morning. Im darlene rodriguez. Today a man who gave his life to save his sister on in westchester county. Christian laka pushed his sister out of the way as a car barreled toward them while they were trickortreating in the bronx. Two other people also diedment Funeral Services for 10yearold nighian a and her grandfather are set for friday and saturday. Outrage over the delay of the Second Avenue subway project. The mta slashed 1 billion from the budget and says con trucks for stations above 96th street wont start until at least 2020. The mta says the tunnel Boring Machine is the issue, not the money. Lets look at the commute with lauren scala. Thanks, darlene. We have that overturned tractortrailer on 287 northbound before exit 26. Mt. Airy roadblocking two lanes. Delays back past 78. An accident southbound on the hutch by Orchard Beach causing delays. The gowanus is a mess because of the accident that blocks expressway and the ramp. Back to you, darlene. Lauren, thank you. Today, sunny, high of 71. Tomorrow, spotty, high of 69. Frooil, morning fog. 73 as the high. Saturday, 62 and cloudy. Coming up on the today show, the cast of spectre gives us the inside scoop on the new james bond film. Its 8 00 on today. Coming up taking on social media anxiety. I let myself be something thats so not real. Why an instagram star is quitting social media and calling on others to join her. Oh, what a Beautiful Life special delivery. We spend a day in the life of a woman devoted to bringing joy to the world. To spend nine months with somebody and then hand them a life that you just brought into the world for them, it completes the circle. Im your best chance of staying alive. Shaken, stirred and speaking out. Ten years ago i kind of wanted to take this somewhere and weve finished this movie and thats like this is exactly where i want to be. We sit down with the fourtime bond daniel craig and the highlights of the new blockbuster spectre, today, november 4, 2015. All the way from tampa bay to be on today indianapolis loves today. Sister love from michigan storm new york city. Happy birthday to my husband nick. I love you celebrating 40 today happy birthday. Were back now. Its the 4th day of november, 2015. This story were going to brick you in this half hour about this model who has decided to get off social media, if youve got teenagers at home i think youre going to really be able to relate to some of the things she says about her social media life up to this point. I think a lot of teenagers will be interested because she speaks from experience. Also coming up this morning, today food contributor and the woman who picks up carsons socks every day, sarah pinter is here and shes going to show us some tried and true family recipes. Bingo. Remember, were doing thanksgiving all this month. This may be go south because saxon wranglers handler forgot any treats. Im not holding anything. Hes looking elsewhere. Remnants in your pocket, little liver treats. Usually, is not today. Close your ears. By the way, weve got rokerthon 2 bigger, better and badder than ever. Well be doing the Weather Forecast live in 50 states in one week. We start in hawaii on friday. Join the adventure on our special page today. Com rokerthon and come out and see us because we want to see you as we go across america. Have you started to look forward at the Weather Forecast for all the places . I have and so far not too bad. Looking forward to it. We want people to turn out. Are you going to pack 50 different outfits for 50 different states. I packed my bag last night. I have everything in a carryon. Come on. I do. Israel post pictures of it. Youll be gamey by the end. A change of underwear and socks for the week. More than we needed to know. Sorry, you can still hear me. Heres the line, here you are. Lets go inside to natalie with a check of the top stories. After month of speculation and investigation a stunning announcement expected today in the Fatal Shooting of a chicagoarea Police Officer of the officials are expected to fox lake lieutenant Joseph Gliniewicz was found dead in september after reporting that he was going to check on three suspicious people. His killing launched a huge manhunt, but no suspects were ever named. Although donald trump has fallen in the polls, a controversial twitter post has people talking about him this mosorning. On tuesday he retweeted what appears to be a supporters message, and it features him a montage of pictures including jeb bush next to a nazi swastika. As of this morning, his campaign deleted the tweet and says he did not see the image before he retweeted it. A tweet also showed an image bush in a mexican sombrero. A new National Poll out has trump in a virtual tie with ben carson. The Quinnipiac University poll shows trump with just a onepoint lead, and an nbc news poll earlier this week had him leading carson by six. Well, the new poll also shows carson beating Hillary Clinton by ten points in a headtohead matchup. A cautious carson says the race is a marathon and that the polls will go up and down with a year to go. Well, voters in ohio have rejected a bid to legalize recreation and medicinal marijuana. The proposal would have let anyone over the age of 21 possess up to an ounce of marijuana. Others with doctorcertified conditions could have used medical marijuana, but there was widespread backlash because a proposal would have granted a small number of wealthy investors including entertainer nick lachey sole permission to operate commercial marijuana farms. The whom who was in charge of meanwhile, in other news, the woman charged of caring for Bobbi Christina has been charged with impersonating a nurse using the identity of a legitimate nurse with the same name. Hospice Officials Say they per formed a background check and had no reason to believe she was nurse. Bobbi christina, the daughter of singers Whitney Houston and the bobby brown died six months after she was found face down in her bathtub. The taco bell executive fired after he was seen in a viral video hitting his uber driver now faces legal trouble. 32yearold benjamin golden of newport beach, california was charged with assault, battery and injury of a transportation Public Transportation employee. If convicted it will be one year in jail and a 10,000 fine. Three dogs in canada doing muche wo better this morning after a prickly encounter with a porcupine. As can you guess, the porcupine, oh, gosh, won the battle this. Happened on a farm in saskatchewan. Now one of the dogs needed extensive surgery to remove all of the quills, but all three are recovering nicely. Oh, thats painful to even see those pictures. Guys. Awful. Poor things. Glad they are okay though. Natalie, thank you. A really interesting story. An australian model and instagram star, im still trying to get my arms around, that is making headlines all around the world this morning. Shes decided to quit social media and is opening up about what appeared on the surface to be her dream life. Nbcs Stephanie Gosk is here with her story. Its an offing one. Good morning. Really is. Shes basically pulling the curtain back from her social media life and showing her thousands of fans that reality is not what they may think. Behind every post, every picture, every like, every selfie theres a story, but according to this australian model things arent always as they seem. Im quitting social media to tell anyone, everyone who is still watching, i was miserable. Reporter with half a million followers on instagram, 200,000 on youtube and tumbler and 60,000 on snapshapp essena was a social media maven who said she had it all and she was addicted to social media, social approval, social status and her everything i didinas for views, for likes, for followers. The only time i felt better about myself really was the more followers, the more likes, the more praise and the more views i got online. It was never enough. Reporter revealing that behind the scenes she suffered from anxiety and depression. Now the 19yearold is going unfiltered. Overnight she completely deleted her instagram account. The bolt move comes after she deleted 2,000 photos and renamed it social media is not life and she said they were edited to show what was really happening. She was paid 200 to wear a dress saying some could pay up to 1,000 per post and this picture reads not real life. Took over 100 in similar poses trying to make my stomach look good. Would have hardly eaten that day. I was just living in screen wishing that people would value me, that people would hear me and that people would just adore me. Most people dont realize how much social immediate yam packets them. The more people are on social mediate more depressed they are because they see these images of their friends who appear to have these perfect lives and then they start to feel bad about themselves. Reporter oneill has now dump what had she calls her moneymaking instafamous culture life to start a new website, and shes encouraging others to live without digital distractions. You have everything to gain. There are people around you. Go do things that you love to do in the real world. Reporter since oneill proclaimed her disdain for social media, fans have had mixed reaction. While some applaud her for being brave and inspiring, others are questioning her intent wondering if its just another marketing stunt to promote her new wednesday im she admitted she cant afford rent right now and then asked for monetary support. That clouded it a little bit at end there, but i will say that the line social media is not real life, i have kids. Their friends, they spend so much time posting pictures and then gauging the reaction by the likes they get, and if they get a lot of likes, its a good day and if they dont get a lot of likes its a bad day, makes no sense. How kids feel about themselves nowadays is vaedlidation comes from their followers, aderly. The kind of responses they get from the things that they post that have a real at times detrimental effect on kids. An interesting story, thank you very much. Coming up next, what you should be doing instead of spending long hours at the gym, something that really works to keep the weight off. Plus, the delivery business. Well spend 24 hours with a doctor at one of the busiest hospitals in this country. But first on a wednesday morning these messages. The search for brown bears begins. Denali highway. Low on gas. Pit stop. Fill up. Double points. Yep, that s cold. Tired. Day 2. Coffee. Eggs. Double points. Beautiful. Majestic. Nothing. Where are you, bear . Warm. Warmer. Warmer. Yes. Wherever the journey takes you, carry American Express gold. It s more than a card. It s the gear that gets it done. Just fifteen minutes and a little imagination are all you need to make thanksgiving magic. microwave ding chex party mix. Its what thanksgiving is made of. Weve been helping kids as they grow strong and healthy for generations. And todays flintstones are specially formulated with key antioxidants to help support kids immune health. Ten million strong and growing people think californians live in our own reality. With our heads in the clouds. Like a bunch of space cadets. Huh . What . Ive drawn a blank. Whats my line . [director] reset maybe we do live in a fantasy. In our own little bubble. Down to earth. But just a bunch of dreamers . No way were just like everyone else. You know, average joes. Start dreaming big at visitcalifornia. Com if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Isnt it time to let the. Real you shine. Through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection, or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Pdont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase. The risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression. Or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, pupper respiratory tract infection, and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. P ask your doctor about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. 8 14. Back with whats trending today. Lets hear the rest of this dance. Very catchy, isnt . I got that little thing done. Thats the song i was talking to the doctor, i cant feel my face. Yeah. I forgot we did that, botox. I dont know if thats the you forget you did it. Holidays are almost here and already a big bummer courtesy of Spirit Airlines and frontier airlines. They will charge you an extra baggage fee just for flying during the holiday season. Come on. This is on top of the regular baggage fee they already impose year round. Heres the deal. The added fees will be in place for flight between thanksgiving and just after new years. On sfirt will cost you other 2 and on frontier between 5 and 10. That should be illegal. Spirit did this last year. And frontier is joining them now. Because they can. They did it last year and got a lot of money and they will do it again. How about this one, keeping the pounds off in a new way. Go to the gym . Yes, definitely. Got gyms. The but you know what could do just as well as going to the gym, a brisk walk in the park. British researchers say brisk walking, not sure how many miles an hour you have to go, is the most effective way to stay slim. It beat out jogging, swimming, cycling and playing sports and true for women of all ages and men over 50 who regularly walk for more than 30 minute. Those folks were found to have a smaller waist and lower body mass index. All that work for nothing. I know. So youve got to be moving for that to do more weight loss. Like that. Like doubling your time. That looks wild. Look how fast i am. Those dutch people chasing you. Thats right. I like that though. Thats a good way to do it. Youre going to love this one, a little confusing and kind of a mind bender check out this father and son who came up with the ultimate Halloween Costumes by dressing up as each other. First, here they are as themselves not in costume, son on the left and dad on the right. Okay. Now here they are in costume. Wow. Oh, my gosh. They switched clothes, added a little face paint and this photo literally made my brain shut down for a second. Thats amazing. I saw them side by side at first and i couldnt tell which one was the real son, which was the real dad. Whats funny is because on the surface you dont look at them and say those two look alike. Doppelganger. Impressive. And now to americas most eligible bachelors off the market and what gwen stefani is saying. Derek jeter is officially taken, sorry, just the messenger. El captain baseball legend confirmed hes engaged to model hannah davis who have been together three years. It was the sly way in which derek revealed the news. He wrote an essay about his new dog and in it he casually mentioned that he was a Christmas Gift last year from my fiance. Just slipped it in there. No word yet on a date. Now the next item here, this is the question people are asking about two of my friends from the voice. Are they dating, not adam and pharrell, they are. No. Were talking about blake and gwen, both going through divorces and as you well know spotted out together so Ryan Seacrest has the nerf to straight up ask gwen about the rumor. Is it true or not true . Im not going to answer that right now. I think hes hot, dont you . To be super honest, like it is kind of crazy that we both went through the same thing at the same time. Gwen went on to say nbc set up the whole thing putting two divorced people on the show at the same time. Whats happening, carson . Roll the video. Next item. And blake looks fantastic. Tell us. Were so running long right now. Even if i knew something i wouldnt say. Its their own thing. They are good friends. Two people go through a tough time in life, having fun, a bond of some sort. Thats a yes. Kind of a support system. Its all out there. Its a Halloween Party big deal. They had fun. This is the strangest video youre going to see all day. Its from the tonight show jimmy fallon and Meghan Trainor and Alanis Morrisette dressed up as chicken costumes and they cluck, why . We honestly have no idea. Take a look. Theres so many questions about this video. The only thing thats clear is youll probably be clucking to that song all day long. We honestly dont know. That was weird. What that was all about, but quite entertaining. Thats your pop start. Im getting off the stand. All right, carson. Well done. Nice job avoiding the subject. Mr. Roker, weather. All right. Lets show you what weve got going on for you, and we are looking at some Winter Weather out west. Theres a big upper level low. The next 48 hours it will be hanging in very cold, unstable look at these snowfall amounts in the rockies. Anywhere from 9 to 15 inches f snow. Some spots getting 2 feet. Thats good news. Rest of the country, weve got eastern third of the country fabulous, sunshine, temperatures above average and a little cooler out west. 69 in los angeles today and. Al, thanks very much. Sunshine. Beautiful day. Temperatures, around 70. Showers, spotty drizzle tomorrow. Sunday, better of the two weekend days. Sevenday forecast, 71, upper 60s. More clouds tomorrow. Spot shower afternoon, early evening. Morning fog, friday, sun and warm, 73. Evening shower, clouds, saturday, 52. Back to the 50s on sunday. A nice start next week with sunshine for monday and tuesday. Y. And that is your late wet eaotrth. Savannah. All right, al. Thank you. Now to part two of our special series 24 hours w. This morning our National Correspondent craig melvin has a day in the life of a woman who is devoted to bringing new life into the world. Craig, good morning. Guys. Its fair to say it a all of us come into the world with a little bit of helping right . The doctor that youre about to meet helps families on what is often one of their most exciting and they areofwracking days, and she does it all with the help of her own family. Houston, texas, is growing, set to the surpass chicago in the next decade as the nations Third Largest city. 5 44 in the morning here in Houston Texas where dr. Connie farrow, an obgyn is about to start delivering babies. She welcomed us into her home and whats the first order of the business . Were going to feed my dog. Reporter she feeds ben and sony and mixes a protein shake for her husband to have when he wakes up. Next, were off to the wins hospital of the text issia. By 7 15 cony is scrubbing in for the first scheduled csection of the day. How far along is she . 39 weeks, had a prior csection. Okay. Reporter so cool about this. Im guessing youve done this a few times. How are you feeling . A little nervous but okay. Reporter this is kristens second child. Sh peel can wait. E and her husband zach have a 2yearold son. So far so good. So far so good. Reporter nothing like it appears on television, by the way. No. Reporter helping connie this morning is her uncle, dr. Sebastian farrow. At 7 31 hayden is born. There he is. Reporter a healthy baby boy and while the nurses take care of Hayden Connie and her uncle take care of kristen. Youve got another csection in 45 minutes. Reporter wow. Boom, boom, boom. Boom, boom, boom. Reporter at 1 49 she checks in on giovanni. She performed an emergency c damage section on other overnight and then scrubs in again, this couple christina and is he excited about being a big brother . Thinks that daddy is going to push on my stomach and pop her out. What he thinks is happening. Reporter assisting connie in this csection, her cousin, dr. Jonathan farrow. Reporter thats right. Connie operates with her uncle and cousin, a family helping family. Got a little chunky one. The baby girl is born at 9 27. Reporter how are you feeling . Everything went great. You did awesome. Reporter connie heads to her office to see patients for the next few hours. How is the baby doing . Hes fine. Reporter good. At just after 1 00 p. M. We bring the doctors farrow together. To work with my son and niece, its just unbelievable. Its just one of those things, you know. How could it be any better . I went into this because i like meeting new people and it doesnt get any newer than that. To spend nine months with somebody and then hand them a life that you just brought into the world for them, it completes the circle. Reporter back in her office connie sees patients for the remainder of the workday. And then its time for a workout with her husband, dr. Patrick duffy, as hes a surge on, too. After a long day, whats the benefit . Spending time together. Reporter its not even about the work out. No. Reporter at 8 16 we have dinner at their Favorite Local restaurant and ask the question she gets from many of the momtobe. You deal with kids every day, but you dont have children . No. Reporter why . I think in the beginning i thought whether we got married that some day we would have children, and i think when you birth children every day you just you just stop thinking about it and we just never hit that point where we we had that desire. I think we had children wed be great parent, i dont think theres any doubt, but i think niche and were comfortable. Reporter connie takes comfort after dinner on the couch with her dogs doing paperwork, keeping tabs on the next expected mother and child with a heart monitor synced to her cell phone. The following morning connie heads to the hospital again, her workday the start of a new babys first day. Dr. Connie farrow delivers more than 200 babies a year. It was interesting because going if i just, you know, obgyn, you think she delivers babies every day and this is what she does and up close its actually a small part of what she does, the high light of day but spends a great deal of time doing lots of other things. I was going to say. Im in awe, amazing. Reporter get caught up in the excitement of the delivery room. I did, i did. I think i want to have another one. Does your wife know about this . Im kidding. Suddenly his phone is ringing off the hook. Tomorrow we go out on the water 24 hours with a commercial fisherman. Thats where youll be spending the next couple of days. Youre not in the doghouse. Youre in the wheelhouse. Craig, thank you very much. The cast of the highly anticipated new bond film spectre and carson. 8 30 now on this wednesday morning. It is 49th of november, 2015. Beautiful day out here on the plaz a. R. In fact, its so pretty, al, i dont know if youre going to want to leave it for rokerthon 2. I must. I never want to be away from you all. Go west, young man. And i will, and we start it tomorrow at airport. Hawaii. And then friday were in hawaii. So are you going to get to see the premiere, going to go see spectre. Sometime over this week we will see it. Saw it yesterday . You did . It a is it awesome . Can i just say theres a car in that movie that youre going to want. Im sure this is. Its pretty cool. A pretty keen stunt, crazy. Well have a revealing interview with the new stars of this movie including daniel craig could. This be his last turn as 007 . Oh, wow, interesting. And then our halloween inspiration, the cast of the new Peanuts Movie is in our studio. Its amazing how much these kids sound like the original. They sound like the original Charlie Brown special. And the little redhaired girl. And i met the real linus when i was. Had a selfie, linus and linus. And well team up in the kitchen to help dress up your thanksgiving sides. Vodka, thats my recipe, by the way, vodka and cloud nine potatoes coming up, by the way. Vodka in the potatoes. Yes. And tecumseh teen who can become one of team usas breakout stars during the 2016 shes terrific. A check of the weather, al. Whats going on starting, of course, with rokerthon taking america by storm, rokerthon kicking off in hawaii. Heres the weather. As can you kind of imagine. Its going to be horrible, sunshine, warm, temperatures in the 80s. Its going to be fantastic. On the first stop of rokerthon, wet weather from the plains all the way down to texas today and snow in the mountains and wet weather in the pacific northwest. The eastern third of the country going to be spectacular, a few showers along the carolina coast, and i love this sign. Sarah, your kidney is on tv so your sister sarah donated a kidney to you. Yes, she did, back in 2009. Hi, sarah. Hi. Were not going to show you the kidney but take his wor temperatures around 60 degrees in and around the city. Still some 40s in the suburbs north and west. 42, sussex, 42, poughkeepsie. 50, dan burly. Plenty of sunshine, 71, the forecast high. A little cooler at the coast. Tomorrow, more clouds. Upper 60s. Low 70s. Friday. Clouds around saturday. 62. Cooler but brighter on sunday with a high of 55. Dont forget get that weather any time you need Weather Channel on cable or weather. Com online. Thank you very much. The waste is the almost over. The new bond movie spectre comes out friday. Will this be the last for james craig as james bond . Nbcs keir simmons met with the cast just after filming wrapped. Yes, daniel craig talks ten years of playing bond with his fourth bond film spectre in a stunning location, mexico city, celebrating, of course, the day of the dead. Austria. The car chase at night in rome. And who wouldnt want to drive fast cars through the streets of rome at night. Lets ask who, who . Reporter it feels like youre just getting into your stride, really, really mastering the character and doing it the way that you want to do it. Ten years ago i kind of wanted to take this somewhere, and we finished this movie and im like this is exactly where i wanted it to be. Reporter could our bond, daniel craig, be thinking of leaving the role, saying goodbye . Asked in an interview if he james bond movie, daniel craig said id rather break this glass and slash my wrists. Im over it at moment. Were done. I have no idea whats coming next. Reporter in the ten years that hes been bond, each film has been a huge success. Shaky force, the last one pulling in more than a billion at box office, the most successful bond and british film ever. And now spectre. Youve got a secret. The theres conflict in the movie. Its dark in places, but also its a bond movie. I think youre just getting started. Reporter and do we find out some of the questions that have been raised in the previous films . Its part of the plot. Its the foundation of the film as opposed to being what drives the whole movie. Reporter and it wouldnt be bond without women. Monica bellucci. What do you think monica makes daniel craig. Reporter naomi harris is miss money penny. And she ends up behind a desk in this one. Mott for everyone. If it helps, i feel a lot safer. Reporter and newcomer lara sedu. She doesnt need bond to be independent and and shes hes equal. Why should i trust you . Because right now im your best chance of staying alive. Bond, james bond. Reporter early films were some of your favorites, russia in love, and do you feel like youre in that tradition now. All that smaerts that we add to that tradition. You cant copy something. When i got into this, i got offered a script that i couldnt say no to. The reason being they didnt offer me a bond script. They offered me something different, offered me something that was a blank canvas of a character that didnt have all the kind of bond things in it, and i looked at it and went great and said great, we can reinvent it. Thats what weve strived to do through all of it. Reporter reinvent it he has. I think when it comes right down to it and you look at all the bonds over time, i think sean connery is still my favorite, but hes biggest bad blank james bond there is. No question about it, and this film in the uk has already broken all sorts of records. Right. Im not saying hes not a bad james bond, hes a bad arse. Hes a bad mama jama. I hope they kept some of the quintessential parts of the bond franchise, the opening scenes, love the gadget scene, the cars. Absolutely. Aston martin db10. Nice. Oh, my gosh. By the way, spectre opens on friday the. Were going to have a lot more with daniel craig when he joins us live tomorrow on today. I hope he drives up in the car. Next, were on the road to rio with the american gymnast who could be one of the stars to watch at summer games but first this is today on nbc. Welcome, to the simply orange tour. This is our plant. These are our workers. And this, is upper management. But what you wont find around here, is any freezing, flavoring, or concentrating. End product. Simply orange. Honestly simple. Thats just the night watchman. Were back at 8 40. Love that music. This morning on the road to rio an olympic hopeful already making herself known around the world. With big wins at the World Championships 18yearold simone biles is now the female gymnast with the worlds most gold medals and more world gold medals overall than any other american. Tamron had the chance to sit down with her at her gym in texas. Yes. It was a good time. Simone just put herself in the history books, as matt mentioned, with brett taking performances and with the olympics fast approaching shes doing everything she can to earn a coveted spot on the u. S. Womens gymnastics team. Te really difficult vault right here. Without doubt, thats history right there. Reporter 18yearold simone biles is now the female gymnast with more world gold medals than any other. Threepeat as the world all around champion. Reporter and turn the world gymnastics championship into the simone show last weekend earning her third all around individual title, plus three additional gold medals, bringing her total to ten golds at world Junior Hockey championships. Is it sinking in . Just a little bit because ive heard it so many times but other than that i think im like the norm al simone that goes to the gym and trains all the time. Reporter training thats paying off. With the olympics in rio just nine months away. How do you explain the feeling right now leading up to the trials and potentially the games in. It feels amazing and feels an honor to be put in this position that ive been in. I think it would be so fun to go out there and represent, if i got chosen for that next we are. Reporter simone started gymnastics at the age of 6 and caught eye of coach amy borman. What do you want people who now are on the simone train to know about this young girl . The life that see coming out of her is genuine in all aspect, her talent and personality and energy, all genuine. Reporter and you cant miss that electric smile and giant personality. Its crazy. Do you feel diss . No, im used to it. Reporter not all fun and games, trains six days a week 32 hours or more and counts family as her biggest source of strength. How important are they to you fulfilling your olympic dream in. Means the world to me to have them by my side and i think it would be one my dreams come true and for them to see that happen to me they would just be so happy. Reporter her message to young gymnasts. I would just say never give up because ive had periods where i didnt think i would accomplish all the things that ive accomplished, but once you set your mind to it and you have like motivation, and i think you can achieve anything you put your mind to. Look at that smile. Simone is a powerful athlete, you see that, but also a typical teenager in so many ways. Told me shes obsessed with zach ephron, who isnt, huge sweet tooth and one of her favorite things to do is spend time with her sister who is also a gymnast. We didnt show it, but i did entice her coach to let us have a cheat day. Thank you nothing bundt cakes, had 20 mini bundt cakes, shes been eating chicken and broccoli pretty much every day to keep that lean body. Training that far back with all the bundt cakes. Sorry, simone. Back to the diet. Incredible to see the dedication and that discipline that they have to have at such a young age. While we were in london watching the fabulous gymnasts, all of those kids, she was on the gym on the floor on a mat watching on the screen thinking no way ill ever be there, and now here she could be. Shes a hopeful. Thats cool. Tamron, thank you very much. Up next, the gangs all here. Were going to catch up with the we are pack at 8 46, our halloween extravaganza proved were pretty nuts about the peanuts around here and this morning weve got the real deal here. Well talk to the cast new Peanuts Movie in just a movie but first a little sneak peek at the film. Oh, i hope you love beethoven. Beethoven smeethoven. Maybe hell appreciate my natural beauty. I hope he has an open mind about the great pumpkin. Its not often you get the opportunity to start over with a clean slate. This time things will be different. Oh. He did it. The director of bridesmaids is the director of the phone. Alex carson place linus and Craig Schultz one of the writers and son of the peanuts creator and genius charles schultz. Guys, good morning to you. Good morning. It is so exciting to see the peanuts on the big screen. Youve seen it now. What do you think your dad would think about it . It had to be in the back of your mind the whole time . I think the outpouring of love has been for us. Had so many people come to us and told us how much they love the brand all these years and are flocking to the Movie Theater and i couldnt be more pleased. Such a big job and beloved and then you had to find kids with the right voices. How difficult was that . I mean, we really wanted to keep that feel that the original shows had that everybody loved with and try to match the voices and found this amazing cast of young actors. Thank you. And the brought personality to it. You guys were awesome. Charlie brown, were you a fan, noah, before you were part of the movie in. Before i started working on this movie i didnt know about peanuts and once i got into it and i have a book in my bedroom that i read from the comic strip every sunday, i did that and the special and now im a really big fan. Did you see other shows that charlies voice and you tried to match it . I went on youtube and watched the great pumpkin. The francesca, the little redhaired girl. It was really exciting to see her voice, never spoken before and never seen her face before now and i was honored and excited to play her voice. Linus, probably one of my favorite voices. Thank you. Has that little listp. Was it fun to do this, was it hard . It was not hard at all because i got to work with Steve Martini who was actually really great in that room and i just read off a piece of paper, a cold read and then said that was great but then do it a little this way and now im on the today show and all this. Pretty clear. You play franklin, what kind of guy is he . Franklin hes one of those guys when you get off from work and have a hard time you can just call him up and just be, like, hey man, i need some advice and hes going to tell you straight up. Not going to hide anything and a jackofalltrades i would say. Hes a good friend to have. I need your honest opinion about something. Im going to put some pictures up on the screen. All of us dressed up as the peanuts for halloween. How do you think we did . Okay. And you can be honest. Do you like it . I love it. Really, really great. Its creepy. Okay. Who said that . The linus did look a little creepy. Got a little feedback about that. We really loved it. Did you go to the premiere . Yeah, that was so much fun. Yeah. What are you hoping to bring to the next generation of peanuts fans . We just really want to make a new generation aware what have we all grew up with and fell in love with and that was so fun is guarding the feel of it and not trying to make it cop temporary and trying to bring it into the modern age. We still have telephone cords and typewriters so there you go. Youre one of the writers and like your father one your challenges was not letting snoopy just take over the whole thing. Really, because if i could it would be snoopy and peppermint patty and the more i saw the movie i wish i could do more with those two. I smell sequel. Congratulations. Thank you. The Peanuts Movie is out on friday. By the way, Meghan Trainor will be here tomorrow. From creepy linus over to you. Siri is here and well have some ultimate side dishes for your thanksgiving. Youre going to love it, but, all right, everybody. Were back with todays food the. All managementth month long were cooking up the recipes that you sich most. This is siri pinter creator of sir iously delicious. Com. These are both family recipes. Exactly. You take a recipe and you elevate it a little bit. What do do you to your recipes . . Im going to make a green bean casserole and its from the mid well. Almost illegal to have thanksgiving without a green bean casserole but the way our grandmas did it a lot of cans and this is all fresh and ill do mashed potatoes from my moms recipe from the south and keep it very authentic and fatty. Go ahead. First well par boil some green beans. We only want to cook them for a couple minutes because they are going to cook more in the oven. Okay. Salted water which helps the flavor. See the ingredients there, green beans, Chicken Stock, salt and pepper, not a lot. My little trick is i add them to a bowl of ice cold water to stop the cooking process. And what else will it do . Keep them green and vibrant. Youre so good. Why dont you keep doing that. Next well missing in action make the sauce and i have onions and like diced up mushrooms in this pan and ill add some flour. Thats going to thicken everything. Right. This will also keep the green thats kind of the worse how grandmas used to do it back in the day. We add the flour and now ill add Chicken Stock and milk. Usually you add a can of cream of mushroom soup. This is fresh and you mow what youre putting in it and it tastes better. Ill let this cook for ten minutes and it will thicken up. This is where i hike to taste t. Add my salt and pepper and a little bit of nutmeg. I put nutmeg in everything when im cooking thanksgiving dinner yeah y nutmeg . Because it has that nuttiness that we love. Ill put the green beans in here and ill put some pepper and mix it all together and then im going to add it to the casserole dish. All right. And i can see the shallots there. What did you do to crisp them up . Fried them in a little bit of if youre not an onion fan do toasted breadcrumbs. Ive been eating them all morning. Throw these in the oven and cook it for 30 minutes and top them with your shallots. Will you be making this for thanksgiving . I have to. I told you its illegal in the midwest. The put them on now or after . After, you do that, an im going to keep eating shallots. All right. Heres the finished product. Lets get the guys downstairs. This is the green bean casserole. Its really good. Real winner. Lets goat my mashed potatoes. Cloud nine potatoes, classic in the daly family. Im Going Old School coming from the south so were going to take our potatoes. These have already been boiled. I like to keep sop of the skin on, ingredients are pretty easy, done half and half, potatoes in half peeled, half not peeled. What kind of potatoes . Mash these in. I dont know what kind of potatoes. I think that they are idaho potatoes. Well do a rough chop and use a blender if you want. Want me to keep mashing. Keep mashing, siri. Meanwhile what ive done is taken a mixture of cream and melted butter, on the side ive made that. Well pour that right into the potatoes. Thats going to be delicious. And im going to add a shot of vodka,ing is weve done in my family for a long time and added some roasted garlic and then we take the bacon which ive done and put that in there as well. Can we talk more about the rod camp you mash this all together. The makes it that much more creamy and look at this beautiful product, is that delicious in. Nicely done. Guys, is it good . Ridiculous. We need more bacon. The vodka makes it creamier . Yes, yes, i dont think and makes you like your family that much more. Back after your good morning, everyone. 8 57, wednesday morning, november 4th. A driver accused in the hit and run of an elderly woman in brooklyn. You can see the 70yearold, carol bell, crossing fulton street yesterday. You also see the bus waiting to turn left before hitting her. Police say paul roker was driving the bus and didnt stop. Sunny, high of 71. High of 69. Friday, some morning fog. 73. Coming up on the today show, the best toys of the year just in time for the Holiday Shopping season. We will see you in half an hour with more news. Find over 1,000 special stories at hospital for special surgery. This morning on todays take, Drew Barrymore sits down with us opening up about her new film and New Friendship and new family family. And dont miss the host toys for the holiday. All that hand more coming up now. Announcer from nbc news, this is todays take with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Its time. Welcome to today. Its wednesday morning, november 4th, 2015. Im willie along with al, natalie and tamron and chuckling a little bit because its taking me back to high school. Ace of bass. Is that you . That was me. I was in l. A. At pharmacy walking through walgreens and the song comes on and im like shaziam, and i remember this song. I like where you get your inspiration, the pharmacy. Can you give me another ace of bass song . Because i can. All that she wants. All that she wants is another baby keep singing, it willie. You were like officially grown and working. I was grown and working in 19725 so, you know, i missed a whole generation. Willie was in high school and we were in college. There you go. By the way, its going to be in the 70s today and tomorrow and friday, and friday the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree comes in. Cutting it down today. Can you believe it. Its christmas and were in the 70s. Seeing people yesterday, i mean, people like sunbathing, crazy. I know. Its happening. Always impressive when the meteorologist is blown away by the weather that you forecast. I love it. The weather man. Do we blame el nino for this or give them cred senior citizen. I think there is some part of el nino. I wont say this is all el nino. We like el nino. Whatever you want to the call it, we love it. Perfect. Thats nice. Did you story out of arkansas, the video . Unbelievable. A small singleengine plane that was forced to make an Emergency Landing. There was a problem with the oil. The engine shuts down, and they deploy a parachute, an airplane that comes with a parachute, has to be a small plane to carry that weight and the pilot the former walmart ceo bill simon and two passengers leaving arkansas on the way to texas. Had a sudden trop in oil pressure and a chute comes out and a bystander starts filming it. What am i looking tat plane falling from the sky doing it slowly thanks to the parachute so it hits the ground, hates truck thats on the road, but the pilot and the passengers suffering only minor injuries, taken to the hospital thanks to that parachute. Can you imagine youre youre the truck driver, the owner of that truck, and youre filling out your insurance claim. What was the cause of the accident . A plane. I was hit by a plane. I was hit by a plane. And suffered only a minor injury. I cant imagine being the pilot and the passenger on that plane and its like a slow descent with that parachute. Wow. Just knowing, and where are we going to land . Yeah. I was reading about this plane and its designed exactly for this. Has special shock absorbers when it hits the ground. The seats are actually design that had if it hits the ground they are shock absorbers and it has to be a small plane. I think it adds 8,000 to the cost 8 or 80 . We reported 8,000 earlier. Whatever it is, its worth it. Still, you have to add on, definitely worth it. Your own you would want to invest in the that. Amazing technology. Its been three days now, and weve not had a story based on a study, so we havent. We have one. This is according a study can you bring this stuff out. A study in the u. S. National library of medicine thank you and cliffy, thank you very much. Who knew that there was the u. S. Library of National Medicine and university of michigan asked 500 people to rate a list of the most addictive foods. All right. Number one pizza. Absolutely. Number two, chocolate. Thank god. Number three chips, and then you go into cookies, ice cream, french fries, that would be mine. Cheeseburger, nondiet soda. Whats this with the cucumbers . I love cucumbers. I hate vegetables. Its last on the list. But its on the list. The cucumber, i totally get. I love a cucumber. Not a big fan of the cucumber. Cold and crispy, so refreshing. I put salt on it the cuke per. Sometimes i dont take the time to slice it, take the cucumber. And bite, it me, too, thats so weird. Unless its a pickle i dont want to the know about it. Really. I also like cucumber in water and put it in and i like the crunch of it. Im more of a salty food. Mine is chunky Peanut Butter. Do you grab the Peanut Butter from upstairs in chunky Peanut Butter. Get it out of cupboard and dont bore, get a nice spoon in there, so food ive seen you actually put your hand in. Cant find a utensil i go right in. All right. Another song from your youth. Heres another one that will take you back down memory hayne. This is a god one. 20 years since that song ironic Alanis Morrisette. Talk about ear worm. Youll have this song stuck in for you who never heard this before, how did you where were you in the 90s . You were working. Well, she performed this song but in a strange version. It was an all clucking version along with Meghan Trainor and jimmy fallon clucking, wearing chicken costumes. Okay. The give you the full set there. Talk about weird video, right. The reason why this makes sense, you know the songs that you like but you dont know the not need a chicken sflut fallon takes it to the next level. And the weird thing is jimmy fell after that. Oh, no. Did that a couple years with Blake Shelton hey, ho. Im one of the people who make up the words to the songs and they are like mom, thats not how it goes and in my mind thats not how it goes. And people say what did you just say and you know youre wrong. The strange video, to some even stranger video. You know those inflatable things that go like this, the crazy guy on the side of the highway trying to get you into the car dealership. Sure, sure. One woman decided to dress up as an incredible tube at halloween and got her friend and you cant even wash that, right next to her twin. Take a look. Oh, man. . Thats kind of an interpretive role. Where it gets a little bit closer . You want to end the video, and this has you mesmerized. Theres something about it that is very funny. I thought the video might be a little closer. Yeah. So that we got more of the effect. When you watch it on your computer it is close to that effect. Because you can move closer. Put it back up again. This is how you have to do it, go right up like that. Do your weather like this, al. I just love that, jimmy fallon and al morrisette. Al is like cut the video, weve seen enough. I love the wiggly guy. When you drive by a car dealership. I get. You know. That was a giant one and when they are smaller theres one moment when you go is that a guy out there. Its never a guy. Really. Its all inflatable thing, the wind. A good way to frighten someone though like have a guy in it. And scare it. Well get natalie on that, prank time. Dont you rope me into something. Something very special coming up. Whats that . Rokerthon. And youre packed with one bag. Im impressed. I didnt know that. Whats your secret to keeping it to one bag for 50 states . Ive got seven shirts, seven pair of underwear and three pair of pants, underwear. And its cold in some places. Ive got layers. More than packing, 50 states. 50 states, one week, boom. You take off tomorrow. I take off tomorrow. Live at newark airport, take off on Hawaii Airlines out, direct flight, and then we will then proceed to go across this great country. We want people to come join us. Wait a minute, whoa, what was that in a car . A goat. You didnt see the little man and the goat. You didnt seat promo . Traveling shooting stories working. Little man with the goat. There he is, and darryl is a farmer. So that and theres little man. Friendly goat. Little man is actually my his name is little man. Lill man. Ive been crunching numbers and wondering how will you do 50 states in seven days. How do you get to all of them in. Youll see. Using all sorts of conveyances including a famous meat mobile. Oscar mayer wiener. It remains to be seen it. Remains to be seen. Oh, hey, theres dylan dreyer. Hello, nice to see you. Dylan will be up in just a moment. Meantime, weve had snow throughout the rockies but look whats going on again in texas, poor friends in texas. Flash flood watches right through friday. Thats craze fredel rio to dallas. Got risk of strong storms thursday tomorrow from austin, dallas, all the way to paducah, kentucky, wind gusts of over 670 miles per hour. Here we go, front pushing in all this warm moist air and cooler air behind it. See the snow there. Flood watches dallas to del rio, rainfall rates one 1 to 2 inches little rock to austin and look at rainfall amounts, anywhere from 2 to 3 inches. Some locally could see up to 5 inches of rain from austin to little rock. And thats your laflt weather. Thank you. Did you guys like the movie beaches, bette midler. Coming up next some people are calling this beaches for a new generation. Starring Drew Barrymore and tony rushing to work all those years from time in the service. To different jobs. To community college. All that hard work, it matters. Its why we, at university of phoenix, count your relevant work and College Experience as credits toward your degree. Learn more at phoenix. Edu. 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Just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so youre more comfortable and confident while you eat. So its not about keeping my dentures in, its about keeping the food particles out. Try super poligrip free. Happy anniversary dinner, darlin im messing up every dish, pot, and plate. To show my love. Tada all this devotion only calls for a little bit of dawn ultra. Now even more concentrated. Just one bottle has the grease cleaning power of two bottles of this other liquid. You still got it, romeo. A drop of dawn and grease is gone. My Opioid Pain Medication leaves me feeling locked up millions of people are estimated to suffer from opioidinduced constipation, oic, caused by the opioids they use to manage chronic pain. Really . Yes. Oic is a different type of constipation. Opioids block pain signals, but they can also block activity in the bowel. Its been a real struggle to find relief. You ready to paint a different picture . Yeah talk to your doctor about oic and prescription treatment options. Im on it if youre planning on going out this weekend to see the movie miss you already see some tissues. Tony colette and Drew Barrymore play best friend after sharing laugh and tears after getting lifealtering news. Thats right about the tissues. You need those 100 and i sat down with the two talented stars who became great friends in real life after shooting this film in london. This is not my 40th. I had no knowledge of this party. He did it all on his own. I pound it to be so funny and witty and heart wrenchingly moving and in a way it chose me. Like i had no option. Sometimes i read something and its like oh, ive got to do it and it was very much the case with this. Just like your mother. That is the worst thing you toni wrote drew a handwritten letter asking her to sign on as her best friend. I mean, when you think about like the fantasy of a best friend, dont you think of Drew Barrymore . I know. I think we all want crew as our best friend. Thank you. The shes so grounded. Nicest compliment ive ever gotten. I think i think i turned just like crimson. You did. I never blush. I had just had my daughter frankie, my second daughter, and i thought, you know what . I want for them to see this one day. You hope that they grow up to that have kind of friendship that you guys had in the movie . Im like a spouse, like your relationship with children. A womantowoman friendship is a place where youre most self. You laugh together and nurture each other and youre at most ease with each other so, god, yes, do i hope for all women, including my daughters, that best offering of a female friendship. And a friendship blossomed on and off the screen. At end of the movie we couldnt bear to say goodbye so we called our families and grabbed a train to paris. This movie about two best friends tackles lifes highs and lows like a cancer diagnosis. Well, i mean, how much cancer can you have. Youve had all your checkups . Well, ive been busy. How much did you think of your kids as youre making this movie . One particular scene where my character has to basically say goodbye to her daughter. I looked at you and i made you a promise. I promised that no matter what happened i was always going to look after you. I mean, its hard to even talk about. I couldnt even read it. I would get to the point oh, god. Im looking this way. This was a year ago. Whats happening . Exactly what our director would come in and scream at us. Stop crying. And become moved and she would go no, no, no, these women are strong. Its okay if i just try this one. Okay. Lot. What do you hope people take away from watching this . Weve had the pleasure of encountering some people who have said i cried my eyes out but i ran out and i called my best friend or i called someone i loved because i needed to tell them that i loved them, and it is a celebration of life. There are tears but you do smile a lot in this movie. Willie and al im holding als hand already. Im in. Were there. Right after spectre. Nationwide this friday. Oh, come on. You can tell they are like good friends, guys. They are so bro its ridiculous. Meanwhile coming up, the hbo series getting a lot of buzz called the leftovers and emmy winning actress regina king is another day, and im still struggling with my diabetes. I do my best to manage. But its hard to keep up with it. Your body and your diabetes change over time. Your treatment plan may too. Know your options. Oncedaily toujeo is a longacting insulin from the makers of lantus. It releases slowly to provide consistent insulin levels for a full 24 hours. Toujeo also provides proven full 24hour blood sugar control and significant a1c reduction. Toujeo is a longacting, manmade insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. It contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. 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Dont dilute or mix toujeo with other insulins or solutions as it may not work as intended and you may lose blood sugar control, which could be serious. Ask your doctor about toujeo. Introducing kisses deluxe chocolates. And layers of rich, creamy chocolate, they re twice the size of the kisses chocolates you love. Say more with new kisses deluxe. I was out in the dining room, you know, meeting the residents and i had a gentleman stop me and ask me if i made his dinner. He had lost his wife recently, but i didnt know that. He made a remark to me about not sure he wanted to be there anymore, but he said something to me that has stuck with me to this day. After having your dinner, i think i want to stick around a while and that really meant something to me. I never had an experience like that and it just let me know that what im doing is much more important than just food. When we go to the store, i find my box of honey bunches of oats and i m checking to see if i packaged it. Best cereal in the world right there. If the last 3 letters were p22, that s me. I try hard to get a great shape. This i can do easily. Benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. Its a clear, tastefree, daily supplement thats clinically shown to help keep me fuller, longer. Benefiber healthy shape. This, i can do. Regina king has appeared in some of hollywoods biggest movies from her role as a football wife in Jerry Maguire and starring opposite Sandra Bullock in miss congeniality 2 and most recently our girl, regina, picked up an emmy for her work on American Crime. Now shes starring in a new series joining cast for season two of hbos the leftovers. Regina, good morning. So good to see you. Good morning. So good to be here. Congratulations on the emmy. Thats terrific. Thank you, pretty exciting. I i just remember enjoying just my friends, my family. I went home in between parties and everybody is screaming at home, and its been its been fun, and i remember that i had to get up and go to work the next day. They make you go to work the next day in. Get on the plane to go to work because i was in from austin. Did you fly with your emmy . No, no. I did not. I planned to bring the emmy to my mom and grandmother in cincinnati, but that thing is heavy. Yes. Hardware. So for folks who havent seen season one of the leftovers, catch us up. Whats the premise of the show . So four, well, six ago from the date of the season two of the leftovers, a great disappearance happened where i think its like an eighth of the worlds population just inexplicably disappeared, and it was a book, and the first season basically was the book from beginning to end, and now in the Second Season its like life after this town in mapleton where this one city where no one disappeared. Everywhere else in the world no one disappeared but in the town that i live in, erica murphy lives in, no one has disappeared so what does that mean . I know. So good. When you get the scripts, are you like looking ahead and seeing if your character is its like crack, you cant wait for the script. We all understand that. People love that show. Yeah, they did. Such a good show. Because its shrouded in mystery, and i think people like to you know, were all a bit of a conspiracy theorist, whether you want to admit it or not, you have a bit of that in you, so i think people really enjoy coming up with what they think going on . Ive been a big fan, go back to 22, boys in the hood and the boy gets home from prison and they cut you off at barbecue table. Black willie and i want to ask you about American Crime, john ridley, a guy we both know wrote that show. Thats another awesome show that youre on you know, i think for me i just have always been attracted to shows that are ensemble pieces and just really provocative. Its no surprise if you look at southland, American Crime and the leftovers, those shows make you think. And youre perfect in all of those roles. Talk about southland and load it up and watch it now and realize what a great show and great performance and Jerry Maguire coming up on 209th anniversary. I cannot believe that. I was pregnant with my son when i audition the for Jerry Maguire. You look as good today, still on fire acting the way you should. Thank you so much. When the weather starts turning cooler and the air is nice and crisp, i know that fall has finally arrived. And with it, all the flavors of the season. Fall is all about bringing people together much enjoyment as the company. Low prices on everything you need to make every meal more memorable. Live look on the tappan zee bridge. 9 27. Classes are canceled at a Brooklyn High School where police are investigating an online threat. Police outside Bishop Laughlin high school. They were sent after a threat was posted on facebook and later removed. They have not revealed any details but are told investigators know who posted it. Sunny, 71. Light winds tonight, 57. Tomorrow, spotty showers and still 63. A look at friday. Fog in the morning, 73 for the high. 62 on saturday, sunday. 55 degrees. Coming up on the today show, Valerie Bertinelli stops by to taking a look at the headlines, that e. Coli outbreak has now sickened at least 37 people who ate at chipotle restaurants in oregon and Washington State and sign strists now identified the specific microorganism responsible for the outbreak but not the exact source yet. 43 restaurants have been closed in two in the two states. Food from the restaurants is now being tested, and officials think the bacteria may have come from either the lettuce, tomatoes or other Fresh Produce used. Breastfeeding may reduce a womans risk of one aggressive form of cancer. Hormone receptor negative Breast Cancer accounts for about a fifth of all Breast Cancers in its most common among younger women. In a Large International study, researchers found that those who breast fed were 20 less likely to develop this kind of cancer than women who did not breastfeed. A new study may give you one last thing to worry b. Researchers say worrying in moderation can actually be good for you since it may help you cope with a bad outcome or even a good one. The study looked at 230 law students waiting for the results of their bar exam and one psychologist says a modern amount of anxiety and stress helps people function at their best. The wall street journal is reporting that students who attend to be liberal arts colleges do not earn as much money as those who go to leading research universities. At least not early in their careers. The paper looked at earnings ten years after the students enrolled and it found for about half of the top liberal arts graduates the median salary was below 50,000. Almost all of the graduates from the Top Research Universities a third them by more than 20,000. An australian woman learned the hard way that its probably not a good idea to share her brush with fortune on social media. Heres what she posted. This book on facebook posting with a winning horse race ticket worth 825. Heres what happened. Apparently someone stole the barcode information and somehow used it to claim the prize. So police are still trying to track down the very unfaithful facebook friend. Lets get a check of the weather right now from mr. Row. Hey, al. Guys, thanks so much. Well, tomorrow the sunshine is going to continue in the northeast. Great lakes, midwest, but weve got more rain moving into the rockies. Whoa, talk about rain. Its raining dogs and birds in here. Its5e snoopy and his pal woodstock from the Peanuts Movie. You all about blue sky and sunshine. Cooler at the coast. A sea breeze kicking in. 67, the low tonight, clear, areas of fog. More clouds than sun tomorrow. A couple of showers are possible in the afternoon. 69. 73 on friday. A warm day with sun and clouds. Could be a shower in the evening. A little cooler with clouds saturday. Low 60s. Back to the 50s for highs and sunshine sunday into monday. I love my job. Isnt that cute. You got the lick from snoopy. No better than that. Ive got dog germs snoopy germs are good germs. I know. This gentleman joining us now, paul feig, directed some of the funniest movies over the past few years including one of our favorite comedy the raunchy bridesmaids and the heat and the action film spy which he wrote. And now stepping into as producer of one of the most anticipated movies of the year, the Peanuts Movie. Paul, great to see you. Al, good to see you. Guys, thanks for having me back. Were you put off at all by our halloween koss teams in. Certainly not. Postmodernist thing going there. Kind of like one of those german plays. Youve got it the. The movie is going to be the pilot. Yeah. The pull it back out of the nightmare realm. Excellent, very good. I thought it was great. Really admired you guys for jumping in like that. Thats how much we love snoopy. We tried. You actually understand and had access to charles schultzs studio. Yeah. Access people dont get. The crazy because, you know, they are up in santa rosa and the museum is up there which you should see, go see it. Working on the scripts with the gang we were working in charles schultzs office, and im such a peanuts fan. In his home. And i said can i sit behind the desk because i wanted to see what he saw every day. It was really amazing. Must have inspired you to sit in that seat. Been a fan of peanuts since i was 5 years old. My old show freaks and geeks is really about peanuts. My version of peanuts. Completely ripped off is that it is. Confession. Who is your favorite character . Well, i Charlie Brown, the one we all relate to the because hes the indomitable spirit of mankind because he takes the blows and he kind of wakes up optimistic and the next morning he, you know, kind of recovers and faces the day again and its a good lesson for all of us. But we relate to the Charlie Brown and natalie may agree, all of your female characters i relate to in some way and youre the reason ive been embarrassed on many airplanes laughing out loud watching watching five cracking up and people are saying really, a little too much. When you hear somebody laughing, always walk to the bathroom and wonder what they are watching and the pawn broker is the on. You monster. Why are you laughing at that . You just wrapped up ghost busters. Yes. Editing now. Yeah. I goat tonight view the four ladies, and the camaraderie with them is just unbelievable. They are unbelievable. I mean, the chemistry on that screen, im just working right now and finished the first pass of the cut, and they are so good because they love each other. I mean, first of all, melissa and kristen are like best friends and actually kate and leslie are really Close Friends and just jumps off the screen. So funny. Cannot wait for that. I know you cant give away anything al did, and we know he has a cameo. Is he a Scene Stealer . Oh, its al, come on, what do you think . Do i have to answer that question, really in. I admire about you, you are one of the most impeccably dressed men ive ever met. Thank you, sir. Threepiece suit. The boutonnier, the pocket square and dont have the Walking Stick with you. When did this develop . I collect weird affectations that men have thrown away many years ago. Yeah, im into Walking Sticks, i dont know why. You know what. As a director, im the captain of the ship, id be worried if the captain of the ship was wearing sweatpants and a baseball cap. There you go. How long does it take you to get this look that you style yourself . Oh, an hour. Okay, like ill get back to the ghost busters in a second. When you come back for ghost busters will you have a monocle. A cape and a top had. Thank you so much. Capes are making a comeback. Thats right. The Peanuts Movie ups next friday. She can sing, dance and act and wait until you can see what else she can do. The video in coughing. Sniffling. And wishing you could stay in bed all day. When your cold is this bad. You need new Theraflu Expressmax. Theraflu expressmax combines. Maximum strength medicines available without a prescription. To fight your worst cold and flu symptoms. So you can feel better fast and get back to the job at hand. New Theraflu Expressmax. The power to feel better. Tm at ally bank no branches equals great rates. It s a fact. Kind of like playing the boss equals the boss wins. Wow many wrinkle creams come with high hopes, but hope. Doesnt work on wrinkles. Neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula. To work on fine lines and even deep wrinkles in just one week. Neutrogena it s olive garden s 20th anniversary of never ending pasta bowl. So we re celebrating by offering you over 20 delicious Choices Starting at 9. 99. Like creamy new pesto alfredo, or Crispy Chicken fritta. Plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. For a limited time. At olive garden. There is a place where the sky is always blue. And the kids always eat their vegetables. Because the salad there is always served with the [ screaming ] rate suckers [ bell dinging ] your Car Insurance goes up because of their bad driving. People try all sorts of ways to get rid of them. [ driver panting ] if youre sick of paying more than your fair share. [ screams ] get snapshot from progressive, and see just how much your good driving could save you. [ male announcer ] sweet sun ripened strawberries. Now weve added even more of them to philadelphia strawberry. Rich, creamy, and delicious. Only philadelphia whats happened to snacking . How did it become absentmindedly eating one after the next, after the next . So predictable and so unsatisfying . What about pulling up a chair, a stool, a beanbag, and actually tasting our food. We are a creamy cheese that Still Believes in the beauty of a knife, in the elegant swipe of a. Swipe. Of course, that doesnt mean you cant dunk us or scoop us up. Enjoy every single, solitary bite. The laughing cow. When cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. Only nicorette mini has a patented fastdissolving formula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. I never know when ill need relief. Thats why i only choose nicorette mini. All right. Lets get our party start the. Are you ready . Hot cup of whatever you got at home. Its pop fix time. Chingching. Jon stewart fans rejoice. Less than three months after the comedian signed off from the daily show already has a new project signed up with a fouryear deal with hbo. Jon will still be take on Current Events and this time doing it in digital short form for hbos streaming services so why go back to work so soon . Jon says appearing on t v22 minutes a night clearly broke him. He says hes pretty sure he can produce a few minutes of contest every now and again, and he says, hey, well take whatever we can get. So there you have it. Justin bieber is opening up about his famous exgirlfriend selena gomez. In an interview with access hole wood justin admits a lot of his new album was inspired by their threeyear relationship and the breakup still has an effect on him. Take a listen. It was really you have to. I dont know if im still over it yet. I think im definitely like in another place and i think weve definitely went our separate ways and i love her and i want her to be awesome but theres things that remind me of her. Okay. That makes me so sad. On monday justin released another track and music video from the album. This one called ill show you. 9 belieber will be able to hear all 13 songs when purpose drops on november 13. Mash the calendar. And we know j. Lo is a triple threat, actress, singer, dancer, well, take a look at earlier this week j. Los besty leah rimini out promoting the new book, and they documented the process on their instagram account. Take a look. Heres my girl making some puerto rican food for everybody. Just a normal puerto rican girl at home cooking a meal. What are you making us . Yay. Is that chanel j. Lo is wearing. Cooking in designer. Shes our keep. Maybe we can get Jennifer Lopez to come by our kitchen, a few steps from the pop fix dance floor. Come on, j. Lo. 50 days until christmas and were counting. Well help you check some things off the gift list with the top toys of the year. Get ready after look at you, saving money on your Medicare Part d prescriptions. At walgreens, we call that thats almost latin for seize the day to get more out of life and Medicare Part d. From onedollar copays on select plans. To now reward points on all prescriptions, walgreens has you covered. So drop by and seize the savings walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. The latest wow in brow . New brow define fill duo from maybelline new york. Our first twoinone brow filler. Define with pencil. Fill with powder. Just two steps for smoother, fuller brows that wow. New brow define fill duo. Maybe its maybelline i try hard to get a great shape. This i can do easily. Benefiber healthy shape helps curb cravings. Its a clear, tastefree, daily supplement thats clinically shown to help keep me fuller, longer. Benefiber healthy shape. This, i can do. Whatcha got there, richard . Theyre for show tell. Wasnt that yesterday . Yup, but the class wants me to do it again. [ male announcer ] tim and Richard Smucker learned early on just how irresistible their jam really is. I shoulda brought more. [ male announcer ] with a name like smuckers, it has to be good. If youre an adult with type 2 diabetes and your a1c is not at goal with certain diabetes pills or daily insulin, your doctor may be talking about adding medication r to help lower your a1c. Ask your doctor if addingr onceaweek tanzeum r is right for you. Onceaweek tanzeum is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar with type 2 diabetes, along with diet and exercise. Onceaweek tanzeump works by helping your body release its own naturalr insulin when its needed. P tanzeum is not recommended as the first mediciner to treat diabetes or in peopler with severe stomach r or intestinal problems. R tanzeum is not insulin. Or diabetic ketoacidosis, and has not been studied with mealtime insulin. Do not take tanzeum if you or your family have a history of medullary Thyroid Cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if youre allergic to tanzeum or any of its ingredients. Stop using tanzeum and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction which may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing; if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe stomach pain that will not go away and may move to your back,p with or without vomiting; or if you have symptomsr of Thyroid Cancer which include a lumpr or swelling in your neck, pnhoarseness, trouble swallowing, r or shortness of breath. Before using tanzeum,r talk to your doctor p about your medical conditions, p all medicines youre taking, if youre nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. And about low blood sugar and how to manage it. Taking tanzeum with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects with tanzeum include diarrhea, nausea, injectiont site reactions, cough, back pain,p and cold or flu symptoms. Some serious side effectsr can lead to dehydration pnwhich may cause kidney failure. Ask your doctor ifp adding onceaweek tanzeum r is right for you. Go to tanzeum. Com to learn if you may be eligible to receive tanzeum free for 12 months. Make every week a tanzeum week. Fact. Advil pain relievers are used by more households than any other leading brand. To treat their aches and pains more people reach for advil. Relief doesnt get any better than this. Advil. Okay. If you havent thought about your holiday gift list just yet bet your kids or grandkids have. Seven weekends to go, no time like the present to start shopping. Every year patients them months before the holidays and invites kids to give them a try. Senior lifestyle editor is here with the ones that came out on top. Good morning, jessica. You get the kids to actually test everything. In parents magazine, important that the kids like to play with the toys, frustration frustrationfree for the parents and these are all winners. Lets start here. Really interesting. Three weeks old successfully cant get over how teeny she is. Oh, my gosh, how precious. Really cool Activity Center called the robo playland. Its got moving parts and you can dangle toys for her to watch and track with her eyes. Really just about a little bit of movement. Keeping them calm and happy. Once they start crawling. I like this, one of the toys that can fold up very small and it out and kids can crawle crawl through and keeps them active and busy especially in the winter when they cant get outside. Like an instant playground in your living room. This is a little train. Feeling protective of his train because he loves it so much. You want this . No. Okay. Sorry. You want mommy . You want mom . Lets go lets go get mommy. No. He wants his train. Right here. This is the ultimate alphabet train. A whole bunch of features. Its yours. You can take it. Its yours, okay. Look. You get the letter set and it teaches them, an educational toy. A little toy phone and teaching us hes not happy right now. Lets move on over here to hulk. Hulk is awesome. Craziest Remote Control. Like a 4yearold boy. Hulk is scaring him. Thats it. Or a girl who loves the Remote Control. Really wild. The this is sort of a combination of like yoyo play and like a car track. Look at that. You send them all around the track. Magnet and just works down the side. Works with magnets and can you set up blockades for them to zip around. And do a little cooking. The most popular characters right now. Hi. I love the vet center because you can take care of your stuffed animal patch and take care of the little doggie it comes with and may with your friends as they are demonstrating. One the great toys to play with your play date. Look at gorgeous girls. Turn around so your mommies and grandma, say hi to the camera. This is working out great. Stickers are the most popular. Nobody listens. Another hugely popular show right now so this has been a big spectacular gift for fans. Now getting into some of the older kids. Crazy things. Want to see the rollerblades. These are ice skates that the also convert to rollerblades. Get out. You switch them out pretty easy. Come on out. The you just have to remember to switch them out. Very neat, you guys. Got a skater right here. When we tested these we couldnt get them off the girl and smack a ball one my favorite toys of the year, so addictive for adults and kids and easy indoor play, outdoor play. Dinosaurs still big. Kind of a spectacular Remote Control this year, for ages 82 and up. He chases his ball. Oh, cool. Use it with an app on the phone and if you pet his little head it makes him happy, hell chase his ball. And really quickly got a service dog. American girls, the line has really expanded to have so much more this year including the service dog which i think is super sweet. Great the. They think of everything, dont they . Yes. Jessica, thanks so much. And kids, thanks for being with us. Appreciate it. Were back in a moment. This is today on nbc. Find over 1,000 special stories at hospital for special surgery. I was running 6 months after a hip repair. Hiking 2 weeks after spine care. And setting records 9 months after shoulder treatment. One special hospital, over 1,000 special stories. See them all at hss. Edu backinthegame hello, everybody. What a show weve got coming up. What do you have . All lined up out thereto. Valerie bertinelli, Patti Labelle and clint black and elvis. Hes alive. Plif look at the tappan zee bridge. 9 57 on this mens, november 4th. Good morning. Im michael gargiulo. The Indian Point Nuclear power plant is going to test their emergency sirens sometime during the next hour. Test going to start at 10 00 a. M. And expected to be all the emergency sirens are expected to go up full volume. This would cover parts of westchester, rockland, orange, putnam counties. They will sound for about four minutes. It is a test. Checking the weather, sunny, 71 degrees. Light winds, 57. Tonight. Tomorrow, spotty showers. 69. Friday, after the morning fog, 73 will be the high. Saturday, 62 and then sunday, reality. 55 degrees but sunny. Coming up on the today show, with kathy lee and hoda, how to rock the latest trend wearing all black. Find over 1,000 special stories at hospital for special surgery. Go to hss. Edu backinthegame your bathroom . I wasnt. But for years, i didnt do anything about it. I thought i didnt have the money, until i learned about bath fitter. Bath fitter puts a new bathtub right over your old one. Isnt that amazing . Bath fitter will measure and make you a new custom bathtub that they install right over your existing one, with beautiful matching walls. That means you dont have to rip out your old tub. So theres no demolition or ridiculous costs. And they do it all in just one day. Thats my favourite part. Plus, you get to choose everything heres a before and after photo. This is a gorgeous acrylic tub that fit right over the old one. And only bath fitter has seamless walls, which guarantee a watertight fit. When you change your tub, you change your bathroom. And that can change your life

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