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Member of that five, maria teresa heyer. Shes hoping to greet the pope in italian. I said, maria, what do you want to say to the pope . And she said ciao, which i think the pope would be very satisfied with, very happy. Also here from the Brooklyn Diocese, theres other children just behind them. Evan, our photograph are with, can we show the final preparations . Also in this group you have teenagers, young people, homeless folks who are desperately wanting to see the pope. Some of those children behind that front row uncollide eddy, a teenager from marine park, brooklyn with a brain tumor, connie born with spina bifida. And mark, hes in the special rowe row, he has cancer and has been battling the disease for some time. Also from queens in that group hoping to see the pope, ashley suffering from a disease that attacks her organs. Garrard from bay ridge, in his 20s, wheelchair bound. And eightyearold iden was just diagnosed with leukemia, needs a year and a half of chemotherapy. In this gathering pen, chuck and sibila, these are exactly the folks that the pope talks about so often, folks on the periphery, on the fringes, those he says that society has forgotten about. There is an excitement here among the priests and the clergy ive talked to because what you want see, dignitaries, elected officials. The mayor may be coming. Theyre not here. This is not an official meeting. Were hearing that were seeing the plane. Evan, that could be the plane we believe we have the plane. Were waiting for word. He doesnt have a special plane. He travels like everyone else travels. They take the plane out of circulation, out of service. Is flying from d. C. To new york on an American Airlines 777. He is going to be using American Airlines for all of his travel here. This is quite a tradition. American airlines and twa with whom it merged many years ago has a long history of flying foeps within the United States and some back overseas. This is a 777 and its by the way, the faa gave it the call sign of sheppard herd one coming in to bring the pope to jfk. The crew on board the plane actually trained for a year, sibila, to be able to handle all of the delicate moments and necessities of conveying the most towering religious figure on the planet around our country. Theyre welltrained, wellprepared. Youre watching history being made right now. I think theyre watching television somewhere here. I can hear some cheering back there as they seen the plane landing. They cant see our Television Set here but you can feel the excitement. As you were talking about the people on the plane and all of the excitement and preparation that it took to get to this point to be able to deal with him, the whole irony about the whole thing is he is one of the most humble men on the face of the earth. And yet he is a celebrity in a way, a rock star. I mean people love this pope. And his life as basically a parish priest, he lived a frugal life, lived among the poor. Thats where he liked being. And all of the sudden the spirit called and the cardinals elected him. Look at him now. This has got to be affecting him i think probably, if not more than its affecting those hes touching just to get out into the world absolutely. After spending his whole life basically in argentina. Yeah. And he was nicknamed when we was living in argentina, the slum bishop. And during his time he wanted the priests to go out and live in the slums so they could get a feel for the people that they would give service to. N marc santia was mentioning all of the members of the crowd there, many who are ill and suffering and have infirmities and many who are poor. And this is a Cross Section of the people the pope is trying to focus the worlds attention on right now. The churchs attention, yes. But the worlds attention on a larger stage. Hes using that platform. He wants us to pay more attention to the least fortunate among us. Reporter chuck and sibila is that mark . You were mentioning exactly. The folks that are gathered here, brooklyn is one of the most diverse diocese in the world and were told that the pope is excited to meet the folks here. Its very warm here, pretty hot. Some of the crowd they just passed out water because a couple of folks in the crowd had to be carried out on stretchers. Its very warm. The popes plane just landed and theyre awaiting for the pope to hes expected to be here at jfk for eight to 10 minutes. Theres a microphone thats set up. Hes not expected to say anything, but you cant expect anything with this pope. Theyre not sure what hes going to do. But there is a microphone set up here if he does choose to address the crowd. Its a very, very small crowd that you can see here. But again, the pope has touched down, pope francis, very first time the 78yearold has ever been in new york. This is his very first time. Hes touched down and the folks are waiting, hoping to catch a glimpse, hoping to see pope francis who should be here any minute. I think you might have mentioned them in previous reports. Are they expected to sing for the pope as hes out there . Sibila, the band, theyre on near the ospreys. The High School Band is here. Theyre going to be playing for the pope. About 40 of them. They were going through rehearsals rehearsals. Theyre ready to play. You can see cardinal dolan, Bishop Dimarzio. There were cheers that went up when the popes plane landed. Its not an official recognized moment here, which is exactly what some members of the clergy like. Because with this pope theyre ready to see him ad lib and go, meet with people, interact. So they do have a band thats ready to play. Like i said, theres a microphone. Hes only expected to be on the ground here 8 to 12 minutes. Hes going to chopper his way across the Lower Manhattan and make his way up to st. Patricks for evening prayer. Hes not expected to be here long. But it doesnt matter. The people here so excited to catch a glimpse. What im struck by looking at this is the contrast between his rivaadl here, his arrival in cuba and in washington. In cuba, when he arrived, there was a rather extrav. Gant, some might say over2 the top ceremony for him. I thought the pope looked uncomfortable. I thought he did not appreciate having weapons of war, this man of peace as he stepped off the plane in havana, having weapons of war firing and firing as he was waiting the make his remarks. And wasnt there supposed to be a 21gun salute. In washington. On the lawn. It was canceled for that very reason. Yeah. I think the vatican asked the white house if they wouldnt mind not doing that. It is part of this hes head of state. The pope is the head of the state. Head of the vatican and he is entitled the a welcome any head includes an honor guard and a 21gun salute. But yes, washington, they eliminated that because they didnt think it was consistenpt with the mans views or what he stands for. Its probably something that he asked for. Thats the thing that you have to admire about pope francis is he dances to the beat of his own drum. He does what he wants to do. He doesnt follow protocol. Thats the way hes been from the beginning. Thats consistent with the simplicity of him. Who really, generally speaking, doesnt enjoy being celebrated. And this man apparently does not. Looking at Cardinal Timothy dolan there who is quite ready. We talked a couple of days ago. He told me that 98 of st. Patricks was ready to go. He was hoping to get it done by the time the pope got here and he almost did. 98 is not bad considering it was close to the restorations with us here on the set, we have the pastor of the church. Hes listening to us blabbing on about the pope and everything. Im sure hes dieing to get in here. The discussion weve been having, father, about the simplicity of this man and how in the world that hes reconciling that with his current role. Thats a very good point. He says hes embarrassed by it. Hes actually said that. Made a crack about it a couple of weeks ago. Said, you know, im very popular. Jesus was very popular in the gospels for a little while and after that Something Else happened. Hes trying to be humble and stay grounded. He mentioned that to the president , as well. The kroutds abandoned him. The crowds did. In the long run, what he accomplished. Yes. And also the way he was out there for the poor and also not following protocol. I mean theres a similarity there and i think thats what he wants to put out there. He says thats what keeps him grounded is being with the poor. Without that it would just be celebrity and thats not what this is. And the joy is Something Else that i think is just very different from that pope. Hes always smiling. And ive read in reports that he wants the clergy to go out there and smile, because its the joy of the lord is their strength and thats what you want to project, not this rigid stoic kind of ministry. He was shy of retiring and wanted to live his life with the poor. When he got to the vatican he took ahold of it and decided, im going to shake this place up. Were too bureaucratic, too concerned with our welfare. We need to get out into the world and touch the periphery. He was selected to do the reform of the church and i think hes taking that to heart. This is a familiar site that weve seen. Every time the plane lands, we have the American Flag out one window and the papal flag flying from the boeing 777 taxiing up. Were about to see the ceremony that weve seen so many times when the plane will taxi up and the ramp will be wheeled up to the side, the door will open and eventually we will see the emergence in new york for the first time in history this pope. He will set foot in new york city, a city that im sure hes contemplated many times in his dealings half a world away. And now is going to have an opportunity to see, very briefly. About 36 hours, 39 hours, Something Like that hes going to be in town. Its got to be excited for him. But the excitement of the people in new york that have been waiting to see him is just enormous. I cant tell you the amount of people that im always talking to, whether theyre catholic or another faith, it doesnt matter. Theres something about pope francis that is just touching people and changing them and wanting and drawing them more to god. And i think thats exactly what he wants to do. Sibila he might have a better fix on the cheering crowds here, if we want to take a quick peek from michaels position. Is he available in do we have chael up . Or if we have some double boxes, that could be greet. Chuck and sibila . Michael, you with us . Hey, how are you guys . Yes. Were on the west side of 5th avenue and we have just an incredible view. Were probably about 50 feet from where his holiness will stop, where his motorcade will stop and where his lowliness will emerge a nd juwalk through those 92pound doors here at the cathedral. Youre referring to the cathedral almost completely re ly ly ly ly restored. The stones seem to reflect the fading sunlight of the day. And because of their participation in it, theres 500 people out here who have a special reason to be here. Over there you see them right below the vatican flag a and these are some of the workers who actually made this possible. They and their families are ere being able to see the pope as he arrives here on fifth avenue. Thats them right there. Theyve worked on this project. Its almost done. And there they are. Hey, guys, very happy to be here and to see the holy father and perhaps just a matter of hours. Now on the other side of those bronze doors we have some very special students here, chuck and sibila. Our areas most famous and renowned catholic high schools. From the bronx youll see the gentlemen in the maroon sweater, cardinal hays high scwool and in front of them the ladies of notre dame and to the right, the children of xavier high school. Its a jesuit high school. And the holy father, if first jesuit priest. Im graduate of xavier high school, proud say. All of the high schools represented waet tosome of the best of new york city high schools. Its very exciting. This scene, chuck and sibila, i know youre seeing much of what i am seeing here. I dont think ive ever seen this on this picture perfect day, fifth avenue completely closed to regular traffic. We have police, we have secret service out in the street ensuring that e everything goes well. And if you can see there, those clouds of people there, theyre lose as youre going to get without getting in. Theyve been the at least four and a half hours and theyve been there hoping to see a momentarily glimpse of pope anci . Such an exciting scene here as we prepare for the vespers. And when we rejoin you, you want to tell you another personal exciting moment. We had a practice pope mobile run and it signifies perhaps the holy father is going to be driving here in new york city. Chuck and sibila, back to you. I cant wait for that. We heard the pope mobile is already here, by the way at none see yos house. L. Here we go. The door is opening. This is the time. We are about to get a glimpse of the holy father as he emerges in new york. Michael was talking about how long people have been waiting here to see him. Of course its een months and months theyve b an waiting here, physically here along fifth avethe from st. Patricks ka cathedral. You see Bishop Dimarzio th iere, the orchestra playing new york new yok, Start Playing the news. Th te doors are now open. The staipl are secured and there was a roar from this crowd, chuck and sibila, as pope francis is Just Moments Away from stepping on new york city soil for the first time in his 78yearold life. Were expecting pope francis out here shortly. Theyre playing classic frank sinatra, new york new york. Five children are moving in in, the ones that are giving them the spiritual bouquet. Theyre waiting to the left of the stwirs. And theres the cheers. Pope francis making his way down the steps. The pope suffers from sciatica, has a bad knew but he looks just fine coming down these stairs. Had some trouble in cuba but hes looking fantastic. The tirs one to greet him, Bishop Dimarzio, the Brooklyn Diocese. The popes secretary, the reporters are at the back of the plane. The pope now greeting the having a moment there talking. There are the five children. Cardinal dolan there. There are no elected officials here. People from the Brooklyn Diocese, 200 people hand picked from the Brooklyn Diocese and this is the moment the children are waiting for. Extraordinary event right now. As you can see, hes still smiling. Again weve talked about his stamina. He just doesnt stop. Doesnt look exhausted at all. No. You can imagine, his day began we think at 4 30 in the morning. He has to get up in the morning at 4 30, he spends a couple of hours preparing himself he made an historic address to the joint session of congress today. He was exceedingly wellreceived. If you at home were watching that, you saw a gentle man working very hard to speak in as clear english as he could. English is not his first or second or third language. Hes been working hard on being able to read english, speak english and do it effectively. I think he did very well. I think he did to. You could understand almost all of it. Like you said. It was an emotional event as well. There was one point when senator marco rubio, when he was talking about immigrants, looked teary eyed. Yes. One of his messages that he delivered to congress is one weve been hearing in this papal journey is we need to take care of immigrants. He urged congress that people that come to the United States urged Congress Also to do what is necessary to preserve the enh vironment, save the environment. These are the themes hes been hitting to take care of the poor, the needy and to take care of the earth. Wiinout some controversy. I mean theres been some controversy he. Sure. About this. People have taken some exception to it on both sides of the political aisle. But nevertheless, he has a demeanor that isnt look at him. Absolutely. Getting back to the immigrant issue, i mean, his parents were immigrants. They went to argentina, but they were italian immigrants. I believe in a big part thats why its important to him. And he is from argentina. And a lot of immigrants look to him because hes from south america. The first pope elected from south america, latin america. And you know, he has a e e became kind of like a priest before congress this morning. He invoked the golden rule and got a standing ovation. It was interesting to see the congress of the United States suddenly realize that it might be a good idea to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Exactly. Yeah. As only he could do it. As humbly as he could do it as well. Thats why his message always resonates. It was interesting to see him when he came off, he greets the kids first all the time. You could see him with that little girl, he was flipping through her pages, givingther that time. And he does that all the time. Time and time again, wherever he is. And you know, we talked abhis stamina again, his energy. You know, for people who are just watching right now, theyre really excited that hes in new york. But you got to remember, this whirlwind tour, the world that hes doing basically started this is like day six now and hes still gning strong. And hes not even halfway done yet. He hasnt started to do what hes supposed to do here in new york. He was in cuba, he did the sunday mass outdoor at the revolution square, on monday he had a ceremony laying flowers at the foot of a patron saint, on tauz he wrapped up three events in santiago. On that same day, he takes a flight coming to dpk. And he still has events there. And then the next morning he gets up and does more. It has been nonstop with him. Yes, in d. C. , look at the day he had there. He met with the officials there, the pope mobile journey through d. C. , celebrated mass at the basilica of the national shrine. Canonization. The first saint to be canonized. And hes not done yet. No. We want to bring in david ushery into the conversation now. David, are you there . Yes, im here sibila and chuck, watching as you are, these extraordinary images of francis touching down in new york. Thinking of what chuck said, obviously i spent the last few days in washington and its really the popes stamina. Hes 78 years old. He had an illness that nearly cost him his life in his early 20s. He really functions on one lung. And time and time again he seems to be energized, he seems to be animated and i think quite honestly he feeds off of the people, the reception. And especially the Young Children greeting him. And obviously the Church Leaders some of this is pro forma. But i think they know in particular francis is on this journey to really see faith in action in the United States. And so they want to present that to him. And i think, you know, all of these moments when hes had a delay of schedule, its been because he wanted to linger. Theres a story today as he was departing, apparently he touched his watch and that was because he was asking his security detail do i have a few more minutes without throwing the schedule in complete disarray to kind of bask in the warmth of these people who have gathered here. And its really something to see. Chuck, sibila . We were listening to you. David, can you hear us . Yeah, i got you. Completely understand. Its just i think i agree with you. Its the passion of the people that keeps him. And another thing that i saw today in d. C. When he was doing the rounds, he was in his pope mobile or even outside of it, i remember him talking to someone and he keeps on saying to them, pray for me. That is again something that is so humble about him. I remember when he was first elected pope and the cardinals were all around him, when he was first making his appearance before st. Peters square, he did not want to stand on a pedestal. It was supposed to be on a riser so he could be taller than the rest of them, and he refused to do that because that is not who he is. Yeah, sibila, i think you honed in on something that is signature about him, as we see him now walk hurd edly i think he may be heading now toward the helicopter. Mark . The pope is heading to the but chuck and sibila, he did exactly what you were talking about. He does not follow the script. This is why people love him. He spent the last seven Minutes Holding children, praying for them, accepting gifts, flowers, roses, a symbol of answered prayers. You see him getting a little bit of help up the stairs there with some back problems and the knee problem. And the pope blessing the crowd as he steps on the black hawk, now taking him to Lower Manhattan. He did exactly what you were talking about, spending time with the people, hugging, caressing, loving on people. Thats why so many people adore pope francis. They do. And to add to that, theres been a new Sienna College poll that 70 of new yorkers, whether catholic or not, have a favorable opinion of pope francis. He is just that popular. He has numbers that politicians would kill for in this country, way above any elected official in the United States of nerk america. Hes going to be taking off, im assume ing both of these helicopters are going to fly in together. These belong to marine helicopter squad ran one. The same helicopters that fly the president around. He is under the care of the secret service and beyond that almost every other Security Agency there is in the United States. When we came in through security, we were watched by the secret service, but tsa is here too. Everybody here was carefully

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