Transcripts For WMUR News 9 Tonight 20151024

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western hemisphere, and it is plowing into the west coast of mexico. hurricane patricia has winds clocked as high as 200 miles per hour. good evening to you i' m shelley , walcott. all that destructive power on a path to a popular tourist destination. abc' s michelle franzen begins our coverage. michelle franzen so gigantic, it : blots out the sky. with winds so ferocious, they are frightening everyone out of its path. hurricane patricia, with winds -- gusts as strong as to her miles per hour -- 200 miles per hour, driving up to 20 inches of rain, howled into mexico friday as a category five storm. this angry surf a taste of , what' s to come in the vacation area of puerto vallarta, where they are boarding up filling , sandbags, streets deserted, as thousands of tourists tried to outrun patricia. >> we were of actuate it from our hotel this morning for the hurricane. they said, it is not safe, we will go to the technical center michelle vacationer stacy zapar : is stranded with her family. way out. we are concerned, but we are trying to keep our game face on for the kids area michelle this : record-setting hurricane is americas. 200 mph winds, enough to make cars, even planes go airborne. the lowest pressure ever recorded. >> it is legally mind-boggling. the only way to describe it is potentially catastrophic. michelle: patricia will bring mudslides and flooding as it barges inland, losing strength. over 20 million are in a flash flood zone. flood watches are out for texas, louisiana, and oklahoma, with 10-12 inches of rainfall possible through the weekend. shelley: i feel like tomorrow will reveal a lot of damage in those areas. mike: when winds came in at 185, it knocked out the weather stations. take a look from space. clearly we see the storm barreling into the western part of mexico. as it has done so, it is interacting with high terrain, that is causing the storm to weaken. keep in mind, 130 mile per hour sustained winds is a major hurricane. but it is much weaker than the 200 mile per hour winds that were around the center about five or six hours ago. early tomorrow morning it is down to a tropical storm. and it will be a mere tropical depression in another seven hours. the winds will weaken. unfortunately the flood threat will continue through the weekend in mexico, and possibly the southern u.s. around texas. it will talk more about our forecast for the weekend in a few minutes. shelley: a man from hollis has been indicted on certain -- charges that he had child sex abuse images. david pelusi is accused of exchanging images and explicit messages about children with a alyssia azotea . she was also indicted on a computer charge related to those messages. azotea is also charged in connection to these conversations. the governor' s commission on alcohol and drug abuse prevention is deciding how it will spend in new funding to $3 million deal with the state' s growing drug abuse problems. the commission is tasked with dealing with the fight against heroin and prescription drug abuse, as well as the misuse of alcohol. more than 320 people died in new hampshire from drug-related overdoses last year. the state is expected to match or exceed that number this year. ,>> we have a profound problem of addiction in the state. it happens that a substantial amount of it is heroin related but alcohol is still killing , more people overall than heroin and other drugs. shelley: the commission did decide today to continue funding the state' s drug czar job. right now, a grant is paying for the end of the year. the $123,000 position will be covered with money from the commissions legit, -- commission' s budget, and a concretion from the new hampshire channel foundation. it' s not clear yet if current czar jack wozmak will keep the position. claremont police have arrested a man for having thousands of dollars worth of sythentic drugs on him. police arrested john murray on an outstanding warrant last night. they say when they took him into custody, he had $8,700 worth of bath salts in his possession. the pump and festival launches in laconia for the first time tomorrow. one year after riots broke out near the keene pumpkin festival, organizers say they' re ready to move on. our stephanie woods joins us live with a preview. what a great site. stephanie woods: it really is. night. they packed more than 900 jack-o' -lanterns into the tower behind us. it will be list tomorrow. -- lit tomorrow. >> bring your confidence -- pumpkins. stephanie laconia is lit up. : for the 25th annual new hampshire pumpkin festival. this is the first year the pumpkin festival will be in the city and the lakes region chamber of commerce is pumped about the boon to business. >> we' re every excited. we' re so excited here in the lakes region to have this event and everyone has really come , together. i' m so waiting for tomorrow to come. stephanie: organizer ruth sterling is hoping to snag laconia a guinness world record when the festival tries to break jack-o' s get all of new hampshire, all of new england, all of the world to come and it' s pumpkins together, all those lights shining, and light will drive out any darkness. : revokes "let it shine' pumpkin festival permit after students rioted on the keene state college campus during the festival last october leading to t ever let the bad guys win, you know -- let it shine. stephanie laconia police say : they are stationing 30 s >> the footprint and the security, we' ve always had a really good handle on that, the festival, i am ringing my usual security. stephanie sterling says the : scariest thing this year will be a brand-new haunted house , "mayhem at the mill." creator russ davis is donating all profits to the laconia mill society because he says this gig pays for itself. >> if we could do halloween every day we should do halloween s not all. pumpkin express, go pumpkin bowling or bring the little guys , for the children' parade. the festival runs from 10:00 shelley: coming up on news nine tonight a marine from merrimack , was killed in iraq more than 10 years ago. the tribute in his honor at tonight' s merrimack high school football game. mike: sunshine to kickoff the weekend, but showers approach from the west, when they move in, in the timeline ahead. cheerleaders: high, we are the cheerleaders, get ready for friday night football. shelley: cheers from the blackbirds, helpless us gear up for friday night football week the republicans finally admit it. >>"republican kevin mccarthy saying ...the committee investigating benghazi and clinton's emails was created to destroy her candidacy..." "everybody thought hillary clinton was unbeatable, right? but we put together a benghazi special committee... what are her numbers today?" republicans have spent millions attacking hillary... ...because she's fighting for everything they oppose... ...from affordable health care. equal pay... she'll never stop fighting for you. and the republicans know it. >>i'm hillary clinton and shelley: ten years ago, new hampshire lost a brave marine serving overseas in iraq. tonight, timothy gibson and and his family were honored on the field where he once played. our jean mackin was that merrimack high school for military appreciation night. jean: both teams lined the field at merrimack high school to honor timothy gibson and his family. tim gibson was a star quarterback here, before he became a marine, and a hero. in 2005, he made the ultimate sacrifice along with 30 other u.s. servicemen when their helicopter crashed during a sandstorm in iraq. he was 23-years-old. he was known in the military as the marine who went first to make sure it was safe for others. known at home in merrimack, as a role model who will be remembered. a commemorative game ball was presented to his family . his parents along with his two brothers, and his grandfather a , world war ii veteran. >> unbelievable. >> it is beyond words what this means to us. it is wonderful he has been gone 10.5 years, and people still want to honor him. it shows the impact he had on people and the lives. >> it is not the cold that is bothering me, but i am getting the shakes from just being here. >> every father would wish to have a son like timmy . jean: tim gibson wore the #10 out on this field and his number was not retired it plays on just like his family wants . tim' s mom even wore his #10 football jacket. >> i told that #10 i like to see that number down there on the field, i always look for it. jean: this field, the school will always look up to number in 10. merrimack jean mackin wmur news9 . announcer: now, she made our just mike henan with your storm watch nine forecast. mike: clouds and sun makes to start, but more son -- sun. by a bit of color hanging on. it is past peak in the white mountains, great north woods, and the upper valley. it is past peak a little bit in the lakes region. get out and enjoy the color. it is right along the immediate coastline. speaking of the coast, watch out for patchy clouds tomorrow morning. elsewhere, i fair amount of fun ahead of the next system -- sun ahead of the next system. if any rain fell, it would be cold enough for snow. near 30 on top of mount washington. elsewhere. chill. by now temperatures bottom out because. there is -- 35 at the coast. we will break down the timeline, fierce guys tonight. -- they are skies tonight. a fair amount of fun. -- sun. a fair amount of clouds later in the day. hours on sunday. out of here by midday on sunday. we get warmer at that time. once we advance past sunday, the remnants of patricia will be making inroads on the gulf coast states. heavy rain, possibly five inches of it to the south. that will be wednesday night and early thursday, we have a shot at rain. that would be the -- beneficial for new hampshire. maybe 1-3 inch rain tallies. the forecast for tomorrow will not change. a blend of sun and clouds of the coast. pleasantly cool inland. the pumpkin festival looks great. at the time of the festivities opening up, 41. by 4:00, a critical time, that of the jack-o' -lanterns. will be lit. record is broken. no records lately. wednesday. shelley: looks good. jason king is standing by with a preview of friday night football. jason: eight weeks in, can you believe it? several teams keeping their playoff hopes alive. like in merrimack. if you think storm damage is the only cost of climate change, think again. from the rising price of food to higher insurance rates for homes and businesses, the economic damage will only get worse. but with american-made we can save money on electricity and spur innovation to create it all starts right direction. could they get a win tonight, starts right now. david: i am the running back for the lancers, you' re watching friday night football on channel nine. jason: welcome to the show. several teams are fighting for the playoff tonight, and others poised to clinch their spots in the postseason. teams like the timberlane owls, -- owls. that is timberlane and spaulding in the owls nest. first pass of the game for the red raiders. shaun cormier picked off by owls linebacker zach thibeault would have been a pick six, but a block in the back penalty on the -- brought it back. that set up tyler furey for the 9 yard td run 7-0 timberlane . first-7 of a lot of pushups by the cheerleaders tonight . next pass attempt for cormier throw is picked off by josh . that return for a touchdown, 14-zero, timberlane. after another spaulding turnover this time a fumble furey gets his second touchdown, toy 1-0. timberlane wins but needed a , 48-14, little help from exeter to get that playoff spot. exeter was in merrimack. they would take the number one team in the southeast bracket for the when. deneill takes it in from a couple yards out, 7-0 merrimack in front. exeter would answer on their first trip down the field. kyle ball quarterback sneak on fourth and short, nine yard touchdown kyle newman kicked a , 7-7. 20 yard field goal with 18 seconds left. merrimack wins it, 30-28. merrimack will play timberlane in the regular-season finale next week. bedford with our, bulldog flynn, 49-6 area nick leahy 7 carries, 108 yards, 2 td sure. next here we go. jason: concord and keene, blackbirds get things going with a halfback past -- past. 56 yard gain. three plays later, he finds logan, a four yard touchdown pass. tied the game at 22. it was 30-28, tied. kevin suarez, 11 yard touchdown run. concord wins by 20, 52-42. astros need to beat exeter next week or they will miss the playoffs for the first time in 20 years. the warriors are keeping their playoff hopes alive, 26-13. winniconic would need help. >> mighty, mighty. jason: that is memorial second half, he takes it all the way the other way, touchdown for the titans made it hurt he 4-6, north in front. the crusaders would get in the end zone, brad plows his land for a short score, 34-12. in the fourth quarter, just goes deep to big number 88, stephen lambert, 59 yard touchdown, the north is still alive in the playoffs. salem at portsmouth, the blue devils get the playoff spot for the first time since 2011, 47-19 the final. adam marin had a pick six, that is the younger brother of doug marin. tonight, including the rams against farmington new, both conference. entering the night, the rams in green early in the third. farmington nute coughs up the football, and freshman greg gibby recovers. that leads to a touchdown run by kyle grady, 6-6 area -- 6-6. the tigers start to take control with their ground game noah vander with a short touchdown run 14-6, farmington next -eight. possession. a one play drive howard patch takes off, 20-6. cardinals when artie 8-13. -- win 8-13. the cougars home with souhegan, the cougars celebrating their 12 seniors on senior night. first quarter, cougars quarterback finds graham parker for nine yards, the drive would stall, the sabres have the ball. big run, 56 on the ground. a few plays later, they finish off the drive with a two yard touchdown making it six-nothing, so begin. 39-21, so begin -- souhegan. justin noris ran for 137 yards. director was recognized at halftime. riley roy fire to the end zone and connects with brenda mooney in the back corner. that is a touchdown for laconia. ryan stephens -- he is small, but packs a punch. nice strong run down the middle. he rolls to the right, slings one, he does the rest. finds the near pile down. the eagles should win that or conference. that north conference. monadnocks played at home, huskies win big, 38-8. this is sanborn and tell him at harris field. sean dillon' . in the first, go once again, this time he will fight his way and from about 10 yards out. it was 14-nothing, sanborn. alum gets on the board in the second quarter. trevor goes up top and finds ryan near the sideline. 28 yard touchdown. sanborn wins 21-14. kingswood when 50-16 -- win 50-16. you can watch our football shows on our website. you can also follow us on twitter. use the #fns wmur. that does it for week number eight. a couple of games on the schedule for tomorrow. a pair of unbeatens go head-to-head in division iii, bo and when a score. the bruins are still to come net -- announcer: now, jamie staton and news nine sports. jamie: welcome back the bruins lost in overtime to the flyers last night they were right back on the ice tonight. friday night hockey b' s at the islanders, midway thru the first period. brett connolly scores for boston . his second of the year from brad marchand and patrice bergeron one-nothing, bruins lead. but the isles answer with 2 goals less than 2 minutes apart including this one from johnny boychuck to casey cizikas, 2-1 islanders. the bruins pulled away after that here is the 3rd period game winner, scored by ryan spooner . the bruins win, 5-3, they host arizona on tuesday. hockey for unh, they led 6-1. dan currently a --corereale had four assists. at the verizon building, nerlens noel play. eight points, nine rebounds, and four steals. marcus smart knocks down a three for the celtics, boston up 7 -- the celtics when 6-1. game six of the alcs, what a game, tied 3-3. the jays are in a rain delay. new hampshire tomorrow. dartmouth is undefeated. unh plays a delaware. the wildcats need a huge win. >> it should be a good game. i know a lot of the guys. it should be good. >> they run the ball well. they have a lot of misdirection. it will be key for us to make sure that our eyes are in the right places, everyone is playing their assignment. jamie: a huge game for unh. texas tech at oklahoma tomorrow. ohio state and rutgers is the shelley: thank you for joining us for news nine tonight at followed by there are many sides to basketball star an fashion icon russell westbrook. and with coverage in the middle of anywhere from u.s. cellular, he can find some new ones. like, farmer. russell's brussels. russell speaking. paleontologist. hashtag t-rex. park ranger. where am i? and t.v. spokesperson. that's my line. i got it. with u.s. cellular, you can do all the things you like, from the middle of anywhere.

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