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north and west. between now and five or six in the morning tomorrow, a general three to fiveinch snowfall with slightly higher amounts the farther south and east you go and lesser amounts the farther to the north and west. winds will play a factor through the evening, gusting over 25 to 35, blowing and drifting the snow around a little, especially along the coastline. what happens beyond that later tonight, tomorrow for the big primary day . well look at that straight ahead. josh thanks, mike. its not just the snow but flooding causing issues in some spots. hampton. jennifer road crews are working overtime to make sure the roads are clear for primary day. our coverage continues now with stephanie woods who is out on the seacoast tonight. reporter i know that the polls open in just hours. doesnt care. road. this is the Hampton River behind us. about 20 minutes, but you see how high the water is, its just seeping into these peoples back yards. we did have some serious flooding earlier today in seabrook. browns restaurant got some flooding, luckily it didnt go into the dining area, but they did have some trouble there. we heard from sea firefighter who say that so far they havent had to respond to any flooding incidents, but they are keeping a watch out for high tide tonight, just after 11 00. so coming up the seacoast is getting slammed right now, and before the storm is over late tonight they could see up to 8 inches of snow. stephanie woods, wmur news 9. jennifer you can bet its a messy commute tonight, so lets get a closer look at how the roads are shaping up right now, this is 293 north in man kearse. you rail need to keep your speeds down tonight. a look at the road home. p yes, thats right, the speeds have been lowered to 45 Miles Per Hour on highways south of concord, so keep that in mind for your commute home. just got word of an accident on 93 southbound in bow that just happened, so that will be a trouble spot for us. massachusetts up north not a bad ride on 93 northbound. 93 south is very busy from manchester to londonderry. the ever right turnpike north is stop and go from twits 10 to 12. issues on 101 eastbound, two accidents have things backed up on the approach to exit 2. 101 west an accident in exeter at exit 9 has things stop and go from exit 13. we also see very heavy volume on the spaulding turnpike northbound. the report being brought to you by Dunkin Donuts, from the wzid traffic network, im peggy james. jennifer commitment 2016, the final push is under way in New Hampshire. the candidates for president pounding the pavement today trying to drum up that last the first in the nation primary. josh the very first votes will be cast in just under seven hours at midnight in Dixville Notch, mills field and Harts Location, and tonight we have brand new g. O. P. Poll numbers just in to the newsroom with a final look at where things stand before voters head out to make their decision. on the republican side of things, seems a lot of people are still trying to make up their minds. with 31 support, donald trump heads into the primary election the clear favorite on the republican side and thats about the closest thing youll find to a sure thing. because from there marco rubio, ted cruz and john kasich are all within the margin of error, and then bush fiorina, christie and carson separated by a mere four points. with more than half the likely Republican Voters still on the fence, a lot can happen. p donald trump still on top, he had a dip last week, recovered it seems, hes in pretty good shape, not guaranteed obviously. but the battle for second place youve got four people who can finish between second and fifth place and i dont think anybody could tell you right now which one of those people has the best chance. josh many voters still weighing their choices. how many democratic voters are undecided . well look at that at 6 00. jennifer now to the democratic side, both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are making several Campaign Stops in new snow. our Live Team Coverage continues with adam sexton covering the Sanders Campaign tonight in derry. reporter Bernie Sanders has had multiple rallies across the state today starting in nashua, then manchester, hell be in the e derry in the next hour or so, then its off to durham where hell be at u. N. H. sanders has revamped his stump speech and is pretty much sticking to those points. hes reminding voters that he is the candidate that represents revolutionary change to the american political system. type of outfit, the media and pundits didnt consider us a serious candidacy, in fact the word fringe was used a couple of times. reporter its a confident candidate and a exf den campaign right now, heading toward what could be an historic primary victory. adam sexton, wmur news 9. josh Hillary Clinton is trying to close that gap in the polls with just hours until the primary begins. and there with her today her husband, former president bill clinton and daughter chelsea. amy coveno is following the Clinton Campaign in hudson tonight. reporter hey, josh. heavy pace for secretary clinton today, this is her final get out the vote event, it begins at Alvirne High School in hudson. yesterday that some had to be turned away, spilling out into the hallway to watch the Clinton Family stump for hillary to a riled up crowd. polls show clinton trailing sanders by double digits. Hillary Clinton touched on those buzz topics for this largely friendly crowd, health care, blocking the privatization of Social Security and equal pay for women. heres what she had to say about the incoming snowstorm. p i think Granite Staters are pretty hardy. obviously if their roads are slick people have to be careful. i hope well be able to help anybody who needs a ride to the polls to call my campaign, well be happy to get you there and ive got a Great Organization ready to turn out as many voters as possible. reporter at 6 00, more one on one with secretary clinton. we talk about those transcripts of those speeches and what will for now, live in hudson, amy coveno, wmur news 9. josh tonight were giving the candidates one final chance to make their case to New Hampshire voters just ahead of tomorrows first in the nation primary. jennifer each candidate will have one minute, and up first tonight is Bernie Sanders. p good evening. and thank you very much for allowing me to say a few words this evening. look, what this campaign is about is trying to end a corrupt Campaign Finance system which allows billionaires and wall street and their super pacs to buy elections. its about ending a rigged economy in which workers in New Hampshire, vermont and all over this country are working longer hours for lower wages, wild almost all new income and wealth is going to the top 1 . and its about ending a broken criminal Justice System in which kids who get caught with marijuana get a police record, but executives on wall street destroy much of our economy, nothing happens to them. so what i hope very much in this campaign, as we can create a Political Revolution where millions of people stand up and fight back and demand that we create a government that belongs to all of us, and not just a handful of wealthy campaign contributors. thank you very much. josh thank you, senator, best of luck to you on primary night. on the republican side of things, right now donald trump is getting ready for a rally in manchester after a day crisscrossing the southern part of the state. he started at the derrysalem elks club this morning, then the londonderryly lions hall. him. p as much as i love your people, i could be on a beach, we could be some place else. the fact is i love the end going to have a phenomenal strong powerful rich country again. josh the Trump Foundation presented a 100,000 check to the Liberty House in manchester to benefit homeless veterans, it part of the money raised during the debate in iowa which trump skipped. jennifer senator cruz was in raymond, barrington and manchester. Shelley Walcott is following the Cruz Campaign and shes live in the queen city for us tonight. shelley jen, it was a packed house here at the American Legion sweeney post in manchester, as the ted cruz faithful came out out to see their candidate. people were elbow to elbow inside as news media from around the country and the world came to hear the senator from texas speak. earlier in the day we attended away tavern, thats where i had the chance to speak one on one with senator cruz and asked him how he expects to win over new england voters. donald trump is so far ahead of you here. you beat him in iowa. how can you beat him here in New Hampshire . p listen, thats going to be a question for the voters here in New Hampshire. but i think the question that every voter is asking is who can i trust. weve seen over and over again Campaign Conservatives who talk a good game, but they havent walked the walk. and i believe what the American People are looking for is a consistent conservative, someone who has been the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. reporter coming up at 6 00 i ask the senator about how the rack of evangelical voters in New Hampshire might affect his chances tomorrow. thats coming up at 6 00. for now live in manchester, im Shelley Walcott, wmur news 9. josh joining us now with his final pitch, Chris Christie. jennifer you have a minute. p thank you. i want to thank the people of New Hampshire. been thinked to get to know you and ive let you into by wife and our children. were going to fight for you. were going to fight for you in washington d. C. were going to make sure that the person who is most ready, most prepared, most mature, to take on Hillary Clinton in the fall, takes on Hillary Clinton in the fall. you watched me on saturday night in the debate on abc, you saw that i am the most ready, the most prepared to take on what will be a brutal fight this fall to win back the white house. but we need to win it back because we have to lower taxes, create jobs. we need to make our country safe and secure, we need to make sure that each and every american has the opportunity to do whatever is their dream in this country. i want to be your president because i am ready to lead this country, i am ready to make a difference, and i am ready to make sure that americans wake up every morning feeling safe, secure and ready to be prosperous. New Hampshire, youve given me i need your vote tomorrow, i want your vote tomorrow. but i also want your confidence and your support. if you give me that, i promise you ill be a president you will be proud of. when i get on the stage to take that oath of office, ill say this, four words. thank you, New Hampshire. jennifer governor, thank you, all the best to you tomorrow. the rest of the candidates will be joining us throughout the rest of this hour. we also invite you to join us tonight at 7 00 for a special edition of chronicle, featuring some of the Granite States voting traditions and a special show called setting the stage will then air at 10 00. and that is packed with everything you need to know before you go to the polls, that is then followed by news 9 tonight at 11 00 with a complete wrapup of all the campaigns today. then ahead at midnight well have live coverage of the first primary votes cast in Dixville Notch. josh still ahead tonight, the final pitches do continue. jennifer youre looking live outside of our manchester about to arrive to make his case to New Hampshire voters. josh more live pictures as snow continues to fall across the state at the height of the evening commute. mike after snow does fall tonight, what follows for primary day tomorrow and beyond, if well see any more snow. jennifer will the snow impact turnout at the polls tomorrow . voters and candidates weigh in, p hmm hmm hmmhmmhmmhmm p hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmhmm t [ cheering ] ive got some real estatet here in my bag counting the carsp on the new jersey turnpike theyve all comer to look for america r [ cheers and applause ] all comer to look for america all comer to look for america all come to look for america im Bernie Sanders, ` p youre watching wmur news 9 at 5 00 with jean mackin, josh mcelveen, mike haddad and jamie staton with sports. josh thank you for joining us. obviously a busy night in New Hampshire, a snowy night as well. jennifer a lot going on. right now Governor John Kasich is prepping for a 6 00 event, in addition to several that heres already held today in merrimack, windham, plaistow, hooksett and manchester. josh Live Team Coverage continues with Suzanne Roantree who is covering the Kasich Campaign today. reporter yes, this will be the kasich in New Hampshire. So far today hes already had three town halls in the state. he started the morning in plaistow, followed by a stop this afternoon in windham for a Small Business town hall where he spoke to a standing room only crowd, trying to separate himself from the establishment, referring to him elf as an sinld kind of guy. he then moved his campaign to Fidelity Investments in merrimack, here at derry field country club in manchester crews are preparing for a town hall and organizers say the snow outside wont slow things down inside. p there is no one running for president who has a better understanding or has shown better judgments on the issues of National Security than i have. ive spent the last five years in the u. S. Senate focused on this issue in my role in the Intelligence Committee and Foreign Relations committee. reporter i think we had a little screwup there with the heard, but the rally here at the town hall gets under way at 6 00 tonight. Suzanne Roantree, wmur news 9. josh thank you. continuing now our final pitches, we go to former Virginia Governor jim gilmore. p good evening. thank you very much for the opportunity to campaign all across New Hampshire over these past two years, its been a great experience. i want you to know that i think im the right person to earn your vote in this president ial campaign. im a former governor of the state of virginia, former attorney general, former elected prosecutor. i actually am the only veteran in this race, having served in the cold war this the United States Army Intelligence in europe. i was the chairman of the National Commission on Homeland Security for this country, and i was the governor during the 9 11 attack when actually i became a war governor and had had to actually respond to the challenges that we saw at 9 11. i want you to know that after campaigning im confident that i can be the candidate that can face the challenge that were north korea and iran. and also from the radical islamics who are conducting an international imril la war against the United States. im the person that knows we have to win the war of idea as military. we have to rebuild the United States military, but we have to stand for American Values in the 21st century. im the candidate who understands from the bottom of my heart as the only veteran in the race the challenges that our veterans are facing and the need to make sure that im the candidate that stand for Second Amendment rights as a member of the board of directors of the National Rifle association. with all these credentials i believe i can meet the challenges that face the United States. thank you very much and i ask for your vote tomorrow in the republican primary. mike how will the weather play the good news, looks like the as to that is creating trouble on area road right now will come to an en at some point later on tonight. take a look at the time lapse out at the coast today, where it started off quite breezy, but just overcast and during the course of the late morning we started to see the snow filling in, and the winds making it seem even worse. right now the visibility is cut down under a mile in some spots, snow falling at varying intensities and that will be the case from now until midnight, one, two in the morning before the snow lifts off to the north and east. were not going to get clobbered with a lot of snow here. but having said that, all it takes is whats falling right now to make the roads really slick, and in some cases its tough to travel. so if you have to do so, give yourself plenty of extra time between now and early tomorrow morning. youll notice on Doppler Radar a few holes beginning to show up here or there, but then filling back in. So that means the snow will fall at varying intense heavy burst that builds in from the east on and off through the course of the evening. lighter snows, northern parts of New Hampshire and the great north woods and upper valley, where the winds are coming in out of the north and northeast, creates a shadowing effect with lighter amounts in far northern and person parts of the state and the heaviest amounts the farther south and east you go. future cast for the rest of the night, notice the steadiest filling in during the evening and then quickly after the midnight hour that snow races off to the north and east, just a scattering of snow showers left over by daybreak tomorrow, which again is good news for those heading out to vote on primary day tomorrow. could be a few breaks of sun, couple secured flurries. but steady snow is out by later tonight. on average a three to fiveinch tally. then slightly higher amounts manchester and especially over few spots over half a foot. but temperatures playing a big role as well, making the snow dry and fluffy, which is good news thats easy to push around, bad news that it sticks to the roads easily and that makes it slick right through the Early Morning. some wind gusts 10 to 20 Miles Per Hour. overnight the winds will go lighter and that means the wind will not be a big issue for the morning commute tomorrow. the issue right now with the winds, driving the wave action up, high tide kicks in during the late part of the evening and between nine tonight and one in the morning and again tomorrow morning at 9 00 through 1 00 in the afternoon we could see minor flooding a long the coast, maybe bordering on moderate flooding with significant splashover and also some major beach erosion, all centered around the time of the next couple of high tides. look at your forecast for the day tomorrow. things are on the up and up by primary day tuesday. upper 20s tomorrow, so a little warmer than today. a few scattered flurries, but nothing should get in your way overnight. wednesday could be a brief snow shower. look at the weekend. jennifer thank you, mike. just ahead, well have more president ial theyre one ofr the wall street banks p that triggered the financialr meltdown goldman sachs. Just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis that put seven million out of work and millions out of their homes. How does wall street get away with it . Millions in Campaign Contributions and speaking fees. Our economy works for wall street because its riggedt by wall street. And thats the problem. As long as washington is bought and paid for, we cant build an economy that works for people. Sanders im Bernie Sanders, ` josh right now marco rubio is preparing for a rally in nashua, his third event of the day in that city. Jennifer Jennifer crompton is live at Nashua Community college with more on his campaign today. reporter well, florida senator marco rubio has made six Campaign Stops before this final rally in nashua tonight. he stopped off in manchester, pressing the flesh with potential voters at the puritan back room, appearing relaxed and energized as he answered questions. before that he spoke to work, at b. A. E. In nashua citing experience in defense matters as the next commander in chief. p there is no one running for president who has a better understanding or has shown better judgment on the issues of National Security than i have. ive spent the last five years in the u. S. Analyst focused on this issue squarely and my role on the Intelligence Committee. and in my role on the Foreign Relations committee. reporter rubio says that unlike the democratic candidates, the republican field is bloated with potential president s and Vice President s. josh thanks. Granite State right now, well tomorrow. jennifer and the final pitches continue, carly fiorina, ted cruz, donald trump, marco rubio, jeb bush and john kasich all joining us to address voters one rin the middle of a time when senior poverty is increasing. P republicans and some democrats came up with a brilliant idea for cutting costoflivingpadjustments for Social Security. We said, it will ber over our dead bodies p if you cut Social Security. As president ,ri will do everything i can to extend the solvencytof Social Security and expand benefits for peoplerwho desperately need them. And i approve this message. ` josh now at 5 30, the snow not enough to stop campaigns from getting out there to get out the vote, the efforts under way to reach voters ahead of tomorrows primary. in many parts of the Granite State, how much more to expect and when it begins to move out. jennifer and its one last chance for the candidates to get their message straight to you, their final pitches live from right here in our studios. p no one covers New Hampshire like we do. now wmur news 9 at 5 30. jennifer first at 5 30, a powerful storm is making a mess in parts of the state. heres a look at live pictures at the seacoast now, its not just snow out there but the splashover from high tide is creating problems. josh weather coverage continues from mike haddad. mike were tracking snow right now, the primary concern on area roads. it doesnt take a whole lot, and this is not going to be a blockbuster storm, but a few inches will fall in many spots. notice on Doppler Radar theres a lot of blue, indicating steady fall falling at the rate of a half inch to possibly later this evening an inch per hour. morning a general three to fiveinch snowfall from the Mount Washington valley south to the monadnock region, slightly higher amounts along the coast. wild have more in a little bit. josh thanks, mike. back now to commitment 2016, todays snow not enough to keep the campaigns from getting out their vote. volunteers still going door to door to encourage Granite Staters to head to the polls during tomorrows first in the nation primary. of course the first votes will be cast at midnight in Dixville Notch, Harts Location and middle field until just under seven hours. well have live coverage from Dixville Notch when that happens. jennifer in the meantime the candidates continue to make the rounds across the state, including republican carly fiorina. Heather Hamel has more. reporter fiorina told voters today that shes confident that her drive and proven leadership record is exactly what the country needs. fiorina was out bright and early in manchester, she held a at blakes restaurant and thanked New Hampshire residents for their support and all the events theyve showed up to. fiorina says its the reason shes come this far and despite her lower showing in the polls she says she has a strong ground game, the right organization and the funds to move forward. fiorina didnt let the as to bother her. she continued to campaign throughout the day, made another restaurant stop in concord and will ahave a town hall this evening in the capital as well. Heather Hamel, wmur news 9. josh joining us now to make her final pitch to New Hampshire voters is carly fiorina. jennifer lowell, you have one minute. p thank you. i started out as a secretary and became a chief exec any of the most relentlessly Competitive Industry in the world, technology. ive produced results, solved festering problems, challenged the system and led all my life. thats what we need the the oval office now, a leader who will challenge the system. because the game is rigged, the system isnt working for us any more, too much power is few in washington d. C. And new york city. its why ive laid out my blue print to take our country back. ive been accountable my whole life. you know i can beat Hillary Clinton, but you also know i will fight for our values, the character of our nation, and the sphins of this nation. elect a president who is actually created a job, saved a job, protected a job. i have more Foreign Policy experience than anyone running, having held the highest clearances, met for world leaders, advised the c. I. A. , n. S. A. , detectives of defense,. so citizens, stand with me, fight with me, vote for me. we must take our country back. jennifer thank you. also standing by in our studio now is Florida Governor jeb bush. p thank you. i want to thank the people of New Hampshire. ive had a chance now over the last year to listen and learn what ive told you is that i have a proven record, a record of accomplishment as governor of a swing state, the largest swing state in the country where we cut taxes, where we went to triple a bond rating, where we challenged everything and made things better for people in florida. the government was reduced, but we led the nation in job growth seven out of eight years. i want to take that zeal for reform and apply it to reform in d. C. And i have detailed plans to do that. i know how to grow our economy because of my 32 years of experience in the private sector and eight years as governor of florida. finally we need a person who has a steady hand as chantedder in chief, someone who understands the role of america in the world is not to be the worlds policeman but to be the worlds leader so we can get back to the business of allowing people to be lifted up again. i believe i have those skills of leadership and i ask for your support. thank you. jennifer governor bush, thank Chris Christie is preparing for a town hall in man kearse after several Campaign Stops across the southern part of the state. Kristen Carosa is live now where that town hall starts a halfhour from now. reporter jen, governor christie will be arriving here in manchester at st. George church around 6 00 p. M. , and people are already packing into this area. this is an event that will surely draw a crowd, one day before the primary. christie held three other town halls today in hudson, hampstead and manchester. in manchester he stopped to speak with employees at dine. had star of cake boss was with him, who just endorsed the governor. p four years ago a lot of people wanted me to run for president and i said no. the reason i said no was because i wasnt ready to be president. i had been governor for a year and a half, i wasnt ready to be president of the United States. but im ready now. i think what we showed you on we ready, we showed you that others arent. reporter again, governor christie will be arriving here at this town hall around 6 00 p. M. , well have more more on this event tonight. josh jeb bush, you just heard from him in his final pitch, he was mingling with voters in nashua earlier. and andy joins us now live. reporter bush says he feels good about where his campaign is but says he doesnt need a win here and will move on no matter what happens on tuesday. the former Florida Governor spent his morning at the thash with a country club speaking to the local rotary. he talked about how he believes washington has broken into two camps. p this has been the culmination of a l. Hard work and weve got 24 more hours to g. Well keep but im excited about the progress weve made. i just sense that the end of this people are starting to decide, which is good, and were, we seem to be doing well. reporter bush continued to hammer away at donald trump saying he doesnt have a steady has been and no experience being a leader. jennifer still ahead, more live r of espresso, milk, uplift your mood. Indulge in a hot or iced macchiato today. R america runs on dunkin. Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmhmm theyve all comer to look for america all comer to look for america to look for america im Bernie Sanders, t ohoh, ohoh ohoh, ohoh, r ohohohooh, oh p hearts are made for sharing. Spread some sweetness r with Dunkin Donuts cookie dough p and brownie batter donuts. Heartshaped happiness too sweet not to share. R america runs on dunkin. ` jennifer welcome back. our final pitches continue now with republican texas senator ted cruz. josh senator, you have one minute to make your final case to New Hampshire voters. p thank you, josh, its great to be with you. every republican running for president tells the people of New Hampshire theyll stand up to washington. the natural question all of us should ask is when have you ever stood up to washington, when have you taken on not just democrats by leaders of our own party. we just saw a powerful example of this one week ago. i was the only major candidate to run in iowa opposing the ethanol mandate. when i did so my two leading oh point its, donald trump and marco rubio, both attacked me for it, promising more cronyism and corporate welfare. the sitting governor told iowa voters, vote for anybody but cruz, cruz believes this and. aattack ads, yet the people of iowa rose to the occasion. they valled their children and their future more than continuing the cronyism. our country is in crisis and we need someone who will stand with the American People and defend the bifl rights. if you want someone to repeal obamacare, ask someone who has led the fight for that. josh thank you, and best of luck tomorrow. for the democratic side of the American People cant for ideas that sound good on paper. But will never make it in the real world. The grandmother who has to paying for medicine and paying rent. Cant wait. The single mom who desperately needs a raise. Cant wait. The student with a mountain of debt cant wait. P we can make Real Progress, r right now for people p and families who need it. P im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. From postal workers to nurses. Hes been endorsed for real change Bernie Sanders. Endorsed by friends of the earth action as a bold, fearless voice for the planet. The nation endorses bernie saying, you can trust sanders because he doesnt owe his political career to the financial overlords. The nashua telegraph declares hes not beholden to wall street money. The valley news says, sanders has been genuinely outraged about the treatment of ordinary americans for as long as we can remember. Im Bernie Sanders ` mike the snow does continue to fly across New Hampshire as we hours. you can see the accumulations not all that impressive, but just enough to make the roads slick out there. theres good news for tomorrow. take a look at whats been happening in Market Square today. the snow moved in during the late morning and continued into the early afternoon. notice dry roads, the pavement not that bad late morning, but now its a whole different ball game out there with the snow and slush. and it will continue at least through early tomorrow morning. but good news, by early tomorrow were talking the heaviest snow is out of here and beyond that time frame its not all that bad for primary day tomorrow. take a look, the snow does it tapers off quickly predawn. after 3 or 4 00 a. M. The snow is out of here. breezy this evening, but the winds will subside, and the seasonable temperatures last into the mid part of the week, before a true arctic chill fills in. saw a couple breaks a while ago in the Merrimack Valley through central portions of massachusetts, now that steady snow has taken over possibly a half inch to an inch per hour for a couple of hours. the snow breaks up a little bit the farther west that you go. thats all due to the fact that we have winds north northeast and thats acting as a shadow in parts of the upper valley. but later on tonight no matter where the storm tracks, and it be racing neetionward at a good clip, the back edge will pull through New Hampshire so that by the predawn hours it lifts on so again the accumulation will be done after three or four a. M. but not before the three to five inches piles up from the Mount Washington valley, lakes region, montgomery and Merrimack Valley. during tomorrow afternoon, a few more scattered flurries cant be ruled out and the same story on wed, but not nearly the heaviest snow that were seeing out there right now. higher amounts southeastern zones, lesser amounts in the upper valley. tomorrow its just a couple of widely scattered flurries with some breaks of sun at times. temperature wise, lining up on the cold side, so its that dry fluffy snow. bad news, its easy to blow around in the gusty winds. the good news, its easy to get rid are. so tomorrow were not talking about a major effort to clean up the roads, the plows will take care of business by Early Morning and you should be just fine to get to the polls tomorrow for first in the nation primary. wind speeds not that bad yet. but notice along the coast a little active, 20 to 25 and 8 00 are or 9 00 tonight. tomorrow, take a look, just a few scattered flurries, maybe a snow showers on wednesday. a few flakes early on thursday, and then the real cold air builds in, highs only in the teens by the weekend. jennifer thank you, mike. tonight weve been giving the candidates a chance to address New Hampshire voters one last time before they head to the polls tomorrow. josh secretary clinton, the floor is yours. p thank you so much. i want to be the president who snoks down all the barriers that are Holding Americans back from economic inequality to creating new jobs with riding incomes, from Getting Health Care finally affordable and available for everyone by getting those Prescription Drug costs down. i want to be the commander in chief who keeps American Families safe at home and keeps america strong and leading abroad. and ill take on those problems that keep you up at night, whether its Mental Health or addiction or alzheimers or autism, because i want to be the president who does all aspects i hope that you will give me the chance to serve you, so please tomorrow. we will make Real Progress for everyone. thank you all so much, New Hampshire. josh thank you, secretary tomorrow. still ahead tonight, the final final pitches. tom then, we have brand new numbness the democratic race for president , where the spread between the two candidates is right now. plus we have live team weather jennifer welcome back. tonight were giving the candidates for president one final chance to make their case to New Hampshire voters before they head to the polls tomorrow. josh joining us live is senator marco rubio. p thank you. its been a privilege and honor to be part of this campaign. a campaign that at the end this election is not just going to be a choice between political parties. this election is going to be a referendum on americas identity. we have a chance to be greater than weve ever been, but thats not the road were on now. over the last seven years barack obama has done tremendous damage to the United States and now we must either elect someone that elect someone who will put us on a new path and thats why im asking for your vote. if you follow nailt me, i will unite the Republican Party and the conservative missouri, but i wont just unite it, ill grow it. no candidate gives us a better chance to defeat Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders than i do. and so tonight i ask you for your vote so that together we can do what needs to be done to leave our children and freest and most prosperous americans that ever lived and to make the century. thank you and god bless. josh time now for our final pitch of the evening. jennifer our final final pitch, weve had all the candidates come in and this could be the last time that theyll be able to talk directly to the New Hampshire voter before polls open tomorrow. wick the microphone, time now to go to governor john indicates wick his final pitch. p hi, im john kasich. ive done 106 town Hall Meetings and theyve been fantastic of what has me miss age been . scive solutions, create jobs, build a stronger defense. and at the end of the day bring everybody together and have an uplifting and positive vision of america. thats what ive been all about. its what ive been about all of my career, balancing the federal budget, providing economic growth. economic strength is the key, reforming defense, building a strong defense. and in ohio, of course, reforming regulations, cutting taxes, shrinking government, all for the sake of job creation. im going to take that formula back to washington where i had success before and at the same time i want everybody to know were not leaving anybody behind. the drug addicted, the working poor, the drug adicked and the mentally ill. were not going to leave anybody behind. friend in the minority community, because were always stronger when we work together. in the first 100 days, if you dont have a seat belt, get one. regulatory reform, tax cuts, governor restraint in spending, all that will create a more prosperous america, and i would really love to have your vote. thank you and god bless new josh thank you very much, best of luck to you tomorrow. That will wrap up this edition of news 9 at 5 00. jennifer more commitment 2016 coverage straight ahead, see you there are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. But i believe we need to lift our vision p above the obstacles in place and lookr to the american horizon. To a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. Where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. Where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. Where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. For rest and grandchildren. A nation that defendsrour people and our values, but no longer carriesp so much of that burden alone. I knowrwe can create that america if we listen to our consciencet and our hearts and not to the punditstand the naysayers. R im Bernie Sanders. I approve this message, and i ask for your vote. ` mike snow for many and gusty winds for some as we move through the night. plus when the latest storm moves away. the same crew working to keep the roads clear also must get ready for primary voting. jennifer plus breaking numbers in the democratic race for president , has the race tightened up . p no one covers New Hampshire like we do. now wmur news 9 at 6 00. tom right now, all eyes of the nation are on New Hampshire, as eleven candidates who want to be president are in the final hours of campaigning before the first in the nation primary. adding to the excitement of this final push, the snow that has been falling across the great state of New Hampshire tonight. griffith. vaughn. tonight we have breaking president. but first we begin with our team weather coverage, and chief meteorologist mike haddad. mike yes, the snow continues to fly, this is not going to be a blockbuster snow tally, but certainly enough to make it tough on area roads. radar right now, the steadiest now and midnight tonight

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