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Way, lets meet the candidates starting jeanie forrester. Jeanie forrester was born in michigan and later moved to houston and moved back to michigan where she earned an m. B. A. She was the Town Administrator in new durham and is current lay New Hampshire state senator. She lives in meredith with her husband. Josh its time for your opening statement. Jeanie there are four candidates. Only one has been endorsed by the union leader. Im proud to say that im that leader. Im the most conservative. I have the experience and i am the best chance for republicans to take the Corner Office in november. Josh up next, chris sununu. Announcer chris sununu born in m. I. T. He was the owner and director of sununu enterprises. Hes been a member of the executive council since 2010 and is the c. E. O. Of Waterville Valley resort. He is married and has three children. Chris thank you to wmur for hosting us tonight. New hampshire is a great state. We have to do better, our businesss that power our economy. We have a greatpp Leadership Back into the Governors Office. And ill be that candidate. Josh lets move to ted gatsas. Announcer ted got a degree from the university. You will hear this evening about perceptions versus reality. Those are the things that well be talk about and whos going to lead this state forward. So i look forward to the questions that youre going to ask. Josh last but not least frank edelblut. Frank edelblut graduated from the university of rhode island. He also has theology. He started his own company, control solutions and then joined an Angel Investment group. Hes a New Hampshire state rep. Hes marryed and has married and has children. Im a proven job creator. I have fought for fiscally life. I have foug for conservative values. Josh lets introduce tonights panelist. Dave solomon. David sexton and allie morris. Lets get right to it. Were going begin with something you touched on representative edelblut. Republican voters here in New Hampshire made it very known that in the first of the nation primary that political in fact, it could be argued that ties to the establishment could be viewed as a liability rather than a benefit. How do you make the case to the tens of thousands of voters in New Hampshire that youre not an establishment politician simply trying to sound like an outsider . Chris look, my father was involved in politics. My brother was involved in politics. Hampshire from the rest of the country. Thats how we tithe our time. My mother taught us you have to give back somehow. Be a teacher. Participate in Public Service. And thats what we do here. Thats how we commit ourselves. Given my experience, my background in business, my experience in classrooms with my kids, my passion to education, my experience in dealing with the Opioid Crisis whether its with my affecting our schools and our kids and the future of our kids moving forward. Thats the kind of k3er7bs and leadership im thats the kind of experience and leadership i wan. Its sh i want. Ive served in the executive council for five years. Were going to bring that experience to the table and make a change to the council. Josh mayor gatsas youve been in politics for a long time. Awful lot of events, theyre just amazed whether its a Little League game, a school event, or choir practice, they just think its all about the events that im going to. And i can tell you that im proud to be going to those events because it makes a big difference in those folks lives. When i sign honor roll letters every quarter to all the ud manchester, i have more grandparents and grandparents and talk to me about those letters that i sent for the last several years in every single quarter. Josh senator forrester. Jeanie when i decided to run for the senate, it was to be a voice for my communities and im proud to say thats exactly what ive been in my time served. One of the first votes i cast 231 and i was that one vote against democrats and would hurt my communities. I also fought the establishment when it came to protecting the private property rights. So i have a history and a record of standing up and standing for the people of New Hampshire and i think thats what we need in the Corner Office. Josh representative edelblut. Frank this is an easy question because im not a career politician. Ve half years, long enough to know what the problems on but not long enough to become one of them. Im not going to go from one position to another position. I will tell you that running for governor was not on my bucket list of things to do. But somebody needs to stand up for the people of New Hampshire and so i have thrown my hat in the ring and i thope be able to represent the people of New Hampshire in the Corner Office morris. So all of you have signaled support for your partys nominee for president. If you were asked by a child why you were voting for donald trump, what would you say . Frank i will gladly support our nominee and i will gladly vopet against Hillary Clinton who i think will bring more destructive policies to our country. What we have to understand is how our constitution republic ie strong states and strong states is what makes for a strong country. And so i am focused on running for governor to make sure that New Hampshire is one of the strong states that helps to make New Hampshire great again. Josh senator forrester, same question. Jeanie i will support our republican nominee. I will say to a child, look, we have seen the destruction of years and years of democratic control in the white house. The Corner Office in washington, d. C. Whos going to represent the values of america, whos going to stand up and fight for people, and i dont believe that Hillary Clinton will be that person. So i will support our nominee. Josh mayor gatsas. Ted i think the first thing i would say to a child decisions on who they choose to be president are personal. I think its important that they have the ability to make those decisions because i can tell you that perfect candidate. But hes somebody that i support and is better than the alternative. And sometimes you dont get that perfect candidate. And its the best thing for this country. So i can tell you that donald trump is somebody they look at, i support and i endorse. Josh Council Member sununu. Chris ive always said i would support the nominee. I support him. I endorse it. We said it from the beginning. Public service is about public its ok to have viable debate. And frankly its ok when candidates frakly say frankly say that you may disagree with. But this comes down to public trust. I believe democrats especially Hillary Clinton has violated that public trust time and time again. So there are why youre never going to find that perfect candidate out there, its porn to understand that public process and the Public Service that we look for in the candidates that we support, its honesty. Josh thank you, candidates. Sticking with the candidates dave solomon on immigration. Dave thank you, josh. As youre all aware New Hampshire has an aging democratic, low birthrate, declining migration from massachusetts. So economists have told us that International Immigration is critical to developing the workforce that we need to grow the economy of this state . Do you agree with that . Encourage that immigration. If you dont agree please explain starting with mayor gatsas. Ted certainly im somebody thats been supporting immigrants. I think its important that we have them in this state and this country. I can tell you the one thing that the immigrants will tell you is that they want to make sure that they get a good job so they can support their familiar lip and they can learn the language. Those are the two most important things. When i was looking for a when i was looking for a moratorium four years ago, those talk to the governor and executive council about to allow the folks that are here now the opportunity to find those good jobs and to learn the language. Again, i didnt get the support of the council because they voted make sure that they send them. When you see the immigration in this city, you know that when we speak 62 different languages at central high school, its something that we should be talking about even though that these immigrants are working hard to find their way through life. I think its important that we the syrian immigration is something we have to consider because we dont know who some of those immigrants. Josh senator forrest, same question to you, jeanie my number one priority as governor of the stitt of New Hampshire will be the safety and security of our residents. Having said that i do support immigration. But i believe we need to make sure those immigrants are properly vetted before they come into the state. You know, a week or s toured the border, the canadian border, and they showed me the 58 miles of water, canada and New Hampshire. Three checkpoints. And informed me of their concerns because 25,000 refugees had been brought into canada and we have a very pourous border in canada. And the vetting process of those so as governor, i say yes to immigration but i say also we need to make sure we have a proper vetting process. Thank you. Josh Council Member sununu. When the Obama Administration proposed to bring 10,000 immigrants i say know. The federal government has not been able to protect our citizens to insure whos coming in and what their i stood up and said no for that. I completely disagree with it. The best forks driver is a governor that understands the business in 2016. A governor that breathes and lives government issues that can bring businesses in, make the investments to incentivize Young Workers to stay here and come here. Thats one of the primary jobs of a governor and thats exactly perception and reality. However the reality is is that when i went to the Governors Council and you were there, and i asked for a moratorium on refugees you voted against them. Thats perception and reality. The moratorium on refugees back in 2011 had nothing to do with the 10,000 Syrian Refugees that president obama was for purporting to bring in. Josh frank as governor, my job is to make sure that our communities are safe for our citizens. But theres a premise in the question who says if question dont bring younger people into our community that we cant have a thriving community. Thats a wrong premise. It doesnt take into fact that not only is the New Hampshire is aging, but the United States is aging and the world is aging. Lets make sure that democratic simply because were aging doesnt mean we can want have a thriving economy. What we want to do is we want to take that Demographic Development and make it work for our economy. New hampshire could take the lead in that. Areas like medical devices and therapies in terms of medicine, those can become economic engines for New Hampshire. The aging population is not a liable, it is an asset that we need to treat as such. Josh thank you, candidates. Lets move on t that a lot of voters think its the number one issue, were talking about the crisis of addiction. The stats show that from 2013 to 2015 there was a 128 increase in the number of drugrelated deaths in New Hampshire and the affs of chief exammer in said there examiner said there would with 500 this year. Adam . Deploying the National Guard along our border with canada and also along massachusetts as a component to fight the drug war. But what exactly would those troops be doing and what purpose would it serve . Jeanie as governor, my number priority is the safety and security of the people of the state of New Hampshire. Look, we have a serious her winn and Opioid Epidemic in this statement. And as governor, im in this state. As governor, im going to make sure we use all the tools in the toolbox. Ive been criticized because right now we are using the National Guard in New Hampshire to address the crisis here and we are using that actually in manchester. As governor, it is my duty and responsibility to work on and execute the Counter Drug Program here in New Hampshire. So i would bring together the talk about what we need to do so make sure we address this crisis in New Hampshire. We need to be serious. Josh representative edelblut, some say the problem is the alleged overprescription of open yoids and not being adequate oversight between doctors and patients. In your view, are there deceptive advertisements. Would you backup that investigatio investigation. But i think, i damn, what we really need to do is look at the problems. The op iates are not the problem. The responsible use of those opiates. We know patients have suffered from chronic pain for years and they have been treated well with opiates. If we can make sure that individuals are informed and that doctors are informed and so that theres a responsible use we have a problem. So again, lets make sure lets not try to fix one problem and create another problem. Along the way. Josh Democratic Candidates for governor says making the expansion of medicaid is a key component to fighting this problem of addiction. With it set to expire next year, would you like that happen . And do you believe that the expansion of medicaid has made the problem of opioid addiction worse . I would start by medicaid has made the problem worse. Im not quite sure whats thats based on. Whether we go forward or not with medicaid is a big issue. Its not how it affects the Opioid Crisis. As we know the federal government is paying less and less. Ive always supported the idea of having a work requirement put into the expanded medicaid program. Ive never support cutting 45,000 people right off the them out and getting the eligibility requirement in line with one another. So its more of a fair system going forward. However we go forward we must make sure that we dont put any additional tax burden directly on the people of New Hampshire and that again, its a plan for New Hampshire not just one devised by the federal government. Josh Council Member sununu has been critical of the opioid what is your response . Ted thats perception versus realm. I can tell you my response is that weve gotten a awful lot of people to find solutions. I talked to president ial candidate as they came into this state back in january and february and in last june to talk not only about the problem that we have here in the state of New Hampshire but this problem that we have in this country. When we comes to doctors, i say that there should be a sevenday prescription mandate put on them and it should be a law that says go in and get more prescriptions. And again, when we talk about the boreds, are we borders are we going to stop every tourist to check them to make sure that theyre not how is the National Guard going to actually advocate for that or do it . Josh senator forrester. Jeanie i really am surprised that you seem to be uninformed Law Enforcement to try to deal with the her winn and Law Enforcement in your city, in your city. And i fact the high intensity Task Force Area that along the border is where most of the drugs are coming in. When i talk about using the National Guard, i say yes, we should have all the tools in the toolbox using those tools. And quite honestly im surprised tools available as governor end this crisis. Weve used every tool in the toolbox. I dont think so. I dont think so. When you talk about what are you going to do . What are you going to do . Well, senator, i know youre much more respectful than that. Ill give you an opportunity. Have you talked to the chief of police . Does he think its a good idea that the National Guard is coming into manchester i think i talk to the chief of police daily and hes never told me about the National Guards being in the front lines fighting this battle. Ok. So youre not aware that the National Guard is used in support with manchester to deal with the heroin and opioid problem . Thats exactly what im saying. I this you need to talk to somebody. A question coming from our panel. Dave solomon. Mentally ill patient to a skew unit in the state prison where theyre housed like inmates even though theyve committed to crime. Do you think this is an appropriate way to deal with Mental Illness . And if not what would you do about this as governor . Starting with senator forrester. Jeanie well, i would have to know the particular issue or the particular person being housed in the state prison. But serious issue that we need to deal with here in the state of New Hampshire. Now, as you know, the governors negotiated for more Mental Service down the state. Weve started down that road but we need to do more. We need to know that people get the right care at the right time. And that means making sure that we have more beds open so that those folks can be served and staff that we need to make sure those people get the help they need. Josh Council Member sununu. Chris the state has failed when it comes to mental state issues. Weve seen a variety of issues not just in the prisons. We had a sixhour executive Council Meeting because the governors trying to push through and make sure we sign a longterm contract with a group that there are a lot of questions in terms of their employ state hospital, some incidents that happened because of that ive stood up and i was dealing with the commissioner frankly back in may when i wrote a let tore the commission and said we need to put these contracts back out to bid. We need Better Options because at the time only one group even bid on it. Were in the middle of one of the Big Mental Health crisis in the state, that tells me somethings wrong where the process. Thats whats going to help Mental Health in the state, options. It is disturbing that we have Mental Health patients locked up in our prisons. Weve left the dark ages many, many years ago. That should not be happening in the Legislature Money has been appropriated for the care of the mentally ill. Beds have been open. The money was slow to get out because been responding quickly enough. Mental Health Patients are not getting the treatment that we believe they need in our communities. Josh mayor gatsas. Ted i can fell you a few years ago when a nurse at the hospital got beat very badly by somebody that had a Mental Illness. I brought the senate to see if we could not find a way to fix the problem. They came back and they added 10 well, what happened . We still have 10 beds and only three people in them. And the Emergency Rooms are still full of folks that are waiting to get to concord. Thats just wrong. I hope we never see another incident like we saw at the elliott and somebody that gets beat very badly. Thats just not the New Hampshire way. Josh we have another topic. Coming from allie morris. New hampshires one of the few states that has not records to the federal criminal Background Network known as the nix. Some believe foster is misinterpreting the law. Is he . And do you think the state should be sending Mental Health records in regards to background checks . Chris im a big proponent of the Second Amendment. I would like to see constitutional carry. I would sign that immediately. The thing about this arbitrary Mental Health list it opens privacy issues as to whos classified as mentally will. What rights do they have in terms of getting themselves off the list or arbitrating what the issues are . Casting tons of names to this list gives me cause for ted let me tell you if somebodys been adjudicated in the court of law, yes, they should be sent out on a list. However, there should be an appeal process so that people have the opportunity to appeal that if in fow or five years something changes if theyve been adjudicated in a court of law, they should be put on that list. We had somebody in the city of manchester that shot two Police Officers. If they were on that list, they wouldnt have been able to buy a thoughts on this . Jeanie im a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. Ive been endorsed every term they served by the n. R. A. I believe that we have to be very careful about what we do with Mental Health records. Ill give you a very quick story. I have a young whom dime me who said she lost her mother a couple of years ago and it caused a lot of issues with her. She saw a psychiatrist until she got bet heard about this and she was worried that her Second Amendment rights might be taken away by this. Shes better. She should have the right to own a gun and she does own a gun. I want to be very careful about those folks like her who have gone to a process and are better still have a right to own a gun. Josh representative edelblut, do we expand background checks . Of the Second Amendment. My next closest competitor has received a c. So Mental Illness is not a crime. And as such, individuals should not be forfeiting their Constitutional Rights because of that Mental Illness. Josh next question, touching on climate change. We are in one of the worst doubts weve seen in decades. Others are dealing with historic flooding. Im going to representative edelblut, do you agree with donald trump when he says this is just weather or even a hoax. Frank we do know that the temperature is warming. We dont know if that is manmade. We dont know what the causes of it are if there are other causes. We done know that all of the efforts have an opportunity to reverse that. So i would be very cautious to craft policy around what has become really in many circles an i would not support efforts that would, you know, limit our opportunities, you know, for energy which we need in our state and our communities or other areas. Josh youre not sold that its real. Frank im not sold. Im an environmental engineer. I studied in the field for 10 years. So this is something that i know a lot about combined that with running a ski resort where were completely weather dependent. The earth has been i know, nobody shows for sure whether its man made or not. We have to be smart. And with myself in the Governors Office we have opportunity to have a governor that understands these issues that upses both the economic, social and environmental pros and continues of all these issues that come before us. So im going to bring my expertise, make smart sound decisions that are environmental keep businesses moving forward how we dont bog them down with overregulation. One of the biggest concerns of this entire issue is that we created all of this regulation that pushes down on business and individuals. Im going to do it smart and responsibly. Josh mayor gatsas. Ted i can tell you that, no, i dont believe in it because i know we might have had a very mild winter this year, and we saved a lot off awful lot of money. But next year we may not be so lucky. We dont do much. I cant tell you if its man made or if its Mother Nature. I wouldnt mind another winter like we had last year so we wouldnt have the snow removal cost that we had in the future or the salting. Again, it is about what Mother Nature has sent on it. I think it happens. Goes up and down. There may be a little bit man made. But most of it, i believe is natch rat. I would natural. I would be concerned about any policies that we might institute in the state of New Hampshire would cause Energy Prices to rise. More and more regulation. We have to be very cautious and methodical about the policies that we enact in the state to protect the people of New Hampshire. And so while might be climate change, how much of that is man made, im not really sure. But i it is happening. I just want to go on record, i would love to see some snow in the North Country. The North Country and the business up there would love to see some snow up there. Yesterdays el nino is tomorrows la nina. Josh lets change the pace. Were going to go on a lightning record get you on record on a double of different issues. Senator with senator forrester. If governor and a bill repealing the handsfree law came to your desk would you sign it . Jeanie yes. I think wed have to see id have to see the bill. Repealing handsfree . Its a safety issue. I would not take it all the way back to where we were. Major gatsas . No, i would not repeal i going this way. What time should last call be in New Hampshire . Late. Josh ok so i can tell you that the Legislature Passed something 2 00 ander it was enable ling people talk to the communities. I can tell you that 1 00 was sufficient for what needed to be done in the businesses. Have. Josh so next question going back again. Should a governors term in New Hampshire be for four years . I think thats up to the people of the state of noomp decide that. State of New Hampshire to decide that. I love that its two years. Thats a great power that the people have, a great feedback response system. Maybe its the engineer in me. If you do a good job and you want to stay, you can. And if youre not doing a good job, the per two years is too much campaigning . Two years. Two years it is. I agree that its up to the people. I would support four years. I like that idea. Josh going frank all the way down to jeanie. Should sflamp a New Hampshire have a minute minimum wage. No. No,. No. Josh next question, coming from dave, take it away. Dave planned parenthood funding has been a recurring issue. Could have an affect beyond potentially limiting abortion. It could mean less access for healthcare for women especially in certain parts of the state where there are not a lot of other options. So if you vote down planned parenthood funding should you make sure other options are available first . And Council Member sununu. Ted i would never use state dollars to use planned parenthood. We need to have the conversation about what was before us of when Council Member sununu voted for. He voted for a retroactive contract. This is for wages. Wages not for any sort of services. It was in a deficit. Now, i dont think anybody would do that in their own personal company. I dont think the chief executive in the state of New Hampshire would do that when hes looking at a budget. We should never think about paying when we dont have the money to pay for it. Thats what people talk about. Thats perception versus reality. Chris i would never and have never supported taxpayer funding of absolutely nothing. This was a healthcare contract. This was a contract for healthcare services, for low income women, children, families. And please keep in mind this contracts been around for 40 years. Every conservative governor has signed this exact same contract because they knew that as much as they might disagree with planned parenthood its about putting people before politics. And the mayor talks about the retroactive contracts. The council. This is nothing new. So again, making sure that we have phillip the Corner Office, that cast a vote every time with the constituents in mind, with people in mind, not vote out of political expediency. Theres a public trust in there, isnt there . Theres a public trust that says im going to cast my votes with my constituents in mind. Its exactly what im going to do as governor. Ted perception versus reality. I talked to two of those republican governors and they told me that if there was a deficit in that line item they would never support a retroactive agreement. I talked to two of them. So i suggest that the press may be want to call all four of them and see what they say. Josh were going to move forward now with another question coming from our panel. This one goes toe Council Member edelblut. New hampshires moment is 2. 9 and businesses are complaining that they cant find enough jobs. They had a job fair. There were 1,000 openings. There were 300 people that showed up. How could they fill those positions . This is one of the most important questions because weve got some structural problems. We have 2. 9 unemployment which is potentially full employment. But that covers the under things. We ranked 49th in terms of productive growth and thats where pay increases come from. If we are going to attract new businesses into the state, we need to create an environment in which businesses and individuals are willing to invest which means we need to work on the skill set of our workforce. Kids coming out of high school dont have the skills to engage a 21st century workforce. We need to lower our healthcare cost which are the highest in our country, our energy cost continue to reduce our businesses tax which is today are higher than any of our new england nabse and we need to stop the crushing blow of regulation which is impeding business. Josh forrester . Im the only candidate who ease laid out a conservative economic plan to get New Hampshire back on track. I believe its critically important that we create the environment here that ara bisses businesses to this state. Not only those jobs that will create jobs but to help those businesss that are here expand and grow. I think thats where we really need to do some work. And it is about reducing regulation, getting rid of the hurdles that get in the way of small businesses. And my plan addresses these issues. It does talk about workforce. It does talk about energy cost gets jump started and is headed in the right direction. Josh thank you, senator. Its possible b according to a Granite State poll that upon on the dealt penalty could be shifting. Would you sign or veto eliminating Capital Punishment . What would you do about the states loan death row inmate . If someone were to come after me or my absolutely not hesitate to use force potentially deadly force against them to protect myself and my family. But once we have someone who has been locked away, theyve been incarcerated and they no long a threat to our community, i do not support the dealt penalty. I think we should lock them up and throw the key away. Josh would you repeal it . I support the Death Penalty i would take away anything. Anyone that kill as Police Officer in the line of duty should be looking at the Death Penalty. Senator forrester. Do i suppo the Death Penalty that we have here in New Hampshire. Its been used very little here in the state of New Hampshire. 1930s or 1940s was the last time it was used. When i talked to and they ask for our support on this issue, im going to be there for them every single time. Because i think its important to send a message to our Law Enforcement that we support them. And when i talk to county attorneys and prosecutors and other folks in the system, they say that the bar is very high about who gets the Death Penalty. So im very confident in the system we have in place right now. Josh very quickly for the three it should be expanded as it was under governor lynch, perhaps drug dealers or Something Else . I would look a expansion of the Death Penalty if it had to do with a minor. Yeah, i think there are situation where is we can look at expanding whether its making sure issues that deal with Law Enforcement, minors. Theres definitely room for that. Senator. Absolutely. I think in the case particularly of drug dealer who is sell drugs to somebody that leadso if they are tried for murder and convicted they should face the dealt penalty. Absolutely. We need to be sweers drug dealers in the state of New Hampshire. Josh this ones coming froming heather dunkin. And shes asking do you support common cor. And if not what will you do to get it out of state . Judges the best education for one of their children. I believe parents know best whether its a private school, public school, hom school or charr school. Parents need to be in the drivers seat. And i would if governor, one of first things that i would do is reject or pull back from common core. Mayor gatsas . Ted theres no question that in the city of manchester we fought against common cor. We took a vote and said we werent going implement that in the city. We then got letters from the federal government and the state Education Department saying that if you dont change your votes youre going to lose 46 million of funding. And if you doned change your votes the state of New Hampshire lose 420 million. Chris sununu has voted twice to innocent of common cor. Also board members. Any commissioner that i place into education, the two things they have to be thinking about is Parental Choice and local control. Those are very important things and thats the way you fight common cor. But i can tell you that as governor, im going to eliminate it from our educational system because i can tell you that its not right for the children. Common core has t scrapped. No ifs, ands or buts about it. Im a dad. Im a parent. I have a fifth grader and a sixth greard. Im in their glass rooms. And ive seen what common core has done to our curriculum. I call it the invisible handcuffs. We have to empower teachers and parents so they have the time and effort to maybe give the when my son said he practiced for the common core exam 20 straight days. There was nothing educational there. Weve gotten to the point to see who practiced the most. Theres no place in our state more than in our classrooms where washington has reached in with their regulations with their bureaucracy and completely erode individualized education and control of the parents and teachers. Ted perception and reality on that one, josh. The opportunity to vote twice against that commissioner of education and didnt. But today hes in an election and he wants to blow up the department of education. Quick spobs. Ive said im very disappointed on some of the votes of the board of education. I would gut that board of education because they have lost, again, the philosophies and principles of our philosophies of our schools. In an age of innovation where personalize, why would we think that making education the same is a good idea . We all know that not all third graders learn at the same pace. We know that young girls learn faster than young boys at that age. So we have an opportunity to take our Education System into the future, into the 21st century and move and break free from this model of Industrial Education that is not helping us. And its the mayor is against common cor because in the city of manchester he put in common cor lite. The chairman of the city admitted that the man ester standard includes 80 common cor. He changed the name because so the parents wouldnt notice. The truths of that, josh, is there were ornl two communities that changed their educational policies when it dime common core. Didnt see wilton. I didnt see you standing there in wilton trying to change common cor that was coming before that educational community. Were agreeing its 80 common core. Its two communities in the state that did anything about it because we were going to lose funding. Lets go back to our panel coming back from Concord Monitor allie morris. At the Republican National convention this Donald Trumps daughter i vanka the businessman would make childcare affordable andas accessible to all. Would you mange that a priority . And should the state spend money thoon goal . Chris ive always been a proponent of kindergarten in all our schools. I think the state needs to put up their matching piece to fund it. I think thats one of the first things that we can really achieve at the state level. Beginning at the age of 2. My wife was a special ed teacher really beginning at the early ages as representative edelblut referenced, thats really the formative years. Its about making sure that all our kids have real opportunities with education, real opportunities with choice and that parents have that flexibility. One of the best ways we can do that is drive an economy, get our wages up, bring more opportunities to those individual families so they have more options for families so theyre not just stuck in one School System or one avenue of hope for them an their families, supporting kindergarten at all levels and education at all levels thats priority and something we can achieve. Josh represent snive frank we know that 52 of individuals are engaged in Early Childhood, you know, education. But we also know that early so we need this to be a local issue not a state mandate if a local Community Wants to do that in their School District thats a job for the local school board not for the state to mandate that on schools. Now my wife happens to have studied Early Childhood education. And she knows something about this. And i can tell you what happens is, when you engage those kids early like that, any advances that theyve gotten have disappeared by third grade and yet there are problems that the kids have to deal with. I dont think we want a state mandate on that. Jeanie i believe that we do need to focus on young children. Childcare is appropriate. But i believe in New Hampshire we need to look into private Public Partnerships for our the seacoast, a nursing home and what they were doing there which is innovative and cravet, was for home to have a Daycare Center for their staff, for their employees. So they could attract and hire staff to work there nursing home. So certainly, i think childcare is porn. I think we need to be creative and innovative and explore more private public this city of man chester, when i first took office, we made kindergarten fulltime. It cost us 95,000 so those kids could be in school all day. Early education is porn. Obviously with the diversified population that we have. Some of those parents cant afford daycare. And they cant afford Different Things for their children. Was a good thing. The state only pays 50 of it. But the city of manchester thought it was worthy to move forward. Josh time is flying. What are we doing next . Were going to closing statements. You drew for podium position earlier. And i believe that would be who went snirssnirs jeanie thank you wmur and the union leader for hosting the debate. I thought it was a great opportunity for people to learn about the candidates. There are four candidates. And today, you have a choice. You can choose a conservative republican whos going to put together real conservative change in New Hampshire. I am proud that i was endorsed by the union leader because i have the experience. I am the most conservative and i in the november election. Look, these other guys, youve got one over here who has been fooled time and time again. Planned parenthood rolled over by another source. Had the wool pulled over his eyes relative to his investors. You have another guy who has lost control of the city. 167 increase in murder. 14 to 15. 44 increase in rape. Hes lost control. And then youve got the guy at the end hampshire. I am rei can i am ready on day one to deliver conservative change in New Hampshire and i can do the job. One more thing, id like to say susan b. Anthony im proud to say endorsede tonight. Chris thank you to wmur and the union leader,. Its been a lot of fun. I got into this race a year ago. Because i understand that to entire state. I grew up in se lem. I live op the seacoast. My business is up in the North Country. You have to have a governor that understands how policy impacts lives. They want a stakeholder in that Corner Office. Theyant a governor that breathes an lives by the same rules as everybody else. Whether were talking about energy policy, regulation, business taxes. I deal with tse issues every single day. Were constantly managing to the Corner Office. Im very passionate about education. Im dad. Anaheim my kids classroom. We need to scrap common core. We need present real school choice. We need to make a difference in the lives of parents, and the child and empower teachers what they do best in. New hampshire we have an amazing opportunity to win back the Corner Office with proven conservative leadership. Im the candidate that can win in november. I hope to earn your sup watching. This election has come down to trust, leadership and experience. Who do you trust to make sure they fight the opiate epidemic . Who you do trust to get common cor out of the cssrooms . Whos the leader thats going to cut taxes, regulations, energy costs and Health Insurace costs so that our economy can start growing jobs . Find the solutions to those to fix them. Its got to be immediate. So on september 13th, i ask for your vote because this election is about trust, leadership, and experience. Josh and our final closing statement of the night coming from ritcht frank edelblut. Frank i am not a career politician. I am the only endorsed liberty and conservatives value candidate in this race. Im a job creator. But for too long we the people have not been represented in the Corner Office. My fellow companies candidates, they dream about being the governor. I dream about fixing the problems of the people. I am not beholden to the lobbyist and the special interests. Vote frank 13th for governor. Josh be sure to stay with us. Because in just a couple of minutes well be back with the Democratic Candidates for governor, mark connolly, steve marchand, colin van ostern. Right around the corner in a this lineup due to the following wmur commitment 2016 special. Now, a commitment 2016 special prested by wmur in the New Hampshire union leader. And in partnership with the New Hampshire institute of politics. The Granite State debates. Tonight, the Democratic Candidates for governor. We will be asking questions of the democratic candidate for governor as we determine their plans for the most issues getting state. Each candidate will have a brief opening statement. Answers will be limited to write around one minute and rebuttals will be allowed. At moderators discretion. Headed dates will have an opportunity for closing statement. The former mayor of he was born and raised in manchester and has daschles degrees and a masters degree from syracuse university. He worked for a consulting fim that performed audits across the country. He was elected to the Portsmouth City council and later became mayor. He was the director of corporate relations for unh. He lives with his wife and two daughters. Steve for those seeking i voted for burning the spring and is against Northern Pass and the Death Penalty. Im the only one with a pan for plan for paid family leave. This is a progressive state, i represent the future of New Hampshire. And lets go to the executive counselor, colin. Ben ostrom came to New Hampshire to work for jeanne hampshire to work for Jeanne Shaheens first bid for u. S. In firm and was brand manager at the farm. He is in his second term on the executive council and lives with his wife into children. Colin im running for governor to keep New Hampshire moving forward. I am a dad of two young boys. I have been working on the

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