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>> the law is that violation of our most deeply held constitutional principles. >> questions this morning for our headliners. president obama's top strategist david plouffe and republican congresswoman michele bachmann and our powerhouse roundtable. george will, donna brazile, cokie roberts, matthew dowd. and terry moran. good morning, everyone. some news overnight. former vice president dick cheney is resting in a virginia hospital this morning after receiving a heart transplant yesterday. the 71-year-old suffered five heart attacks had been on the transplant waiting list for almost two years and his initial prognosis is good. in the presidential race, rick santorum is riding high after pull a turkey in louisiana. >> very clear and crisp state and that is, we don't believe that this race is over. we're still here and we're still fighting. >> even with his 11 wins, santorum is way behind in the delegate race. romney in a commanding lead. after his win in illinois on tuesday, romney is the only candidate who can wrap up the nomination before the convention. what does this race against the president? let's begin with david plouffe. hearing rick santorum saying that he's going to keep on fighting, i know you and your president thinks this whole process is helping the president's chances, our latest poll shows that president obama is in a dead heat with mitt romney despite the fact that this process has been going on for so long, why is mitt romney tied with the president? >> well, george, at the white house, we're focused on doing everything we can to help strengthen the economy and create jobs. in terms of the campaign, we believe all along that this is going to be a very close election. presidential elections generally are. we won a huge victory in 2008 and we only got 53% of the vote. this is going to be a close election. that really isn't going to change. >> you're confident that it's romney? >> listen, that race has had a lot of twists and turns. santorum had a win last night. at some point, whether it's next month, may or june or august, we'll have an opponent, we'll be ready and we'll be ready to make our case to the american public. >> it's also pretty clear that one of the blanks in your campaign is going to be this budget proposed by wisconsin congressman paul ryan, it was endorsed by mitt romney throughout the course of this year, but, paul ryan when he introduced it, went on offense this week, take a look. >> medicare under the president's law raids half a trillion to spend on hmedicare. >> sounds like they're willing to take this fight on medicare? >> well, george, if romney is the nominee, then this really going to be the romney/ryan plan, he said that he's going to rubber stamp it. they said really what they need in the president is someone with enough digits to sign legislation. the budget fails the test of balance and shared responsibility. it's not a balanced approach. it asks nothing of the weal wealthiest. it devastates things like education and it vouch rises medicare. the president's approach is the right approach. whether it's the commission -- anybody out there who's offered a deficit reduction plan, it has to have balance, it has to cut spending. we cut a lot of spending, almost $2 trillion. the ryan plan, the romney/ryan plan doesn't do any of that, it drastically cuts in areas that would help the economy. >> you mentioned the simpson bowles plan, the senate democrats haven't even come guard with a budget for years. >> listen on simpson bowles there was a lot of elements of that ended up in the president's deficit reduction plan. lot of the ideas of that -- we did have some issues with that. we thought that the social security cuts were too deep. i do get a kick, george, you see the republicans, only if the president supported simpson bowles, it had more defense cuts than the sequester that they're so upset with. these guys ask each of them, do you support $2 trillion in revenue? no. do you support additional defense cuts? but we do need, simpson bowles was the spirit of what we need. we need a balanced approach that has revenue particularly through the wealthy through tax reforms. and then obviously entitlement reforms. >> let's talk about health care, the public seems to be going into this fight before the supreme court very negative, on the president's plan, we have our latest abc poll showing that 52% of the american public now opposes the president's law. 25% of the public want the supreme court to struck down the mandate. 42% want it scraped all together. >> george, you see a lot of polls on this issue as do i. polls also show that they don't want to refight this political battle again. what they want us to do is to implement the law smartly. but, most of the law doesn't take effect in 2014. now, you're beginning to see parts of the law come into effect. kids between 21 and 26, over 2 million of them now have health insurance. you got over 5 million seniors getting $600 roughly of prescription dug assistance. women are treated equally as men in preventive care. one thing when the reality of health care is in place, it won't be any kind of the fear mongering that was done. we're confident that it's going to be upheld. you had democrats and republicans jurors upheld in the lower court. the mandate is an idea supported by the heritage fun to dax. >> let me turn to the issue of gay marriage. chairman of your convention, nancy pelosi, democrat leader in the house, have come out for a plank in the democratic platform supporting gay marriage. i want to show the first sentence right there -- now, the president has said that he's evolving on the issue of gay marriage but he's still opposed. is he going to fight the inclusion of the plank? >> we don't have a platform committee, much less -- >> you have a draft plank right there. >> well, we're going -- here's what i think is important. what's going to be in the republican platform, is, reinstitute don't ask, don't tell. on the other side you have the president who has had ground breaking progress for gays and lesbians in the country. >> but why can't he say what he believes on this issue? >> george, he has said what he believes on this issue. as he said, it's a very important issue, it's a profound issue. he has spoken to this in great detail. he's very proud of what he's accomplished in repeeling don't ask, don't tell. in terms of some of the benefits we're making towards federal employees get. he's delivered really important victories for fairness for guys. president has spoken out about this horrible killing of trayvon martin in florida. it's raised suc debate across the country. the president came out and said, if i had a son he would look like trayvon. newt gingrich took exception. here's what he said. >> what the president said, in a sense, is disgraceful. we should all be horrified no matter what the ethnic background. is the president suggesting that if it had been a white who had been shot that would be okay because it would not look him? >> the president spoke out very powerfully and in fact there has been broad agreement, almost universal agreement including the people running for president, there should be a thorough investigation. you can make a decision whether to go out with some shred of dignity. >> the president did say that we all need to go through some soul searching right now, does he believe that these stand your ground laws should be revised? >> well, i think, what he spoke to on friday, his focus is the tragedy of losing a young person and obviously to make a thorough investigation is done at both the federal and local government. we need to reflect on this incident. right now, our focus ought to be on sympathy for the family and making sure an investigation is down thoroughly. there seems to be an agreement on that. you have everybody saying let's look into it. >> david plouffe, thank you for time. let's the republican view, from michele bachmann. thank you for coming on "this week." >> good morning. good to talk to you, george. >> good morning. let's get a response on what the president said on the trayvon martin. >> what newt gingrich said race shouldn't be a factor. all human life is valuable. that should be the bottom line. i'm a mother. i'm a mother of five biological. but also a mother of 23 foster children. when you're a mom, when something tragic like this thing, you need to get to the truth of what really happened. >> let's talk about the shl campaign. you said that the republicans are getting campaign fatigue and it's time for the party to unify, i guess the question is, how and when? the romney campaign is arguing that this whole process is making it harder to beat president obama. romney put out a statement -- is that what you think. >> i think this is the people's race and it's the primary voters who are going to make their decision. they spoke very loudly yesterday in louisiana. and they spoke very loudly in illinois. as we saw in 2008 between hillary clinton and barack obama this is a highly contested race all of the way until june. the quickly the republicans can unify behind our candidate and make president obama's failed policies, the better off we'll be. i want to help the unify the party. then reach out to independent, we have a wonderful positive message and we need to continue to advance that message until november. >> lot of your colleagues think that's not what's happening right now, former florida governor jeb bush said that now is the time to yup my, he got behind romney. your tea party colleague, jim demint said the same thing, why not now this >> it's up to the people. the people will make the choice. not the politicians and i think that's why it's important they have their say. we will unify. here it is march and we will unify. >> governor romney's senior adviser gave the democrats and rick santorum all kinds of fodder this week when he was asked a question about how romney would move to the center given some of the positions that he's taken. here's what he said. >> well, i think he hit a reset button for the fall campaign. it's almost like a etch a sketch you can shake it up. and start all over again. >> republicans are concerned that's exactly what governor romney will do, an etch a sketch candidate that he'll abandon some of the positions that he's taken in the primaries, are you concerned about that. >> again, i'm going to unite behind our candidate, these kind of things are minors that become majors, these statements but the real majors is going to be this issue of obama care, it's been talked about all this last week. i have a ticket, bill in the supreme court chamber to hear these oral arguments live. i was the chief officer to repeal obama care. i helped lead 40,000 americans to the capitol in opposition of passage of obama care. i made a difference in a contribution, because now when the nominees first started many of them were looking at dealing with obama care through waivers and executive orders. now our nominees, all four candidates, have just one answer and that's full-scale repeal. that's 180 degrees different from president obama who fully stands behind this very unpopular bill. >> i want to ask you about that, you're not worried about this label etch a sketch candidate. >> no, i'm not. our candidate will be strong. we'll be united as a party. >> on health care, you just heard david plouffe say that he, the white house and the president are very confident that the supreme court is going to uphold the president's plan and lot of independent analyst say they have seen what's most likely, is a 6-3 or 7-2 decision in favor of the president's plan, do you agree? >> well, it depends on what the supreme court decides to rule on. one issue they may try to narrowly construe is the anticonjunction act. president obama said that this is not a tax. now, when this bill is before the supreme court, president obama is adamantly is saying that this is a tax. the complete flip flop and that's dealing with this issue of an antiinjunction act. the real issue that most americans are concerned about is the constitutionality forcing americans to forcing americans to pay for a very expensive health insurance policy. this is extremely expensive. families won't have a choice. if they don't they'll have to pay a fine to the federal government. it's absurd. it's never happened before in the history of the country. most people today, 72% of the people according to a gallup poll, said that this is unconstitutional. people do not like this bill. it's wildly unpopular. why the republicans gained control of the house in 2010 and i believe it will be why we have a republican president this year because of president obama's signature piece of legislation, obama care, he has now to stand before the american people and defend it. friday was the two-year anniversary of his signing of obama care, not a people out of the president of the united states. he can't go before the public and defend it. our nominee will make the number one issue and it's wildly unpopular and it should be found unconstitutional. because it is. >> congresswoman bachmann thank you for your time. >> thank you. up next -- our power house roundtable weighs in this week's politics. >> we're not going to stop until we get justice for trayvon and football in the headlines. . nfl cracks down on the new orleans saints and tebow mania heads to new york jets. >> it looked like tebow may be traded to new york jets. apparently some jet players aren't happy. they're called wide receivers. >> tim tebow has been traded to the jets. tim tebow is going to the jets, yes, when told that he would be spending the rest of his life in new jersey, tebow responded, there is no god. when bp made a commitment to the gulf, we knew it would take time, but we were determined to see it through. today, while our work continues, i want to update you on the progress: bp has set aside 20 billion dollars to fund economic and environmental recovery. we're paying for all spill- related clean-up costs. and we've established a 500 million dollar fund so independent scientists can study the gulf's wildlife and environment for ten years. thousands of environmental samples from across the gulf have been analyzed by independent labs under the direction of the us coast guard. i'm glad to report all beaches and waters are open for everyone to enjoy. and the economy is showing progress with many areas on the gulf coast having their best tourism seasons in years. i was born here, i'm still here and so is bp. we're committed to the gulf for everyone who loves it, and everyone who calls it home. 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[ cindy ] there's construction workers everywhere. so what does that mean? it means work. it means work for more people. [ brian ] there's a bright future here, and there's a chance to get on the ground floor of something big, something that will bring us back. not only this company, but this country. ♪ roundtable my main message is to the parents of trayvon martin, you know, if i had a son, he would look like my son. >> district attorney looking into this. >> it's horrible. stand your ground is not doing what this man did. >> national conversation kicked off on the case of trayvon martin. we're going to talk about it now on our roundtable. i'm joined by george will, donna brazile, cokie roberts, terry moran and matthew dowd. what lesson if any do you draw from him? >> the stand your ground law is a bad idea, because it tries to code my the right defense. the illusion of something powers exercised by highly trained police officers. mr. zimmerman says that he was acting under this successful defense law, but he's said he's purported to be in pursuit of the person. >> and standing his ground. >> the last time everyone in the media got up on their high horses and galloped off in all directions was the duke lacrosse case and everybody was wrong. >> donna, we'll learn a lot more from these tapes. grand jury is looking at this right now. one thing that we have heard for the 911 operator said to george zimmerman, you don't have to do that. >> george is right on the law. the problem with the law is that stand your ground is that you often end up in the ground in a case of an innocent person like trayvon martin and in the case of george zimmerman, you end up doing things that perhaps you would not have done. neighborhood -- i belong to a neighborhood watch. we don't carry pistols or guns. we try to protect the street, we try to protect the neighborhood. we don't profile people. but this is of course awakened some wounds, some wounds that go back generations. where young, black boys were told at a very early age, i heard my mom, the talk is of course watch yourself, be careful of your surroundings. you're stopped by the cops protect yourself, act with humility. in trayvon's case, he didn't know who george zimmerman was. >> the guy has a problem regardless the facts come out to be. he called 91146 times if the last year. they must have, you know, at the police station, saying it's him again, this is where the problem with guns comes. a person who's a little off and some false sensz of power that's one thing if you don't have a gun in your head. listen i'm not saying it was a legal gun. i'm saying the gun is the problem. that's what kills you. >> and the law in florida. not only is stand your ground law, in the olden days you had the due toy to retreat. florida goes one step farther, stand your ground is self-defense. at trial, it will would go to trial. in florida, the law says if you raise a claim of self-defense after killing someone in public you can't even being arrested. >> provides immunity from arrest unless the police have probable cause. >> why police hated this law, it sabotaged our justice system. what did zimmerman do? what did trayvon do? juries are supposed to figure that out. >> to me, what's ironic to me, the states that passed this. the same states and the same governors who sort of push for prayer in the school. such an irony here. we want to be a christian nation and we want to act in a christian manner, we don't believe in that. this is unbelievable to me. but i think as donna said, i think it touched something in society. i hope what doesn't happen, i hope that the rhetoric drops a little bit. everybody was saying there was a war on women and everybody's saying, certain leaders are starting to say there's a war on african-american. we got to go back to what this is saying about society, this is an individual who did this. >> young, black men, black men of any age, are considered suspects. and whether it's a crab driver who won't pick them up or whether or not it's a white person crossing the street because she's nervous by having a black man on the same side of the street as her. that's real. >> no one spoke out about it for a month. >> it was on the internet and then the black radio stations played a large role in getting the national media to focus. once again, like the sue soon komen, there was a social media thing. there will be petitions aimed at governor and others to repeal this law. since 2008, 2009, 205, over 2500 black males were murdered in this country. trayvon martin is a tragedy. there's another tragedy in the number of young black boys killed. they make up less than 15% of our society. this is something that i think will also be a topic of conversation as we look longer at this whole controversy. let's shift ground to the presidential race. we talked about it with both david plouffe and michele bachmann. this week, that comment from eric calling mitt romney an etch a sketch candidate. lot of reaction. let's take a look. >> not looking for someone who's the etch a sketch candidate. you're looking for someone who writes what they believe in in stone. >> you got to keep focused. >> there is no daylight between governor romney and republican leade leaders. not even romney's etch a sketch can change that. >> george will, does it stick? >> i think that november this will be as distant as -- right now, it's effective because it simplifies the narrative about romney. it happened unfortunately after the most important victory he has had so far, illinois. it's the kind of typical state, if there is one this country, the northern part of illinois is cape cod and the southern tip is south of richmond, it's urban, rural, it's where romney demonstrated that he can't break out of his southern evangelical base. romney became the nominee -- >> the etch a sketch the reason because it holds -- >> because it is true. >> well, all right. but, it only worked if they play in an already did -- >> it won't cost them the nomination. it won't cost them the nomination. but what i think this is ux eric didn't say this because he misspoke, eric said it because that's how they see the campaign. he'll get the nomination, i don't necessarily he might hear etch a sketch. will stick to november. this is a moment very similar to way like john kerry -- >> it sticks. he's such a guarded and scripted person. there's no purchase on it. there's no texture on it. that image of him has evaporated in the etch a sketch. the dog on the roof thing is still around. >> ann romney -- >> she's fabulous. >> can she close the deal? >> mitt romney is likely going be end up the nominee. he's on the ballot on all of the states. his problem is chemistry. people don't -- i'm saying people, george, i'm referring to republicans, they don't know what he really, really -- >> those people. >> those people. >> yesterday, 70% of louisianians who voted yesterday, said they want this race to go on. they are not -- they're not ready to close the deal. >> and we haven't seen this. we haven't seen this interestingly enough since 1976 where you basically had a candidate where they basically sewn it up and lose by 20 points in the primary. john kerry didn't lose a caucus. mitt romney campaigned. >> that campaign -- >> look at the state of virginia, illinois is not going to go to the republicans in any case. virginia has to go to him to get the 270 electoral votes. he needs strength in the areas where santorum is strong and he is not. a big victory in southern virginia to carry the state. >> the good news for him is, the states santorum winning will go republican. it is a question by how much? >> does it mean, terry, when he's looking at things like a vice presidential candidate he has to go right to the state of virginia? >> no question about it. he has a balanced state. i don't know if it can be santorum. everybody's looking with rubio. because everyone connects with him. people voting in the republican party, they need to win more than the white men. >> the problem with mitt romney i have been to some debates. in one debate, he'll take this position on immigration, four states later, he took the opposite position on immigration. >> george, talking to david plouffe, it seems in watching the obama campaign, they seem convinced that this ryan budget is something that they can wrap around mitt romney and take it to victory in november? >> well, it's fascinating a 42-year-old congressman from southeastern wisconsin is the most important republican in the country. i don't care who's the nomination. he has defined the drama of our politics for the next decade which is a, cutting entitlements, cutting entitlements is unpopular and that's the argument that we're going to have. the democratic line is, paul ryan will end medicare as we know it. our answer is, of course. >> but they're going beyond that. >> which, of course, is what happened when you don't have taxes. you know, and i i don't quite understand why he's doing what he's doing. because it is playing into the whole theme of republican as the party for the rich. but the upper income people are still tax less and still you have that same argument still there. but look, the real question on thi this, is -- graham was always very outfront about it. he said, you make sure that there's no income coming in, no programs going out. it's a flis my call decision. >> the discretionary part of the budget, the inability for anybody to touch defense, everybody knows that it has a tremendous waste, invest in things that we need whether it's roads, schools, many people with progressive causes to me, the progressive democrats ought to be front and center to deal with medicare and social security. that's only the thing that will allow us to -- >> exactly. >> chairman ron, if at first you don't schedule, try, try again. it's pretty much the same budget proposal that he put together last year. it's a gift to the wealthiest americans, it eliminates the estate taxes, alternative minimum taxes, it applies more tax cuts to the wealthy, but the problem is, he said it best, it's a cause that the republicans want to champion and you know what, democrats are ready. i believe it's political suicide for the republicans and if mitt romney wants to embrace it, guess what, we have a fight. >> it's taking place in an electorate something deeper is happening. a sense that the game is rigged. the rich people are getting too much and the government is rigged. they don't want tax cuts for the rich people. because they have lost trust. >> and they don't believe all of these loopholes will be closed. >> there is financial suicide for the democrats. each side if they want to commit suicide, they can. >> but, matt, you know perfectly well -- >> raising taxes on the rich is not going to solve this problem. >> the only way you're going to get medicare and social security reform is the big bipartisan deal in a nonelection year. >> we have had a lot of nonelection years, this problem should have been solved. it doesn't seem to have gotten solve. >> the ryan budget is silent on the loopholes in order to raise t it to 25%. a quarter of a trillion dollars over the next decade, and tax as compensation, all employee paid health insurance, no one is going to do either. >> let's move on to health care. we heard from michele bachmann, she thinks that is the biggest issue. people have been lining up for three days for the oral arguments at the supreme court. terry moran you cover the court for us, basically the supreme court has four options. correct me if i am wrong, they can uphold the law, overreturn it or split it. or punt. until the tax takes hold in 204. >> the smart money is betting that the supreme court will uphold this law. lot of smart money it won't declare corporations will award the election to 2004. what we overlooked here is the politics. not the impact that the supreme court can have on the presidential race. what does the president campaign do to the way the justices think? now people are engaged in a great, free, democratic, political debate. why should the supreme court come in and call a halt to that debate preemptively and they can punt and i think they will. they took it at a different time in some ways. . the republicans, michele bachmann are making this is the number one issue. john roberts as chief justice, loves the court, he's very projective of the institutional authority. the more it gets involved in politics, the more the authority comes down. >> i think the supreme court consists of nine intelligent justices. they say in very preswasive way, some of it unconstitutional. they're going to see if there's any limiting principle to act because whatever their regulating has a substantial impact. if there's no limiting principle, the limited government is gone and the federal government has unlimited -- >> george the way they posed the question is that if the government can force you to buy health insurance, why can't it force to eat broccoli? >> on the other hand, cokie, justice roberts and scalia in the past, have voted for an expansive view of congress. >> remember, president kennedy, interstate commerce, it did affect everything. that's the way it has been interpreted. the question is, the difference asking to do something and the answer is, well, health care is different. people go to the emergency room which we all then end up paying for. >> the law is, the law is constitutional. multiple circuit courts have upheld the individual responsibility clause. congress has broad authority under the clause on interstate clause, the law is also fair. i mean, to require that people who can afford to purchase insurance i think it's going to be ruled constitutional. >> terry, going back to his comment, how does it play, if the supreme court upholds it, does it leak out all of the anger? >> the supreme court act like they're above the politics. they have to enter into the middle of it. to me if romney is the likely republican nominee, i disagree with many republicans, the idea that this is a big negative for barack obama, mitt romney can't make a authentic argument for th this. everybody if this is overturned which i have some doubts, i think that helps the president. the president said that i tried to get rid of the clauses that you don't like. i tried to expand it so that people could keep conch. here we go with supreme court and the republicans, i think in the end, this law against mitt romney, at worst is neutral and can help the president. >> again, i think is a serious argument about serious constitutional issues. regardless the public doesn't like it or it's the president's signature achievement. health care is unique because everybody uses it. this is a comprehensive argument if you let it loose in this case. second, a judge has said we're not regulating the inactivity of buying healthi insurance. when you get into this orwellian language you're doing something wrong. >> it comes down to how the justices look at it. as the government trying to tackle 75% of the national economy that everyone participates in. or will they look at it that the congress is forcing you to purchase it? it's only happened twice in our country. >> in an interview i had with president obama two years ago, whether or not it was a tax. >> if they simply said that this is a tax under the taxing power we wouldn't be having this argument. >> that's the mandate argument. >> it's collected the irs president. talking to you, i categorically reject that this is a tax. i'll think you'll appear in the transcript. >> you want the judges to act substantivity. the reason they took this case, they took this case because the politics of this forced them to take the case. i don't think they would have taken this case other than the politics. >> i disagree. >>. >> that's going to have to be the last word. fascinating to listen to it this week. i'll will be back to answer some of the questions you had this week. but first, we honor those who served and sacrificed. this week, the pentagon released the names of two soldiers killed in afghanistan. well. asia is on board. too bad you couldn't participate. probably you were worried about overages on that limited data plan you use. perhaps you shouldn't have uploaded so many vacation photos. ooh. ah. ♪ these shorts are for a younger person, wouldn't you say. 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[ charlie ] we're the heartbeat of this place, the people on the line. we take pride in what we do. when that refrigerator ships out the door, it's us that work out here. [ michael ] we're on the forefront of revitalizing manufacturing. we're proving that it can be done here, and it can be done well. [ ilona ] i came to ge after the plant i was working at closed after 33 years. ge's giving me the chance to start back over. [ cindy ] there's construction workers everywhere. so what does that mean? it means work. it means work for more people. [ brian ] there's a bright future here, and there's a chance to get on the ground floor of something big, something that will bring us back. not only this company, but this country. ♪ finally, your voice this week. first one comes from alicia shaw when was the last time jobs and the economy were not the most important issues to voters leading up to a presidential election? i'm 25, and it seems like these have been the top polling issues of my lifetime. it's true. almost all of presidential campaigns since you have been born have been turned on the economy. lyndon johnson was forced to drop out not run again despite a very strong economy over the uproar of the war in vietnam. in 1976 when gerald ford lost, the watergate was still the overriding issue. but in your lifetime the only election where the election wasn't the overwhelming issue was the election in 2000, despite a very strong economy, george w. bush was able to get in, that was a very disputed election. the fact that monica lewinsky scandal prevented him from having a clear win in that electoral college. that's the only one that i think of in your lifetime. finally, colleen daniels, are you enjoying your family time this week? i had a great time. the whole family had a great time on vacation. we're ready to get back to work today and that's exactly what we have done. if you have a question for me, send it in on facebook or twitter. that's all for us today. check out "world news" with david muir for the latest news tonight and thank you for sharing part of your sunday with us. i'll see you tomorrow on "good morning america." a trend on the street. goes big online. which triggers your software. that crunches the data. which begins production. reroutes distribution. which means, you're ready. some companies have increased online revenue up to 50% with help from smarter commerce. i'm an ibmer. let's build a smarter planet. i heard they found energy here. is [customer:] we need to protect the environment. [worker:] we could do both. is that possible? [announcer:] at conocophillips, we're helping power america's economy with cleaner, affordable natural gas. more jobs. less emissions. a good answer for everyone. well, if it's cleaner and affordable. as long as we keep these safe. there you go. thanks. [announcer:] conocophillips. or creates another laptop bag or hires another employee, it's not just good for business, it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities. that's why we extended $6.4 billion in new credit to small businesses across the country last year. because the more we help them, the more we help make opportunity possible. a living, breathing intelligence teaching data how to do more for business. [ beeping ] in here, data knows what to do. because the network finds it and tailors it across all the right points, automating all the right actions... 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