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a dive into the mountain. you're looking at a snail, also a deadly predator. it's about to go rogue on a much bigger fish. >> he was going to eat him like a meatball sub. a guy dressed like a woman stages an elaborate proposal. >> this is what you want, fiancee to be lifting up the dress. >> you think that's the craziest part of the video, huh? >> guess not. mr. romance lives to get an answer. some kids love the sound of mom and dad's voice singing them to sleep. >> see why young wyatt isn't one of them. ♪ dreaming of a white christmas ♪ >> knock it off. >> it's time to get this edition of "right this minute" started. steven found our first story. >> jeb corland, he's known as the birdman for stunts like this. we showed you jim in his wing suit base jumping. he flew through this hole in the tiananmen mountains in china. we always say when we see stunts like this, there's very little room for error. a recent video that shows you why that is, in fact, true. this video is from yesterday in capetown, south africa. he's about to perform his second jump from table mountain when things went wrong. whether it ab strong wind or miscalculation, they are not exactly sure, he crashed into the rocks. >> looks like he got a little too close, clipped it and went head or heels. >> you're absolutely right. hefe 200 fet aftererlyle to pul emergency chute. experts i saying if he didn't pull that chute, no question he died. >> i'm amazed he was able to pull the chord. >> if you listen and hear the shot of people helping him, you can hear the moaning, which i believe was jeb at the crash. he broke both his legs. he was emergency evacuated to a nearby hospital where he was put in intensive care. he is responsive and he told a spokesman from the hospital, tell all my well wishers and all my fans that i feel the best i ever have. he's the best in the business. there's nobody better than him at wing suit flying. for him to have an accident like that, that's a bummer, because he's a pioneer. >> i have a really cool love tore for you guys. we found this story at the daily mail. this is laura pardo and tom holloran. they met in college new year's day 2010, started dating each other. they felt like they had known each other forever. then tom introduces laura to his mom. his mom is like seems like i met someone with that last name in my fraternity class. she goes up into the attic, digs around in old photo and finds pictures of tom on his first birthday. in it was laura. >> what? >> they were at the same place at the same time and at each other's birthday party? >> yes, but then tom's family moved away and the moms lost touch. >> after the first birthday, that was it. no contact. >> never saw each other again. >> i wonder all the people we've crossed paths with, became friends with later in the life, maybe i walked down the street and waved to beth, now i sit next to you. >> look closely at that picture and look at laura. she had her eyes on tom the whole time. >> this story is cool because it wouldn't happen nowadays. these moms would be facebook friends, pictures of baby plastered on the facebook profile and never would have lost touch. >> don't you miss the days where you lost touch? >> yeah. >> right. behold the beauty of the snail. it's serene at the bottom of the ocean. it's also a deadly predator. it has a harpoon that comes out when a predator or when a food source is nearby. >> snails are decidedly slower than fish. so their harpoon, i guess, is the only way they have a chance of getting food. >> he harpooned him and reeled him into his mouth like he was going to eat him like a meatball sub. >> exactly, beth. that's exactly what this snail can do, swallow a fish whole. >> no way. >> are you kidding me? >> here comes the fish. it harpoons it, begins to swallow the fish whole. these snails can get up to six inches. >> that is some mouth. it looks like a giant suction cup. >> i hear you have something more cuddly. >> yes. i'm going to take us from deep in the sea to deep in the jungle of myanmar where the first ever photographs were taken of the snubbed nose monkeys. that is it right there. >> cute. >> cute little guy. >> cute face. >> also has a monkey mask on. something a little creepy looking about him. >> a little gargoylish. >> a little too much of that hollywood plastic surgery. >> there's only about 300 of these monkeys left in the jungle. one of the other photographs shows the monkeys with little infants, which gives us hope they are reproducing and their numbers are increasing. >> who captured these photos? >> an organization called flora and fauna international set up cameras in the wild to see what they would capture. they were able to get the first ever photos of these monkeys. >> as long as we've been studying animals, it's crazy to me we still haven't seen everything. >> riding a motorcycle inherently has its risks. some choose to take more risks than normal. we found this video riding down the center of two lanes of traffic, somehow gets a little too close to the van and narrowly misses the car coming the other way. off he goes. >> what came off the bike? >> all the plastic bearings. the motorcycle in the middle got crushed. the one in the middle, a lucky meter. that was just a stupid move. >> i hate when that happens on the highway, you see a motorcycle coming by you between two cars. you don't always see that in your rearview mirror. it's so incredibly dangerous. this is worse. it's two lanes. all the cars aren't going in the same direction. >> they don't know when somebody will jerk over and get into another lane and take them out. >> there's nowhere i need to be that is so important that i would do something like this. he risked his life. >> the facebook offices get a facebook. of course they called in a pro and told them to have at it. here is handiwork on facebook walls. a pilot and biker join forces to attempt the unthinkable. >> this has a chance of going horribly wrong. >> how will this ambitious super welcome back to the show. don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. >> we say it often on this show. slow motion makes everything cooler and awesome. slow motion in really, really extreme close-up of somebody's eyeball. what you see might surprise you. this video is from the slow mo guy. they have a popular channel on youtube. one of the guys, gavin, uses his special camera, 1,000 frames per second. normal cameras are 24, 34 per second. 1,000 frames we are second and they give you a close-up of gavin's eyeball. watch. he noticed after looking at the footage when he moves his eye back and forth, subtly adjusts his eye, watch the iris, the colored part of his eye, when he moves his eyeball and it stops, you can see the iris wobble. it's almost like the momentum from just the subtle eye movement makes the iris wobble. >> you know what's amazing, see the iris contracting and dilating. >> that freaks me out. even today sometimes i look in the mirror, close and open. >> what i'd like to see them do in slow motion. you know when you get eye twitches in the eyelid and they don't stop? i'd like to see that in slow motion and see what's going on. >> that would be pretty cool. >> famous artist david cho has a new project. this is him walking around the halls of the new facebook offices. he was commissioned by mark zuckerberg to have at it. like a kid in a candy store, take these walls and do what you want. >> better not use spray paint. >> that's what he does. he's a graffiti office. he was given the best possible canvas he could ask for, hundreds and hundreds of feet of white space. >> this not the first time he worked in the facebook offices. he was commissioned in 2005 to decorate their offices. then again in 2007 mark zuckerberg had him come in to do their new base. i guess he loved what he had done. this time when they got more blank walls, he had him back. >> this is fun. it's fun to go to work and see what he'll create. >> plain boring strips of fluorescent lights that make you feel like you're going to have a headache, he turns them into '80s sunglasses. some is pretty rudimentary but look at this mural he did. look at that. those are the continents. north america under the monkey head and south america. don't know where he's going with russia. >> this is really, really cool. i like it when corporations embraces the urban art culture. some kids love the sound of mom and dad's voice singing them to sleep. not wyatt. >> oh, no. ♪ i'm dreaming of a white christmas ♪ >> no, no. knock it off. knock it off. knock it off. ♪ just the like the one i used to know ♪ >> knock it off. ♪ let your days be merry and bright and may all your christmases be white ♪ >> no, knock it off. no, knock it off, daddy and mommy. >> what do you want to bet he turned the phrase knock it off one or two times. >> i'm position thinking he heard the phrase before. >> knock it off. >> what about me. >> got to sometime. >> knock it off. i think he could are speaker of the house. >> knock it off. next time on "right this minute." >> look at that smile, look at that stride. wouldn't hurt a flea. >> you don't know that. >> that's next time on "right this minute." this guy is about to propose. >> dressed in drag. >> pull out the ring. >> you think that's the craziest part of the video, huh? >> it's when he sets himself on fire that things get crazier, and then crazier after that. see sparks fly in this one-of-a-kind proposal. and we'll show you some hot booties. >> they are the greatest solution to aching feet. >> the new way to pamper yo welcome back to the show. don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. this guy -- >> that's a guy. >> this guy is josh mad riga. he's 24 years old. he's trained for stunts. he has a youtube channel and wanted to make a youtube channel intro video. josh also has a girlfriend, riva, who he wants to propose to. so he got a bright idea to do one. this girlfriend has absolutely no idea what's going on. she thinks she's there to help him create his youtube channel intro. >> this is what you want in a proposal video, your fiancee to be lifting up his dress. >> dressed in drag. >> to pull out the ring. >> you think that's the craziest part of the video, huh? >> will you -- >> yes. >> the exciting part of this with pyrotechnics. >> what? >> yes. she's not even -- he's standing there on fire thinking oh, yes, you can put the ring on my finger. >> she must be used to his antics. this is just another day for her. >> then the fireworks started. >> what do you know. >> going right this minute. >> he really did think he had everything under control except he didn't know his friends were going to point the fireworks at him. >> his friends are screaming like -- they sound like little -- >> i think it might be him. >> so weird. i mean, it's definitely unique. i'm pretty sure no one has done this before. it's not like i gotten gauged over the week. how do you do it. >> oh, yeah. >> amazing. >> take one. >> put a sock in it. >> three. >> put a sock in it. >> four. >> put a sock in it. >> my personal best. >> put a sock in it. back flips on motorcycles, aero bacterias on airplanes? >> seen it before. >> put it together. a motorcycle aerialist and champion with acrobatic pilot. they are combining talents. in his red bull plane, he's going to attempt to fly underneath as he does a backflip. this has a chance of going horribly wrong. >> did that really just happen? >> they pulled it off. timing was spot on. you see from cameras on the wing, peter pulled the backflip right over the wing. >> that is really freaking close. did you see the wing of the plane was a little slanted up. >> that had to be some kind of physics challenge to determine that. >> if it goes wrong, it goes really, really wrong. if you clip the wing, you're gone. what about the propeller. >> there are a lot of what ifs in the scenario. none of them happened. kirby pulled off a super stunt. >> i'm still alive. a really crazy thing. >> photographer mauricio ramos captured the whole thing. i would like to know the conversation these two guys had before. all right. good luck. >> we did it., great video 24/7, and you never have to listen to gayle hum to herself. it's time for your daily dose of powder, we're talking snow and adventure. take a ride down the slopes on the other side of the break. ss ng is this. >> i don't know. >> don't do this. >> that's my thing. >> for all those people who got snuggies they didn't want, coming up next christmas they are going to get these. >> hot booties are the greatest solution to cold, achy feet ever discovered. >> plays hot booties inside the bootie bag and heat for 60 seconds. when you stand and move hot booties, they massage your feet. >> i like it. >> this is the most disappointing thing, you said hot booties. dirty slippers. >> i would love to take off my high heels and put it in a hot shoe. my problem is it's only an hour. i'd rather use an electric blanket. >> heated up hot poot yes, sir and now i've got third degree burns on my feet. >> i don't like my footwear in my microwave but i do like the girl on the infomercial. >> treat your feet with hot booties. >> the greatest thing since 1995. >> heat your feet right now. >> it's weird this thing hit in 2012 because like the infomercial, everything about it screams early '90s. >> so very disappointed with the title. i thought i was going to get to see some cute butts. >> that wraps up this edition of "right this minute." we're going to leave you folks with this picture from japan. see you folks next time. -- captions by vitac --

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China , United States , Hollywood , California , Japan , Riga , Latvia , Tiananmen , Beijing , Russia , South Africa , America , Laura Pardo , Mauricio Ramos , David Cho , Beth Troutman ,

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