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jobs report this morning. >> analysts expect the government to report 75,000 new jobs were created in september. far fewer, though, than what's needed to keep the unemployment rate from closing in on 10%. >> tough news ahead of an important weekend for campaigning candidates. this morning's final jobs report before the midterm election is little relief to the unemployed or democrats. >> this is an election about the economy. and anytime the focus is on the fact that the economy is struggling is not a good story for democrats. >> reporter: president obama will talk about the new jobs numbers during a visit to a small business in maryland later this morning. speaking at a campaign event for maryland governor martin o'malley yesterday, the president tried to rally voters. >> i'm sorry. what did you say? >> yes, we can. >> reporter: and democrats continue to push the point that the economy is improving. >> we've got a long way to go. and certainly, we're not taking a victory lap. we want to quicken the pace of change. but we certainly can't go backwards. >> reporter: since the beginning of the year, the economy has created 732,000 new jobs. but the last three months have seen a decline as temporary census jobs came to an end. however, it's considering just the private sector, every month so far this year, has seen jobs added. and the outlook for holiday hiring this year is better than in the previous two years. some estimates project retailers will add between 500,000 and 600,000 workers over the next 3 months to meet the holiday demand. >> the economy's moving in fits and starts. sometimes we'll feel good. sometimes not quite as good. but we're moving in the right direction. >> democrats have just over three weeks to sell that message to voters. here's an indication, now, of just how challenging it's being. the president campaigned in his adopted hometown of chicago to help save his old senate seat. democrats in illinois control almost every, major elected office. and yet, the senate race there is still too close to call. and republicans will not be able to benefit from this explosive campaign issue. the ethics trial of two, prominent democrats is now going to be held after the election. gop lawmakers had tried to push up the hearings of charles rangel and maxine waters. preelection trials could have generated headlines that republicans could have used in campaign ads. national republicans have been forced to pull campaign ads in west virginia after an embarrassing disclosure. here is just part of the ad. >> obama's messing things up. >> spending money we don't have. stimulus. obama care. >> and joe mansion supported it all. >> the casting call sought actors who had, quote, a hicky, blue-collar look. the republican against joe mansion denounced the ad, said his campaign had nothing to do with this. a report in how the money of last year's massive economic recovery package was spent, said that thousands of checks went to dead people. the inspector general's report says $18 million in stimulus funds went to 72,000 dead people. and more than $4 million went to 17,000 prison inmates. most of them, though, were actually eligible for the payments. and washington, d.c. firefighters were on the scene last night, putting out a small fire at the commerce department building. the third floor fire happened in a storage room where workers were removing asbestos. no one was injured. there's questions this morning about whether u.s. money is actually being spent on hiring taliban members in afghanistan as private security contractors. it's part of a new senate report, that also finds that the private security forces are often poorly trained and supervised. and there's evidence that some contractors are working against coalition forces. more than 2,000 troops have been killed in afghanistan. steven portnoy has the story of a hero that died a year ago today. >> reporter: on the war of afghanistan entered its tenth year, another reminder. as his family stood vigil, lance vogler came home for the final time. he was killed friday, on his 12th tour of duty. four in iraq and eight in afghanistan. the army ranger was solemnly carried back to american soil, joining more than 1,300 americans who have fallen in the afghan war. >> showed a lot of love. loved to help people. >> reporter: sergeant vogler's parents are deaf. and another son gave voice to their grief. >> loved that boy. >> reporter: those that loved him, included his comrades in arms. >> lance was an exceptional leader. >> reporter: in 2001, just weeks after the 9/11 attacks, president bush announced the invasion of afghanistan. >> on my orders, the united states military has begun strikes of the taliban regime in afghanistan. >> reporter: the unpopular war continues to frustrate president obama. steven portnoy, abc news, washington. and so much talk about war. but this morning, peace. as in the nobel peace prize. it's being handed out this morning in oslo, norway. several women are among the hot favorites to win the prestigious award and its $1.5 million prize. if any of them are named, they would be just the 13th woman ever to be named a peace prize laureate. now, for this morning's weather from around the nation. gusty thunderstorms around nevada and wyoming. showers on the western half of the high plains. sunny and dry from new york city to boston. and indian summer has arrived in the middle of the country, with record highs in the plains and midwest. >> 88 in omaha. 86 in kansas city. 82 in minneapolis. 80s from dallas to atlanta. 70s in the northeast. it's 87 in phoenix. 77 in colorado springs. salt lake city is at 64. still ahead on this friday, a man is shot and saved by his cell phone. then, waiting for a breakthrough with that mine in chile. one that could come in at any time. and dora's lawsuit. did nickelodeon cheat their star out of millions? recapping the morning's top story. the government's monthly unemployment report comes out in just hours. economists expect the unemployment rate to edge up to 9.7%. mainly due to more americans looking for work. last week, the number of americans applying for first-time jobless claims dropped to its lowest level since july. those estimates brought overseas stocks down today. tokyo's nikkei average lost 95 points. hong kong's hang seng is down in late trading. in london, the ftse opened lower. on wall street, the dow lost 19 points yesterday. the nasdaq index gained three points. gm is aiming to build a low-price sub compact car at a plant in michigan. the union agreed to let some employs at that plant work for less money. and toyota is planning to launch two, new prius hybrid models. one would be a sub compact. the other, an suv. both are sue to hit the market in 2012. nearly 200,000 bottles of the cholesterol-fighting drug, lipitor, has been recalled. pfizer announced that the recall took place in argue, following reports of a musty odor coming from the bottles. the affected lots were sold in the u.s. and canada. 1.5 million copies of a memoir by former president george w. bush will go on sale next month. that makes the first pripting of the book as big as the first edition of president clinton's memoir. the e-book edition will also be available with video highlights and photos not included in the hard cover. nickelodeon has been slapped by a lawsuit by the teenager behind one of its most popular characters. 14-year-old caitlin sanchez has been the voice of dora the explorer since 2007. she says she was overworked and underpaid. cheated out of millions of dollars. sanchez made about $5,000 an episode while the dora brand raked in billions. nickelodeon insists she was well wel well-compensated. next on this friday morning, lou dobbs on the offensive, after an investigation finds he may have employed illegal immigrants. and a cataract fasht thought she was reaching iffer her eye drops. but grabbed superglue instead. berry-topped, almond strudel pie? ♪ 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"i am an immigrant who doesn't have papers. but i worked for him because he's a very important person at the big house he has." dobbs says he nor his company ever hired illegal workers, arguing there is a distinction. >> did i or any company i own at any time hire an illegal immigrant of any kind? it's a yes or no question. >> no, but your contractors did. >> reporter: the bigger debate here will be whether the person at the top, even if there's a contractor in the middle, is ultimately responsible for the workers on his or her grounds. david muir, abc news, new york. >> we will hear much more from lou dobbs when he joins us for a live interview later on "good morning america." an investigation is already underway into an accident at a southern california amusement park. it happened at knots berry farm in l.a. people were injured when a rollercoaster fell on an incline and fell into another car that was being loaded at the time. all of the injuries are minor. a breakthrough of the rescue of the miners in chile could come within hours. that's when an escape shaft is finally expected to reach the men. crews had a dress rehearsal of the evacuation procedure yesterday. once the drill breaks through the rock surface, it will still take up to ten days to get all of the miners to safety. the growing bedbug problem has reportedly spread to one of new york's most exclusive hotels. an investment banker from florida tells "the new york post," she was badly bitten by bedbugs last week during her stay at the famous waldorf astoria. the waldorf upgraded her room. but management insists no bedbugs were found. using food stamps to buy beverages will not be allowed. the mayor new york says the restrictions are necessary to fight the obesity epidemic. they're considering the idea. if approve, other cities and states would ask to be allowed to do the same thing. the phillies and reds renew their baseball playoff first-round series tonight in philly. the details on yesterday's games and some college football now from espn news. >> good morning, everyone. i'm sara walsh with your espn news update. baseball's postseason rolls on. the braves and giants. game one of the nlds. lincecum, going strong. eric hinske strikes out. that was strikeout number 12. in the ninth, hayward staking out. tim lincecum dominating. a complete game two-hitter. giants win it, 1-0. ron gardenhire and the twins looking to even up the alds against the yankees. karl pavano, the inside cast ball. next pitch, lance berkman. the double off the wall in center. jorge posada would come in to score. the yankees take a 3-2 lead. after the double, the twins meeting on the mound. ron gardenhire gets tossed. yankees go on to win it, 5-2. rangers at rays. texas trying to go up 2-0, on tampa bay. texas up 2-0, in this game. michael young rushing a ball to center. rangers up 5-0. james shields not pleased. neither is joe maddon. he gets tossed, as well. number seven nebraska, taking on kansas state. third quarter, 17-3. martinez out of the shotgun, takes off downfield. goes all the way, 80 yards for the touchdown. nebraska goes on to win it, 48-13. martinez, a freshman, had four rushing touchdowns, one through the air. a record evening for him. back to you guys in the studio. cell phones can certainly do a lot of things these days. but a harlem man is crediting his with saving his life. >> a gunman opened fire yesterday. but the bullet actually ricochetted off the cell phone in his pocket. shooter was only five feet away. but the man walked away with just a scratch on his stomach. lucky guy. >> he can be the ad person for the next cell phone. >> no kidding. a phoenix woman found out the hard way that superglue does, indeed, work. ingram home had cataract surgery a few years back. now, she uses six different eye drop medications. >> but when reaching for one of the bottles, she grabbed the superglue instead. doctors were able to save her eye. now, she's urging the fda to require the bottles to be different shapes and sideses. a tough lesson. >> at the risk of being too graphic, she said it did wash it out. but hospital staff had to cut through the hardened glue on her eye. she's very lucky to be okay after that. >> that glue really does work. coming up next, the stories we'll be following today. including changes on the nation's rail lines. on top of that, celebrating a musical legend. i don't lie about my age. my skin does. introducing anew platinum. an avon breakthrough. the first with paxillium technology. it's designed to help restore cell shape... skin looks more contoured...sculpted... re-defined. even your jaw line. anew platinum does it. and only avon has it... with a love it or return it guarantee. want it? 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[ female announcer ] lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior or any swelling or affected breathing, or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. i found answers about fibromyalgia. then i found lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. . now good morning, maryland. we are going to need to fight. president obama was in bowie drumming up support for governor o'malley and his running mate. plus hundreds of pounds of marijuana tanned in a warehouse. how police were able to nap the growers. plus, it's part of the bolt mere history. a look at what's in store for the future at the senator's theater many good morning and happy friday. i am linda so. jamie and megan are off today. but i to tell you justin berk is here and he has a great looking forecast for us. don't you. >> good to have you in. it's the reason why they are both off. can you guess? its feels like spring. take full advantage of if you can. we are dealing with a pattern that's going to make up for lost time. we had five days in a row with below normal temperatures. we changed that yesterday. and if you liked yesterday, you will love today and the weekend. it feels like spring with temperatures above normal all weekend. what is normal? 70. yesterday we hit 74 here in baltimore. 73 in easton and most of the state in the 70s with the exception of chili or garrett county. we go for our two-degree guaranteed high with sun of at least 75. enjoy that one. we have the outlook coming up, but kim brown has the first check on traffic. >> reporter: thanks. for your friday traffic, it looks very good. we have one incident that is lingering over from yesterday up in havre de grace trying to repair the broken water main that has route 7 closed in both directions. you can try using eerie street as an alternate. on the beltway, looking good on the west side at liberty road. traffic moves well on both inner and outer loop. back to

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