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and had difficulty carrying out of the apartment where she was visiting family. >> . >> in court we learned the tub has not been recovered but a neighbor said he saw johnson carrying it out of the apartment. johnson dedefense called it a circumstancal case. >> i count believe any jury could look at what they stated find him anywhere remotely responsible for any wrongdoing. >> reporter: the judge wasn't convinced enough to post bail. the state presented text messages and conversations between johnson and his brother and girlfriend months after the body was found johnson allegedly said i have to be real advertise i can i should go to brazil. the judge said no bail. >> i don't blame him for it. he is scared. he is never dealt with the criminal justice system a day in his life. this is all new to him and he is scared. >> i know in my heart that something happened and he was a part of it and if he -- if you are guilty, it's going to come out. if it doesn't come out in the wash it'll come out in the rinse. >> reporter: prosecutors also say five hundred text messages were traded between johnson and barnes with in two months prior to her death. her relatives have said johnson thought of her as a little sister. he is charged with one count of murder. he has no prior record. cheryl connor. >> new tonight cnn has learned the secret service agent at center of the prostitution scandal is from the area. sources say he was the agent who had the dispute about paying the escort. cnn has learned he left with secret service but it's not clear under what circumstances. >> also new, a former high school teacher was sentenced today for abuse of a minor. earlier jeffrey sears junior plead guilty. he got 20 year was all by seven suspended. . when he getsous of jail he will serve five-years probation and will have to register was a sex offender. update on that deadly stabbing near the lexington market. a 24-year-old man died after the attack yesterday evening. police have charged the 21-year- old troy harrison in connection with the murder. police say tips the community helped them track down harrison. the state is tightening security at a social services office after a woman tried to stab her child. police say the 27-year-old did pass through a metal detector and her purse was hand checked at the office but they say she hid a knife in her bag. >> i'm sure that there are things they may have seen differently but they made their best judgement on that day and how to deal with it. >> the state said they will install lockers to make clients leave their bags before going through security. they will let associate social workers bring in help if they needt. the girl is said to be recovering and getting better. a woman is facing charges after police say they caught her with a lot of marijuana. police say the 46-year-old had more than four pounds of weed in her home. members of yardly love's family have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the man convicted of killing her. she was murdered inside her apartment weeks before she was to graduate from the university of virginia. we have cover covered the murder trial and have more information on the lawsuit. >> reporter: the murder happened back on may 2nd of 2010. we are just days from the emotional two year anniversary for the family. her ex-boyfriend faces more than 20 years in prison for killing her and now he may have to pay for his crime financially as well. because of virginia's truth in sentencing law if a judge accepts the jury's 26 year seven sensing recommendation the suspect will spend about 22 years in prison and be out by age 45 plenty of time to earn a living, a portion of which could go to the hands of sharon and lexi, yardly's sister and mother. they have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against him seeking more than it $30 million. the lawsuit claims that he failed to use ordinary care leading to an accident for which he was responsible that resulted in the death of yardly love. >> they want him to suffer for what he did, more than just going to prison though certainly that's a lot of suffering but for him to have to pay for what he did. >> reporter: there is another potential motivation for the family according to the university of baltimore law professor. the suspect didn't testify in his murder trial. that protection doesn'ta fly in a civil lawsuit. >> he here the plaintiffs will want him to take the stand, make him maybe admit it. >> reporter: if that is the family's motivation they will have to wait. he will be sentenced in august and after that his attorneys could appeal, his 5th amendment rights would stay in place until that process ends at least another year, he comes a prominent montgomery family but by love they can only target money he has now or might earn in the future. >> he is an adult. he even if his family has resources, they can't tap that. his family isn't responsible for what he did. >> reporter: love's family is seeking $29 million in damage, that is about 500,000 for yep year love may have lived and a million dollars in punitive damages. >> eyes on the weather front a clear and chilly night onto way. wind from the noters and northwest. they have lightened up. they aren't as gusty but bringing in cool air. we are almost in the the 30s in york and wilmington, 50 in easton. that's the warmest spot out there. most spots in to the 40s. headed to it the 30s. overnight the freeze and frost concerns, for the eastern shore queen anne county north it's a frost concern including hour county and columbia. as you go further west carol, frederick here is a deeper frost. more of a hard freeze and we do encourage you to protect those plants, you still have time to cover them it up. 57 at noon. that will be the high point. we have chances for rain later in the day. >> the baltimore rave entities got on the board in the draft in the second round tonight. first they got courtney up shaw out of -- alabama. next they 333-pound iowa state tackle -- with their second round pick. the ravens have had needs for the sea responsible so far draft experts say the team has made solid picks. >> just great value because not only up shaw but -- they had a chance to go in the first round, up shaw as high as 16. you could have under stood the pick -- for them to get both of them, in the second round is great value for the ravens entities. >> they may look at picking up another wide receiver, a back up running back to replace a retiring ricky williams and another safety for the defense. around the nation tonight prosecutors will seek the death penalty against two men accused of kidnapping a monday moment teacher. they filed murder charges gansz the man they say grabbed sharey arnold. her body was found in north dakota two months later. another space shuttle took it's final flight. the enterprise went to its new home. it was a piggy back ride on a jumpo jet. the shuttle and the plane swooped across the new york city skyline. >> to see from afar the enterprise fly by is a symbol that new york and america always come back. >> it'll be on the website when it moved to the -- when it's moved to the museum in. it never actually flew in space. republicans in the house gave the president something he wanted today, sort of. they passed a bill that would keep student lone interest rates stable. there is a calf here. this one is that the bill takes money from the president's health care program. chances are it won't go anywhere. ? if time money taking the time to call companies to check on a lowerrer rate may be wortht. most businesses won't call to you tell you how you can save so it's up to you to call them it. charlie with the insider secrets you can use to pay less. >> reporter: once every year she dials her way to saving big bucks. >> we save tons and tons. >> reporter: she cut for her phone, cable, utility and insurance bills. she has savorings down to a science. >> i reminded them of the credit score, our loyalty. >> reporter: it's on the money, finance guru mitchell weiss said it can't hurt to check in every quarter, with businesses who bill you. if you see a company advertising a special deal, take it as an opportunity to call and say you are interested. she explains businesses want customers to stick around because it costs more to loose a customer than to offer them new ways to save. >> it costs money to get them, to keep them, why wow want to turn that over to competition. >> reporter: expert share their secrets and he usually gets paid to save money. review all of your monthly bills and try calling each company. the phone is the most effective way. have two to three months worth of past bills and say that the precise amount of what you are paying remind them who you are. >> be a great the customer and that is one who has been with the company for a fair number of years and pays the bill on or before the due date and pays the full balance. >> reporter: once you do that, ask for lower rates, a cheaper plan and monthly fees to be removed as wellf. you can't negotiate the with a customer service rep ask for the retention department or the president's office. they may offer more incentives and always, always be polite. >> the only time you that want to be confrontational or -- say to a company that you are going to go somewhere else is when you have prepare add head of time and done your research to know there are other services available at a greater cost saving. >> reporter: if you have never called a business for a better rate you better start. >> it's worth the time and it's worth the money. >> reporter: many companies and banks say they welcome you to call in and check frequently for better deals. just pick up the phone. abc 2news. >> all new monday night, there is a growing group of women that are extremely powerful, known as wal-mart moms. brian takes a look at how they are making daily decisions and how they will play a big role in the election. that's all new monday at 11. well someone going to through a big switch and cut off the internet. that's the big rumor but as john takes a look tonight. at the fact and fiction of the rumors so you don't waste your honey. and wal-mart has a new way to get your cash and it's a smart one. how you can combine online and in store at the same time. and what is in a name? a place -- [inaudible] whatever. abc 2news is back. . new video, check this out. the sign outside a new restaurant in florida is turning heads heads. the owner said it means good fortune but some see it differently. >> anybody still -- that i know that knows the name or seen the name assumes it's -- fu. >> reporter: okay. okay. the state of florida doesn't like the name. they denied the restaurant's request to trademark it. the reason is they say it means offensive though it does mean good fortune. the restaurant -- the name could be stone stolen or used by someone else. what's worse getting chases by a state trooper or having something explode in your pants in a man was a passenger in a car that got pulled over. who the trooper questioned him he took off. the trooper caught him eventually. >> after a brief struggle, it was determined that there was a meth lab, active meth lab in his pant that burst during the struggle and got all over his body. >> okay. the portable meth process involves mixing chemicals. the built up pressure makes it highley explosive as he found out. in our consumer alert wal- mart is trying something new. they will let online customers pay with cash. they also think it'll attract people who don't want to risk using credit or debit cards online. use the cash option to check out you get an order form to printout. take it to any wal-mart store where you make the payment and then the item will be shipped to you. a woman from california was won a 3 million-dollar lawsuit against nutella, that spread you use on toast and crackers. the lawsuit claimed that the advertising made her think the spread was healthy. she realized it's about a heaty as a snickers bar, and filed suit. the parent company also had to change its marketing labeling to be more clear about nutrition. losing your access to the web for some would seem horrible but others may be a welcome relief some say it'll happen this summer but can it really in john exmaybe plains and how to protect yourself. >> reporter: all right. what is with all the news articles the past few days warning that hundreds of thousands of people may loose their it internet this summer? is there any truth to it or is it a big hoax. there is reason for concern according to the associated press. the worries appear to be blown out of porportion, it's because of a virus set loose by hackers. an internet add last year lured people into down loading a malicious program into already computer. the fbi believes a half million worldwide may be infected. the government set up a safety net on the web to prevent problems but on july 9th that net will expiref. you have the bug you may not be able to access the internet on july 9th. it sounds like the yk2 scare that was a bigheaded. remember that? just in case make sure your py has the up to date anti virus program. for more of the report go to the web page. abc and click on the money tab up top so you don't waste your money. >> now, maryland's most powerful doppler radar and the forecast certified most accurate by weather rate. >> all right. a clear and chilly night outside but on the whole this is not a bad finish to a friday. changes tomorrow, pretty significant, more on that in a second. 48 now, winds northwest at six. visibility unrestricted right now. a clear night after a crystal clear blue sky kind of day. want to show you the brand new abchd weatherbug camera this is high on top of ccbc, the campus and you are looking at the key bridge on the horizon there, beautiful finish today. clear skies, watch after sunset the look toward curtis bay and just a beautiful shot on the eastside. then in kent island the other received the chesapeake, watch this sunset over the bay bridge. man, that is fantastic. what a finish there. of course it's beautiful weather on this friday but a little cool and breezy. the radar remaining dry tonight. that will hold up through -- at least the first half to two thirds of the day tomorrow. it's tomorrow afternoon late afternoon into the evening when we think we could see rain. temperatures in 40s. winds from the northwest around five to ten. the skies are clear for several more hours and with this dry air we think temperatures will get down to freezing, especially northeast maryland. cecil and across through northern baltimore and then the darker shaded counties a i freeze warning for more of a hard freeze. carol, frederick. again one of those nights you need to protect anything you planted, hanging plants et cetera action wrap them up or bring them in. clear skies will let things drop temperature wise. in the morning early sun, clouds increasing through the day and as we look out to the west developing weather. now what we are seeing is the beginning of rain activity. this is a stalled front to the south right now. this will push north as a warm front tomorrow but it's a chilly rain set up, classic set up here for late spring when we get the wedge of cool air over midatlantic and a rain system developing. it means rain and cloud cover will over spread that chilly air and it'll not be a lot of rain but just a sort of chilly, damp showers on and off tomorrow night and perhaps lasting into early saturday morning. here is the trend, the best timing right now. the late night computer model run. clouds in tomorrow. look for showers by four or five. on and off hit and miss showers into saturday night. don't cancel any plans, just bring the umbrella. then the sunshine that will let temperatures get back in to the low 60s. improvement on the way. this window of late saturday into early sunday where we will see the chilly rain source, over night 36, frost north and west. tomorrow we will just say 57 with the clouds rolling in and the chilly start. then tomorrow night that's where we get the cool, chilly rain showers that damp chilly night situation. improving weather is on the way quickly. look at this sunday afternoon. 64 degrees. then the sun and the warmer temperatures making a come back next week. we look for temperatures to get right back into the 70's. >> tomorrow if you are planning to head downtown you may want to avoid the jones fall expressway. crews repairing drainage pipes under the roadway tomorrow. the current closures will get worse. the work starts promptly at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning and goes until about noon. the entire fix will take a few weeks movement also tomorrow we are work be for you helping protect your personal information and declutter your files and your house. our springtime shred event will happen tomorrow morning at two branches. we will be there from nine until noon. coming up your friday night will not be done without adorable animal videos, i can hardly wait. we have three but there is the first -- first here is a look at how d what you will see after the news at 11. . >> coming up, his racy adds have come under fire as his his antics. tonight we get to know the real dove charney. and a freak brain injury transformed his world. the man they call an accidental genius. that's on night line. . >> here kitty. >> this cat got stuck on top of a power pole. it was near the lines carrying thousands of volts of power. that's not good. utility worker has to wait until it climbed down to a safer line to rescue it. it ran away as soon as it was safely on the ground. and the pittsburgh zoo has a knew attraction this guy came from alaska where he was first down on a frozen bay in pretty bad shape. residents fed it. it's come agriculture long nicely and visitors to the zoo can see it starting today. >> get one quick look at the forecast here. >> all right. real quick. >> madness. >> yes. >> he would be okay with the freezing weather tonight but maybe not your pets. bring them and watch or frozen plants, especially north and west of the city. tomorrow a cool and kind of a day where we see showers develop later in the afternoon. so, not as nice as today. sunday we come back to the 06's stay there. >> tonight on

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