>> rosie, neighbors are naturally frightened by the details and hopefully make an arrest. >> it is emotional.  >> the bright family lives a block from where a 14-year-old girl was abducted. jamey wright says the police off the third not on her door asking if she had seen the attacker's vehicle. >> he says, i can't tell you -- i can tell you that if you are here by yourself, make sure everything is locked up. >> the incident happened in the brooklyn neighborhood. the girl was walking home in the 600 block of east garrett street when a man she had never seen before approached her. >> the individual asked her if she wanted to make some money. the victim declined and continued to walk. that is when the individual pulled out a gun and ordered the female into her car. >> police say the man drove a block away where he sexually assaulted her. it is not a secluded area. homes back up to the streets where cars are parked along the curve. police say she was in his car less than 30 minutes and was able to break free and run for help. >> when you have school age children, the reality of that is frightening. it is just frightening. >> jamie and her husband to allow their kids to walk to school alone. the assault has pointed them to have another tough conversation as parents. >> anything you would question, don't do. if it doesn't feel right, don't do it. >> and it seems the victim in this case had no choice. police have a vague description. they are looking for a black man, 20 to 30 years old with a sim build, short hair, and sideburns. he was driving a dark colored four-door vehicle. we have all the details on our website. a police are asking for the public's help to get this man off the streets. cheryl conner, abc2 news. >> now to that investigation in annapolis. it happened in the eastport section of that city. christian safer continues our team coverage. >> police don't know if the man was actually trying to adopt the girl who neighbors say is a student. people who live in the area are concerned tonight. >> the 16-year-old was on her way to the bus stop when she told police that someone tried to grab her. it happened around 6:30 in the morning on thursday. fortunately, the girl managed to get away. >> at least there was more police around the area that could keep an eye out and we keep an eye out. but you can only be in one place at one time. >> shirley lawson works with the neighborhood watch area. she sees dozens of young children walking through on their way to school or to the bus stop every morning. next issue will be out here too. >> get out here more often, just keep and i out. >> the girl was only able to give police a vague description of a suspect. he is about 5 feet 8 inches tall. at the time of the attack, he was wearing a red hooded sweatshirt, black jacket, and dark pants. >> a pervert, straight up pervert. it's ridiculous. >> joy lives very close to the scene of the attack. she has lived here for 17 years, but now she is worried about her kids, and she will be keeping a much closer eye on them when they play outside at least until police make an arrest. >> they are serving our neighborhood close to home. we haven't had anything like this occur since i have lived here. >> and if you have any information about that attack in the eastport area, you're asked to call city police. 410 2,689,000. >> a 14-year-old is facing adult charges after he allegedly beat his grandmother with a hammer. that happened thursday morning in a house on 34th street. police say hassanhii garrett be his grandmother with a hammer while she slept thursday morning. according to charging documents, garrett was getting ready for school thursday morning and became angry with his grandmother so he picked up a hammer and hit her in the head. she tried to stammer away the cell. the boys relatives just cannot understand why. >> we have spent weekends at my house. on sunday he is at church. >> we never saw it coming. >> never. that is what we are struggling with, the fact that we didn't see this. >> the victim remained hospitalized in critical condition. the 14 is in custody facing attempted murder and assault charges. >> a midshipmen at the naval academy has been excelled after authorities say he was caught with drugs. we are told that he had spied on him. it's a drug similar to marijuana which has been banned in several states. in each case, there was another midshipmen who spoke up about someone else having the drug. a family feud took a strange twist today after the funeral home refused to bury the disease. the family of 81-year-old charles stanley had traveled all over the country for his funeral, but an hour or so before the service was to start, they informed the family that they would not bury him because of an insurance policy he took out was invalid. the funeral home said it would only do the funeral. after the family arrived at the church with cameras following, the funeral home had agreed to bury the 81-year- old man 1st and then figure out the payment later. >> i am from new york. she is from delaware. i have a brother that came from atlanta. this is terrible that you wait until the last minute to tell us something about this that we cannot have a funeral or burial. >> sometimes we get stuck with the costs. >> stanley family says while he was in the hospital on his deathbed, the bill for his insurance policy can do, since he couldn't pay, the family says they will appeal to the insurance company to reinstate that policy. >> all right. weather watch, we are talking about a pretty clear looking night at the moment. that could change toward daybreak. we are all clear here across the central part of the state, the eastern shore, about as far west as hagerstown. but it can't be that quiet on the first night of april, can it? take a look further west. you see some showers, some winter he weather out here extending through southern ohio and extending into west virginia. a little bit of wintry weather. that possibly could come through the overnight hours. there could be a few flakes again. probably not as much as last night, but you see the temperatures are down to 30. overnight 35. mostly cloudy, cold, and breezy. other than just a few flakes tomorrow, just a couple stray showers through the day. a better looking day. i think by 4:00 we are talking 54 degrees. we should see a dry and turned into sunday. also look ahead to the orioles opener. we got all that coming up. >> rosie? >> can you smell it in the air? anticipation. we can't wait until opening day, and they cannot wait for monday at 2:30 when the ceremony's start. fans got a taste of the excitement tonight when they took on the tampa bay rays in florida. if this is any indicator of what is to come, we are going to have a very exciting summer. >> based on what buck did at the end of last season, we are very excited. i don't think anybody can deny the fact that the moment he took over, their record drastically improved. >> that guy is excited. we will have more on the game and the score coming up later in sports. and we are getting ready for the big day just like the players and you. we will be live at camden yards all day monday. and some exclusive stories that you will only see right here on abc2. >> a huge outpouring of support for orioles brooks robinson. he remains at gb and see after being rushed to the hospital. doctors are treating him for an infection. they say he is responding well to treatment. the hospital has been swamped with phone calls and e-mails, and the hospital is also asking those of you if you want to pass along your best wishes to send e-mails to get well at gb mc .org. they will forward it to his family. former governor william donald schaefer doing better after he was rushed to the hospital. he was taken to saint agnes. it was a slight case of pneumonia. the 89-year-old is a former four term mayor of baltimore and two-term governor of maryland. new tonight at 11:00, seven united nations workers are dead tonight. massacred by rioting mob whipped into a frenzy. it happened today in afghanistan were a total of 12 people died in the bloody melee. four guards were murdered along with a norwegian, sweet, and romanian. it began as a peaceful protest but soon raged out of control. >> smoke rose from the united nations building after the storm was set ablaze. >> infidels burned multiple bronze. the crowd became incensed and overwhelmed the afghan police taking their ak-47s and opening fire on the un guards. they stormed into the building, killing you and staffers, beheading at least one of them. the hearts of 2 billion muslims are burning, said this man. the u.s. is using any means necessary to occupy all muslim countries are you one of those killed, a norwegian [ inaudible ]. terry jones is the pastor of an obscure church in florida who supervised the burning last month after he said he put the muslim holy book on trial. >> it was burned after it was found guilty. >> he says he is not to blame. >> i think it definitely does prove that there is a radical element of islam. we do not feel responsible. >> president obama condemned the brutality. >> i offer my deepest condolences to those injured and killed as well as to their loved ones. >> as to whom the covers in the hospital, afghan police have arrested more than 20 suspects, one of them at the alleged ring leader. >> watch nightline tonight right here for more of that exclusive interview. it starts right after abc2 news ends at 11:35. >> if you think atm fees are way too high, well, you will have to hate this story. one bank wants to raise them 25 box. will people pay up to use another bank wishing? plus, a 5-year-old girl on a mission to help around the world. who is helping adriana scott pull off her big mission. plus, a cobra getting national attention after getting away from handlers. and the mystery behind the creative twitter account. the stories and more in just 60 seconds. >> the u.s. economy appears to be on the rebound. the unemployment numbers released today were even better than what many experts predicted. the jobless rate is at its lowest point in two years, and that's good. many americans are concerned about their cash flow as the deadline to file taxes looms. you have until april 18th this year to get state and federal taxes in the mail. you could soon be paying more just to get your hands on your own money. some banks are considering increasing the fees to get your money from another institution atm. get this, five dollars. most currently charge around two dollars, a little more, a little less. j.p. morgan chase has already started the fees in illinois and texas. banks say these charges are because of new federal regulations on overdraft fees. >> well, that cobra who escaped from the bronx zoo just to be found in his new habitat a few days later has become quite a celebrity. there was a twitter account setup that told story is about where he may have been. slithering down chimneys to singing whitesnake on karaoke night. he was eventually convinced to come out of hiding with the smell of food. >> we are going to watch her really closely for about a week and make sure she is okay after being on the loose. >> maybe she was at karaoke. officials said it may be on display next week. they are also working on a naming contest. >> developing the u.s. military helping japanese officials go through tsunami ravaged coastlines looking for people who were swept out to sea. more than 12,000 are confirmed dead while 16,000 people are still missing. tonight concerns remain about the troubled nuclear power plants and what happens next for japan. the major problems in japan will take years and billions of dollars to fix. the devastation has inspired -- inspired a 5-year-old girl to take action. when certain celebrities got involved, this move from adriana scott kitchen to a local firehouse. don harrison has more. >>reporter: we have all seen the devastation in japan and have been horrified by the amount of damage that took place. it will take billions of dollars to help out in the relief effort. many of us feel helpless and -- and wish we could help. it is such a big problem and this little girl is taking action. >> i am going to make cupcakes. >> that's right, cupcakes. adrienne is five years old and saw the devastation in japan and felt sorry for the children there. >> they don't have any toys. they don't have any food. that's why. >> this all started out as a little project for adriana and her mom. they were going to pick up -- going to bake cupcakes and sell them for two dollars each. they started a facebook page and that's when things took off. >> it's no longer a small bake sale. the community has come on. everybody wants to donate. they want to donate items, baked cupcakes, they want to be here to help with the sale. it has become a village that has decided to help her with her bake sale. >> on her facebook page, she got an endorsement from the grave rice. more cupcake loving football players joined in. derrick mason and willis mcgahee also posted support. she learned a secret about ray rice. >> ray rice wanted to buy chocolate cupcakes. >> that's right. he's a chocolate cupcake fan. obviously, many people are becoming a fan of her cupcakes. she has more than a thousand friends on her facebook and it has been up less than a week. her mother is proud. >> if you took a moment out of her old dave to want to do something else. >> here they are used to helping people in the community. amanda wants to help people in the community halfway around the world. i'm don harrison ford abc2 news. >> she is adorable. for more information and how you can get involved, go to her facebook page. it has information on upcoming fundraisers on april 16th at the volunteer fire department in port. go help her out. >> yes, the class of high school students who left for baltimore shortly after the earthquake and tsunami hit are now being ready to move back home. students at the school were so moved by what happened that they decided what they would do is do what they could to help. they've raised more than $10,000 for the japanese red cross. the students plan events to raise even more money. >> now, maryland's most powerful doppler radar and the forecast certified most accurate by weather break. >> a pretty quiet night out there. for the moment at least. things could change toward daybreak. i think we will see some slow but steady improvements. forty-two at bwi. winds from the southwest -- from the west southwest. take a look through the day. i want to show you manchester. look at that silly start. finally, things mouth off midmorning. if we could see a few more flakes fly out in this direction -- nothing coming down now. i think we will see a mix of clouds and sun again tomorrow, but the bottom line is we are going to look for the possibility of at least a few showers before we dry out more completely on sunday. all clear now. temperature wise across the state, highs were pretty comfortable today, relative to the last few days. it is still below average. 50 degrees is not bad. forty-eight at eastern. right now things have cooled off more. we are talking about 30s and eventually 30s overall. any brief showers that pass through the overnight, mostly rain but some flakes could mix in. again, those current ones are relatively light. even with the wind, it feels pretty cold out there. now, tomorrow a little improvement on the temperature front. i think we make mid-50s in mount vernon, just a chance of a hit or miss shower. how about over on eastern shore? i think right along the bay water, tents in the the mid-40s. as you get further away from the bay, things will be quite a bit warmer. our satellite radar trend, we are detecting one area of new wintry showers out of ohio. this little patch of active weather is going to cross the state through the overnight into early tomorrow morning. a little clipper system here. the main storm that has impacted new england is continuing to move offshore. cool air tonight keeping us in a below normal pattern temperature wise. breezy conditions as well with that storm blowing in. this next storm is weaker, but just enough to produce mixed showers overnight and then rain showers on and off through the day tomorrow. not an all-day rain at all. saturday cloudy and then a few breaks of sunshine. i will look for sunday to be a better day with more sunshine around here through about 5:00. this is interesting. as we go from sunday into monday, all eyes on opening day. it looks like quite a bit of rain toward pennsylvania. will this sneak down on monday afternoon? we will keep an eye on that. right now we think 80 about a 40 or 50% chance of scattered showers, but it will be a much warmer day in the upper 60s. we will see what happens there. overnight tonight, the slightest chance for a few flakes to fly. hoping that we will not predict that much more. the rest of this is spring. 50 degrees for tomorrow, a little bit warmer, but variable clouds through the day. 35 degrees tomorrow night. i think we will see more sunshine on sunday. and then as we go into the opener, again, a chance for showers will be there. all over again tuesday. as another cold front comes down on wednesday, -- or approaches, we will see the chance for a couple thunderstorms. hopefully, we are getting out of snow season for good. maybe into the thunderstorm season after tonight, rosie. >> oh, joy. thunderstorm season. >> tonight the first game is over and there is reason to celebrate. after the break, we will bring you some of the best moments of the game. tonight on nightline, more on the exclusive interview. a dozen protesters dead in afghanistan. that is right after abc2 news at 11:00. abc2 news is brought to you by the home depot. more saving, more doing. that's the power of the home depot. >> here is your pressbox sports report. fans celebrate after a season- opening win against the rays. pitcher jeremy guthrie about 3 hits in eight shutout winnings. 2 runs drove in to give the team a 4-1 victory over the rays. the only run for tampa bay was made by ben's orders. they take on the detroit -- opening ceremony starts at 2:30. tomorrow night the final four will battle it out to determine who has what it takes to go to the championship game. they will play the first on tomorrow after that game. uconn will take on kentucky. all four teams showed up for practice today at houston's reliant stadium. we have pink plumbing goes, lawn ornaments, and other things that you love or hate. one man's decorations landed him in court. the unusual pointer is a toilet. someone didn't think it was beautifying the neighborhood. terry called it something -- well, we cannot say it on tv. he went to court and won. it is officially -- he says he might get one or two more just for aesthetic values. >> let's take a quick look at the forecast. opening day is hopefully going. >> i think so. it's going to be warmer. the chance for a few showers. similar to tomorrow. the chance for a few showers north and west of the city. if you see a snowflake, don't be shocked. sunday looks dryer, monday looks warmer. that is kind of how things play out going forward. >> monday will be great for the ball fans. >> i think so. even if it is a little cloudy or damp, it's got to be warm. you have to get in the spirit. >> you have to love it. >> that's all for us. catch the latest online at when we are not here, you go there. >> everyone have a good weekend out there. be safe. have fun. >ñ

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Norway ,New York ,United States ,Japan ,Tampa Bay ,Florida ,Texas ,Afghanistan ,Kentucky ,Delaware ,Illinois ,Brooklyn ,Ohio ,Annapolis ,West Virginia ,Hagerstown ,Maryland ,Mount Vernon ,Houston ,Pennsylvania ,Romania ,Baltimore ,Americans ,Afghan ,Norwegian ,Romanian ,Japanese ,Charles Stanley ,Don Harrison ,Derrick Mason ,Cheryl Conner ,Don Harrison Ford ,Adriana Scott ,William Donald Schaefer ,Jamey Wright ,Jeremy Guthrie ,Terry Jones ,Shirley Lawson ,

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