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hardware store along with many others to that neighborhood. some say bring it on, others aren't so sure. [ yelling ] >> people who don't support the plan rallied outside the city planning department's office downtown but so did many of their neighbors who support the plan. the dueling rallies came before the hearing on whether to grant what is known as a planned unit development or pud to the 26th street project, it's a screw shall step toward allowing the development to go for forward. >> it's sometimes the perfect, enemy the good. so we can strive for the perfect but i think we're on the road to certainly very good here. >> the new walmart would sit on top of a low's hardware store. a unique configuration that would go here in what's now a lot for the anderson automotive group. the dealer has bean an anchor in the remington community for more than 50 years but gm pulled its dealership when the company went through bankruptcy and the son of the founder is moving his honda dealership to baltimore county. >> it was somewhere upon me to find some way to provide a new anchor there. >> he supports the project along with many people who live in remington. they say it needs new shopping options and the 700 jobs the project would bring. opponents say watt marte would bring nothing but low-paying jobs. >> we want to see the development but we want the development to be something that is actually sustainable to the neighborhood and that helps the enabled. >> the developer said he completed urban projects before and he is trying to work with the people he hopes will be his neighbors. >> there's going to be some things just not going to be able to, we're trying our absolute best, to meet the requirements and the requests. >> a lot of people testifying on both sides of the issue tonight. it's still going on at this hour, the meeting on whether to grant that pud the it is approved the project would still need to go before the entire baltimore city council, the developers still hoping to open the large stores like the walmart and the lows by the fall of next year. christian shaffer, abc 2 news. we definitely had some rocky weather this afternoon with thunderstorm and tornado warnings and actually they got it worse further south of us. let's check in with wyatt everhart for a look at your first forecast. >> what a wild afternoon and evening of storms across much of the state. now the heart of the worst of the weather was more in the d.c. area that in baltimore area, eastern shore got hit too. take a look. we tenant to re-wind the clock a little bit on maryland's most powerful radar, watch as we put it into motion. you see multiple lines of storms coming through and the leading edge have that line, actually a large down burst and we kind of captured it here on our weather net camera in arlington. watch as we go forward in time, major burst there shaking the camera, that's the one that caused most of the damage, then of course several showers and storms that came in behind that initial line. maryland's most powerful radar in life mode now, we're all clear looking good tonight but a rough round out there earlier today with that large down burst especially over pg county. we'll talk much more about your forecast as we go into tomorrow and the weekend. all straight ahead. >> thanks a lot wii at. as wyatt mentioned the suburbs on either side of d.c. were the hardest hit. take a look at the damage in bethesda just after the storms rolled through. we received widespread reports of trees and power lines down across the d.c. metro area. the anne arundel county spca is joining the investigation regarding that siberian husky that was shot at a dog park by an off-duty federal officer. it happened at the quail run dog park. the husky's handler says bear bear was playing with a german sheppard when the sheppard got aggressive. that dog's owner called for the handler to separate the dogs but before he could, he says, the officer shot the husky. police had closed the case but it has since been re-opened. a rash of robberies in two baltimore city neighborhoods has police beefing up patrols tonight. witnesses tell the police that a jump of up to 10 teenagers roaming the streets in upper fells point in butchers hill looking for starts, all the victims are white and, in most cases, they describe the group as black teenage earrings, they consider one at least as a hate crime after they used expletives and called the victim "white boy" quote. >> there is talk that there is possible gang involvement and we're not ruling that out at this point but we just don't have enough to say yes or no. >> one of the people say the suspects showed a gun but no weapons have been used so far in the beatings. police in baltimore county are investigating a man's death. 37-year-old craig brewly was found in his home on western circle and died at the hospital of a gunshot wound. they have no suspects or motive but they are treating the case as a homocide, anyone with information is asked to call metro crimestoppers, the number is 1-866-7-lockup. . well work is still under way at this hour trying to remove a derailed freight train from howard street tunnel. two of the cars which derailed this morning were actually carrying hazardous materials but no leaks were detected and no injuries were reported. commuter travel is not affected and officials expect all of the freight cars to be removed by 6:00 tomorrow morning. we're told now that chlorine powder is to blame for today's evacuation of the howard county district court house in ellicott city. police say a crew working on the air conditioning system accidentally released the power into the vents -- rather the powder. several people felt sick t billing was cleared out. the courthouse will be open as normal tomorrow. and there's another hazmat scare at bwi this your good marshall airport around noon today. it turned out to be nothing. some liquid leaking from a bag at the baggage claim area was a form of medication. the bag belonged to a family traveling from nigh greer gear ya. it was deemed harmless and the terminal re-opened around 3:00. the anticipation is building from a new slots facility et to open in the county. they can only hope it is going to be a jackpot for them. the $89 million hollywood casino will help to grow the tax base but it remains uncertain whether slots players will spend their money on hotels, restaurants, and other businesses in the surrounding area. >> no, i'm not that way, west virginia is spending money, they might as well build it here. >> the casino plans to start installing the first of its 1500 slot machines tomorrow. it recently moved up its expected starting date to september 30th. >> school doesn't open until august 30th, sarah, so why is this being done? they are going to bring a grand prix auto race through here next sunday, sarah. we're not a priority. >> a baltimore teacher is fired up about plans to close baltimore city's public pools this sunday. charles douglas organized a rally tonight in front of city hall to protest the planned shut down. he says keeping pools open should be a priority for city leaders. well those full body scans have been a hot topic since they began popping up at airports nation-wide and now revelations that u.s. marshalls saved images from body scanners at a florida courthouse are really fueling a new controversy. the transportation security administration has said repeatedly that images from the machines used at bwi are never saved. but privacy advocates say how do we really know? >> the government promised that they won't store these images on the tsa machines absent any real legal prohibition on doing so is meaningless. it can be changed at any time. >> homeland security has approved the use of the machines at every airport in the country but there are efforts under way to get the tsa to aben done this program entirely. listen up parents. fisher price is recalling 96,000 little people play and go camp sites. they say it's because one of the figurines can break at the waist creating a choking hazard. fisher price says so far there have been no injuries reported. you request contact the company at 1-800-432-5847 for a free replacement figurine. while the maryland suburbs aren't the only place cleaning up tonight. after all that stormy weather we had to deal with this afternoon joining us now live is jennifer done lon, she is live in alexandria top. jennifer quite a mess there that you guys got to clean up. huh? >> you know, the mayor of alexandria, kelly, described the city as a war zone and said that the damage is so extensive that it's worse than the situation after hurricane eye it bell. we step out of the way so you can see just one of countless situations across the city. so here in the sidewalk this massive tree that came crashing down from behind this row of four up to holmes. it came crashing down, it literally slices through the roof and crashes into a bedroom of one of the holmes. that home obviously uninhabitable. so we've got power outages across the city, we've got trees down, you know. often-times when you're covering a storm you can see how dark it is. these work crews you are seeing wrapping up, they have been out here all afternoon and all evening, you know when we have these storms come through sometimes the damage areas are isolated, you know where to go, what you're looking for, it's somewhat specific to a particular block. there has been too much ground to cover here in alexandria and we're just talking about one city outside of the district. so the damage extremely extensive. they have activated their emergency operations center here in alexandria. the mayor warning residents be prepared to be without power for several days. now this is coming on the heels of two other storms, virginia has been pretty much scared in the storms we have seen this summer but they certainly took the brunt of today's powerful blast. >> all right. thanks. jennifer donnelly reporting live from our sister station wjoa in alexandria virginia. everyone likes saving money. nearly all car insurance companies give you discounts for safe driving. a few are actually taking it one step further. you can tapp into big savings on your car insurance if you let the insurance company tapp into your car. plus, an easy high-tech way to make sure your family stays safe if there's an emergency in your home. it is in the works, and we are going to show you how it works. ♪ [ mom ] walmart has low prices on not just a few things, but on everything on our back-to-school list. guaranteed. so we didn't have to shop around. that means we got home in time for just a little more summer. and for one last night of lightning bugs. ♪ save money. live better. walmart. . well, for the first time in american history three women will sit on the u.s. supreme court all at the same time. today the senate confirmedy lean a kagan an for 63 to 37. mostly down party lines. she will be sworn in by justice john roberts this weekend. she will hear her first cases on the high court coming up in october. three people are dead after a huge crash in missouri. it all started when a pickup truck slammed into the back of a big rig driving slowly through a construction zone. two school buses then crashed into the wreckage. the driver of the pickup was killed along with the teenaged girl on one of the buses. the buses were actually headed to an amusement park. the national transportation safety board is investigating. the u.s. attorney general says 14 american citizens face charges of working with foreign terrorists. they are accused of associating with al she back, a terrorist group based in somalia with ties to al qaeda a one of the men indicated is from alabama and used to make rap videos to radicalize young americans. the legal battle over california's proposition 8 is far from over despite yesterday's court decision. supporters of prop 8 which define marriage as being between a man and a woman have already appealed the ruling. meanwhile though he ruled it unconstitutional they are illegal in california and that same judge is expected to rule next week on whether or not marriages can happen. a montgomery county police officer walks awah unhurt after an suv backs up and over his car and it's all caught on camera. officer seth carson was pursuing three d.c. youths in a carr jacked from prince george's county. he thought the chase was over when they reached a one-lane bridge. they put the car in reverse and drove right over top tv the patrol car. all three of the teens under arrest facing several charges including armed robbery and motor vehicle theft theft. >> a new system in the works will save you precious time during an emergency. it is called marte 911. it allows users to upload family facts like emergency contacts, allergies, vehicle and house information, along with pictures of your kids and pets. now in case of an emergency like a fire first responders will immediately have that vital information including the location of bedrooms to help them make that rescue. >> the individual's permanent information only becomes available in the event they have to dial 911. we have no ability to search the database. >> smart 911 will also allow users to get help without making a sound. once a 911 call is placed caller would then have the ability to initiate a text message conversation with dispatch. . >> you know for years insurance companies have given safe drivers a discount on their auto insurance. that is not news. what is news is that they'll give drivers an even bigger discount but of course there is a catch. john matarese has the details so you don't waste your money. . >> how would you like to cut your car insurance bill by 25 to 30%? sure, everybody would love that. but this newest type of insurance discount comes with a catch that not all drivers would agree to. . >> you may have seen progressive's tv ads promising big discounts for safe driving. >> are you a safe driver. >> yes. >> discount. do you own a home? >> yes. >> discount. are you gonna buy online? >> yeah. >> discount. >> reporter: now progressive is taking it further offering drivers in ohio and 20 states a program called snapshot that provides discounts of up to 30%. there's one catch. you have to let progressive install this gadget under your -- to monitor and transmit all your driving habits. >> this is a new way of approaching auto insurance. it allows you as a consumer to share your own driving in order to get a discount. >> company spokesman richard hutchinson says your rates will go down if you drive the speed limit, avoid hard stops and don't drive late at night. too much big brother? don't worry. he claims your rates won't go up if your driving is more aggressive. >> it's only a discount so with your progressive rate, the device in the car, this is purely a voluntary case 0 so you don't have to do it if you don't want to. >> reporter: if you're creeped out get ready. other companies are heading here. on star odomter readings, safeco's on board advisor offers a similar service for commercial fleets, and travelers is reportedly experimenting with a similar system. progressive says the program is already a success saying 100,000 customers have signed up for it so far. if you don't mind your insurance company watching you drive you might want to consider it so you don't waste your money. i'm john matarese. well abc 2 wants to help you get back to school with a back to school photo contest. all you have to do is log onto and check out our contest page. upload the best photo you have got to help your kids win. now if your photo is chosen you win a brand new backpack and a $250 target gift card. we'll announce the winner in 10 days on abc 2 news at 5:30. >> announcer: now the forecast certified most accurate by weather rate and maryland's most powerful doppler radar. >> well no doubt about this, we certainly escaped the worst of some of that wild weather that slipped through the region this afternoon. >> tended to stay out of us. the severe storm aftermath in prince george's county also around the austin hill area. trees and power lines down, no electricity. and matthew womack and neighbors believe they saw some kind of a funnel cloud. >> yeah, i was scared, i said "look." it came flying in. like in the back yard we had like a chair and the chair flipped over and my next door neighbor, she had a tree go straight to her feet ya ya at one point more than 75,000 people without power in pg and montgomery counties and in the washington, d.c. area. >> and they athe tree fell onto three cars and a bush on the george washington, and a bus rather on the george washington memorial parkway which is closed now between regular an national airport and the city line. but looking at all this damage no one was injured. that's the good news. >> yeah, nasty. at one point we had a tornado warning. just talked to nasa weather service. what we really have here is a down burst situation. >> okay. >> intense storm, not a micro burst, a large down burst over pg county, also dc and it just brings down trees, power lines, you name it. nasty storms. clear now. glad to say that. >> uh-huh. >> utility abouts what it looks like as it came through later today. i took the radar and re-wound the clock here a little bit on you. this is between 3:00 and 5:20 which was really the go-to time. that's the leading edge of that storm. again, down burst, leading edge of that nasty severe storm line and it did track through eventually southern anne arundel and back up through northern calvert county, so really nasty. as we take a look at our live motor we have cleared out nicely looking good. the only wet weather we can find off ocean city. still some storms rumbling offshore bugging some fishermen and that's about it and we're glad to say that at this time. all right. take a look at this. now this is through the day. check it out. got to step out just for a second here. d.c., you can see these wild- looking storms as they come through. sunshine gives way to not one but two or three in a row here. nasty storms, heavy heavy downpours, and probably the most dramatic weather we caught from our arlington camera. this on top of wj la and you see that nasty line shaking the camera and several more coming through with those damaging winds, you see why parts of northern virginia and down through d.c. had such nasty damage. chesapeake beach, check it out, leading edge of the storm, right here, heavy downpour along the southern part of the state there. so really wild weather everywhere today. tonight just the opposite, quiet, clear, 77, humidity beginning to drop but not quite dry air yet. we were in low 90s today, that helped fuel those storms. now we're down in the 70s, that feels better but what will really feel better is when we get rid of this humid air and bring in some of this air where the dewpoints are only in the '06s out across southern and western pennsylvania. there is the really nasty stuff again moving well offshore now. behind it the weather pattern is going to improve. this cool front which helped spark those storms will push off all that nasty hot and humid air and you future temps tomorrow we'll struggle to get out of the upper 80s, we'll get there but 90, 91 will be about it, and 80s, mid-80s to start the weekend. by the way, our tropical storm colin actually has been upgraded but well out to sea. overnight 70, clearing skies, a few storms off to the east, sunny, hot but a dry heat. tomorrow night we're looking at clear conditions, mid-60s, and a quick check of that seven-day forecast showing much better weather on tapp. a little hot tomorrow but a drier heat and 80s into the weekend. stick around, we'll be right back. . >> storm gear and promotional consideration provided by l.l. bean. . press box sports report presented by mr. basement. >> this is kevin height with the "press box sports report." david hernandez was placed on the 15-day disabled list while he sprained his left ankle in last night's win over the los angeles angels. federal investigators have stepped up their investigation against lance armstrong in regards to doping allegations, and former members of his united postal team said the that they participated in systematic doping. kobe yashiny's arrest will be purged from his record. he leopard on the stage during the contest despite not participating due to a contract dispute. the ravens kicking battle continues to be a tight race between shane graham. the fourth most accurate kicker in nfl history. tea didn't do himself any favors missing three field goals including a 32-yarder during this morning's practice. check out the "ravens report" on press bobs it sweeps and it mops. your old broom just can't compare. [ funny voice ] hey, broom! wanna sweep and mop like swiffer sweeper? then try the mop club for brooms! designed to look natural, even when wet. ♪ [ female announcer ] sorry, broom, but swiffer sweeper's electrostatic dry cloths attract and lock more dirt than a broom. and the dirt dissolving wet cloths clean better than a mop, or your money back. ♪ she blinded me with science . all right kelly. one last check. maryland's most powerful radar, all clear, just a shower or two down by oc. look at this through tomorrow. up to 91 or so but it's going to be a trier heat. some sunshine, no storm ray. >> um. >> we like that. >> we deserve it after what we went through today. >> even cooler for the weekend, talking 80s, you like it. >> yeah, i think we deserve it. >> yeah. >> all right. thanks♪1 th 0 that he is it for us. we're watching, 5, 6, 9, and 11, have a great evening, [ mom ] i can't start the first grade with her. ♪ i can't hold her hand on the bus. ♪ or be there to show everyone how great she is. but what i can do is give her everything she needs to be excited for school, while staying in my budget. that's why i go to walmart. she has everything she needs. and then some. [ female announcer ] walmart has low prices on not just a few things, but everything on their back-to-school list. guaranteed. save money. live better. walmart. time for football on verizon fios. the nfl in 100% fiber-optic hd quality. that's a good start. but what's this? i can check my fantasy stats without changing the channel. and get an alert any time my team enters the red zone. and then watch every red zone play on nfl redzone. watch out couch, you've got competition as daddy's favorite.

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Alabama ,United States ,Alexandria ,Al Iskandariyah ,Egypt ,Missouri ,Baltimore County ,Maryland ,Austin Hill ,Florida ,California ,Virginia ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,West Virginia ,George Washington Memorial Parkway ,Ocean City ,Prince George County ,Chesapeake Beach ,Montgomery County ,Hollywood ,Pennsylvania ,Somalia ,Ohio ,Calvert County ,Kobe ,Hyogo ,Japan ,Baltimore ,Anne Arundel County ,Americans ,American ,Matthew Womack ,Richard Hutchinson ,David Hernandez ,Metro Crimestoppers ,Charles Douglas ,Al Qaeda ,John Roberts ,Seth Carson ,Los Angeles ,Jennifer Donnelly ,Shane Graham ,Kelly Swoope ,Christian Shaffer ,Wyatt Everhart ,Lance Armstrong ,Anne Arundel ,

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