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next on abc 2 news works for you: >> the cop, the professor, the president. and that now famous round of beer. could the cash for clunkers program be too popular? why the government is thinking about cutting it. plus, a string of crime affecting some of baltimore's holiest sights. >> now abc 2 news, the latest at 11. >> a crime spree in baltimore county targeting places many consider sacred. good evening, everybody. i'm terry owens. in just the past month, eight area churches have been broken into. who is behind it? delia goncalves is live at county police headquarters with more on the search for the culprits. terry? >> reporter: police are still at this hour looking for the suspects. and they say they have very few leads to go on. in the meantime, clergy members are taking a second look at their security systems. >> it's a shame. >> there is not much more to say when dealing with the burglar, except perhaps this. >> it shows you how smart they are, to be honest as far as burglary goes, because this is not much in a church. that's for sure. >> in fact, police say the culprit or culprits didn't make off with much. the most that was stolen was a couple of hundred dollars. >> they would have done better coming and asking than trying to come into the church. >> reporter: on warren road and cockeysville says the burglar broke through a church office window, ransacked the place, and took off with a safe that only held documents. it's troubling, though, when a criminal targets a place of worship. >> other disheartening thing for us is we do a lot to help out people in the community. when people have issues, they come to us and we're able to help them out. >> reporter: police say eight baltimore county churches were burglarized in towson, cockeysville. sherwood episcopal, cockeysville baptist, st. thomas episcopal, st. stephen, and divinity lutheran. the burglars didn't travel very far, in many cases breaking into churches right across the street from each other. >> it's sort of like the sign of the times. people are more and more don't know or feel the church has a sacred place, as many of us grew up believing. >> reporter: and we can tell you tonight that police have linked the burglaries because in many places, a broken window was the point of entry. police are urging all residents in the area to be on alert. we're live in towson tonight, delia goncalves, abc-to-news. these church break-ins come as a number of homes in the glen arm area are being broken into. last night we told you about one family who had several priceless heirlooms taken from them. if you is any information about any of the burglaries, you're urged to call baltimore county police. that number 410-887-2210. new charges have been filed against a harford county gym teacher already accused of soliciting sex from a student. jonathan dick now facing 18 charges, including sex offenses, sodomy, and perverted sex practices. the charges all stem from a complaint by a 14-year-old boy made back in march. dick is a teacher at fallston middle school. he also coaches hula cross. tonight he remains in jail. new information tonight on the impressive rash of violence in baltimore this past sunday. 21 people shot in the span of just six hours. police say several of those incidents were connected. christian schaffer is just back from a community meeting in southeast baltimore where the police commissioner talked about those incidents. chris? >> reporter: yeah, terry, the commissioner was there so residents could hear about the incidents directly from him. all week police have been saying at least three of the shootings on sunday might have been related to an ongoing drug turf war. the police commission ehrgott a little more specific tonight. the first incident sunday. 12 people shot on ashland avenue in east baltimore, including a woman seven months pregnant and a 2-year-old girl. at a meeting for people who live in southeast baltimore, police commissioner fred bealefeld confirmed that the shooting was a hit, targeting 25-year-old alleged drug kingpin steven blackwell. >> we know that word got out that he was at the party, which triggered this hit, this attempted murder on his life. >> reporter: blackwell was struck in the arm. later there was a shooting on south bond street. two men were killed on comet street. and then police say men in two cars drove down east baltimore street, firing guns at each other. the police commissioner says investigators have identified suspects in all of the cases, except for that initial shooting on ashland. >> we don't have a shooter identified in that case, but in nearly all the others, we do have shooters identified. >> reporter: this week police have flooded the neighborhood with new officers. some residents hope they'll focus on finding illegal guns. >> gun is the key because where are the guns coming from? the kids can't go to the store to buy the guns. where are they coming from? >> we've been working around the clock. >> reporter: police encouraged bystanders to give tips. >> the community has to speak out. this community has to identify individuals in this community that is causing the problems. >> reporter: now earlier this week efforts to investigate what he called steven blackwell's organization will continue, even with all those incidents on sunday, the city has still had nearly 100 fewer shootings this year than it did this time last year. christian schaffer, abc 2 news. baltimore county police have now identified the three people killed in monday morning's crash in white marsh. the driver, lori ann caldwell and her mother, 62-year-old darlene helen cardwell died in a fiery crash when a car they were in turned into the path of a street sweeper. another passenger, 19-year-old katarina morrison also died. her family she was pregnant. all three were from pennsylvania. they were returning home from kentucky where katarina's fiance had just graduated from basic training. changes tonight designed to end illegal street racing on interstate 70. this on the heels of two tragic deaths. workers are putting in barricades to cut the three- lane span into a single lane near the end of the highway at interstate 695. two people died in june when police say a street racer lost control of the car while leading a race. neighbors have been pleading with the police to crack down on the racing for years. >> it's a constant roar. it's drag racing, you hear the wheels peeling out. >> the state highway administration will monitor the lane reduction to see how it affects morning and evening commutes. a sultry evening in baltimore. and as you can see with maryland's most powerful doppler radar, there is some precipitation in the ohio valley. it will bring us rainfall on friday. here is the overnight forecast. increasing clouds, early morning showers moving in. we'll have an overnight low of 70 degrees. tomorrow is going to be a rainy day. but that's going to really improve things for the weekend. we'll explain that, coming up. >> thanks, norm. well, at the same time she is fighting criminal charges, baltimore mayor sheila dixon could also be in for a fight for her political future. with the new indictments handed up yesterday, political experts say the mayor's trial probably won't start before the next election cycle. dixon is accused of accepting gifts from her former boyfriend, city developer ron lipscomb, and not reporting them on financial disclosure forms. she is also accused of stealing gift cards intended for the needy. legal expert says those could be tough charges to face in an election year. >> this could extend her vulnerability into a time period when it becomes really dangerous for her. >> meanwhile, the mayor insists she will remain focused on the business of the city. cordial and productive. that's how sergeant james crowley described the so-called beer summit at the white house. was it the teachable moment the president hoped for? here is abc's viviana hurtado. >> reporter: the president joined the men at the center of an inflamed racial debate for a beer. cambridge police sergeant james crowley arrested henry louis gates, junior for disorderly conduct at his own home. he described the meeting as productive and cordial, and said this was the beginning of talks between the two. >> i think what you had today was two gentlemen agree to disagree on a particular issue. i don't think that we spent too much time dwelling on the past. >> reporter: moving on is also what the president wants. crowley's arrest made headlines for days. but president obama's comment that the police acted stupidly touched off feelings. and the acknowledgment of different views. >> and you lose sight of just the fact that these are people involved, including myself, all of whom are imperfect. >> reporter: no one expects the complicated u.s. history of u.s. race relations to be solved over cold brews. but with the president's involvement, some observers say it could slightly narrow the teachable divide. >> the teachable lesson here is that black folks and white folks still see things differently in america because of their experiences. >> in a statement, professor gates said he and professor crowley need to use in incident to inform the public about the dangers police face and the fears of being racially profilal profiled. viviana hurtado, abc news. >> the administration wants to now focus on passing health care reform. and working out a health care reform bill is exactly what lawmakers are traying to do. but tonight key democrats say nothing will get done if both parties don't get on the same page. senator harry reed said the majority of americans want health care reform, but to get it, democrats need republican support. >> that's our process, and we can't do it without republican support. we understand that even though the republican leadership wants to stiff everybody and do nothing. >> meanwhile, another democratic leader ripped into the health care industry today. house speaker nancy pelosi called insurance industry a developing story tonight. congressional officials saying the government plans to suspend the popular cash for clunkers program. this amid concerns it could quickly use up the one billion dollars in rebates for new car purchases. through wednesday, more than 22,000 vehicles have been repurchased through program, and nearly $96 million have been spent is. stay with us overnight and tomorrow for the latest then development. these tough economic times have been pounding the arts in our area. but tonight the baltimore symphony orchestra may have come up with a way to counteract the downturn. plus, the orioles' lone all star from last year has been sent packing. why what the o's got in return should have fans seeing a bright future. last night i gave you a 2- degree guarantee for today of 89 degrees. our high today officially at bwi was 87. so we did hit that 2-degree guarantee. we've hit it fife days in a row. the reason it's called baltimore's most accurate forecast, and it's coming up right after this. [ closing bell ] >> tomorrow brings the biggest economic report of the week. the first reading on the second quarter gdp. but today stocks shot up to their highest levels of the year. the dow gain almost 84 points. the nasdaq 16 1/2. and the s&p nearly 12. nothing but gains locally. in linthicum heights, foundation coal closed up more than 8%. the stock more than doubled in value since may. marriott international rebounded after dropping off yesterday. the area hotel giant gained nearly 5% on the day. and in baltimore, legg mason continues to make solid advances, closing today up more than 4%. musicians with the baltimore symphony orchestra have agreed to salary cuts tonight. a slump in ticket sales and overall revenue have hit the bso hard. they've already had furloughs and job cuts. the economic downturn is also having a pretty big effect on the web. certain internet sites are attracting more attention than they did before the recession began, mostly due to job seekers. according to com score, american web users are turning to career sites in droves. career builder is attracting the most people. but sites like and snag a have doubled their visitors since june 2008. as for the most searched occupation, com score says in june it was customer service. well, it's been five years since heavy snow caused the roof of the b & o railroad museum to collapse. the southwest baltimore museum itself has been going strong since it was rebuilt. but some of the attractions inside were missing. roosevelt leftwich tells us about the painstaking process to bring some of the old engines back from that disaster. >> reporter: it is state-of-the- art. state-of-the-art 1863. but it was buried under tons of snow and rubble when the roof collapsed during the great president day storm of 2003. it's been out of sight for more than five years. and after methodical rebuilding and restoration, is now just weeks away from rejoining the museum's collection. >> it takes really 19th century skills and talents to be able to put together a steam locomotive from the civil war period, as you might imagine. you can't order parts from a warehouse. >> reporter: it is one of the last damaged engines to be restored. three others are still waiting their turn. and they need everything from wood and iron works to mechanical repair. >> this is the first engine to be restored after the roof collapsed, from the iron work all the way up to the wood had to be replaced by hand. it's very slow and intricate work that has to be done by people who know what they're doing. to fix old trains, you need old tools. at 107 years old, this belt machine is what you need to make wooden parts that haven't been made for more than a 100 years. they had to repair the laths before they could use them to make new part. but in many cases they winged it. >> a lot of it is just figuring out how to do it on a case by case basis. you have to keep trying things. you have to -- you know, you have to do research on it. >> take that from me. >> you have to get into the mind of the people that actually built it, and understand why they did what they did. >> depending on the damage, each restoration could take a year or more. and the projects are expensive to do with hand made pars for one-of-a-kind items that the likes will never be seen again. in baltimore, roosevelt leftwich, abc 2 news. >> if you would lick more information about the museum and the engine restoration effort, you can head to our website,, and click on links. now the forecast certified baltimore's most accurate. here is chief meteorologist norm lewis, and maryland's most powerful doppler radar. >> all right. >> i'm still trying to get my head around rebuilding a locomotive that is 100 years old. you don't go down to ace hardware. >> they're talking about hand- making. >> i know. but how do you hand make something that weighs three tons? anyhow, we've got weather on the way. it's going to provide us a little shower activity. if you have any plans early in the day, it's going to be sporadic light shower activity. but as we go through the day, could get on the heavy side by tomorrow afternoon. outside right now, your shot overlooking the downtown area. from our live camera shot high atop the candler building, right across the street from the national aquarium. our temperature at bwi thurgood marshall 78 degrees. 74% humidity. it is thick out there. wind currently from the south at 3. pressure falling 29.92. a flash flood watch is in effect for cecil county as well as southern pennsylvania, northern delaware as well as new jersey until four income the morning. from the rain we had yesterday, extremely heavy rainfall up here. all the streams and rivers running down hill. they just want the keep an eye on things in cecil county until 4:00. here interest tides at fort mchenry. our winds tomorrow from the southwest at 8 to 14 miles per hour. but they will be gusting in and around thunderstorm activity. sun comes up at 6 minutes after 6. and we'll set at 8:13. we had a low this morning of 68 degrees. a high of 87, which did hit our 2-degree guarantee again. five days in a row now. as far as our temperatures across the area now, it's still 80 in hagerstown. 77 in york. 78 in downtown baltimore. easton 77. 77 over in dover and delaware. and 82 degrees on the boardwalk down in ocean city. as far as our satellite picture, this looks a whole lot worse than what it was during the day today. we had some morning clouds and afternoon sunshine. and the clouds that you see around right there, they were very thin. right now we're seeing shower activity passing to the east of richmond. as we go back to the west, some shower and even thunderstorm activity back in west virginia. the mountainous areas of virginia back in ohio and sections of kentucky. that's all part of a larger system that is being fed moisture from the gulf of mexico that moisture flowing northward is what is contributing to all the shower, clouds, and thunderstorm activity. but look what is behind it. look at that right there. that's the sunshine that we're going to be seeing for the weekend. so the majority of the heavy rainfall will pass to the northwest of us. but we're still going to see some scattered showers on and off throughout the day on friday. so basically, it's going to look kind of like it was on wednesday. right now nothing showing up on maryland's most powerful radar. a nice clear scan across the region. temperature-wise live data only available here on abc 2. eldersburg right now at 77. 76 in moncton. manchester, i guess they're having a party, 84 degrees. 76 up in fallston. chestertown 80 degrees. and down at the naval academy in annapolis, right now 80 degrees. here is the forecast. there is the scattered shower activity that we saw in virginia. here is the heavier rainfall back in the ohio valley. overnight and during the early morning hours. that all moves in our direction during the day on friday. scattered showers and thunderstorms, again occurring into very early saturday morning. during the day on saturday, it's going to be a pretty nice day with sunshine, partly cloudy skies, which will last into sunday. here is your forecast. for tonight, increasing clouds with very early morning light scattered showers moving in. 70 degrees for the overnight low. during the day tomorrow, it's not going to be a total washout. but look for a mostly cloudy day with scattered showers and some storms could be on the heavy side. high tomorrow cooler than today. 85 degrees. but it's still going to be humid. the extended outlook, things clear up for saturday and sunday. now sunday night into monday morning, right in here, we could see a scattered shower. but monday is going to be a nice day. tuesday is going to be a nice day. and then on wednesday some scattered showers and 85 degrees. hope you all have a nice friday. let's throw it over to rob. >> i'm rob carlin coming up. michael oher spent most of his childhood living on the streets. now he'll be living on easy street. we'll hear from the ravens' first round pick. plus, an update on brad bergeson's condition after taking a wicked line drive right on the leg. that's coming up next in sports. yeah, no it's great. i eat anything that i want. key lime pie, pineapple upside down cake, raspberry cheesecake... ... yeah, every night is something different. oh, yeah yeah... ... she always keeps them in the house. no, no, no. i've actually lost weight... i just have a high metabolism or something... ...lucky. babe... umm, i gotta go. 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(announcer) it's a whole new internet. only verizon's 100% fiber optic network makes uploading as easy as downloading. because your internet's not fast unless it's two-way fast. 13 games under 500, and 18 games out of first. the orioles have officially written this season off. george sherrill was traded today to the dodgers. sherrill saved 51 games since coming over in the erik bedard deal before last year started, will now get to see how good jim johnson does as a closer. the o's get third baseman josh bell, a 22-year-old who is l.a.'s 8th rated prospect. that's him right there. he is 6'3", 220, known as average in the field but above average power. 11 home runs this year at aa chattanooga. he was the mvp of the southern all star league game. johnson was also in the deal. the trade took place minutes after the o's and royals finished their four-game series today. the o's managed to split, but it could come at quite a cost. ty wigginton off luke, a solo shot to left for wigginton, his 7th of the season. made it 1-0 birds. brad bergensen was fantastic as always. top 5 gets ryan friel. bergensen 7 innings, 1 run, 6k's. 2 out, bases loaded, aubrey huff who has been in a horrific slump doubles to the gap. felix, adam jones, nick markakis, they all score. the o's would lead 7-0. top 7, scary moment. mitch lines it off bergensen's leg. matt wieters gets the final out at first. check out bergensen. gets up in pain, high-fives his catcher, but limps off. the o's win 7-3. the x-rays were negative, but he was positive it hurt. >> i got down into the dugout, and i fell down. i thought it was broke. i mean, the pain was bad. i wanted to throw up. >> he has gotten himself on the map, you know. and in the american league. he has gotten himself recognized in our division. he has been our best pitcher. everybody knows that. he has been our best pitcher. >> best pitcher. the o's will wait a few days and hope they get good news. the ravens did get good news late last night when first round pick michael oher signed. he was in westminster this afternoon announcing a five- year, $13.8 million contract, almost 8 million guaranteed. oher's agent got the deal done. but right tackle made sure it happened. >> i'm the type of gal i don't want to let my teammates down. i want to be there with them and go through everything they're going through. and i would just tell them hurry it up, and huff up. >> we traded him to get him for a reason. and nothing we have seen since that day through the minicamps and the otas and the first day of practice that have change hurried mind. we even feel better about it. >> good to see him in camp. and former terp darius ray signed with the raiders today, five-year, $38.25 million deal. over $23 million guaranteed. the mcdonough alum, the 7th pick overall was on the field for the raiders at practice today. that was $23 million guaranteed. >> and all his friends down in college park will be looking for him to come back and say hello. >> and buy drinks! >> all right. stay with us. we'll be right back. america, whattaya say to big cheesy-steaky-ness! - subway. eat fresh! - eat fresh! when you wanna kick it up with zesty chipotle sauce. - eat fresh! - eat fresh! the flavor-fullest sub only subway can offer. - eat fresh! - eat fresh! try the new subway big chipotle cheesesteak. an updated all-time favorite: juicy steak layered with zesty chipotle sauce... and melted cheese, piled high with only... the toppings you love. subway. eat fresh! some showers during the day tomorrow. some of the afternoon thunderstorms could be on the heavy side. but setting us up for a nice weekend. humid, but nice. enjoy it. >> that's going to do it for us tonight. thank you so much for watching. remember, you can physical all the stories we're covering with abc news on twitter, and any time online good night, everybody. >> thanks for choosing abc 2 news at 11. tomorrow wake up for more news with "good morning maryland," or go now to abc 2 work fossor you. -- works for you. >> friday at 11, click that coupon, and you could be caught. >> one nightmare of an experience. >> abc 2 works for you. we'll show you the difference between real savings, and a scam that could cost you big. friday on your set, net, and cell. it's july 14th and i'm donna with a look at the past 24 hours on royal caribbean's liberty of the seas. chris and his dad vic took in the sights, at 400 feet above sea level. olive mae lewis checked one off her bucket list. water bike gangs roamed the high seas. and finally, carissa marasco did nothing at all. that's the news. i'm donna, cruising with royal caribbean, why aren't you?

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