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interesting. he is actually starting at the very back of the race and the reason why he will explain in just a bit. but along with that, also cool kids with the cool kids campaign. wind for change here in the studio. there are guests. wave you guys. give us a wave. there they are. there are the real stars of the show. we will chat with them and see what this is about and see how they rayed the money in the first place and how justin got their help. it's thursday which means dr. fioramonti is here and will get all sorts of phone calls from you asking about your dog or cat. so he will get the questions answered here live on the air. stick tight we will give outnumber and you can get your questions answered. but first today's hot topic. this morning, it's around eating disorders. it's been affecting millions of women but yo p pl at is jumping in basically pulled one of the commercials because they received pressure. the company says initially they he didn't see anything wrong with the ad. in the comrgs you see a woman staring at a piece of cheese cake in the refrigerator and bargins with herself. she is saying she could possibly eat a very thin slice because she was good today. then a coworker swoops in and you see her grabs the raspberry cheese cake flavored yogurt and the first woman compliments her on losing weight. it came under fire by owed vow case groups and -- by advocacy groups and we asked you about this. should yoplait pull the commercial? does it provide an insight into the minds of women dieting and we have a hand full of comments. we will start with carol. she says before this never thought of it to promote eating disorders. silly. so we love to know what you think. if you want to share your two cents, head to the wmar facebook fan page and leave a comment and we will share the comments throughout the morning's show. all right. in other news, tonight, people living in cecil and harford counties will have a chance to voice their opinion about the proposed toll hikes at the hatem bridge that careies route 40 over the susquehanna river. under -- carries route 40 under the susquehanna river. under the proposal the dekale sis -- decal system goes away. this is last night outside kenthigh school on eastern shore. kent island high school. a lot of people protesting outside of the school and it was packed-side. tonight's meeting this one is at perryville high school. you can sign up to comment at the meeting if you would hike. sign up at 5:30 and the meeting starts at six. this afternoon a viewing will be held for christopher cummings, the nephew of maryland congressman elijah cummings. he died at the hand of a gun man on friday at his apartment. today is the viewing in baltimore from 4 to 8 p.m. the viewing will be saturday at victory prayer chapel at 11. two teens hit and killed while crossing a baltimore street were remembered by dozens of friends and family last night. a hit and run driver hit emerald smith and court mi angeles at pratt street and mlk boulevard. look at the people who showed up. mourners lit candles and cried for the sudden death too much to bear. >> i never. [audio not understandable] >> this is all because of a car accident. . >> the driver of that car that hit the two girls was pulled over shortly after the crash. police have interviewed the couple in the car but so far no charges have been filed. they are reviewing red light camera footage talking to the city state's attorney's office before moving ahead on charges. we will keep you posted. new this morning a.43-year- old man passed away after swelling in a great chess -- swimming in a great chesapeake bay swim e was pulled no a boat during the race. he later died at queen anne's center. they believe he may have suffered a heart attack. rice was training for the race all year long and had finished it two years ago and leaves behind a wife and two children. there has been only one other fatality with the race in the 20-year history of it. plans to shut down a military base in new jersey and move the jobs and families to maryland is coming down here and coming to a wire. the army health clinic closes a week from tomorrow. post chapel will host the find service on june 28th. it's part of the 2005 base realignment and closure order and the fort closes on september 15th bringing thousands of jobs to our area to the aberdeen proving ground in harford county. imagine this. you build your dream home only to have it start rotting behind the walls month later after it is built. that's what happened to thousands of people here in the united states after their homes were made of bad drywall that came from china. abc2 news joce sterman has been following the story and brings us more. >> reporter: barns supply company based in florida is at the center of this decision. the company has agreed to payabout $55 million to victims whose homes have the bad drywall which came from china. home owners say it made the houses stink like sulfur and rotted and turned everythingblack. about 2,000 people are involved in the setment, the majority from florida but they are not the only ones complaining about the problem. the consumer product safety commission has been track drywall complaints as of june 2nd, more than 3800 calls have come in related to the problem. 2100 from florida, more than 700 from louisiana 245 from mississippi. where does maryland stand? so far only 9 people here have filed complaints with the cpsc. >> all right. now the prosecutor says no victims were from maryland but he didn't rule out some of the bad drywall did make it into our states. tuesday's 55 million dollar settlement will be split among all the impacted homeowners. we will keep you posted on how that goes. stay with us, some children they grow up with a home look for a foster parent. 72 children found this couple. the story of compassion, dedication from a couple who never seems to say no. and what does a 10-mile race and school kids have in common? the goal some kids are working towards. we will explain in a bit. and tutoring during the summer. it's the last thing kids want to think about for sure. but it could be a huge benefitto your kids if they receive it and it is done well. how to keep their minds sharp during the summer months but before the break let's check your forecast with justin. >> 9:07. this is the instrument that has been my partner for the last six months in an event we will talk about in a fund raising effort we will talk about this morning. but all sights on this baltimore 10-miler. the mastermind of this operation is here running it the 4th year and i am my third year wind for chain an effort with the school kids measuring wind speed and finale with my participation in that race. what is thew going to be? we will try to work that out during the course of the hour. right now, maryland's most powerful doppler radar looks like a boost in enhancement of activity of the south side near hopkins and rolling down through glen burnie brooklyn park and back towards cape st. clair we have representatives of our largest school turnout in wind for change and we have got back towards reisterstown franklin middle and also the representative from west middle school in westminster i know aid big rivalry between east and west. all the places getting rain this morning. it pushes through and we start ramping up humidity and we will plan for more showers and storms and look ahead towards the weekend forecast. stick around, we have a action packed program and we will be right back in a moment. [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable, and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year. want to save even more? call now and we'll add over 60 premium channels, including showtime, starz, epix, and more for 12 months. fios is a 100% fiber optic network. it delivers superior picture quality, the best channel lineup, more hd, plus america's fastest, most consistent and reliable internet. and there's no annual contract required. why keep paying for cable? move up to the best. get fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year, plus over 60 premium channels for 12 months. don't wait. call 1.877.729.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.877.729.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. or for other great fios offers, visit us online. get the network that delivers more. get fios. a network ahead. are's watching the station -- you're watching the station that works for you "good morning maryland" at nine. a couple in pennsylvania has a message to share. they have raised 71 foster children. and they say they are ready for another. will lewis find out why. >> reporter: thomas and ann rose may be enjoying the sunshine, but they really want to provide a home for another foster child. >> we have children. we had grandchildren and they were getting earlier and we didn't have babies so we thought this. >> reporter: rose family cared for 71 children over the last 15 years. they say the toughest part is knowing at some point that the child is going to leave. >> part of your responsibility is to take care of them while you have them and giving them up part while it's hard, it's something you have to do. >> reporter: the salvation army foster care and adoption program is looking for more families like the roses. >> in the state of pennsylvania there's over 27,000 children in foster care and so, every day there's a need for foster families. >> reporter: recruiters say some requirements include being 21 years of age or older, and a family must have room in their home for a child. >> we look for people who really want to serve and help kids because foster parenting is a sacrifice. you are taking a child into your home that's not your own. >> reporter: the roses say it's never too late to be be foster parents. thomas in his 70s rose in her 80s. they say this has been one of the most rewarding experiences. >> it's the best time of your life because they need to have a safe home, and they need a home with structure and they need to have a home with boundaries, and they need a home with love. >> amazing story. what great couple. listen. we want to go back to your two cents on the wmar facebook fan page. there's a story posted and you can watch a commercial about yoplait and they pulled the ad off the air because they came under criticism it was promoting eating disorders. watch it and read the story and let us know what you think. should yoplait pull the commercial do you think it promotes eating disorders or provides insight into the mind of dieting women. hit us up on the fan page and let us know what you think. share your two cents on the hot topic. keep the comments coming and we will share them throughout the show. all right. school is out for summer for most kids. but the learning never stops. we hear that all the time. today, we are talking about summer school and summer tutoring. your kids are not going to love this idea. it's probably a tough sell. but ben is the head of the jemicy school and is here to tell you how to do it and how it can benefit your child and keep them motivated always good to see you. >> hard to believe summer is here. >> and you are in a ?iewt our work -- heads of schools work never stops. we are always preparing for students. it's true. students move away from summer school and it can be a valuable experience. for many reasons. summer school number one is much more relaxed than regular school. but more importantly if your child has a particular area of need like they struggled in math or reading, summer is an ideal time to focus on that one subject without the pressure of all the other things that go along in school. so, in that sense, that could be a benefit to the student. and the other big one is i am a proponent of summer learning laws. teachers spent first 6 weeks of the first months of -- six weeks reviewing stuff that the student knew last year. and three months is a long time not to be in school or engage in academic activity. >> you mention if your child is struggling, what if your child is exsigned about something -- excited about something is that a good time to nurture. >> yes a lot of times in the arts and drama. if your child is gifted or likes the area or has an interesting it's the gram time to engage them in that. >> how do you get them motivated because it would sound great to a parent but to a kid they might think are you kidding me? >> you think so but kids are bored after a while. other than playing with the game boys and other computer tvs, games on tv, it's important that you first approach it in positive sense. what you can say to them let's take a high school student. you are going to be a senior. if you have get american history out of the way this summer, that frees up your schedule to hold a job or you can get out earlier. there's benefit from doing it. a lot of times if you anticipate a hard academic class in high school the following year, chemistry was one. i took it over the summer and focused on it and got it out of the way and it was in the a problem to carry for ten months. the benefits you can talk to your child about. if it is something they are interested in, it's easy. but if you want to remediate. children want to do well and if you talk with them, you will balance it with great activities and go to hershey park or to the beach or here, but you know, for this next three weeks i want you to work on math and we will work on math and strengthen that. i can't tell you what the difference it makes for the child in september. when they are right on task the way they feel about school is going to change. >> before whoa go, a lot of parents and kids might not know this, but summer school can be a competely different environment than school the rest of the year. >> absolutely. it's much more laid back. you're only focusing on one area at a time of the it's. >> the full day program i mean as many of them are half day programs. some are an hour a two a day programs. it's not like going to school and more importantly summer school classes tend to be smaller. so teachers get to know you more and much more comfortable and usually a much more casual interaction. >> all right. ben, head of the jemicy school. >> great to be here. >> take a vacation. >> i am but to all of you have a great summer and i hope to see you in the fall. >> always good to see you. thanks for coming in. >> thanks you bet, bye. >> don't go anywhere yet. i want to bug you. stay with us this morning. if you need a reproduction of a rodeo bull maybe a neon porschee sign wondering what i am talking about? this's place to get such things from the unique to the unusual. a place that's proving that art is subjective and we will take you there just ahead. now "good morning maryland" at nine. thanks so much for joining thus morning. you heard the saying before, one man's junk is another's man tresh your. that's the case for -- treasure. that's the case for a man in wisconsin. his mix of merchandise helps him make it through the recession. tom foreman has the story. >> reporter: on an old farm outside osh kosh. >> we have a lot of unusual items. >> reporter: a wonderland is growing. >> i just call it a collection of art. >> reporter: an open air emporium of nostalgia and whimsy and whatever else catches his interest. he rescued the items from old restaurants theme parks and movie sets for 30 years. now they are rescuing him. >> well, those items are actually helping us make it through the tough times. >> reporter: the main business is building materials but as construction has stumbled, he found himself relying more on the foot traffic and trade brought by, well, this. >> this is a reproduction of a rodeo type bull. this is eagle fabricated out of all steel. that is facial popular piece. some people think it's unusual. i don't. >> my daughter wanted us to stop here and i am glad we stopped. >> reporter: many people come just to look, but plenty end up buying. >> do you know how much it is? >> the neon porschee sign is 650. >> reporter: a lot -- >> a lot of individuals will buy it for home use and yard art and interior art, other businesses use it for interior and exterior artwork to get attention, the same as we do. >> reporter: it's not an economic cure all but makes up for some of the weakness in his other trade. >> well i. don't know how much of an advantage i have. i do know some of my competitors are gone and we are still here. so it must be helping some. >> reporter: in the building business these days, hanging on can be enough. tom foreman cnn. >> looks like there's something there for everybody. stay with us this morning, dogs that may be man's best friend but one woman says her best pal is her cat because rusty the cat she says saved her life. well tell you how that happened? running for a cause this weekend is the baltimore 10 miler and the race will be a good time. but it will make a difference. we will explain how right? >> some of the people were talking for other causes. these are the winners of wind for change. you will meet them later on. top wind speed and top fund raisers. and really appreciate can you see the shirt? i hope a lot of you see this shirt. it's a reason why what's on the shirt why it's so important this weekend and how they helped out with the final push of this wind for change. let's go outside wind blowing in rain and we have ourselves a little bit of moderate rain across the northern portion of the chesapeake and clouding over from looks like esection and dundalk heading up towards aberdeen and 83 north of hunt valley. we will talk about the storms and the race day weather and corrigan sports is coming up next. now "good morning maryland" at nine. thanks for joining thus morning. a pennsylvania cat is getting a lot of extra attention and probably extra cudels after saving his owner's life. kimberly david reports rusty sensed the woman was having a heart attack and made her get help. if you are wondering how it was possible look at this story. >> reporter: cats may have nine lives but humans only have one. and clare nelson is crediting her cat for saving her life. on june 8th her chest pains were make her weak and she says somehow rusty knew something was wrong. >> rusty kept pawing me around -- did following me around no matter where i was standing and jumping on me with the front paws letting out the meows. >> reporter: clare says rusty has relaxed and laid back personality and the way her 22 pound cat was acting that morning was not normal. >> finally i said darned maybe the cat knows something i don't. >> reporter: that prompted her to take the bus to visit her doctor but she says as time passed her condition got worse. at the bus terminal she called 911 and was rushed to stay joseph's medical center. the ekg results made them rush her to the er swheessments having a hart attack. they opened up a blocked coreer in ay artery. clare was hospitalized for three days. >> after the whole thing was over, i found my right coronary artery was completely eclued and they put two extents in. >> reporter: she says a friend took care of rusty while she was monitored by doctors.clar adopted rusty two years ago from the humane society and says she never thought she would have such a strong connection with a an animal before. >> i thought i was rescuing him. i didn't know that he would be rescuing me in the long run. we want to go back to your two cents on today's hot topic a story posted on the facebook fan page about a yoplait commercial and they pulled the ad because of criticism it was promoting eating disorders. whoa asked do you think it is promoting eating disorders or provides insight into the mind of dieting women. here's what some you have said. that's sele there's a healthier option to desserts high in sugar and fat. let us know what you think. just tell us and head to the wmar facebook fan page and read the story there watch the ad and leave the comments and we will share them throughout the morning's show. justin. all right. 9:29. joining us a couple very special guests. a big event i am thrilled to be part of is my third year but it takes on a higher purpose. lee corrigan the mastermind behind co-rry. gan sports some race in the fall. >> underarmour baltimore running festival. >> something like that. that has grown over a decade. from what we are about to have this weekend could be getting bigger. we will talk about that in a moment. also, sharon from the cool kids campaign she is here to make me look tall is what she is doing. >> that's what they said. >> we have been involved in something called wind for change a fund raising effort that finishes up this weekend with the baltimore so miler. -- 10 miler. this is a race that's grown over the last four years and you think it's going to get big another absolutely. the event we started four years ago, and we sold it out every year. this year we will have over 5,000 runners sold it out and the plan is to go for 10,000 people and take it over to the mansion house front lawn and make it one of the best parties baltimore has seen. >>. >> you think it could be one of the top races. >> that's the hot distance. washington, d.c. has the army 10 mile and 25,000 down there for that and sell that out every year. >> some of us guys are getting old and don't want to admit it. you will see some of the gray here. you really don't want to push a marathon if you don't have it in your legs because you get more injuries. 10 miles is perfect. >> yes. and people are taking us up on it and the prove is in the growth. >> and stuff you are giving people. >> we have the great gear of course. our friend from fil amount hooked us up with the awesome vests, which we are known for great premium items with the under armour we knock it out of the park and for this event we have the great field items. >> giving monday way away for good causes. i will run from last place easy to - - he will give one dollar for every person i past capped or up to. >> we will go all the way with you, brother. >> it goes to the cool kids campaign. this is basically an effort that's building a learning center this summer for kids going through cancer treatment. when i was 14, i was diagnosed with cancer in my leg. turn out to be a staph infection but almost lost my left leg and went onto run and put it past me and i am doing hong distance races and i have the opportunity hopefully to threat the kid know -- kids know i guess, there retcally that they could -- theoretically they could come from behind and beat the odds and win. i am excited. kids are coming up that have been part of the effort of my school advice antes we raised -- visits and we have raised. >> $16,000 so far and 17,000 by saturday and with corrigan's are a going to surpass 20,000 and that's your goal. >> we are aiming for 20,000. contest called wind for change. we got some video here. this is of the press conference yesterday. because i know you are giving away money to other causes who's speaking. >> martin in charge of the signal 13 foundation, which is a group which benefits the good, good people from the baltimore police department. and helps those officers in need. that's commissioner bealefeld. >> who gave me advice how to not not finish the race. do we have the other video. i wanted to show you how we participated in wind for change and testing -- how lee par tis payed in wind for change and testing the am momter. >> we started 31 and you were a little upset but as we gave you advice. >> that's a running start. >> starting position. >> here we go. come on man. stop talking and go. >> he is setting it. >> resetting it. come on i want everyone to see this. >> i round it up to 45 for you. >> one is hurricane so it fit. >> i appreciate it. that is shirt i hope everybody gets to see by-passing you, one dollar from corrigan sports and we will go to the cool kids campaign i am nervous about this but excited. we will have the weather forecast and i am look for a huge event this weekend. good. >> thanks for coming. >> we have the kid coming up in bit. megan. i doesn't know. i think you will pass a lot of people. you have the coach you are working with. a secret weapon. all right. stay with us this morning. it might be hard to find woman of your dreams. you heard that before. but is this a solution? coming up one man says it is love. what she says we will never know because she is a man quinn. -- man can man can how do you celebrate 100 years? we will be right back. now "good morning maryland" at nine. this day in history ibm once the biggest name in the computer business turned 100 today. it may no longer be the top computer industry maker but the capitallation of 197 billion dollars, it's still a major player. it was ibm after all that created a personal computer and bar code and magnetic strip on the back of the credit card and chips to contribute to a to tm machines. all right. also today, time to say happy birthday to all of you celebrating on the 16th of june. like the twins that are celebrating the 16th birthday today. look at the smiles. handsome guys. happy birthday and hope you have a wonderful 16th birthday. our picture the day -- of the day. happy fourth anniversary to andy and ashly. this photo was taken in december of 2009 on the trip to disney world. they look help yea -- happy. if you have a interesting photo, we would be happy to show it off. we will make it the picture of the day. send it to morning show at and give us the important facts behind the picture and whoever is in it so we can pass it along to everything else. time for a featured event when we tell you what's happening in the community and you tell us and whoa pass it along to -- and we pass it along. i got a e-mail about the junior wildlife researchers event going on june 17th this weekend from 6 until 7:30 in the evening. it's at anita light he is wary center for kid ages 9 to 15. pretty affordable of the cost 3 bucks to go. there's the number 410-612-1688 or you can go to otter point and this is about learning about animal behavior and make field observations. dr. fioramonti is in the studio. you can design and conduct your humane live animal experiment. aid great opportunity to learn about -- it's a great opportunity to learn about animals and research them. there's the information if you want to call the number or go to the address. remember, if there's something happening in your community and you want us to mention it, we will be happy to. my e-mal address is on the screen and charley's is there or morning show at -- and just let us know what's happening so we can pass it along. we heard it before, love is blind, but this relationship may have you scratching your head. a man marries a man quinn and -- man ken and swears it's true love. >> dr. fioramonti is here with a great dog up for adoption and he brings in a cute dog or cat and we will introduce you to lady and he will give us good pet advice in a moment. 9:40, we are looking at the weather and the sights my focus are on the race this weekend. we have the kid from some of the schools wind for change coming and by the way, if you like this water bottle, one of these can be in your hands this weekend if you show up at the mayor desand zoo for the -- maryland zoo for the baltimore 10 miler and sign up for the marathon or the running festival in the fall, you will get one of these cool water jugs right? while supplies last. by the way, the rain is not lasting too long and the warm afternoon near 806789 showers and storms later on. more coming up in a moment. you're watching the station that works for you "good morning maryland" at nine. it's thursday morning. which means dr. fioramonti always brings a great pet in that's up for adoption and gives us good advice. this is one hyperdog. >> yeah. >> you have to get her to calm down. >> we are having a hard timekeeping her on table. >> this is lady. >> this is lucky. >> lucky. >> luxury -- lucky. a mixed boston terrier and looking for a home. family that had her couldn't keep ear and sent her over to the spc amount for adoption. she is nice and relaxed and low- key and friendly and come up to everybody in the studio. and she said hi to them. and she -- i think she will make a good pet. >> she is sweet. she would be a great -- she is probably trained. >> yes. as far as we know she is welltrained. >> people like the eye deaf puppy but that's what's great about a dog. they have training in and you know look at her she is cute. >> cute. >> all right. so, we have some questions that people have all this time of year and one is a lot of people want to go on vacation. they never know what to do. do they get a dog lock or what. >> there's lots of options you can have a dog walker or a sitter. you can take your pet to a kennel. we are getting questions in our hospital because we have a large boarding kennel about what to do about bringing your pet in for the kennel. if you are going to go ahead and kennel the pet, make sure to have your vaccination current and if you are going out of town it's good to have a nice medical summary going up so that if the pet sitter is this or if the dog or cats are over at the kennel they have a medical history of medical needs that are important but make sure your pet is vaccinated and make sure your pet is well adapted. if you are going to leave it at home, make sure you are going to have competent people to watch it at home. you want to make sure that the people are mature enough not to let the pet get loose a lot of times we have situations where you know a dog sit her or neighbor comes in and checks on the pet and leaves the door or the gate open and the pet gets loose. >> is there anyway to prepare your dog for either kennel or you know if the dog walker or? >> i think that's important to do. if you've house walker, you can have them -- or dog walker come in you can have them come in and visit with the pet. if you are kenneling the pet make sure they are used to relaxing in it and they know they can relax without being up on the bed and without being up on the sofa. most pets adjust nicely to a kennel. most kennel staff are well trained to play with the pets and give them extra attention if they look nervous. if you are boarding a pet with special need, sit down with the boarding kennel you are going to be using to make sure they accommodate the special needs. if you have a pet that's diabetic they need insulin or a pet with kidney or heart disease have staff that are capable of paying attention to that. it's also a good idea to meet your kennel to talk to staff that are going to be take care of your pet so they are well aware of anything that might be necessary. >> all right. tell everybody where you are? >> we are at towson veterinary hospital at york road. right between the roundabout and beltway. >> okay. don't forget about lucky. she is up for adoption and they have all sorts of great dogs and cats and speaking of cats that is great time to adopt because they have the baltimore 500 where it's free to adopt a cat for the rest of the month. >> so far we are trying to get 500 cats adopted and we are halfway to the goal at about 265 cats so far. we have got another 15 days to go. and hopefully we will get all 500 adopted. >> thanks for coming in. >> you are welcome. >> thanks for bringing lucky she is very cute. so, we have been telling you about this story all morning. he says his wife is an absolute doll and notes kidding because she is a mannequin. the odd couple has been spotted strolling the streets of upstate new york. she is an wheelchair and he is pushing her along and as abc's jeanne moos explains, they are attracting a lot of attention. take a look. >> reporter: it's such an incredibly odd sight that motorists do double takes. >> that can't be real. what is that? >> reporter: and turn around for another look. before posting it on youtube someone created a fan page for him. and ned just did an interview with a couple djs out at 97x in davenport iowa. >> you are married to mannequin. >> to me she is not a mannequin. >> reporter: this syracuse, new york resident is a phenomenon pushing his wife 70 some miles from syracuse to watertown. back to where they first met and where watertown daily times reporter found it. >> he said hi my name is ned and this is my wife and he believed it he believed it this is his wife. >> reporter: now folks are noting sightings on his facebook page and posting photos posing with ned and keegan. people think it's an ad but it doesn't seem like one. >> does she talk to you? >> yeah i hear her very clear. we love each other and we are out just living our life. >> reporter: ned tells folks he met his future wife at the jefferson county children's home a home for orphans and when he first met her, she was just a head. >> the head told him to build hear body and that's what he did. >> reporter: we don't know why he chose this caricature of a black woman, his situation is right out of the film lars and real girl. >> you know she is a missionary. >> you are. >> he appears to have a dilution. >> fantastic. when will it be over. >> when he doesn't need it. >> reporter: ned says he need keegan for 25 years. we can't diagnose ned's mental status but he does say he is on government disability. >> you have kid? >> she is not flexible and can't have children. >> sound like she is not real? >> well she is real, but there are ladies that are flesh dead and can't have children. >> reporter: some may mock with music ♪ pretty woman walking down the street. >> reporter: some may snicker watching ned feed her a snickers bar. but others are touched they think he is no dummy. >> he seems happy. >> reporter: and at least he has the grace. >> good luck to you and have a safe journey. >> i hope so. >> reporter: to wipe a snicker off the lips of his significant other. jeanne moos, cnn new york. >> all right. well, we have been talking about it all morning long. justin, running for wind for change. so up next, we will introduce you to the kid who have helped to make it possible and he's been helping him raise money for the cause and how it's possible. we will explain that ahead. and, before we head to break, you are look live at downtown baltimore the inner harbor. clouds hanging over the city but justin is a busy guy because not only will he talk about wind for change but us going to give you a final look at forecast when we come back. >> announcer: this is an abc news special report. >> we have breaking news, let's pause for just a moment so the rest of the country can join us. and good morning for those of you just joining us. abc news confirmed anthony weaner is stepping down in the -- weaner is stepping down in the wake of a sexing-- sexting scandal. drum beat of high rank democratic colleagues calling for his resignation had grown stronger with even president obama publically stateing that if he were weiner he would resign. weiner's decision comes as reports that had he remained whoa have been stripped of his committee assignments. let's turn to john carl on capitol hill and joins us by phone with the very latest. john. >> reporter: josh what i can tell you is weiner is calling some of the closest friend and a few of his colleagues saying yes, he is going to resign. pressure has been intense. leader -- leadership of the democratic party from the president down told him he should resign or until the president's word he would resign. he is telling colleagues he is not going to be returning to congress. >> his decision is after his wife huma's ed byin returned amid reports they had had long discussions about it but it seems that the saber rattleing of nancy pelosi and her threats may have been the final domino to fall. >> reporter: no doubt. now, even as pelosi called for the resignation, the one thing i am told weiner had told her and told other top democrats is there was no way he was going to resign before his wife returned from that trip and she had -- and he had a chance to talk to her about this in person. so that was certainly something he was waiting for but it was not only committee but nancy pelosi's folks were whispering make it clear and known that they would actually potentially go further and throw him out of the democratic caucus in the house. really the nuclear option. it was made clear if he wanted to come back he would be a a rya. >> and we should mention with this decision to resign the investigation into his actions is expected to end since the committee has jurisdictions over action of members of congress. we are going to thank you john carl joining us by phone from capitol hill and now we will return you to your regular programming in some parts of the country that's "good morning america" and there will be a complete wrap-up on world news with diane sawyer and, of course, you can get the very latest any time at abc i am josh elliot in new york. have a good day. rning america" and there will be a complete wrap-up tonight on "world news with diane sawyer" and, of course, you can get the all right we have sometime to talk about weather and then we will talk to the winners from the wind for change contest. the all-important factor at least from this perspective is forgive me for being a little selfish at this stage but after six months of building this up, and the grand finale on saturday a. big event you heard lee corrigan talk about the runners. baltimore 10 miler is after storms roll through the night before. and we could have a brief drop in humidity. temperatures wean 65 and 70 -- between 65 and 07 at race time. better -- 70 at race time better than the heat last year. and temperatures heading up through the week. father's day 89 to 92 and 90s for next week i believe we are short on time, i quickly wanted to show you who we have. some of the winners. we have got jack and logan from cape star claire off on that -- cape st. clair. and cameron did 53 at west middle school by the way your school collectively raised $4,000 for the cool kids campaign. thanks so much. we are over here with jared. you personal one of the -- personally one of the top fund raisers raised. >> 340. >> 340. how did you do that in. >> going to a good cause for children of cancer and it was the right thing to do. >> did you get your neighbors and family and how did you mill this can so other kids could follow in your footsteps. >> talked to my family and asked friends. i talked to a lot of my family and asked friends to donate and they said yes because they thought it was a good cause. >> do you remember how much -- how fast your wind speed was. >> only 16 miles per hour. i was not good at that. >> cameron a couple high wind speed and i know we are running tight on the microphone so forgive me for sneaking in over here. cameron you celebrated a birthday last week how old are you? >> 12. >> 12 years old? your mom found me on facebook and guaranteed you would have the fastest wind speed. we had 80 kids at her school at west middle and westminster and you hit what was the first wind speed? >> 49. >> 49 so we had tropical storm force winds and second push all the encouragement and we cirrusly had over 1 hundred classmates and they were cheering you on and by the way the school got crashed by the rivalry and the teachers from east middle who actually lost out. you guys raised over $1800 from your school alone. that's fantastic. and you know it's going to a good cause. it's going to the cool kids campaign and that's what you have. that's the large group from your school. how about that? that's fantastic. and there are the teachers from east middle in the front that crashed the party. but it's all for a good cause and they continue to raise more and more money and looking forward to a big event next year. this is cape st. clair i took a shot of the crowd. two guys i want to talk to you. logan you were the first one up, man. and you hit 64 miles per hour. what's going through your mind, man? what did you have for breakfast that morning. >> pancakes. >> he followed up like jack here. look at this guy all that muscle and lung intensity. your teacher linda behind you. thanks so much. that large group you got together what was it 25, 2600 dollars in. >> yes i think it was 2600. >> for the cool kids campaign. race is on saturday hope you join us. and we will look forward to seeing you tomorrow have a great day.

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