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nervous right now. coming up, myriam king will have tips about some services offered to you you may not even know about and lent. 40 days until easter. what did you give up? soda, chocolate, and maybe swearing. maybe social network is something you want to think about. we will look at that. time to move into the hot topic for today. it's 9:01 on this thursday. taking care of special needs students takes a special person. someone who can adapt easily to a child with quickly changing moods. one frederick county mother says her 12-year-old son was not treated correctly after an incident at a school. you see cameron mears who is autistic. he could soon face criminal charges. abc2 news jeff hager has more on this developing story. >> reporter: when students filed into the school on wednesday, they were missing one classmate and 12-year-old cameron would miss his favorite class gym. >> i play, run and jumping. basketball. >> reporter: diagnosed with a tim at the age of 3, his hands are always moving and he finds joy in simple things like seeing his replex in a window. but when he became difficult acting out in class he landed in the guidance office where he landed a blow on the vice principal. >> i am sure he is upset so i am sure he hit him. but he was not trained. you don't-- you shouldn't put yourself in situation where you are not trained and that's the thing with the school system. there's not enough trained people working with the kids with autism disabilities records cameron received a one- day suspension but the school wants to press charges and now thefrederick county sheriff office plans to refer him to the department of juvenile justice where he will face one count of disrupting school activities anda separate count of battery. >> anything with hitting, they suspend. there's no questions asked, but i mean, to bring up a charge against a autistic child? when they know he has problems? >> reporter: the school district maintains it has no zero tolerance policy. but a spokeswoman says special needs students don't receive special treatment in cases like cameron's. >> we apply the same disciplinary guidelines to our special education students as we do to our so-called mainstream students. >> reporter: and now cameron is left to relive a tense momentthat grew out of his disorder. >> i tried to stop her calling my mom. and he tried to stop me. >> reporter: a child challenged by the classroom who will face a new challenge in the form of a courtroom. >> i told him to say please. i didn't hit him accident. >> reporter: jeff hager, abc2 news. >> and cameron's parents say in addition to the school administrators they don't believe the school resource officers are trained to deal with an autistic child. that is setting up the stage for them to be treated like criminals so it's something we want to hear from you about. as part of the two cents for today's hot topic on the official wm-ar facebook fan page. is the fed ribbing county school -- frederick county school system overreacting or shouldthey have the same policy for. >> the child has a disability and most cannot control themselves in a moment like that. the teachers should be better trained. jennifer writes in this morning saying waste of the legal system time as well as resource. if you want to share your two cents, head to the facebook fan page and leave a comment and we will share your thoughts throughout the course of the morning here on "good morning maryland" at nine. time 9:04. continuing coverage on the marriage for same sex couples. house of delegates continues the debate on the same sex bill. the bill took steps towards a possible final vote tomorrow. it it was emotional and at times heated. abc2 news don harrison was there and has details. >> all oppose say nay. >> no. >> >> reporter: several attempts to kill the same sex marriage brill were -- bill why squashed. the athe last -- the last vote was rejected by 72 votes which might be telling because the bill needs 71 votes to pass. there was some heated debate on both sides. >> and fill it with every preening disfor the last 25 years if you want to change the law, in other areas, issue a or introduce a stand alone bill and change the law there. >> that is very contentious very emotional issue for people on both sides. i honestly sincerely have no doubt no doubt that this will end up on the ballot in 2012. >> reporter: as the legislators argued inside, protesters were outside. >> the marriages where there's just two fathers or two mothers or whatever they call themselves, it's not good. >> it's a road bump when it got to our side. >> reporter: the delegate says the house won't pass the bill as easily as the senate did. >> there's going to be a lot of phone calls made and maneuvering going on. we will see what happens. >> reporter: openly gay delegate heather and her wife debra have a personal interest in the outcome of the bill. >> debra and i are married because marriage is a pledge to forever in front of your family and friends and your god. we did that. what we didn't get was a marriage license from the state of maryland to protect that commitment. >> reporter: if it passes the house, the governor says he will sign it into law in april. opponents don't have to wait that long. they can start collecting signatures for a referendum as soon as the bill clears the house. in annapolis, don harrison for abc2 news. >> and if the bill passes opponents need to get more than 55,000 signatures to have that bill pushed to referendum for the voteers who decide come 2012. time is 9:06 and the lenten season is about sacrifice and reflection. soda, swearing coffee and maybe even chocolate. coming up, what some are giving up for 40 days and it may have never even occurred to you to could it. and college seniors launching into the job market, what resources are available right there on your own campus. mirium king is here to explain. it's the easter season. we pay a special visit to learn more about the. [audio not understandable] first, a check of your forecast. >> to mount washington my old stomping grounds. and anyone that has been there, water levels are rising. sometimes that closes down with flooding. we didn't have that issue this morning, but that's round one of rain. we get another one to two inches and we could swell up the waters and lead to problems. some minor flooding out there. just a hint what have we could expect in many other places. okay. it's wet. you know that. how wet is it? let's go back to the screen right now and talk about harford county and cecil county. i think they are going to lead the charge in terms of rainfall for the state and they are underway. almost an inch and a half. that takes to us churchville. 1.4 inches. and then cecil county, closing in on an inch in elkton. we will show you what it looked like this morning, annapolis, they picked up 3/4 of an inch of rain. this is the search river and the theme is we are watching pretty hefty rain. this is a look north of annapolis towards pasadena and glen burnie. passing on i-706789 heighter greens lighter rains yellow heavier. so intermittent showers and heaviest rain off towards the east. a wet day today. we still haved. >> potential because even though it gets dry for few hours, there's more that build in this afternoon and tonight. we will talk more about that forecast. the outlook for the weekend and much more with "good morning maryland" with the irish dancers coming up. stick around. with fios, when you're watching the picture, it just jumps out at you. -it was like, "wow!" -bam! [ male announcer ] decisions don't get any easier than this. now you can move up to fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year with no term contract required. [ mr. donovan ] we have more choices. so many more hi-def channels. with fios, i really feel like we're getting a great deal. [ male announcer ] call now and you'll get a special bonus: $100 back. but this is a limited time offer so don't wait. suddenly, hi-definition tv was really high-definition. the colors. the clarity. i didn't have that before. [ male announcer ] fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, with hd picture quality rated #1 by changewave research, plus the fastest internet in the u.s. switching to fios was the best thing we've done in a long time. and my wife reminds me of that often. [ male announcer ] get fios tv, internet and phone for this great price, plus $100 back. call 1.866.699.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.866.699.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. and well col back -- welcome back. back to the two cent hot topic for the day. at the official wmar facebook fan page asking you, is the frederick county school system overhe reacting or should schools have the zero tolerance policy even for the special needs children? of course we told you in the last block about the 12-year- old boy suffering from autism what happened with him in the schools. debra says, what a disappointment in the school system. they are overreacting. autistic children need our support. debra kins saying my son is a special needs child in carroll county. i hope they support my child instead of turning their back on him like they have appeared to have done in fed ribbing -- fed ribbing county. -- frederick county. this has more to do with control than the development of the care or care of a child shame on them. if you want to weigh in on this, go to the official wmar facebook fan page and leave your comments on this and other hot topics. we monitor them throughout the day. and we will share your thoughts with you throughout the course of the morning show now. time is 9:12. we love our traditions, don't we? so, this being the first day of lent, we sent fred slade to see something he knows about, to the heart of highlandtown for baking hot cross buns. >> reporter: the signs of spring are in the air. we are seeing buds on some of the trees and some people wearing short sleebs and workers are baking hot cross buns. >> it started with the catholic religion, the priests would give the parishioners the buns at the beginning of lent and that's how they came about. and you have the cross that's made out of butter cream. so. >> osaul my -- so all my life we have had them because that's what baltimore eats for lent. >> honey dip? >> reporter: everything is made fresh daily. and the buns are not all they are known for. >> we do a lot of the cakes, and the lambs and eggs and rabbits, and between the hot cross and the raisin bread, we stay really busy. >> we have only have one left. >> i will have a hot cross bun and donuts. >> reporter: hoehns has bent neighborhood bakery family owned and operated since 1927. >> i wanted cream filled and i get the plain for later on at night because i work at night. when you get up you want something sweet and who the tea and plain doughnut makes my night. >> reporter: fred slade for abc2 news. >> the teeland irish dance coming is an annual tradition inspired dance and great way to lead into st. patrick's day. and the director joins us with a group of dancers. we have abby hanna and eileen and katy. thanks for coming in this morning. >> thank you. >> all right. maureen this is something going on for a while. why irish dance. >> my parents are from ireland and i started a long time ago. i have a dance degree and love dancing. i love tradition. i started this six years ago and brought some of the best dancers here today. the show is in frederick at one and seven. so i hope everybody can come out and support us. >> that's coming up saturday? >> saturday, yes what will we see-- >> what will we if we come over? >> irish dancing. traditional numbers and we have very exciting numbers using props and different music. >> girls, did you choose irish dancing because you wanted to do something outside the box? >> yes. >> i know abby said she did it because she was not a fan of ballet and wanted something unique and different. and irish dancing is always fast and fun. >> uh-huh. >> we will get out of your way and let you do a little performance. something we can expect to see coming up this saturday at the festival. go ahead. [ music ] ♪ >> they good. we have a studio full this morning who was able to come in and see this performance. thank you. >> good job. >> you didn't break a sweat. now, again, the information on the show coming up this weekend. >> all right. it wineberg center for the arts in frederick at one and seven. and it's restaurant weekend in frederick. >> the ports of island. performances at one and 7. check them out and we will have this interview as well as these ladies performance on the website, coming up later this morning, ladies thanks again for coming in. >> that's correct you. -- thank you. >> you didn't break a sweat. parents, if you've college student and fear the idea of a career after college, no worries. coming up, mir imking will be here with -- myriam king will be here are great services. and here's more susceptible to online gadgets, moms or dads? we will look when we continue. the answer may surprise you. with fios, when you're watching the picture, it just jumps out at you. -it was like, "wow!" -bam! [ male announcer ] decisions don't get any easier than this. now you can move up to fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year with no term contract required. [ mr. donovan ] we have more choices. so many more hi-def channels. with fios, i really feel like we're getting a great deal. [ male announcer ] call now and you'll get a special bonus: $100 back. but this is a limited time offer so don't wait. suddenly, hi-definition tv was really high-definition. the colors. the clarity. i didn't have that before. [ male announcer ] fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, with hd picture quality rated #1 by changewave research, plus the fastest internet in the u.s. switching to fios was the best thing we've done in a long time. and my wife reminds me of that often. [ male announcer ] get fios tv, internet and phone for this great price, plus $100 back. call 1.866.699.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.866.699.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. you are watching the station that works for you "good morning maryland" at nine. welcome back on this thursday march 10th. jobs are tight and we tell you that every day. but, for outgoing college seniors, the search can be especially frightening and this morning myriam king is in with tips for assistant service on almost all college campuses. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> interestingly a lot of college seniors may not be aware these services are offered. are they? >> well i. think that career services try to make students aware, but i just thought i would go through a quick list of some of the things that students can take advantage of in a career services office, they will help you with developing your resume, they will help you practice how to do an interview and give you tips on how to network. you can do career assessment viability so there's lot of different services. >> one thing that is offered is a certain level of counseling to help a student get over some of the anxiety. >> he yes. it can be helpful to talk to a career counselor and the university of baltimore. all counselors are trained specifically to help student enter the job market with professional certification. and, in that process, they help guide students towards the kind of jobs and careers that will help them succeed. >> now, towards getting the jobs and getting your foot in the door, resume bidding. this is something that outgoing college seniors may not haveever considered services offered there as well. >> yes. you can use the career service center to help identify those experiences that you have that may not be directly work experiences. but may relate to the kinds of experience employers are looking for. so if you did an internship, you volunteer to do something, reviewing all the experience with the career counselors in the center can help identify the extra skills that you have. and at one point i wanted to make is it's very important to do the resume in keeping with the job you are looking for or an ad each time you send it out to make sure that the cover letter and the resume shows up the special talents that you have. >> and as you look for these jobs in the professional field, keeping yourself basically in the spectrum of your strengths, you offer aptitude testing and counseling to let someone know they might be more suited for career in this field as opposed to that. >> those tests myers rigs is an old standard. some of the newer one developed by the gallon up organization -- gallup organization will help a student identify skill sets and the things that are part of the personality that will work in a particular career. >> a lot of student will go into col eling and can be -- college and purr see a degree. myself, my degree-- pursue a degree and my degree is in english. i end up in journalism. if you get a degree in a field, that doesn't mean you are pigeonholed in that track? a no. and one of the beautiful degrees like english is how translatable that is. student shouldn't think of themselves as stuck i think that's a very good point. and i am sure that degree you are using it every day. so think again about the learning experience and how what you learned is translatable into a field. >> all right. myriam king thanks so much for your time. >> thank you, charley. >> if you missed this interview, it will be on parents, if this is something you are concerned about, check this out. great service on your student's college campusser. time is 9:24. and the vacation season is almost upon us. and most of you are looking at places to stay. if you think you found the perfect hotel on line, we will let you know. take a second look before you go ahead and book. and we are now in the lenten season. find out what some people want to do but are finding it hard to give up. and some moms are very addicted to all the new technology that is available. now researchers are saying it can definitely take a toll. we will look at the forecast right now. we have to use this technology to let you know what's coming up. we are looking at the doppler in a few minutes a little fog and the spray. the rain is winding down. we have burst of rain around baltimore city around annapolis. we will get a break for a fewhours before the second surge that means much bigger business with flooding possible later on this afternoon, but tonight. more in the forecast and more on the weekend outlook along with "good morning maryland" in a moment. now "good morning maryland" at nine. just a few minutes before 9:30. finally good news on the foreclosure front. new numbers show foreclosures down from last month and way down year over year. foreclosures fell 14% in february compared to january. and are down 27% since the same time in 2010. the year to year drop is the biggest ever recorded according to industry analyst but the numbers may be too good to be true. because of lawsuits and increased government regulation and attention, the mortgage industry is slowing down the ability to process foreclosures. spring is less than two weeks away, and for many americans, that means spring vacation. but before you book that hotel room, take a look at the undercover investigation discovered by abc news consumer correspondent elizabeth lemy. there's a good chance what you see online may not be what you are getting when arriving at your destination. >> reporter: you see it, now you don't. sometimes the plush extras in a hotel marketing picture turn out to be just a photo fantasy. like in this miami ritz- carlton. >> you think you are buying one thing or getting something else. and then the reality is a letdown. >> reporter: here the posh pool in los angeles with the view. but the view of the department store next door was framed out. and the charming polish inn well, they left out one thing, the power plant behind it. >> it's a disappointment to travel along distance and have that kind of unpleasant surprise. >> reporter: that is why the undercover researchers from take their own pictures. >> you don't get to vacation that often. and you show up and it's not what you were expecting or what you hoped for. they have manipulated you and that's not okay. >> reporter: this photo from the hyatt regency capital hill website shot with a tello photo lens makes it looks like it's next door to the u.s. capitol. it is close but not that close. if you shoot the same scene where the regular lens, you can see the capitol is actually about a quarter of a mile away. here's the spacious look holiday inn room in new york city. but when we visited, we discovered there's a wall just 22 inches from the bed. and the room measures just over 8 feet wide. it's one time when a thousand words may be worth more than a picture. >> time 9:31. onto our two cents topic for the day. your two cents on today's hot topic. a 12-year-old autistic student was suspended from school for allegedly striking a vice principal and as a result, could face criminal charges. our two cents topic for the day, is the school system overreacting or should schools truly have a zero tolerance policy even as it regards to special needs children? we will ask you this throughout the day on the facebook page and your responses are as follows. so far 25 responses throughout the day, and we have got some down here at the bottom. melissa says it should be done on a case-by-case basis. it is sad how school systems treat special needs children. i hope the family wins because a student was not trained right and the staff wasn't trained right and could not control themselves. scrolling down a few more this morning, a short one by katy says whatever happened to special needs children going to specific special needs schools? there the teachers have the training to help the children and work with them on their individual conditions. so continuing in on this throughout the day, your two cents on the hot topic. is frederick county overreacting or should there be a zero tolerance policy relating to all students regardless of condition? and speaking of facebook, you know, the lenten season has begun and it's 40 days of sacrifice. and reflection leading up to the easter holiday. some people give up soda some chocolate and some giving up swearing. but what about giving up your social networking for 40 days. facebook. karin caifa takes a look. >> reporter: meet alcohol chocolate and now facebook. a truly 21st century indulgence that emerged as one of the most popular fast. >> i tried to think about something i overindulgeed in, the only thing that came to mind was facebook. i spend a lot of time on there. >> reporter: giving up social media, facebook, twitter and the like which is in our lives and available in the palms of our hands. >> it's short relatively short period of time, 40 days. and so, it gives you an opportunity to think about is there something i could do with my life that i need to stop or is there something i am doing that i would like to do more of. >> reporter: more time is at the core of palo's -- palo's fast saying thierchtion his ipad he spends three hours per day on the site. he says his girlfriend among others is ecstatic about him focusing less on virtual connections. >> i want to see my friends. like actually in person i want to keep in touch with people that matter to me. >> reporter: he is deactivateed the account but not deleted it. in the hopes of reaping some of the benefits others have enjoyed during their own social media fast. >> i did find after i came back from being away from it during lent, i do check it a little less frequently now, which was a good result. >> reporter: a spring cleaning of sorts for reprioritizing relationship virtual and personal. >> you can be reached and connected. we forget about the opportunity for presence in our every day life. >> reporter: in washington, karin caifa. >> and speak of technology, -- speaking of technology there's struggle between time online and time with the family. those who have kids probably have gotten the look that comes when we can't put down the blackbury or android or the iphone. even when it's not a company -- accompanied by pay attention to me, message is clear. but a study shows the weakness for technology takes a harder toll on working moms than on the dads that work. lisa stark has the story. >> reporter: we love them, and hate them. black berries, smart phones devices we are connected to the office 24-7. whether we want to be or not. >> i never want my son to remember me as that person who sat behind the glow of a computer screen. >> reporter: she is the mom of 4-year-old owen and is constantly juggling his needs and those of the cincinnati ad agency she works for. >> trying to do it all to make sure you are pleasing everyone at work and pleasing everyone at home. >> reporter: the university of toronto surveyed more than a thousand men and women. the women felt 40% more stressed than men and nearly twice as much guilt when the digital leash to the office went off after hours. >> we think we should be passenger attention to our kids. we are finally home. and we want to be with them and want to pay attention to them and then the world comes in. >> reporter: perhaps it's the guilt we are away from our families, stuck at the office. unlike moms who stayed home with the kids. in the 1950s only about a third of women worked. now 60% of women do. but surveys say it's the women who do the bulk of housework and child care. and it's not just moms who resent that buzzing blackberry. kids do too. >> no one likes it when the kids rolls their eyes at you. >> reporter: what's the solution? >> create boundaries. there are times when i am not going to look at the blackberry or not answer the cell phone. >> reporter: and there's always this option. the off switch. lisa stark, abc news, washington. >> time 9:36. we all want to get along whether you live with someone or live alone or if you married. assuming if you live with someone you are married. who knows. coming up, couples are turning to sources for advice on how the economics of life can save your relationship. plus, our resident veterinarian is here with the best practices for take care of your pets. dr. john fioramonti will join us when "good morning maryland" at nine returns. ñw>yñ[=]q [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year. call now and you'll get this special bonus: $100 back. there's no term contract required. if you don't absolutely love fios, you can cancel anytime with no early termination fee. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network that delivers the best channel lineup, superior picture quality, and more hd, plus the fastest internet in the u.s. why keep paying for cable? get fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month -- plus $100 back. this is a limited time offer, so don't wait. call 1.877.827.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.877.827.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. get the network that delivers more. get fios. a network ahead. welcome back. we have a studio full at abc2 news. this class of students from north harford high school. in studio today for a tour. you having fun? thumbs up? there you go. coming up for featured events a great event this weekend. you will certainly want to check this out especially if you are a history buff. the baltimore commemoration april 15th through the 17th, all day, if you want a list of all the events and times. this is going to be a look back at baltimore's role over the course of the civil war. we can -- a weekend of events and exhibitions that include a grand procession commemorating the pratt street riot and encampment and civil war tours. all around maryland and the theatrical production of baltimore. all day maryland historical society if you want to check that out. if you have a special event for us to feature on "good morning maryland" there's the e-mail address m pringle, c crowson and morning show at and send the pertinent facts so we can make sure to get the information right as we showcase what you have to share with all of maryland. now, onto love and marriage. as the saying goes, you can't have one without the other. philosophers spent centuries pondering how to make love last but john berman says couples may get more answers by turning to a different discipline. take a look. >> reporter: how do we submit up the chores? how do we keep from fighting? how do we have more sex? answer these questions and you will have the key to the perfect marriage. but where to get the answers? oprah, dr. ruth. alan green spat. >> it's the study of scarce resource what is more scarce? your marriage than time, energy, love,. >> reporter: the authors of spouse enomics say the key to a married life of love is a life of economic analysis. take jack and jane in their chores. if jack has to do the laundry half the time she should too right? >> right. 50-50 is good. >> reporter: it sounds fair but economics says folly. >> if you are doing half and i am doing half of each task the time we are spending on everything is greater than if we specialize in tasks. >> reporter: it's called comparative advantage. say it takes jack 30 minutes to do the laundry and 20 minutes to walk the dog. jane can do the laundry in 45 minutes and walk the dog in 25. it's if they do the task half the time, it takes them a total of 420 minutes a week. but if jack just does laundry and jane just walks the dog, they saved 36 minutes a week. extra time for tv, relaxation or sex. >> you are giving me permission not to clean the bathroom. >> i see where we are going. >> reporter: what about fighting? >> we never fight. >> we never fight? if you -- the old advice is never go to bed angry. >> reporter: but economics says sometimes shut up and stay angry. >> we hate to lose. economist kwan fied we hate to lose twice -- quantified we hate to lose twice as much as we like to win. >> reporter: in stocks it explains traders refuse to sell. in marriage it explains how we keep fighting even if no one is going to win. >> see what he said? no one is going to win. >> reporter: really? it's basic economics. john berman, abc news, new york. >> it's hopeless. we will never get along. we want your two cents on a different topic asking you about a story earlier in the the show. a autistic stewed hasn't been suspend and could face criminal charges because he he he he he a-- he allegedly hit a vice principal. is the frederick county school system overreacting or should schools have that zero tolerance policy even as it relates to special needs kids. one person says the suspension is acceptable but reading charges? seriously. it may make you think the people have an education and training to be there for the kids? and debbie says i know the school system has difficult job, but it has to just-- it's sad they immediately resort to legal punishment with an apparent disabled child. if you want to weigh in, go to the official wmar facebook fan page and leave your comments. and we will continue to monitor them throughout the day. type. time to answer the pet questions. if you have pet questions this morning, giving us a call at the number on the screen 401- 377-8700. dr. john fioramonti will be in to answer the questions after the break. justin. dr. fioramonti brought in a pickleed heart and turn the phone off. all about technology. north harford middle school, across the street from where the students go to school, in harford county, 47 degrees. we picked up almost an inch of rainfall. more is on the way. look at that storm. the second wave to our west, it comes in after a break. so don't be deceived. we have got heavy stuff and the way. especially through tonight. more on the forecast and more from dr. fioramonti in a moment. you are watching the station that works for you "good morning maryland" at nine. and welcome back. time for the photos of the day. this is 9-year-old princess laya. isn't she sweet? also sherrie send in a picture of her sheltie taken during the last snowstorm. always love the pet photos for the pictures of the day. but if you've foer to of a birthday, anniversary or an interesting picture you want to us showcase, send it in to morning show at send them in with pertinent information and facts so we can get it straight with we share the picture with all of maryland. dr. john fewerra monty joins us now. we will talk heart worms in few moments with taco. this is from. >> taco is the demonstration. >> very, very calm puppy dog this morning. >> low-key. >> low-key. very chilled. but we have a viewer on the phone right now. kathleen from baltimore, you've question for dr. fioramonti. >> i have a a dog that has problems with his ear because the ear drums are hairy. and we use a lotion hygiene and it constantly smell and hescratches them. >> how old is he? >> he is 2 years old. >> and how long have you had him for? >> since he was 8 weeks old at and i got him at a puppy mill. >> they have ears that are bent down. >> yes. >> pardon me? >> yeah because they say he is hairy inside and they go down and straight down and like backwards l. >> that's right. so what you want to do is make sure the ears are plugged well on a regular basis by your groomer. you want to have your vet take a look inside the ear because if the ears are smelling, there's usual lay yeast or bacteria growing in there. you have to take him in and have your vet identify what type of growth is in there and then what product will kill it. he will put you and a prescription medication and put that in twice a day in the ears until you totally kill it. have him go back and recheck the ears a couple times. every two weeks or so until it is done and that should take care of it. >> kathleen, thanks for the phone callnow heart worm. very serious and something we have got to maintain on an annual base nice that's correct. this is when -- >> that's correct. >> we are getting through the winter and mosquitoes will come out in a month. and we want to make sure all our dogs are on a monthly preventive we have monthly preventive pills that's a matter of giving the dog or your pet a pill once a month. cats get heart worm and we have pills for the cat. they come in a chewable form over in the other side we have a pill that you can put down the throat. right over here. and it's a matter of making sure the pet gets a pill once a month. it keeps him from getting heart worm. >> should they get heart worms what does it look like? you brought in a demo. >> don't know if we can show it. but you can see the worms. >> yeah at the bottom. >> see them, those are the worms. they live in the dog's heart and the pull mondayary vein and plug up the pulmonary veins and cause congestive heart failure. they are serious if you get a large quantity of worms in that heart blocking up the blood flow. >> as you said, the seriousness as they continue to grow within the dog. there's a misconception that there's a point of no return with your pet. once they get to a certain level or stage with heart worms, there's nothing you can do. is that true? >> that's not true. there's always treatments we have for them. there are a lot of newer treatments. we have been successful with controlling heart worms in pets that have them. on a rare occasion, you can lose a pet if he has a severe condition. but there's no reason not to treat him. >> dr. all right. thanks for coming in today. >> i am low-key but i am ready to go. >> is's chihuahua mix. >> yes three years old found at falls road about two or three weeks ago and we are looking for someone who wants to take him. >> thanks so much. more coming on "good morning maryland" at nine including the fact that rains have been pounding maryland throughout the morning. and that's a system that is causing serious concerns. it's causing flooding across parts of the southern u.s. and midwest. just hains been tracking the storm since coming in this morning and will tell you about precautions you need to be thinking about and sm you need to beic that -- and some you need to be taking. now maryland's most powerful doppler radar and the forecast certified most being a ret by weatherate. >> we spend a lot of time talking about the storm. we have the rain, the first part this morning. and as the north harford high school student are watching with eager eyes, here at the tv pseudo and excited about tv business until i tell them i woke up at 2:30 and that's a typical day. by 2:30 tomorrow morning it pulls out but flooding is the issue. there may be a brief lull and more comes in this evening and tonight. probably with rumble of thunder. totals across the area 2 to 4 inches. we are halfway there. and yes, the next round could linger into friday morning especially harford cecil county and the east wind adding problems with tidal flooding on the west shores of the chesapeake. they are listed on 51 in baltimore. it's 66 in cape hatteras. warm air on the east side but cold air on the backside. 32 in chicago. and that's a classic winter and spring setup. around low pressure warm air streaming ahead and cold air wrapping around the backside. and that's what helped to enhance the storm. you can see another piece there. you see the commonna shape? that's going to invigorate that frontal bondry and spin up another storm and that helps to fill in the radar field that's going to lead to our lull for a few hours and bring everything back in our direction. just a little bit of a nuisance of timing but yep, we got the heavy rain this morning. there will be a brief lull and we may fill it in with light spotty rain and heavy rain comes back at us heading towards the evening and the line of rain which could bring a inch to two and lead to other flooding will come through tonight. snow in garrett county. they will try to extend the snow season over the weekend. we are looking at flood waps for today. 56 degrees. winds gusting at 20 to 30 miles per hour. rumbles of thund wert heaviest rain tonight pulling out early in the morning. good news is once this gets out of here, despite the winds, we will go for a high of 60 on saturday. and should stay mild and dry on sunday in the mid-50s. >> seems like we have dodged a bullet in terms of the severe flooding so far. >> so far. round two could be a bigger issue. wyatt will be here at five. and we thank the students for coming in. >> see you guys later.

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