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left parent and students with questions. don harrison has details. >> reporter: dequan eagle stop was swimming with friends saturday when suddenly his friends could not find him. crews were called in to search and, after more than an hour, due quan was pulled from the water. he was a student at general john stricker middle school. his classmates were told about the drowning today. >> i was walking to school, they said you get to sign your yearbook. >> reporter: grief counselors were on hand to talk to students, they have students thinking twice about how they go swimming. >> i would not want to go swimming without someone watching me go swimming now soon as that happened. >> parents picking up the children today were shocked to hear the drowning and now wonder about the safety of their own children. >> you just have to try to teach them as best you can when they are out there that they make the right decision decisions. >> school coming to a close and summertime about to begin the judge of due quan eagleson could be a harsh reminder of the dangers out there. don harrison, abc 2 news. it was a close call for a bur tonsville boy who nearly drowned in a community pool. staff members were reporting to work when they found the 3-year- old at the bottom of the pool. workers gave him cpr and he is expected to be okay. there is no word yet on how the boy gained access to the pool which officials say was locked before the boy went in. >> scary moments this morning for a man in pasadena. he fell about 25 feet as he was working on scaffolding alongside an apartment complex. the 22-year-old man was flown to shock dram a they say he was seriously hurt but is expected to live. >> we want to take a live look at the harbor, a nice breeze could seen becoming your way i hope anyway. here is wyatt everhart with your workweek forecast. wyatt. >> a little hot out there today pushing 90 degrees across most of the baltimore area so, yeah, definitely hot. let's take a look at maryland's top radar, right now one pretty decent little shower flaring up out there in the middle river area earlier and now, as we take a little closer look here, kind of interrogated the storm if you will, you can see this thing has now moved off of the essex area, still a couple of showers down east and also if you go across the eastern shore you're seeing a little bit of action there. other than that not just a lot out there. a little bit more activity south and west of washington so we'll see some of this makes its way in our direction. here is your forecast the rest of the evening. it's been hot today, up to about 90, we'll stay in the 90s for the rest of the evening. southern clouds, but a few thunderstorms passing by. any showers are going to move out quickly. the outlook calling for more of that rain and also a nice cool- off here. we'll have those details. doctor conrad murray appeared in court this afternoon in california arguing against authorities who wanted to suspend his license to practice medicine. after a lengthy investigation he was charged earlier this year with involuntary manslaughter in connection with jackson's death. he has pleaded not guilty to that charge, now if he is convicted he faces four years behind bars. michael jackson's father is now blames his mom for failing to prevent his death. in an interview joe jackson claims mike 8 as his mom argued with ace hedged pill addiction for months but catherine refused to get involves. michael's lawyers says the claims are preposterous, and says his feelings about his mother are reflected in the will. he left 40% to her. joe jackson was written out of that will. a former manager has decided to step out of the legal battle over the actor's estate. he was named in a will coleman wrote back in 1999 and was informally made the administrator of his estate. he challenged that. then the ex-girlfriend claimed she was named in 2005. a hearing with a utah judge was scheduled for this afternoon. now for a look at top's top stories, prince george's county police have tracked down two men they believe were involved in the murder of an off-duty state trooper. williams and milton are charged with first degree murder. they shot and killed wesley brown who was working his part- time job as a security guard at an appleby's restaurant. police would not say which man pulled the trigger. the baltimore cop accused of shooting an unarmed man a dozen times outside a bar will sit behind barges. guy hangy tshamba was charged in a warrant with first degree murder. he is accused of shooting tie ron brown to death during a fight. the coast guard says bp is stepping up efforts to contain the oil gushing from a ruptured well in the gulf of mexico. a federal on-scene coordinator says the government will continue to hold bp accountable. meanwhile, president obama is back in the gulf coast, he says his visit will help him prepare for wednesday's showdown with bp executives. today bge opened the doors to a one of a kind home built to protect the environment and save homeowners some cash. >> 3, 2, 1. yeah. . >> this super energy efficient home in 'em eye cut city was constructed as part of bge's energy star for new homes program. that provides incentives to construct energy efficient new homes. the houses meet the e.p.a. guidelines, high performance windows, construction as well as heating and cooling equipment. who would not want to spend $10 to maybe save another 40 or $50 a month? not to mention living in a house none extra plea more comfortable, has all sorts of benefits in terms of the indoor health of the house and the durability of the home. >> the building is 42% more efficient than a typical new home and could save homeowners thousands of dollars every year. we've got heart-wrenching news tonight for the family of a young boy who went missing from school. we'll tell you why authorities are scaling back on one of the largest searches in oregon history. and it's a traveler's worst nightmare. thousands of people showed up to the airport to find out their pilots had walked off the job. more on the airline that took a major hit over the weekend when we come back. . maryland's most powerful doppler radar, maryland works for you. >> taking a look at trading in monday's stocks, the dow is down 20, nasdaq up less than a point. more money could be coming out of your paycheck to take care of your health coverage, costa offer health insurance said they can expect another steep jump in medical costs ands accord to go a new price waterhouse workers report workers will be asked to pay a bigger chunk of that expense. they are expect to have health insurance deductibles of $400 or more. and more jobs are now headed to maryland. defense contractor man tech international says it expects to create 3 to 500 technology jobs near aberdeen proving ground within three years. the fairfax, virginia cosell braceleted the ground breaking monday for a building in bell camp that will house the new workers. >> these 3 # 0 jobs are just the beginning of what's gonna happen in this quarter believe me. if you're an investor or if you have any money to invest this whole state of maryland, this whole sing et capital of the world right here in the state of maryland and this 75 corridor is where it's going to be happening. >> the new jobs reflect growth of the army weapons and research center in harford county. that building should be done next march. >> so do you get those cheap airline deals in your email? if you wonder if they exist we have done the dirty work to find out if they work. it's usually something you put on in private but a 10-year-old boy did it more than 200 times at his birthday party. how his family and friends cheered him on to break a world record. [ male announcer ] are you watching cable? here's what you should be watching: your cable bill, because you could be paying way too much. stop spending more for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone, for just $99.99 a month for two years with a two-year agreement. and here's a special bonus: you'll also get the fios tv movie package -- including starz and showtime -- free for six months. fios gives you what cable doesn't: the best channel lineup, superior picture quality and more hd. plus internet rated #1 in satisfaction, speed and reliability for three years in a row. and with our worry-free guarantee, if you don't love fios, you can cancel within the first 30 days with no early termination fee. don't miss out. get fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month, plus the fios tv movie package, free for six months. call 1.877.717.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. this is beyond cable. this is fios. after my quick home energy wocheck-up from bge.ew house it's the closest i'll ever get to a day spa. they wrapped my pipes, installed cfl bulbs, recommended a little nip/tuck around the old windows and more. [announcer] learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at, and pamper your home with a quick home energy check-up. [sigh] ah... the efficient life is the good life. . abc 2 news is brought to you by bge, smart . >> the search for a 7-year-old oregon boy is now a criminal investigation. and while officials say they are scaling back their efforts they are promising not to give up hope just yet. don guy var a reports. >> reporter: it was one of the largest searches in oregon history. but 11 days after 7-year-old kyron horman disappeared authorities are dramatically scaling back their search. police say this is no longer a missing person's case, they are now calling kyron's disappearance criminal. >> this will not become a cold case for us. we will continue to investigate this case until we have it solved. >> reporter: the more than 1200 tips, flyers posted all over portland, and even last week's tearful plea from his family have not resulted in any new leads on kyron's whereabouts. >> you mean everything to us and, until you come home, this family is not complete. please, kyron, keep up the hope. >> reporter: authorities now hope a $25,000 reward will help them locate the second greider. they have given no word why the change of direction to a criminal case or if there are any possible suspects. >> we're in the process of conducting and completing a secondary canvass of the neighborhoods, key locations, and also the -- a secondary canvass and interviews at the school. >> reporter: kyron was last seen on june 4th at his school science fair but investigators are determined to find the second greider. >> we, as an investigative team, the sheriff's office, and all the people that are directly involved in this effort, are resolute in bringing kyron home. >> even though volunteer search teams are being sent home the police agencies looking for kyron have not been scaled back. now involving more than 200 detectives. in los angeles, don ga var a, abc news. . this is what's left of a newspapers woman's car after it took her for ater filing ride. she said she was driving down the high wan when her car started speeding up and she couldn't stop it. her breaks didn't work and she knew she was coming up to heavy traffic so she aimed for a pole and jumped out of the speeding car. >> as soon as i let my foot off the break i felt the car speed up and i tucked and rolled out. >> right into the traffic. >> right into the traffic. >> her car is a mess but she is fine. she did get a few bumps and bruises and needs a little dental work but otherwise she is very lucky. >> weekend plans for thousands of people went out the win company after pilots at spirit airlines walked off the job. about 18,000 passengers across the nation scrambled to get around after the pilots left the bargaining table when they failed the reach an agreement over the weekend. >> they just left us stranded, gave us half the money back, and now we have to spend out another 550 to get back home to chicago. >> spirit is giving refunds for the canceled flights along with a 100 voucher for future travel. they are also helping to find spots on other airlines. are you planning a summer vacation? you might go online looking to for cheap airline particulars tickets, you know the deals, that are there on facebook, we find out whether those deals really do exist. >> reporter: $69 to fly to miami? 189 for hawaii. 9 bucks to fly to orlando? but when you try to book these flights just don't seem to be available. so is it you or are these promotions a little fishy? to find out, i signed up for everything. send me your e-mails southwest air, yes i'll be your facebook friend virgin atlantic. follow you an twitter american airlines, sure. and the deals started popping up. frontier airlines says i can fly san fran to denver for $92 one way. first peace, $209 one way. $209 again. no dates got me that $92 deal. starting over. this time american air says rochester new york to orlando, florida, one way, 77 bucks. i put in some dates. more dates. [ buzzer ] >> i used their calendar. for all of june and july the lowest one-wayfare was $168. twice the advertised rate. i called reservations. and get this, there's only one day all summer, august 24th, when that fare is available. i'm not giving up. spirit airlines says i can fly detroit to orlando for $9. oh, wait, there is a catch. i have to pay $39 to become a member of their fare club. i pay up, prepared to be disappointed, but there are lots of open dates. and the ferrily is 9 bucks. so including taxes and the $39 i paid to become a member i could fly to orlando and back for a total of $94. so while not all-pro motions pan out there are still some sweet travel deals available online. >> and you'll soon be able to get free internote access along with your frappuccino. they'll start offering free wi- fi at all of its company locations in the u.s. july 1st. starbucks previously allowed 2 hours of free access a day to registered customers and charged a fee after that. the company owns about 6700 stores united states-wide. now the forecast certified most accurate by weather rate and mars' most powerful doppler radar. it's exciting josie, exciting. >> now you go on vacation, ooh go to starbucks, post the whole thing. >> exactly. even when you don't have the iphone service you have the hot spot, good. >> set. this is a hot spot. >> yes, been hot all day josie, pushing 90, i don't have to tell you. warm in the studio here even so i'm told. let's look outside josie because it's going to be one of those kind of steamy evenings out there. look, you can almost see the steam there across the inner har bon. 87 degrees, wind northwest at 7 miles per hour. want to show you this. through the day today downtown we certainly saw those clouds giving up a lot of sunshine, breaking through at times. and then later in the day clouds get a little more ominous and there have been some widely scattered showers and storms a little further east. you can kind of see or watch closely, sunshine, clouds thicken up, a brief shower right there as we worked just about 30 minutes ago. that shower headed offshore as we take a look at maryland's most powerful radar, you can see that out here, crossing out of parksville, perry hall, over on the eastern shore, we can kind of pinpoint that for you here as we put maryland's most powerful radar into motion. chester town, also south and east of chester town down toward the rock hall area, more of a moderate shower there and take you a little further south, you see another minor shower, maybe a trek or two of lightning out toward satellite michael's area. so there are a couple of showers and storms out there but for the most part this is really widely scattered. temperatures near 90 today. humidity high, heat index, what it felt like was over 90, and those humidity levels, dewpoint numbers around 70. that's very, very humid air and so very, very teamy decisions all across maryland rights now. the bulk of the showers and storms this evening passing well to our south and west, showers and storms down in d.c. not really having to deal with most of that, at least here in the baltimore area. but as we take you out to a wider perspective here more unsettled weather is firing off this afternoon across places like indiana, ohio, down in through kentucky, that boundary, that unsettled pattern, will move in our direction. cool air is trying to get in here. i don't think it makes it until tomorrow but we should be about 8 to 10 degrees cooler tomorrow as cool air north of this boundary, this boundary shifts out, allows the cool air in. big area of high pressure down across the southeast is not gonna help us much. more likely as we go towards wednesday. look how hot in charlotte, pushed 100 down in montgomery today, as we take a look at that cooler air trying to work in, that warmer air just south of us, that boundary is gonna be a sort of a combat zone weather wise, showers and storms a good beth. maybe tomorrow evening but more so on wednesday afternoon, any time after lunchtime, and then wednesday evening. that's our best chance of some showers and storms around here, so if your lawn is a little dry it won't be long before we get some rain on it. 70, partly cloudy tonight. warm with a few showers or storms, but very, very widely spread. tomorrow, i think generally dry, 82, clouds on crews late in the day. a better chance for a shower, storm comes tomorrow night. the better chance holds off until we get into wednesday, we see that on the seven-day forecast. until we get into wednesday, wednesday afternoon and evening, i think we'll stay generally dry, much hotter as we head toward the early part of the weekend. i'm roosevelt leftwich, coming up new at 6:00, most doctors go into health care to help sick people but with stalled costs of subsidized health care doctors may not be able to afford to treat the sick. and what did -- did you know that today is flag day? we'll take a trip to college park to see how the university of maryland is showing its pride with a new exhibit. and a preview of what is ahead on world news at 6:30. . come its up on wormed news all the latest from the gulf coast. president obama of course is there and so are we. and doctor richard vester on a new study about high blood pressure drugs and the risk of cancer. the latest tonight on world news. . a bye in new york had a unique birthday party. he spent his 10th birthday trying to break an unusual world record. the goal of that record, to layer on the most underwear at one time. now the war wick boy held onto a chair for balance as his parents as you can see quickly pulled up pair after pair of underwear and family and friends cheered him along. . >> i feel awesome. i can't believe i broke it. >> i'm very proud of him. it was really hot today and i wasn't sure he would be able to do it with being focused with everyone around so he did a really good job. everyone was so wonderful cheering him on it gave him the counts the environment couragement he needed. instead of birthday gifts jack asked everyone to donate cash and the money is going to help a marine injured in iraq five years ago. it's been called cellulite city or cottage cheese on your thighs, women are tired of hearing it. see how they are taking the fight against correctly you height to the operating room. news at 6:00 starts right now.

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Miami ,Florida ,United States ,New York ,Portland ,Oregon ,Baltimore County ,Maryland ,Kentucky ,California ,Indiana ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,Denver ,Colorado ,College Park ,Mexico ,Iraq ,Rock Hall ,Ohio ,Orlando ,Utah ,Chicago ,Illinois ,Essex ,Baltimore ,Hawaii ,American ,Richard Vester ,Michael Jackson ,Don Harrison ,Quan Eagleson ,Ron Brown ,Conrad Murray ,Perry Hall ,John Stricker ,Los Angeles ,Joe Jackson ,Kyron Horman ,Virgin Atlantic ,Roosevelt Leftwich ,Wesley Brown ,Wyatt Everhart ,

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