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cars as severe weather hits midwest. good morning i am sherrie johnson in for mega and charley. let's start with lynette charles. lots going on. you have tornadoes and fog in our area. >> exactly. we have a moist monday out there. patchy fog is what we are talking about and rain moving toward the southeast. let's talk about the visibility issues that we have this morning. so we have about 5 mile visibility in baltimore more in easton frederick and 6 in york pennsylvania. heading out and about, make sure to have the low beams on. we look at maryland's most powerful radar as of now, and we are see we are dry for most part. but as we look towards the west, that's where we are looking at showers and thunderstorms into west virginia at this time. we are going to be dealing and monitoring the situation that's happening into the southern plains because once again they will have a severe weather outbreak that coming up but right now let's get over to angela with a check of the traffic and fog. any accidents because of that. >> reporter: fog certainly a bigissue. we want to start off by let yowing know traffic is back open -- you know traffic is back on i695 southbound following a crash with a car and tractor trailer. this happened around the frederick road exit. police are investigating the crash still. fog is the big issue as you head out for the monday morning drive. low visibility so extra travel time. not seeing early accidents as we start with a live look of traffic flow through the city. 895 and charles street. and a look at harrisburg expressway i-83 at shawan road moving well with no delays or incidents to report. and, of course, we are updating you all morning. follow us on twitter at maryland traffic. back over to you. >> thanks. breaking news out of france this morning. at least three people including two children have been killed in a shooting at jewish school. that is a southern part of the country. a french newspaper reported that the shooter took off on a black scooter and the newspaper reported the shooting happened at private school. we will have more on and we will bring you the latest update in a few minutes. today is the funeral for a fallen baltimore soldier killed in afghanistan. major the -- he was one of two officers killed on february 25th. his funeral will be at trinity assembly of god church in lutherville at noon. he will be buried with full military honors at arlington national cemetery. the american soldier accused of killing 16 afghan civilians could be be formally charged this week. linda so is standing by with the latest developments. linda. >> reporter: we have learned staff sergeant robert bales will finally get to meet his lawyer face-to-face today. formal charges against him are expected sometime this week. right now, bales is being held in sol tarry confinement at fort leavenworth kansas, the u.s. military's only maximum security prison. he is accused of leaving his outpost in afghanistan and bursting into three homes in the dead of the night shooting 16 afghan civilians and burning their bodies. bales lived in washington state with his wife and two young children. he is a decorated combat veteran with a number of medal and he was wounded twice in four deployments. those who know him blame the stress of combat. >> it's his fourth deployment, you know. he had traumatic brain injury. a relatively small number of americans. he was forced to be deployed over and over again. >> reporter: if convicted, he could face the death penalty. tensions continue to rise in afghanistan. many want the u.s. soldier returned to be tried in their country. linda so, abc 2 news. today mount st. joseph's high school will focus on educating teens about the dangers of texting and driving. the event will also feature maryland state delegate james malone and first sergeant robert mondor of the maryland state police. officials say people who send test messages while driving are 23 times more likely to be in crash. the event runs from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 7 people were hurt in a crash at a cardboard box derby in maryland. you can see he in this video. look at this. this is taken by a spectator. one of the cardboard box shreds loses control before slamming into a pole at a ski resort i'm cording to published reports, two children and five adults were injured and taken to the hospital. there's no word on the condition. and today is the beginning of violence prevention week. this week long education initiative in baltimore city will involve activities that demonstrate the positive role young people can have in making their school and community much safer. the health department recreation and parks department and community organizations around the city are sponsoring over 70 exciting use violence prevention activities and events. today the maryland consumer rights coalition will help wells fargo will help families save their home. there will be a meeting at 11:30 a.m. at wells fargo headquarters on st. paul street in baltimore. there's a new report out when it comes to high school graduation rates. the graduation rate was 75% in 2009. this means one in four students failed to get a diploma in four years. researchers found that is well below the organization's goal of # 0% by 2020 -- 90% by 2020. high school graduates will earn 130,000 more over the lifetime than dropouts. we are monitoring severe weather that rolled into the midwest tornadoes touched down in at least two states. how you can track the storms on also, new arrest at occupy protests in new york. why protesters were so heavily focused on retakeing one public park. and you're look at live pictures in new -- looking at live pictures in new york city. now tornado video out of oklahoma and approaching storm system has produced toe tornadoes across the state. the national weather service issued a tornado watch for 12 counties if the far western part of the state until late yesterday. you can track storms on and when you get to the website click on weather and tornado alley to watch new video and live streaming video of the storm chaseers. and lynette is here with more. i will tell you, wow, that is scary to see the storm chaseers following that stuff. >> that's what they do. they have to ep themselves safe and they will be doing it all over again for today. we can see another line of showers and thunderstorms severe weather across the southern plains. being see it into oklahoma, texas and kansas. all this is going to be pushing off towards the east as they go throughout the day. fortunately, we won't be dealing with severe weather. we will have cloud hovering across the area. as we look at satellite and radar, this is what we will be dealing with this morning. looks like this is diving down to the south and east and it could be missing us, but we are going to be getting more of that marine layer so some clouds and foggy conditions this morning. that is our main concern. and you can see the temperatures 48 east op and stevensville 50 annapolis 51. check out humidity, 100%. air is saturated so to talk about this let's head over to angela with a check of traffic and the fog is going to be a big story for you this morning right. >> reporter: that's right. certainly a factor as you get ready to head out monday morning drive. a foggy one for you. we have got live camera shots to show you. some of the foggy conditions you will encounter like right here on i-95 just north of the beltway between caton avenue and 695 on the southwest side. also a little bit of building already on this stretch of i-95 and, of course, for those of you traveling from the easton shore. here's a live look at u.s. 50 and sandy point the fog a factor creating low visibility for the monday morning commute. sherrie back over to you. >> thanks. slowed by a tender elbow. [audio not understandable] he pipped two innings of relief for a split squad sunday in a 2- 2, 10 ingle high against the braves. the orioles won in a later game against the yankees 6-3. alzheimer's can be crippling for patients and families as well. the breakthrough study that johns hopkins researchers say may be giving patients more hope. and gas prices are high why. eps a considering delaying new clean energy standings and make history, maryland senator barbara mikulski has something to brag about this morning. find out what she is proud of coming up next. job seekers are encouraged to attend a job fair today at the four points by sheraton hotel near bwi airport from 11 until 2 this afternoon. dozens of employers are going to be object hand -- on hand like the curet service and next day blinds. and in los angeles, a motion to dismiss hearings for the so-called hollywood ripper. attorneys for michael thomas is link to the murders of 9 women had file a motion to dismiss. and today a status conference in harrisburg for srnlg rain failing to report case of tim curley and gary schultz former penn state senior vice-president in connection to the molestation case of jerry sandusky. apple will announce what it will do with the cash reserves in a news conference. at the end of 2011 apple said nearly 100 billion dollars in cash. the documentary called bully will be released today. last night president obama lended his voice to the cause. [audio not understandable] in this morning's health alert a possible medical breakthrough for those suffering from alzheimer's. linda so is here with details on the ground breaking study. linda. >> reporter: a new clinical trial may hold the keep to stopping the mental decline in alzheimer's patients. researchers are finding promising results in deep brain stimulation. four years ago robert linton had two electric roids implanted in the memory air afterhis brain and battery in his chest a and more than a hundred electrical impulse which the allows him to lead a normal life and putting the brakes on alzheimer's. >> if i can't remember something, if i just pause for one or two or three seconds, it pops in. >> right now the study has been conducted on patients in canada. doctors are hoping to get more answers as they study more patients. linda so, abc2 news. >> thanks. we are working to post this story on under the health section. check back to read more in- depth information about the story on abc 2 maryland senator barbara mikulski became the longest serving fee maim in congress on saturday. when she came to the senate in 1986, there was only one other woman a republican. senator nancy casserbaum forced a bond across party lines. she is becoming the longest serving woman in congressional history to mark it inviting three other with across parties and generations to her capitol hide away to talk saturday about what senate women call their zone of civility. >> when the day is over, let's kick back and put our lipstick on and have a glass of wine and keep the institution an america going. >> she shea says she learned from a old boys' network to get to each other personally and work better professionally. another crucial week in politician with the main event being the illinois and louisiana primaries tomorrow. sunday there were charges traded challenges made and a big win for mitt romney. romney scored a convincing went in sunday's puerto rican primary by winning over 50% of the vote. the gop front-runner was award the island delegates to the national convention. >> by the way, 20 delegates all the delegates that were in that contest are ours. >> illinois is crucial if romney is going to stop the gathering momentum for rick santorum. polls say romney holds a slight lead over santorum in tuesday's illinois primary. and missouri caucus meeting erupted outside missouri. more than 2500 people gathered at a high school saturday to vote in the republican caucus. witnesses say organizers ended the caucus early when a man with a camera refused to leave. >> the chairman could have answered the questions they were trying to ask. they didn't allow to us goat that point they went over their heads and en-- did enforced us to have a broken caulk news two people were arrested fortress passing. several caucus goers say they are upset because they didn't get a chance to vote. the missouri republican party issued a statement saying despite the incident st. charles county will be represented at the convention. around the nation a firefighters are making progress on a wind fueled grass fire on the plains of northeasterncolorado that destroyed two homes and forced 300 residents of the town to evacuate. fire officials say the area burned about 14 miles by 6 miles wide and the fires roup roughly half contained. more than a dozen -- roughly half contained. more than dozen for fighters were working to extinguish the fire. evacuation orders for the town and surrounding area will likely remain in place this morning. here's how gas prices are shaping up. we are paying $3.87 for a gallon of gas right here in maryland. and baltimore, -- and in balledmore it's the same. -- baltimore it's the same. take a look at how bad it is out west. we think it's bad here. in bakersfield california, gas is 4.36. it's a little better in colorado springs but drivers in phoenix are paying $3.92 for a gallon of gas this morning. wow. bp reported a unit trip and system shut down in more than 400,000 barrel per day in indiana refinery located in the northwest part of the statech the incident took place yesterday afternoon. authorities say it led to nitrous oxide and i'd row general sulfide emis. no word on how it could affect gas prices in that region. rising gas prices may put a hold on the president's clean energy initiativech the environmental protection agency may delay implementing clean he energy standards because those rules could lead to even higher gas prices. the obama administration said that the increase would only be a penny per gallon and not until 2017. occupy wall street movement in new york city returned to where it began. officers arrested 74 protest he is and refused to let them take over zuccotti part. the overnight demonstration was six months after the occupy movement began. >> our rights and obligation to change the government and right we dislike the government. we need to change it. >> some of the protesters accused police of abuse. the occupy movement started as a protest against income in equality and corporate greed. severe weather has taken aim in california. a mudslide shut down a road for hours while people in the area kept a watch worried the slide could hit their homes. a neighborhood woke up to this saturday morning as piles of mud blocked a roadway. heavy rain overnight caused a massive mudslide and this spot in tech may have been more at risk than others around it. cleanup took hours as crews worked to remove this mess. oh, my goodness. there's a lot more rock in the ground. >> i was feeling bad for our neighbors. that's not an inexpensive ordeal. >> many people are keeping a close watch on the trees and power lines in the area even some homes hoping the situation doesn't get any worse. and strong winds caused all sorts of damage in san diego, california. hail covered the ground, cars while strong gusty wind caused its share of damage yesterday. a large tree fell on top of a car crashing down onto the back window and you can see tree roots were pulled from the ground three feet into the air. and schools in dexter michigan will reopen today after many children in the district went through a tornado that ripped their neighborhood apart. the tornado hit on fridaych the superintendent says they are doing everything they can to help the children ease back into a normal school situation. counselors will ride the buses to answer any questions about what happened and to help students who might see the destruction for the first time as they ride the bus. and let's head over to lynette. the devastation utterly amazing. >> exactly. and unfortunately, they have a chance for some severe weather once again for today. we can see ate across the middle of the -- we can see it across the middle of the nation. we have had this complex missing our area as of now. zooming in chores and you can see -- in closer and you can see it in west virginia. the thunderstorms off toward the west into western maryland as of now. we get a closer view and the only thing we are contending with a few cloud right now trying to push into the area. that will be the scenario going through remainder of today. so i am talking about the cloud. well, fog that's clouds are. big cloud at the surface. that's what we will be deeing with. and we have re-- dealing with this morning. we have reduced visibility five mile in easton and also six in york and five in frederick and we have the low beams on as you venture out and about this morning. right now, temperature wise, how are you dressing your kids and yourself. it's on the cool side. temperatures are above average. 48 degrees now in easton. so this is a scenario for today in terms of whether you need the rain gear or not. take it with you because if your travels are heading back off toward the west here, you will need it. but again we have a chance for scattered to isolated storms and showers popping up as we go into the afternoon. that will be the scenario as we go into tomorrow. and mainly most people will stay dry but here's the hour by hour forecast. cool mild showers. temperatures right around 68 degrees. and i am keeping it a little on the lower side today. an though the temperatures are well above average. due to the fact the cloud will be hovering with that marine layer. this is what we have as your seven-day forecast. spring begins as we go into your tuesday. let's check the traffic with angela. talk about the fog that's going to be the main story this morning. get people here safely. >> reporter: that's lynette, going to be biggest factor in the commute. hazar of the fog. dealing with an accident in the city reported by police at russell street and west austin so. extra caution heading out this morning. let's check the airport area drive for those early commuters. the bw parkway southbound with some building volume also i-195 look good. making your way to this stretch of 695 on the south side and here's a live look at the north side of the beltway the no early delays but foggy and as always caution and courtesy on your drive this morning. sherrie, back over to you. >> thanks. spring is less than 24 hours a way and down in washington, there's reason to head outdoors. the beautiful cherry blossoms are blooming on the national mall. tourists have come in from all over the country and the world. this year marks the 100th anniversary of the jerry blossom festival. the blooming period will run from tomorrow through friday. a deadly shooting overseas that killed an american teacher. who may have targeted the teacher and wheres teacher was working when the gunfire eruptedfrom party to time locked up in jail, the st. patrick's day celebration that took on a whole another atmosphere in canada. now "good morning maryland" at 4:30. around the world an american teacher is dead in yemen. police say two gunmen on a motorcycle shot and killed the teacher working at a language institute. no arrests have been made. militants affiliated with al- qaeda took advantage of the chaos in the past year to take vole of the town in the south of the country. >> some canadians face charges after rioting in over the weekend. it happened early sunday morning as people celebrated st. patrick's day. officers arrested a dozen people who they say damaged 17 police cars. no serious injuries were reported. and turkish people fired pepper spray and water can ons to break up stone throwing kurds. police were trying to prevent them from celebrating a traditional spring festival which marks the kurdish new year. kurds gathered in several cities across the country in defiance of the ban. as tension escalate in syria, down in washington protesters want their voices heard. some folks held a protest yesterday. syria state run television reported 27 people were killed in a series of explosions that rocked the country's

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