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with meteorologist justin berk. >> we are 16 hours away from kick off. so we have to pace ourselves. >> we are. >> breath. >> can i tell you this the harbaugh bowl we have better weather than and fran and good thing we are playing the game here. it's raining out there. you can see the thing carved out. this is the trough of cool air that goes down into central a sick and pushing on into california snow in the mountains for them. and we go across the nation. a very quiet thanksgiving across most of the nation and to the northeast we have the rough go of it yesterday but we are clear this morning and down to 36 degrees. now, really trying to play with the temperatures because i don't trust bwi. i will be honest with you. this is just between us and the holiday morning. but, they were 42 last hour and we drop to 36. something is going on with that temperature sensor. needless to say most of us in the 30s this morning. wind generally on the light side and we expect to have a look at the hour by hour forecast. we should be in the 30s and you may want to teak it down a few more notches. but temperatures bounce back into the 50s. if you are up early ahead to the turkey trots that outlook in a moment. now back to you. >> we will address traffic in a bit. but many of you will rush through the thanksgiving day meals because black friday shopping days turns into a black late thursday for big store chains. target, macy's wal-mart and best buy jumping the gun opening at midnight. some people are skipping out on thanks giving altogether. some people camping out in front of stoors tonight -- stores to be the first. getting calls overnight about people pitching tents in front of best buy. linda show just showed you the tents are up and people are inside linda. >> reporter: yeah. we have one, two, three four tents here outside the best buy and these folks we woke them up. they went to sleep 30 minutes ago but it's to wake them up. good morning. >> hello,. >> reporter: what are you hear for? >> tvs and black friday. >> reporter: when did you get here? >> yesterday around 12:00 in the morning. yeah. >> reporter: and today thanks giving i. mean, what about that turkey. >> everybody is going to bring food and i am with my family so it's going to be fun. >> reporter: so you are not the only one. look, guys. how many people are here? >> five. >> reporter: five. and what are you all hear for? >> tvs. >> we are here for the tv. >> reporter: okay. the big deal is the 42 inch selling at 199 right. >> yep. 199.99. >> reporter: and the best buy folks were they like you are crazy? >> not at all. last year we got here tuesday and should have done it again because those guys beat us. >> reporter: those guys i tried waking them up and they were too tired to get up. you are troopers. so you did this last year. >> yes. we did. >> they were second last year. >> yes. >> we are real men. >> reporter: i got it so the people first were second last year. >> right. >> reporter: got it. so how are you spending the time, you got here yesterday and you brought a space heater. >> yep. >> reporter: what else are you doing to pastime. >> kick ball, playing cards, having fun. doing it. >> reporter: and what do yourparents say? >> nothing. they think we are crazy but we are still doing it. buying them stuff, too. >> reporter: certainly so this is like a thanks giving tray dis. >> absolutely. >> reporter: good luck. we will -- tradition. >> absolutely. >> reporter: good luck. we will check back. they said go ravens. so they got here yesterday afternoon. can you believe that? and they plan to stay here best buy opens at midnight tonight. we are live at the best buy, linda so, abc2 news. 4:34. if you don't like the feel of getting out in the middle of the black friday madness you could hold off until small business saturday. downtown bill bel air will join business across the u.s. to get people back to main street. the owner of a toy shop says they offer things big stores can't and know their product and have great service. >> we know our product inside and out and if they say i have a grandchild i don't see we will help them peck out a product they will love. >> when you shop the small business you are supporting the community. small businesses create more than 65% of all new jobs. well aid good reason to go out after the deals this thanksgiving dinner is going to be gobbling up your money. average price for the turkey different and trimmings for 10 people is $49.10. the american farm bureau federation says that's 6 dollars more than the year before. the first family is helping up to help the families in need going to the capital food bank to volunteer. the president and his wife and their daughters distributed food bags for children and seniors in need. and speaking of the game tonight, justin was talking about 16 hours away, and another thanksgiving tradition is football. the battle of the harbaugh brothers. ravens and 49ers being called the har bowl they are facing off kick off is set for 8:20. the game will be carried on the nfl network. also, don't forget about the 92nd catapult learning turkey bowl. calvert hall cardinals take on loyola don. calvert hall lost against grimman and loyola is look to avenge their loss. scott garceau and jamie costello will be on hand to call the game. catch it at 10 here this morning on abc2. last april charles beauman was shot and killed as he waited for his food at the carry out on greenmont and justice for his family. gunman michael hunter now 20 was sentenced to 65 years in prison. another man who helped plan the robbery and was with hunter when it happened toy taylor pled guilty earlier and has beenisn'tenceed to a years in -- centsed to 35 years in prison. a -- sentenced to 35 years in prison. a man has pleaded guilty for laundering heroin. prosecutors say blackwell started a drug operation in 2003 and it operated in maryland and other states. police blame him for violent crimes in the city reaching back several years. baltimore county police believe the son of a russian woman who went missing during a trip to maryland is responsible for her death. 54-year-old woman went missing in february and her body was found in the chesapeake bay and the police say her son is the prime suspect and he is behindbars serving 10 years for robbing a bank in delaware. the st. mary county school bus crash happened yesterday on mccanics -- me can,ville road -- mechanicsville road. the basketball team was heading home from a game in virginia. 20 people were taken to the hospital 15 students. the truck driver was charged with dui. the road seen clear for travelers heading out for the holidays. but, they are getting stuck and mean literally getting stuck. how travelers drove into a quite a sticky situation. and what comes with thanksgiving? be a advertisers, drinks baltimore. they hit the bars in baltimore a wrap-up with that as good morning maryland continues this thanksgiving morning. thanks for starting it with us. @ @ now "good morning maryland" at 4:30. all right. picture. this you hit the road for the holiday to end up in a travel nightmare. we are not talking about snow or rain, or accidents. we are talking about the goo. how did you forecast goo justin? >> you just don't. the goo meter. >> it happened on a 40 mile stretch of the pennsylvania turnpike. sealant leak from the back of the truck left cars stuck and holidays ruined. >> look at my wheels. look at my tires. this is thanks giving. now we have to turn around and go back home. >> winds whipped the coast of the oregon snow and ice blanketed washington state. this is traditional. in the east cold rain drenched the i-95 corridor. drivers were forced to navigate the roads and ice knocked out power but for most americans the roads and in the skids the things have been -- skies have been -- the things have been going smoothly how do you forecast goo. >> i think it's the new meaning for stickage. >> thank you. showers lingered into the afternoon yesterday. almost every thanksgiving there's a storm. almost every year the week of thanksgiving there's storm. and it was not that bad yesterday. let's go out to temperatures this morning on the storm center weathernet courtesy of weather bug. columbia 37. and same story kings vim and -- kingsville and churchville. going in towards bel air itself. 34 degrees. want to show you what it looked like yesterday off main street and route 22. by the way charm city run right there. at safe harbor travel building. people waking up early for the turkey trot. this is for you. where's the turkey? watch it run. go. go. go. who's heading out there today? clear skies light wind and 8 a.m. temperatures a range of 34 inland to 42 by the bay. and by 10 a.m. a lot of us will be close to 50. good luck to runners. we have the rest of the forecast in a moment. 4:42 here's charley. >> the nice before thanks giving marks a tradition called homecoming. friends connecting at bars throughout the area and last night we were in towson and the crowd was mostly young adults, those back from college orreturning home for a long weekend with mom and dad. listen. >> to have a good time, to give thanks and be with good people and everybody is off tomorrow. >> tonight is a hereford night and there's hereford people that will be here hereford high school and i will hang out with them. >> while today is for the family, the people we talked to last night said that was all about hanging out and catching up with friends. former penn state assistant coach jerry san dust yky is on -- can dusky is on the -- sandusky is on the defensiveagain. you are watching what's -- "good morning maryland. a live look at downtown baltimore's inner harbor. time for five things to know on this thanksgiving morning. investigators in phoenix arizona are trying to pinpoint what caused a plane crash into the mountain. six people were on board and one child is confirmed dead and there are no sign of survivors. former penn state assistant coach jerry sandusky warding off more accusation of sexual child abuse. he denied two new allegations investigators are investigating. canned soup may be a comfort food but it's not good for you. see searchers say it could increase the exposure to bpa potentially dangerous chemical. some studies linked it to higher risk for cancer, heart disease and bpa in the inner lining of the cans is for vegetables as well. and energy drinks may give you a boost but it's sending more people to the emergency room. more people are ening up in the er after drinking energy drinks. beverage industry says the figures are taking out context and claim energy drinks are safe. maryland's film festival is running a retrospective and start at the the avalon. over the next few weeks charles theater will show liberty heights and ten men. tablets rex spec tonight hot gift for the holiday season. what is the buzz about. cheryl conner is showing you why it's different from a computer. >> i want to hold it and feel it in my hand. >> reporter: caneon is not talking about holding a new baby or a new pet. it's his tablet. >> once you find that there is an easier way to do what you need to do in your life it's like oh, my god, where has this been i want to keep it and never let it go. >> reporter: for $300 he bought a tablet a little computer and a little bit smart phone. built into a hand-held device that is fast and simple to use. >> you press the button and hit the app to type and type it. >> reporter: the apps are not like the apps on a smart phone. they won't kill your battery. >> i must say this has died once. >> reporter: consumer reports test tablet battery life with this machine. and every few seconds the machine boirchtion the screen to -- bonks the screen to prevent it from falling asleep. this man-made machine measures how long a man can use the tablet before the battery dies and the boinker keeps it away another machine surfs up to 60 web knights they are getting between larger tablets between -- sites. >> they are getting between larger fablets between 8 hours. >> reporter: and the photo light is meant to simulate the sun. >> these are back lit tablets and wash out the bright lights. >> reporter: you couldn't see much on this screen until we cast a shadow but when we held a e-reader up to the light it was as clear and crisp as the printed page. >> that's the struggle. if someone wants something to read books, primarily you are better off a e-book reader with a e-ink screen. >> reporter: consumer reports put tablets through five tests and rates them. the ipad is the tablet to beat there's an android competitor. >> galaxy tab series rises up in our ratings to rival the ipad having exceeded yet and there are other manufacturers like sony that have got hen into the market and we expect the market will be -- the product will be competitive with the samsung if not the ipad. >> reporter: with so many coming on the market should you buy now or wait? >> i don't think there's a reason to wait. >> reporter: the manufacturers are constantly sending updatesso models are not updated. for those who made the switch, the tablet has made another product outdated. >> you use your computer now? >> i use it once. >> reporter: the way technology is going, these may be dinosaurs soon. working for you cheryl conner, abc2 news. if you do have a smart phone is it worth buying insurance? how else can you escape paying full prime cheryl conner looks at that coming up in 20 minutes. this morning the bea gaddy foundation is getting rade for a big day. the mayor will join the volunteers this morning for the 30th annual bea gaddy thanks for giving dinner which provides thanksgiving for the homeless at 4:25 north chester street. it's a thought of could be aing a turkey if it's making you chicken, you can get expert with any of the questions and no question is silly. the phones at the butterball turkey hotline are ring off the hook and the number 800 hundred -- on the screen to get to or look them up on facebook. phones are staffed from 8 in the morning until 8 at night. so even the last-minute problems they can be addressed. justin. let's check it out. what is normal this time of the year? on this thursday, you know thanksgiving does fall on a different day this year. on the 24th of november,34 in the morning 53 in the afternoon. last year we had showers with sleet so we have a nice clear start and temperatures near normal. as low as 17 in 1989. and decade earlier 1979 brought us steaming turkey how about that. 73. sun is up at 6:59 and down at 4:47 and we are looking at temperatures right now 36 in baltimore and mid-30s across the mid-state of p.a. and a little colder across new england freezing in boston and northern new england where they picked up copious amounts of snow. and if you stick around i will check out the snow tallies in area ski resorts where they benefited from yesterday's storm and they will be opening including snowshoe west virginia opening today for the 11/12 season. a very quiet setup on the weather maps. i will tell you when it's calm this time of the year look out. the atmosphere is recharging it he have. -- itself and we have a very quiet pattern a little chilly in the northeast this morning. but seasonable this afternoon. big warmup across the nation's heartland and that will spread our way for a few days just in time for the weekend. again, we have got ourselves a little bit of a chill this morning. the warmup of mid-40s and even higher across the nation's heartland and deep south. a sign of what will be presidenting -- spreading in here. this is in motion. do you see anything moving? there's nothing. hard lay cloud to be found and we will have clear skies for the next few days with warm temperatures and enjoy it because again, the bottom will fall out. the law of averages proves that. 56 today. sunshine near normal and hey, heading out tonight, we are about 15 1/2 hours away from kick off. and temperatures should be about 44 degrees. and we are looking at clear skies and a ravens victory the rest of the forecast could be found at bottom of the screen and the extended outlook in the next half-hour. >> we know how important it is to notify the sell by date especially when it comes to meat. coming up, the shock one woman got when she reached for a bird and she was about to cook for the family. check this. plus, one family is thankful and happy this morning. the surprise everyone is going to have you reaching for your tissues. we will tell you when we return in a bit. you are watching "good morning maryland" on this thanksgiving morning, thanks for waking up with us. now "good morning maryland at 4:30. before you put the turkey in the oven look at tha woman b a turkey and was stunned when she saw the sell by date. >> it said november 23rd of 2007. and i went, oh, my gosh i can't eat this turkey. >> she took the turkey back to the store where the manager says it was an honest mistake and the store usually donates unused food to the needy or churches. she got a fresh turkey from another store and will always look at the expiration date before heave the store. thousands of -- leaving the store. thousands expect to lint street for the macy's thanksgiving day parade. yesterday the balloons were being enflated and -- inflated and we have the sock puppetinand sonic the hedgehog returning. besides the balloons the parade features more than 40 balloon creations and 27 floats and 800 clowns, and 1600 cheerleaders. a very special christmas tree is traveling. the 65-foot spruce made a stop in the mountains of north carolina on the way to the nation's capital. it's from the national forest in california. and it is on its way to washington to be the capitol christmas tree and will be put up on december 6th. never gets old a family in colorado got the best thanksgiving ever. they were in front of their class reading a book about a soldier when their dad walked in. both kids ran across the room to hug their dad and everyone started to cheer and the family is looking forward to spending thanks giving together. now "good morning maryland." gl. >> reporter: who needs turkey when you have black friday shopping? i am linda so. how long the die-hards have been camping out. and before you replace the serving spoon with a shovel, we are making sure you don't eat too much. it could be dangerous for your health. expert advice on this thursday. it's november 24th. happy thanksgiving and good morning maryland i am charley crowson. let's get to it with a check of the forecast because justin, many people may be getting out on the roads. no traffic today but the traffic is always available at and click on the traffic tab 1 hundred live traffic cameras at your disposal. what will the roads be like? >> they are quiet and first i want to check in on facebook and say good morning to good morning to. you everybody who is up early. for whatever your reason i know some of you may be starting to cook. some of you are out to travel for today. and some of you actually heading to area turkey trots like bel air. we have got 35 degrees -- degrees and if you are heading to towson 36. doesn't you love the live update. as you read the number it changes. 38 carroll county will have the turkey trot at the community college. westminster and so, temperaturestrot back a little bit with clear skies and light wind and as we do the area turkey trots this is for mary beth. i thought she would love seeing that. i don't want to be part of what your day will be. clear skies light winds and temperatures ranging from the mid-30s to low 40s by the bay. and quickly jumping to near 50 by 10 a.m. and in fact by noon 53. we are going 56 the two degree guaranteed high. and how about the ravens game weather we have got that and the gorgeous outlook

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Kingsville , Maryland , United States , Chesapeake Bay , North Carolina , Baltimore County , Turkey , Delaware , Boston , Massachusetts , Liberty Heights , California , Virginia , Calvert Hall , Oregon , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , West Virginia , Arizona , Carroll County , Colorado , Baltimore , Russian , American , Macy Wal Mart , Justin Berk , Cheryl Conner , Jamie Costello , Loyola Don , Jerry Sandusky , April Charles , Mary Beth , Bea Gaddy ,

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