Transcripts For WMAR ABC World News Now 20101119

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generosity from strangers and from some competing stores, offering to loan or donate dresses to stranded brides. the government rescue of general motors is being seen as a success, according to wall street analysts. that's based on gm's stock closing higher yesterday after one day of trading. that's prompting some crowing from the obama administration. as chris bury now reports. >> reporter: the president took a victory lap. >> there were plenty of doubters and naysayers who said it couldn't be done. >> reporter: but from the very moment gm's new boss rang the opening bell, the sound of a revving engine, his company's stock took off like a camaro. >> it looked like the company was busted and now it's back. >> reporter: now gm is no longer government motors, the treasury share shrinking from 61% to 33%. and that $50 billion loan from taxpayers, nearly half is paid back. the rest to come, as more stock is sold. >> i think general motors owes a great debt of gratitude and i know the employees feel that way, to the american taxpayer. >> reporter: gm is on a roll. its new electric volt just named "motor trend's" car of the year. overall, sales are so strong, gm is raising prices, making money for the first time in six years. the remarkable turnaround comes less than two years after the government saved a broke and bloated gm, and chrysler, from certain collapse. >> to be able to save the american auto industry, saving the jobs, really create the groundwork for the rebirth of the american auto industry. >> reporter: the new gm is a shadow of the old. instead of eight brands, only four. chevrolet, cadillac, buick, gmc. it slashed payroll in half, shutting more than a dozen factories and closing more than 1,000 dealerships. now, a leaner, greener gm is back on the path to prosperity, and american taxpayers can take a bow. chris bury, abc nauz, chicago. here is the friday weather. there could be troubles in the northwest with a storm dumping heavy rain on seattle, portland, and later san francisco. l.a. will be wet by tonight. the cascades could pick up another foot of snow. the northern rockies could get up to 10 inches. >> the coldest air of the season hits the northern plains with fargo and billings down in the 20s. the south warms up with miami at 80 with a little humidity. 63 in atlanta. 67 in dallas. honolulu is the hot spot, 82 degrees there. when you think of the greatest horses of all-time, maybe you think secretariat, seattle slew. here's another to add to the list. >> this is matt zeba, the arabian mare who's been painting in poland. in that time she's completed 30 painings. >> her owner says she exhibits yeah a lot of expression in her work." a polish art critic is a little more lukewarm. he says these paintings are interesting. >> if you needed proof that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, well, there it is. >> an ode to autumn almost. >> it's very lovely. competitive horse painting market out there. we'll be right back with more after this. if you fight to sleep in the middle of the night, why go one more round ? you don't need a rematch, but a rethink. with lunesta. lunesta is thought to interact with gaba receptors associated with sleep. lunesta helps you get the restful sleep you need. lunesta has some risk of dependency. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. stop fighting with your sleep. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. get lunesta for a co-pay as low as zero dollars at discover a restful lunesta night. it will with natural instincts. it's clinically proven. 80% of women agreed that natural instincts made their hair feel softer. want feel good color? get 10 minute natural instincts. it's all good. welcome back, everybody. now for a look at the quotes that helped shape this week in news. of course, this week had not one but two women in the palin family had folks buzzing this week for sure. >> of course all the controversial tsa pat-downs that had people with plenty to say. there was also a story that not only had people talking but a whole country celebrating. >> it's very, very special to me. >> as you may recognize that, my mother's engagement ring. it was my way of making sure my mother didn't miss out on today. >> i've never been in a firefight alone. i've never been shot at alone. since i've been in the army i've never been left alone. >> in that obsessive focus on policy, i neglected some things that matter a lot to people, and rightly so. >> i'm not here to be put on the back row and play games with it. we're going to try to shake things up. >> 50 years of public service is on the line. i am entitled to a lawyer during this proceeding. >> i tell you, i am thinking about things. and i'm looking at this country, george, and what's happened in terms of respect. >> what i've seen of the show she's not looking very presidential. she's running around in shorts, she's chopping up fish. >> if you ran for president do you beat barack obama? >> i believe so. >> there are people who are saying, vote for bristol as part of your allegiance to the palin brand. >> authorities now say a 67-year-old man in wisconsin was so enraged over bristol palin's "dancing with the stars" routine, he blasted his television with a shotgun. >> you touch my junk i'm going to have you arrested. >> we are seeing almost daily increases in how many shares are going to be selling. >> have you heard president obama's picture book for kids? it comes out tomorrow. that's when you know things have changed. when bush writes a 500-page memoir and obama hands in a coloring book. what is going on? >> if you touch my junk, i'll have you arrested. my favorite of the week. when we return, you'll never get off the couch. >> the marriage of technologies in your living room. tv sets will never be the same. stay with us. ea. the severe weather is the big the downed power lines. this tree top we out, be aware, of the power ey in new york and new england, there's when people come home from black friday with brand new tvs they may not be sure what to do next. >> that's because today's tvs are for far more than just watching tv. our technology contributor daniel sieberg teched it out, which ones are right for you. >> reporter: first, your cell phone got smarter. now it's time for your flat screen. >> the tv now has really become a smart tv. like people have their smartphones. now you could take content that's on all your devices and with a very simple flick get that content streamed straight to your television set. you no longer have to be just your own content that you're getting broadcast or your package content. you can take full advantage of all the user-created content that's on the internet, the content you've created yourself on your smartphone. >> it's an application called allshare. it recognizes the device that you have, it recognizes the device that you're sending it to, allows you to pick the images that you want to transfer. you can pick one file, multiple files. it gift you control. just like you have on your media player, you can hit play, fast forward, stop, pause, just like you're watching movies. >> this is a samsung phone. >> this will work with anything that has the allshare application on it. >> does that cost money or is it a free app? >> it's an app that's going to come with the phone itself and also is television. >> reporter: what if you want to access even more content via your flat screen? like the practically infinite content of the web? that's where companies like google are trying to merge the living room with the desktop. thanks to interactive devices. which retails for under $300. allowing you to browse through all your content online, and beyond. >> i can just quickly go through the results and that's the web results. wind seconds the web browser will launch and i will be on my favorite tv show website. >> reporter: if the keyboard controller seems a little clunky, then you can go for the mini one. features a back light and all the same functionality. simple search, picture and picture, and tv and web features combined make any old flat screen seem brand new again. the logictech review turns your flat screen into a giant video phone. >> how are you doing? >> reporter: although it doesn't have nearly as many users as skype or other video chat programs and you each need to have it for it to work. one company known for business video conferencing or telepresence, cisco, is getting on board with a more personal approach to your flat screen with umi. >> hello. >> umi is about the experience, it's about you and me together. umi. >> i feel like i can almost touch you but that might be a bit weird. >> it's very high-definition video calling and it's meant to be an immersive experience. >> reporter: umi is a high definition camera. it connects to the flat screen and can be routed through a dvr so you can see calls coming in while watching tv. why did google decide to move into this consumer space? >> we did research with consumers, we found that this gave people a way to connect emotionally. and what people tell us is they say, i can see what the other person's feeling. >> reporter: still, getting that experience means paying for it. the umi retails for about $600, with a $30 per month fee. >> we do offer a premium experience and it's not a surprise that you have to have quite a bit of horse power to offer that. that's why it's not inexpensive. if there's somebody you really want to connect with emotionally, you're really close to your parents or siblings, then there's not really another way to do this. because when you use a regular, low-definition system, you don't get the same experience. if you've got that use space, then the price is way less than an airplane ticket, for example. >> reporter: it's easy to forget that the person on the other end isn't in the same room. and to maintain a sense of privacy, the company made sure the shutter on the camera closes when it's not in use. i feel like there are some trends and family members who you might want to see in high definition, and some who you don't. if you know what i mean. of course, if you do want to stay in touch through online video there are plenty of ways to do it that are affordable if you can't afford these systems. in fact, many of them are free. >> great news for all the couch potatoes out there like me. it's amazing all the merging of technology. i don't think it stops, just keeps going and going. >> this comes on the heel of google launching sony internet tv. while you're watching tv you can pull up a search engine. you can be searching on the internet while you're watching tv. >> not while you're watching this show. if you fight to sleep in the middle of the night, why go one more round ? you don't need a rematch, but a rethink. with lunesta. lunesta is thought to interact with gaba receptors associated with sleep. lunesta helps you get the restful sleep you need. lunesta has some risk of dependency. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. stop fighting with your sleep. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. get lunesta for a co-pay as low as zero dollars at discover a restful lunesta night. have a few more juicy details on the royal wedding. like any wedding william and kate have to start somewhere with planning the big day. >> of course. looks like the young couple has started by picking the all-important venue. but which one? here's the bbc's nicholas witchell. >> reporter: it's not conclusive but it certainly seems to be pretty close. kate middleton emerging from a side door of westminster abbey last night, having been shown around by officials. there, according to clarence house, just to get the feel of this centuries-old church. and if it is to be the abbey, it will be a choice in keeping with centuries of royal tradition. >> the church of kings. it's where the coronations have taken place. it's where many royal weddings have taken place. where many royal funerals have taken place. many kings and queens are buried there. and it's entirely appropriate that the marriage of the eventual heir to the throne should take place in such a splendid church. >> reporter: westminster abbey was, of course, where the funeral took place of william's mother. he was then a 15-year-old boy, grieving alongside his younger brother harry. william has returned to westminster abbey on a number of occasions since. he was there most recently a few weeks ago at a service to mark the 70th anniversary of the battle of britain are he wore his raf uniform, which presumably he will wear for his wedding. then of course there's the trickier question of finding a convenient date. march has been tipped and certainly for the queen is month is relatively clear. though there's the possibility of an historic state visit to the republic of ireland. the first part of april is also fairly clear. then on the 21st of april it's the queen's 85th birthday. and easter falls on the 22nd to 25th of april. may is also a possibility. and dates will be being looked at then. it all sells to point to a wedding date sooner rather than later. that just leaves the big issue of who will foot the bill. security for the big day will fall to the police and military. but in all probability, most of the other significant costs of william and kate easily wedding will be covered privately, either by the prince of wales or the queen. >> yesterday we were talking about how stores here in new york, the phones were ringing off the hook because people wanted a copy of kate's ring. it's not just a ring. according to bloomberg news, thousands of commemorative engagement mugs, iphone covers, ea. the severe weather is the big the downed power lines. this tree top we out, be aware, of the power ey in new york and new england, there's okay guys...the plan, the plan? let's go downtown, it'll be fun. no, zak's having a party, let's go to the party. wait, i forgot, my mom wants me home by eleven, so... seriously...that's ridiculous. [texting] oh my gosh, awesome concert. danced to every song. you should have been there. zak was there. he's so cool! i'll be waiting for you out front...see you soon. (sound of text message alert on phone) (sound of text message alert on phone) when you stay connected to your kids, they'll stay connected to you. the boys town national hotline can help. call the boys town national hotline at 1-800-448-3000 (tdd# 1-800-448-1433) ...or visit us on the web at parenting dot org. airport anxiety before the big thanksgiving travel rush. >> we need to provide for the best possible security. >> tough questions about new security measures. mystery ends. why ohio police were so disturbed after a deadly discovery. and, information please about the royal engagement. the intrigue's impact on the internet. it's friday, november 19th. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning and welcome to friday. i'm vinita nair. >> i'm rob nelson. we'll get to those stories in just a second but first we have breaking news. >> there has been an apparent mine explosion in western new zealand. up to 30 workers are trapped in a mine in a remote town. it is a new mine that only began shipping coal this year. a mine executive says at least two workers have escaped with moderate injuries. the explosion was about 5,000 feet under the ground and we'll continue to follow the story. here in this country, millions of americans will be hitting the airports for holiday travel this weekend. and they will be experiencing firsthand those new security measures which are causing so much controversy around the country. sharyn alfonsi has a look at how other countries handle security, and it is very different. >> reporter: for some travelers thanksgiving will be their first taste of this. new measures some call intrusive, others ineffective. tmtd tsa officials say it's working. body scanners have already captured passengers trying to smuggle marijuana, whiskey, even knives. as for the pat-downs -- >> i am very sensitive to and concerned about people's privacy concerns. the bottom line is, we need to provide for the best possible security. >> reporter: but look at this. is this really the best possible security? are pat-downs and scanners the best way? >> no. >> reporter: he ran security for the israeli airline el al. the tel aviv airport is the constant target of terrorists but they haven't had a breach of security in eight years. how do they do it? >> what we do, we interview every passenger. >> every passenger? >> every passenger, no exception. >> reporter: first, at roadside blocks as they approach the airport. then, questioning everyone again inside. assessing their risk based on how they act, look, and where they're from. he says an interview would have red flagged shoe bomber richard reid. he got a british passport in belgium, flew to paris, bought a one-way ticket to florida, paid cash, and came to the airport with no luggage. tsa responded by making passengers take their shoes off. in israel, security officers are college educated, trained for months, and speak at least two languages. and they are routinely tested by undercover agents carrying fake explosives. if an agent misses one of these fake bombs? >> he is going home. >> reporter: tsa conducts similar tests but they say if one of their agents misses one of those fake bombs, they are retrained. sharyn alfonsi, abc news, new york. president obama is heading overseas this morning for two days of meetings with nato and european union leaders. this follows a meeting at the white house yesterday with top national security officials. all meant to rally support for that nuclear treaty with russia. the president has pushed republicans to vote on that treaty right away. >> as ronald reagan said, we have to trust but we also have to verify. in order for us to verify, we've got to have a treaty. >> this is a critically important issue for the country. if it was so important it should have gotten done, they should have gotten it done. >> republicans want to wait until the new congress is sworn in in january before debating that treaty. two of disgraced financers bernie madoff's long-time office workers are waking up in jail this morning. annette bongiorno was arrested at her florida home yesterday. joann crupi was taken into custody in new jersey. both are charged with helping madoff dupe investors out of millions of dollars in the decades he master minded his ponzi scheme. they face up to 20 years in prison. reportedly they were buying beach homes with cash. millions of dollars of cash. >> the story doesn't end. on capitol hill the house ethics committee is now recommending that new york congressman charlie rangel be censured for breaking financial and fund-raising rules. >> short of expulsion, censure is the stiffest form of congressional discipline. t.j. winick looks at what's ahead for rangel. good morning, t.j. >> reporter: good morning, rob and vinita. defending himself, charlie rangel copped to shoddy book-keeping but insisted he is not corrupt. >> the committee voted 9-1 to recommend that mr. rangel be censured by the house. >> reporter: for charlie rangel, the 80-year-old congressman from harlem has already been found guilty of financial wrongdoing. he was convicted of failing to pay taxes and using official resources to fund-raise for a new york college center named after him. >> his actions and his accumulation of actions, as the subcommittee found, brought discredit to the house. his conduct served to undermine public trust in this institution. >> reporter: members of the panel expressed little sympathy for rangel, who was forced to step down earlier this year as chairman of the powerful house ways and means committee. >> mr. rangel should only look into the mirror if he wants to know who to blame. >> i look at myself every morning, and i have never blamed staff, my family, or anyone for my irresponsible behavior. >> reporter: rangel brought a surprise character witness, respected veteran lawmaker john lewis. >> he's always been a champion for those who have been left out and left behind. >> reporter: and while rangel copped to sloppy book-making, he argued he was never corrupt. >> any action taken by me was not with the intention to bring any disgrace on the house or to enrich myself personally. >> reporter: no matter which sanction the committee chose, the full house can change that recommendation. rob and vinita? the tea party-backed candidate for u.s. senate in alaska is not giving up. joe miller is now asking a federal judge to stop election officials from naming lisa murkowski the winner. with a 10,000-vote lead, murkowski has declared victory. miller argues some of the write-in ballots did not spell murkowski's name correctly and should therefore be invalid. one quarterback set to start in the nfl sunday has literally thrown a touchdown every other time he's completed a pass. granted, in eight seasons, career backup brian st. pierre has only completed two passes. despite that inexperience he'll start for the carolina panthers against baltimore this weekend. injuries have robbed the 1-8 panthers of their first two qb choices. st. pierre has only been with carolina for a week. before that he was a stay at home dad. interesting career. >> affects a lot of fantasy football, doesn't it. it will be pleasant across the south with warming temperatures and low humidity. heavy rain by this afternoon in san francisco and los angeles by tonight. more snow in the cascades. >> the northeast cools down to more seasonable temperatures with boston and new york in the mid 40s. bundle up in billings where it's about 15 degrees colder than usual. miami and honolulu enjoy the 80s. a california couple is celebrating a lofty achievement this morning. they've been named the world's tallest couple by guinness world records. >> meet the halquists. she is 6'5", he is 6'11". the combined total here, 13'4". i'm flabbergasted by the height. >> no kidding. >> they say the best part of their record height is being able to spot each other in a crowd. >> the couple is just one of many record-breakers around the world taking part in this year's guinness world records. they met at a singles church function in 2003, and now record-breaking and married. >> probably spotted each other like that. >> quick. more after this, stay with us. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement nsurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn't cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to " 80% of your part b expenses. if you're already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp... insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, not paid by medicare part b. that can save you from paying .up to thousands of dollars... out of your own pocket. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans... exclusively endorsed by aarp. when you call now, you'll get this free information kit... with all you need to enroll. put their trust in aarp p 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news tonight. >> we have discovered and recovered the remains of kody maynard, stephanie sprang, and tina herrmann. >> reporter: the three bodies were found in this wooded area earlier today after matthew hoffman told investigators, they say, where to check. abc 6 reporter adam slinger has been in knox county all afternoon and attended the news conference where the sheriff confirmed the news. adam? >> reporter: this is now a homicide investigation, and this is where it all started. you can see the lights are on outside. investigators say on the inside is where the missing three were murdered. >> today, this investigation took a major turn. >> reporter: it was a day the sheriff prepared for, but hoped would never become a reality. >> as the sheriff of this county for the past 18 years, i have never experienced a case this big, this serious, and this tragic. >> reporter: david barber confirmed the deaths of 32-year-old tina herrmann, her 11-year-old son kody maynard, and the family friend, 41-year-old stephanie sprang. >> we're a small community here. and we became -- we became close to the victims' families. >> reporter: family and friends searched for the missing three since they disappeared last week. their bodies were found in trash bags inside a hollow tree. investigators say the bodies were so well-hidden that they never would have found them had this man not told them where to look. his name is matthew hoffman and he's locked up behind bars, accused of kidnapping tina herrmann's daughter sarah. sarah was found tied up and gagged in his basement. the sheriff says she was home when the other three were murdered. >> we're inspired by sarah. we're inspired by sarah's bravery. >> reporter: at a loss for words in this tragedy the sheriff asked sarah's father to pass along a message. >> i ask larry maynard to convey to sarah, to tell her that she was my hero. >> reporter: out here live, this is one of those purple ribbons that people here in the community have been wearing to honor the three lives lost, as well as to show support for sarah. sarah by the way is currently with her father. she's only 13 years old and as for matthew hoffman, investigators believe he acted alone. in knox county, adam slinger, abc 6 news. >> our team coverage continues with maria durant, who has more on how the small community is reacting to this devastating news. ♪ amazing grace how sweet the sound ♪ >> reporter: the family of the missing three, the first to launch the candles in the water. light to represent the hope that even though kody maynard, his mother tina herrmann, and their friend, stephanie sprang, were not found alive, the light can overcome the darkness. >> i wanted to show even after we got the news, just the sense of community that we have. >> reporter: several hundred people showed up to remember the lives lost. a community that held out hope until late this afternoon when they got the news. >> i just got off the bus today. and my mom said that they did find kody. and he wasn't alive. >> reporter: and it's the children still trying to understand how someone could do this to their friend. these kids went to school and played with kody. >> i didn't even know what to say. i started crying. and i don't even know why the guy did this. i mean, i don't even think they knew him. kody was really innocent and really sweet. >> reporter: now with each light, a community tries to heal. ♪ and now i see >> we've now also heard from a former girlfriend of hoffman, and she says, perhaps hinting at a pattern of violence, october 24th, less than a month ago, she and him were in a heated argument and he physically hurt her, restrained her, pushed her against a wall and pinned her neck. >> that's the hard part, we still don't have a motive in the tragedy yet. awful story out of ohio. be right back. ea. the severe weather is the big the downed power lines. this tree top we valley in new york york and new england, there's ♪three blind mice, ♪three blind mice, ♪see how they run, ♪see how they run... ♪ ♪ welcome back, everybody. of course it's been the talk all week about "dancing with the stars," all this controversy over bristol palin, and of course the finale's coming up tuesday. folks on both sides of the fence, all worked up here. the producer of the show, it's an abc show here, has come out saying, look, it's really not possible to defraud the show with votes here. he gave an interview, basically trying to insinuate that it cracked the online voting system and allowed some folks to vote for palin 300 times in three hours. the producers of the show have come out saying, conrad green, it's possible to register lots of e-mail addresses but the ip address identifies which computer sent it. if it does happen we wipe out those votes. we have a number of security checks to identify people trying to multiple vote. basically saying there's security factors in check here that try to prevent any fraud or manipulation of the show. so what you're seeing is legit. there's nothing unfamiliar with this round of voting compared to years past, but with the dude shooting the tv and all the controversy and sarah palin and bristol, brandy, folks are up in arms about this. they're officially saying, look, this is a secure process, so we'll see how it all turns out on tuesday. >> speaking of up in arms beyonce has a new ad. before we tell you anything about it, take a look at and it see what you. >> yeah! ♪ ♪ heaven know how much i love you ♪ ♪ heaven know how much i care ♪ when you put your arms around me ♪ ♪ you give me fever >> mmm-mmm. >> this is the ad for her new perfume, called heat. there's been a lot of heat with regard to when it should and should not air. recently british tv said, we are restricting airings after 7:30 p.m. because of complaints. they say the imagery is just too sexy. they say it's sexually suggestive and therefore distasteful. a lot of the people saying, is it too much? is it not enough? the uk standing by the decision saying you will not see that unless it is before 7:30 in the evening. >> prudes. i don't think it's that bad. i'd like to see it again. >> it's already got its publicity. >> getting publicity now for sure. i don't think it's that bad. she usually avoids controversy. that's rare for beyonce. i saw no problem. willis, you have a problem with it? >> not me, baby! >> that's what i thought. moving on here. sad hollywood news here. a follow-up to what we told you yesterday. eva and tony are breaking up. some more information coming out about what led to the divorce. obviously as most people thought it's been in the works for several days here. nothing new here. apparently information coming out now that tony reportedly had a sexual relationship with the estranged wife of a former teammate. now it's coming out saying, it was not an intimate relationship, it was actually a sexting relationship he had with the wife of a former teammate, because a former teammate and his wife were having marital troubles as well so they were comforting each other, both their marriages were kind of crumbling, and eva stumbles across these texts. they got i guess risque. that's what kind of led to the marriage kind of dissolving here. there was not actual physical cheating, just maybe some inappropriate texting. that's what went down that maybe helped dissolve the marriage. sad either way. i'm sure more details will leak out. pfffffffff! ♪ let's szush up this one tone hair color! try nice 'n easy, with color-blend technology. in one step, get a blend of tones and highlights for dimension that takes you from drabulous to fabulous. nice 'n easy. your right color. why go one more round ? you don't need a rematch, but a rethink. with lunesta. lunesta is thought to interact with gaba receptors associated with sleep. lunesta helps you get the restful sleep you need. lunesta has some risk of dependency. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. stop fighting with your sleep. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. get lunesta for a co-pay as low as zero dollars at discover a restful lunesta night. here are some stories to watch today on abc news. jurors in the chandra levy trial in washington, d.c. begin a third day of deliberations. ingmar guandique is charged in the capitol hill intern's death nine years ago. wall street investors are watching china's attempt to curb inflation today. stocks rallied yesterday after gm stocks went on sale and finance ministers address ireland's debt. fed chairman ben bernanke is in germany talking to european bankers. he is discussing the latest moves to revive the economy, as well as employment. finally this half hour, a look at all the buzz words heating up the yahoo! search engine. vinita, i'll bet you'll never guess what's trending hot right now, my favorite story of the week. >> i have to imagine it concerns two recently engaged lovebirds, right? >> yes. >> our expert pamela woon is here with that as well as other trends. good morning, pam. >> hey, rob, vinita, good morning. the online world is abuzz today, clamoring to find every detail about the next royal wedding, the latest harry potter movie, and the upcoming thanksgiving meal. but first, love is in the air. five of the top ten searches this week on yahoo! are related to the royal engagement. yahoo! uk is reporting unprecedented numbers on prince william and especially his bride to be, kate middleton. searches for her went up an astonishing 20,000% in the first 24 hours after the announcement. even searches for her parents' party business shot up 1,850%. now it's true, if you like it you should put a ring out. speaking of a little bling, searches for engagement rings usually spike in november and december as people prepare to propose. a big week. it is through the roof. searches for replicas of kate's engagement ring are off the charts. obviously, a sentimental favorite since it was the sapphire and diamond ring princess diana received from prince charles. a vast majority of all these searches for engagement rings are from the ladies. all right, now moving on to the hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. harry potter is back again. a new movie out now and searches are up 13,000%. emma watson is the most searched of the starring trio. up 5,300% right now. lots of people searching for pics of her new hair-do. it's almost thanksgiving and that means yahoo! searchers are attacking turkey. how to cook a turkey, up 385% this week. two of three searches are from women. up 571% this week how to fry it, deep-fried turkey. two of those three are coming from the guys. all right, you two. what are you doing for thanksgiving? >> what are we doing for thanksgiving? >> i'm going to be stuck in a tsa line. whatever you're going through, we're here to listen... to provide help and hope when you need it most. visit your life your voice dot org for e-mail and live chat, or call anytime 1-800-448-3000 (tdd#1-800-448-1433). it's your life. it's your voice. use it. new leads. a publicist to the stars gunned down in beverly hills. the investigation's latest turn. presidential priority. the arms deal with russia and what barack obama is doing today to address it. and, harry potter's rival. and the actor who's brought him to life. >> movies can be a lot of fun too at the same time. >> as the magical movie opens today. it's friday, november 19th. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> goooomorning, everybody, i'm rob nelson. >> i'm vinita nair. we'll have those stories for you in just a moment. we begin with breaking news. >> there's been an apparent mine explosion in western new zealand. a spokesperson tells abc news two miners have escaped with moderate injuries but there could be up to 30 miners trapped. the blast happened thousands of feet underground. >> of course it is a developing story and we'll continue to follow it throughout the course of this morping. >> >> now to the murder mystery in beverly hills where police want to see video from security cameras taken the night of a hollywood publicist's murder. >> investigators now say she was probably targeted and not a random victim. >> reporter: beverly hills pd is looking for surveillance video and tips from motorists who may have seen a suspect on the run. beverly hills pd is saying little about the shooting of publicist ronni chasen. but the mayor who has been briefed on the investigation saying they have sketched out a theory. that at 12:30 a.m., chasen was making a left-hand turn. the gunman shot through the passenger window. investigators found glass on the pavement. they believe that the bullets came from a high angle, perhaps from an suv or another tall vehicle. it would also explain why no bullet casings were ever found anywhere near the scene. down the street more than a block away is where chasen's mercedes benz slammed into a light pole. she had been shot five times in the chest. >> it doesn't seem that someone could shoot her from a car. i was trying to imagine. get in front of her and shoot through the passenger side? it's very odd. >> reporter: at a trade meeting of publicists, some worry. >> any publicist is out all over town, all hours of the day and night. >> reporter: some may promote a controversial product or cause. >> we represent ringling brothers and barnum and bailey circus. certainly the p.e.t.a. people were all over it. that kind of issue. >> reporter: the murder of the publicist has detectives in high gear. this is the third homicide in beverly hills in the last year. there were none in 2009. the two murders this year were quickly solved. despite the rarity of violent crime, beverly hills pd are not requesting help from lapd or the sheriff's department. they assure citizens they have ample expertise and an army of detectives on the case. reporting from beverly hills, miriam hernandez for abc news. police in central ohio say they have found the bodies of a mother and son and the family friend who have been missing now for more than a week. they say the suspect in the case, an ex-con named matthew hoffman, led them to the crime scene. hoffman is already facing charges for kidnapping a 13-year-old girl who was found alive earlier. >> we have discovered and recovered the remains of kody maynard, stephanie sprang, and tina herrmann. the bodies were located in a wooded area inside of garbage bags in a hollow tree. >> officials say they think the suspect may have been watching the family for some time before the murders. president obama is heading overseas today for two days of meetings with allies in europe. before leaving washington the president stepped up the pressure on congress to vote on that nuclear treaty with russia. >> john hendren is joining us now from washington with exactly what's at stake here. hi, john. >> reporter: good morning, vinita and rob. senate majority leader harry reid says he will push for a vote on the s.t.a.r.t. treaty this year. that could force a showdown between republicans who want a stronger hand in the next congress and democrats who accuse them of playing politics with national security. president obama says there's no time to stall this s.t.a.r.t. treaty. >> it is a national security imperative that the united states ratify the new s.t.a.r.t. >> reporter: key republicans, including ten newly elected senators, insist it would be improper for the senate to consider the new s.t.a.r.t. treaty in a lame duck session. one gop concern, russia has warned if the u.s.s.oosts its missile defense system in europe, the treaty could be moot. >> if there was any change, qualitative or quantitative buildup in the missile defense system capabilities of the united states of america, the treaty would not be viable, in their words. senate majority leader harry reid says he'll push for a vote this year. >> we're going to do our best to get to that. >> reporter: reid has only 60 of the 67 votes he needs to ratify the treaty, forcing a potential showdown with republicans. on another front, a confrontation is brewing over the president's push for accused terrorists at guantanamo bay to be tried in civilian criminal courts instead of military tribunals. wednesday a jury in new york acquitted ahmed ghailani, who helped plan the 1998 u.s. embassy bombings in africa, of 284 out of 285 charges. >> to try a military comomtant, an enemy soldier combatant, who's at war with the united states in the civilian courts is not correct. >> reporter: those bombings killed 224 people but ghailani was found guilty only of conspireing to destroy government buildings, a charge that could have him facing as lil as 20 years in prison. vinita and rob? two of disgraced financers bernie madoff's long-time office workers are waking up in jail this morning. annette bongiorno was arrested at her florida home yesterday. joann crupi was taken into custody in new jersey. both are charged with helping madoff carry out his massive ponzi scheme and lining their own pockets with millions of dollars. they face up to 20 years in prison. the attorney for a seattle teen known as the barefoot bandit says he is negotiating a plea deal with prosecutors. colton harris-moore is accused of more than 70 crimes, including leading police on a cross country chase in stolen cars, boats and planes. his attorney says profits from potential books to movie deals to help compensate victims could figure into that possible plea deal. when general motors stock begins trading this morning it will cost $34.19 a share. that's up from $33 when it hit the market yesterday. >> because of that increase, most analysts call gm's government rescue a success. diana alvear has the latest. good morning, diana. >> reporter: vinita and rob, good morning. i was at the los angeles auto showownd all of the buzz was about general motors' ipo. it's a clear sign the big three are on the road to recovery, and perhaps even profit. with the sound of a cacaro engine revving, general motors celebrated what may become the largest initial public offering in history. at $33 a share, the ipo could raise $23 billion. >> we're a public company again but we have an obligation to perform and perform well, and i know we're up to it. >> reporter: they say the chevy volt is proof. the electric car has won several awards, including "motor trend" r of the year. not bad for a once-bloated, debt-ridden automaker which declared bankruptcy less than two years ago. industry insiders say it's all thanks to the federal government's $50 billion bailout. >> american taxpayers are now positioned to recover more than my administration invested in gm. and that's a very good thing. >> reporter: chrysler is back from the brink as well. having cut costs, and merged with italian automaker fiat. >> they were able to actually produce a profit in the third quarter, which was very surprising. >> reporter: some experts say the real success story is that of ford. its market share is the strongest it's been in years, this despite not having taken a dime in federal aid. general motors is hoping for similar success but they say they won't rest until all taxpayer funds have been repaid. with 500 million shares left to sell they have a long road to go before their comeback is deemed complete. according to a new study the auto bailout saved an estimated 1.4 million jobs over the last two years. one administration official says that study is proof that b bling out the big three was the right thininto do.o. vinita, rob? strange story here, police here in new york are cracking down on chess players. these men say they've been gathering on a regular basis at new york city playgrounds to play a little chess. turns out they were playing near a sign that says, adults are prohohited in the area except in the company of children. and the men have set up their chess game now outside the playground gate. getting those major crimes solved here in new york. >> the best use of our tax dollars. >> doesn't seem like it. here's a look at your holiday getaway forecast. light snow in minnesota could make for slick roads. heavier snow in the mountains of wyoming, idaho and montana. a storm brings rain to seattle and portland and later today in san francisco. >> sunny and warm across the south with dallas and new orleans in the upper 60s. albuquerque and colorado are right around 60. e northeast is seasonably cool. omaha and chicago are in the upper 40s. now to the diamond that everyone is talking about. the famous hope diamond is getting spruced up to celebrate an important anniversary. >> the giant blue diamond has been reset in a necklace to commemorate the gem's 50 years on display at the smithsonian natural museum of history. >> the new setting is called embracing hope. chosen from three possibilities in an online vote. >> i'll grab you one for christmas. >> it would go well with kate middleton's ring. we'll be right back. you go next if you had a hoveround power chair? the statue of liberty? the grand canyon? it's all possible ith a hoveround., tom: hi i'm tom kruse, inventor rand founder of hoveround., when we say you're free to see the world, we mean it. call today and get a free overound information kit, that includes a video and full color brochure. dennis celorie: "it's by far the best chair i've ever owned." terri: "last year, 9 out of 10 people got their hoveround for "little or no money." jim 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[ female announcer ] sorry, duster, but swiffer 360 dusters attract dust with over 500,000 fibers and lock it away to clean better than a feather duster. swiffer's built smarter to clean better. ♪ shehe bnded me with science ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] every day thousands of people are switching from tylenol® to advil. to learn more and get your special offer, go to take action. take advil®. i've been waiting for this segment all morning long. our loved willis. >> give, give, give! >> oh goodness me. well, unfortunately willis is here. it's time of course for this week's nfl gamam and our picks of the weekend. some of us actually may surprise you. >> as we told you sunday -- it's funny how no one cheers for us. >> no, never. >> as we told you monday, willis, yes, willis, he remains at the front of the pack. by the way, rob and i, i am in sole possession of second place and then come the rest of you. >> just picking the home teams. >> i can't read it but apparently i'm doing well. >> of course, it's close on the leadererard. you and willis out in front still with single digit losses. jack and i at 14-10. the divine ms. sawyer at 13-11 so far. >> as for this week's games, buffalo visits cincinnati. baltimore will go to carolina. >> our main event coming later on sunday when the colts will be in new england. willis' giants go down the turnpike for a showdown with michael vick. and the resurging philadelphia eagles, my second-favorite team. >> now for the picks. first from willis. the big fellow goes buffalo, carolina, new england, and his giants. >> yes! >> and i'll just keep going, my picks, this is you, picking the home team. >> of course. cincinnati, carolina, new england, philly. >> sticking with what works, not bad. my picks here, the bengals, i'm the first one to pick baltimore over carolina. also going the patriots, and forget it willll, philly destroys the giants. >> you can dream! >> jack starts with two teams on the road. buffalo, and he takes baltimore as well. he also goes with the patriots and the eagles over willis' giants. >> and diane studying those games on the long flight home from china. she goes with buffalo, carolina. another one going with carolina. surprising there. diane takes new england as well as the giants. >> there is one nfl result from last night, the bears went down to miami, beat them -- the dolphins -- 16-0. >> monday you can see the highlights from the games we picked and updated competition standings. final prediction, willis is going down. we'll be right back with more. "harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1" hits theaters today. it's the beginning of the end for fans of the young musicians. >> peter travers, "rolling stone" movie critic and host of abc's "popcorn" sat down with harry's hogwarts nemesis tom felton to talk about the new movie and the end of an era. >> we, the poor public, are seeing part 1 of the movie made from the last book. this is confusing. >> yeah, sure. >> part 2 will be next july 15th here in the states. so we can see it all. but you're finished withth it. it is done. >> it is. >> you are no longer draco. >> i know. >> unless you can't let go of him, dye your hair in private and walk around at home at way. >> i have snuck a little piece of his clothing away from the set. whenever i do feel a little sad and withdrawal symptoms, it's a ring, i slip on the ring and i get back into character. >> i want to go back to the very first scene you shot, the very first, when you are probably 4 1/2 years old. what was this? >> first we were all brought together as a group. we all met for the first time. we were still meeting each other. and outside of the grand entrance to the great hall. and chris s lumbus was specific about us not seeing the great hall before the cameras can capture it because they want it to be a genuine shock, a genuine state of awe. and it was awkward. we spent ten minutes waiting outside those doors not knowing what to do. awkwardly introducing ourselves to each other. and then they rolled cameras and the doors opened. and it was truly magical. excuse the pun. >> what was it? the doors open, everybody's there. but what is your first scene as draco? >> oh, it was actually on the staircase. the scene prior totohat in the film, we didn't shoot it prior, was the one where harry are on the staircase with all the new students. waiting to be let in. there's a little speech there. i think it was, so the rumors are true on the train, something along those lines. and young potter and i have our first confrontation, which is always -- we reveled in that. >> what was the most enjoyable scene for you to shoot in all of these movies? eight of them. >> epic question. >> i didn't say favorite or best or anything, you know. just this kind of thing that you had the most fun with. >> the most fun. it's actually -- looking back at it, in the fourth film, we had the durmsrtrang boys. as you remember, the durmstrang, mainly eastern european lads. a lot of them were acrobats. rather than actors. they were fantastic. kickboxers. needless to say, they took the severity of being on-set rather seriously, to be honest with you. they messed around severely. and it was incredible to watch all these huge actors on the table, then you've got these boys who are literally having a full-fledged food fight in the middle of a take and just laughing at it. at that point i realized, you know, movies can be a lot of fun too at the same time. other great moments. i'll never forget working with alan rickman one on one. that was a very nervous time. but that turned into fun once i got past the six hours of awkward time, not saying anything to him. then finally admitting that i have an incredible love for his role in "prince of thieves," robin hood. >> is that your favorite? >> that's what i grew up on. he brought such humor and charm to it that i had to ask. i said, do you mind if i ask you a few questions about how that came along, where the humor came from? he opened up for hours and told me everything that i wanted to know. >> we always go out on this show with something musical. >> what have we got? i'm trying to think about -- i was actually thinking about -- this is going to come completely out of nowhere. the jurassic park theme tune. do you remember this? ♪ and it goes on. >> is that what draco was humming in his head? >> that was what draco was humming the whole time, around the table. one of his favorite films. >> they're saying the debut could rake in $125 million. which would be the biggest potter debut ever. >> there's so much talk, what if they'd done this in 3d? around his house. these people chose freedom over restrictions. independencecever limitations. they chose mobility. they chosehe scooter store. and this is the team of mobility experts who made it all happen. ii great news, you've been approved for payment. dr. cruz, i'm calling on behalf ofmarie stanford. and they can make it happen for you. hi, i'm doug harrison, if you're living with limited mobility, call the scooter store today. i promise, no other company will work harder to make you mobile or do more to ensure your total satisfaction. i expected they'd help me file some paperwork with medicare and my insurance. i never expected them to be so nice or work so hard to get me a power chair at no cost to me. if we qualify you and medicare denies your claim for a w scooter or power chair, i'll give it to you absolutely free. that's the scooter store guarantee. we'll wor insurance company, even help with financing. if there's a way, we'll find it. when they delivered mom's power chair, i expected they'd show her how to use it once or twice. that man stayed for hours! whatever it takes, as long as it takes. that's our guarantee. why do we go to < uch great lengths? because making you mobile is our mission. we'llwork wit your doctor. we'll work with medicare and lçur private insurance. we'll even service your scooter anywhere in the country. call the sco÷"er store today. why go one more round ? you don't need a rematch, but a rethink. with lunesta. lunesta is thought to interact with gaba receptors associated with sleep. lunesta helps you get the restful sleep you need. lunesta has some risk of dependency. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without rememberiri it the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. stop fighting with your sleep. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. at discover a restful lunesta night. "world news now" delivers your "morning papers." >> the first "morning paper" is really a wonderful way to end the week. it's inspiring. a homeless man is at a railway in tempe, arizona, and he finds a backpack. he opens it up. what he finds is not only a laptop but $3,000 in cash in an envelope. like i said, this guy is homeless. he says as soon as he opened the backpack so many things went through his head. then he realized even though the money could take care of a lot of things in his life it wasn't his and he didn't earn it. he turned it in to authorities. authorities using the laptop were able to find the owner of the backpack. he give it back to the guy. he is completely stunned. he ends up giving this homeless guy a reward. and not only that, now that the story has been broadcast on cnn and several other news agencies, people all over the world are saying, let me help out this homeless guy. basically saying, he did such an amazing thing, i want to send him some money. the homeless guy, whose name is dave talley, he says, i think a lot of people walk around the face of this earth with the same level of integrity, you just only hear about the bad people. it's such an amazing story, a homeless guy finding that much money and turning it back in. >> it's good he's getting rewarded which is very cool. someone who was not rewarded was a woman in los angeles yesterday. just a normal day at the supermarket. she parked her car and, well, maybe we'll go to the polka then. it's friday. we'll get to that monday. >> all right, everyone here at miloski's farm, listen up. ♪ here's my visual cliche like the pilgrims used to say ♪ ♪ it's the turkey polka ♪ smell that gravy in the pan overdose on tryptophan ♪ ♪ that's the turkey polka ♪ turkeys are such stupid birds they're proving so today ♪ ♪ if these are free range turkeys why don't they all run away ♪ ♪ here in calvertson new york the turkeys yell, eat more pork ♪ ♪ that's the turkey polka ♪ any requests? ♪ ♪ november is a busy month there's always lots to do ♪ ♪ but turkeys get in the mix the democrats do too ♪ ♪ hey america good luck ♪ congress serves up our lame duck ♪ ♪ that's the turkey polka ♪ i could go on singing but i heard a group complain ♪ ♪ p.e.t.a. says my day is not just cruel it's inhumane ♪ ♪ sorry guys i have to scram ♪ homemade buns and traffic jams ♪ ♪ that's the turkey polka hey, you busy next thursday? we'd love to have you for dinner.

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