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a big surprise in the romance that has america aghast. why was this teacher arrested? we're going to talk exclusively to his teen lover, his former student. is she standing by him? and overly egg-cited. parents pushing easter egg hunts to the extreme. kicking, pushing, trash-talking. why one town is banning the tradition altogether. good morning, everybody. first, i want to say hello to the lovely and vivacious paula faris. good morning to you. >> you just added that, didn't you? >> i added that in. it felt right. >> we're having a sarcastic type of morning. >> we are. we have been a little sarcastic with the scenes. paula is here this morning because my friend, bianna golodryga, has big news. and here is that big news. his name is jake spencer, ladies and gentlemen. >> he is beautiful. >> this is day seven on planet earth for the little man. both mom and baby are home, happy and healthy. we're happy for them. we're celebrating with justin bieber this morning. sorry, bianna. coming up, a morning tv exclusive. we're going to be skyping live with mom and son. >> can't wait to hear how her first week of motherhood has gone, now that she's had to mother you for the last couple of years, right? >> we've been speaking. she hasn't been sleeping that much. so, no change. >> welcome to motherhood. it makes us all a little delirious. i have two kids of my own. a shocking scandal shaking a major college campus. the university of arkansas' college football coach has been suspended. that's him, after a motorcycle accident. how did that accident bring a secret love affair with an employee to light, an employee that he had just hired to help him out. a former student, a former volleyball player at the university. >> he got caught lying about it on camera. that's pretty embarrassing. we'll be talking about that coming up. also, we have a winner in the historic mega millions jackpot. a person with the winning ticket is coming forward. so, why are they handing the $218 million check to a cardboard smiley face? that story's coming up. >> it's not you, is it? >> nope. >> okay. just checking. we begin with the navy fighter jet, plowing into an apartment complex, triggering a massive inferno. new information on what caused the horrific crash. and david kerley has the latest from the scene in virginia beach. good morning, david. >> reporter: good morning, paula. abc news has learned new details about what may have caused this crash at noon yesterday. and also, with daylight, we're learning about whether anybody lost their lives because of this jet crash. seconds after takeoff, something went terribly wrong. and just across the interstate -- >> oh, jesus. >> reporter: the jet fell to the ground. >> this is terrible. >> we heard the plane flying. >> it's a lot louder than they normally are. >> it looks like he dropped out of the sky. >> a terrible, loud crash. >> and things started to explode. >> this whole place was on fire. >> and the black smoke. >> i could smell it. >> reporter: the f-18 crashed into an apartment complex. you can see here the flaming tail in the courtyard of the buildings. residents felt their walls shake, not knowing what was happening. >> laying out on the back porch. and i seen the canopy of a plane. and i lost everything. >> i seen the two guys' parachute. >> oh, parachute. >> reporter: other residents walked outside to see pilots in their ejection seats in their back yards. >> conscious but barely conscious. >> reporter: and pulled the navy man to safety. >> i cut him loose from his chair. >> reporter: the pilot seen here on the way to the hospital, apologized to residents. >> and the pilot said, i'm sorry for destroying your house. and i just bent down. and i touched him and said, it's okay. are you okay? >> reporter: this was a training flight with a student pilot in the front seat. abc news has learned from a military official that the pilots experienced a fuel lake on takeoff. they started to dump fuel to fly on one engine. but something went wrong. and the pilots were forced to eject, just moments before impact. >> this is a huge mess. >> reporter: rescuers searched all afternoon and into the night, looking for victims. and here's the good news. they thought that there were three people who were unaccounted for. well, there may have been some miscommunication. they actually believe that everybody that was on the list of that apartment building has been accounted for. so, remarkably at this hour, no deaths associated with this crash. nine injuries, including the two pilots. everybody in decent condition, dan. >> it really is astonishing when you see those pictures. david kerley, thank you for your reporting this morning. and we are lucky to have with us this morning two men who were right there when that plane went down. pat kavanaugh and george pilkington. gentlemen, good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> so, george, let me start with you. you saw the plane go down. can you describe what happened? >> well, it actually had flown directly over my truck as i was coming down the road. and it was dumping fuel as it was riding over top of me, with the nose up and bottom down. and the engines were screaming. it sounded like they were trying to get this thing back up into the air. >> engines screaming. pat, you were in your apartment, which is part of this complex. you heard the explosions. you ran outside. you saw a pilot on his back. can you describe for us what you saw and what you did in that moment? >> i -- when i went out the book door, i saw the pilot on the ground. i went over to see if he was injured. he was bleeding from the nose a little bit. i'm retired rescue. so, i checked for obvious open bounds, broken limbs. then, i tried to go back inside. but when i bent down next to him, he apologized to me for crashing into our apartment complex. and i told him, son, don't worry about it. you're alive. i'm alive. we'll get you out of here as soon as we can. >> did he seem dazed at that moment? or was he completely coherent? >> he was in shock. he was just staring into space. he wasn't moving. his parachute was still hooked to the top of the building. and at that time, all of a sudden, the black smoke started to come over the top of the building. we knew we had to get him out of there quick. i heard secondary explosions going off. i didn't know it was fuel tanks, ordnance or the gas lines. but i knew we had to move quick. so, we grabbed him, picked him up, moved him to a -- further down the parking lot. and at that time, the neighbors started to go out -- come outside. and we had to evacuate the building. >> george, let me just jump in for a second. george, if you don't mind. george and pat, i want to ask you both, what is your emotional state this morning? are you angry that this crash happened in your home? were you relieved that nobody was seriously injured? let me direct this at you, pat. how do you feel this morning? >> i'm not upset. i'm glad nobody's died in this incident. it could have been a lot worse. i'm proud of the two pilots, who did the best to bring the plane down where they did. i'm just glad nobody died in this terrible incident. >> we're going to have to leave it there. we echo your sentiments. thank you very much, both of you. pat kavanaugh and george pilkington. thank you, gentlemen. paula, over to you. >> no fatalities so far. this accident raises a lot of questions about the safety of the training missions over populated areas. so, we're going to bring in abc news aviation analyst and veteran airline captain john nance who is in seattle. we're hearing double engine failure. something catastrophic had to have happen for the pilots to take that plane down in a highly-populated area. >> no question, paula. whenever a crew has to eject, they're going to do the best they can to get the airplane guided somewhere else. we teach them, get out of the airport in time. there's only a finite envelope. if they wait too long, we're going to lose them. >> we saw some video of a pilot ejecting himself from an f-18. like you said, a finite time. look at that. just a fraction of a section before the plane exploded. did these pilots do everything they could have done in this situation? >> i'm sure they did. there will be a complete postmortem, so to speak, of the accident, taken apart and try to ask all of the right questions. but one of the things we have to train all our airmen, especially in fighters, is make that ejection decision early enough that it's going to be successful. if you wait too long, you're not going to make it. that's very important. >> we've heard they tried to avoid a school. there was a museum nearby. there was a highway nearby. there was a school. can anything be done about the flight pattern of performing these tests over populated areas? i know that sometimes the base is there before the neighborhoods surround that base. but can anything more be done to protect the highly-populated areas? >> i think this is the acceptable price of basically a strong military. and certainly, you always want to take a look at that. if you're running experimental airplanes out of a particular base. maybe that's not the right thing. these are operational aircraft, with a reasonably good record. and they're cutting-edge. i believe it's a reasonable risk. i think we've always felt that way. >> john nance, abc news aviation expert. thank you for your time this morning, john. >> thank you. now, to another astonishing and, frankly, infuriating aviation story. the cockpit fills with smoke. the pilot calls air traffic control and calls for help. but the air traffic controller dismisses the call, calling it, quote, b.s. abc's mark greenblatt is on the story this morning. mark, good morning to you. >> reporter: it's worse enough that an emergency developed just as this plane tried to touch down on the ground. it's one of the highest risk times during any flight. but what happened next has left safety experts stunned. it seemed like another typical landing in denver on a cold, snowy day. when suddenly, the pilots spot danger. >> this is 5912, emergency. smoke in the cockpit, please. >> reporter: with smoke in the cockpit, the pilot requests an emergency landing. but there's confusion in the control tower. >> who is this? >> this is united 12. >> reporter: but the control tower mishears the call numbers. >> united 12, what's your position? >> reporter: and not knowing what united 12 is, the controller decides on his own it's all a hoax. >> did you hear that? >> yes. >> i know that. united 12. do you know united 12 anywhere? >> reporter: as the plane headed for emergency landing, experts say seconds counted. fire crews needed to be ready to act. >> i think it's very troubling. an air traffic controller should never assume or jump to a conclusion at any time. >> i apologize. as you probably heard there, that's not real what we heard on the frequency. >> reporter: that's when the next panicked cry for help couldn't be ignored. >> we're on the runway. we've been evacuating. we're evacuating. >> reporter: even with the plane now on the ground, the controllers still don't believe the emergency's real. >> verify that wasn't you. >> reporter: abc news has learned that prank calls to control towers are not that uncommon, grounding planes worldwide. perhaps the controllers thought that this was another case. but this was no hoax. >> this was a very serious situation. and could have had a very disastrous result. >> reporter: this time, the pilots landed safely, averting disaster without much help from the tower. both the faa and our aviation experts say the pilot himself did make a mistake here. initially identifying himself only as 5912. he should have said he was united airlines 5912, declaring an emergency. but, paula and dan, with smoke in his cockpit during a snowy landing, that pilot surely may have been focused on simply trying to avoid a crash. >> understandable. mark, thank you. a lot of other headlines this morning. ron claiborne's not feeling so well. so, john berman is filling in on the newsdesk. john, good morning to you, sir. >> good morning, guys. great to see you. sorry to hear about ron. good morning, everyone. we begin with a bold, new claim about iran's nuclear capabilities. for the first time, a prominent iranian lawmaker says iran has the knowledge and scientific capability to produce nuclear weapons. but he says iran will never do so. the u.s. believes iran is using its civilian nuclear program as a cover to develop weapons. syria has launched an offensive against anti-government activists. a new one, just days before a u.n.-brokered cease-fire is supposed to take effect. at least 24 people were report think killed today. the u.n. ambassador says syria is not pulling out forces in accordance to the deal. florida's governor has signed a bill called caylee's law, inspired by caylee anthony. it increases a maximum penalty for knowingly making a false statement to police about a missing child. casey anthony was convicted on four counts of lying to investigators. she completed her four-year sentence while awaiting trial. top executives are taking a pay cut at three companies bailed out by taxpayers during the financial crisis. the government ordered nearly 70 workers at general motors, aig, and ally financial, by nearly 10%. the companies still owe taxpayers more than $85 billion combined. the popular american painter thomas kinkade has died. kikade called himself the painter of light. he was known for his sentimental images. his images are estimated to be in 10 million homes in the u.s. a spokesman says he appeared to die of natural causes. thomas kinkade was 54. and finally, a dramatic reunion between a marine and her dog. former corporal megan levy was reunited with sergeant rex on friday. they served two tours in iraq and were both injured by an ied in 2006. leamy started a high-profile campaign to adopt. it was the president of the yankees who pledged to cover rex's health and travel costs. they are together again at least. such a nice story, guys. >> really nice story. i love having john berman on the set with me because it proves in a we are not the same person. a lot of people believe we are. >> there's actually just a mirror reflecting. >> you're a very handsome man, john. >> you, too. >> thank you. appreciate that. let's check the weather. ginger zee. good morning. >> hey, good morning. paula and i used to get that in chicago all the time. >> yes. >> we feel you on that. we're not twins, either. >> my better-looking twin. >> really? >> she is. >> i'm not choosing a side here, just for the record. >> let's start with the video. i want to start with storm footage from florida. yesterday was a relatively quiet day, aside from north of miami. this is palm beach gardens. wind damage. they had heavy rain, too, for a short period of time. they didn't end up with a whole lot as far as the quantity. but it came down quickly. severe weather today, going to move out to the southern plains. let's look at this. we have lubbock, midland. oklahoma city, you're on the northern end of that as the cold front comes through. that's a hail and damaging wind event. also, really beneficial rain. midland, abilene. anywhere in west texas still in that drought going to get help today from those storms. freezing. the old 32 this morning for many in the great lakes and the northeast. it will end up as a close to average day or slightly above average. 69 for charleston. 68 in raleigh. and 68, cincinnati. so, it's going to get a little warmer. i'll leave you with a look at this national forecast. again, don't forget about the >> let's start out with a nice sunset. everybody was doing the old spring break thing. and i had so many beautiful ones. sandestin, florida. come on. stormy skies from illinois. and a nice, gray day there. you have to have both sides. next time i'll get a freezing snow one. >> you said spring break. how long ago was that? 20 years ago i went on a spring break. >> 20 years? come on. looks more like five years. >> oh, no. >> the right thing to say, right? >> you're so sweet. >> you're welcome. >> i'll pay you later. speaking of payment, now to the megamystery surrounding those winning tickets from the biggest jackpot in the history of the world, as you like to say, dan, right? someone has finally come forward to claim one-third of the prize. a whopping $218.6 million. but who is that person? we may never know. john is back with the story. is it you? >> it is me. >> it is you. >> not dan. this is john. >> no, i mean, did you win? >> oh, no. i did not win and i'm not dan harris. two mysteries solved here. it was the biggest lottery prize ever. but who won it? in kansas, at last a winner has come forward, sort of. so, who is this kansas kajillionaire? and the winner is -- >> we give the $218 million to the winner. yay. >> reporter: a big happy face atop an average, androgynous body. this is anonymous. the winner of kansas' chunk of last week's record jackpot. >> kansas law allows the person to remain anonymous. that person has chosen that option. >> reporter: so, what do we know about him? or her? anonymous called friday morning and showed up a few hours later to collect. anonymous chose the lump sum. that's $157 million. and apparently, anonymous didn't even know he or she had the winning ticket until monday, two days after the drawing. >> the person had good legal counsel, good financial adviser, and the person looks forward to retirement. >> reporter: so, somewhere in the town of ottawa, kansas, population 13,000, where the ticket was sold, someone's a whole lot richer. maybe in a ferrari. maybe in a speedboat. there are great beaches in kansas. or maybe just jumping for joy. >> they were still, you know, just in awe that they had won it. >> reporter: the kansas conundrum is just one-third of this week-long mystery. in tiny red bud, illinois, population 3,700, still no winner. but at least they're legally required to come forward. and in maryland, lottery officials are probably wishing this woman never came forward. she claims she had the winning ticket. then, claims she stashed it at mcdonald's. now, she's claiming she doesn't know where it is. one thing is pretty clear, it wasn't any of us who won. guys? since we're all here. >> yes. i think that's pretty clear. john berman, thanks very much. now, to a story that has a lot of us talking. across america this holiday weekend, officials are either cancelling or upping security at easter egg hunts. why? because of misbehavior. not from the children. from the parents. >> come on, mom and dad. >> abc's steve osunsami is on the story. >> reporter: it's the latest contact sport. the hard hits. >> and a fight for it. >> reporter: low blows and elbows. plenty of trash-talking. >> push 'em. kick 'em. that's not nice. don't say that. >> reporter: we're not talking about football here. this is the annual easter egg hunt, taking place this weekend in cities across the country. >> this is crazy. >> reporter: you'd think these parents have never seen an egg before, so desperate for their children to find one, they're pushing over other children and parents. in colorado springs, this weekend's easter egg hunt was called off at bancroft park because of the chaos from last year. >> it got out of hand. >> reporter: parents acted like it was a track meet. and jumped the rope and pushed past other children, picking up eggs themselves, worried their children wouldn't get enough. >> parents, back. >> what kind of role model are you as a parent, if your actions are cancelling, you know, an event your child's going to remember for the rest of their life. >> just chill out a little bit. let the kids enjoy it. it really is about the kids having a great time. >> reporter: imagine this at those egg hunts at the white house. parents gone wild on pennsylvania avenue. in macon, georgia, this morning, the annual egg hunt is still on, despite rumors it was going to be canceled. officials there actually held a news conference, explaining how parents need to act. they're worried because a parent was injured at one of their egg hunts and threatened to sue. >> the only thing we have is what people donate to us. we don't have any money. >> reporter: this time, organizers promised there would be plenty of security and first aid, which they hope they won't need. for "good morning america," steve osunsami, abc news, macon, georgia. >> not a very positive sign of the times. >> i'm taking my kids on an easter egg hunt. in a couple hours. coming up here on "gma," the teacher shocker. he made headlines all over the world when he left his children and his wife to live with an 18-year-old student. now, he's been arrested. we're going to talk exclusively with his teen lover. will she stay with him? plus, sleazy rider? a secret affair is made public after one of the nation's college football coaches crashes his motorcycle with a hot, young exstudent onboard. i'm always looking out for small ways to be more healthy. like splenda® essentials™ no calorie sweeteners. this bowl of strawberries is loaded with vitamin c. and now, b vitamins to boot. coffee doesn't have fiber. unless you want it to. splenda® essentials™ are the first and only line of sweeteners with a small boost of fiber, or antioxidants, or b vitamins in every packet. mmm. same great taste with an added "way to go, me" feeling. splenda® essentials™. get more out of what you put in. but does bringing a floor back to life really make us heroes? 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[ male announcer ] clean more, work less, with the mr. clean magic eraser extra power. how you doing? my name is steve. my family's lived in this neighbrhood for ears. recently, things got so tight we had to go to our local food bank for help. i lost a lot of sleep worrying about what the neighbors might think. that is, until i saw them there, too. how'd i do, steve? a little stiff. ou could ave done v a little better. what? come on. you know, i have an academy award., yeah, but not for playing me. announcer: play a role in ending hunger. visit and find your local food bank. i mean, he's more than just a lover. >> i would say i'm in love. >> here they are, the couple that made headlines all over the world. the 41-year-old former teacher who left his wife and his kids to move in with his former student. now, james hooker has been arrested. what did he do? and will his young girlfriend stay with him? she is speaking to "gma" exclusively. good morning, america, on this saturday morning. i'm dan harris. >> and i'm paula faris. faris harris. >> sounds like a cop show. >> or a bad name. i'm in for bianna golodryga. if you haven't heard, bianna is a proud, new mother. look at jake spencer. >> there's little jake spencer. >> he is beautiful. she's going to join us to talk about her first week of mommyhood. and also this half hour, a scandal that might cost one of the prominent college coaches in america his job. how a motorcycle accident exposed, of all things, the secret he kept from his wife, his school, as well as his boss. >> quite a story. also, tim tebow is used to the snap in football. but this time, somebody snapped him. a picture of him getting a manicure in a nail salon. tebow getting the spa treatment in this week's edition of "pop news." we begin with the shocking twist in the student/teacher affair that upset so many people last month. 41-year-old james hooker has been arrested. it turns out this may not be the first time he was in a relationship with a much younger student. is his most recent young lover standing by him? tanya rivero joins us with an exclusive interview. >> reporter: good morning, paula. that's right. the police investigation into the current relationship between hooker and 18-year-old jordan powers has led another former student to say she was a victim. jordan tells me she believes this woman is coming forward now, partly to help her and possibly other girls see the truth about hooker. this was the happy couple on "good morning america" in march. >> i mean, he's more than just a lover. >> at some point, you take a leap of faith, when love is involved. >> reporter: but their may/december romance barely lasted a few months. james hooker was arrested friday and charged with sexually assaulting another student over a decade ago. a 17-year-old girl. >> the fact that the victim was a minor, at the time of the -- this relationship, makes the incident a crime. >> reporter: and 18-year-old jordan powers exclusively tells abc she has moved out of their shared apartment. >> he called me from jail. and, yes, i told him that we're done. i lost everything for this guy. i lost my senior year. i gave up all my friends at high school because they didn't agree with me. and for him not even the to have enough respect to tell me the truth. >> reporter: hooker confided to her about the incident that took place in 1998. >> he told me that he met her online. and he hung out with her, just as friends. and then, he went to her house. and she came out of the bathroom naked. and he only touched her boobs and her legs. and he was freaked out. so, he left. and he went home. he said nothing else happened. but all of that was a lie. >> reporter: then yesterday, when police accused him of much worse. >> he did not deny it. my heart dropped. i felt betrayed. i just have a gut feeling that there's other girls. >> reporter: jordan's mother, who has been publicly trying to end the romance from the beginning, expressed relief. >> i've always had the same contention that he's a pervert. this predatory behavior didn't happen overnight. >> reporter: but today, her daughter is heartbroken and perhaps a bit more worldly wise. >> how could he lie to me for all these months and look me in the eye and tell me he loves me? i don't know how someone can have such a cold heart. >> reporter: powers still insists nothing romantic happened between the two of them before she turned 18. of course, not everyone is convinced. powers tells me she plans to stay for a while with a family friend out of state, while she recuperates from this blow and begins to plan her future. paula? >> a mother's love will always welcome her child back no matter what happened. thank you for that story this morning, tanya. another look at today's news with john berman. great to see you, john. >> nice to see you, paula. good morning, guys. good morning, everyone. in the news, everyone has been accounted for at that virginia beach apartment complex where a navy fighter jet crashed on friday. miraculously no one was killed. seven people were injured. none of them seriously. current tv has filed a countersuit against keith olbermann, a day after he sued the network. current details alleged bad behavior and says it should not have to pay olbermann another dime. an armored car hanging over a bridge caused even worse traffic than usual for some drivers in l.a. on friday. the truck crashed into the wall after swerving to avoid hitting another car. no one was injured. amazing. and it may not be "titanic" in 3d. but you can add another dimension to your favorite viral videos. youtube has added a button that will turn certain hd videos into 3d with a click. it's not "titanic." but you know, guys, you'll never let go, jack. never let go. >> ever. >> you're so moving in that role. time for the weather and ginger zee. >> i want to start out with snow. we had the beautiful weather to show you earlier. idaho falls is where we begin. the northern rocks had a hit of snow. three inches in the city. almost a half-foot if you went outside of it. from helena, montana, into the mountains. they had significant snow, too. winter not done yet there. but, boy, it's going to be a nice day. look at los angeles, above average. 79 today. boise will be at 57. by monday, they'll be up to 80. they'll have record-breakers. i'll leave you with a look across the nation here. sunny >> this weather report has been brought to you by advil. dan and paula? >> thank you, ginger. coming up here, the big-time college football program ime sc. how a motorcycle accident involving one of america's most prominent head coaches wound up revealing an embarrassing personal secret that could cost him his job. plus, another former child star busted. what police say amanda bynes did in this weekend's "pop news." all right. now to the motorcycle accident that may bring down one of the most prominent college football coaches in america. bobby petrino, head of the number five team in the country, is on administrative leave this morning after a very personal secret was revealed involving the woman on the left of your screen there. abc's newest correspondent, alex perez, joins us now. good morning. >> reporter: this is a story many people are talking about. coach petrino has two things working against him. the woman in question worked for him. and he lied. it's the love affair that was never meant to be public. the secret began to unravel at a news conference tuesday, when arkansas razorbacks coach bobby petrino showed up with a bruised face, bruised ribs and a broken vertebrae. he told a story how a mystery woman helped save him after a motorcycle accident. >> when i came out of a ditch, there was a lady there that had flagged down a car. and the guy that was in the passenger seat said, get in. we'll just take you right to the hospital. >> reporter: petrino, who is married with four children, said the accident happened after he motorcycle his for a spin near fayetteville and lost control. when a reporter asked if he was alone, petrino had a dismissive yes. petrino was lying. in just-released 911 calls, that mystery woman was his passenger. >> it looked like his face was bleeding quite a lot. but both of them, she did not look injured. she was the passenger. >> reporter: we now know that passenger was jessica dorrell. an arkansas grad and former razorback volleyball player whom he had been having an affair with. it turns out, he had hired the tall 25-year-old to be his student athlete coordinator before the crash. when petrino learned the police report with her name would get out, he issued a statement. my concern was to protect my family and a previous inappropriate relationship from becoming public. in hindsight, i showed a serious mistake in judgment. a mistake that may cost him his job. >> at about 8:30, i informed coach, that given this information, i was going to put him on administrative leave while i take the time necessary to review this personnel matter. >> reporter: petrino, now facing his family and making amends. and his mistress, dorrell, she's engaged to be married, to the razorbacks' swim director. and police are looking for a captain that helped dorrell get to the hospital during the crash. jessica dorrell, by the way, has not talked publicly about the relationship. and the university hinted they may talk more about this some time next week. >> i noticed that jessica and her fiance had a wedding website up that has been taken down. >> reporter: disappeared. >> welcome, by the way. alex and i worked together in chicago. great to have you here. good to see you. coming up on "good morning america," tebow mania. apparently, it extends all the way to the nail salon. what's going on here? it's all next in "pop news." michelle's allergies are becoming an issue. 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[ male announcer ] introducing new febreze car. eliminates odors for continuous freshness so you can breathe happy. i hope you're ready. it is time, now, for "pop news." you love it during the week. now, you can love it on the weekends here at "gma," as well. l.a. reporter and host of "on the red carpet," rachel smith, she's in los angeles with the hottest "pop news" this morning. good morning, rachel. >> good morning. another child actor is in trouble with the law. amanda bynes star of "all that" and "the amanda show" was arrested early friday morning in l.a. for driving under the influence. she allegedly swiped a cap car while trying to pass it. the police say she was in no condition to drive. this isn't the first time she's had a run-in with police. bynes was reportedly pulled over last month while talking on the phone while driving. take a look at this photo. earlier in the week, nfl star tim tebow was snapped getting a manicure. now, we may know why. the new york jets' quarterback will be giving an easter sermon to about 30,000 people at a texas church on sunday. that's actually smaller than his typical sunday audience. beyonce is giving fans a rare peek inside her private life. the secretive superstar has launched a blog with tons of never-before-seen photos. there's wonderful candid shots of beyonce and husband, jay-z. beyonce on vacation. and also her showing off her baby bump. she hasn't showed off blue ivy yet. but she promises to keep adding pictures. and, guys, you have to take a look at this video that has gone viral this week. this video of a dog with hypnotic, blue eyes. >> is he blinking at all? >> can you imagine the staring contest you could have with him? >> rachel, what's the deal with this dog? >> well, this video has gone viral. it's two minutes of a dog staring into the camera, while the "cash for gold" song from "south park" plays. some credit the song with the video's popularity. kwhaefr whatever it is, you just can't take your eyes off of him. >> he did just blink. i have two minutes to dedicate to that. >> rachel, thank you so much. everybody, we'll be right back with a very special guest. i don't want to spoil the surprise. but her initials are bianna golodryga. and when it comes to your family's health, you want the best. now you can have it without paying the most. petarmor flea and tick protection. it has the same active ingredient as frontline top spot, and it's just as safe and effective against fleas and ticks, but costs about half as much. sure our dogs may be called pets, but we all know they're family. petarmor. same protection as frontline top spot at about half the cost. available at walmart. baban cajun raw seafood pizza parlor french fondue tex-mex fro-yo tapas puck chinese takeout taco truck free range chicken pancake stack baked alaska 5% cash back. right now, get 5% cash back at restaurants. it pays to discover. cleaning better doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm gonna...use these. ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] unlike mops, swiffer can maneuver into tight spaces without the hassle and its wet mopping cloths can clean better in half the time, so you don't miss a thing. mom? ahhhh! ahhhh! no it's mommy! [ female announcer ] swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry ! specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice... and my hands were full. i couldn't sort through it all. with unitedhealthcare, it's different. we have access to great specialists, and our pediatrician gets all the information. everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. all right. this is the moment i've been really looking forward to all morning. let's bring in weekend "gma" co-anchor, bianna golodryga, with the newest member of her family. and there she is. bianna, let me say first off, we miss you. we love you. you look beautiful. and congratulations. the baby boy looks adorable. how are you feeling? >> thank you. we're feeling great. we're missing you guys. he, really, was part of the "gma" family from the get-go. he sat behind that desk for nine months in my belly. >> what's the first week been like for you, bianna? you're a new mommy. has it changed everything for you? >> it's been overwhelming. i mean, you know, you have -- every mom says this. but you never realize how much love you can have for another person until you have a baby. but i do have to say, i've been in a daze. i have no idea what's going on in the news. so, thank god i was watching the show this morning. >> so, you look radiant. but are you getting any sleep? >> no. short answer. >> really? >> do you think this job may be good practice? >> ginger wants to know if this job gave you good practice for sleeplessness. >> excellent practice. i always think of what i would be doing. oh, i'd be waking up right now. >> bianna, again, we love you. we miss you. come back soon. congratulations to you and, peter, your husband. thank you for watching "gma" this morning. david muir is back with "world news" later today.

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