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the best man speech? >> and d.c. come inges, hollywood hits washington, as the stars rub shoulders with politicians at the white house correspondence dinner. the main target of the evening, donald trump. >> mr. trump would certainly bring some change to the white house. see what we got up there. from abc news, this is good morning america with bianna golodryga and dan harris. good morning, america, i'm bianna golodryga in new york. and i'm dan harris in tuscaloosa, alabama. good morning, everybody. we're here covering the aftermath of the deadliest tornado outbreak since the great depression. this morning, look at this. we have a tale of two churches, one completely leveled all that's left is a concrete slab. the other church, still standing, unscathed, despite the fact every structure nearby is destroyed. we'll talk about that coming up, but bianna has other news for you. that's right. also this morning, in an elaborate ceremony. pope john paul ii was elevated to one of the holiest levels from the catholic church. he's one step away from officially becoming a saint. there's controversy about this. we'll go live to the vatican in just a moment. we'll also begin in libya where moammar gadhafi's youngest son saif and three grandchildren were reportedly killed in an air strike in tripoli. gadhafi and his wife were said to be in the house. we have more from benghazi. good morning. okay, we lost our feed to miguel. >> reporter: good morning. how he escaped is not entirely clear. journalists who visited that compound said it is thoroughly destroyed. they're not sure how he could have gotten away without being injured. libya said it's a private home but nato insists it's a control sender and they do not target individuals. rebel leadership is not convinced to see the bodies. they don't believe these people actually died. they think that gadhafi is trying to garner international support and divide the coalition. there are likely questions from russia and china in mr. particular in the days ahead. bianna. all right. let's bring in christiane amanpour from washington. good morning. what well did he play in the regime? >> he didn't play a role. they're trying to break the stalemate which entered six weeks since the u.s. and allies put up that no-fly zone. as you can see, there is no real way out of that for the moment. and they're clearly trying to increase pressure on gadhafi. >> the spokesperson said the aim was to kill gadhafi himself. are we seeing a shift of nato's mandate, is he now a target? >> there's shifting opinions what the mandate is. it is rather wide ranging. it calls for all measures necessary. while they said they want gadhafi out. very few actually said we're actually going after him. some of the leaders, including defense secretary gates, have come close to saying, we want him out and we're after him. the issue is, how to put pressure on him to end this stalemate. >> you've covered gadhafi for years now. does this bombing weaken his mor morale or enforce it? >> he lost his daughter years ago, but he kept going for the intervening decades. what it's doing is making it complicated to see how there's a way out. he called for a cease-fire. nobody believed him. want to see action not just his words. >> chris krahn, we'll have to leave it there. and be sure to watch christiane later on "this week" when her guest including paul ryan. and now we'll toss back to dan. >> good morning, once again from tuscaloosa, alabama mass. we're standing in what may be the hardest hit area of tuscaloosa. this area we just got access to. it's devastation as far as the eye can see. almost everything is destroyed. this landscape is down right post apocalyptic. i say almost everything for a reason. there is one exception. look at this building behind me. this building survived essentially untouched, unscathed. and that building is a church, it's the soma church. we'll talk to the pastor and parishioners coming up. first, the major headlines out of this region, after the swarm of tornadoes hit this region, the death toll stands at 342. death toll in alabama, 249. there are still more than 100,000 people in this state who still do not have power this morning. alabama was by far the hardest-hit state. there's a tiny town in nearby mississippi, a town called smithville hit by a rare ef-5 tornado. the strongest there is. 205-mile-an-hour winds. neal karlinsky made his way to smithville and he's live this morning with us. neal, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. it's fair to say that there has not been an inch of this town that's not been affected. take a look at this building. i don't know if you see the angle but it's leaning heavily. tornadoes normally hopscotch around, destroying some building, leaving others unaffected, but not here. this town is a near total loss. while the people of tiny smithville, mississippi, sift through the remnants of their lives, this pastor carries a burden few can imagine. he's already begun presiding over the funerals of friends and neighbors, including one he was with when rescuers pulled her from the wreckage of her home. >> she was alive. i actually called her by name and spoke with her. as we were running her towards triage, i was praying with her. >> reporter: he buried her saturday. but there are incredible stories of survival too. >> she was in the hallway when the tornado hit. >> reporter: 79 yield maxine was rip from her home. they found her 50 yards away, atop rail rode tracks incredibly alive. >> having to go through all of that and survived it's hand of god type of miracle. >> reporter: the police chief was lucky too. his police station was torn to shreds around him as he worked to save his son. >> he came over top of him. while he was going over. i grabbed a hold of him, he grabbed me. and we went -- we were actually blown like outside of the building. >> reporter: police, post office and town's only school, wrecked. nearly every business in town, destroyed. but city leaders say they are determined to rebuild, almost entirely from scratch. >> i don't want this town to be a spot that used to be on the map. we want to be what we used to be, but better. >> reporter: about 800 people live in this town, four of them remain missing this morning. there are two churches in this city. both of them have been leveled. they will be holding service in a tent this morning. dan. >> and there will be sunday services throughout the south this morning. neal karlinsky, thank you for your reporting this morning. this is, as we said, the deadliest natural disaster in america since hurricane katrina, unlike katrina, which i vividly remember covering, one thing we're not hearing is anger at government response. the government response appears to be, appears to be swift thus far. more than 2,000 members of the alabama national guard has been deployed, with 837 in tuscaloosa alone. we're expecting federal dollars to pour in soon to rebuild. one thing we've noticed, something fascinating, on the front line of everywhere we go of this rebuilding effort, we're finding church groups. the response is massive and run with military efficiency. church members taking in immense amounts of relief supplies and sending them right back out to the people who need them. >> we are purely motivated by the love of christ. that's our motivation. we want to love this city in its darkest hour. >> what if people say yes, i want your help, no, i don't want you to pray with me. >> we still give them our help. we will help people, even if they don't ask us -- if they refuse us to pray with them, we'll still give them as much help as they need. >> reporter: churches helping as much even though they were not spared. look at this church in alabama. it was flattened. all that's left is a concrete slap. they will still be holding a church service this morning. >> message is hope that we can do this, that we can move past this devastation. when all you have is hope. >> reporter: by contract. look at the soma church, still here right in the middle of tuscaloosa's hardest hit neighborhood. nothing else is standing except for this church, which is now a staging area for relief supplies. >> do you think it's a miracle? >> to me, it's a miracle. >> reporter: the pastor of this church was not so lucky personally. the roof of his home came off and look at this mobile home in his backyard. the steel frame is now wrapped like a toy ribbon around what remains of a huge tree. >> that's an incredible display of the force of nature. >> reporter: and pastor buckner is with us this morning here in tuscaloosa. i want to go over to him right now. thanks for having us this morning. we appreciate it. what's your theory why your church was spared? >> i don't know the answer for that. i don't know if we were more blessed or highly favored than the next person down the street. i know all things work together for good, those who love the lord and called together for its purpose. >> this is a question that people in your position get very frequently in situations like this. i know you were up late last night talking to a parishioner who lost a loved one. why would a loving godsend a tornado? >> jesus gave his life for us to have abundant life. sometimes abundance don't come our way. sometimes destruction and devastation comes, i found telling my parishioners, themming people who are part of the church when they've been hurt, they can trust the lord. he'll weather the storm and will help us weather the storm as well. >> we appreciate you having us here, good luck you to and your family. we appreciate it. >> thank you, thank you. >> we'll have much more from tuscaloosa coming up later in the show. for now let's go back to new york, and bianna. >> a lot of viewers weighed in asking how they can help. go to our website, for all of the detail there's. switching gears, many people in vatican for the beatification of pope john paul ii. the ceremony put him one step closer sainthood just six years after his death. david wright is at the vatican with the latest. good morning. david. >> reporter: good morning, david. he's literally a miracle away from sainthood. check out this crowd here. the beatification mass just ended. you see flags from around the world. you hear every different language and accent, they have come from the four coroners for him. instead of a funeral mass, this was a celebration, of a man the vatican is now convinced is in heaven. today, pope benedict spoke what's called the formula of beatification, ensuring that john paul's name will forever be blessed. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> reporter: to be declared blessed, is to be declared an example for the faithful, someone you pray to. but not quite a saint. to be sainted john paul needs another miracle. vetted by the church. he already has one. a french nun miraculously cured of parkinson's disease, after she prayed for pope john paul for help. today she carried a relic of john paul, a vial of his blood that was extracted from his long illness. it took st. thomas moore 350 years to be beautified and another 50 to become a saint. john paul is definitely on the fast track. >> there are times in the life of the church when everybody just says, this is pretty obvious. >> reporter: some are offended by the speed of the process. considering the slowness to respond effectively to the sexual abuse scandal. >> do you think the church is making a mistake? >> i think given the seriousness of these issue, it is enormously premature. >> reporter: today in st. peters square, it was the minority view. "today," john paul's coffin is inside the basilica. his anointed successor was first in line to pay tribute. all of these people in line to pay tribute himself. john paul started this process of fast-tracking saints. he sainted and beatified more people than all of the popes before him. 1340 beatifications, 483 new saints. pope benedict slowed that down considerably, but to get the sense here at the vatican that today he was happy to perform this ceremony for his predecessor, bianna. >> david wright. thanks to you. turning to england, prince william and catherine enjoying a private local get-away fort weekend after postponing their honeymoon. new details of the wedding reception are starting to trickle in. jeffery kauffman is in london with the latest. we heard harry was a riot? >> reporter: that's right. we've got the scoop. no honeymoon, but a short break in england. perhaps granny's castle in scotland. while the new duke and dutchess are escaping the public eye, we are seeing more images of the wedding, and we've got the inside scoop of the celebration. the official wedding portrait, image of a future king and queen. the official photographer. >> i don't know what to say. i love them. >> they're so bloody nice, i know we can't swear on tele. they're so nice as individuals. >> reporter: this is the official family photo. royals on the left, middletons on the right. finally this memorable shot with the couple surrounded by the young aden tants. hamming it up for the camera, 8-year-old tom pettifer, son of william's nanny. more images of the late-light party at buckingham palace, for family and close friends the dutchess looking spectacular yet again. while details of the speeches scarce, according to london newspaper reports, best man prince harry was light-hearted and his speech laced with jokes at his brother's expense and even more elderly relatives. harry playfully referred to the couple as the dude and dutchess. his girlfriend chelsy davy read the speech before hand and insist insisted he drop the reference to kate's legs. and the first dance? a song from elton john. was kate, the dutchess, nervous before the big day? apparently, amazingly, not. >> she's the same on the wedding morning as she has been all of the way through. she's so calm and collected? it sounds amazing to hear, but it's absolutely true. >> for now, just a short break, monday is a holiday here in britain. the newlyweds will then head to her royal home in wales, where the the duke, a/k/a, will be back to work as a search and rescue pilot. there will be a honeymoon, but they are not saying where or when. bianna. >> they're good at keeping secrets. jeffery, thank you. let's check the top stories, my friend, ron claiborne. >> good morning. >> good morning, everyone. the dangerously high mississippi and ohio rivers forced evacuation of the entire population of cairo, illinois. most residents obeyed the evacuation order. there's concern about a sand boil which occurs when river water seeps through the ground behind a levee. the rivers are expected to crest at record levels tuesday. a man suspected of killing four family members at his rural ohio home was killed in a shootout saturday. three officers were wounded. 90 miles from columbus. police were responding to calls about shots fired in a home. two officers released and expected to make a full recovery. lindsay lohan will hope to resolve her criminal case before it goes back to court. lohan will reportedly enter a no contest plea. she's already been sentenced to four months in jail for violating probation related to that alleged theft. lohan is due back in court for a pretrial here on may 11th. >> finally who said dogs and cats can't get along. a dog is nursing newborn bengal tigers. the tiger's mothers don't have enough milk to feed them herself. so the dog is helping out, voluntarily, i believe. seems like one big happy family, for now. >> until they start growing. >> let's turn to jackie meretsky for a look at the weather. >> good morning. >> good morning to you, bianna and ron. we see a lot of damage from the tornado, now focus on the imminent threat, and that is flooding. now second wave of heavy rain, illinois, through little rock, additional four, even five inches, fell on some portions of arkansas. more heavy rain is expected. you can see on the monitor we have a tornado watch to the east of dallas, that's in effect until 12:00 central. that's a quick look at your national weather. dan and bianna, back you to. >> thank you, jackie. coming up here on "gma," children of the storm. what the youngest victims of the tornado are saying. why do they think things like this happen? 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all get k9 advantix ii. join us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii. no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the donald. and that's because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter. like did we fake the moon landing? that, ladies and gentlemen, was the leader of the free world essentially roosting donald trump with the white house correspondence dinner last night with the donald sitting in the audience for everyone to see? is this a few early shots of a 2012 competitor? we'll have the highlights. good morning, america, i'm bianna golodryga. and it's sunday, may 1. we're still in awe of the amazing fashions. today we'll show you how you can get the same look like pippa's gorgeous evening dress on a nonr decidedly non-royal budget. first dan harris in alabama covering the devastation there good morning. >> good morning, everybody. we're starting in what may be the hardest hit area in the hardest hit city. this is one neighborhood that took a direct hit from a very power ffl tornado. we're standing in the midst of the scattered member nantz of people's lives. i'm standing among washing machines, mattresses, beds, children's toys, it is an enormous vista and very sad. we're looking at day five. death toll, 342 in seven affected states. more than 100,000 people in alabama still do not have power. among the many victims, children, so many children. we sat down with several groups of children to get their take on this disaster. >> i heard a lot of noise, the whole house shake. >> and it was trees everywhere, front of the yard, backyard. stuff everywhere. >> everywhere you look in the sea of destruction here, you see signs that the victims include so many children. toys, tiny shoes, a crib. these children are now homeless and staying at a shelter. >> and our houses started shaking. >> shaking? were you scared when this happened? >> 100% scared. >> 100% scared. >> if i know something happened like this, never know that we will be in a situation like this. >> i think those windows are broken. >> these children are staying with their grandparents after their roof came off. >> what were you thinking? >> i thought we were going to wake up in heaven. i thought we were going to die. >> isaac, when you heard it going over, what were you thinking to yourself? >> i was thinking, god will protect us. >> why do tornadoes happen. >> i don't know. i was asking my mom and dad about that. they didn't know either. >> why do you think it happened? >> some people said the reason it happened, like god is sending us a message. >> god is sending a message. what do you think the message is? >> what about you, gabriel? are you going to miss anything? >> i'm just glad that we all got life and sad fort people that did die. it was shocking to see. >> these are weighty issues for children to confront, too weighty. it's a relief that moments after their chat they were able to revert to just playing. so fascinating to talk to those children an we thank them for this time. a lot of people want to help out. if you're interested in giving, go to we have plenty of resources for you to give. once again, and for more on the rest of the morning's headlines, let's go back to new york and my colleague and friend ron claiborne. good morning. >> good morning, everyone. in the news, libyan leader moammar gadhafi is said to have barely escaped a nato air strike this chilled his son and three grandchildren. rebels took to the streets celebrating the attack. and nasa will decide whether to take another launch attempt for the spaceship "endeavour." if not it won't take place until sunday. in japan. sony executives apologized for the data breach that led to the breach of network subscribers. sony is investigating the attack. finally in key largo, 140 people set the world record for the most people simultaneously blowing a conch shell. that's sitting a new record that was set from years ago. it is time for the weather and jackie meretsky. >> thanks. dan was asking why tornadoes happen. let's take a look at the setup. we have a typical clash of air mass. no shortage of cold air coming from the north. warm, moist air from the south. very active jet stream. the result is flooding, some of the hardest hit areas of illinois through arkansas. any time i can talk about snow at the end of april i will and north dakota got over a foot through the overnight. this weather report has been brought you to by pup-peroni. bianna. >> jackie, thank you. now to a romeo and juliet story of sorts. a teenage couple in florida now on the run. neither family approved of the relationship and now they disappeared. police don't think they're in danger but their families are desperately trying to track them down. andrea canning has the story. >> reporter: the mug shot of jackson powell for shoplifting set off alarm bells for his family but not for police. the two-week hunt for powell and his girlfriend, nicole dones took a turn when he was arrested in savannah, jal. but the police didn't recognize the missing boy until after the release on bond. >> they've vanished. >> every parents' worst nightmare come true. 17-year-old nicole donees was just week as way from graduating high school and looking forward to a family trip to the bahamas. >> her boyfriend, 18-year-old powell, had been going through a difficult time after his brother's death in october and his grades were starting to slip. different backgrounds but a teenage love story neither could deny, one their parents forbid. >> his priority was nicole. and we were trying to revoke us him on his priority being school. >> we were worried they were just too -- >> -- too serious. >> now the pair disappeared and their daring escape brought both sets of parents together. >> i never lost communication with my daughter, not even to call us, or anything, is just mind-boggling. >> reporter: they've even hired a private investigator, so far he's turned up nothing. >> i'm afraid they both could be in danger. >> they are both very shaking, they stand out. and so for not one person seeing either one of these kids, you know, that's what's really got us very, very worried. >> friends are also concerned. a facebook page has been set up asking has anyone seen jackson powell and nicole donees. in case anyone has, their parents have this message. >> we want to know you're safe. we love you, we want you back. >> for "good morning america," andrea canning, abc news, new york. and coming up on "good morning america," how to dress like royalty on a pauper's budget. we'll show you how to get some of the royal wedding best look for less. and president in the role of chief chuckler. we'll tell you who had him laugh at the white house correspondence center and who he poked fun at. - oh, we miss you, honey. - i'll be home soon. until then... tommy? - behind every open heart is a story. - it's beautiful. - tell yours with my open heart collection at kay jewelers. keep your heart open, and love will always find its way in. [ beep ] [ beep ] [ beep ] ♪ [ beep ] [ male announcer ] find an italian masterpiece in your grocer's freezer. buitoni shrimp and lobster ravioli with garlic butter sauce. simple ingredients, artfully prepared. winner of 2011 product of the year. buitoni. create an italian masterpiece. on display in the freezer section. well, from kate's stunning gowns to her sister's emerald green evening dress, to, of course, the hats, high fashion was certainly on display at the royal wedding. but you don't have to be royally rich to get those looks. carlos martinez is here to tell us how to get some of the looks for less. what a wedding that was. let's talk about that dress. it was stunning. her sister, pippa's dress was beautiful as well. we saw the afterparty dresses that were equally as stunning. sarah burton designed the dress. for kate middleton, the beautiful white dress. that dress ran $10,000? >> at least. normally her ready to wear is $5,000. but we believe this is upwards of $10,000. >> don't fear, we can get a similar looking dress for much less. >> exactly. helen is modeling a dress that looks to be a replica. >> the "w" editors found a great dress from lauren, by ralph lauren at lord and taylor. this dress is $79. a great pair of shoes for $23. we found a great bolero for $18. and we actually found a great belt that we made ourselves. >> see, i love that, making it yourself. >> yes, go to m.&j. trimmings and buy a strand of sequins and tie with a ribbon. that ran $15 which is great. the total is 140 bucks. >> exactly. >> not the 10,000. that we saw. it's a beautiful dress. a lot of eyes were on pippa at the wedding and after party. she had that beautiful emerald green dress. it was made by -- >> temperly, london. we found a great dress from zara. which is about $100. it has a great silver sequins belt that makes the whole dress. we paired it with forever 21 pumps for $25 and nine west earrings for $18. >> the original dress was $3,000. we got this for 143? >> $143. which is great. >> fantastic. >> and it wasn't just people that were in the bridal party. we talked about some of the guests famous and beautiful. victoria beckham comes to mind. she looks great. >> she's pregnant. we found a great dress for $80. which is a fantastic price. she's wearing an amazing fascinator by fascinators nyc and pair of forever 21 pumps. for $23. >> and victoria beckham is wearing a dress from her own collection valued between $5,000 to $6,000. this we got for 81 bucks. >> yes, which is fantastic. we also like to mention that victoria's hat which is by phillip tracy was at least $1,000 to $2,000. we found great fascinators, for $36 which i think is great for something that really makes your wardrobe and sets your look apart. >> we saw hats galore at this wedding. is this a trend we see more of in the u.s.? especially, one hat stood out to us, yes, do you remember this famous royal princess's hat? >> right. it's on some websites now. >> fonzi, our lovely stage manager is displaying his own version that we've created for him. >> it's a fonzinator. beatrice or fonzi. which do you like? weigh in? seriously, are we going to see hats become more prevalent here? >> i hope so. i think it's a great way to access rise, bring your outfit to another level. we found great fascinators at for $36. i really think it changes the way your entire outfit looks. i was at the museum of natural history and wore one myself. there were a lot of girls wearing hair accessories which is great, a new fun way to, you know -- >> glam it up. maybe i'll wear one on air. >> that would be fun. carla, we appreciate your advice, tips, coming in, saving us money. the dresses were beautiful. the wedding was sensational. >> thank you for having me. >> carla martinez from "w" magazine. coming up on "good morning america" the president leaves them laughing at the handle white house correspondence dinner. them laughing at the handle white house correspondence dinner. we used to bet who could get closest to the edge. took some crazy risks as a kid. but i was still over the edge with my cholesterol. anyone with high cholesterol may be at increased risk of heart attack. diet and exercise weren't enough for me. i stopped kidding myself. i've been eating healthier, exercising more, and now i'm also taking lipitor. if you've been kidding yourself about high cholesterol...stop. 80% of people who have had heart attacks have high cholesterol. lipitor is a cholesterol lowering medication, fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. [ female announcer ] lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. great ride down. if you have high cholesterol, you may be at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. don't kid yourself. talk to your doctor about your risk and about lipitor. don't kid yourself. your favorites, in pieces. washington looked a lot like hollywood as politicians and press got together with tv and film stars for a big bash. it's kind of a beltway version of the os cars. the white house correspondence dinner. david kerley has a look at the highlights of the night. >> reporter: it's called white house correspondence dinner, but last night you could have called it the donald trump roost. >> are you expected him to say anything? you've been in the news. >> i don't think he'll address me. but we'll see. >> reporter: yeah, right. he opened up with a music video of his birth certificate. which trump had questioned. >> tonight for the first time, i'm releasing my official birth video. >> reporter: yes, "the lion king," but the donald was not laughing. >> no one is happier to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the donald. that's because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter. like, did we fake the moon landing? and where are biggie and tupac? >> reporter: the only solace for the donald is he wasn't the only target. >> there's a vicious rumor floating around that could hurt mitt romney. i heard he passed universal health care when he was governor of massachusetts. . >> reporter: and if that wasn't enough, comedian seth meyers piled on. first the republicans. >> donald trump said he was going to run for president, as a president, which is surprising, because i just assumed he was running as a joke. >> reporter: the president was not immune. >> you, on the other hand, mr. president, aged a little. if the hair gets any whiter, the tea party will endorse it. >> reporter: proof that when you try to entertain a bunch of journalists, the truth can be funnier than fiction. for "good morning america," david kerley, abc news, washington. >> sounds like seth meyers hit a home run there. it's hilarious. >> what will it take to get donald to laugh? >> i guess he wasn't amused by some of those jokes. >> maybe if you tell the jokes you can get him to laugh. >> maybe. >> do you think he and the president chatted at that event? >> i bet not. >> i bet not. what do you think? be right back. what do you think? be right back. breakfast! 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