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``was picked up are still limited. ``otto warmbier, who reportedly ``entered north korea on a tourist ``visa, is accused of carrying out `` a hostile act against the ``democratic people s republic of ``north korea. ``young pioneer tours, the ``chinabased travel company that ``organized his trip, said ``warmbier s family has been ``informed and it is working with ``the u. S. State department, the ``north Korean Ministry of foreign ``affairs ``the north korean government has ``arrested and accused other u. S. ``citizens of similar charges in ``the past. ``jeffery fowle of dayton, ohio, ``was held for six months back in ``2014. `` right now, three weeks into ``it, he s gotten over the initial ``shock of it, but he s still ``trying to process. ``if it s anything like me, they ``are not letting him know ``anything that is happening on ``the outside world. ``courtis warmbier is a ``thirdyear student studying ``commerce at the university of ``virginia. ``a School Spokesman would only s family and ``will have no additional comment ``at this time. ``he is a 2013 graduate of wyoming ``high school. ``we talked to a family friend ``about the situation he is now ``facing. `` i m just thinking of the ``warmbiers and thinking of otto ``and his safety and his future ``and, you know, the future of our ``country in situations like this. ``courtis this footnote to that ``story Ohio Governor and ``, president ial candidate john ``kasich tweeted that north ``korea s arrest of an ohio ``college student is inexcusable `` , and he should be released and ``returned immediately. ``happening right now, reports of ``multiple cars involved in a ``wreck on interstate 71 ``southbound just after the ``kenwood exit. ``this is a live look at that area ``right now. ``the highway is closed. ``it is still unclear what caused ``the crash and how many people ``are injured. ``also developing tonight, a ``shooting from last week has now ``turned into a homicide ``investigation after police say ``the victim died from her ``injuries today. ``iesha williams was shot january ``14 in bond hill right in the ``middle of rush hour. ``police say they do not believe ``she was the target. ``they believe it was her ``passenger who ran from the ``vehicle after williams crashed ``there have been no leads in the ``case. ``of course if you know anything, ``, call crime stoppers. ``the Driver Police say was behind ``the wheel during a serious crash ``interstate was under the ``influence of heroin. ``amanda gordon of greendale, ``indiana, is being held on a `` 175,000 bond. ``gordon was thrown from the ``vehicle. ``her passenger, clayford wilson, ``was also injured. ``gordon is now facing a number of ``charges. ``police say her two sons were in ``they were not hurt. `` people, think of flint and ``think of what we re going ``through. Re going ``through. ``imagine if these were your kids ll see how we ll feel. ``courtis that mother s ``twoyearold son is now on the ``it s not the type of photo any ``parent would want her son ``covered in rashes from what ``doctors believe came from the ``contaminated water in flint ``michigan. ``,well here at home, people are ``, coming together to help the ``people of flint. ``wlwt news 5 s Jenell Walton is ``here now with how they re making ``a difference tonight. ``jenell . ``jenell a Group Calling itself ``cincinnati supports flint ``literally came up with the idea ``on tuesday to collect bottled ``water. ``the donations came pouring in ``today. ``they filled an entire semi and ``another truck with bottled `` thank you. `` we thank you so much. `` social media is very ``powerful. ``we saw it on facebook, and i ``said to my husband, we have to ``be a part of it. ``we came down to the kroger in ``hartwell, and we decided to give ``water. ``jenell the couple joined ``hundreds of others who also gave ``water to help those in flint. `` i ve always tried to live my ``life, and my family has in ``, making sure that if we can ``impact the situation, we ll do ``whatever we need to do to do it. ``jenell victoria mullins, tj ``caz, and chanel wood joined ``forces after posting on facebook ``they d like to help the people ``of flint. `` it started off as two friends ``talking about a situation that ``we felt was a tragedy. ``when we started putting it out ``to other people, it just ``exploded. ``it grew bigger than we ever ``thought it would. ``it s just a testament to the ``community. ``jenell they were hoping to ``collect a few hundred bottles of ``water, but they far surpassed `` i do not know how this ``happened. ``this is amazing. ``i know that the semi holds about ``50,000 bottles. ``we probably have another several ``thousand in the budget truck and ``then we probably have another ``several thousand in the bus, so ``we have a lot of water. `` we thank you for each ``person s hand we holding today. ``jenell volunteers with ``cincinnati supports flint will ``also make the special delivery. ``ayers transportation donated a ``charter bus, so volunteers can ``travel to flint to personally ``deliver the water to residents. `` unfortunately, all the seats ``are taken. ``it is a beautiful thing. ``i would have loved to go, but ``i m glad i could just be here to ``help out with this. ``jenell there were so many ``people wanting to help. ``the Hartwell Kroger store ``actually sold out of bottled ``water today. ``that many people coming out to ``support this cause. ``courtis it was impressive here ``they started this on so when ``tuesday. ``will they make the delivery . ``here tomorrow morning, 4 30 a. M. ``they will take off. ``the plan is to hand deliver the ``water to residents in flint. ``they want to make it a personal ``delivery, delivering it straight ``to those residents, letting them ``know cincinnati cares about ``them. ``courtis many sections of the ``bluegrass or hit hard by the ``storm. ``for the most part, northern ``kentucky was spared, but some ``river towns were superprepared, ``like maysville, which got hit ``but recovered quickly. ``wlwt news 5 s john london has a ``look tonight. ``john maysville s snowstorm ``story this saturday night could ``be titled the art of quick ``recovery. ``this old river town stayed true ``to the boy scout motto, be ``prepared. ``at the top of the day, these ``downtown streets had maysville ``at a snowy standstill. ``but, as you can see, a lot of ``folks in this river town of ``limitless charm pitched in. `` where i think every other ``person has a fourwheel drive ``truck. ``with that and scraper blades, ``everybody is out. ``all the politicians are out ``scrapin sidewalks and whatever. ``john state plows were hard at it `` through the day along lonely ``rural stretches. ``mark rath moved the storm s ``aftermath off hill city road. ``joe brown had his mason county ``crew of clearing 200 road miles ``10 of storm. ``eight to nine inches worth in ``some spots. ``saturday s sunshine provided an ``assist. ``but brown will get no rest ``tonight as the temp takes a ``nosedive. `` it is supposed to be about ``five above in the morning. ``the winds anywhere between 15 ``and 30 miles per hour. ``so you have got a lot of ``interesting a lot of ``drifting. ``john so although the storm is ``the road responders will carry ``into another day. ``there is a certain pride that ``comes with this kind of ``strenuous necessity. ``whether out here in rural mason ``county or closer in where no ``saturday night downtown ``functions had to be scrapped. ``that was the determined result ``of a daylong effort. `` just the fact that you can ``drive up on top of that hill on ``clean, clean roads. ``john friday night was a snowy `` standstill here. ``saturday night had maysville ``moving again. ``those road crews putting in ``15hour days weren t forgotten. ``during the storm, so restaurants `` some restaurants stayed open ``so they would have a place for ``hot coffee and a full plate. ``in maysville, john london, wlwt ``news 5. ``courtis you can always stay ``ahead of the Winter Weather with ``the wlwt weather app. ``it sends Current Conditions and ``school closings right to your ``mobile device. ``as you probably know we are ``, right in the thick of ``basketball season. ``and despite worries about the ``weather, most games went on as s elise jesse is in ``the newsroom with a look. ``elise . ``elise it is saturday. ``that means we have a healthy ``menu of college basketball. ``xavier got a win over seton ``hall. ``i ll show you those highlights ``in sports, but for now, we take ``you to rupp arena. ``the 23rd ranked kentucky ``wildcats were at home taking on ``vanderbilt. ``first half, tyler ulis with the ``drive. ``he ll get this to fall off the ``glass, and he gets the foul. ``wildcats up six after the free ``throw. ``later in the half, off the ``inbounds, jamal murray with the ``steal. ``he goes coasttocoast, finishes ``with the dunk. ``and uk rolls right passed vandy. ``7657. ``louisville in hotlanta to face ``georgia tech. ``we go to the second half. ``chinanu onuaku battling down ``low, getting his own rebound and ``putting it back up. ``game tied at 39. ``later in the half, game tied at ``65, damion lee, he connects on ``louisville goes on to win it ``7571 over georgia tech. ``not only do we have great ``college action, we have a ton of ``great High School Basketball ``coming up in sports. ``from the newsroom elise jesse, ``, wlwt news 5. ``courtis thanks a lot. ``the city of cincinnati seeing ``green thanks to hollywood. ``just how much money recent ``filmings have brought into the ``queen city. ``and coming together to honor a ``hero. ``how fallen firefighter patrick ``wolterman is being remembered ``tonight by firefighters miles ``away from hamilton. ``you re watching cincinnati s ``wlwt news 5. `` things tonight in cincinnati ``pretty quiet, but out east, they ``are still dealing with a massive r someone just got a freer t to sign up for r and youll get a t when you buy a 30oz. ` `` ``courtis welcome back. ``an update on that accident i ``told you about. ``it now has interstate 71 shut ``down for the past hour or so, ``and as eu can see, it is just ``multiple cars were involved in ``the highway is now reopened. ``it was a showdown between ronald ``reagan highway and montgomery ``road southbound. ``fortunately, things are to ``normal now. ``is still unclear what caused the ``crash and how many people might ``be injured. ``now to norwood, firefighters ``coming together to remember ``fallen firefighter patrick ``wolterman. ``a donation of three dollars was ``made for every pint of beer ``purchased during the pints for a ``purpose event. ``wolterman died in december ``responding a to house fire in ``hamilton. ``all proceeds will go to the ``firefighter wolterman memorial ``fund. ``the Greater Cincinnati film ``Commission Says movies filmed in ``the city have given the city s ``economy a multimillion dollar ``boost. ``the Commission Says movies like ``carol and miles ahead have ``generated more than 54 million ``in the past two years. ``they ve also created more than ``8800 jobs. ``the commission released its ``the sundance film festival. ``announcer cincinnati s ``certified most accurate ``forecast. `` ``look like this . ``this is a picture from my cousin ``in new york city. ``snow piled up. ``they will need a lot of time to ``dig those cars out to the next ``couple of hours. ``new york city, their ultimate ``snowfall record, 26 point seven ``inches or they have seen about ``25. 10 visually, and that was two ``or three hours ago. ``it is starting to wind down to ``wind down. ``washington, new york, eventually ``boston, this will come to a ``close through 1 00 or 2 00 in ``the morning. ``for us, we saw sort of the ``beginnings of that system in ``cincinnati. ``just a couple of flakes and some ``heavier snow farther to the ``south and east, west union, ``maysville, and that is with us ``tonight, everybody is seeing dry ``weather, but we also sings a ``very cold weather, cold enough ``where mirror lake with a leg ``over at union park had a chance ``to freeze over. ``they had a little ice on them ``today. ``a beautiful picture. ``you cannot get much better than ``that to currently 18 degrees be ``at winds on the calm side. ``as the blizzard pulls away, the ``winds will continue to weaken. ``if you still have a breeze, ``things will back down shortly. ``yes, it is cold, but at least we ``windchill. ``18 in cincinnati. ``snow on the ground, down to ``mason and adams county, this ``area down past owenton, wherever ``you have one to three inches of ``snow, you will easily dropped ``through the teens tonight and ``into the since single digit ``spewed cincinnati will stay ``the blizzard will gradually move ``on out. ``for us, that means winds will ``start to back off and skies ``clear. ``high pressure will give us a ``nice sunny day. ``the winter storm warnings across ``the eastern seaboard will ``eventually come to a close, but ``if you re planning to travel ``eastward by truck, car, or even ``by flight, give yourself some ``time to do you may want to put ``that off for another day or two ``because they will be digging out ``for a while. ``high pressure will give us nice ``weather on sunday. ``then a sensible build in into ``monday night. ``we are thinking most of that ``will be on the rainy side, but ``there is a small chance we get ``see it initially start off as ``freezing rain to her tomorrow, ``no freezing rain, just a cold ``start. ``15 by the afternoon. ``39. ``overall nice sunshine. ``sunny skies through the day ``tomorrow here in a few morning ``clouds. ``that will not be a big deal. ``into monday, you will see this ``is a building in from the west, ``spirit monday evening, chance ``for sprinkles. ``the ground will be cold enough ``where some of that manage like ``him down as freezing rain. ``tonight, 15 or tomorrow, a high ``around 35 degrees be a we will ``crack the freezing mark. ``we will see a little bit of ``melting. ``70 forecast, what a difference a ``week makes. ``30 s, 40 s, and by next weekend, ``even some 50 s. ``last weekend, we were talking ``about multiple snowstorms and ``overnight lows in the single ``digits. ``courtis that will feel like a ``heat wave, 51. `` saturday, it means basketball. ``elise is next. `` `` ``elise welcome back. ``i m elise jesse. ``tickets were selling early for ``this one. ``it was a packed house at moeller ``tonight as 5th ranked wilmington ``came in to face off with the 3rd ``ranked crusaders. ``wilmington and moeller facing ``off tonight in montgomery. ``mark slaughter was there. ``jarron cumberland was money in ``the first half with three 3 s ``finished the game with 14, on 4 ``of 10 shooting, with 7 rebounds. ``moeller was only 5 for 15 from ``the 3point line, but this one ``from Nate Georgeton was nothing ``but net, and they trailed ``wilmington 2118 at the half. ``next, it is caleb canter driving ``and scoring. ``moeller improves to 151 with a ``4031 victory. ``newport central catholic and ``holy cross meeting for the ninth ``region all a championship game `` ninth regional alla ``championship game ``first quarter, holy cross swings ``it around to erik jakobowski. ``he ll hit the 3. ``indians up by three. ``later in the quarter, ben weyer ``with a big night for the ``thoroughbreds. ``he knocks down the deep jumper. ``he had 26 points as the breds ``took a twopoint lead. ``and newport central catholic ``advances to the all astate ``tournament for the 4th straight ``year with the 7052 win. ``this next game was all summit. ``they had a 20point lead, when ``hello there. ``but the senators never gave up. ``and takes it in for the slam. ``summits alex dahling skips this ``pass to sam martin in the corner ``for a 3. ``it is good. ``the silver knights exhibit great ``passing here, setting up zairn ``davis for the easy layup. ``scd beats taft, 5839. ``and one of these teams would hit ``a twogame losing skid. ``xavier facing seton hall. ``if there were any lingering ``questions about Edmond Sumner s ``health, they were silenced. ``he drives baseline before ``throwing it down. ``xavier led 4036 at the half. ``but the star of this show was ``james farr with a career high in `` with 24 points, 15 boards, ``and four assists. ``bluiett and reynolds got into a ``little foul trouble but jp ``macura and sean o meara filled ``in. ``xavier gets back on track with a ``8476 win. `` i have a lot of respect for ``seton hall, man. ``i think they have one of the ``most talented tough teams in our ``conference. ``ncaa tournament team, and we ``don t generally play that much ``zone. ``felt like it was our best ``answer. ``again, really fortunate. ``we beat a really good team. ``elise it was princess night at ``u. S. Bank arena, as the cyclones ``met up with fort wayne. ``nothing princesslike about this ``though tommy mele and kyle ``thomas throwing down in the ``first period. ``both would get a fiveminute ``major for fighting. ``to the game, scoreless in the ``second period. ``mike embach sneaks a wrist shot ``by brandon whitney. ``cyclones trailed 10 but would ``come back to beat fort wayne, ``64. ``here s the schedule for the ``conference championship games ``tomorrow. ``new england and denver facing ``off at 3 05, and then it s ``carson palmer and the cardinals ``taking on cam newton and the ``panthers at 6 40. ``you love that, didn t you . ``courtis let s go to the hockey ``magic it is is is night ``grr. ``weather. ``wechsler looking at quiet ``weather but cold tonight. ``dropping into the midteens in ``cincinnati. ``areas with a little snow on the ``ground, maysville, georgetown, ``dry ridge, more than likely you ``will find yourself around eight ``or nine degrees. ``a cold night, but at least we ``will not have that biting wind. ``tomorrow will be a nice sunny ``day. ``a high of 35. ``through monday, most of the day ``will be dry. ``start to see light rain. ``the only concern i have is the ``ground is cold enough because of ``the last week or two popup ``below zero in some cases ``weather, so we ``maybe an hour two where we could ``see freezing drivel desk drizzle ``before it goes all to rain. S, 50 s be it is going to ``feel nice. A little sunbathing. `` that nice. `` ``which is responsib r my moderate to severerchronic plaque psoriasis r made a simple tripr to the Grocery Store r anything but simple. R so finally, i had anr important conversation r with my dermatologistt about humira. Rhe explained that humirar works inside my body rto target and help blockr a specific source of r inflammation that` contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adultsrsaw 75 skin clearance. and the majority were clear or` almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability r to fight infections,rincluding tuberculosis. Rserious, sometimes fatalrinfections and cancers, r including lymphoma,t have happened; as have blood, liver, andrnervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, r and new or worseningt heart failure. R before treatment,r

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