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Being a natural born citizen. Cruz is pummeling trump with ads in South Carolina featuring a woman trump tried to force to sell her home. Vera cokings home was all she had left, but it stood in Donald Trumps way. Reporter what the ad doesnt mention the woman did not end up losing her home. Theres more than a little irony in donald accusing someone of being nasty. Reporter cruz and trumps other rivals are now criticizing the billionaires tendency to do this. I would bomb the [ bleep ] out of them. She got [ bleep ], she lost. Is anybody here worried about the frontrunning candidate shouting out obscenities in front of children . [ applause ] this is like what is going on . Reporter jeb bush sounding off today during a forum at South Carolinas most conservative christian university. See four president ial candidates here talking to these christian conservatives here at bob jones university. In the primary here in South Carolina, twothirds of the voters here are expected to be evangelicals. We talked to folks on campus and found them more than a little concerned about trumps foul mouth. What about when you hear him swear . When he cusses or does dirty things that he doesnt, it just doesnt look christian. Reporter but today, heres Something Else for evangelicals to consider. This actress in a cruz ad hitting marco rubio . Maybe you should vote for more than just a pretty face next time. Reporter well, it turns out shes a porn star. Cruz dropped the ad when he found out. And jon joins us from South Carolina. Another big debate tomorrow night. Donald trump said he would stop swearing, tone it down, but tonight threatening to sue. Reporter yes, the stakes are especially high for ted cruz. This is a state with a lot of the evangelical voters. He has to prove hes not just a in iowa. Jon, thank you. Meantime, on the democratic side, a fierce battle as well. In particular, africanamerican voters. After the smiles last night, then the fireworks. Senator sanders, asked by the moderators if he could be standing in the way of history in the country. The possibility of the first woman president. Mary bruce in South Carolina with how he answered. Reporter tonight, Hillary Clintons new ad invokes the Horrific Church shooting in charleston, South Carolina, using the husband of a victim. Somebody called me on the phone. She said, reverend thompson . I said, yeah. She said, theres shooting around the church. And i just dropped the phone. Reporter reverend anthony thompson. His wife Myra Singleton thompson was killed that day. Hillary is really committed to making sure that the guns dont get into the wrong hands. Reporter Bernie Sanders is channeling the pain of another africanamerican family. I was able to see my dad die on national tv. Father, eric garner, was killed by police. We need to believe in a leader like Bernie Sanders. Reporter both candidates battling for key africanamerican votes. At last nights debate, Something Else. Sanders asked if hes standing in the way of the first woman president. Senator, do you worry at all that you will be the instrument of thwarting history as senator clinton keeps claiming . I think from an historical point of view, somebody with my background, somebody with my views, i think a sanders victory would be of some historical accomplishment as well. [ applause ] im not asking people to support me because im a woman. Im asking people to support me because i think im the most qualified, experienced and ready person to be the president and the commanderinchief. [ applause ] and is convinced that wrapping her arms around president obama is a good strategy. But Bernie Sanders said he would be a better president with race. And lifethreatening cold moving in for 65 million americans, from the plains to the carolinas, subzero temperatures expected to shatter records. Heres linsey davis. Reporter tonight, the lake effect snow machine in full swing. Some spots in western new york getting more than three feet in 24 hours. Abcs indra petersons, in buffalo. Reporter its been a relatively mild winter so far by buffalo standards, but that is about to change. A dangerously cold arctic air mass is moving in tonight. Meaning by tomorrow morning we could set a 100yearold record. Reporter in minnesota, firefighters already battling negative 10 wind chills. North carolina, the National Weather Service Warning conditions will result in frostbite and lead to hypothermia or death if precautions are not taken. The cold already causing damage. A burst pipe in scranton, pennsylvania, turning these homes into ice castles. In some places, it could feel like 40 below zero this weekend. And at temperatures like that, frostbite can set in in just minutes. David . Linsey davis, thanks to you. Lets get right to rob marciano in new york tonight. Some temperatures not seen in 100 years . Reporter yes, were going to have to protect life and proffer professor property. Recordsetting stuff. Arctic air will be coming down, the peak of it will be sunday morning. These are actual low temperatures. 1 in new york. 6 in boston. And look at the windchills, what we dont need is a storm coming, thats what well get on monday and tuesday. It will start as snow in the big cities, but will change over to rain. But first, we need to get through the cold of the weekend. Rob, thank you. In the meantime, breaking develops after a terrifying machete attack in ohio. Law enforcement saying he was known to the fbi. Alex perez with the 911 calls tonight. Somebody pulled out a machete and started stabbing people. Reporter tonight, investigators trying to figure out what triggered an attack in columbus, ohio. How many people hurt . One seriously, hurt very badly. Reporter about 6 00 p. M. Thursday night, at nazareth the attacker, storming in with a machete in hand. I was on the ground, and i just thought to myself, at any moment ill get a knife in my back. Reporter the attacker went table to table. Authorities say he took off in a car, eventually tracking him down and shooting him dead. The attack leaving four people injured, including one critically. The fbi working with investigators trying to figure out a motive. Law enforcement says he was known to the fbi, but was not under a fullscare investigation. An alarming development, tonight, new fears of a possible link to miscarriage with the two women suffering miscarriages when coming home. And tonight, new word of a new test you can take to check for the zika virus. Heres eva pilgrim. Reporter tonight, a new concern in the fight against zika. The cdc confirming two pregnant american women, traveling abroad, contracted the virus, then miscarried when they returned home. Our goal really is to protect pregnant women. Thats the key priority right now. Reporter researchers already seeing a strong link between zika and birth defects of the brain. Now the cdc is looking at whether zika causes miscarriage. Samantha mejia was pregnant when she visited her husbands family in hondura before the travel warning. The biggest thing was knowing that i was pregnant and hearing all the different studies come out. Reporter when samantha came home, she tested positive for zika. She miscarried at nine weeks. The placenta also testing positive for zika. And his sister is pregnant right now, so were very concerned for her and her baby. Reporter david, this latest finding from the cdc really know about the zika virus. Researchers say theyre learning more every day. David . Eva, thank you. Lets get right to dr. Besser. Theres no confirmed connection to the miscarriages, right . Its not proven, but it is suggestive. Its likely, if it can cause some birth defects, it can cause others. And theres a new test . Yes, it will allow us to follow pregnant women and identify those at risk, and should be here by mosquito season. And now to a shooting in glendale, involving two teenagers. Students in shock. The girls were found dead, and a gun was recovered by their bodies. Both were 15 years old. Its unclear who fired or what the motive or plan was. The aerial pictures of the apparent parents and students evacuating are all too familiar. It was 17 years ago at columbine high school, and tonight, for the first time ever, dylan silence. Heres diane sawyer with her exclusive. The police were there and the helicopters were going over. And i remember thinking, if this is true, if dylan is really hurting people, somehow, he has prayed that he would die. That god, stop this, just make it stop. Dont let him hurt anybody. Reporter and so her quest begins. She says, she goes back over every year of her life with a magnifying glass. Looking for the path of her sons descent and the clues that she missed. Sometimes he would seem you know, distant or quiet. And i remember asking him, are you okay . Are you sure youre okay . You seem so tired. And hed stand up and say, ive got a lot of homework. I just, i need to go to bed. Reporter and you let it go. And i let it go. And thats the difference. If it were me today, i would dig and dig and dig. I felt that i was a good mom. That he would, he could talk to me about anything. Part of the shock of this was the was that learning that what i believed and how i lived and how i parented was an invention in my own mind. That it was a completely different world that he was living in. Goes by she doesnt think of the victims and their families. I just remember sitting there and reading about them. All these kids and the teacher. And i keep thinking constantly thought how i would feel if it were the other way around and one of their children had shot mine. I would feel exactly the way they did. I know i would. I know i would. And diane is with us now. 17 years have gone by. Why now . She says it took a long time to stare the truth in the face. Shes been on a quest to understand how she missed what she missed. And shes been talking to there may be something useful for another parent. A special edition of 20 20, a diane sawyer exclusive. Silence broken, a mothers reckoning, tonight at 10 00 p. M. Eastern right here. Up next, consumer investigation, a warning about something that could be in your garage right now. Our cameras under cover at discount stores. Could it be doing harm to your car . Also, the new headline involving the turf used by so many young athletes. And tim tebow is here tonight, putting football dreams aside to make dreams come true for thousands of children who would not have had the chance to dance. Well be right back. What if one situp could prevent Heart Disease . One. Wishful thinking, right . To help prevent another serious disease. Pneumococcal pneumonia. If you are 50 or older, one dose of the prevnar 13 vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. Even if you have already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, prevnar 13 may help provide additional protection. Prevnar 13 is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. You should not receive prevnar 13 if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. If you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. Common side effects were pain, redness or swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle or joint pain, less appetite, chills, or rash. Get this one done. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13 today. Americans. Were living longer than ever. 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Reporter abc news going undercover at Dollar General. 16 lawsuits claim the chain is misleading consumers by selling obsolete outofdate oil for cars without giving adequate warning. This is obsolete motor oil. Reporter our expert tom glenn of the Petroleum Quality institute of america spots this wellknown oil, 10w30. Its cheaper than the others. But look on the back. A warning. Not suitable for engines built after 1988. And heres another dg oil, 10w40. Back. Joe wood says he never thought to read the back of the bottle and that his engine died after he starting using the oil. I didnt think anything was different from any of the brands. Reporter glenn says its not just Dollar General selling obsolete oils. We go undercover to other stores. Half were selling oils that glenn considers obsolete. Experts say if you want the most current oil, look for this starburst seal on the bottle. Older formulations dont have it. As for Dollar General, it told us their products meet not only our standards for quality and value, but contain obvious and unambiguous language regarding the products intended and appropriate use. The company also takes issue with the term obsolete, saying these oils can be used in the millions of cars on the road built before 1988. Gio benitez, abc news, new york. Thanks. When we come back, a surprise for one of our correspondents from the pope. And major news on Barry Manilow tonight. And concerns for children playing on artificial turf. Well be right back. Yep, vern from voya. Really . Thats the weird part in this scenario . Look, orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. Save a little here and there, and over time, your money could multiply. See . Ah, ok. So, why are you orange . Funny. See how voya can help you get organized at voya. Com. Ibsd. You know the symptoms when they start. Abdominal pain. Urgent diarrhea. Now theres prescription xifaxan. 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Pope francis and the leader of the Russian Orthodox church, the first such meeting in 1,000 years. And terry moran, blessed by the pope on the plane. And breaking news on the artificial turf used on athletic fields. Crumb rubber, the cdc looking into whether it poses a health risk. And Barry Manilow, said to be doing well, after being rushed to the hospital. Suffering complications after surgery. Saying hes been instructed not to talk, sing, or rap. When we come back, tim tebow with a surprise. A gift for thousands of american families. You have to see this. Well be back. Ball since. Hey, how did he get in here . and with toe nail fungus jublia is a prescription medicine used to treat toenail fungus. Use jublia as instructed by your doctor. Now thats prime time. Most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. You ready to fight it . Ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. 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Tebow, born in the philippines, his parents missionaries. He was inspired by children with special needs, who simply needed a champion. Years later, hes now rolling out the red carpet. I want to fight for these people moreso than play football moreso than anything else in my life. Thats what i want to do. Reporter the Tim Tebow Foundation sponsoring whats called the night to shine, prom night tonight for young people chance. 72,000 volunteers, 32,000 guests. In florida, getting ready for the prom tonight. Thank you for the flowers. Reporter just listen to colin. For him to come here to share all that with us i think he cares about us. Reporter in new york city, volunteers getting ready for tonight. I get so choked just thinking about it. Youre special and important. Lets have so much fun tonight, okay okay . [ applause ] reporter arm in arm. Walking them in. Ready for the dance. So many smiles, so many twirls. A night to shine for thousands. And so we choose all of the young dancers given the night to shine. Thank you for wheel. Of. Fortune ladies and gentlemen, here are the stars of our show pat sajak and vanna white here we come. Ready or not. When jim beckons, we come. Thank you, sir. Thank you, folks. Have a swell show. Ill be over here if you need me. Hi, everybody. Everyone should have one of those devices. There you go. Get ready for our first toss up. Its worth 1,000. And the category is. Thing. [ bell chimes ] kendra and alessandra. Sisterhood. Yeah, there you go. Yeah sisterhood yay [ laughs ] you seem surprised. All right, lets hear about you two. Hi, im alessandra. And im kendra. And weve been Friends Since High School for about 18 years. We played basketball together and she was my idol. We both returned to our alma mater, Holy Names High School in oakland. Go monarchs. Whoo and the best part is we get to Work Together every day. We both have beautiful families. Ive been married to my loving husband, sam, for 9 years. We have two beautiful boys, samuel, who is 9, and solomon, whos 6. And i have a husband. His name is clarence. And i have two children, ella and eli. All right, well, you already have 1,000, too. Thank you. Congratulations on that. Nice to have you here. Okay, you two. Your turn. Hi, im darci and i am from, um, a small town in vermont called eden. And i work at an Elementary School as a business assistant. Im married to my wonderful husband, craig. And we have two fur babies, whiskey and harley. And, um, i enjoy playing softball which is where i went met my friend of 20 years, amber. We played Little League softball together. And im amber. Im a probation and parole officer in burlington, vermont. I love my job even though its really hard. I have a great boyfriend named luke. We have a fur baby named remy. Hes a boxer. And i love my job even though its really easy. [ laughter ] glad to have you both here. And you, too, lets hear about you. Hi, pat. Im ilana. Im from atlanta, georgia. I work in public accounting. And this is my best friend, adriane. Weve been best friends for six years. Hi, im adriane. I am also from atlanta. Im a Kindergarten Teacher at the davis academy. Um, and ilana and i met our freshman year of college. We were roommates. And we lived together all four years of college. And now youre gonna be winning a lot of money together. We hope so, yeah. [ laughs ] hope that goes for all of you. Get ready. Well do another toss up. This one is worth 2,000. And the category is phrase. [ bell chimes ] kendra and alessandra. Opposites attract. They do, and you got another one. That magic thumb. Youre doing very well. Thats great. Good job

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