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Which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] . . Sharyl welcome to full measure. Im sharyl attkisson. Theres only one governor we sworn off talking to the press. And we have an interview with him today. The governor is Republican Paul Lepage of maine and hes been embroiled in controversies stemming from his dislike of the press and his unorthodox ways, which some find offensive or worse. His supporters think hes a straightshooter whos become a political target, in part, because of his aggressive push to reform the welfare state. Today, we explore his effort to get mainers off the dole and whether its a model for the rest of the nation. Maine is known for scenic water and its reputation as a welfare state. But last month, governor paul lepages effort to reform that reputation was threatened by an expletivefilled voicemail he left a critic over whether his policies are raciallymotivated. Gov. Lepage i want you to prove that im a racist. Ive spent my life helping black people and you little son of a socialist. Sharyl that drew National Attention and calls for him to resign. Rachel maddow this is by no governor paul lepage, his controversies and his fights and even his public smearing. Swearing. That would te way too long. Sharyl but lepage insists hes not going anywhere and will continue pushing aggressive welfare reforms, which helped him get elected in 2010. That year, a full 36 of maines budget was spent on welfare like food stamps and cash assistance. Wellither call you back today or tomorrow. Gov. Lepage i am the example, american dream, and you dont do it by taking. You do it by giving and earning what you have. Sharyl lepage has launched a crackdown on fraud after discovering a shocking detail nobody else had unearthed millions of dollars in food stamps intended for needy maine residents were being spent in farflung locations like hawaii, puerto rico, and the virgin islands. What does that tell you . Gov. Lepage it tells me that it doesnt work. Thats what it tells me. Looking after the chicken coop. Sharyl tom roth leads the effort to catch welfare cheats. Tom weve got o large case that should be going for indictment soon thats about a quarter of a Million Dollars in theft and thats our largest case to date. Sharyl lepage has also pushed through a series of major welfare reforms. Maine was one of the few states with no restrictions on how long people could get cash assistance. Now theres a fiveyear limit. Those convicted of drug crimes can be booted off welfare if to the food stamp program. Gov. Lepage food stamps is a copout. Id rather teach them how to earn money so they can buy their own food. Sharyl under revisions made in october 2014, maine adults under age 50 with no dependents can only get food stamps if they enroll in vocational education, volunteer an hour a day, or work 20 hours a week, if theyre mentally and physically able. After one year, the results were remarkable. Childless adults dropped more than 80 from above 13,000 to under 2600. Gov. Lepage ive met some people that in 2010 hated me. Hated me. I was, when i was campaigning about reforming welfare, and i would just get these letters occasionally saying, . You were absolutely right. Now im not on benefits. I am selfreliant for myself. Were productive. Sharyl but the governors brand of tough love has plenty of chantal brouillard is a restaurant manager in castine, maine. Chantal we cant have a state that is dependent on it, but i think that he is potentially going to take away benefits for families and Community Members that really, really needed. Sharyl state senator nate libby, a democrat, accuses the governor of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Cutting fds programs increasing childhood hunger. State sen. Libby i think the governor has created this sense in the state of maine that all welfare is bad, and that, you know, people should be cut off of the public assistance rolls at any cost, without sort of looking at the corollary effects of that. Sharyl lepages reforms and his running commentary on the causes of maines social ills have set off critics. Earlier this year, he said most maines heroin problems are coming from black, outofstate drug dealers. Gov. Lepage guys at a named these type of guys that come from connecticut and new york, they come up here. They sell their heroin. Then they go back home. Incidentally, half the time, they impregnate a young white girl before they leave. Sharyl confronted by what he viewed as a hostile media and accusations hes racist, lepage lashed out and said he wished it were the 1880s so he could duel one of his critics. And he stood by his earlier criticism. Governor lepage we have a lot of people from connecticut, new york, the bronx, they come up to maine with heroin. Theyre killing our people. And yes, they move into they find a woman to move in with. And since were 99 white, its a white woman. Sorry, but its a fact. Sharyl the words people use about you that you dont like are often angry, racist. Gov. Lepage oh, im racist . Sharyl hateful. Gov. Lepage if i have something to say, i say it right out. And do i say things that are not politically correct . Yes. Will i continue . Yes. All of the above. And i think you people worry too much about pc, being politically correct, instead of the heart of the person. Sharyl lepage insists his heart is in the right place and his philosophies deeply rooted in personal experience. His grandparents came to maine from canada to work in the textile mills. He grew up in an abusive home, speaking only french. Hes the eldest of 18 children, most he never knew because he ran away at age 11. It was a tough upbringing . Gov. Lepage a major tough upbringing. Major. And to the point where i just couldnt take it and i left. Sharyl what happened . Gov. Lepage it was a beating. A vicious beating. And i left home. Sharyl he lived on the streets until two families gave him work and took him in. Some would say, being someone who grew up in poverty, abused as a child, homeless for a time, that you should have the most kind of sympathy for people . Gov. Lepage i do. Sharyl going through that. Gov. Lepage i am the most compassionate person for poverty that exist in the state of maine and the United States of you try growing up, cant speak english, on the streets of maine. Im gonna tell you, you go to school with a hole in your shoe, and you get a piece of cardboard to keep it from freezing, and the fact that youre living on the streets, you dont have a shower every day, and you tell me we dont get discriminated against. Sharyl he became a successful businessman and father of five, including a young man he calls his adopted son, devon, who is lepage says his street experience taught him what helps and what doesnt. Gov. Lepage july of 1964, we had a war on poverty and weve thrown money at it and then we turn around and walk away. But i roll up my sleeves and work with people and teach them how to get out of poverty. Sharyl on our visit, the governor took us to capitol clubhouse, a program that trains the mentally ill so they can earn their own paychecks. Thank you for visiting our clubhouse. The first businessman in the state to hire socalled transitional employees from a clubhouse project. Drowned out by the noise over the governors controversies are his supporters and successes. What do you think of governor lepage . I love him. Sharyl why . Why . Because hes not a politician. One of the things i agree with is the idea that everybody should be pulling their own weight. His concerns about the state are spot on in regards to the things that need to change in his approach is questionable. We all know that. Sharyl while more people have been getting on food stamps nationally, its the opposite in maine. Under lepage, the states food stamp enrollment has dropped 23 . Cash assistance cases are down 62 . And the amount of food stamp money spent outside of maine has been cut almost in half. Eric brakey is a republican state senator. State sen. Brakey welfare reform has been a very popular message here in maine. Of portland, maybe its not always as popular there. But statewide, we see that welfare reform is very popular. Sharyl so popular, theres a brand new law barring people from spending cash benefits on alcohol, tobacco, guns, and tattoos. And it was sponsored by a democrat, senator libby. State sen. Libby a lot of mainers are really surprised to learn that you can use state public assistance to buy cigarettes and alcohol. And i dont think theres anybody who thinks thats a expenditure that helps pull somebody out of poverty. Sharyl as the sun sets on the Lepage Administration hes out in two years under term limits he plans to stay the course. It remains to be seen whether maines reforms will lead to more poverty, as some critics fear. For now, the states call centers sound a little less like a welfare state. This is definitely a temporary assistance. Its not something thats permanent. To reduce dependency, not make friends. Gov. Lepage i dont care. I wasnt here to be liked. This is my story about being liked. When i want to be liked, i go get a dog. Its unconditional love and i have three now. I might have to have a fourth one before im done. [laughter] sharyl in a new and colby college, 64 say that the level of civility in politics has gotten worse or much worse during lepages term. 54 say they have no confidence in lepages ability to govern. Still ahead on full measure Hillary Clintons emails face a new investigation on capitol hill. We talk with the republican in charge and ask why. This information is so classified and so sensivthat if the adversary saw it, people sharyl this week, at a congressional hearing, the public got its first look at three computer technicians who helped set up Hillary Clintons three private email servers and in some cases allegedly deleted emails after they were subpoenaed. Two of them took the fifth and another was a noshow. We spoke with jason chaffetz, head of the republicanled House Oversight committee about why hes pursuing the email trail. Rep. Chaffetz its one of the biggest Security Breaches in the history of the United States state department. Understand how it happened, try to put that genie back in the bottle. But its just a major Security Breach that has untold implications for a long time to come. Sharyl once i sorted through the fbi summary, it was pretty clear the fbi had no idea if it saw key Hillary Clinton emails. Some of what they found was the clintons apple personal server she used for work mail couldnt be found, an apple mac book laptop and thumb drive that once had her email archives we thirteen of clintons mobile devices were lost, discarded, or destroyed. After she was notified her records would be sought by the benghazi committee, copies of her email on the laptops of her attorneys were permanently wiped with bleachbit. After her emails were subpoenaed, her email archive was permanently deleted with bleachbit from the server she was using at the time. And after the subpoena, backups of that server were manually deleted. Rep. Chaffetz it really is unbelievable. If you put this in a movie, nobody would believe it. But remember, this information is so classified and so saw it, people are going to get killed. And it was done so sloppily. I mean, its just cavalier attitude, that she was above the law. Sharyl today, we saw publicly, for the first time, technicians who took part in the bleachbitting, the permanent deletion of some of these emails after subpoena. They took the fifth. I respectfully decline to answer and assert my constitutional privilege. Sharyl in its partial review, the fbi found over 2,000 emails currently classified as emails that were classified at the time they were sent. Most remain classified today. Eight were top secret, 37 were secret, and so on. And 12 of the sensitive email chains were not provided by hillarys attorneys. The fbi found them in other ways. Mrs. Clinton i did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material. Rep. Chaffetz well, and we still have literally tens of thousands of emails that they they have 14,900 of them that the state department is reviewing, but we heard testimony last week that theres an additional universe of tens of thousands that they havent gone through. And a lot of this stuff was destroyed. Sharyl whats so bad about the idea of some of those emails being obtained by our enemies . Has anything happened because of it . Our world hasnt exactly fallen in. Rep. Chaffetz you have everything from satellite imagery to drone strikes to covert operators. Yokn but what if you were putting your life on the line . What if it was your son or daughter who was out there serving this country in maybe a clandestine way and then you had this cavalier person in Hillary Clinton just not secure the data . It puts people at jeopardy, at risk, and theres untold consequences to that. Like ive said many times before, she was not the secretary of fish and wildlife. Shes the secretary of state. And if you could know in advance where she was going, what she was saying, what her advisors an advantage that isnt going to necessarily show up on the front page of the new york times. But it gives you that much more of an advantage. If you were playing cards with somebody and you could see those cards before they played them, my guess is youre going to win more hands than lose. Sharyl the fbi found clinton was grossly negligent but cleared her of criminal wrongdoing. The leading democrat on the Oversight Committee accused republicans of wasting time on a political witch hunt. I believe t abusing taxpayer dollars and the authority of congress in an astonishing onslaught of political attacks to damage secretary Clintons Campaign for president of the United States of america. Sharyl Hillary Clinton has declined our repeated interview requests. Next week on full measure, we sit with president ial candidate donald trump and will ask him ahead on full measure some say a cyber war is imminent. So, why are some of our top agencies rejecting the bes this is ned. The family dog. And your current security system. Protecting your home from a breakin is a bit much for ned. [ snores ] everything is a bit much for ned. For live twoway voice and 24 7 security that alerts the authorities, im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. I know more about isis then the generals do. John mccain, a war hero. Hes not a war hero, hes a war hero because he was captured. I like people that werent captured ok. Donald trump compared his sacrifices to the sacrifices of two parents who lost their son in war. How would you answer that father . What sacrifice have you made for your country . I think ive made a lot of sacrifices, built great structures. Ive had tremendous success, i think. Sharyl its hard to keep track of the latest cyber hack. This week, russia was reportedly behind the hack and release of u. S. Olympians medical records. Some claim, the worst is yet to come. But when it comes to recruiting cyber soldiers to do battle in the war on the web, the federal government may be missing some of the best talent. Full measure contributor joce stma a surprising reason why. Joce john chase is never going to fit the mold of a buttoned down fbi agent. He didnt go to college. He admits hes used recreational drugs. And he has a criminal record. Chase does have one vital component in his skill set. In just one day, he developed a program to dig through social media data and expose thousands of accounts linked to isis. Most successful propaganda and recruiting tools. How does it feel to take on the Largest Terrorist Organization in the world . John scary. It was definitely nervewracking. When we were writing the script and compiling e st, it didnt seem like a big deal, but when we published the list and the media became so interested, and then it became apparent that isis knew who we were, that was definitely a moment of oh god joce chase worked as part of the group anonymous, a loose collective of hackers. Hello, citizens of the world. We are anonymous. Joce made famous by a number of notorious hacks including infiltrating top level prokremlin activists, successfully disabling the website for greeces central bank, even exposing personal information that belongs to president ial hopeful donald trump. Chase claims his work drew the attention of some top level and top secret agencies interested even if he wanted to go legit, he falls into what the government calls unclearabale talent. The hurdle . At least for the fbi, four questions to pass the background check. Have you used marijuana in the last 3 years . Have you used any other illegal drug in the last 10 years . Have you ever sold any illegal drug . Have you ever used any Prescription Drug in a manner for which it was not intended in what do you think when you hear all of those questions . John i cant imagine one person i know who would have the skill set to actually fulfill that job that would meet all those criteria. I know i wouldnt. Joce its that culture clash thats keeping hackers with sorely needed skills, like chase, on the dark side. David johnson were trying to do a better job. Right . Were trying to increase the candidate pool. But there is that baseline were not willing to go below. Joce David Johnson leads discussion at the bureau about changing times and the changing threat. Hackers say, for the feds, keeping up may require looking at the potential talent pool a little differently, mining social media and the dark web, a place intentionally hidden from almost all eyes and accessed by the few with highly technical tools. If thats where they are, if thats where they play, why not go after them there . David thats where some of them play. Theres no doubt about that. But from my perspective, there is plenty of equally good talent that is not quite so hard to access. Joce the second big hurdle to attracting hackers is money. And whoever said crime doesnt pay never hacked on the dark web. John i think the best people are on the black hat side and a lot of that is financially driven. Obviously, theres a lot more money in committing internet crimes than working for the a lot of people would probably forego some of that money if they had the opportunity to do something good. David just some of the work that they would have the opportunity to do its really cool and eyeopening, let me put it that way. Name recognition cant be beat. Joce but it may take more than a badge to bridge the two cultures. And somewhere between the metaphors of black hats and white hats, real talent to address a real threat may be missed. John youre putting somebody on a computer. Theyre not Walking Around with a gun. Theyre not arresting citizens. Theyre on a computer. If this is the person thats qualified to do the job, they should be the person thats doing it. Sharyl so, the you have any idea how big of a problem this is common how many people dont make it because of the questions . Joce it is a stunning number. We pressed the fbi to get the statistics. Last year, they screened 10,800 people and they could not get we are talking about 40 of the applicants they cannot pull into fighting back. Sharyl that is huge. So interesting. Thanks, joce sterman. Well be right back with an update on one of our most important stories last season and a change for a major forprofititititit college. Whatcha doin . Just checking my free credit score at credit karma. What the . . . Youre welcome. I just helped you dodge a bullet. But i was just checking my. Shhh. Dont you know that checking your credit score lowers it just be cool. Actually, checking your credit score with credit karma doesnt affect it at all. K my credit score then . Oooh check out credit karma today. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. Sorry about that. Sharyl in a follow the money follow up after 50 years, the forprofit college Itt Technical Institute is closing up shop. That, after a series of federal against itt and other forprofit colleges in our cover story cash cows. Military troops told us that forprofit colleges have lured them in with false Marketing Campaigns to get their hands on gi bill money. Many of the troops have ended up in deep debt and with no meaningful degree. In announcing its closure, itt said its been forced to close by the governments unwarranted actions and sanctions taken without proving a single allegation. Coming up next week on full measure our interview with donald trump. And a look at the horrific fir season going on, especially out west. Its a Natural Disaster that is getting worse and some claim congress is fiddling while the nation burns. That is next week on full measure. Thats all for this week. Thank you for watching. Im sharyl attkisson. Until next time, we will be searching for more stories to the chicken with no antibiotics. To find the thing is, by federal law, all chickens must be clear of antibiotics before they leave the farm. Hows it going, dale . Workin on it some chicken companies try to get you to spend more money by using labels like raised without antibiotics. At sanderson farms, we dont believe in gimmicks like that. Well, howd i do . No antibiotics to worry about here. Hmmm. That was easy. Th ghter, amanda. Aka amandapanda45woot. While youre away, shes all that stands between you and a flooded basement. If you had alarmforce, she would get a flood alert sent right to her phone. Amanda however is dealing with a few disasters of her own. The struggle is real. For flood, fire and Carbon Monoxide monitoring 24 7, hello. Im bill lumaye. And thank you for watching community matters. We hope youll continue to watch as we discuss issues facing our community and provide you with the resources and information needed to find solutions. . . We spend a huge amount of time online creating our virtual self. All that data is stored in the cloud, in dropboxes, on our servers, and in online accounts too numerous to list. So, with your entire life stored online, what happens when you die . Joining us now is andrew blair with Manning Fulton attorneys in raleigh. Welcome , andrew. Appreciate you being here. Thank you for having me, bill. Weve heard a lot about this and virtually everybodys online

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