Transcripts For WLFL ABC11 Eyewitness News At 10 On CW22 20161111

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is 'next' on eyewitness news. a 'suspicious' package -- 'shutting down' streets -- in the 'heart' of downtown raleigh. the latest details "just in." plus...protesting the president- elect. emotions spilling over. tens of thousands take to the streets in cities across the country. and... "eagles down". 'two birds' -- 'trapped' -- in a 'storm drain'. the 'rescue' -- 'caught on camera'. eyewitness news starts right now. 'wake county' -- right off the top tonight - 'businesses' cleared out.... and 'roads closed'.... after a 'suspicious' package -- is 'found' -- in the 'heart' of 'downtown raleigh'. good evening everyone from the breaking news center. i'm steve daniels. the 'first call' -- came in to 'raleigh police' -- at about '7-30'... about a 'strange package' -- on 'south salisbury street'... only 'blocks' away -- from 'wake county courthouse'. 'joel brown' is 'live' near the the latest. and 'breaking' in johnston county... a 'very serious' crash -- in selma. highway-96 is shut-down in 'both directions' -- between 'holly berry lane' and 'old beulah road'. we have a 'crew' on the way... to get video and details... and we're working newscast... or on eyewitness news at 11 -- on abc-11. developing right now... a shooting in east durham that ended with one man dead... and a woman injured. it happened this afternoon in the '31- hundred block' of wedgedale avenue. angelica alvarez just back from the scene that spanned several blocks. she's live at the durham police headquarters with the latest. angelica? off camera i spoke to those who knew the victims. they had little to say... was too much for them to talk right now... but they believe the two were caught in the crossfire of someone else's fight. nats of crying 18:40:50 "no! no! this isn't happening." --- -- tragedy striking this durham neighborhood.. this young woman... being consoled... shouting that it was her brother who had been shot. all night... crowds of loved ones... have been gathering... one by one... learning that the man behind the caution tape... was someone they knew. -- they responded to a shooting call around 3:30 here on wedgedale avenue near walton street. when they arrived... they found a man dead in the street from gunfire... not far from this crashed car. and a woman... who had been shot in the arm. the surrounding area was quickly closed off to residents. the police and caution tape... unfortunately an all too familiar sight for those who live here. alisa yarbrough resident 18:29:57 "it's nervewrecking and i'm tired of it and i've been going through it for four years." ----- residents like yarborough say shootings here are far too common...and say those usually pulling the trigger come from other neighborhoods. tonight... still no word on what led up to this shooting... but while police comb through the evidence... ---- ---- the people here will continue to lean on each other. the woman shot in the arm... police believe she'll be ok. identities are not being released at this time. also no word of an arrest... police are asking that if anyone knows anything to numbers are on abc11 dot com. 'also' developing right now - donald trump's election -- unleashing 'strong reaction'. 'tens of thousands' of demonstrators -- taking to the streets -- across the country to 'protest' the 'president-elect'. in minnesota... protesters chanted "not my president"... as they left the university of minnesota "west bank campus".... and marched through th demonstrations -- in the 'twin cities' -- have been 'peaceful' so far. in philadelphia... police say -- about a 'thousand people' -- have been 'marching' through the "center city" -- blocking traffic. a 'transit police officer' -- 'tweeted' -- the march has been 'peaceful' so far. you can look for any 'overnight developments' -- on this story -- tomorrow morning -- right here on eyewitness news. councilwoman makes a desperate call to '9-1-1' -- after a terrifying encounter on the road. "cora - cole - mcfadden"...told council members she was '30- minutes' late to today's meeting after -- in her words - two guys "tried to run up on her car" on blackwell street. she believes they were targeting her for having a clinton-kaine sticker on her car. cole-mcfadden left the council meeting... visibly she says she has since pulled the sticker off her car. 'two days' after the 'historic election'...the "traditions of transfer" -- are now underway. 'president obama' and president- elect "donald - trump"... meeting at the 'white house'. trump saying -- he's "looking forward" to president obama's "counsel." ....following his meeting with the president... house speaker "paul - ryan" showed trump -- 'where' he'll be "sworn in" -- as the '45th president' -- of the united states. and "michelle - obama"... continued a 'white house tradition' -- by hosting 'incoming' first lady "melania trump" -- for 'tea' today. they 'talked about' raising kids in the white house.... and took a 'tour' -- the 'executive residence'. this was the 'first time' -- the 'two' have met. new tonight -- gearing up for a legal fight. the "pat - mccrory and "roy - cooper" campaigns have both established teams to prepare for an extended legal battle over tuesday's election. fewer than '10- thousand' votes separate mccrory and cooper -- with cooper holding a 'slight - lead'. the mccrory campaign and state g-o-p have voiced concerns about potential irregularities -- after durham reported a large number of votes late in the night -- tilting the race in favor of cooper. 'new tonight' - ...'durham police' -- investigating a 'stabbing'. it happened on "rowena avenue". our crew 'on the scene' says -- the 'collapsed'. he was taken to the hospital -- with serious injuries. police 'do' have a 'suspect' in custody. we're working to find out 'if' any charges -- have been field. 'durham police' -- 'now' identifying a 'woman' -- 'hit and killed' by a 'car' -- outside the "carolina theater" last night. they say -- 75- year-old "katherine - leonardis"... was 'hit' at about 10-30 last night.... as she was 'trying' to 'cross the street' -- with her husband. 'mrs. leonardis' -- was 'pronounced dead' at the scene. her husband went to the hospital -- with "non life- threatening" injuries. police say -- they were 'not' in the crosswalk. been filed. fayetteville police searching for a "bearded" man -- accused of robbing a bank. it happened just before '4- 30' this afternoon -- at the first citizens bank on broadfoot road. surveillance photos show a guy wearing sunglasses and a hoodie... at the counter. police say he passed a note to a teller demanding money - but didn't show a weapon. he left with cash. you can get a second look at the suspect on abc-11-dot-com. just look for the story on the homepage. 'parts' -- of 'western' north carolina -- are 'burning' tonight... and because of "bone dry conditions" -- 'twenty' wildfires are 'burning' -- across the 'state' right now... 'torching' 75- hundred acres of land. governor "pat - mccrory" went to the 'fire zone' today. he says -- the 'state forest service'- - is prepared for a 'long fight'... and the "intensity" of the fires -- is 'extremely dangerous'. the governor has declared a "state of emergency" -- for western north carolina.... and is even considering 'calling in' -- the 'national guard' to help. nearly two months after hurricane matthew... some people in our area are still struggling to recover. residents in the "creeks edge town homes" -- on are just getting by... and tomorrow they'll get some much needed help from the fayetteville police department. greg barnes has more on the relief effort. #4063 tc: 05:14:10:10 "...we have to run two of three looters from this place." mike tallant says hurricane matthew has brought out the od and bad in some people. #05:13:10 mike tallant=resident= "..i came out one evening and i saw a whole mess of people just going thru bags down here in the dark just picking thru everything, taking of his tiny yettevieneighborhood, "creeks edge" was now weeks later many residents are gone. debris still litters yards, and the few left here feel forgotten. fayetteville police agree. #05:31:12 capt. tracey bass-caine- fayetteville police"..i think its really important to come out here and ban together and help the community, and move the debris so people can come back and get into their homes.." today police passed out flyers like this, letting residents know dozens of police officers will spend tomorrow helping clean up debris, letting residents know, people do care about them. #4074 connie king- fayetteville police dept.="..we are going to have hamburgers and hot dogs, we will have give-a-ways fotem and we are going to have a good time, have a dj out here trying to do some positive things out here tomorrow." #4094 greg barnes- eyewitness news"..the goal tomorrow all most as enormous as is the heartbreak of all this. the plan is for this force of police volunteers to get all the litter into piles along the street so it can be picked up. police say they need volunteers. its a big job that takes a lot of sweat and heart, but worth it. #4073 important for people to realize that they are important ad we are here for the long haul. in fayetteville, greg barnes abc 11 eyewitness news. still to come tonight - a rabies alert in the triangle. the animal found with the dangerous illness. what you need to know. plus... "critical clue". a 'raleigh cab the 'photos' -- that could help 'solve' the crime. and... "eagle down". a 'rescue attempt' -- on the 'side' of a busy road. the 'moment' -- their 'hard work' -- finally paid-off. but first... a live look outside of the raleigh 'two' -- "american bald eagles" -- got 'stuck' -- in a florida 'storm drain'.... the 'birds' were found with 'one' top' of the other -- with its 'wings spread' -- in orlando. many people 'thought' - the bird 'on top' -- may've been 'protecting' the other.... but experts say - it's 'mating seaosn'... and they were 'actually' fighting. 'one' of the birds -- managed to 'fly away' -- after about an hour... ....the 'second eagle' -- a 'female' -- was 'rescued'.... about 'two hours' after it was found 'stuck' in the drain. it's getting 'checked out' for injuries. new tonight - a rabies alert for durham county. state health officials confirming the county's seventh case of rabies. they say a racoon found by a driver in rural area near positive for the virus. fortunately, it didn't have any human or animal contact. raleigh police hoping surveillance photos... will help them find a cab driver's killer. 56-year-old "cyril - efobi" had just left universal cab company when shots were fired. surveillance cameras captured a picture of the suspect - pistol in hand and then running away. efobi was left dying on the pavement -- with his laptop bag still on his shoulder. you can get a photos by going to abc-11-dot-com and looking for this story. now to the big board and the must-see video of the night. we start in utah... with a dramatic rescue after a transformer blew up and caught a bucket truck on fire. in the video.... you can see a 'second' cherry picker -- is extended 'up'.... and another person 'helps' -- the 'trapped lineman' - 'transfer'.... from 'one bucket' to the other.... before being 'lowered' to safety. the 'linemen' suffered a burn -- after he was hit by 'hot oil'. -- after a fireball ripped through the streets of 'rio de janeiro'. cell phone video shows a fire beginning to engulf a car on the side of the road. the car then suddenly explodes. authorities say the car was carrying gas cylinders used for cooking -- but it's unclear how the fire started. a "big birthday" -- for 'two' little ones -- at the "shanghai wild animal park". the 'park' -- celebrating the 'one-month' birthday -- of 'twin' brother' -- met his 'younger sister' -- for the first time.... when they had their check- up. the 'twins' -- born to giant panda -- named "you you" -- are healthy and energetic. and finally... 'sweet dreams' for this little guy. this hungry little puppy was enjoying a quiet nap at his owners office.. when he started dreaming. the 'five- month- old' chihuahua must have been -- as his little tongue kept licking something! high pressure over the carolinas is weakening and lower-level winds will go light and variable tonight then turn more out of the southwest by tomorrow. this will help bring a chilly night tonight with some of the colder spots outside of the downtown upper 30s. but readings will rebound well into the 60s to near or just above 70 tomorrow. a west- to east- oriented cold front dropping southward through the great lakes will sink southward toward north carolina tomorrow afternoon. colder air will move in from te tomorrow night and through the upcoming weekend. temperatures on saturday afternoon will only top out in the lower to mid-50s or 10-15 degrees lower than normal. then we will see a widespread freeze on saturday night with low temperatures across the region that probably won't experience a freeze will be over the downtown areas. high pressure delivering the colder air will settle in and become nearly stationary over the southern and southeastern united states during sunday and sunday night. this will provide a dry and pleasanl pattern across the carolinas sunday and monday. an upper-level disturbance lifting northeast out of texas on sunday will bring clouds sunday night then some showers to still to come tonight - 48 hours later. a new path for "hillary - clinton." what she was spotted doing today. still to come tonight - 48 hours later. a new path for "hillary - clinton." what she was tonight - 48 hours later. a new path for "hillary - clinton." what she was spotted doing today. a new york woman who went for a hike in chappaqua got a quite a surprise when she ran into "hillary - clinton" "margot - gerster" -- posted the encounter on 'facebook'. she says -- she took her daughters for a 'walk' -- because she was "heartbroken" about the election. she says -- as she was leaving the trail.... she saw "hillary - and bill - clinton" -- 'out' walking their dogs. gerster says -- she got to 'hug' clintn proud". "paul - mccartney" is the latest super star to get in on the mannequin challenge craze. and, he aced it. in his entry, mccartney is frozen at the piano - looking to the sky. playing in the background is the rap song "black beatles." mccartney's caption reads "love those black beatles." snapchat is looking way beyond filters... the social media company is now selling smart sunglasses. you can buy a pair from a funky- looking smiling yellow vending been installed in venice beach, california, near snapchat headquarters. the glasses run about 130-dollars and feature built- in wireless video cameras. snapchat did not say how many vending machines ey pla install. president obama -- got to be the nation's "fan-in- chief" -- once 'final time' -- before leaving the 'white house'. the president -- hosting "lebron - james" and the n- b-a champion 'cleveland cavaliers'... after his meeting with 'president-elect trump'. the "cav ot the invitation -- after beating the warriors' -- for canes dug themselves into a we traveled the world sampling the best cheese for two reasons one, to bring them all back for you to enjoy and two, we got to each a bunch of really good cheese along the way. publix deli specialty cheese. over 36 varieties to fall in love with. publix. where shopping is a pleasure. janet, i'm giving you an extra week's vacation! oh, ah... nooo. what? no way. who says no to more? time warner cable's all about giving you more. like the most free hd channels and virtually unlimited movies and shows on demand, so you can binge all day. and don't forget the free tv app. switch to get ultra-fast internet with call now. for $89.99 a month you'll get free hd channels, 100 meg internet and unlimited calling. themselves into a hole versus the ducks. down 1-nothing in the second...jakob silfverberg slices the tip rebound shot past cam ward to make it 2-nil. 3-oh lead before carolina woke up. off the face- off...jacob slavin slings off a laser...and teuvo teravainen gets a piece of it for the credit. his third goal of the season cuts it to a 3-1 game later in the 3rd period...victor rask continues the canes scoring. this one came from a scrum off the boards it's not enough as morning on abc-11 for the latest eyewitness news. we'll see you ? dramatic italian aria ? introducing carrabba's new meatball magnifico. our gigantic meatball topped with rich made-from-scratch parmesan cream sauce and stuffed with delicious melted mozzarella. meatball magnifico the most dramatic meatball you've ever eaten. ? ? ? ? carrabba's new meatball magnifico now available for a limited time only. announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: i mean, this is a big day. it is the dawn of a new era. there is a new arrival, and things are gonna change big. >> blac chyna gave birth to a healthy baby girl. she did it via c-section. harvey: how do you prep for a c-section? >> they put monitors on you, the baby and stomach and shave your body parts. >> shave your body parts? >> isn't the scar higher? they shaved my wife. i watched the whole thing. >> i feel like you were watching something else. >> the f.a.a. declared trump tower a no-fly zone. they don't want terror attacks. it's 68 stories tall. harvey: turns out it's 58. >> but they number it 68. >> why not make it 69, right? >> brad pitt last night was in westwood, california. he was there for an "allied" fan event. he was actually kind of happy. he was just cleared in the child

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New York , United States , Venice Beach , California , Chappaqua , Shanghai , China , North Carolina , Texas , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Raleigh , Minnesota , East Durham , Johnston County , Durham County , Rio De Janeiro , Estado Do Rio , Brazil , Center City , Italy , Utah , Italian , American , Victor Rask , Greg Barnes , Alisa Yarbrough , Connie King Fayetteville , Joel Brown , Brad Pitt , Steve Daniels , Angelica Alvarez , Clinton Margot , Jacob Slavin ,

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