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Announcer decision 2016, the president ial debate. This is nbc nightly news with lester holt. Reporting tonight, from las vegas. And good evening from the university of nevada, las vegas, where the blue debate set behind me may be about the only thing recognizable from when Hillary Clinton and donald trump first debated last month. Tonight, the tone, the polls and the topics have all dramatically shifted ahead of their third and a slight underdog in a bloomberg poll going into the first debate, this evening bloombergs latest poll puts clinton nine points ahead. The campaigns telegraphing there will be none of the traditional predebate pleasantries for family, with trump laying the ground work to sharpen his attacks. The questions tonight, can he have a gamechanging moment . And can she avoid one of her own . Katie tur. Donald trump is going all in with the politics of distraction, inviting a new bill clinton accuser to the debate. Leslie millwee told breitbart that clinton forcibly touched her in 1980 when she was a reporter in arkansas and he was governor. Clintons team not commenting. Breitbart was run by trumps ceo until august. The outlet could not fully substantiate her claims. But trump isnt stopping there, seating smith in the front row. Using smith to force a confrontation. I blame Hillary Clinton personally for the death of my son. Trump also inviting ambassador Chris Stevens onetime fiancee. Afghanistan lone survivor marcus latrell. Four mothers killed by undocumented immigrants and president obamas estranged kenyan halfbrother. Trump turning the final debate operatives say what he needs is to tone it down. He needs to change what swing voters think about him. That require as president ial temperament. In the days since the last debate, trump did not lighten his schedule, squeezing in prep on his plane between events, jed joinedgy generals mike flynn and keith kellogg. Nbc has learned that trump still shuns mock debates but rnc chief Reince Priebus did fill in as chris christie, a psuedo moderator. The goal to prep trump on rapidfire responses while finding ways to knock clinton off her game. On policy, trumps team said theyll highlight what they call her failed 30year record. Just as he did in the second debate. She never changed and she never will change. She never will change. If all else fails, the gop nominee has a builtin excuse, the media is out to get him. Concede. Hell either win or he wont win. And i believe hell accept the outcome either way. The Campaign Said they expect clinton to bring up trumps accusers, but as of now they wont say how trump will respond. This is Donald Trumps last chance to pitch himself to millions of americans in one setting. Instead of focusing on his own ideas, the campaign has repeatedly resorted to tabloid fodder. Lester . Katie tur, the unpredictable is Hillary Clinton. Looking to maintain her lead with less than three weeks to go. And deny trump a chance to find momentum. Nbc news is learning details on clintons final showdown strategy and we get more on that in a report from nbcs andrea mitchell. Tonight, Hillary Clinton entering the debate as the clear frontrunner but facing critical challenges, three keys for the clinton team, first, how will she take on donald trump . Confront trump since his unfounded claims the election will be rigged. The president teeing up her argument that trump is undermining democracy. I would advise mr. Trump to stop whining. And the first time shell be confronted with trumps new tactics, like bringing up a benghazi victims mother, who blames clinton for her sons death and inviting the new bill clinton accuser to the debate. This could be one of the surprises tonight. Were expecting that hell do anything in these closing days. Essentially practicing a scorched earth approach to this campaign. The Clinton Campaign had the Debate Commission cancel the traditional handshake between bill clinton and Melania Trump who will enter the hall without greeting each other. A second key tonight, playing defense against those wikileaks emails. Nbc news learning her likely response to hit trump for praising vladimir putin, suspected by the fbi of being behind the hacks. Come up tonight. More than 4,000 released just today. Including this awkward account from her top strategist acknowledging her flipflop on trade. Quote the reality is hrc is more pro trade than anti and trying to turn her into something she is not could reinforce our negative around authenticity. Finally clinton will reach out to swing voters. Shes looking for people who might have been considering voting for trump or who might classic swing voters of whom there are fewer and fewer as we get closer to the election. Clintons top challenge not to blow her lead. Even her allies acknowledging shes best when her back is against the wall. When i asked one of the top clinton aides what is her one piece of advice to her tonight . He said be president ial. Lester . Andrea mitchell, thank you. All this brings us to our political director and moderator of meet the press, chuck todd. Let me ask you about the idea of front row. Does that shake either candidate . Theyre both pros. At this point theyre pros about it i do think what happened in st. Louis, the first time that the Trump Campaign did all of these antics, it might have had some impact, at least on campaign team, maybe on Hillary Clinton herself. I dont think any of this stuff works and overthetop theet ricks, thats par for the course for las vegas. One, obviously Donald Trumps back is against the wall and this is his last big sho a race. But its more important if youre paul ryan and youre the speed he can of the house. A bad night tonight for donald trump, a night similar to the first debate and it is a catastrophe for the republicans down the ballot. Paul ryan, anybody else needs trump to have a good night if they want to give themselves a good chance of holding their house majority. This is no longer about fixing the president ial race and getting that closer, this is about whether the Republican Party can stop a total loss. Its a long view youre looking at . The debate, the final president ial debate starts at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. 6 00 p. M. Pacific here on nbc. To an nbc news exclusive investigation as wikileaks continues to play a major role in this election. U. S. Intelligence sources are taking us inside the effort to stop the flow of documents hacked by russia and published by wikileaks. Heres nbc news Senior Investigative correspondent cynthia mcfadden. A highlevel u. S. Intelligence source tells it has cut off the flow of electionrelated material being hacked by the russians. The u. S. Claims the kremlin has been behind the theft of a wide range of documents. Many of them harmful to the Clinton Campaign. The highly placed intelligence official tells nbc news new defensive measures taken by the u. S. And its allies are choking off the cyberpaths the russians other prominent americans. I think its credible that the u. S. Government is doing Everything Possible to stop the cyberbleeding, to stop the leaking of information that the russians are getting access to. That doesnt mean that the russians dont already have a lot of information and it doesnt mean that they wont find ways of either disseminating that information, or getting access to more of it. U. S. Intelligence officials also tell nbc news they are more confident than ever that the russians h founder julian assange, to help distribute the hacked material. Telling nbc the u. S. Considers assange a quote willing participant in the russian scheme. Assange has been holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in london for more than four years. Theyre frustrated because wikileaks has done a fair amount of damage in releasing classified information. And of course, assange has taken the courageous way out by hiding london. And the u. S. Is making it personal. Multiple intelligence sources tell us that the u. S. Quietly pressured ecuador to shut off Julian Assanges internet access. Isolating him from his organization. The state department in ecuador have publicly denied that there was any pressure. Today, the reverb rations of russias cyberassault have being felt across the political spectrum. Even republican senator marco rubio came out swinging wikileaks. Do we want to be a country where foreign leader or foreign intelligence agencies can blackmail our elected officials and say to them that unless you do what we want you to do, were going to release emails from your campaign manager. Your wife. Your daughter. Your son. And were going to embarrass you. So unless you want to be embarrassed, you better do what we want you to do. Even though the flow of new material may have been plugged for the moment, there are still thousands of additional pipeline, that we expect to see. Lester . Cynthia mcfadden, thank you. In portland, oregon, a massive explosion has injured at least eight people, including firefighters who rushed in to help evacuations have been made minutes earlier. Likely saving lives. Nbcs Miguel Almaguer has our report. The massive explosion owe lit rated at least one building. Tearing others to pieces. Shattering windows a block away, and rattling nerves across portland. Gas line just exploded. Just before 9 40 this morning, police and firefighters scrambling to the scene of a gas leak. Ordering immediate evacuations, when the blast blew apart a commercial building. Had those evacuations happened you know minutes later, this could be a much different situation. At least eight injured, broken legs. Mayday, mayday after the initial explosion several smaller blasts shook this upscale trendy shopping district. Flames shooting into the air. Chaos and confusion and a nearby school evacuating. I heard a lot of screams and like people were running away and like kind of in a scattery fashion in the street. The gas company says there was construction in the area when a gas changing the face of this neighborhood. It was like a huge explosion. And you know your thought is, terrorism. Or a bomb. Tonight, this busy portland, oregon neighborhood is in pieces. But thankfully, no lives were lost. Miguel almaguer, nbc news. Turning overseas to iraq, where a u. S. Backed offensive draws closer to mosul. The battle to free the city from one. But the general leading the american effort there now tells nbc news several isis leaders have already fled. Nbcs Richard Engel has more from inside iraq. U. S. Backed kurdish and iraqi troops are tightening the noose around isis in mosul. Closing in from three sides. And isis, although still in relatively small numbers, is now fighting back. Isis has had plenty of time to prepare for this fight. Wellequipped tunnel outside mosul. They expect there are many more like it, and that isis has also planted bombs in their path. In its propaganda, too, isis is promising that america will suffer a humiliaing defeat here. Nonsense, according to general gary valesky, he said some isis leaders are hitting the road. Were seeing isis leaders that. So i expect there will be a foreign fighter presence that will stay. Thats because unlike locally recruited isis fighters, the foreigners will have a hard time mixing in with the stream of civilians already escaping from the war zone. The big question now is how many isis militants will actually stand and fight in mosul and how theyll do it. Beside the tunnels and bobby traps, there are concerns isis could use crude chemical webs. American theyre prepared for that, too. Lester . All right. Richard thank you. Still ahead tonight, refunds for delayed bags, one of the major changes the white house wants to make to address some of the most common complaints among airline passengers. Also, a major wireless carrier was doing to customers carrier was doing to customers that landed my friends think doing this at my age is scary. Carrier was doing to customers that landed i say not if you protect yourself. What is scary . My doctor said the risk is greater now that im over 50 yeah. Yaha. Just one dose of the prevnar 13 . Vaccine can help protect you from Pneumococcal Pneumonia an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. Prevnar 13 . Is approved for adults 18 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause Pneumococcal Pneumonia. 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Today the Obama Administration announced a series of proposed new rules designed to offer more protections for airline customers. Like getting a refund if your luggage arrives late. But the airlines insist the rules could actually lead to higher ticket prices. Heres nbcs tom costello. Imagine the frustration of arrived in alaska, their luggagings, with their cold weather gear, didnt. We had left 80degree weather and landed in anchorage and it was 45. After a wek without their bags, they gave up. After five days of not having what you need, it was just enough. Nationwide, roughly three bags are reported lost, delayed, damaged or pill ferred, per 1,000 customers. 175,000 bags in august. Paying to check luggage can cost 25 per bag. Trip. Airlines already must refund baggage fees if the baggage is lost or damaged. New rules would require a refund if the bags are substantially delayed. Airlines would be required to disclose the ontime performance record for any airline that flies under its brand. And Online Travel sites would have to reveal whether any airline is paying fof their flights pop up first in online proposed rules could harm customers by reregulating how Airlines Sell their products. But consumer advocates say its common sense. Whats the principle of the thing . You pay for a service, you should get the service you pay for. And if you dont, you should get your money back. A push to hold airlines more accountable. Tom costello, nbc news, washington. Were back in a moment with a plane that crashed into a neighborhood a with my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, about what to avoid, where to go. And how to deal with my uc. To me, that was normal. Until i talked to my doctor. She told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications havent worked well enough. 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With taltz, up to 90 of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. In fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. Do not use if you are allergic to taltz. Before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. And lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. Inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. Including worsening of symptoms. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Nows your chance at completely clear skin. There is news tooth for customers of t mobile. The countrys numb three wireless carrier has been fined 48 million for not telling users clearly enough that socalled unlimited data plans werent actually unlimited. In fact, the fcc says tmobile was intentionally slowing down the speeds of customer who is used the most data. Of that 48 million settlement, some 35 million will go to customers via discounts and protesters erupted in a scene of shocking violence in the philippines. A police van rammed into the crowd of demonstrators and even ran over some of them. It happened outside the American Embassy in manila. The protesters are calling for an end to the u. S. Military presence in their country. Caught on cam remarks dramatic rescue when a small plane crashed in a new jersey back yard. Two men were trapped upsidedown after the plane somehow missed all the nearby homes and First Responders pulled them out and their injuries are believed to be nonlifethreatening. When we come back, just what kind of lessons are American Kids learning from this contentious election . Announcer nbc nightly news is brought to you by pacific life. Helping generations of families achieve longterm financial no two whale flukes are the same. 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In one word, describe how you feel about this president ial campaign . Doubtful. Disappointed. Nervous. Why are you nervous . Because these candidates are the people who are deciding our future. The principal at Pinellas Park middle school says the candidates behavior educators messages about appropriate conduct. You see highly paid professionals, highly educated people that are basically booing each other in front of millions of viewers and yet, the kids come to school and we tell them its inappropriate behavior. Donald trump is being disrespectful to women. And i dont like that. She lied about like the 33,000 like emails. They act like little kids. Like they argue and everything. For adults. As the final weeks of the election unfold i would say to donald, you need to be a more respectful towards the United States and women. And i would tell it to hillary, that you just need to be honest and tell the truth. Its hard to see what would happen to the country if one were elected. So thats what makes i think everybody anxious. And uncomfortable. One of them will be elected. I know. A sigh, tha up the nations feeling as the candidates face each other again tonight. Rehema ellis, nbc news, Pinellas Park, florida. And thats going to do it for us on this wednesday night. Im lester holt. Ill see you later for our live coverage of tonights president ial debate. Until then, for all of us at nbc just moments ago at Rogers Centre in toronto, two outs, 9th inning, game five, and the Cleveland Indians win the American League pennant. They are American League champions. Carlos santana catches the foul tulowitzki, winning the pennant four games to one over the Toronto Blue Jays and they are on their way. Tuesday night to the world series. Channel 3 news at 7 00 celebrates with the indians right now. From the station that sees the possible, this is channel 3 news, brought to you by universal windows direct. You will be saying i love my windows. And now channel 3 news at 7 00. Cleveland again, thanks to the Cleveland Indians, the celebration has touched off within the last half hour as we watch from midafternoon onto the early evening hours, the indians win over the Toronto Blue Jays up at Rogers Centre in toronto in game five, they shut out the blue jays, touching off celebrations everywhere around northeast ohio, downtown cleveland and all the suburbs

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