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What happened. Child and Family Services has been notified and they are investigating. Russ, police say bork said the dog was productive of the particular lie boy and felt the dog would do a good jobprotecting him while she was inside. A visit she said she was spending about 10 minutes on and was not really in there that long according to her. How is the boy doing tonight. Reporter well police say that when they came on to the scene he didnt look very good. But tonight we understand custody and that he is doing well. The dog also appeared to be dehydrated and tired when officers arrived. The dog is doing well too. Andrew horansky thank you. School crossing guard hit by a car and this was no accident. Jasmine monroe has more on how that led to a parent be banned from the school property. She said she had a permission to make a left hand turn and i said no you dont. Crossing guard for more than three years and keeping kids and staff safe is his main priority. He tells us it was a typical chaotic morning drop o parentsrushing to get kids to school on time until a woman made an illegal left turn. This laid. This lady has done it before and wanted to turn and i refused to let her turn in and she just got very belligerent and mean and. Reporter harold said he never thought she would hit him with the car especially with her children in the back seat. She bumped me and backed up and put the car in gear and i said i am not going move. Reporter will there are noen to turn signs in front of school and pants say thereby parents we talked to parents we talked to said theres no excuse. People are not paying attention to the no turn signs and it puts him in danger and they want to argue and its ridiculous. I cant imagine what is going on in the mind of a woman who makes her inconvenience everyone elses emergencies. The School Received multiple phone calls and have no choice but to ban the mom from school property. Harold said after this he thought about leaving. After the parent were behind me and i am not going let Something Like this happen i am going take good care of the kid and thats what i am there for. Reporter jasmine monroe, channel 3 news. There is no information tonight about a shootout on the west side that injured three. Including a 4yearold boy. Police say three teens tried rob the producty cuts barbershop last night. The Exchange Fire with the employees hate 4yearold boy in the foot and man in the back. They were table to the hospital where they are in stable conditions a suspect 16 years old was shot and theres no word on his condition and thrice from police are searching for the and police are searching for the other two in boston. And the are more celebrations and are more celebrations on the way. We are getting you ready with team coverage. Monica roblins join us but first betsy is tracking the game day forecast. We will work backwards through the first forecast because temperatures are going to be warm for the weekend but chilly for tomorrow night. So if they are going to be jumping around hopefully thats going to help to ke warm. Heres game time forecast for friday which has a temperature of 53. And its going to be clear and its going to be a little chilly but by saturday, it look like it will be partly cloudy beautiful with temperatures near 70. Now i did mention we are going to work backwards so lets look at our day tomorrow. We will start off with very Cool Temperatures in the upper 30s and low 40s and you can see through the afternoon we make it into the the 60s. As i mentioned, we will be in the 50s at game time and worg a frost and working backwards further well, we have a frost advisory and its notable we have a frost advisory but most all of northern ohio. I would say except for the immediate lake shore areas and lake shore Ashtabula County. We will take a closer look at the frosty temperatures for tomorrow morning coming up in a few minutes. We will see you soon thank you. After 24 years ofbeing with the indian the former president took on a new gig it happens to be with the team getting ready to take on his former team. Monica robins caught up with the now blue jays president. Reporter its a bitter sweet homecoming. His team is one of four left standing and he spent today reuniting and reminiscing with a lot of old friends. He even had lunch with chris. Now hes been here before with the indians but he didnt think wasnt really until we eliminated texas i think across the field i always felt strong about indians and felt they were playing great ball at a great time and i felt like they would advance and had a good chance to but you know when we he tried not to think about chris and i and we tried to avoid the conversation but after we advanced, you know, i watched closely and was pulling hard for the indians as i have all year long. Reporter so while catching up today he knows when the first pitch is thrown its all business and wants to see his new team beat his old one but not with any animosity with a lot of respect. And he also said russ that he knows this is going to be quite a matchup. They met 7 times in the proseason and all the games were difficult even though the tribe took 4 out of the 7. Heness its not going to be easy series to win. I like the idea of the tribe taking 4 out of 7. Eye has a nice ring to it. All right thank you very much. You can catch everything to know to get ready for the alcs excitement including game times on the website wkyc. Com. Tonight donald trump is denying charges he groped funneledeled ash fondled and kid kissed women without their permission calling it Media Campaign of lies. These vicious clai me ofappropriate conduct with women are totally and absolutely false. In the meantime first lady is saying enough is enough. While she spoke out at a campaign for Hillary Clinton she says this is not political. Democrat rep pub can independent republican independent no woman needs to be treated this way for another minute and let alone for four years. Hillary clinton brushed off concocted the new allegations. The democratic candidate is weathering her crisis wikileaks of emails one revealing her campaign saw latinos as needy and also showing foreign contributions to the clinton foundation. No response yesterday from the clinton campaign. Local lay Cleveland Police Union Endorsement of donald trump was hit with more criticism. Black shield association representing African American Cleveland Police is calling on the union to take back endorsement. Senior political coursened tom beres says they also wants the unions president removed. Reporter hi. The call for steve loomis ouster is based on comments he made in a recent interview with you. The police union had never endorsed a president ialp candidate before. President ial candidate before and critics say picking trump is a insult to the Minority Community and now women. Loomis got to go. Reporter steve loomis and donald trump. At an event organized by the black shield association. Endorsement of a president ial candidate who is reckless, has a history of being racist and continued to insult people from different ethnic backgrounds and religion is totally unacceptable yes america. But you got to respect all of american. Reporter demand number one to the ccpa and president take back the trump endorsement. His alleged abuse of women now part of this too. Be backing someone that could be possibly a suspect in a crimethat hypocritical. Reporter demand number two. Steve loomis is the face of the Police Department and has great influence but what he lacks is great judgment. Reporter loomis step down or be removed from the Consent Decree panel to improve Police Community relations partly because of comments with russ mitch knelt cleveland the odd with the community for sometime dismient agree. Aid volatile you know its volatile. I dont agree. Aid volatile relationship. Reporter critics ask if he doesnt see problems can he fix them. As long as he is on the commission with the with the thoughts and mind set you will have one poisoning the commission. Reporter the group hopes federal judge oliver will oust him or he will resign mary jackson being asked to judge too. Now police Union Spokesman says there is no chance of rescinding the endorsement loomis tied up on Union Business not commenting and he previously said that he picked trump because he promised for federal help for police and believes cline done is antipolice and wont step down from the panel clinton is antipolice and he wont step down from the panel. The mechanics of this what would it take to rescind this. Hampton thought steve loomis and executive board could take back the endorsement but others familiar with the union dues and donts and parliamentary procedures thought it would take another full vote by the membership but i not going to happen. Thank you. This week as some voters express dislike for the president ial elections some are looking for their own candidate. Searchers for writein candidates sky rocketed by more than 2800 . Thats a record high the states with the highest searches are not battleground states like ohio. But traditionally republican and democratic strongholds like vermont new jersey and utah. And next at 6 another safety recall. We look at how the batteries in the Samsung Galaxy note 7 heat up so quickly and why they pose such a dangerous risk. A Animal Shelter is coming to the rescue of dogs left stranded by hurricane matthew. The stories and more when channel 3 news at 6 returns coming up tonight at 7 it won five toneies eye wards and now the history making show fun home is playing on playhouse square. Coming up i will tell you how the northeast hoe i ohio connection is living andbreathing and look at this. Thieves thats the play. We will talk about a minivan who used the thieves used the minivan to use we will sort it out at 7. We will have video right. Yes. Thank you we he want to make a difference in our communities. You can help make a difference as well october 22nd. Join channel 3 and volunteers from across the country it will be participate in the single day of service art scene will volunteer across ohio and we have places to help serve on wkyc. Com. Channel 3 weather team all . Hey mr. Tam ber singer songwriter poet legend bob dylan won the 2016 nobel prize in First American to win the prize since Tony Morrison in 1993. He is set to receive the award in stock holmes on december 10th. A navy veteran killed in the pro harbor attacks will finally be laid to rest. Rudolph remains were identified through dna and arrived in Cleveland Hopkins airport this morning. He was escorted by the ohio funeral home. Local veterans and Law Enforcement will escort him to st. Marys cemetery will be he will be buried. We want to change directions and give you consumer news amid another recall the Samsung Galaxy note 7 and News Postal Service also not transport deth defective phone by air. Jeff rawson looks closer at the problem. He went to a Chicago Research lab to get an inside look at why the batteries have caused so much trouble. Reporter hi i am nightly news, we have a dramatic and rare demonstration. We are talking about the Samsung Galaxy note 7 phones and worldwide recall right now because so many keep catching fire. Around 100 across the country of those cases. Some exploding and smoking. And we have seen the aftermath photos of the phones charred up. We dont know what it look like up close when one of the explosions happens. How powerful and dangerous it recognize the logo the scientists that work on products to make sure they are safe. We are in the battery lab where they test lithium ion batteries and u to wear safety glasses and we are going to put pressure on the lithium ion batteries andovercharge them things that can happen in real life and you will see exactly what happens our cameras are getting rare access and full access on top of the batteries to see the fire to see the explosions and we have tips how to avoid the becoming a victim. Po you join us tonight on nbc nightly news. See you then. Of course that comes up after the broadcast. Another big announcement from lebron james the Family Foundation and university of akron are beginning construction for the i promise institute. It will be located on the third floor of the the stadium. Students earning a fouryear tuition will have a team of educators to provide around the clock support as they go through college. Hurricane matthew took a the nation stranding animals as well. 17 dogs have been rescued in south carolina. And they arrived in cleveland overnight. The dogs were all homeless and do not have owners. Now in the they are nor in the care of the Cleveland Apl and will be up for adoption and if you want to find out more we have the info posted on the website, at wkyc. Com. So something tells me the dogs will go fast. Yeah. They are cute. They have been through quite a bit. They have. A little traumatic situation ho homes. And its the aftermath that we see just how bad things were. Yes. And the cleanup will be going on for months and months and months. Meanwhile, we just kind of have to deal with chilly temperatures. Talk about perspective right. We are going to be in the 50s through the evening and fading back into the 40s but the big key here is that the wind are going to go calm skies mostly clear and that will allow some area. We have a frost advisory its going to be widespread areas of frost south but greater drive cleveland this is the first cleveland this is the first lake shore advisory including lorain and cuyahoga but doesnt include lake and lake shore ashtabula. The immediate lake shore areas will likely tay is in the stay in the 40s. Once you move inland stay in the 40s. But once you move inland we could have patchy frost. Those in the Southern Tier Ashtabula County you have the chance for patchy frost. This is pretty much par for the course for this time of year for northern ohio. You note drill. If you really like the plants cover them if you dont mind like we do its time for the petunias to go anyway good luck because it hook like they could get nipping going on as temperatures will be fade back. We are in the 50s across northern ohio. We are not alone in the big cool down and its 41 in marquette. Day tomorrow. And then things will take a turn as we head into the weekend. Talk about timing. Our cool air is kind of centered over much of the Great Lakes Region but a surge from the south will be coming in ahead of a cold front. That cold front will eventually bring us rain chances by the time we end sunday but in advance of that we have a nice warming trend going. As we go through the night tonight, we did mention the temperatures will fade back. Not thinking the clouds will be too much of an issue as we have clear skies across th but those Early Morning temperatures yeah we see 30s on the map and again widespread frost south with more patchy areas of frost for the lake shore counties. Immediateth immediate lake shore area is not likely to get the frost. We will find a southerly breeze developing and thats going to help us out because otherwise we stay cool as we head through the day tomorrow. But as it stand we should make it up to about 62 degrees thats my new high for the day tomorrow. Many areas not even making it out of the 50s. That. Today it was breezy and cool and cloudy tomorrow it will be sunny and cool. And we are going to have that nice southerly breeze he to help us out as well. If you are coming downtown for the tribe game we will hold on to the temperatures in the 60s through the the 6 00 hour and the mercury will fade back so bring a good jacket if you are coming to the ball game or coming down to catch festive atmosphere thats in downtown cleveland. Your Window Nation forecast has us at 62 tomorrow. But fading in the evening. We will be in the 70s though 72 on saturday. And 74 on sunday and i think the rain chances go late now on sunday carry into monday and we stay pretty toasty in the early part of next week. Thats not considered Indian Summer an though we will have a frost. We will have to see if we get above 70 for several days right now it locks like its a potential looks like its a potential and tribe fever season and we will go with it. Totally. Thanks so much. Coming up isth chill in the air is coming up, the chill in the the air is perfect and in the upcoming series with our and now the Window Nation sports report. Hi again the indians and blue jays are one day away from the start of the best of 7 person League Championship series it starts tomorrow in game one at Progressive Field the and blue jays accomplished during regular season against one another, it was playing entertaining baseball. Maybe playing entertaining baseball and getting good pitching both clubs are evenly matched and both are hot right now. Neither is lost a post season game this year. Mike napoli says the alcs should be an exciting series as well. Its going to be a great series. We are looking forward to it and you know we have the that we are good enough to go next step but you have to take one game at a time and that should be a fun series. So with the injuries to the number 2 and number 3 starters, carlos and danny salazar, who are bothavailable for the the series that makes it all the more important both unavailable for the series thatmakes it all the more important for kluber to have a good series and get the just like with we asked about boston its not a magic formulaer that good offense. So as for toronto the secret to the success of the blue jays is one that is pretty simple. Hit the long ball and steady pitching. First two games are in cleveland with the series shifting to canada for the next three. If necessary. Toronto would love to wayne game at progressive win a game at Progressive Field and they think they can. Home field advantages for us is going to be them. You know, but at the same time we know we have to come in here and win games and cant look at it like we are not at home we cant win we feel like we can go on the road and win. Here are the details tomorrow at Progressive Field 8 08 first pitch and its a best of 7 series first two in cleveland last 2 in cleveland as well. If necessary. The injury browns will look for the first win this sunday against the titans. They did get good news today. Involving the quarterback situation, cody kessler took part in todays practice. And he will get the start against tennessee. The rookie qb is dealing with bruised ribs and is healthy enough to get the 4th start of the season he says he feels better even though there is still some discomfort on the season, the first year quarterback out of sc has thrown for 549 yards and two touchdowns. He continues when they take on toronto at the q. A rematch of last seasons Eastern Conference Finals tonight will be the last home game of the preseason for the cavs. Lebron james will sit out but thompson will be playing in his first preseason game tonight for the casks we will see how cavs and we will see,000 that see how that goes. Mr. Indians preand post game host you have a front row seat what do you think. I think it could go all matched tribes are good but dont discount toronto. Thanks for watching. Chris and others back at 7. I breaking news tonight, Donald Trumps furious tirade as a number of women accuse him of sexual assault. Theyre pure fiction, and theyre outright lies. Trump lashing out declaring theres a conspiracy to stop him, as Michelle Obama declares enough is my core in a way that i couldnt have predicted. The first lady like weve never heard her before. America strikes back after iranianbacked rebels open fire on a u. S. Destroyer, an alarming provocation. Exploding danger, we go inside the lab exploring what can happen to cell phones when theyre overcharged. An eye opening consumer alert. And nobel surprise

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