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Has been testing the limits of free speech for more than a decade. Now this past friday, gawker may have hit that limit, hard. A jury awarded the wrestler hulk hoe began 115 million in damages after gawker posted a sex tape that featured him. Its the biggest challenge yet for gawkers founder as Erin Moriarty will report in our cover story. I have a phrase, nothing is ever as good or as bad as it seems at the time. British born journalist nick den ton built a barebones start up into an internet power house. Gossip the version of news that the authorities or the celebrities or the officials dont want people to know. Hulk hoe began sure didnt want people to know about that sex tape and now gawker may have to pay a tripling price. Morning, we talk with gawkers nick den ton. Rocco singer gwen stefani has been a superstar for years. Shell talk about all of it with our lee cowan for the record. Shes had a chart topping batched, successful solo career, a clothing line and three young boys. But when her marriage of 13 years blew up in the most public of ways she almost fell apart. At that time everything was like, i had no skin, i was so raw. And nobody knew what was happening and i had this big secret. How she turned that secret and a few others into what she says is her most personal album ever, ahead on sunday morning. Is. Rocco were on the trail again this morning, Conor Knighton will take us to yet another of our National Parks. Warning, bring your boots. And feel a little buggy. If i slap one on my wrist am i going to get a fine from the park service . Yes, you are. Give me a dollar every time. For the thousands of plants and animal species that call the Florida Everglades home, theres no place else like it in the world. We head to the First National park created not to protect amazing scenery but amazing biodiversity, later on sunday morning. Rocco a new musical is about to open on broadway thanks to two very wellknown singer songwriters who are content, in this case to, make their contributions off stage. They will be talking with rita braver. You may think of them as performers. But now steve martin and Edie Brickell are moving behind the as writers of a new broadway musical. What do you hope that audiences take away from this show . Me, i hope they have a good time. I hope they laugh and cry and theyre moved. Ahead on sunday morning, setting broadway aglow. Rocco the late artist norman lewis fighting getting his due. Steve heart mac has story of patient and nurse. Ill take you through the cbs Broadcast Center and more. First, the headlines for this sunday morning the 20th of mark, 2016. President obama today will become the first u. S. President in nearly 90 years to visit cuba. The last was Calvin Coolidge in 1928. Mr. Obama will be accompanied by his family. Includes a meeting with both president raoul castro and dissidents opposed to the communist ray gene. A crash 90 miles south of barcelona. Many of those on board were foreigners, at least 14 people died. 30 others were injured. In southern russia investigators have recovered the flight data recorders from the wreckage of a boeing 737 at the airport. The jetliner crashed while landing in bad weather early saturday. All 6 aboard parished. It was lights out around the world last night for the 10th annual earth hour. A global effort to draw attention to environmental issues. Thousands of cities worldwide now participate in the event. After two days of bracket busting upsets, things settled down at the ncaa basketball tournament saturday. With favorites like North Carolina making their way to the the tar heels defeat providence 8566. They will be more march madness later today here on cbs. And finally the balanced eagles known as mr. President and first lady welcomed their second earringlet into the world earlier this morning at Washingtons National arboretum. First was born on friday. Youre looking at pictures from the eagle cam. How cute are they . Heres todays weather. Spring may be here but snow is expected from the mid atlantic into the northeast. New england will get the worst of it. Rain in the southeast and along much of the west coast, too. In the week ahead its a weather hodgepodge. But definitely warm and sunny in the southwest. a head, a tale of patient i thought i knew who she was. Rocco and nurse. But next i think people had rights to know the unauthorized version as rocco gawker, testing the limits. One day youre enjoying rides, events, and upclose animal the next, youre having fun at aquatica. A seaworld annual pass and get a year of aquatica for free. Kick your feet up at aquaticas sandy beaches, and plunge down ihus then experience the ultimate thrill with mako, fastest coaster, surfacing get an annual pass, and play all year at both parks. Rocco testing the limits of free speech is often thankless, and expensive, as the website gawker learned this past friday. The a jury awarded the rell i willer known as hulk mowing an lured tape gawker posted back in 201. The jury reconvenes tomorrow to consider punitive damages on top of that. The case puts gawkers founder and his brand of journalism into the spotlight. Erin moriarty of 48 hours reports our cover story. Nick den ton is not a household name. Are. Denton is the founder of gawker media a collection of seven online blogs that feed on sensational stories, often having to do with celebrities. I think its a good name, a famous name. Stupidly. It means to stare, stupidly might be one of the definitions. We have a little bit of sense of humor about what we do, too. With the internet largely unregulated denton and his crew have been able to gawk at just about anything until one of them on in a st. Petersburg, florida, courtroom. Completely humiliated. Terry bollea, seen here when he was still wrestling professionally under the name of hulk hogan sued denton and gawker for invasion of privacy. He says his life has not been the same since 2012 when gawker posted a portion of a sex tape featuring bollea. There is a lot at stake. Bollea sued for 100 million. Dentons entire Digital Media company is at risk and some fear the internet. I have a phrase, nothing is ever as good or as bad as it seems at that time. And i think often tests bring companies. Just days before the trial confident. Its a good story. Its true. Its a matter of public concern. Hes a very public figure so if we were going to have a story go to trial, im actually pretty glad its this one. Since 2002, the british born, oxford educated denton has ball gawker media with stories just like this. There have been posts about a toronto mayors drug use, Hillary Clintons private email server, the accusations against bill cosby, and, of course, the hulk hoe began sex tape. Is that really news . Or is that Just Entertainment and appealing to our most voyeuristic instincts . We find it interesting and that particular story millions of people found interesting. Gossip is the version of news that the authorities or the celebrities or the officials its the unauthorized version. I think people have a right to know the unauthorized version as well as authorized version of news. There are also gawkers internet pranks. His crew created havoc by getting republican candidate donald trump to repeat this quotation on twitter. It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep. The problem . Fascist leader Benito Mussolini said it first. Its okay to know its mussolini, its a very good quote. Tormenting public figures may seem an odd career choice for a journalist who once worked for the lofty financial times, but denton says as a gay man and a brit trying to make it in america, he has felt like an outsider. If youre an outsider the fewer social consequences to that, you know, gawker ran in the early days or that journalists, good journalists run. Some of those stories make you unpopular. If you care less about being accept by an establishment then you are more likely to run those stories, more likely to allow journalists fuller freedom. Denton employs 200 people, most working in the manhattan office, where a job as a reporter, expected to post 1 stories a day, can be grueling. A large Central Board continually ranks the popularity of stories by the number of readers clicking on. So whats a good story . How many collision do you need . Any story that gets over a million views is a big story for us. For the record the hogan sex tape reportedly got eight million views, which made it a huge story. Then last year, he announced that he was toning down his politics. He insists that it has nothing to do with the current lawsuit. But it may have had something to do with this. Two years ago nick denton married derrence washington a performance actor who admits he doesnt share dentons taste in news. Youre not really interested in politics . No, not really. Not interested in gossip . I like a little fun mess every now and again but not gossip gossip. Nothing that gets sort of judgmental and finger pointing. Im not interested in that. But thats what he does for a living. But im not married to what he does for a living. Im married to him. The carriage has changed denton. I was a gawker. I was on the outside looking in. I was a gay guy in a straight world. I didnt imagine that i was going to have a family. I could just be getting older. Im going to turn 50 this year. Some of the mellowing may just be aging. Last summer he did something he pulled a damaging story involving a man who wasnt famous but happened to have a brother who was. This was a story that i didnt believe that we should have done. I didnt think the point merited the hurt caused to the mans family. Does this make the fact that you drew the line with one case, pulled a post, make it more difficult to defend putting on a sex tape of mull can hulk hogan . I think the judgment is made all the time. And i think what people want to know from us is that we do apply standards. But in the end, the man who has made a career out of pushing limits may have gone too far. The jury came down decisively against him, giving the professional wrestler even more nick denton may be on the ropes, but even before the trial, he was predicting hed win on appeal. I wonder whether im going to look back and im going to look at this trial as being the hogan case as being the prompt that actually caused us to focus on what we do, what we believe in and be serious about being a major force in Digital Media going forward. Rocco next, the death of the diet doctor. Now the 1 selling brand for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection with the new leader in frequent heartburn. Thats nexium we asked a group of young people when they thought they should start saving for retirement. Then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. This gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us arent prepared for retirement. Its going to pay if we all start saving a little more today, well all be better prudential. Rocco now a fridge our sunday morning almanac, march 20, 1981, 25 years ago today. A final to, tabloid sensation of a trial. That was the day jean harris was sentenced to 15 years to life for the killing of dr. Her man tarnober, the create are of the popular scarsdale diet. Jean harris was a divorcee and girls School Head Mistress involved in yearslong romance. After discovering that the diet doctor was two timing her with a younger woman he employed in his office, jean harris took herself and her handgun, to his suburban new york home on the night of march 10th, 1980, not to kill him, she testified at trial, but to confront him before committing suicide. Struggled with her over the gun and it accidentally went off, killing him. The tangled tale was told in not one but two made for tv movies including hbo offering in 2005 with Annette Bening in the title role. I say that i did not murder dr. Her man tarnower. Rocco jean harris story of the romantic betrayal failed to sway the jury which convicted her of Second Degree murder. She did win the support of some feminists and writers including Diana Trilling who compared her to such wronged heroines of madam bovary. Unlike them, jean harris survived. A model prisoner she counseled and tutored her fellow inmates while her son jim stood on up signatures for a clemency petition. At the end of 1992, new york dove more mario cuomo commuted her sentence. And in a public appearance in 1949, she reflected on her experience. The most compelling lesson that i learned when i was in prison is how connected we are all. Jean harris died on december 23, 2012. She was 89 years old. 800,000 rocco coming up. Sold, 800,000. Rocco finally getting his due. It can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. A rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. 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Jim axelrod has a case in point. This is untitled work by norman lewis. At an auction at new yorks swann galleries, the artist norman lewis is about to have a very good day. 500,000 up front. Would you bid 550 . According to Nigel Freeman a fine art, lewis work is hot. The estimate of 250350,000. So 20 years ago what do you think this painting would have sold for . It would have been embarrassingly low unfortunately. Paintings of his sold for less than 20,000. 800,000, sold. That was a record for the painter. 36 years after his death, norman lewis is having a moment. Exactly as he predicted. Tarin fuller is his daughter. Is. Did norman know that it was going take awhile for him to get the proper consideration . Norman told that to my mother and myself that he didnt expect to be noticed until 30 to 40 years later, maybe even longer. Well, he called it just like he could calm the horses. For 50 years, lewis painted with a style all his own and an astounding command of color and line. I always thought of him as a wizard. That to me would sum it up. He would play the piano, a true renaissance man. Had a lot of vigor. He talked about excellence and understanding what that meant and always shooting for the ceiling. I may not reach the ceiling but i think i still have tried to do things that i believe. Decades after his death norman lewis is enjoying a seeing his work acquired by several major museums. The colors are spectacular. And now the Pennsylvania Academy of the fine arts in philadelphia is mounting the first major retrospective of his art. Ruth fine is the curator. I wanted to do it because i think hes profoundly important and interesting. I think the work is complex and beautiful. Born in harlem in 1909 to caribbean immigrants, lewis was profoundly influenced by the energy of the renaissance unfolding just outside his front door. As he is looking at harlem, what is he seeing . Hes seeing everything. People warming themselves by a burner. Hes seeing people going shopping. Hes looking at style. Exhibited most during his lifetime is this painting which was sometimes called girl with yellow hat. Sometimes yellow hat. In the mid 1950 os, lewis moved on, embracing abstract expressionism, a rare departure for an African American artist. I think he did not want to be hedge on holed. He wanted to live his life the way he wanted to paint it. I dont see that as rejection of anything. I see that as an embrace of everything. Everybody. In the middle of this work, you see two burning crosses. You do. Absolutely. Had to be depicting a clan rally. It was a tough time in this country. Lewis work did not go unnoticed. He showed one of the best galleries in new york, the willard gallery. Important art journals. He was in 13 Group Exhibitions in his lifetime. But norman lewis stature was bumping hard against the facts that governed life for a black man. Even in the art world. He was at the Venice Biennale that they showed de koonig and jackson pollack. He didnt get the same commercial success as his peers. What did norman lewis have to deal with . He had to deal with the left out of exhibition, is that were exhibitions of white artists. He was also left out of exhibitions of black artists that i would have thought he would have been in. But he was too abstract. He wasnt fitting the picture that people wanted to tell about what black art was. Is this finished . Yeah. Norman lewis struggle for his rightful place among his contemporaries produced an extraordinary body of work and a smoldering rage to go with it. The fact that he wasnt recognized the way he should have been during his lifetime, did you see frustration about that . Norman was angry. There was a subtling a tore him. You know, disappointment. I dont know how he kept painting. I know he had some rage. I know he was upset. But he didnt let that affect his painting. He just kept painting. Former nba player and coach daryl walker is a note collector of African American art. Thats norman untitled 1964. He owns four works by lewis. Started to see what norman lewis work, the prices that his work was commanding . No. Because i knew the work was really good. The last ten years, it was a bull rush on collecting African American painters and sculptures. We used to get pieces and get it for a good price. Those days are long gone, buddy, i mean long gone. If the store roofer of norman lewis is on of racism denying an artist his proper due during his life, then it is also says ruth fine, a story still being written. The reconsideration of norman lewis, why now . I think the art world is realizing that the story of american art is much more diverse. Young scholars and even old people like me are trying to in a fuller, more complex, way more interesting way. We cant go undo the past. I wish we could. But we cant. All im saying is focus on norman now. Focus on norman. Hes one of the best out there. Rocco still to come. Steve martin and Edie Brickell, broadway bound. And later, gwen stefani, for the rocco a new show set to open on broadway features the work of two stars. Rita braver has saved us Front Row Center seats. Take it away, rita. Bright star bright star opening broadway this coming week is in part about a young man on the brink of discovering his own surprising history. And you might say the people who wrote the musical are bright stars themselves. We are the wild and crazy guys steve martin known for his comedy the new phone books are here. Film work. Things are going to start happening to me now. And more recently as a blue grass musician and composer. Songwriter Edie Brickell. And though she was raised in texas and he in california, broadway always deck oned. I had a 33 rpm of the music man that i just played over and over. And memorized. My mom used to sing to us in the car all the time. She sang show tunes. Oh, what a beautiful morning. She was always singing. But the story of their collaboration is as full of twists and turns as the show itself. You may remember martins first hit song. King tut his real musical talent, however, was on the instrument he started playing as a teenager. When i heard the banjo i was i loved it so much. But it wasnt until about 1 5 years ago that he really added musician to his varied resume. For her part brickell considered an icon of the late 1980s indue music scene that put her career on the back burner. After her 1992 marriage to paul simon, raising their three children became her priority. I would never have kids if i couldnt be with them. If i couldnt sit and hold my web all day long, i wouldnt have done it. I needed to be with them. But she also became a fan of music. And five years ago with her children growing up she ran into him at a party. Soy i said, if youd ever id sure love it. And thus a new partnership was born. They started writing together. Steve composed the tunes, as he calls them, and edie the lyrics. She performed as well and in 2014, the title song of their first album. Won the grammy for best american roots song. We are truly stunned, if i can speak for edie, and i will. Soon they were dreaming of writing a broadway show. Bright star set in North Carolina, is inspired by an old it was a story about a baby that had been thrown from a train in a suitcase and it lived. And someone discovered the baby, in the suitcase, and raised it. Hed oh, you do you understand this, it just set your mind clicking . What happened . I love miracles. And i read that story and said, its such a beautiful miracle and its so weird that anybody can do such a thing. And it did, it sparked my imagination. And so they created a tale of love lost and found. Youre a young girl and you want to know better of lives unexpectedly intersecting. And they gotten to knee Award Winning director Walter Bobbie on board. What attracted to you work with two people who have never done a the two people. And actually steve as i remember this, brought the script over to my doorman that day and i read it. And the doorman started to reject it. He said in the midst of all this martin and brickell managed to release a new album. Complete with a video shot in, of all places, an elevator. Ill go anywhere but i wont go back the fun and quirky tale is like much of their work, just seems that their musical collaboration is still a bit of a surprise, even for them. It came to you both a little bit later in life. I mean, what do you see from it has been, for me, a real miracle in my life. Because it brought us, we were touring, we were creating all these songs. Suddenly i went from having written 20 songs to have written 60 songs. I never look back but i will listen to our old songs. How about for you . Its remarkable. Steve is like a big gift in my life. Now, of course, their focus is on their show. They know the stakes are high, in a medium where everyone is looking for the next new thing. But steve martin and Edie Brickell say that they deliberately created a more traditional musical. Like the ones they grew up loving. Take away from this show . Me . I hope they have a good time. I hope they laugh and they cry, thats what i hope, and theyre moved. Relief, joy, really good time. Feeling good as opposed to, gee, that was intellectually stimulating but i feel terrible. Rocco next, we get happy. And the big milestones. And just like im there for her, pacific life is there to help protect me and my family so i can enjoy all lifes moments. Pacific life. Helping families for over 145 years achieve longterm Financial Security with lifelong retirement income. Talk to a Financial Advisor today to grow your future your body was made for Better Things than rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist move to a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. For adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can reduce joint pain and swelling in as little as two weeks, and help stop further joint damage. Ability to fight infections, serious, sometimes fatal infections, and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts, and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. R xeljanz can reduce r the symptoms of ra, p even without methotrexate. T rocco it happens this week, today in fact, the International Day of happiness. So designated by no less than the united nations. Echoing our own declaration of independence the u. N. General Assembly Resolution proclaims, quote, the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human goal. And it calls on all Member States to observe the International Day of happiness in an appropriate manner. So how, you might ask, are those Member States doing . Well, according to the World Happiness index released just this past week, denmark is the happiest land on earth. With citizens there rating their scale of zero to ten. Switzerland comes in a very close second. Other European Countries plus canada, new zealand and australia, round out the top ten. As for the United States, we finished at number 13, up two spots from last year. Were just behind austria and just ahead of costa rica. So, forget your troubles, come on, get happy, push us up in those ranking. After all, it is spring. Just ahead, a little over 50 years ago cbs moved here on tour with me. Rocco were often asked by our sunday morning viewers about where our show comes from. About our studio, well, right now were in studio 45 here at is a very big place. Just how big . Follow me. Were going outside. A little over 50 years ago, cbs moved here to the west side of manhattan, to what was billed as the Largest Television plant on the atlantic seaboard. Half a million square feet of floor space, more than the combined size of ten football fields, pretty much a whole city block. But originally this place wasnt for tv, it was the Worlds Largest milk distribution center. With seemingly endless corridors snaking through this sprawling complex, some parts of the Broadcast Center remain virtually unexplored. Here, there was beer. Im deep down in the catacombs of the Broadcast Center. It is said that in the late 1800s this was a brewery. The catacombs themselves are three stories deep. Dank, murky, eerie. Historical fun fact, this is where all the late great cbs news anchors are buried. Im kidding. I made that up. Good evening, this is Walter Cronkite from our cbs news election headquarters in new york. Cbs news moved here just in time for the 1964 president ial election from studio 41. They were put into the computer. The new facilities were touted as a versatile, multipurpose electronic this staple studio was home to the soap opera as the world turns starring a young julian moore as half sisters franny and sabrina. Now, this very moment no ones home here in studio 41. You can see how truly cavernous it is. Up there, almost 300 lights. It may be quiet here but over at studio 43. Its march madness. Cbs sports is in here covering the ncaa basketball tournament. Get in to it all the time. Im sorry to interrupt im giving the cbs sunday morning audience a tour of the Broadcast Center. You may recognize these gentlemen, ernie, clark, kenny and charles. Did you say you hate to interrupt, why are you interrupt . Rocco youre right i should i can chat all day. But les moonves, this is the boss, the man who signs my check has just walked in. Very busy. Now this is the scenic shop, where scenery for whole bunch of different shows gets made. One of the many marvels of the Broadcast Center when it first opened was the largest plastic vacuum forming machine in the industry. Capable of making a brick wall that weighed next to nothing. Pretty cool. Whenever youre ready. Jimmy bianco is going to make us something with the vacuform. How long have you been here . Doing this for 36 years. Flo. You have out done yourself. I just realized. Im hosting the though this morning. Better go. Now, sunday morning has been on the air for 37 years. But were not the only show to come out of studio 45. You baby boomers will surely remember captain kangaroo. Were back. Thank for joining me on the tour. That thing i had made . Nice, huh . Coming up. No place else in the world. On the trail at everglades National Park. And later, gwen stefani, story and song. I just want to tell the truth. And i want to write. Rocco our Conor Knighton is on the trail again this morning celebrating the centennial of the National Park service with a visit to another one of a kind park. They call it the river of grass. And to truly get your feet wet exploring the everglades, you need to actually get your feet wet. You cant really understand it just by driving by, like you can if youre standing in it. Ranger alan scott has been exploring the over 1. 5 million acres of south floridas everglades National Park for 20plus years. They have lost their leaves leave out. His wet walk deep into the cypress, dont follow any set trail. The swampy landscape. Isnt it beautiful . Protected for its scenery. The First National park that was set aside by the National Park service by the people of the United States for what is alive. The plants, the animals and the habitats. The different varieties, plant and animal life found in the park are staggering. Over a thousand species of seedbearing plants. More than 400 species of birds, everglades is International Biosphere reserve. Some species like the endangered florida panther are hardly ever seen. Some, like the lowly mosquitoe can be all too shonn f. I slap one on my wrist am i going to get a fine from the park service . Yes, you are. Give me a dollar every time you do that. But you dont need to trek deep into the habitat to find the everglades most famous inhabitant. Just drive down one of the park roads and youre bound to spot the american alligator can be found throughout the everglades. In the water and on the trail. But keep an eye out you might also spot a crocodile. And that combination is especially rare. Both kind conducive properties and habitat. Theres no place else in the gators. This stretch of florida, this mix of salt and fresh water is just warm enough for crocodiles just cool enough for alligators. Both are technically crockadillions, often have to explain the difference. Main difference they notice is the shape of the snout. The crocodile has much more ashaped pointy snout and alligator has a broader, rounded snout. The other thing people usually notice is the crocodiles are more of grey color and but for parry theres no comparing them. Are you Team Alligator or crocodile . Crocodile. Im a croc snob. Thanks to conservation efforts in the park the once endangered american crocodile has been downgraded to threatened in florida. Back whenever glades was established in is the 47 the idea of creating a National Park to protect plants and animals may have seemed revolutionary. But today that habitat still has a lot to offer people. Here in everglades National Park you can go 50 miles from anybody and be in true wilderness alone. And listen and feel what it if youre looking to save money on your Medicare Part d prescriptions, walgreens says, carpe med diem. Seize the day to get more out of life and Medicare Part d. Just switch to walgreens for savings thatll be the highlight of your day. Now preview the cost of your copay before you fill. You can even get onedollar with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, the delicious taste of nutella takes pancakes to a whole new level. Make any day a pancake day with nutella. Spread the happy rocco the halling interactions of patient and nurse usually run in just one direction. Knots so in the version of that a few months ago here at Froedtert Hospital in milwaukee, nurse lynn bartos took a long hard look back at her career. After 44 years of sacrifice and devotion she wondered, was it worth it . I invested a lot of myself into being a really good nurse. And did it really make a difference . She got her answer when she became the patient. Lip has rheumatoid arthritis. And last summer during one of her doctors visits she was treated by a new nurse named nicole krahn who seemed strangely familiar. Just something on her face and her eyes, i thought, i knew who she was. Do you still get goose bumps when you think about it. I do. I have goose bumps right now. Lynn first met nicole 28 years earlier. Back when they both shared the cover of childrens nurse magazine. It was an article about lynn and the special relationship she had with nicole. She was a very loveable little girl. Nicole, with that whale spout of a ponytail had life threatening intestinal problem, and lynn or sweet lynnie as nicole used to call her. Nicole was this little girl that i took care of and now shes taking such good care of me. Nicole streets she doesnt remember much from those days. With but heres whats interesting. She also doesnt remember a time within she didnt want to be a nurse. Oh, yeah, i always wanted to help people. I dont know if i really just liked nurses i just wanted to be one. For as long as she can remember, she always wanted to be one. Some might say thats a coincidence. But to lynn, its a godsend. Just what i needed. It is definitely a gift, because difference in peoples lives. 44 years and maybe generations to come. Rocco next, gwen stefani, shes starting over. Your path to retirement. May not always be clear. We can help guide your for over 75 years, investors have relied on our disciplined approach to find long term value. So wherever your Retirement Journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. Call a t. Rowe price retirement specialist or your advisor. To see how we can help make the most of your retirement savings. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. I guess i never really gave much thought to the acidity in any foods. Never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. It never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. My dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, its kind of a onetime shot and you have to care for it. He told me to use pronamel. Its gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. It allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, r and it was a real easy tswitch to make. My Opioid Pain Medication is slowing my insides to a crawl. Thats opioidinduced oic, a different type of constipation. Im really struggling to find relief. Paint a different picture. Talk to your doctor about oic and prescription treatment options. Thank you for calling. Well be with you shortly. Yeah right. Companies provide a better hello mr. Kent. Im here Customer Care can work better. With xerox. Wait im here mr. Kent . gasp shark diving xerox personalized employee portals help Companies Make benefits simple and accessible. From anywhere. Hula dancing . Cliff jumping Human Resources can work better. With xerox. Its sunday morning on cbs, here again is mo rocca. Rocco gwen stefani had a very big hit with hollaback girl back in 2005. Along with the hits there has been one very big and public miss a real blow to her personal life. She talks about that and more with our lee cowan for the gwen stefani is underneath it alla superstar who doesnt brag. If i want to show them off id be like tada. Her collection of awards including her grammys are tucked away in a closet in iv Beverly Hills home. That. You thought you had more . Youve got three. Thats enough. After two decades on the charts stefani has had the time and the talent to rack up all kinds of recognition. But last years grammys were bitter tweet. It was the last night the pop star would be truly happy for a long while. Everything for me kind of fell apart last february, right after the grammys, day after. The day after . I woke up that morning, my her high wattage marriage to Gavin Rossdale the lead singer of the band bush exploded after 13 years. At that time everything was like, i had no skin, i was so raw. Nobody knew what was happening i had this big secret. The 46yearold rocker, fashion icon and mother of three young boys suddenly found herself at a crossroads. I was down all the way. Like you dont go down lower than that. You know what i mean . Rock bottom. I was so embarrassed, you know what i mean, like, wow, i have to tush this into something. Like i cant go down like this. If i can do music everything will be okay. But music hadnt come easily for stefani of late. A long, frustrating bout with Writers Block left her shake glenn what was it like going into the studio for the first time . When i walked in there i said, i dont care about the charts, the hits, the style of music. I just want to tell the truth of me, whatever it is, i want to write and i want it to be coming from me. Her misery tuned out to be her muse. One a mart of weeks she had written more lyrics than she knew what to do with. It was just the idea of sitting in at piano and letting my feelings come out and i felt so good. It was like, wow, this is all i need to be doing right now. Nothing else feels good but this. Like the flood gates just opened . It was like the confidence came to me and just felt like the right thing to be doing. Like it was proactive as opposed to like getting deep beer a hole. She was on a role. Record company. They thought it was just too personal, too artistic and they didnt think people would relate to it. It really deplated me. Dont even understand what youre doing to me right now. Like, this was saving my life the face. Like, for saving my own life. You know what i mean . Thats how it felt. How did you bounce back from that . I just went to the studio the next day. You went back . Lets write the most noncommercial personal record ever. That very day she wrote the ballad used to love you. She sent a demo over to her record label and her phone rang once again. It was the first time in my entire career that somebody from a Record Company called to me fast turn around . Pretty magical. Used to love you became Gwen Stefanis first single off already first solo album in a decade. Fittingly called this is what the truth feels like. It is raw, almost a its not the first time stefani has turned to song writing for therapy. Another painful break up, this one back in 1949 from her bands bassist, tony kanal let stefani to write dont speak. It was a monster hit that put her and no doubt on the musical map for good. I never could understand why i was so unlucky in love. I have so much love in me and yet ive just had so much tragedy with that, but yet ive had so many like incredible blessings. I mean, like how did this happen to me . Like its crazy. One of those blessings she says was her stint on npcs the voice. I would love to help you because i think you need a lot of help. What is that supposed to mean . She sat two chairs away from Country Singer blake shelton. Timing is everything. Public split with his wife Miranda Lambert a country star in her own right. In all of this craziness that happened, like unexpected mobileness, i found a friend that was going through literally the exact same thing as me. And that is a miracle, you know . And i it just saved me so much and i feel so grateful for that. Back in the Recording Studio stefanis collaborators began to notice a change in her mood. Then all of a sudden, hey, whats going on with gwen, shes so happy. That happiness inspired make me like you. It was so fun to be able to write about being saved and be happy about it and share that joy. She turned it all into elaborately choreographed live that aired in a commercial break during this years grammys, she admits that she wrote that about shelton. But thats about as far into relationship territory as she is willing to go. Look, you can have me say it out loud. Record. I feel like i did everything let this ruin my life. They dont hide the fact theyre a couple. They are publicly private. Weve seen it all play out in the tabloids in the sort of over the top the way these things often go. But shes managed to cope with that, too, by ignoring it. Once in awhile they will tap into Something Like wow, really . How do you think that about me, youre wrong. If i saw you right now, i bet you would never say that to my face. Shes never been a shrinking violet and in world of 20something pop stars, she has remained remarkably ageless. Stefani has lived a few life times in the last 18 months and has come out on the other side beaming with new found optimism that is as bright as those signature lips. It strikes me that despite everything that has happened to you over the last year and a half youre almost grateful. I feel so grateful. Which i think people would be surprised. Im surprised. Like, i believe theres a master plan for me and part of my journey and my cross to bear was went through. And i accept it. And made something of it. Tried to make something good out of it. Rocco next, anniversary. I was absolutely frustrated, absolutely. I did not think chantix would work as well as it did. Chantix varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. Chantix reduced my urge to smoke. Some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. Some had seizures while taking chantix. If you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of Mental Health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. Dont take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. 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I cant believe its made with real, simple ingredients. I cant believe. Were on a whale. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Enjoy i cant believe its not butter rocco the pentagon says a u. S. Marine was killed yesterday iraq. The attack occurred on the eve of an anniversary that many people might overlook, but which iraq war veteran Matt Gallagher has not. Their teen years ago the American Military invaded iraq. Not yet. Everything happening in that region, from isis to airstrikes to delta force raids, is connected to that decision. And the subsequent nine years of war and occupation. According to recent polls, more than half of americans support a Ground Invasion against the islamic state. The same number would bar Syrian Refugees from entering the u. S. That a ground war against isis would lead to substantially more refugees doesnt seem to matter. And that such an invasion would ethically and legally be followed by lengthy occupation also seems inconsequential somehow. Of 1829yearolds military aged millennials support american combat operations against isis. Nearly the same percentage would never join the fight, though, even if they were needed. For too Many Americans in 2016, war isnt a dire act turned to once all other options have been exhausted. Its a narcotic, a quick fix, something that happens in strange, far away lands where other peoples sons and daughters do violent things for country. As an iraq veteran who spent formative time in dusty, sectarian towns north of baghdad ive long wondered if america pays attention to its foreign a fares. Which brings me to the president ial primaries. And the next p president of the night states they choose. But when legitimate candidates running for commander in chief suggest war crimes should be allowed or that carpet bombing makes for sound military strategy i find myself wanting to find the supporters of these son or daughter were given those mixes . Would you still cheer . In the era of all volunteer force, Service Members are abstractions and ciphes to many. Its easier to send them to war and keep them there than it is to send people we know, kids weve watched grow. The divide between america and its military is vast. This should disturb us all, soldier and citizen. Republics dont behave like this. Everything the military does abroad happens in our name. They dont just wear the patch on their unit. They also wear the patch of the american flag. They represent us all. Its well pastime we remember that and do right by them the way they have sworn to do right by us. Their teen years after iraq, its the least we can do. Im vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. Vern from voya . Yep, vern from voya. Why are you orange . Thats a little weird. This scenario . Plook, orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. Save a little here and there, and over time, your money could multiply. See . Ah, ok. So, why are you orange . Funny. See how voya can help you get organized at voya. Com. Want great whitening without the mess . Think outside the box. Colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen for 5 shades whiter teeth. Brush, whiten, go no mess, no waiting, no rinsing. Colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. Huh. Introducing centrum vitamints. A new multivitamin you enjoy like a mint. With a full spectrum of nutrients. Rocco heres a look at the week ahead on our sunday morning calendar. Monday marks the 10th anniversary of the worlds first tweet sent by twitter founder jack door see. Tuesday sees Long Distance swimming martin strels departure from long beach, california, on around the world swim to promote awareness of the need for clean water. He plans to finish around july 4th, 2017. Wednesdays the day washington, d. C. s Cherry Blossoms are expected to enter their peak not unless its thursday. Unusual temperature swings this month are complicating the National Park services projections. On thursday the 43rd daytime emmy award nominations will be announced on the talk right here on cbs. The awards ceremony itself is scheduled for may 1st. Friday sees a free Rolling Stones concert in havana. The first open air concert in cuba by a british rock band. Saturday is the day for the dubai world cup, billed as the worlds richest horse race with a combined prize purse of some 30 million. A few updates first, we know a lot of you wondering how Charles Osgood is doing after his Knee Replacement surgery. The good news is hes doing great and hopes to be back here in his rightful place soon. Hurry back, charlie, we miss you. Weve got good news as well the last night received the 2016 governors award for from the new york chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and sciences. I always say if you dont like bill geist theres something wrong with you. Conor knighton will host web chat on his travels through our National Parks a little after we go off the air this morning. For details check out our website. With that we go to John Dickerson in washington for a look at whats ahead on face the nation. Good morning, john. Dickerson good morning, mo, the front runners in both parties unstoppable . Well talk about that today and also hear from some voters who are disappointed in the idea that their final choice might be between donald trump and hillary clinton. Plus, discussion of that Supreme Court fight thats coming up. Rocco thank you. I and many others will be watching. Next week here on sunday morning. If god raised jesus from the pastor joel osteen. Sunday mornings moment of nature is sponsored by rocco we leave you on this first day of spring at our oldest National Park, yellowstone. Where the ice on yellowstone rocco im mo rocca, thank you for joining us. See you next sunday morning. And if you have afib an irregular heartbeat that may put you at five times greater risk of stroke they can pool together in the heart, forming a clot that can break free, and travel upstream to the brain where it can block blood flow and cause a stroke. But if you have afib thats not caused by a heart valve problem, pradaxa can help stop clots from forming. Radaxa was even proven superiorpto warfarin pat reducing the risk of stroke,pin a Clinical Trial pwithout the need for regularpblood tests. And, in the rare event of an emergency, radaxa is the only oral bloodpthinner pother than warfarin with apspecific reversal treatment pto help your body clot normallypagain. 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Talk to your doctor about captioning made possible by johnson johnson, where quality products for the American Family have been a tradition for generations captioned by Media Access Group at Wgbh Dickerson today on face the nation. Campaign 2016 rumbles on and front runners pick up delegates can anything or anyone stop them. Those who want to stop donald trump from winning the republican nomination are running out of option, down to threeman race but is there realistic chance of winning for either john kasich or ted cruz. The establish. They dont know what theyre doing. They have no clue. They dont know how to win. Dickerson well talk to the only candidate who beat donald trump, john kasich

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