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2011. captioning funded by cbs beautiful monday morning there. hope it's a good start to your week as well. good morning. thanks for joining us. i'm erica hill. >> i'm jeff glor. all weekend we saw these tributes pour in for andy rooney. we're going to be joined by brian rooney andy's son, who is going to reflect back on his life and tell us what life was like with his dad. >> what's it like to have andy rooney as a dad. we begin with an explosive scandal which is rocking college sports. penn state's athletic director and another top official gave up their jobs last night after retired assistant football coach was charged with sexually abusing eight boys. >> those two 10 state officials are accused of cover-up. michelle miller is in harrisburg with that story. michelle, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jeff. well athletic director tim curley and university vice president gary schultz will be arraigned at this district court in harrisburg some time later today. the university board of trustees made the announcement of their departures overnight. officials try to deal with allegations of a trusted coach that could blemish happy valley's storied history. >> jerry sandusky in the middle. long time assistant for joe paterno. >> reporter: jerry sandusky built an unquestioned reputation for penn state football as linebacker u. helping legendary head coach joe paterno score the most wins in division i history. but sandusky's personal reputation is now in question. >> jerry is very very depressed. he's very distraught about the charges, the allegations. >> reporter: in a 40-count indictment sandusky is accused of targeting eight boys over a period of 15 years, both before and after his retirement in 1999. the charges range from inappropriate touching to stachatory rape. sandusky denies any wrongdoing. nittany lions fans are in shock. >> it's a shame. we've always had like -- we've taken pride in being a school that has always been unblemished. >> he was doing so many good things with the second mile and you are kind of like proud of him. >> reporter: the second mile is a charity sandusky started back in 1977 to help troubled children. >> reach out to young people trying to motivate them to mentor them. >> reporter: pennsylvania attorney general linda kelly says he used the organization to find his victims, calling sandusky a sexual predator. according to the indictment several of the alleged crimes took place on campus here at the lash football building. in the spring of 2002 a graduate assistant reported that he witnessed sandusky sodomizing a young boy in the shower. he later testified that he reported the incident to coach joe paterno the very next day. prosecutors say paterno alerted athletic director tim curley. curley called in gary schultz, the university's senior vice president for finance and business. a week and a half later, both met with the graduate assistant but never contacted police. late sunday curley and schultz stepped down. joe paterno issued a statement clarifying his grand jury testimony saying it was obvious that the witness was distraught over what he saw but he at no time related to me the very specific actions. and prosecutors say coach paterno is a witness and is not under investigation. as for sandusky he has been banned from the penn state campus as he remains free on $100,000 bond. he faces charges that could put him away for life. jeff erica? >> all right, michelle. thanks, michelle milner harrisburg pennsylvania. such a disturbing story. we're going to turn to politics. the sexual harassment claims against presidential candidate herman cain may not be sending voters away from him. the latest "washington post"/abc news poll shows 23% of republicans support cain. he's just one point behind mitt romney. >> cain is telling everyone he is done talking about those allegations. listen to this exchange he had with reporters over the weekend. >> mr. cain the attorney for one of the women who filed a sexual harassment complaint -- >> don't even go there. >> can i ask my question? >> no. >> may i ask a good question? >> where is my chief of staff? >> i'm right here. >> please send him the journalistic code of ethics. >> jan crawford is here with more. we mentioned the abc news poll which mirrors the latest cbs/"new york times" poll from a week ago with romney and cain neck and neck. it would seem these allegations didn't have much of an impact. >> no so far they're not. in that same poll 7 in 10 republicans say the charges just don't matter at this point. and that's really what we're picking up in our reporting out in iowa and other key states. i was in alabama over the weekend, for example. for the alabama/lsu game. i'm still in mourning but i got on my crimson. but everywhere the vote ears i mean the fans when they weren't talking about the game they wanted to talk about herman cain. they like herman cain and want to believe these allegations just can't be true because then they feel like they may have to go somewhere else. so so far, it's just not registering with his supporters. and let me just ad. that exchange we just saw, that testy exchange that's another thing that could help herman cain because a lot of conservatives don't trust the media. they think there's this huge liberal bias against conservatives. the media didn't cover bill clinton or ted kennedy like they are doing herman cain. some of this could come back to help him. >> the stalemate continues. he's not going to talk about it. clearly some aren't done asking him questions about this. let's talk about newt gingrich if we could because the poll shows a little bit some of good news for him. >> a lot of good news. >> what is next for newt? >> he's kind of the comeback kid. everyone was saying he was out of this race back in the summer. his whole staff left and a lot of them went over to rick perry. a poll last week had him in third behind cain and romney. he's predicting this will come down to a head-to-head race between romney and newt. so he could be kind of the next he's not mitt romney candidate. the voters out there are looking for some alternative to that -- to romney. a more solidly conservative candidate. first michele bachmann then rick perry, then herman cain. newt could be the next one. >> what are the numbers looking like for president obama as we are now one year out from election day. >> it's one year. it's going to be tough for him. and everyone knows it. he knows it. his campaign knows it. disapproval ratings right now, 53% in some of the latest polls. they say they are ready to fight. so it's going to be quite a race and already you are seeing you know, they are going after mitt romney. so i think democrats think that's who the nominee will be. >> they think without question it's going to be mitt romney? >> yes. >> maybe newt is number two? >> well, newt thinks so. >> newt indeed does right now. >> i want to move now to the story of jack abramoff. in the '90s, the washington lobbyist began showering gifts on lawmakers in return for tax breaks that favored his clients. >> all of that came crashing down five years ago when he pleaded guilty to corrupting football officials, tax evasion and fraud. he served 3 1/2 years in prison. on last night's skt 60 minutes" he said how he used his clients money to influence laws. >> i was so far into it that i couldn't figure out where right and wrong was. i believed that i was among the top moral people in the business. i was totally blinded by what was going on. >> jack abramoff was a wizz at influencing legislation. and one way he did that was to get his clients, like some indian tribes, to make substantial campaign contributions to select members of congress. >> as i look back it was effective. it certainly helped the people i was trying to help both the clients and the republicans at that time. >> but even that was -- you are now saying was corrupt? >> yes. >> abramoff would provide freebies and gifts looking for favors for his clients in return. he'd lavish certain congressmen and senators with access to private jets and junkets to the world's great golf destinations like st. andrews in scotland. free meals at his own upscale washington restaurant and access to the best tickets to all the area's sporting events including two sky boxes at washington redskins games. >> i spent over a million dollars a year on tickets to sporting events and concerts and whatnot at all the venues. >> a million dollars? >> yes. >> for the best seats? >> the best seats. >> i had two people on my staff whose virtual full-time job was booking tickets. we were ticketmaster for these guys. >> and the congressmen or senator could take his favorite people from his district or -- >> they could take two dozen of his favorite people from their district. >> was all that legal? >> we would certainly try to make the activity legal. if we could. at times we didn't care. >> he's written a memoir called "capitol punishment." he joins us this morning. good to have you here with us. talk about with us in person. jeff just asked you what it was like watching yourself on "60 minutes." what kind of reaction have you had? some are hearing this from you for the first time and probably doesn't sit too well. >> no actually, the reaction has been amazing. i've gotten hundreds of e-mails and facebook messages from strangers and friends, very positive that they appreciate that i'm honest and open and not trying to hide what happened. and that i am now facing the system and trying to do something about it. >> watching last night, i know you oar you regret what you did at this point. but it almost seemed at times gleeful when you were talking about what you got away with. right now, how much that you got away with can people still get away with? >> well i think that the system is, they tinkered with it a little bit. they'll often reform it by doing minor things and patting each other on the back. but virtually everything that i did, people are still doing. and they kept doing even the night i was indicted. and the night i plead. in fact the night i was sentenced, they had fund-raisers along those same lines that i was doing. so i think it's still going. >> so essentially nothing has changed. do you think it ever will? i mean fundamentally change. i know you have ideas but putting it in place is a different idea. >> i think that's up to the american people. i think with what one sees with the tea party and occupy wall street and other movemented people are just frustrated and fed up with all of this. and at some point, that will become a movement that will overthrow what's going on and stop it. >> so your biggest point right now is people who enter public service should then after they leave public service, leave washington, leave public service for good, not go into the lobbying game? >> i think one of the two things that i'm saying need to be done to really stop this is to end the revolving door. if you come to serve the public serve the public then either go home or continue to serve the public in some other function. gou but to go and cash that in as 90% want to, do that's part of the problem in the system. >> you are still trying to be a religious man. you are a devout man. a lot of people say if this is really what you believe and how you want to live your life ethically, morally, it would seem to contradict a person's faith to be doing the things you did. how did you do that and tell yourself it was okay and then still, you know i'm still a good person in that sense? >> when one is deeply in a system it is sometimes difficult to see where you're at. when you start a voyage if your compass is off by one degree and you think you are on the right path, by the end of the voyage you are on another continent. that's what happened with me. i started on a voyage and set out to do good things and -- >> but when did you realize you were off that? >> did you realize? >> no not until i was hit on the head by a 2x4 and my career was ended. if i hadn't had that happen i'd probably be doing it today. >> you are how much in debt now? >> i can't even count that high. i have you know a $44 million restitution order to start with and then on top of that as well. >> some of the stuff in the book things like jack abramoff is scum. quotes about you. and a profession of such rock-bottom standards to distinguish yourself as unethical requires villny at an unethical scale. your trying to get sympathy? >> the publisher wanted me to coming up with praise so that's the best i could come up with. no, those -- i thought it was more clever, frankly, and interesting for a reader to see those comments. one often looks at the back of the book oh, fantastic book et cetera. i think those are more shocking. >> you have five kids. what do your kids think about all of this? >> obviously, my children have suffered tremendously. they were in their teenage years when all this was happening. it's been very difficult for them. they cope as best as they can. my wife and i and the kids are very close and we do our best to bring them through it. >> jack abramoff thank you for joining us this morning. appreciate it. >> thanks very much. betty ngyuen is over at the news desk with a check of the other headlines. >> good morning erica and jeff. new census data released this morning finds the gap in wealth between the young and the old in this country has never been wider. the typical household headed by someone 65 or older has a net worth 47 times greater than a household headed by someone under 35. the median net worth of households headed by someone 65 or older is $170,494. okay. compare that to just $3,662 for younger households. the census bureau blames lack of job opportunities for young adults, along with housing costs and college debt. it is reported this morning that the obama administration is considering unprecedented cuts in military spending. "the new york times" quotes defense secretary leon panetta as saying he may even have to reduce medical and retirement benefits for military personnel. and there have been at least ten aftershocks in oklahoma after the strongest earthquake ever recorded in that state. the magnitude 5.6 quake that struck saturday northeast of oklahoma city caused damage and some minor injuries. about 15 minutes past the >> up next a special tribute to andy rooney. an accident... to asthma. a new heartbeat... to a heart condition. when you see your doctor, you don't face any medical issue alone. you do it together. at the american medical association, we're committed to preserving that essential partnership between patients and their doctors. because when it comes to your health, you need someone you trust. the ama. protecting the relationship between patients and physicians. when you have tough pain do you want fast relief? try bayer advanced aspirin. it's not the bayer aspirin you know. it's different. first, it's been re-engineered with micro-particles. second, it enters the bloodstream fast and rushes relief to the site of your tough pain. the best part? it's proven to relieve pain twice as fast as before. bayer advanced aspirin. test how fast it works for you. love it, or get your money back. ♪ ♪ hershey's chocolate syrup. stir up a smile. were you eating smoked sausage in here? no! could have gotten me one. i did. try the unmistakable flavor of dunkin's new smokehouse sausage breakfast sandwich with sausage from hillshire farm. as we mentioned earlier, cbs news lost a legend on friday night. andy rooney died in new york city at age 92 after a lifetime in journalism. >> and in many people's homes. for more than 30 years he delivered his weekly essays on every topic you can imagine. last night morley safer profiled his friend and colleague. >> when you first started the rooney piece on "60 minutes," what was the immediate response? >> well how are you going to hate andy rooney on television? i mean i don't recall having much negative comment from anybody. >> did you have any idea, though that you would become iconic on this broadcast? >> well, i hope you're right. i don't know whether you are right or not, but i like hearing you say it. >> i don't know anything offhand that mystifies americans more than the cotton they put in pill bottles. why do they do it? >> for over 30 years, andy rooney held court, dispensing his wit and wisdom from his desk turned pulpit soap box or whatever you want to call it. >> i make my living having opinions. all i'm saying is. >> as america's favorite grouch in chief, he was the choice voice voice. the loud winy voice speaking on behalf of citizens fed up with nearly everything. >> that's what's wrong with what's going on in washington. >> and a watchdog. >> look at these boxes of stuff. >> our junkyard poodle protecting consumers. >> check the size of those things. they not only puff the wheat. they puff the blueberry. i think of it as work. i tlof come in and sit down at my typewriter. >> you think of that as work. people watching you say, you call that work? >> that is true. but i do think of it. it is work. >> there's no doubt about it. dogs are nicer than people. >> people say, is rooney really like that? you know the character they see on the screen? is he really really like that? i say, he's exactly like that. >> well we'll learn a little more about what he was exactly like later on in the show. brian rooney andy's son, will join us in our next hour. >> that's coming up just after 8:00. we'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ♪ ♪ write "you're pretty." you're pretty! ♪ ♪ i think he hurt his tibia. what's a tibia? 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[ male announcer ] breathe better, sleep better feel better. try breathe right advanced for free... at [ woman ] it's my right to breathe right. isn't it your right, too? keurig has a wide variety of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. it's the way to individually brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew, hon. . it is 25 minutes after 7:00. fog down pie the water. we will have more on that down by the river. we have more on weather. >> 64 is the high today. sunshine, pleasant and warmer. a quick note on the traffic control, we are back on standard time. the heat of the day now is about 1:30. how about the traffic? >> it is starting to get busier. there is an accident on 95, watch for that south bound. it is between the beltway and 895. another accident at sand hill road and another, 95 south banted, 20 miles per hours set back. 20 miles per hour with a 31- minute drive time. there is a look there and the look at 83 at the road and heavy and the amazon. a student is dead after being stabbed, another student is charged. we have more on that story live. >> they said that the victim was trying to break up a fight. hundreds of students went to a vigil to mourn the murder of the student that was found bleeding in front of a house across from the school. she was inside with others and that argument started. a 23-year-old is charged with stabbing her with a knife and is being held without bond. three men were shot on west north avenue yesterday morning. all three should survive. the corruption trial of the state senator could close today. the jury will continue to deliberate later this morning. they will try to determine if he sold his influence to a grocery store chain. and the journalist turned freedom fighter said he went there to fight, wanting to put moammar gadhafi out of power. he was freed later in that situatio welcome back to "the early show" at half past the hour. beautiful shot of the changing leaves in central park. i'm erica hill along with jeff glor. just ahead, a tragic story of julia sumnicht. she died more than a year ago in miami where she was on spring break. >> she overdosed on a drug called ghb. she was last seen with a local photographer there. there's another man who reportedly says he was with julia that night and took ghb himself but no charges have been filed. we're going to speak with her family this morning. they've hired a private investigator trying to win justice for julia. >> just a heartbreaking case. first, the latest on the michael jackson case at this point. a verdict could come down as early as today in the manslaughter case as the jury now begins its second day of deliberations. that happens later this morning. >> as bill whitaker reports, the key question is who delivered the fatal overdose? >> nobody is disputing he wanted the propofol. but he also wanted a doctor there. >> reporter: that dr. conrad murray left michael jackson alone in his bedroom while the singer was under the influence of the powerful anesthetic propofol is not in dispute. but jurors must decide if that action led to the death of the pop star. >> conrad murray caused the death of michael jackson. conrad murray gave him propofol and abandoned him. >> reporter: the defense contends jackson injected himself with the fatal dose of the drug. >> so was dr. murray supposed to watch michael jackson to save him from himself at all times? was he never to leave? >> reporter: 49 witnesses appeared before the seven men and five women of the jury. during testimony, they heard detailed explanations about medical protocols, i.v. drips, even how propofol is metabolized in the body. >> this is an unusually well educated jury. they serve a managerial roles, leadership positions, many of them have post graduate degrees. so i expect this jury will take its time going through the mountains of evidence. >> reporter: with over 300 pieces of evidence jurors have much to review. on friday they concluded their first full day of deliberations without asking one question. >> i think they'll be able to reach that decision in relative short order. so i don't expect this to extend much beyond two or three days of deliberating. >> reporter: and as the jury deliberates, the crowd of jackson supporters outside the courthouse has been growing larger and more vocal. bill whitaker cbs news, los angeles. joining us from l.a. is jean casarez who is covering the jackson trial for trutv's "in session." jean, always good to have you with us. give us an idea in this first day of deliberation, was there anything that happened or did not happen that gave us some sort of a clue as to how long it could take before we see a verdict? >> maybe it's the fact there wasn't a verdict. erica, a lot of people thought there would be a verdict on friday. it's been a long trial. 25 days of testimony. and jurors wrote notes. they, obviously, know this case. there's only one count. and what always happens is when they get in the jury room they select a foreperson and then they take a straw vote. so common sense would tell you that if all the jurors have their reasons or are on the same side that there could have been a conviction on friday a verdict. but there was not. so what does that mean? one of two things. it means that there are people on both sides of the spectrum. so they are now having to really look at things. or it's a jury that wants to go through the evidence, that wants to take it step by step. there's a biochemist on the jury. somebody that has a degree in biochemistry. that's huge for the science aspect of this. >> it is really important, really interesting as we just pointed out in the piece. this is a very educated jury. but you point out, we may not have heard anything because they are going through the evidence. isn't that what a jury should be doing, not rushing a verdict? >> definitely. it should go through the evidence. we have seen times when they do not, though. the casey anthony case the verdict came the second day. and it did not require a lot of deliberation on their part. there could be a verdict today. there's been the weekend, which is interesting. so jurors can think about everything they went through on friday. there was 7 hours and 40 minutes of deliberation on friday. that's a long time. that's like an eight-hour workday. so they thought about it. it could come today. it could come later in the week. don't forget. it could be a hung jury. that's not out of the question here because there are some people that just don't want to change their opinion. >> you mentioned the fact they had the weekend to think about it. this is a jury that's not being sequestered. >> that's right. so they're at home. now the judge admonishes them, do not talk with your families about it but they think about it. we know that. and what if family members just say things. you know, oh he did it. he's guilty. or, michael jackson is the one that controlled this whole thing. will they just take that into their minds? but they cannot do research. they cannot read about it. and they cannot watch television on it. >> so they aren't supposed to. although they seem to be taking things pretty seriously so you'd hope they were taking that instruction seriously as well. you have been there throughout this trial. you've sat there. you've listened to the evidence and the witnesses. anything that really stuck out on either side for you? >> you know, i think the thing that i think about at this point is, if there is that intervening, unforeseeable act, and you can't find conrad murray guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of causing the death. that would be michael jackson. injecting himself, taking the lorazepan. but if there are pills all over the bedroom and a syringe within his reach and conrad murray said in his own statement, michael jackson always wanted to reach for the syringe himself discipline that mean that it was foreseeable? that dr. conrad murray saw it? on the other side there's jury nullification. many doctors were in michael jackson's life and the jury could say, this isn't fair for the one doctor that happened to be there in the bedroom when this happened we don't want to convict him. some jurors could feel that way. >> jean casarez, always good to have you with us. thanks. >> thanks, erica. just ahead, the death of a college student bringing new attention to the dangers of ghb, also known as the date rape drug. >> we'll have the story of julia sumnicht. we're going to give all the top brands. like kenmore craftsman, nordictrack, die hard samsung... and our gifts will be top notch. our wrapping? 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor about cymbalta. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. the grieving family of a wisconsin college student who died on spring break last year are working hard on two fronts. >> julia sumnicht's family has hired a private investigate tor find without is responsible. they are also bringing awareness to the dangers of a drug that killed her. 21-year-old julia sumnicht aspider to one day become a model. last year while on spring break in miami beach, that dream ended. a toxic level of ghb, the date rape drug, was found in her system. some time after midnight on the day she died julia met up with zoeltan prepszent, a celebrity photographer, 15 years her senior at a club in south beach. the two actually met the year before according to private investigator chris catania. >> zoltan was a photographer, club promoter in the miami beach area. >> reporter: the two seen here in this surveillance video arrived at the nearby flamingo towers at 4:00 a.m. prepszent shared the condo with itzler. he's currently in new york facing charges of promoting prostitution and selling drugs. according to "the new york post," he placed himself at the condo with the couple. >> he admitted to one, being in the apartment with julia and that he had consumed ghb himself knowing that julia would not have taken the drug on her own and that itzler had access to it. you know, as an investigator you put two and two together and someone slipped julia that drug. >> reporter: julia who took this picture of herself shortly before her death had high levels of the date rape drug in her system but only trace amounts of alcohol. >> my belief is that while she was at the club she was protecting herself taking care of herself having a good time but not consuming alcohol. >> reporter: to date no, one has been charged in julia's death. the investigation is ongoing. >> with us this morning are julia's parents and her sister jojo. good to have all of you with us. our condolences. we know this is a tough thing for you to talk about, but you are doing it for obvious reasons. not only for justice for your daughter but so other families know the dangers out there. dan, give us an idea. you really want justice for julia. no one has been charged. you've hired a private investigator. do you think enough has been done to find out what happened? >> well it's been 602 days and we're still waiting for answers. we're very frustrated. we know that you can't dictate necessarily how leads will come in. but we just want to raise awareness and keep momentum going to try to get this investigation completed. >> marie, can we talk about these pictures? julia clearly left some evidence here, right, that you guys have been looking at and you got a lot of information from that. what have those told you? >> the picture of her with her eyes closed, the ones at the end? >> yeah, this is the one we're talking about. >> well we feel as a family especially that they were kind of a call for help. she was telling us that something was wrong. something was not right. she would -- from what we know of her, she would not take pictures like that so we feel very strongly she's calling for help. she's telling us something. something is wrong. >> tell us jojo she was your best friend. you were college roommates at one point, too, right? >> yeah. >> you don't believe your sister would have done any of this and gone into an unsafe situation. tell us more about who julia was. >> well, my sister. my mother home schooled four of us until middle school. she was always my best friend. and because of that connection i just know what she would do or say in situations. and julia was a fighter. she fought for things that were right. and i just know that in this she'd be the first to have my back in anything. and i want to fight for this for her. >> marie did you even know what ghb was at the time when this happened? >> not at all. when they mentioned it at first, i asked, is that like a date rape drug? and they said yes. and so as time went on i looked into it a little bit and discovered what appears to be probably relatively harmless because it's basically a tasteless, odorless clear form is actually made with very harsh, toxic chemicals. and having found three times the lethal amount in julia's body i wish, i hope i want someone to be held accountable for this. >> i know there's a limited amount you all can say right now because the investigation is ongoing. but do you young know who is responsible? do you think police know who is responsible and they just haven't acted on that yet? dan? >> we have ideas. i think you can look at the events and there is certain list of people. i think we will look forward to the police completing that investigation. and -- >> do you have faith charges will be brought at some point? >> right now, i think we are confident. i think there are some pieces of evidence that have been coming in, and we just hope the police will investigate those and -- >> and are you hoping that by speaking out about this too that you may influence someone to come forward who may know something? >> we want to appeal to anybody with any information on this case to come forward. it's been 602 days. it's time. >> and anybody a part of the case if they can keep doing what they need to do. >> and more importantly, the second part of your cause as well. do you feel like more people know about ghb now and the dangers it poses? >> that's definitely something that i realized since this -- since this has happened that i really want that to get out there that this is not -- this is not a game. this is not -- you can't be too careful. and also the people actually using and giving out these drugs that this is what has happened to our family. leaving a huge hole in our hearts and our lives and literally changing our lives forever. and that people just need to be aware of these consequences. >> thank you all for coming in this morning, marie, johanna, jojo. new evidence shows how the u.s. had a chance to stop the sale of a gunman that killed him. [ male announcer ] cranberry juice? wake up! ♪ ♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. ♪ i'll stop the world and melt with you ♪ ♪ i'll stop the world ♪ ♪ i will stop the world ♪ ♪ you've seen the difference ♪ ♪ and it's getting better all the time ♪ ♪ i will stop the world ♪ ♪ i'll stop the world and melt with you ♪ ♪ i'll stop the world ♪ ♪ i'll stop the world, i'll melt with you ♪ [ male announcer ] your eye doctor can't always be there if you sleep in your contact lenses. lucky for you, air optix brand has a lens approved for up to 30 days and nights of continuous wear. [ male announcer ] that's why they're recommended most for people who sleep in their lenses. visit for a free one-month trial offer. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. if you have painful swollen joints i've been in your shoes. one day i'm on p of the world... the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel. i'm surprised how quickly my symptoms have been managed. [ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis lymphoma, other cancers and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores have had hepatitis b have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel you experience persistent fever, bruising bleeding, or paleness. get back to the things that matter most. good job girls. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. wow. >> sunday was an absolutely spectacular day for the new york city marathon here. more than 47,000 runners hit the road under sunny skies. perfect conditions. men's winner beat the old course record by 2 1/2 minutes. and this morning we'll have the story of a man running the race for a very first time. a huge challenge for anyone a marathon. but even more so when you have cystic fibrosis as kevin dwyer does. >> he wants to inspire younger patients. so he's talking about his struggle with that lung disease after keeping it a secret for many years. inspire with every step he takes. you'll hear more just ahead. 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from november 11th through 13th. visit their web site for more details. for the second time in a year, a university student has been murdered and another class mate is behind bars charged in this case. >> the postings suggest that the victim was trying to break up a fight. hundreds of students went to the vigil of the student that was found bleeding in front of a house across from the school. she was inside with others and there was an argument and the 23 lear old senior is said to have stabbed her with a knife. she is waiting on bond hearings. the woman involved in a john hob kins researcher is set to go and after testifying that her boyfriend did the stabbing, he got life plus 20 years last week. a weekly flight will soon head from the country to cuba, they will be considered charters, not tourists. more on the cbs news next and the top of the hour on a monday morning. welcome back to "the early show." i'm erica hill along with jeff glor. this is off. just ahead, andy rooney's unique take on life was the reason he was beloved by millions and millions of americans. >> his son brian rooney will be here to talk about his father this morning. what he was like at home off camera and also the legacy he leaves behind. brian will be here in just a couple of minutes. >> looking forward to that coming up. first, the latest in a cbs news investigation into the murder of a federal immigration agent earlier this year. >> investigative correspondent sharyl attkisson is here live in studio with the story. good morning. >> good to join you. thanks. the murder of agent jaime zapata on azinement in mexico happened more than eight months ago but has been shrouded in mystery. we've obtained law enforcement records that show the gun that killed him came from the u.s. and the suspects who allegedly trafficked the firearm had been under law enforcement's watch for months in dallas even videotaped taking part in trafficking crimes. not a day goes by that amador and mary zapata don't think about their son jaime, a special agent with immigration and customs or i.c.e. >> i think about a young man with a loving heart who loved fishing, who loved family and friends. >> reporter: jaime was one of five brothers all in the field of criminal justice. earlier this year he was sent to mexico city on what he said would be a safe assignment. >> he had told us he was going to be detailed to mexico. that he was going to be working out of the embassy. that he was going to be in an armored vehicle. >> reporter: but on february 15th zapata and his partner victor avila were attacked in their government suv by suspected mexican cartel members. nobody knows exact details, but the i.c.e. agents were traveling hundreds of miles from their embassy assignment on a notorious stretch of highway believed unarmed with no escort. their vehicle was cut off and banned as attack. both agents were critically injured by gunfire. fellow agents told the zapatas jaime had been hurt. mary phoned relatives to ask for prayers. >> when i got off the phone, i sensed, jaime is dead. >> it was horrible. and to this date i still think of it. it devastates me. >> what upsets the couple most is their belief that u.s. law enforcement could have stopped the sale of the gun used to kill their son. that's because three traffickers who provided that weapon had been on law enforcement's radar screen five months before jaime was shot. atf had traced them to a cache of illegal firearms being smuggled to mexico. yet apparently made no move to question or charge them. trace reports show the suspects then trafficked dozens more weapons, including the gun used against zapata and they even transferred 40 illegal firearms to a dea and atf informant. but they were only arrested months later after zapata was killed. in a letter senator charles grassley accuses the justice department, which oversees atf, of trying to hide how long the suspects had been under watch. the justice department responded by saying atf was not aware of the suspect's purchase of the gun that killed zapata when it happened. the agency says answering further questions would jeopardize the investigation. eight months after jaime's death, the zapatas haven't been given so much as an autopsy report. >> what are your thoughts on why you have so few answers? >> i hope that it's not a cover-up. i pray that the weapon that killed my son didn't come from the united states and was allowed to travel to mexico. >> reporter: desperate for answers, they filed freedom of information requests with the very agencies whose leaders spoke at jaime's funeral. the i.c.e. director homeland security chief janet napolitano attorney general eric holder. >> the story is one that we must not forget and it is one that we will not. he was a hero in every sense of the word. >> reporter: if he were watching all of this from the outside, what would he be saying about his own case and the mystery surrounding it? >> a few days after he passed away, he came to me in a dream, and he pointed to his lips and he said mom, i cannot speak. you have to speak for me. make sure another person does not have to go through what i went through. >> i.c.e. told us they communicate regularly with the family and are doing all they can for them. the three trafficking suspects recently agreed to plead guilty to weapons charges. the justice department won't provide any information on arrests or identities of those suspected of actually shooting zapata with the illegal weapon. an official also refused to comment on a report that mexico may have just turned over the man believed to be responsible for the agent's death. heartbreaking when you listen to what his mother told you at that point, too, about him coming to her in a dream. >> they still don't have answers. sharyl attkisson thanks. betty ngyuen is at the news desk with another check of the headlines. good morning again. >> good morning. two penn state officials charged with covering up allegations of a child sex abuse scandal have stepped down. former penn state assistant coach jerry sandusky is charged with sexually abusing eight young boys over a 15-year period. prosecutors say athletic director tim curley and vice president gary schultz investigated the allegations but never went to police. sandusky coached at penn state for 30 years. his attorney says sandusky did not do it. >> jerry is very very depressed. he is very upset. he is very distraught about the charges, the allegations. >> reporter: prosecutors say legendary head coach joe paterno learned of the allegations back in 2002 but paterno has not been charged. a new survey finds that sexual harassment is so common in american schools, it amounts to an epidemic. the study by the american association of university women found that 56% of girls and 40% of boys experience sexual harassment in grades seven through 12 during their last school year. only 9% reported it to an adult at their school. and across connecticut, more than 50,000 customers are still without power this morning more than a week after their october snowstorm hit. power officials say it may be wednesday before the electricity is back on for everyone. i tell you what can't come soon enough. about seven minut . here is the check outside the window. the temperatures are basically in the mid to upper 30s and we will go to the high of around 64 to 65 and let's face it, the heat of the day is in five to six hours. we are back on the eastern standard times. there is a hop in the temperatures. 35 tonight and more mid 60s >> announcer: this weather report sponsored by expedia. the best travel tools are all in one place. where you book matters. expedia. for 33 years, andy rooney was a guest in millions of homes every sunday night as he read his weekly essays on "60 minutes." we want to look at what he was like a little bit off camera and on as well. joining us now is andy rooney's son brian. good morning. >> how are you? >> i'm well, thank you. >> our condolences. >> thank you. >> a lot of people wonder what he was like off camera. was it different? >> no. i always tell people it's the same one that ran at the other end of the dinner table. he was basically in character his entire life. he was himself whether at home or in front of the television camera. obviously, you ran into him walking down the halls at cbs. >> absolutely. >> and you saw it as well. >> and isn't that the finest compliment that he was the same person off camera that he was on. >> i think so many people in television these days who have adapted this character in order to make themselves popular and he became popular just by being himself. >> what was it like because you followed in his steps as a journalist. so did your sister. was there any encouragement on his end to either go into the field or to stay away from it? >> no there really wasn't. he didn't invite us to get into it, although he was very pleased when several of us did. he was funny. he was not very instructive as a father. he didn't tell you to do things. he did it by leading and living an interesting life in front of us. >> what do you think -- because he did lead by example, because it was more about just him being who he was and you taking those lessons on your own. it's how i would interpret what you said. what was one of the most important things you learned from your father? >> he taught us to do things for ourselves. he taught me how to use a chainsaw, how to use a power saw. to do things out -- to make a fire. in the fireplace. we had an indoor fireplace. i would build a fire every night. this sounds like 1800s, but i cooked the meat in the fireplace for dinner every night. and it was things like that that he taught me. he was a little like live with a mad scientist at times. one year he made wine and there were always flaws in everything he did. he made wine and then late on winter nights at 2:00 in the morning we'd hear bottles exploding in the basement. >> but could he be self-critical of himself? he made the bad wine and said oh i really messed this up? >> oh, he would own up to all his mistakes. >> he'd skewer himself just like everybody else. >> he knew how badly dressed he was. in his woodworking he'd have these wonderful ideas and a perfect form in his mind and then ended up having to use a lot of putty. >> which a lot of people can relate to just as they can relate to him every sunday night or even in reading so many of the things he wrote. must have an incredibly difficult for him to decide that that final essay that he did on "60 minutes" not very long ago was going to be his last one. >> yeah he said i am going to work until i die. and now his death is somewhat of a coincidence. there's nothing that we knew of so severely wrong with him back in september. but he didn't ever want to quit. he was his work. but it just reached a point where he really needed to say good-bye to a television audience. you have to know when to leave the stage. my father probably stayed a little bit too long. but with some encouraging we said, time for a graceful good-bye. >> he was still very active. we all saw him in the building every day. i saw him up in our neighborhood walking into dinner just a few weeks ago. >> he went to dinner every night. he wouldn't have won a turtle race walking. >> there's a lot of discussion here at cbs about his legendary walks across 57th street and people would watch and think, oh pick up the pace a little bit. >> oh, i hope he makes it. >> i think we adjusted the timing of the lights at the crosswalk on 57th there. it was such a joy to see him walk in and out of the building and just to run into him. >> for everybody that was really, you know because of who he was, but, of course -- >> he was a wisecrack. >> something about your shoes or how you were dressed that day. >> some observation of sort. any essay you can point to that was your favorite that you remember? >> i think some of the most poignant things he ever did were things that he wrote about world war ii. he was not a guy who lived in the past but he certainly never forgot his experiences in war. and he lost a lot of friends. i watched -- there was all the coverage over the weekend. i watched something the other day that i even remembered the words to talking about his friend, the guy named lace whoa carried who carried apples for other soldiers and was shot on the beach at normandy. and my father -- people thought of him as this curmudgeon. but he was an excellent writer who left behind a body of written work. you pick it up and read it. the man wrote with such a clarity. and i hope he's remembered more for that as a writer than this bushy eyebrowed character on television. >> an unbelievably distinguished writer before he started with "60 minutes." >> i think so. >> thanks again and our condolences to you and your entire family. you'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. ok, people. show me the best way to 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types of cancer, blood, liver, and nervous system problems,... ...serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist how you can defend against... ...and help stop further joint damage with humira. in this morning's "healthwatch," a marathon commitment. one of the runners in sunday's new york marathon was kevin dwyer. >> a man with cystic fibrosis who is sharing his unique story to the starting line with all of us. >> i had never, ever gone to a new york city marathon. i'd lived here for 20 years. i've never even gone to watch. but last year, we were out there, like around mile 22 i think it was. and then a team boomer runner came by. team boomer is part of the foundation that promotes physical activity for cystic fibrosis patients. and i watched him run by and i thought, this guy is running for me. after the race we're talking and i said you know i'm doing this next year. >> kevin dwyer has cystic fibrosis. i think running a marathon would have been much less possible 20 years ago. 20 years ago, this was a different disease. people were not surviving as long, and we didn't have the kinds of medications we have now to really keep people healthier and feeling better. >> i was a little concerned just because i know when he started running, a mile was tough. i have cf myself so i kind of knew how much harder it is to do any kind of running or exercise when your lungs are compromised. >> i kept my cystic fibrosis pretty much a secret my whole life. obviously, katie knew pretty soon on in the relationship. >> so he told me he had cystic fibrosis. i said, okay what does that mean? and he said, well it's a lung disease. i said well is there a cure for cystic fibrosis? is it something you can treat? fix? and he said well no. there's no cure. he said and, you know the life expectancy has really grown in years. i thought that's great. and then he said average life expectancy was 39. i thought, well that doesn't leave us very much time. i remember thinking you can't help who you fall in love with, and kevin is who i fell in love with. >> there's those days where i really struggle. and i can sort of -- i think about it more than i think i would if i wasn't writing the blog. >> august 19th oh, the ups and downs of marathon training. september 9th it's been a tough week. my lungs are not cooperating this week. october 1st. i am sick and tired of coughing. october 12th. i went to my doctor today. two weeks to go. took it slow and didn't stop once. one week to go. i just looked at the schedule for the coming week and i got nervous. four days to go until the main event. i never listen to music when i run but being a movie buff i might listen to some soundtracks saturday night to get me pumped. not that i need any extra motivation to take on cf. >> every time you run a marathon, you are challenging yourself. >> starting to line up at the start line. >> now we have mayor bloomberg here at the start speaking. >> are you ready? >> thousands upon thousands of runners are making their way over the bridge. >> there was just no question. he was running. i was running. >> more than 47,000 runners out there. every one of them has a story. >> i want to inspire the younger kids. the younger generation, i guess, of people with cf. >> i cannot do what he does every day. i really couldn't. >> i'm always very emotional with all my patients for all the things they do. i'm really proud of them. >> i was obviously very willing to accept this part of his life and understood that there were going to be some difficult times, but i just kind of hold on to the idea that miracles happen daily. >> you never know what life is going to throw at you. i just would have it no other way. i would be with no other man. and i just really firmly believe that it's going to cure him. >> amazing. when kevin signed up to run, everyone had to say why they were running for a cousin brother, friend. he said i'm running because i still can. >> with team boomer. and congratulations to katie and kevin. we'll be back with more. 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firm or first their web site for a free consolation. the university state university is mourning a death of a student and another student charged with the murder. >> the victim was trying to break up a fight. hundreds of students went to a vigil to mourn the murder of the 19-year-old that the police said was found bleeding sunday morning in front of the school. she was inside with others when an argument started and the 23 year old senior is charged with stabbing her with a knife. she is waiting to go to a hearing on murder charges. a teen accused of raping a 14-year-old girl will be in court. the girl was raped in september after she was drinking. that is after the night the football player made the game- winning field goal. he is facing rape and sexual assault charges as an adult. a pizza shop went up in smoke. there is the three-alarm fire that destroyed the restaurant. a viewer shot that video. the investigators are looking into the cause. a mon man and friends of alan gross will push to have cuba release the man that said he went to help there. more on the magic johnson today, 20 years after he said he was h.i.v. positive. there is the welcome back to "the early show." i'm jeff glor along with erica hill. chris wragge is off this morning. coming up, this was a stunner. 20 years ago, nobody could forget this one. when magic johnson announced his nba retirement. he had hiv. many people thought frankly, he was going to die. but after two deckades of treatment, he is not only alive but doing very well. we're going to take a look at johnson's life since and how he changed the way people look at hiv. >> and the way people even respond just to that word when you hear hiv and aids it just completely changed the connotation. that's ahead. also actor and comedian denis leary is with us. it's hard not to love his show about firefighters "rescue me." he's here to talk about firefighters who talk about their battle against widespread arson in the city. it's become a dangerous epidemic. he just signed on as one of the executive producers. he's going to let you know how you can pitch in. also tell you more about the firefighters that inspired that documentary. and inabout the real dangers folks in detroit are facing every day. >> finding a free wifi hot spot. >> a recent study found just two-thirtds of wifi users have taken the recommended steps to protect their personal network. susan koeppen of kdka has more. >> reporter: free wifi is everywhere. there are more than a million hot spots worldwide. from coffee shops to airports to hotels. >> how secure do you feel using wifi at a coffee shop? >> i feel really secure. >> reporter: according to a recent study, americans get a "d" when it comes to wifi security. >> consumers should be very very cautious when using publicly available wifi. >> we wanted to see how easy it is for someone to steal your information while using wifi. we headed to carnegie melon university in pittsburgh and met up with ethical hacker spencer whitman. >> just how easy is it for someone to see what you are doing on your computer? >> anyone can capture the traffic that is coming out of your computer. >> so we put spencer to the test with our computers sitting back to back. i got on to cmu's open wifi network. >> so you are using facebook? >> i'm on facebook. >> i posted this status. working on story about wifi dangers. see how quickly our ethical hacker can get into my facebook act. his name is spencer. >> i have all the information i need right now. >> you can get -- you can get in as me right now? >> i can get in as you right now. >> it took spencer just nine seconds to find my information on the open network. >> spencer was here. >> and seven minutes later, he was in my facebook account posting messages. >> when your at the airport and you sign on to that wifi there, open network? >> anyone can see everything that you are doing. >> so you are basically broadcasting -- >> that's exactly what you are doing. >> to protect yourself you should always use wifi networks that have the security feature known as wpa2. that's wifi protected access version 2. look for https in the address bar so you know a website is encrypting your information. if you have one, use a virtual private network or vpn which jumbles your data. and if you are not sure about the wifi you are using, never pay your bills online or check things like your bank account. >> be careful. be aware of what you are doing and don't do anything sensitive if it's on an open network. >> because you never know who is listening? >> that's exactly right. you never know who is listening. >> susan koeppen, cbs news pittsburgh. >> that will scare you straight. >> the wpa 2 which is the one you should be using. router securitywise. the old one was wep if you see a wep which is much easier to -- >> that's been cracked already. betty ngyuen is at the news desk with one final check of our headlines. a very secure check of the headlines. >> but that's good information. i'm going to keep that in mind. good morning. new figures out this morning show the wealth gap between older and younger americans is wider than it has ever been. households headed by people 65 and older have a net worth of 47 times greater than those headed by someone under 35. according to the census bureau. older households have a median net worth of $170,494. while the net worth of younger households was $3,662. and 37% of younger age households have a net worth of zero or less. there may be strength in numbers, but a lone anti-wall street protester in atlanta took a stand and defied police. she was draped in an american flag and refused to leave woodruff park by the midnight curfew. police say she was arrested after being warned three times. government leaders in greece meet today to decide who will be the country's new prime minister. last night they agreed to form a 15-week interim government that will oversee the debt relief deal with the european union. george papandreou says he will step down. and this morning italian prime minister silvio berlusconi went on facebook to reject reports that he will quit over the eurozone debt crisis. berlusconi's official facebook page has a statement in italian that has been translated as quote, rumors of my resignation are baseless. and los angeles, a quick stay in jail for actress lindsay lohan lohan lohan. she checked in last night. this morning a deputy says lohan was set free from the overcrowded jail after less than five hours behind bars. and a report says singer justin bieber plans to prove that he is not a father. last night bieber won two awards at the mtv europe music awards in northern ireland. he's denied allegations that he fathered a child with a california woman. tmz says bieber will take a dna test and may decide to sue his accuser. . good morning. the temperatures right now are in the low 40s. we have had the temperatures go up by five degrees and that sunshine will make a difference today. here is the forecast high of 64. up 20-degrees from now to 1:00 and 35 tonight with sunshine 20 years ago today, magic johnson stunned the sports world by announcing he'd contracted the virus hiv. >> many believed he wouldn't be around much longer. today he is one of 33 million people living with hiv. >> because of the hiv virus that i have obtained, i will have to retire from the lakers. >> reporter: with that stunning announcement earvin "magic" johnson, one of the greatest basketball players of all time told the world about his illness. >> i just want to make clear that i do not have the aids disease. >> reporter: by stepping forward, johnson put a very public face on something many then considered a death sentence. >> in 1991 about ten years into the known epidemic there were still only a few medications that could be used to treat hiv infections. so most people go on to die within a few years of diagnosis. and magic johnson felt no different from anybody else. >> reporter: former laker a.c. greene remembers getting the news but believing his friend would be okay. >> he is so competitive. that's his persona. that's his dna. he wants to win at any and everything. >> reporter: and within a few years, johnson was taking new drugs. doctor david ho was one of the first to see him. >> we also knew that we were working on various new drugs. some of which could be turned into real medications for our patients. and it was only a matter of time that some of them would come in to play for him. >> reporter: johnson created the magic johnson foundation to help educate people about hiv and aids. there were times he just wanted to play the game again. it wasn't always easy. >> guys were just concerned, and they voiced their concern. >> reporter: still his teammates stood by him. >> collectively as a team we didn't have a problem. >> reporter: because johnson knew it was a sport he never wanted to leave. >> i plan on going on living for a long time bugging you guys like i always have. >> and joining us now is "sports illustrated's" senior writer jack mccallum. you interviewed him again recently. nice to have you with us. it's incredible the way that announcement -- i mean 20 years ago when magic johnson had that press conference said those words. hiv and aids had a completely different connotation than they do today. how much of that is due to magic johnson? >> i think a lot of it. i think he changed the dialogue. we, you know, when the sports world was in a medieval times with hiv and aids. and here when it chooses to alight in the sports world, it comes upon the most magnetic personality. it just seemed like sort of an existential joke and forced everyone to take a look at the issue, i think, honestly in our society for the first time. >> did they need someone like magic, just his singular personality, his energy to put this issue to the forefront and take the public perception of the issue? >> no question. magic changed the story line right away. we went from a guy who we were going to watch him die. well, two months later, he's playing basketball. three months later he's in the all-star game. nine months later he's captaining the dream team in barcelona. so he right away changed it from the idea that you were going to wither away to the fact you could prosper. >> he changed that one aspect of it. but on the inside especially within the world of basketball how is the reaction there? how was he treated? how was he received? >> he was able to because of being magic, i think, rather than be a joke or something that they were going to make fun of him of that magic was able -- people had to take it seriously because, you know he was a spokesman for the game. he had saved the nba 12 years earlier. you had to take it seriously when magic had the disease. and i think he was probably the, you know the best person to get it. >> that said not everyone was on board on that team. the '92 team was very successful. the dream team at the olympics. but then there was dissention. >> they were together when they were in barcelona. but then they came back and magic was going to return to the nba full time. and the first fuselage against him was fired against one of his teammates, karl malone. that forced magic to retire again so he changed the dialogue dialogue. then it got changed back. with what he's accomplished afterwards, i think he now has been a positive force for this. >> when you spoke to him most recently, how does he look back on these last 20 years and how does he look back on his contribution? does he like to talk about it and -- >> he will talk -- i mean magic would rather talk about his businesses because he -- >> which he's doing pretty well with. >> he's a mega entrepreneur. >> it's not because he's ashamed of it. it's just that he's a businessman. let's make a little money first. when you ask him about it the question i asked him was, did you ever think you were going to die? and he just said you know there was one moment when i had to get my affairs in order and you know, i talked to my agent and said this is what will happen if i die, but i don't think i'm going to. and i think he looks back taun now as just another thing in an eventful life and just moves forward. >> he just keeps moving forward. making a lot of money along the way. >> it's not something he thinks about now. what does he credit that he's -- obviously, there have been a number of developments when it comes to living with hiv. but what does he credit for how well he's doing and how healthy he is? is it just lifestyle? is it drugs? >> his message would be that anyone who gets this you know can beat it. proper medication proper diet. mental outlook. is that exactly true? do you need to get to the best people and have some money? maybe. but magic's claim is that anyone can do this with the proper concoction of drugs. the question is it's still not acceptable. people look at him and say, hey, it's okay to get hiv because i'm living with it. that is the wrong message. the message is take care of yourself. don't get it. but if you do do the proper things to stay alive. >> jack mccallum, thanks. >> thank you. if you'd like to see more of a link to jack's blog go to book comes out next year right? >> yes sir. >> thanks, jack. when firefighters need help denis leary is always there. we'll ask the star of "rescue me" about his latest project showcasing detroit fire crews. they cope with arson every day. they don't have the equipment they need to fight these fires. we're going to find out a little bit more about why and why he's now involved in this project. [ female announcer ] from the very first moment we arrive... we're on the move. ♪ ♪ and we don't want anything ever, to slow us down. so it's surprising that most women aren't getting enough calcium. but thankfully with over 25 great flavors like strawberry cheesecake and blackberry harvest only yoplait original gives you 50% of the daily value of calcium and vitamin d in every cup. yoplait. it is so good. li s idm ballral,was unl vet.veou or denis leary wants to read his own intro. >> he does. i think we're going to let him do it. >> denis leary plays a tormented firefighter on "rescue me." in real life he created a foundation to raise money for fire departments more than a decade ago. i read that wrong. now he's an execute i've. >> punch it a little bit more. >> now he's an executive producer of a documentary about the arson epidemnick detroit where 70,000 -- >> take a breath. >> going too fast? >> just remember to breathe. >> i have a cold. i'm on a little bit of cold medicine. >> what a surprise. >> it's an excuse. >> where 70,000 homes are vacant and many are torched on a regular basis. the film is called "burn." take a look. >> good. >> somebody went through the back door went upstairs. and they lit the place. upstairs. and they lit the place downstairs in the living room. >> 95% of what i do is arson. very rarely do we have a legitimate fire. >> i've been in nights where we had ten fires in one night. >> denis leary is here with us this morning. i thought you did a great job. >> you know what? it's like you think, oh, this is so easy because the lines are right there and then i realized my posture was terrible. my hands were in the wrong position. i was talking really fast. >> i think -- >> and my feet are banging against everything. >> it was only a couple of lines but you were significantly better by the end. >> and that's saying something. so, you know next time jeff or chris are off, we'll give you a call. >> this is bad posture, too? >> you are talking to the wrong people about posture. >> look at us? >> i'm horrible. >> like this and then down here. >> so, wait. tell us about -- so you are the -- we saw a bit of it, "burn" which was inspired by the death of walter harris who died fighting this arson blaze in 2008 in detroit where they are even more challenged than perhaps a lot of other fire departments. >> as everybody who has heard me talk about it probably knows. just in case you haven't, every fire department in the united states in the major cities they are all under di res financially. and the reason for that is because they never go on strike and they never will. so if the sanitation department goes on eventually our block smells and we all call the mayor's office and then there's a lot of noise. firefighters don't go on strike. so naturally they are the first people to be cut financially on the totem pole when there's a problem. in these times you can imagine how difficult it is for any fire department. in detroit they were already under the gun when. when the recession hit it was ten times worse. the amount of fires that are being set in that city is outrageous. and if you watch the trailer for the documentary when you go to the website, i mean it's -- the footage is amazing that these people have captured. some of these houses are going out and fighting ten real fires a night. sometimes they are actually at a fire and only a block away they see another fire start. so, i mean starting out with very little money and not a -- >> not the right equipment. inadequate. >> and then to be in the situation they're in now. >> one of the problems in detroit, so many abandoned buildings and houses but then occupied houses right next door. so the ark bandoned house might get set on fire. >> the problem -- this is one of the beauties of firefighters. they don't -- any situation, and this is an amazing thing, having played a fake firefighter on television, i came up against this. they'll go to any building that they think people are in. so if it's a couple of homeless people, it doesn't matter. they're going to run in. that's what's happening here. they are pulling up to buildings they know are abandoned but because they know there may be squatters in the building they have to go in. and so it's -- >> but they do that -- i mean that is one of the incredible things about firefighters and one reason that they are and should always be seen as the heroes that they are is they treat all of them the same. because it's all about saving a life. >> yeah. it's really -- considering the amount of money they get paid -- >> yeah. >> uh-huh. >> and the circumstances they are all under now, especially in detroit, they are pretty outrageous people. what they do for a living is amazing anyways. when you get close to it as i've had a chance to be it makes it even more impressive what they do. and, you know, why they do it. they are certainly not doing it for the money. they do it because it's a calling. it's a job that you are called to and that you really believe in and the bravery and the courage are outstanding. what this department is going through now, one of the reasons i got involved is i just think it's a glaring example of the financial distress but it's also -- it shows you what they do and, you know it doesn't matter what situation we're in. the first responders are always the fire department and any -- even on 9/11 here. the first people that arrived were the firefighters. i just want to get them the right equipment and the right training facilities because, you know -- >> and that's what -- we're almost out of time. we want to put throughout. so there's still money that needs to be raised for this documentary. people can do it at kickstarter. and then a portion of the proceeds from this will go to your foundation, the leary firefighters association to purchase equipment for this engine company 50. >> that's what we're after right now. so we're raising money to help finish this film. the money that my foundation raises from this will go directly to the detroit fire department. and one of the incentives i should mention if you are a fan of boardwalk empire buscemi, the star of that show called me up and said i'll give you a boardwalk empire set visit so if you want go to the website, look it up and make the right amount in terms of the donation. you'll be able to go to the set of "boardwalk empire" and hopefully badger steve buscemi and eat his lunch. >> even better. i like it. >> anyway -- >> great show. >> it's a terrific movie, and we're very close. we're almost halfway to the -- we're at half -- we're at the halfway mark. we need that much more to finish. so appreciate you guys helping us out. >> great to have you here. >> absolutely. happy to help. it's a wonderful cause. dennis lear ethanks. you want to read one more time? >> come back any time. >> where do i start? >> to learn more about "burn" and how to donate to the fund through kickstarer go to early >> have a great day, everyone. 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[ female announcer ] introducing the allstate auto + life discount. now when you protect your family with allstate life insurance you can save even more on allstate car insurance. shop less. get more. make one call to an allstate agent. ♪ ♪ . it is five minutes before 9:00. on the hill top, it is just beautiful. >> don't let that fog fool you. the temperatures are in the low 40s. here is a look at the forecast. the high will be 64, it will be very nice this afternoon of the. 35 to partly cloudy overnight and the morning fog is here, sunny, it is about the five-way and it is pretty good. >> thank you for the moss this morning. a student is dead after she was stabbed at a party off campus. >> don, the postings and the social need yaw said that the victim was trying to brick up a fight. hundreds came to mourn the death of a student that was inside with others when an argue. started. the 23 year old center is said to have stabbed her with a nice. she wise waiting on bond. several shootings over the weekend, three men shot on west avenue, all three should survive their wounds and the detectives are looking into two other shootings in the city over the weekend. the woman involved in the murder of a john hopkins university will be sentenced today. he was killed walking home to charles village. merit testifyd against her boyfriend that was sentenced to life plus 20 years -- the rape of a 14-year-old girl, raped after she had been drinking. the accusations were made the night after the football player from pattersonville made the game-winning field goal. he will face charges as an adult. check out this three-alarm blaze at this pi saw store. fire investigators said no one was hurt. looking into the cause of that fire. the fans of the rains are celebrating that game last night -- the final score, $2 ravens 23 and the steelers were 20. the next game will be right >> so, ah, your seat good? got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. and leave your phone in your purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. be careful. >> thanks dad. >> and call me--but not while you're driving. we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru. 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