disaster which some think could be the iceberg that sank the ship courtesy of a young couple who survived their honeymoon on the titanic's only voyage "early" this thursday morning, october 20th, 2011. good morning on this thursday morning. a little fog here in new york city. i'm erica hill. nice to have you with us. >> nice to have with us as well. nice to be sitting next to you. i'm completely confused on a thursday morning. i'm jeff glor. chris wragge is off this morning. on a more serious note not confused but clearly pained jack hanna when he had to make decisions when the wild animals escaped. we will talk to him later on this morning. we begin with the story out of zanesville ohio. the hunt for the wild animals set free on tuesday is now over. most of the animals were shot and killed by police. this morning, animal lovers are asking why? cbs news cynthia bowers is in zanesville with the latest. >> reporter: you're right, the death toll was staggering and inexplicable. one man and 50 exotic animals. folks who knew the 62-year-old terry thompson said he was a nice guy but marched to the beat of a different drummer. why no one knows why he decided to let loose 50 his beloved exotic pets and committing suicide and condemning them to death well j joel shot this video shows one of the bears that was part of thompson's exotic animal farm. >> a bear comes up to the fence and then just pops right through the fence. >> reporter: neighbor sam cokecheck was the first witness to the danger saw wild animals eye is his horse. his wife made the first 911 call. facing dozens of dangerous animals as night fell, muskingum county sheriff matt lutz made the tough call. shoot to kill. >> i gave the order on the way here that if animals looked like they were going out, they went counsel down. >> reporter: what began in 1977 with a pet monkey turned into obsession that included other exotic animals. thompson had many run-ins with the law and most involving animal issues. >> anyone from animals running at large and not treated properly. this has been a huge problem for us for a lot of years. >> reporter: ohio is one of just eight states with loose laws concerning ownership of exotic pets. this tragedy is certain to increase the call for restrictions. >> if they have these animals they better have the proper permits and the proper conditions for these animals because we are not going to go through, as far as i'm concerned we should not be able to go through this again. >> reporter: schools are open here again today. the community is getting back to normally but there is plenty of grief as what people see as a necessary, but nonetheless, tragic event. >> cynthia bowers thanks. joining us from zanesville is munk muskingum county sheriff matt lutz. i know there was talk yesterday and a lot of talk especially in cyberspace on twitter about why the animals were killed why they could not be tranquilized. clear that up again for us if you could why it was necessary to kill these animals. >> there's a lot of issues with that. i guess the two biggest hurdles would have been we do not carry tranquilizer guns in our cruisers. we have about 32 primary response cars in the county and none of them are equipped with any tranquilizer gun. when the officers arrived on the scene, animals were running loose in a pasture field and some had already been outside the fenced area. there was no time to wait with the idea that public safety was number one for us and we did not want these animals roaming our streets in an and safe manner. the second part that have was is that the time of day. we received the first 911 call on this at 5:00 p.m. the majority of our officers didn't arrive on the scene until 5:30 quarter to 6:00. left us a good half hour of good light before it got dark. so many animals running at large that i made the decision that we were not going to have wild animals running loose on our streets. there was no way of telling which animals would lay down which animals would run all night, where these animals would end up and that is why we made that decision. >> there had been a history of calls at this property with terry thompson he had been charged with a number of things over the years. . a county humane officer said at one point, i read it wasn't a matter of if but when the animals would be set free. he threatened to let them loose in the pass. how much control did you have in the animals in the back of your mind knowing you might have to prepare for this? >> i guess it's been in the back of my mind for a long time. i've been in law enforcement for 23 years in this county. i've known terry. terry was the type of guy that -- i guess i coined him as somebody who would push the envelope a little bit. terry wasn't afraid to say things like that about threatening to let them loose. i always thought maybe one or two of these animals would be set loose and terry may be killed by one of them one day. i've been there and seen the trust he put into these animals. he had a lot of trust with the animals and trusted them sfarge than i've seen anybody else would do. i thought at some point we may have an incident he would be mauled and maybe an al malor a pen of animals would be loose and we would have to deal with that. >> is there any danger at all this this morning something else could be lurking out there? >> we don't think so. we have one animal unaccounted for which was a monkey. there is a possibility that he would be loose, but we have had no reported sightings of anything and it's a high probability that he could have been eaten by one of the big cats. we did have out of the 49 animals dead 48 were shot by law enforcement. the one animal that is left would be a monkey that we believe was killed by one of the big cats and this other monkey could have been in the same area where that monkey was killed. it is highly probable he could have been eaten by one the cats ist sheriff matt lutz thank you for your time. >> thank you. turning now to the presidential race. mitt romney is in iowa today campaigning in a key state where he was not expected to spend much time this fall. while his main rival in tuesday's las vegas debate is looking for a bounce from that event as cbs news political correspondent jan crawford reports. >> reporter: after his aggressive debate performance, rick perry was back on the stump talking about his upcoming economic plan. >> scrapping the 3 million words of the current tax code starting over with something simpler. a flat tax. >> reporter: if a flat tax sounds familiar that is because it's a cornerstone of herman cain's campaign. he has skyrocketed past perry in the polls in part because voters like his 9-9-9 tax plan. after falling behind romney and cain perry is trying to get it back to a two-man race against romney. he took a jab at him yesterday, though, not calling him by name. >> i am not the candidate of the establishment. you won't hear a lot of shape shifting nuance from me. >> reporter: tuesday night was another story as romney and perry took off the gloves and pummeled each other. >> rick, again. >> you have -- >> i'm speaking i'm speaking i'm speaking. >> reporter: the perry campaign has been counting on a win in the key state of iowa. but with perry's recent struggles, romney may see an opening there. and will be in iowa for the first time since august. romney is polling in first place in iowa for the first time in months with 26%, followed by cain with 20%. perry and michele bachmann are tied with 11%. romney placed second in the iowa caucuses the last election. if he could take iowa he could wrap up the gop contest early. jan crawford cbs news las vegas. this morning, as president obama pushes congress to pass key parts of his jobs bill vice president joe biden is getting live attention over tough language. >> critics say references he made to murder and rape were insensitive. senior white house correspondent bill plante has more for us this morning. >> reporter: the president and vice president have been out there pushing congress to vote more money for police firefighters an teachers but the vice president really took off the gloves. in flint, michigan, last week biden argued said fewer police mean more rape and murder. >> in 2010 when flint had only 144 police officers the murder rate climbed to 65 and rapes just to pick two categories climbed to 229. god only knows what the numbers will be this year for flint if we don't rectify it. >> reporter: after the complete jobs bill was voted down last week, the white house set out to get the legislation passed piece male including $35 billion for jobs and some for first responders. some republicans in the senate are pushing back. >> the president's plan creates jobs temporary jobs. our plan creates policies that allow for economic growth. >> reporter: in philadelphia tuesday, biden hit back at republican charges the bill is a onetime fix which would provide only temporary jobs. >> it's not temporary. to the guy whose store is being held up and a gun pointed at his head if a cop shows up and he is not killed that's not temporary! i wish they had some notion what it's like to be on the other side of a gun or a 200-pound man standing over you telling you to submit. >> reporter: the republicans saying that biden's focus on rape and murder goes too far. >> the vice president, through his recent comments are trying to use scare tactics against the american people. >> reporter: late wednesday when a conservative blogger confront biden about his policy he reacted angry. >> let's get it straight. don't screw around with me. i said rape is up three times in flint. go look at the numbers. >> reporter: the vice president is famous for shooting from the lip and sometimes had to backtrack but not this time. that encounter you just saw with reporters he doubled down saying if republicans don't pass this bill, incidents of murder and rape will rise because there are fewer cops on the beat. >> bill thanks very much. joining us now is bob schieffer, host of "face the nation." >> good morning, jeff. >> let's start with the biden flap. what do you make of it? >> well, i think the vice president is just drawing things in the starkest possible terms but when you come right down to it, it is a little bit difficult to argue with the logic if you have fewer police on the streets, you're probably going to have more crime. so all sides are, you know, trying to draw the other side's position in the worst possible terms. but i think basically that is what the vice president did. i don't see any long-term fallout from all of this but, you know, republicans are going to try to make the most of it, just like the vice president has been trying to make the most of if you don't pass this bill, bad things are going to happen. i mean, it's another way of saying i guess if they had more cops up there in ohio maybe they could have saved some of those animals. but i think basically that is what it is. >> speaking of bad blood, bob, let's talk about rick perry and mitt romney here. perry clearly taking the gloves off, if you will in this debate in las vegas. is that the right approach for rick perry right now? is it the only approach? >> well, i think he had to do something to show people he was just not just sort of sitting there because in the debate before this one, he had almost very little to say, almost nothing to say. his people knew that he had to do something to try to get back in the game. now rick perry has raised a lot of money, $17 million. mitt romney has raised a lot of money. i think it is still a two-man race, but i think the perry folks and probably perry himself realize they were going to have to do something to remind people that they were still in this race. i'll tell you something else though. we talked about that poll just a minute ago where mitt romney now has a tiny little lead out in iowa. if mitt romney somehow wins iowa and i still think that is something of a long shot but if he does he may have a chance to run the table here because my guess is he's going to win new hampshire which will come next. he'll win nevada where there is a large mormon population. he is going to be in a very strong position if he can make it three in a row and so i think that's why the perry folks have sort of changed strategy here and said we got to get going on this. >> you're right, romney could potentially wrap things up early if he does do that but now that he has made this decision to make these appearances in iowa how does he visit there without raising expectations? >> well, i think he needs to raise expectations. i think he needs to get out there and make the case that he can actually win in iowa baugh it's been kind of a foregone conclusion up until this point that he had no chance in iowa because a lot of evangelicals have questions about mormonism. if he could win out there it seems a major step it seems to me. it's a two-man race any way you look at it and unless perry implodes, he is still going to be in the race all the way down to the florida primary which comes now in the last part of january. but perry has got to be viable. it seems to me it's going to put new pressure on him to do well out there in iowa and if -- i say it again. if romney can somehow win out there, it's going to have a major impact perhaps more of an impact for him if he wins than if any other person squeezes through out there. >> bob, always great to have you on. thank you, sir. >> thank you very much jeff. >> bob left field the latest on the campaign on "face the nation" this sunday morning here on cbs. a check of some of the other headlines we are following this morning and betty nguyen is over at the news desk with check of those for you. >> good morning. in libya, moammar gadhafi's last strong hs hold has fallen to rebel troops and unconfirmed reports that gadhafi and his sons have been captured but we remind you there have been reports lie i like this before. the final battle for sirte lasted 90 minutes. the city fell two months after the fall of tripoli. cases of ammunition and trucks loaded with weapons were seized. and we will continue to follow that story for you. in greece a showdown is looming as the country is gripped by a general strike for the second straight day. tens of thousands of protesters again, surrounded the parliament bill in athens where the parliament is due to pass a austerity bill today. st. louis jumps out to a one-game lead over texas in the world series. in the first inning cardinals pitcher chris carpenter made a great catch and tagged first base for the out. the score tied pinch hitter allen craig hit a ball down the right-field line and nelson cruz could not catch. the cards edge texas 3-2. game two is tonight in st. louis. still ahead this morning, more fireworks at the michael jackson manslaughter trial. expert witnesses says dr. conrad murray was absolutely responsible for the singer's death. it is now the defense' turn to plead their case. more on the bizarre case of the escaped animals in ohio. we will speak with jan hanna and ask him what happened. an adventure awaits. ♪ a celebration of flavor and magnificent tastes ♪ [ cow bell, cow moo ] ♪ like chicken beef or seafood ♪ ole' ha haaa ♪ adios little one ♪ ♪ your time here is complete ♪ and my kitten just a thought, put some boots on those feet. ♪ friskies ♪ ♪ feed the senses ♪ [ female announcer ] see puss in boots, only in theaters. chase freedom gives you 1% cash back. and the largest cash back card only gives you a quarter percent until you spend $3,000 every year. but you know it's your choice, so... don't' get shortchanged. get your cash back. chase freedom. whoa! what is that? it burns! it's singeing me. it's the sun. get out of the office more often with chili's $6 lunch break combos featuring texas toast half sandwiches. chili's lunch break combos. y. hurry in for the lowest 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[ male announcer ] swiffer cleans better or your money back. i'm drinkin' dunkin'. i'm drinkin' dunkin'. i'm drinkin' a dunkin' latte. i can't think without my dunkin' iced latte. it's a real latte. i love it. i run on dunkin'. get a premium latte without a premium price. america runs on dunkin' coffee. the titanic tragedy still hits us a hundred years later. one of the biggest mysteries concerns the iceberg that sank the ship. >> newly released photo that may show the actual iceberg. it's part of some very personal items that are now being auctioned off. letters and photos kept by two survivors who fled the ship and their families. they left almost everything behind. these items may catch up to $50,000. we will show them to you this morning ahead. stay with us. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made? 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[ flamenco guitar music plays ] welcome mi amiga, an adventure awaits. ♪ a celebration of flavor and magnificent tastes ♪ [ cow bell, cow moo ] ♪ like chicken beef or seafood ♪ ole' ha haaa ♪ adios little one ♪ ♪ your time here is complete ♪ and my kitten just a thought, put some boots on those feet. ♪ friskies ♪ ♪ feed the senses ♪ [ female announcer ] see puss in boots, only in theaters. . good morning, a bright day shaping up. sunshine, the winds from 15 to 25 miles per hour. 44 with the overnight low and sunshine and the clouds tomorrow with cooler temperatures. here is a look at the roads with our traffic control. >> good morning. if you are heading out, we are clearing out that accident on 35 and now one at 175, that is causing a four-minute delay. now, a downed wire on baltimore drive. 95 south bound, six minutes approaching the beltway. 33 miles per hour on the west side of the beltway. there is a live look. that delay is extending there. there is the west side. that is a report brought to you by home pair month -- pair month pest control. a man is back behind bars this morning, that after the sexual assault of two teen boys 13 and 14. the investigators said he used an alias on facebook to contact the boys. a woman could be facing animal charges after almost 100 cats were found in her home. >> one has been put down, 82 in all were seized from inside this one home. animal control said that the conditions were so bad, haz-mat had to come remove the animals. they are at a shelter as the owner is being investigated. one is put down, the others have bites and other wounds. back to you. a baltimore city man shot in 1999 just died after a seizure and the baltimore sun said his death is called a homicide pause he developed the seizure disorder after being shot in the head. stay with us for more, up next, never before seen pictures of the titanic and tips on how to graduate fr tens of thousands of protesters, again, are surrounding the parliament building in athens where lawmakers due to passtoday. >> here is a look outside your window. >> outside the window, it is a bright start to the day and some clouds out there, the sun will take over and the winds will be the main part of the story, 12 to 20 miles per hour, the winds through the day. it will dry us up from the rain from yesterday. 69 today, partly sunny and windy, partly cloudy and 44 is the overnight low and on friday, the sunshine, clouds and just below th up next here on "the early show," will dr. conrad murray take the stand in his case? we will ask jack ford right after this. at usaa, we believe honor is not exclusive to the military. and commitment is not limited to one's military oath. the same set of values that drive our nation's military are the ones we used to build usaa bank. from free checking to credit cards to loans, our commitment to the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. ♪ ♪ visit us online to learn what makes our bank so different. usaa. we know what it means to serve. just one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. prosecutors in the michael jackson manslaughter trial are wrapping up their case with some pretty powerful testimony against conrad murray. >> comes from the man who literally wrote the book on the sleep drug connected to jackson's death. bill whitaker reports. >> reporter: on one thing, both the prosecution and defense agree, that michael jackson used the anesthetic propofol to relieve his insomnia. on wednesday, prosecutors called their final witness. the doctor who wrote the safety guidelines on propofol. >> virtually none of the safeguards for sedation were in place when propofol was administered to michael jackson. >> reporter: ans the doctor listed 17 ways dr. murray definite yated deviated the standard. >> he was wrote to the witness stand so the jury can be left only with his words ringing in their ears that propofol can never be used in the manner that murray used it. >> reporter: dr. murray told investigators jackson begged him for the propofol that eventually killed him. shafer no competent doctor ever would have given into such pleadings. >> what i saw was a patient who stated what he wanted. i want this. i want this. i want this. and i saw that conrad murray said yes. tell me what you want, i'll do it. >> dr. conrad murray should never have ka pit rated to michael jackson and given him the drug because he begged for it. he needed to know when to say no because he is the doctor he is in charge. >> reporter: murray's attorneys cross-examined shafer today and on friday they start presenting his defense. bill whitaker cbs news los angeles. >> here with us this morning is cbs news legal analyst jack ford. jack, when you look at this, i mean, some of the things that dr. shafer had to say that was pharmaceutical never never land and he was clueless what to do with dr. conrad murray. when you put this guy on the stand as part of your evidence fairly damming it seems. >> damming and great theatrics in the trial. as a prosecutor you want to finish with a flourish. you look for a real strong witness. here literally as bill just said, the guy who wrote the book gets on the stand and comes after dr. murray and ticks off 17 different circumstances that he said were definiteviationdeviationed. remember it's a manslaughter case. they are not suggesting he intended to kill michael jackson but saying that he deviated from standard of care and that michael jackson could die from all of this. that is a great witness to wrap up your case with. >> what will the defense do? i think some people would consider it a surprise if conrad murray testifies. you think he should. >> it's been interesting question. ordinarily defendants don't take the stand. the reason is a lot of times they are guilty. other times, defense attorneys might say i don't want to shift the focus in the courtroom. you know, the prosecution has the burden. if i put on my defendant, even though technically it doesn't shirt, the burden people say did he convince me or not. but in this kind of case you have to believe that dr. murray has got to tell his story in some way shape, or form. the defense might say we got everything we could have gotten from him through the audio tapes that the prosecution has already put on. if i'm the defense attorney i might think about saying to the jurors we didn't put him on the stand. you heard everything he had to stay. he volunteered to talk to the police and a guilty man wouldn't volunteer. so i think that may be the argument you see. i don't know if you'll see him, but i think you'll see -- you might but you'll certainly see the defense relying on his words tlichlt there. >> everyone think this is a slam dunk case. prosecution did a great job, a ton of evidence against him. there was o.j. and casey anthony. what are the chances we see a head-shaker after verdict? >> the first thing you learn if you've tried cases as a living. no such thing as a slam dunk case. you can handicap saen aand say the prosecution has a great amount of evidence. the defense doesn't have to prove anything. all they have to do is raise questions in the minds of the jurors and that could be enough. >> not about those of us who haven't tried cases but what we see and the opinion that is shaped in the public is, obviously, very different than the job that the jury has. we kind of always have to remind ourselves they can only look at the evidence. >> exactly. >> and it's beyond a reasonable doubt. >> we go back to casey anthony. i had said two years that was going to be a hard case for the prosecution to win because if the jurors follow just the evidence and in that case remember, they couldn't prove a cause of death or a manner of death. jurors work very hard in overwhelming number of instances to do legally what they are supposed to do. >> jack, thanks very much. three or four more days and then we wrap up? >> that's what they are saying. >> that means we will be talking to again soon. up next nearly a century after the titanic sank, we will get your a first look at photos and fascinating stuff. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. 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[female announcer] petsmart has over 500 expert-recommended premium nutrition formulas. so whatever your pet's unique needs... ... we've got the right food. petsmart®. happiness in store.™ halloween again? nice mummy costume. can't anyone do anything origina.ahhhh. edible arrangements bouquets. they're so fun it's scary. call, click or come into the location near you. my doctor told me calcium is best absorbed in small continuous amounts. only one calcium supplement does that in one daily dose. citracal slow release... continuously releases calcium plus d for the efficient absorption my body needs. citracal. a great . good morning, a breezy start to the day, the winds should gust to about 25 miles per hour and sustained 15 to 20. sunshine, almost near 70. partly cloudy tonight. in the mid 40s and the sunshine and patches of clouds on friday. for a check to the roads, sharron, how about the traffic? >> one accident, one on 95 south bound, the other at 175 and delays back to 100. another at 543 and at fairmont avenue, three in the city, north open at clover and we have 95 south banted at 15 minutes now. . 295 has a set back. there is a delay board. the pest control could reduce the amount of energy loss. dozens of cats are seized from the home where many were sick and now the owner could be facing an mall -- animal abuse charges. >> 82 cats in all were taken from this one home. one was put down. haz-mat had to come in to remove the animals. the rescued cats are in a shelter. they have bites and other wounds. they are going to decide if that woman will face charges. more on the maryland senator in a federal bribery and extortion trial. they heard from a state senator and minority whip that said he was honest. he is said to have performed several government favors for shopper's food warehouse as $495,000. stay with us for more and the latest on the animals that escaped in ohio man on radio: release the pumpkins. releasing the pumpkins. catch the great taste of pumpkin before it's gone. hurry into dunkin' donuts and grab a hot or iced pumpkin coffee today. america runs on dunkin'. ♪ top of the hour on what has become a pretty busy morning here on a thursday on "the early show." welcome back to the show. i'm erica hill along with jeff glor. chris is off morning. betty nguyen has breaking news on libya and moammar gadhafi. >> good morning to you. an official of libya's transitional national council says moammar gadhafi has been captured. he has been on the run for more than two months was captured when his hometown sirte fell to government troops. reporter kitty logan is in tripoli with the latest on this story and joins us now. good morning, kitty. >> reporter: you can probably hear behind me the extraordinary scenes. people honking their horns and firing into the air in celebration. this is the big moment for the opposition for the rebel forces. this is what they have been fighting for all along removal of colonel gadhafi from power and his detention or even his death. we are hearing conflicting reports have not yet confirmed at this stage. one report indicates he may have been in a convoy which fled sirte early this morning as rebel or government forces as we should now call them came in to flush out the gadhafi forces. one report says he was injured and possibly killed in that attack. another report says he was dragged out of a bunker and shot in both legs and was injured. we hope to receive confirmation here in libya what exactly happened to colonel gadhafi but definitely the word on the street in tripoli is that colonel gadhafi is caught and that here is a time for big celebration. betty? >> kitty logan in tripoli, thank you. we want to go now to the white house for reaction to these reports of gadhafi's capture. senior white house correspondent bill plante is there. bill, what are you hearing? >> reporter: white house and pentagon and state department officials all say they cannot yet confirm that gadhafi has been captured let alone killed. there has been a lot of misinformation put out by the libya transitional council, now the government over the last months. so they are weary here about allowing these reports to have any credibility. but if they are true, it will, of course, be seen as a victory for a revolution which the united states backed but wearily. leading sort of from behind and letting nato take the major role. but they are still waiting here to find out for sure what has happened. >> cbs' bill plante at the white house, their. secretary of state hillary clinton is in afghanistan on unannounced visit this morning to make what she calls a reality check on the war. whit johnson has more on that. >> reporter: secretary of state hillary clinton touched down in kabul prepared to push afghan leaders to reconsider peace talks as a solution to the ten-year war. she met with president karzai who has grown resistant to reconciling with the taliban following the recent assassination for one of his peace brokers. >> the assassination brought us to upon to where we felt that those who come to talk to us on behalf of the taliban actually represent assassinations and killings and not peace process. >> reporter: karzai insisted pakistan should take an active role in any negotiations since it's home to taliban safe havens. pakistan has shown little interest. another challenge for secretary clinton. >> so we want a very clear message to the insurgents on both sides of the border that we are going to fight you and we are going to seek you in your safe havens whether you're on the afghan side or the pakistani side. they must be dealt with. >> reporter: clinton's renewed diplomatic surge comes as coalition forces ramp up their awe salt on talliban militants. 10,000 u.s. troops are slated to be out of afghanistan by the end of the year, and the remaining majority by the end of 2014. it is another kay otchaotic day in and this thence. witnesses say some protesters turned on each other as demonstrators surrounded parliament a second straight day. greece has been all but shut down by a general strike against a tough new austerity bill expected to be passed by parliament today. in france carla bruni, wife of president sarkozy has given birth to a baby girl. she visited a maternity clinic in paris to meet his new doubt. afterward sarkozy said his wife and baby are doing well. in virginia an avid texter didn't let a meeting with the president slow him down. a man was busy on his smart phone while he waited to shake hands with the president yesterday. when the president got to him had line look. the guy stops, briefly to shake his hand and immediately returned to his smart phone. makes you wonder what was so . a bright horizon, a small craft advisory in effect. the day time high will be in the 0eus. the winds will start to calm down and the patchy clouds and 62 on friday and the temper we want to get you the latest on a story capture the attention of the nation coming out of zanesville ohio. that is where a man who had a menagerie of wild animals on his property and set their cages free before allegedly taking his life on tuesday. 48 of the animals were killed and a lot of question this morning as to why they were killed, why they could not have been tranquilized and perhaps moved to a zoo. joining us to answer some of the questions this morning is jack hanna, director emeritus of the columbus zoo and aquarium. it is obvious in watching you the past couple of days how hard all of this has been on you as an animal lover. >> it's been the worst thing that has ever happened to me in 40 years of this career 40 years. i said yesterday when i got there in daylight and saw the carnage of the animals and i go why couldn't we have tranquilized them? then when i was in the sheriff and the veterinarians, now once they got there, they were 506 miles away on each side. darkness was about 45 minutes. i don't know if you see the bears behind me. those are grizzlies. a couple of of those were loose and 17 lions and 34 coming out of this whole compound with four tranquilizer guns. if we even shot one of these animals like a tiger or a bear this thing has to hit a certain muscle. real good shots these folks are but 30 some animals coming at the sheriff with our people. what can be done with four guns? once you hit the animal the animal 3 to 10 minutes is knocked down and running everywhere because he is numb answer drug taking effect. no telling what would happen only four tranquilizer guns there and 30 some animals. we would would have had some deaths on our hand no question. he had to make a critical decision. i know people are contacting around england, australia upset with this whole thing the sheriff doing this. had he no choice or we would have had major loss of human life in zanesville ohio yesterday, during the nighttime and especially yesterday morning when the sun came up. it's all over with now. i sit here. i sat here last night and cried several times. i look at these pictures. i don't believe it's happened but what had to happen or we would have had a mess on our hands behind comprehension. >> six animals were saved and transferred to the zoo. how are they doing very well? >> they are doing very well. we have footage now of them taken at 4:00 a.m. this morning. eating well and doing well. the governor now is passing laws immediately no more animal auctions in state of ohio with exotic animals and within six months we go out to people like we saw last night and those folks expect a knock on their door and if they are not up to standards and they will be great standards because i will have something to do with setting those standards. then the animals will be taken to the wild and animals will have a home in a decent way. >> you bring up an interesting point here. terry thompson who had these animals had a record of animal abuse and authorities were called out a number of times and had convictions on related charges get he kept these animals. the conditions were described as deplorable in some cases. if we seen it firsthand, how was it allowed to continue? >> that is what we have been sitting over here. my wife asked me the same exact question. sheriff up there 30, 40 times. he went to prison. i knew they were out there somewhere. people went there and they weren't allowed and atf went there to arrest him for the weapons and went there but weren't allowed to do anything because the law states he is not open to the public so the government cannot write him any citations. what do we have here? no law that could be done anything to him. >> all they could do is check and make sure he had the permits he needed to have in the state of ohio and that was it? >> that's it. can you imagine that? that whole thing is changing the next 60 to 90 days. this will be one of the toughest states to pull this off again. as long as i'm here and the governor strickland started this whole thing and governor casey will carry it through the next few months and this will not happen again here under my watch in the state of ohio unless somebody is sneaking this without us knowing inside of a cave or something. >> so many questions about what he was thinking before he took his own life. you met with his wife yesterday who is dealing with a number of of things. tell us what any insight she may have been able to offer you. >> i understood she was upset for me taking her children. remember these were her children. for someone killing her children and why would i be taking the remaining three leopards and grizzly and one ape. she was crying. she was uncontrollable. you know what i did? when you see somebody beaten to death and done and lost her husband, i can't help that but her husband committed suicide but you see someone who has lost everything. i hugged her and tried to hold her. she said i've lost anything. i said i'm not taking your children. but we cannot bring them back in these conditions. tears came out of my eyes. i don't anybody to feel sorry for me. i say the emotions with me and our staff the sheriff's deputies when you saw the deputies sitting there shooting the animals i wish you could have seen their faces and seen them when they said they had to talk to their children. half of them looked like they had tears in their eyes. they were afraid to look at me because here they are shooting at animals that jack hanna is trying to save, you know? this is something if you tried to write a script i can't imagine hollywood coming up with something like this. this is such a bad dream for all of us. it's over now. the only good 90 to a hundred days from now this state hopefully never have to face this again. but the woman was beaten. she is done. what was i to do but hold her and tell her this hopefully will never happen again. >> jack, can't tell you how much we appreciate your time this morning. thank you. >> yeah. >> that is a story we need to continue to follow. as jack mentioned he spoke with the governor a long time yesterday and they are talking about it this morning. changes to be made not just in ohio but there is going to be, i would imagine, some focus on the other states in the country because it varies by state. the laws here governing wild and even the trade of exotic animals how that continues and moves forward based on this tragedy. >> some very reasonable questions why someone has to own a bengal tiger as a pet in rural ohio. >> and think he had 18 of these. jack was saying yesterday they recently determined there were may be 5,000 endangered species. there is 1,400 left in the world. he had 18 there. a lot of it defies comprehension. >> you feel very bad for the wife. >> a terrible situation all around and for those officers as jack said, you know had to go home and had to tell their kids but they are doing everything they can to keep people in that area safe and to protect the community. so quite a story. we will continue to keep an eye on the fallout from it. just ahead here this morning on "the early show," the cost of college has now doubled in the last 30 years. you may know about that financial pain all too well. student loans are hitting record levels. more than a trillion dollars now in student loans. >> a mind boggling figure. a trillion dollars in student loans. we will have advice coming up. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. . [ male announcer ] cranberry juice? wake up! ♪ ♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. [ male announcer ] it's the comfort of a scent you've always loved. snuggly softness you depend on. freshness that lasts for 14 days. and value you can feel good about. ♪ ♪ let's snuggle®. chase freedom gives you 1% cash back. and the largest cash back card only gives you a quarter percent until you spend $3,000 every year. but you know it's your choice, so... don't' get shortchanged. get your cash back. chase freedom. [ flamenco guitar music plays ] welcome mi amiga, an adventure awaits. ♪ a celebration of flavor and magnificent tastes ♪ [ cow bell, cow moo ] ♪ like chicken beef or seafood ♪ ole' ha haaa ♪ adios little one ♪ ♪ your time here is complete ♪ and my kitten just a thought, put some boots on those feet. ♪ friskies ♪ ♪ feed the senses ♪ [ female announcer ] see puss in boots, only in theaters. this morning. last year for the first time americans took out 100 billion dollars worth of student loans. and for the first time ever morning a trillion dollars in total student debt still needs to be paid off. >> talk about a sobering and scary number. business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is here to tell us why students are borrowing so much. is this just about we know so much about the rising cost of college. both public and private universities. is it just about the cost or is there more to it? >> is there more to it than that. first of all, you do have that rising cost which is stagger. 439% increase since 1982 is the cost of tuition in this country right now. the cost of housing and food has doubled since that time. also in addition to that you have more people going back to school and that is adding to it because people in this job market, as a result of the problems in our job market are going back taking on education and they are also taking on loans. so we have $24,000 as the average amount that a student graduates with in debt and that is up 50% in the last decade. >> obviously, it affects the student who owes this money most significantly but this has broader effects on the bigger economy as well. >> there is major ripple effects. a few years ago when people would graduate, there was a healthier jobs market and people could graduate and start paying off that debt. well now things like housing aren't being impacted because 85% of students are moving back in with their parents after they graduate and so they are not going out and buying a home and has an impact on our housing market. innovation is impacted here. when you think about it if you graduate from school with $24,000 in debt and you have an option between a job perhaps it's a risk. maybe you're inventing or starting a business or a job that pays a steady income, you have to take the job that pays the steady income to make sure you're paying off those loans and lastly the ripple effect on jobs itself. people aren't spending as much and as a result the jobs themselves don't exist. >> what are the things you need to consider? i mean, i remember having this conversation, however many years ago, with my parents about if you go to this school here is how much you borrow and if you go to this school here is how much you borrow. is that what it comes down to you may love that school but you'll come out of school with 125,000 in debt versus 24. >> you do have to consider that. and you also have to consider that while many degrees you're going to pay the same amount of money to get the degree you may actually be able to make more money by taking on a different degree. you have to think about the fact that, for example, jobs right now in health care and engineering, they exist more so than jobs in other areas. so you have to think about that when you're going into all of this and you have to go into it with an open mind and have that serious conversation with your parents and also think about the fact that a edition that you make at age 18 how much money you take on is going to follow you for the rest of your life because you can't file for bankruptcy and get rid of these loans. they are the only kind of loans really that you cannot be expunged of in bankruptcy. >> quickly. quick ways to save money on student loans? >> start paying it off, if you can, start paying it off in school. in addition to that pay off your highest interest rate loans first. set up an auto pay because it's better to just have it going and lastly take the interest deduction on your taxes. >> good advice. >> thanks, guys. >> thanks. still ahead this morning, the old phrase nickel and diming us to death has new meaning now with the growing number of bank fees. >> we will show you some ways to avoid those fees. tempting. there you about. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. stick around. >> it's all about team work, jeff sqlam inus formulas don't treat a cough. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus sinus liquid gels fights sinus symptoms plus cough.. ncer ] thanks. that's the cold truth! [ female announcer ] everybody loves that cushiony feeling. uh oh. i gotta go. [ female announcer ] and with charmin ultra soft, you can get that same cushiony feeling while still using less. its design is soft and more absorbent. so you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. ah. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft. keurig has a wide variety of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. it's the way to individually brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew, hon. hershey's bliss. one square inch of incredibly smooth rich chocolate. one square inch of joy... fun... indulgence... one square inch of bliss. hershey's bliss. imagine a public school where there is no junk food and where everyone goes to the gym every day and where they learn math by counting calories and dancing to congo. >> sounds like it could be the healthiest school in america and it is and it exists in illinois. they just won a gold medal for students getting healthy. first elementary school in america to have that honor. how else are they making that happen? not only for the honor of the school, but for the health of their kids. we are will take you on a little bge's instant discounts got our homeowner to switch to energy star® cfl bulbs. 3-way cfls really click with my style. learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at hello again. it is 8:25. let's go to tim. >> we're looking at a pretty breezy day. it's going to be windy. temperatures are going up to 69 degrees but the winds will be sustained between 12 and 20 miles an hour. partly cloudy tonight 44. 62 tomorrow, cooler with just as much sun. now over to sharon gibala with wjz traffic control. good morning everyone. if you're about to head out we still have accidents working. three are in the towson area. now one on york road at fairmount. also watch for a problem downed wires at lord baltimore drive. we're looking at southbound 2 at 543. delays on 95 southbound down to 895. delays on 295 from 100 to 32. there's a look at your drive times and average speeds. 29 miles an hour is your slowest spot. we're doing better on 95 at whitemarsh boulevard. there's a look at 295. this traffic report is brought to you by bill's. bill's has got it all for you. dozens of cats are rescued from a home in frederick county in an apparent case of animal hoarding. andrea fujii stays on the story. >> reporter: 82 cats were seized inside this frederick county home. conditions were so bad a hazmat team was called in. the rescued cats are staying at a shelter as authorities investigate. besides one cat being put down, the others are said to have bites and other wounds a judge will decide if the unnamed woman will face charges. baltimore city police confirmed that the death of two residents at a downtown apartment building are not related. on sunday, emily hauze died have the falling down a trash chute. another man died the same way. he had alcohol and sleeping drugs in his system. his death was ruled an accident. homicide detectives are waiting for 9 p-the -- for the medical examiner's rule ?ooght stap father of jessica's father is being held. he killed her because he was angry with the family. he is was found stabbed more than 40 times in their gaithersburg home in may. please stay with wjz maryland's news station. a look at the healthiesthey, what are you drinkin'? i'm drinkin' dunkin'. coffee -- black, straight up. extra cream, three sugars. french vanilla. iced coffee for me. iced coffee with a turbo shot. i'm drinkin' dunkin'. i'm drinkin' dunkin'. i'm drinkin' dunkin'. drinkin' dunkin'. america runs on dunkin' coffee. ♪ we're back. 8:30 on a thursday morning on "the early show." i'm jeff glor along with erica hill. chris wragge is off this morning. this morning, we are celebrating a have speak anniversary at cbs. 60 years ago today we first used the cbs eye which has become one of the most recognized symbols in corporate america. >> you think of tv networks and other companies and you think of the symbol. they go through a transformation over the years. this one has remained the same and change size and color a little bit. it is still the eye. writing in the case of cbs, sometimes companies get it first for the first time. >> we cool and we send our thanks to cbs president frank stanton and bill golden for designing it. >> golden. a fitting name. look that. >> he was golden. re want to get you a check of the headlines on this busy morning. breaking news out of libya this morning. betty nguyen is following it us for at the news desk. >> a lot going on. former libyan leader moammar gadhafi has been captured according to a senior official of libya's council. gadhafi was captured this morning when his hometown sirte fell to government troops. charlie d'agata is in london with the latest on all of this. actually i'm being told right now that kitty logan hat latest on this. kitty, what do you know? >> reporter: as you could hear betty, the noise behind me gets louder by the minute as the news filters through that colonel gadhafi may have been captured. these are the rumors coming through from sirte that he was trying to leave the city as the rebel forces and now government forces were clearing out the last remnants of their opponents of the pro gadhafi forces. what we are hearing is confirmation from nato is that nato struck the convoy which was leaving sirte which contained, opposition members to the government here and possibly possibly colonel gadhafi but they are not confirming that they targeted colonel gadhafi himself but there is the possibility one of the versions of the story we are hearing now that convoy was hit and colonel gadhafi was in it and he was injured and some reports he could have been killed. we have to be careful these are a place where rumors circulate and we have to be careful about the accuracy of them. >> no doubt it is a story. we go outside the white house for reaction to these reports of gadhafi's capture. senior white house correspondent bill plante is there with the latest. good morning, bill. >> reporter: the white house, the state department, the pentagon, would all love to know if this is true. but they are not yet able to confirm it. secretary of state clinton is traveling. she told our whit johnson who is traveling with her that she is excited about the possibility, but that she doesn't know. however, she says this. she doesn't think that the capture or death of colonel gadhafi would end the fighting in libya. a very important point. officials here are very very concerned about whether these rumors are true because there have been so many inaccurate reports out of libya ever since the fighting here began. but, of course the u.s. stood behind the fighting took a role which was not exactly in the lead, but backed nato and led some air power. so it will be considered a victory for president obama's policy if true. betty? >> cbs' bill plante at the white house, thank you. just in time for holiday travel planning u.s. airlines are hiking their fares and starting tuesday when delta announced it would increase fares on most round trip flights. other airlines moved quickly to match delta's price hikes. police and fbi agents have been searching the home of missing kansas city baby lisa irwin. yesterday they searched the house outside of the little girls' parents. fbi says the new action was not triggered by any tip. the couple reported their daughter missing on october 4th. the mother admits she was drinking the night baby lisa vanished. actress lindsay lohan is out on bail this morning in los angeles. she was taken out of court in handcuffs yesterday after her probation on a theft charge was revoked. her attorney tried to explain why lohan has done very little service, but the judge was not happy. >> miss lohan indicates that at the women's center she wasn't interacting with anyone so the service was not fulfilling. her words. the service -- is that what a sentence is about? it's supposed to fulfill the defendant or is it supposed to be raebleehabilitative? >> it's my thought which the court confirms that the downtown women's center would take her back that we are premature. we are premature. she has six months to complete her sentence at the downtown women's center. >> the judge set another hearing for november 2nd to decide if lohan must return to jail. what are the best cities for halloween trick or treating? the real estate website circumstances ello rates the top cities based on safety for children and the amount of candy given. and san francisco was ranked number one followed by boston, honolulu honolulu, seattle, and chicago. all you trick-or-treaters, you are now informed. jeff erica, get your kids ready. >> i remember living in san francisco where do kids trick or treat in the city? it was the stores. every store you go into candy. >> we still don't know what to dress up jack as. maybe jack jack from the "incredibles ". cutting back on gym and serving cafeteria junk food speaking of candy. there could be ways to turn that around. >> cynthia bowers visited one school where they are not only building strong minds but also strong bodies. >> this is called what? >> reporter: from the outside, this elementary magnet school in danville illinois looks like a typical school. ♪ everybody shake it ♪ >> reporter: but you might just be seeing the future of education. >> workout! >> reporter: from kindergartner learning hip-hop music and second graders multipling by rope with rhythm. it's all part of a plan to get kids healthier. not just in gym class. >> simon says to point. >> reporter: but in err class. >> pretty much school and all of the teachers pretty much trying to get us active. >> it took time you know? we did not do this overnight. >> reporter: principal cheryl mcintyre said the teachers came up with the wellness approach four years ago. the plan to teach their students to be mentally and physically fit. >> we all share stories about when we were growing up and being outside and all the activities you did. kids aren't doing those things and so getting them to think about moving and physical activity and those old-fashioned kind of games, you know, those are, again exposing kids to things that we took for granted. >> reporter: to combat current trends of childhood obesity and diabetes, the meals here are low fat and junk food-free. just ask kindergartners rohan and danielle. >> and no sugar! >> reporter: sugar? >> you can't have smug in here at all! >> because it's a health and awareness school. >> we are the only one. >> in south america. >> reporter: their geography might off, but northeast was the first elementary school in this country to win a gold medal rating by the alliance for a healthier generation. 919 steps already? are you tired? the teachers and students use pedestrian om pedometers to count their every step and exposed to different fruits and vegetables. many kids are taking their healthy habits at home. >> it's not just the only one thing that stays here and only helps here. it transverses into the home life and makes an impact on everything. >> reporter: one of the families belong to shelby black who is grateful her kids 5-year-old carter and 10-year-old kayla are students here. >> it's making an impact and it's, you know, you don't want your children to grow up and be unhealthy. you want them to live longer. >> what we are doing is good for kids. >> workout! >> we are changing their lifelong habits and my teachers see that and they believe in that and that is what has made us successful here. >> simon says. >> reporter: it's a success for students here who are making the grade in mind and body. cynthia bowers, cbs news, danville, illinois. >> a little in-studio dancing here maybe? >> that's how we stay fit. >> follow their lead? outside our window, it's starting to turn to a very nice thursday. the sun is up, just a few clouds. the winds will pick up. a partly sunny day with windy conditions through the afternoon. can expect to see winds between 12 and 20 miles an hour. 69 the high. partly cloudy skies. tomorrow much like today with a good bit of sunshine. temperature also take a hit. only in we have been talking a lot about how big banks are starting to charge customers monthly fees for a lot of different things. most recently, debit cards. as we know people are not exactly happy about all of those extra fees. >> there are things you can do and jack otter, executive editor of cbs money watch is here for options for you to look at. good morning. >> good morning. >> let's talk about the hikes we are seeing at some of these banks. the monthly fees. >> sure. >> wells fargo three bucks. >> that's a test. they are not doing it in every market. wells fargo and jpmorgan. bank of america $5 debit charge. >> citibank 20 bucks? >> no. it's not a fee. citibank said we know everybody hates these debit card fees and not charge you. they have tiered levels. if you don't have $15,000 in your checking, savings, mortgage everything else you get hi for $20 fee for having a checking account but a skip clause which is basic stripdown checking. you need only $1,500 so they are mixing it up. >> that is your average daily balance? >> if have you a mortgage with them you're excused. >> it's a test. isn't it safe to say it's a test in quotes? they are trying it out and everybody else is doing it. >> they are trying it in a couple of markets. i'm not positive these things will stick. >> really? >> the credit card companies remember a couple of years ago we crack down on credit card companies saying you can't do these tricky double billing cycles and say forth and said we will never give anyone a credit card again. they broke a record for junk mail in boxes. a billion direct mail seeking credit card companies so they came back and rewards are coming ba back. i wouldn't be surprised if these things don't stick given the anger right now. >> the winners out of all of this everybody is discovering credit unions. they are nonprofit and don't pay taxes and the fees are lower. they charge you less when you -- or the interest rates on mortgages, auto loans. but they pay you more on cds and savings accounts. lots of people are switching. >> almost sounds too good to be true. a brokerage firm may be another option. this was surprising. >> i think this is very interesting. if you don't have enough money to keep a minimum balance a brokerage firm is probably not an option. probably have higher minimum balance. have you old 401(k)s that tend to sit there at former employers. you should roll those over. >> smaller banks, local banks? >> under 01 billion in assets exempt from the so-called swipe fee thing. so they are making hay out of this. peoples bank in ohio is paying its customers 5 bucks a month to use their debit cards. which is clever marketing. and so i think a lot of people are going to switch to community banks. first of all, they are cheaper. they just can't get the customers so they can't charge the fees that bigger ones do and it fits into this whole anti-wall street sentiment. i think people want to get back to main street. >> you also can do online banking. what if you want to make a deposit? >> for deposits it's getting easier. you can scan the check and take a picture of it with your cell phone at some panics andbanks and i think become common soon. they don't have atm but allied will repay you any atm fees and i think everybody is seeing the big banks wobbling a little bit and doing whatever they can to draw in customers at this time. >> push them over the edge. >> can you ever negotiate out of the fees with big banks if you don't want to move? >> it's like jerry maguire. show me the money. they don't have a big incentive to negotiate with you or to keep you, that's true. but there are serng thinkscertain things you can do. if your business has a banking relationship i'm an employee of x, y, z can i have the gold lolve for my level for my checking. >> they know that banking is very sticky. it's a pain. you got to change your auto pay, change your direct deposit and they know that and the numbers have proven that most people actually end up not changing. >> it's kind of a pain in the butt, it's true. thanks for breaking it all down with our options. jack, nice to see you. six ways you could avoid paying atm fees logon to our partner website money news your teenagers move may not be the only thing swinging up and down. >> researchers say their iqs this is a cbs news special report p.m. i'm erica hill in new york. we are continue to following the breaking news out of liberty why this morning rebels have said they have now moammar gadhafi hometown of sirte and reports that moammar gadhafi had been captures and now reports at this hour he is reportedly dead. again, reports out of libya that moammar gadhafi who ruled that country for some 42 years may, in fact, be dead. his hometown of sirte which has been the last strong dog hold has been captured. we go to kitty logan on the ground there for us in tripoli this morning. what is the latest, kitty? >> reporter: we don't have confirmation yet that colonel ga gadhafi has been captured or killed but the people in tripoli certainly believe that. you can hear behind me the celebratory gunfire. this is the moment that people have been waiting for. this is what that he fought for the past eight months. this is the result they wanted. this is the closure they needed to move things forward in this country. the national transitional council in libya has been waiting for this moment for the fighting to be over the gadhafi to be really truly out of the way. but as i say, i must emphasize these reports are not confirmed at this stage. we are hearing conflicting accounts what may have happened to gadhafi. is he injured or been killed? something is happening this morning to spark the huge celebration in tripoli. >> what you are looking at now, that image on your screen which came to us from getty, is what we are told could be either a wounded or perhaps as we are hearing again unconfirmed reports, could be a picture of in fact, a deceased moammar gadhafi. the man who ruled libya as we mentioned for more than 40 years. remember the civil war in libya has been going on for eight months if my count is right. and we are looking at now just about almost to the day two months after tripoli fell. again, rebel forces the national transitional council saying this morning that within just about 90 minutes, they had taken the town of sirte which was sort of the last stronghold of gadhafi loyalists and the hometown of moammar gadhafi. after that reports came that he had been found captured, had been wounded in both legs and, again, now these unconfirmed reports and that image and those reports that moammar gadhafi is in fact, dead. we will continue to follow those reports for you right here on cbs throughout the day. both here on "the early show." of course, on "cbs evening news" and update this at you can follow us on facebook and twitter for the immediate updates throughout the day as we follow this story breaking just morning out of libya. we mentioned there has been ongoing civil war in an effort to oust the leader of more than 40 years moammar gadhafi from power and we are following unconfirmed reports this morning that he, in fact is dead. stay with us here on cbs news. i'm erica hill in new york. this has been a special report. >> announcer: for news 24 hours a day, go to we bring in now as we are following the breaking news out of libya bring in our security terrorism expert juan zurate. you are in washington, d.c. this morning. the latest juan we have been following a number of months the situation unfolding in libya. latest rebel forces have capture sirte the hometown of gadhafi. reports this hour unconfirmed by cbs news that he is in fact, dead. what are your sources telling you? >> it's not clear yet what has happened but the report is flowing in from various sources are describing that gadhafi was wounded, if not killed in the battle for sirte. frankly, the fact there was such fierce fighting in sirte to the very end probably lens credence to the fact that gadhafi was likely holed up there and his intercorps was trying to defend him until the very last. reports coming in still not confirmed that he was wounded and not killed and still trying to confirm that. >> we just put the picture up again here juan. it's jeff glor now. the picture we are getting with the first reports were that moammar gadhafi was injured in the legs. this picture would clearly seem to injured he was injured in a lot more than legs and, again these unconfirmed reports say he is dead right now. juan, gadhafi clearly had chances to get out at times. there were times for negotiations. he always said i'm going to die in libya. >> no, that's right. i think he made the decision that he was going to fight, that he was going to rely on his tribal alliances to defend himself and to continue to fight for libya. frankly, it was one of the concerns that the transitional national council had that he would begin and have an insurgency against the new government. and so he was there to fight. he could have perhaps fled to places like zimbabwe and people talk about venezuela and other places. he was there and clearly people were fighting around him. we still have to see what the reports suggest in sirte but the reports are that he is dead. >> you mentioned the concern he and those loyal to him could mount an insurgency. how much is there the real concern even if he is in fact, dead? >> there is that concern still. you have not only his family but his tribe still out there. his sons we don't have reports as to what has happened to his sons. so there are still likely going to be pockets of resistance in fighting and i think we should expect that. but without gadhafi, i think the likelihood of a full-scale insurgency drops dramatically. frankly, if he is did, it's probably good news for the transitional national council because they don't have to deal with the specter of a trial there or at the hague or other places so this may be new closure for the new government so they can move on and start moving towards a transitional phase of the libyan existence and their policy. >> do we have any idea where saif gadhafi's son who was outspoken for his government and very aggressive and belligerent and there is skrksaif there. do we know where he is? >> i don't know the latest reporting where he might be. certain suggestions he would have been with his father gadhafi but suggestions they would have been kept apart for security reasons. it's not yet clear but one thing to keep in mind is ga gaffy still has loyalists and tribal members alied to the family and frankly money to throw around a bit. the sons will still be out there unless they happen to be in this convoy where gadhafi was caught. >> how much money are we talking about, juan? >> well, it's unclear. some of the money was certainly outside of the country. a lot of it has, frankly, been frozen by the united states and other countries but they certainly had cash on hand and certainly were using some of that in the early days of the fighting to pay for mercenaries. i doubt at this point, though, we are talking about caches full of money, but certainly something significant and, frankly, tribal loyalties probably will weigh out here more than the money itself and so, again, there will be pockets of resistance even beyond gadhafi's death. >> juan zarate thank you for coming in the last minute this morning. thank you for all of you joining us here on "the early show." we will hello again. i'm jessica kartalija. let's head over to tim williams. >> two things you can take away from the picture first the sun is out. it will be a noise day sun rise. and it's going to be a windy day. winds will be going up to about 25 miles an hour, gusting higher. partly cloudy tonight. overnight lows going up to the 60s, sunshine with patchy clouds. 6 degrees your -- 62 degrees your daytime high. police say a 2-year-old sexually assaulted at least two teenage boys ages 13 and 14. he used an alias on facebook to contact the boys. he is charged with solicitation and other offenses. nearly 100 cats were found inside a house in frederick county. andrea fujii has the story. >> reporter: one cat already had to be put down. 82 cats were seized inside this one frederick county home. animal control said conditions were so bad that hazmat had to be called in. besides one cat being put down, the others are said to have bites and other wounds. a judge will decide if the unnamed woman will face charges. back to you. baltimore city police confirmed the deaths of two residents at a downtown apartment building are not related. on sunday, 23-year-old emily hauze died after falling down a trash chute. 14 months earlier harsh kumar died the same way. kumar had alcohol and sleeping drugs in his system. his death was ruled an accident. when it comes time to vote next year you may have to double-check who represents your district. yesterday the maryland house of delegates approved governor martin o'malley's redistricting plan. the map reflects population growths in washington, d.c. but opponents say the map is designed to take seats away from republicans. university of maryland football fans can get their hands on the team's most talked about jersey this see son. the terps debuted the attention grabbing design on labor day. the jerseys are now available for preorder on the terrapins team shop. a limited number will be available. please stay with wjz 13, maryland's news station at noon and anytime by logging on to have a wonderful day, everyone. bge's instant discounts got our homeowner to switch to energy star® cfl bulbs. these covered cfls look great and last longer- perfect for 'them hard-to-reach places. 3-way cfls really click with my style. go to participating retailers for bge's instant discounts on select cfls. learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at heyhey, i go all night long and still save!

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