station. >> setting sail. baltimore celebration comes to an end, but organizers are planning next. sad that afternoon. here's what people are talking about. the star-spangled salebration wrapping up in the inner harbor. dozens of ships setting sail after spending the last six -- the last week celebrating. we got a live picture from chopper 13 as 1 of the big ships is being escorted out of the harbor. it's been a spectacular site all morning. and wjz is live with complete coverage. we will check in with captain jeff long inside chopper 13 in a moment. first, jessica cartel you with more on a very successful salebration week. >> good afternoon to everyone. as we speak, the brazilian tall ship is making its way out of baltimore passing by harbor east , now passing through fells. . we are on the broadway pair where people have gathered all around the harbor to take pictures as the ship set sail. i should mention, the navy warship started leaving bright and early this morning at 6:00 a.m. at 11:00 is when these ships started making their way out of old war and the inner harbor. the pride of baltimore leading the parade. it was quite a sight as it made its way out of here. the sales were up and it's absolutely gorgeous. baltimore tells us there was an incredible turnout during the weeklong celebration. still unclear how many people were in attendance. they hope to get those numbers as soon as possible, but they say they could not have been more pleased. >> reporter: the week was fantastic, a seven-day salebration. great crowds, so grateful for the wonderful weather we had. a premier of a new symphony, outdoor festivals, concerts, the blue angels air show. it was a fantastic week. we are thrilled. >> of course, we are wjz and thrilled to have covered it. the weather, for the most part, absolutely phenomenal. may baltimore city looks so incredible on air and online. from the best vantage. , we turn to chopper 13 where captain jeff long had an incredible view of the inner harbor. captain jeff, what does it look like now? >> we've been following this on its way out of the harbor. one of the most impressive things about this ship is dozens of brave sailors. it looks like they are heading down. we also noticed hundreds of people on the shores of fort mchenry giving way to say goodbye. reporting live from sky i chopper 13, i'm captain jeff long. back to you. >> lots more coming up. today the man once held as a suspect in the disappearance of a local woman in aruba is aching to collect on her life insurance policy. yeah assurance company owes him $3.5 million. you purchase a travel policy just before his aunt robin gardner's trip to alaska. she's presumed dead, but the company says he needs to wait at least a year before he can file his claim. in pennsylvania as many as a dozen defense witnesses could take the stand at jerry sandusky's trial. his lawyers are trying to show the former penn state assistant football coach couldn't possibly be guilty of sexually abusing boys. here's the latest for wjz. >> reporter: jerry sandusky ignored reporter questions as he entered court this morning. sandusky lawyer has been hinting his client might testify. at first, he called it general hospital and then went on to say -- >> if they knew sandusky to be truthful, honest, peaceful, law-abiding, and nonviolent. they all said yes. sandusky is charged with sexually abusing 10 boys during 15 years, eight of his accusers took the stand last week. graphically they described sex acts with sandusky. >> his lawyers also called to investigators to the stand who interviewed many of the accusers in the case. a penn state trooper testified some of the men initially said nothing happened and then later remembered the alleged sexual abuse. the defense tried to suggest that the investigators could have tainted the investigation by leaving the witnesses, but the investigators denied influencing them. manuel gallegos, wjz eyewitness news. >> closing arguments could start as early as thursday. if convicted, the 68 euro could spend the rest of his life in prison. back here, a grand jury in hartford county has indicted a man being held for killing a housemate and then eating parts of his body. ron matz in the newsroom with the latest on this. >> the hartford county grand jury indicted alexander tino, the indictment charges with one count of first-degree murder in the death and one count of carrying a weapon. the indictment comes after hearing the district court. attorneys request for a competency evaluation. the judge ordered that he will be transferred to the list and t parkins hospital for an evaluation. back to you. >> they give him much. even women with a family when he was killed. the city council votes to increase the already controversial tax to go from two to 5 cents per container. the bill will go to the mayor for her signature. it's expected to create millions of dollars for school construction and repair projects in the city are you the text takes effect july 1st of next year. the sun, as you can see in the report, is trying to make its way out from behind the clouds. we take a live look outside right now. and overcast day with clouds covering much of the sky. the sun had to come out for the ships. it just had to. completes -- complete first warning weather. >> good afternoon. those shots tonight at all. it's spectacular looking out there. we do of the clouds and we've had a few showers to go a long weapon. a couple spotty showers on the eastern shore, but all of this moving away over the next few hours. things really start changing. take a look at senators. 76 in baltimore. it's warm and muggy. that changes because out of the bus there's a lot of heat and it's coming our way. some are officially arrives tomorrow, and it's going to feel like it. look at the heat index. we are in a quarter of heat between 95 to 100. that's what it is going to feel like. yes, we feel the difference. we will have a forecast coming up. >> think your image. if you plan on driving over the bay bridge or key bridge, listen up. both stands will be temporarily completely close down in the afternoon well a cargo ship carrying four crain's passes underneath them. each grain is 178 feet tall. it will come within six to 8 feet of the bottom of the bridges. lisa worried that drivers might be distracted with something that close. the cranes will be used to unload large ships at the port of baltimore. forbes has released its list of the top eight athletes in the world, and a baltimore raven has made the cut. you may be surprised that whom it is. the 12 highest paid athlete in the world last year, floating. he earned $37.1 million in salary and bonuses over the last 12 months. that's more than any other athlete playing a team sport. the ravens started him and signed a five-year deal with $61 million in september. docs -- boxer floyd mayweather at the top with $85 million in total winnings. stilted, wjz eyewitness news at noon, out of jail. the former rutgers university student found guilty in a webcam spying case is walking free. what is next. taking aim at apple. microsoft unveils its latest creation. will this triumph over the ipad? and another cloudy day with some sons thinking through just in time for the ships leaving the harbor. your completes -- your complete first warning weather forecast is coming up. >> of the coverage continues with scott, jessica cartel you come in first warning weather with marty bass and meteorologist or that woods. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >> it's still mostly cloudy and 76 degrees in central maryland right now. your first warning weather forecast still coming up. talks are wrapping up today in mexico were leaders of the world's top 20 economies are meeting. europe's debt crisis is the main focus. today the group is expected to announce a global plan for job creation calling for greater government spending saying the country is with the greater budget resources and need to be ready to spend more to help those without. the former rutgers university student conflict did of using a web cam to spy on his roommate is now a free man. he walked until this morning after serving 20 days of a 30 day sentence. last month he was found guilty of spying on his roommate in his encounter with another man. days later, date committed suicide. he faces three years probation and 300 hours of community service or did his lawyer is appealing the conviction. the defense attorney in roger clemens perjury could set the jury was convinced the former player was not lying when he told congress he did not use steroids. he was acquitted on all charges yesterday. the jury was convinced he did not use performance enhancing drugs at any time in his career. this was clemens second trial on the charges. the first trial ended in a mistrial last summer. her new developments in a murder investigation underway in delaware. police say they have arrest warrants for 26 euros and seen here in the surveillance video. he is wanted in connection with the death of a woman inside a motel room. a cleaning lady, body yesterday morning. visitors to the area are shocked. >> i would never expect that to happen. very odd for this town. generally, people are down here having fun. >> the dead woman has not yet been identified and the death has yet to be ruled a homicide, pending the medical examiner's reports. microsoft has joined the tablet battle this morning. the company unveiled its new tablet computer called the surface are you the ultrathin touchscreen device was designed to compete with the ipad. it runs the new operating system and has a built-in keyboard that folds down from the cover and a kickstand from the back. microsoft expects to release the surface when windows ate officially hits the market in the fall. and, once again, still ahead on wjz eyewitness news at noon, a mostly gray afternoon. the ships make their way out of the inner harbor. your complete first warning weather forecasters to a half minutes away. first, a look at today's midday stocks followed by classmates at multinational ,,,,,,,,,, before copd... i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my 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[ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> welcome back to eyewitness news at noon. i am jessica kartalija. we are watching the ships as they are from baltimore. absolutely gorgeous, and a gorgeous day out here to boot. for the latest on the weather, we send it inside to bernadette woods. >> of what a great job you have had out there the last couple days. such a cool event, and we continue to see it from our chopper shots and from the harbor cam. it's amazing. as far as the weather goes, still a couple showers on the eastern shore. those will leave us in. even since the first time we saw jessica at the beginning of the show until now you notice the skies have brightened. that's the trend in next couple of hours. let's switch over and show you lots breaking down from the west to the east. we see that continue for the next few hours. while that's going on, the wind turning around. temperatures are going to follow. we are already at 76 degrees. we didn't drop much overnight. as soon as that sun comes out, jumping into the 80s. qi say, and i'm not the end of it. look out to the west. almost 90 degrees already today in chicago. the average for them is 81 this time of year. this is the type of air moving in our direction, and we are going to feel the difference. we jump to the '90s tomorrow. 90s again on thursday, and during this time the heat index is going to be close to 100 degrees. this is some pretty intense heat moving our way. alarm front almost gone. that's with ushering in all of this heat. you notice the cold front to the north. that will swing our way later in the week. as it does, it increases our chances for showers and thunderstorms. tomorrow is partly cloudy, up to the '90s. by thursday the chance for a shower and thunderstorm and afternoon. friday a better chance for us at our showers and thunderstorms as this thought makes its way through. the forecast looks like this. without some returning, 87 degrees this afternoon. we are starting to heat it up. today dropping to 70 and by tomorrow hello heat in summer. 96 degrees. it will be monday on top of that. we go up a couple degrees on thursday. the records during this time are 100 each afternoon. we will be close, probably not quite there, but it's a close call. >> for me. >> you will feel it. >> still to come, a new link between loneliness and your health. details coming up. and wjz 13 is always on. here's some of the stories out of our website. her constant updates and the first warning weather forecast, go to, [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare? that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they help save you up to thousands in out-of-pocket costs. call today to request a free decision guide. with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and you'll never need a referral to see a specialist. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. >> in today's wjz healthwatch report, 46 million americans do not have health insurance last year. that's according to newly released government statistics. the toll is lower than it was in 2010. it's still higher than the 41 million uninsured reported in 1997. a little more than 5 million of the uninsured are under the age of 18. that's a sharp drop from a nearly 10 million .in 1997. many surgical engines -- interns have concerns. his answers were implement at limiting their shifts to a maximum of 16 hours. a new survey finds a majority think the researcher will cut their time in the operating room and heard their developing surgical skills. a majority also feels that the changes would be decreased for fatigue. underfinanced -- a new study finds loneliness can be a health risk. researchers asked more than a thousand senior citizens if they felt left out or isolated. nearly have responded they felt lonely. the study finds six years later those who are only more at an increased risk of dying. they were also more likely to have trouble performing daily activities such as climbing stairs. check back in the wjz eyewitness news at 4:00, 5:00, and 6:00. jerry sandusky style continues. several witnesses are expected to take the stand this afternoon. we will have the very latest from the courtroom for you. and salebration is ailing away. and wjz is out on the water as the ships say goodbye to baltimore. join us for the stories and breaking news today at 4:00 right after dr. phil. join us again in a moment for the five day forecast coming right up. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] a moment of silence for the internet as we know it. a revolution in internet speed is here. more than twice as fast as anything america has ever seen. introducing fios quantum. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. >> we had the privilege of watching this camera even when we are off air. we just keep staring at the shots because it's amazing. look at the small boats around it. >> every angle is a good one. >> to give you a perspective of how small those boats are versus how big that shift is. >> they are huge. okay. weatherwise we know for today we are going to start to break this trend. the clouds and sunshine. up to 87 degrees. tomorrow looking at 96. 98 degrees on thursday and the chance for an afternoon thunderstorm. better chance on friday with a front coming through. even when it comes through, hot and muggy and up to 91 degrees. we drop it for the weekend that 80s for a chance of showers and eight. >> you will want to miss the primetime programming tonight. at 10:00 it's another 48 hours mystery. followed by eyewitness news at 11:00. tank you for watching eyewitness news. wjz marilyn's station. >> let's have a great day. make sure you check that with us at 4:00, 5:00, and 6:00 and always ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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