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good morning. i'm jessica kartalija in for don scott this morning. it's wednesday, july 11th. a nice start to your wednesday morning. wjz has weather and traffic together. let's go over to marty first. >> let's take a look at some numbersful -- numbers. right now it's 3 degree warmer than yesterday at tv hill. by lunch 86 going to a general high of about 90. 87 at dinner. that's pretty much normal. jessica, take it away. >> now over to sharon at traffic control. good morning. good morning. if you are just about to head out we just picked up a new accident on old court road at carl son lane. we do still have that downed tree westbound route 26 still closed. if you're headed out on the beltway speeds still above the posted speed limit. no problems there. no problems on 95 either in the southbound direction between white marsh and the tunnel. there's a look at the northwest side of the beltway, still pretty empty at green spring avenue. another look outside, that one shows the west side of the beltway at old court. for traffic information any time log onto back over to you, jessica. >> thank you. here's what people will be talking about today. a baltimore city firefighter accused of running an online prostitution ring. this isn't his first time facing these types of charges. mike schuh has the latest on this case. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it was a year and a half ago when that city firefighter faced similar charges and at that time he was given probation. >> inside this warehouse in west baltimore police say 29-year-old jamar simmons and 33-year-old franklin coit were running an online prostitution ring. >> i can't imagine anything scandalous one going on in here. >> it turns out simmons is a baltimore city fireman. he was arrested monday. >> we found handgun, ammo, marijuana and various ljers and documents -- ledgers and documents that would suggest an online prostitution and human trafficking operation was being conducted from the location. >> simmons had a similar run in with the law back in 2010. court records show baltimore city police arrested him for human trafficking and prostitution but most of the charges were dropped, he ended up with a year of probation. >> he has been suspended without pay. we will begin our investigation into this situation. >> simmons worked out of this fire station in roland park but now he's behind bars facing a slew of charges. >> that's a little bit unnerving. you don't want to think the people who are supposed to be protecting you are doing things they're not supposed to be doing. >> reporter: right now both men are facing gun and prostitution charges. reporting live, mike schuh. jessica, back to you. >> thank you . city police say they're talk being the fbi about the possibility of bringing a federal case against both men. we're continuing to follow breaking news out of columbus, ohio where a freight train derailed and caused an explosion. a train carrying ag products derailed and burst into flames injurying at least two people. people living 1 mile within the blast has been evacuated. some tragic news to pass along. a beloved former prince fall in ann arundel county who spent three decades in the school system has been found murdered in florida. 76-year-old william nor man was the first principal at chesapeake. police found him floating in a canal with a plastic bag tied over his head in miami. two men are charged with his murder, one of them rented a home from nor man. >> it was vacant but he said i let these friends go in. then he said they weren't paying him. he was very generous, i think sometimes to a fault. >> nor man was the principal at chesapeake until 1983. a florida teenager is attacked by a gator. the 17-year-old came face to face with a gator while swimming in a river. the teen pushed against the reptile to get free but not before the gator took bite off of his right arm. >> when i was swimmingming throwing my arms, it got this one. he did a death roll and broke all the bones, everything in it. i felt it gone. >> wildlife officers found the gator after a three hour search. they killed it and recovered fred's arm but surgeons were unable to reattach it. we're about to get our first look at the internal investigation at penn state in the wake of the jerry sandusky sex abuse scandal. former fbi director lewis free has handled the investigation and will issue his report tomorrow. it's expected to reveal whether school officials concealed his crimes for more than a decade. new developments in the murder of an innocent 12-year-old in east baltimore. the three young men charged in the case plead not guilty to his murder. mike hellgren was in court for their employee. >> sean johnson loved football, was close to his mom and did well in class. he was hanging out with friends on a porch in east baltimore last may, then fraj -- tragedy stuck. he was shot four times believing he was someone else. those who showed up to support them had little to say as e -- emotions ran high. cops used phone records to crack the case. police say the young men opened fire and left johnson for dead. he was hospitalized for two days before he passed. >> i can't imagine somebody just going on his porch to watch basketball with friends and getting killed like this. it's just so sad. >> should no parent feel the pain that i'm feeling right now. >> city councilwoman mary pat clark was in court for the plea. >> we're trying to compensate. you can't compensate for a life lost, especially sean's promising life. >> one of the young men told the judge he was trying to raise funds to hire a private attorney and did not want the services of the public defender. she told emit would be unwise to move forward without council. he said he understood and was willing to take the risk. >> this was one of the first cases for the city state's attorney major investigation's unit which targets repeat violent offenders. in the wake of that violent storm we had leaders target bge and pepco for their response to power outages. a letter from the mayor and several county executives urges the public service committee to review its procedures. bge says it's receptive to those concerns. organizers of baltimore's grand prix may end up in the red but promise everyone will get the money their due. race on, llc said it hopes to make a profit after its second race in baltimore in 2013. tickets went on sale in may and race on says it's comfortable with the number already sold. the national spotlight shines on baseball's biggest stars at the all star game. three oriels took the field representing the american league. here mark with the highlights from kansas city. >> battle ltimore was -- baltimore was well represented, three oriels selected to play. it wasn't enough to help the american league. it was a tough game against the national league. out fielder adam jones, an all star, gold glove defender. catcher matt weed ers picked for a second straight year, also a gold glove. for his first appearance, jim johnson, with the most saves. starter justin verlander got all three runners scored. five runs in the first inning. the national league had five hits and two walks. the oriels would combine to get the job done here in the 8th, johnson pitching, castro the cub's fly to center, there's adam jones to make the catch but not enough as the american league falls 8-0 to the national league. the o's will resume the regular season on friday when the detroit tigers come to camden yards. >> out fielder nick marcacus is expected to return to the tigers after missing a month for a breken hour. 12 minutes after the hour. welcome to studio a. let's take a look at a graphic. still trying to get over the story of your husband eating a locus for a $20 bet. >> breakfast. >> we have high pressure building into the area. it is going to be an okay day. i'm in the promising dessert dry humidity but certainly nowhere near as bad as the past 2 weeks. 91 is only 2, 3 degrees off normal. temperatures now in the low 70s. your outside this morning, ron. it's a pleasant day start, nothing wrong with it. >> reporter: very pleasant day start. we have an orchestra this morning. the joey d care's rock orchestra, huge benefit coming up saturday night benefitting wounded warriors when the eyewitness news morning edition rolls on. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, good morning. we've been watching just a tremendous sunrise in the area about the past hour. this is the best weather graphic i have for you. a few fair weather clouds in the region right now. over wise, notice how blue the sky is, we've kind of busted out even during the over night while you were asleep pretty much 50, 60% of the haze and humidity of yesterday. right now on tv hill, 70, 90% humidity, barometer at 30.09. 60 oakland, 61 cumberland, the mid 70s dc, packs river, ocean city and kent island 70, 68 westminster and in bel air. computer model continues to show low pressure fulling that stalled frontal boundary of yesterday away with high pressure building in. that's why we're losing the haze and humidity. it's going to be a bone dry day but certainly more comfortable than yesterday with the high of 91. it's only 3 degrees off of normal. we're in the hottest time of the year right now. patchy clouds, 65 over night. tomorrow a high of 90. 84 on friday. there's going to be a day that's not going to be the finest to have weekend, i think it's going to be friday. warm front moves up over the area. a thundershower is possible saturday and sunday but the day should not be ruined. 90, 94. monday, 94. now over to sharon gibala at traffic control. >> good morning. we've cleared up all problems but one, the accident in windsor mills on old court road at carl son lane. speeds excellent -- on -- excellent on the beltway. no problems on 95. there's a look at 295 southbound at 175. there's a little volume out there, but no delays at this point. another look outside shows 95 shout bound at 3 -- southbound at 32 also problem free. this traffic report is brought to you by your toyota dealer. visit your toyota dealer today and see why now is the time to make the jump to toyota. marty and jessica, back over to you guys. all right. ron matz, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. how are you guys doing? >> great. >> fab ulous. >> reporter: we have a great segment this morning, it's the joey d care rock orchestra concert for charity. thanks for joining us this morning. here's is joe. good to see you. >> good morning, baltimore. >> reporter: let's talk about what's coming up saturday night. >> saturday we have an amazing concert coming to you live at century high school. it's about the wounded warrior project. we're going to help the wounded warrior prodirect. we're going to give -- project. we're going to give a great concert. it's the best concert you've ever seen. >> reporter: 6:15 the doors open. what's your name? >> libby. >> reporter: that's a familiar name. >> divine. >> jim . >> claire. >> skiel kyle. >> hi , mom. >> reporter: hi, mom. jim, this is a great organization you have. >> absolutely. it's our honor to serve -- do this benefit for the men and women who served in iraq and afghanistan. not only do they come home with physical injuries but invisible injuries as well. our goal is raise 10000 dollars. if you -- $10,000. in you go to oub website you can purchase your tickets online and just contribute to a great cause. >> reporter: that's great. guys, get in position. we're going to have you do a little number. when we hear it at the ravens games on sunday. the mc host for saturday night wjz 105.7 the fan's mark zino, our buddy, who is an iraq war veteran. >> not just one, but two tours. >> reporter: that's right. >> ♪ i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me. i proudly stand up next to you and defend her still today. there ain't no doubt i love this land. god bless the usa ♪ ♪ ♪ and i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free. and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me. and i proudly stand up next to you and defend her still today. there ain't no doubt i love this land, god bless the usa ♪ >> reporter: you guys sound great are. give yourselves a big hand. >> thank you. >> reporter: awesome . it's the joey d care's rock orchestra concert for charity saturday night, century high school. guys, you do great work. thank you for joining us so early in the morning. you sound fabulous. >> thank you. >> reporter: thank you so much. all right. we want to thank or friends at the sue burr ban house for letting us use the parking lot this morning. jessica and marty, going to send it back to you. give yourselfves a -- yourselves a big hand. see you. >> see you later. >> still to come on wjz. >> coming up what it's going to take to get the washington monument reopened after last year's east coast earthquake. that story man: there's a cattle guard, take a right. do you have any idea where you're going ? wherever the wind takes me. this is so off course. nature can surprise you sometimes... next time, you drive. next time, signal your turn. ...that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. oreo and dunkin' are the perfect match for the perfect moment. enjoy the new oreo coolatta and donut today. disappointed tourists who hoped to visit the washington monument will have to wait longer. the east coast earthquake did $15 million in damage. >> you can see the tourists look up but that's about all they can do at the washington monument. it's been closed to visitors since it was seriously rattled in a 5.8 earthquake last august. not everyone from out of town knows that. >> coming audiotape the way from -- all the way from georgia we were looking toer ward to visiting -- looking forward to visiting it. >> i would love to take the kids up to see all of washington dc from the top of the monument. >> the structural engineers who inspected the monument found cracks, missing stone and slipped panels of marble. >> the work itself is difficult, getting there is even more difficult. >> according to the national parks service that means extensive preparation. >> the big thing is the scoff folding. it's 555 feet. we have to put it around the whole thing. >> with the end effect looking something like this, although that could be a tourist draw all in its own. >> i saw when they had it on the statute of liberty. >> it's a neat thing as well. >> 15 $15 million -- $15 í principal í principle has been set -- $15 million has been set aside for careers. >> we hope to mobilize in september. we could be done by late 2013. we will have to come back then. >> and take in the view from the inside. >> the washington monument was completed in 1884 before the quake it brought in 600,000 visitors a year. next up this morning right here on wjz. >> for the second time a city firefighter is charged with running a prostitution ring. a live report next. >> baltimore's police unit calls for an over hall of the department. coming up the mayor problems the unit says put the public at risk. >> any information about two fatal accidents this year in ann arundel county. i'll have details coming up. >> so far it's a good morning on the roads with just one accident to report. we'll tell you about it in just a few. right now over the marty. -- over to marty. >> she used to shake pom poms at ravens games. now stacey kebler is in hollywood. she's going to be sharing some of her red carpet secrets with on coffee with. stay tuned, it's the morning edition and we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: the new santa fe steak melts. get extra grande flavor with the santa fe steak & bacon melt. juicy steak, crispy bacon, and melted cheese with creamy santa fe caesar. or try adding egg for a santa fe steak, bacon & egg melt -- a favorito for breakfast but muy bueno any time of day. get to your local subway and claim your steak today -- with new santa fe steak melts. subway. eat fresh. but they can be really well thexpensive.ted a puppy, so to save money i just found them a possum. dad, i think he's dead. probably just playin' possum. sfx: possum hisses there he is. there's an easier way to save. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. it's exactly 6:30 on this wednesday morning. wjz has weather and traffic together. what a beautiful shot. >> isn't it though? >> wow. >> we've been watching this sunrise since -- for the past hour and a half or so. >> the sky is phenomenal. >> notice how clear the blue is. we've blown a lot of that haze out. we'll go ahead and jump to the weather. we have sharon gibala and wjz traffic control. we will get you to you in just -- get to you in just a second. 70 on tv hill. that's one degree warmer than this time yesterday. 86 at lunch going to a high of 90. now over to sharon gibala at traffic control. >> still a great morning on the roads. so far just one accident out there. that one in the windsor mill area, cold court road at carl son lane. speeds are looking fantastic. 62 and 56 are your averages. no problems on 95 southbound, 60 and 58 are your averages. there's a look at the topside of the beltway. speeds on the north side on the outer loop and inner loop looking good. no issues on the west side either. this traffic report is brought to you by your toyota dealer. see why now is the time to make the jump. now the time to send it back to jessica. >> thank you. battle ltimore police -- baltimore police union is calling for an over haul of the department saying the current way of doing things is putting residents at risk. >> the union is pushing for that over hall siting what it calls major public safety problems. wjz has obtained a report sent to city hall criticizing police leaders. >> out dated, ine if he can tiff and reactive -- ineffective and reactive, that's how it describes the police department. in order to reduce crime calls by bad cops, seven key areas need to be addressed. some of the changes include upping the hiring standards, changing the way officers are deployed and making the pay more competitive. the order of police is calling on city hall for a thorough reare view of policies. the mayor sent wjz a statement saying since taking office mayor rawlings blake has made reducing crime a priority. the mayor is invested in crime fighting technology and provided funding to prevent police officer lay offs and as a result baltimore has continued to experience lows in crime and violence t mayor appreciates the suggestions and her office will review the recommendations. >> the police department says it's open to discussion with the union. police officials pointed out the department is already making progress and reducing violent crime. later this morning the city's board offest maits will consider -- of estimates will continue giving the fire chief a raise. the mayor proposed extending the chief's contract until 2018. he's get a $3,200 a year raise. the proposal isn't sitting well with many people given the document's recent budget crunch. >> people's live red sox -- lives are in danger and you're talking about giving someone a pay raise. please, come on. >> if there's no money, there's no money. we should all feel the pain. it's my opinion he should turn the raise down. >> the mayor's office points to a record low number of fire fatalities as a sign of the department's progress. fbi agents raid a baltimore city warehouse to break up an online prostitution ring. a city firefighter is behind bars in connection with the case. mike schuh is live at head quarters with the disturbing details of this investigation. >> reporter: good morning. this is not the first time that this city firefighter and his police accomplice have been charged with prostitution. >> inside this warehouse in west baltimore police say 29-year-old jamar simmons and 33-year-old frain 33 frank -- franklin coit were running an online prostitution ring. >> i can't imagine anything scandalous would be going on in here. >> it turns out simmons is a baltimore city fireman with 12 years on the force. >> spleetly -- completely shocked. >> firefighter simmons was arrested monday. >> we found handguns, ammo, marijuana and various ledgers and documents that would suggest an online prostitution and human trafficking operation was being conducted from the location. >> wjz has learned simmons had a similar run in with the law back in 2010. court records show baltimore city police arrested him for human trafficking and prostitution, but most of the charges were dropped. he ended up with a year of probation. >> he has been suspended without pay. we will begin our investigation into this situation. >> simmons worked out of this fire station in roland park but now he's behind bars facing a slew of charges. >> that's a little bit unnerving. you don't want to think the people who are supposed to be protecting you are doing things they aren't supposed to be doing. >> reporter: in addition to the sex crimes both men are also facing weapons charges. reporting live downtown from city police head quarters, mike schuh. jessica, back to you. >> thank you . city police say they're talk being the fbi about the responsibility -- talk being the fbi about the possibility of bringing a federal case. a beloved principal is found flurd m you areded in florida. 76-year-old william more than was the first principal at chesapeake high school and spend three decades in the school system. his body was found with a plastic bag tied over his head in a canal near miami. two men are charged with his murder. a teacher accused of lewd acts with a child leads los angeles police on a high speed chase. the teacher sped away when they went to stop him. a patrol car spun out and sent it crashing into a semi. the teacher was able to get back on to the highway. his truck goes airborne crashing into that tree. police say he survived and is listed in stable condition. we know what caused a deadly head on crash along 97 back in june, a drunk driver going south in a northbound lane. it happened at the same spot where another drunk driving crash killed four people in january. >> there were two horrific accidents in millersville this year. one of them happened june 13th and the 911 recordings reveal a tragedy. >> there was a car going the wrong way and another car didn't see it and they just completely smacked into each other. >> both crashes had fatal results. now new informationpoints the point -- information points the finger at alcohol abuse. >> the preliminary results from the toxicology reports indicate a presence of alcohol in the driver's blood. >> in the june accident a 24-year-old headed south. she hit a man. that crash killed both drivers. in january a similar accident happened, a 19-year-old driver headed the wrong way on 97. she got to route 50 before hitting another car. the driver and three others were killed. there are now questions as to whether the signs are clearly marked or confusing. >> i don't know if it's the road times or the lights leading up to it, people are getting confused. >> the state highway administration and state police say signage has been improved. state police say it wasn't signage, it was alcohol. >> this is a horrific reminder that the presence of alcohol can prompt people into making the wrong decision. >> the state highway administration believes improving signs can help but they don't believe either case here improperly marked signs was the problem. back to you. >> mtd md mtd -- maryland state police are continuing their investigation. the house is expected to vote on the repeal of the affordable care act. this will be the 31st time congress has voted to repeal or dismanned -- dismantle the legislation. if it doesn't pass president promises to veto the bill. the oriels have three hometown favorites take the national stage. adam jones, matt weeders and jim johnson representing the o's. o's fans got a chance to see them on the field together. johnson pitched a scoreless 8th inning and a lot of help from jones in center field. the game was over long before then, the national league wins 8-0. a u.s. olympic swimmer is apologizing for questioning the worth et ethic of michael phelps. he finish ed second to him in the 200 meter butterfly at the trials. carry claims if phelps worked as hard as him he would have won more medals. last night carry took to twitter to apologize and said it's honored to compete alongside the greatest swimmer in history. >> so if michael phelps worked harder he would have beaten him by more. is that what he was basically saying? okay. there it is. >> well, it's all -- he could have done better. >> there you go. the ohlympics are now 2 and a half weeks away. >> crazy. >> it's going to be a lot of fun. coming up on coffee with, stacey kebler. she's going to talk about doing that red carpet thing, how you can experience it for yourself and 50 friends. hometown girl is back in charm city. you know we're talking a little be it of ravens. she still has that ravens cheerleader thing going on in her mind. sharon gibala's got her traffic control, we've got first warning weather and more. that's coming up next. ,,,,,,,,,, good morning. 70 now, 90% humidity. western maryland now cool in the mid 60s. 68 easton, mid 70s dc, packs river, ocean city ann app police -- ann annapolis and kent island. you can see the frontal boundary down to the south. we've lost some of the haze and humidity of yesterday. it is not going to be bone dry but going to be a comfortable 91. the normal is the upper 80s. that looks imposing but really it's almost standard. 65 over night. 90 tomorrow. we're going to be a warm front move up over the area into the weekend. 84 friday. if there's going to be a day of disturbed weather i think it's going to be friday. saturday and sunday some instability action in the afternoon, 90 and 94. monday sunshine and 94. now over to sharon gibala at traffic control. sgloosz good >> good morning. it's a great morning on the road. we have an accident in wind sore at carl son lane. 62 and 56 on the top and west side of the beltway. 95 running at full speed. there's a look at the west side of the beltway at baltimore national pike. seeing a little more volume than we were earlierful everything still run -- earlier. everything still running without delays. this traffic report is brought to you by your toyota dealer. you have to look beyond the day you buy it, toyotas are built to save you money today and tomorrow. now is the time the make the jump. back over to you, jessica and marty. >> thanks. this morning's coffee with is with stacey kebler. the satellite interview is furnished by new york style bag goals. >> welcome home. what are you up to? >> well, i've teamed up with new york style for their bagel snacks. if you go to their facebook page you have the chance to win a red carpet experience for yourself and 50 of your friends. that's cool. >> 50 in >> we're going to get to this red carpet thing in just a second. all i want to know is this, how are we going to look perfect in february in new orleans in the french quarter after the ravens win the super bowl? >> we are going to be there, baby. >> what is the key to looking good then? that's what we want to know. >> the key is purple. it doesn't matter what your wear as long as it's purple. >> ain't that the truth. between now and then we have this -- don just brought it up. 50 people, that's a big party. >> doesn't that sound fun? all your friends and family, all the glitz and glamour. . >> let me ask you this. isn't that just a ton of pressure on you though? i look at you, i look at others and i think to myself, man, i'd hate to be running that gauntlet. that's just got to be pressure. >> you know, i just don't really think about it like that. i think that would drive me crazy if i thought about it. i find that i choose dresses and clothes that i'm comfortable in so i go out there and confident that i feel good. i don't really worry about what other people have to say. i know that i'm, you know, out there and feeling good. >> i'm always watching the people in the background. isn't there a lot of people pushing and pulling and yelling at you? >> there's always people yelling. if they would show you the other side, even the people behind the cameras are just screaming and yelling at you. it's just so crazy. >> you look relaxed when all that is happening. you look great. >> thank you. >> i'd be grabbing for the valium. how do we get in on this contest? this sounds kind of fun. >> go to the facebook page for new york still snacks and just center. that's all you have to do. it's simple. >> pret ty simple on that deal. >> identify had their ba -- i've had their bagel chips, wow. >> yes. the minuteis are so great. i love to have them in my bag, traveling, in the car. they're awesome. >> you're not throwing down that many carb sshlgs. -- carbs. >> they have good carbs. >> you feel healthy the first 20 or 30 of them. >> you're not supposed to eat the whole bag if one sitting. -- in one sitting. >> there's nothing better than eating the whole bag. that's good stuff. >> if you do that, you need to go to the gym for 3 hours. >> 3 hours? 3 days. >> ou or dance like you with dancing on the stars. is that a good experience? >> it was one of the best experiences in my whole life. it was extremely challenging also. it was really tough. >> i'll give it to you, you don't back down from a challenge. i still am -- i'm thinking dances with the stars and this red carpet thing, it's pretty much the same. it's you out there naked in the wind. you make it or break it yourself, there's no supporting cast. >> you never know what can happen, especially because it's live. >> what is more physical, wwe or dance being the stars? >> you know, they are both physical and take a toll on your body in different ways. that's a really tough question. >> you know what, i just brought a picture of you up as a baltimore ravens cheerleader. >> you did? >> it's a good picture too. what was tough er, dance being the stars or being a ravens cheerleader when it was like 9 degrees? >> i remember that. it was like it would be over 100 some games and like 10 other games. that was brutal. at least we're jumping around and we're constantly getting the blood flowing. >> i got you. our time has run short. since your home, anybody you want the say hi to? >> i always want to say hi to my mom and dad who i'm sure are watching. >> out of sight. next time your in town, get in touch with us and let's do a sit down with us. you make us proud every day, hundred. >> day -- hun. >> hit that facebook page and jump on that. red carpet, 50 people. >> that could be like everybody in this room plus 47 people. >> we're taking a break and coming right back with sharon gibala wjz traffic control, gibala wjz traffic control, first warning weather and more,, it's the perfect match for the perfect moment -- oreo the dunkin' way. introducing the new oreo coffee coolatta and new oreo vanilla bean coolatta. taste the fun today. america runs on dunkin'. hurry in to dunkin' and try the new updated weather and traffic together. let's go to marty. >> the low 70s right now. part partly sunny. not an uncomfortable 91 this afternoon. here is sharon gibala with wjz traffic control. good morning. good morning. a new problem on 895 northbound at the harbor tunnel. a disabled vehicle blocking all lanes. traffic could quickly build up there. you can take 95 and the fort mchenry tunnel instead. an accident in wind sore mill at old court. 46 is your ampling on the west side -- average on the west side. there's a live look outside at the west side of the beltway, looking good at baltimore national pike. this traffic report is brought to you by la academy decuisine. a baltimore city firefighter is arrested during an fbi raid. inside of a business warehouse in west baltimore is where police say 29 year old jamar simmons and 33 year old franklin coit were running a prostitution ring. simmons is a baltimore city firefighter. simmons and coit are both facing gun and prostitution charges. a beloved former principal who sent three decades in the school system has been murdered in florida. 76-year-old william nor man was the first principal of chesapeake high school. police found nor man floating in a canal near miami with a flag i can bag tied over his head. two men have been charged with his murder. today a maryland man has pleaded guilty to collecting child porn. robert j hudson was found in possession of hundreds of images and videos of children under the age of 12. if his plea deal is accepted he will serve between 7 and 9 years in prison. it's been more than a year since 1-year-old sean johnson was shot to death on his front porch in northeast baltimore in a suspected case of mistaken identity. the three men charged pleaded not guilty in court yesterday. all three face life in prison if convicted. they're trial is set for august 30th. should people of same sex be allowed to mary in maryland? soon you will get to take your opinion to the polls. the board of elections has announced it has verified more than 100,000 signatures to put the same sex marriage law on the ballot. in the wake of the violent storm we had, leaders target bge and pepco for their response to power outages. a laeter -- letter from the mayor urges the public city committee to review its procedure. suggested improves include better pinpointing of outages and evaluating staffing. bge says it is respective to these concerns. please stay with wjz 13, maryland's news station. a new report from government scientists saying global warming is responsible for the,,,,,, pooches and puppies, we are fed up with being fed on. we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel. and a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. so let's put our paws down in protest and raise our barks to rally till we all get k9 advantix ii. join us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii.

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Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Kent Island , Maryland , Windsor Mill , Oakland , California , Afghanistan , Columbus , Ohio , Georgia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Arundel , Millersville , Iraq , Washington Monument , Center Field , Hollywood , Annapolis , France , Roland Park , Baltimore , America , French , American , Rawlings Blake , Ron Matz , Frank Franklin Coit , Don Scott , Sean Johnson , Michael Phelps , Los Angeles , Jerry Sandusky , Mike Schuh , Franklin Coit , Mary Pat Clark , Santa Fe Caesar , Jamar Simmons , Adam Jones , Justin Verlander , Adam Jones Matt , Jim Johnson ,

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