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church view road. >> this is a heavily traveled thoroughfare. very congested road at county road 3. lots of folkoss the road. this -- folks on the road. this is a very dangerous situation. the new wife of the man who was stabbed said he is in good condition, that the family is fine. but they're still trying to sort out just what happened. >> reporter: none of the injuries were life-threatening. police say the blood on sudbrook's face is likely from the fight. court records show he was on probation until last july. >> are you ever in these types of situations where you feel like you could be in something and it could result in in an altercation, pull off the road. avoid exacerbating the condition. >> reporter: police say the investigation is ongoing. in anne arundel county, mike hellgren, wjz eyewitness news. >> no one was at sudbrook's home when wjz stopped by for comment today. an update on the breaking news wjz was first to tell you about tonight. right now, police are on the scene of a deadly crash in baltimore county. and mary is live in the newsroom with the investigation. >> reporter: three were involved. and three people were killed. you can see the extensive damage to the vehicles involved. according to investigators on the scene, one car crossed over the center lane, into oncoming traffic, striking another head- on. then swerving into a third vehicle. the drivers of the vehicles involved in the head-on collision were both pronounced dead at the scene. the driver of the third vehicle was not injured. speed appears to be a factor. denise? >> thank you, mary. the investigation in that crash continues right now. >> and another deadly accident leaves a family without three loved ones tonight. three brothers and a sister are killed in a horrific crash in harford county. weijia jiang just spoke with the victim's grandmother a short time ago. >> that grandmother says the victims were visiting her for the long weekend. and all three had plans to move in. but now, instead of making live- in arrangements are she's making funeral plans. >> reporter: on this road, south of bel air, a family was ripped apart. >> i love my grandbabies. and we were very close. >> reporter: joan berrens onki lost all of her grandkids in one incident. the three siblings, seen here in their most recent photo together, were killed monday night. they were all riding inside a 2003 chevy cavalier. >> a vehicle with three siblings in it, was traveling southbound on 543 when they crossed the double-yellow line and actually sideswiped a vehicle that was traveling northbound. >> reporter: police say that's when a third car smashed into the bogas car in a t-bone style crash. >> reporter: police say the impact was so hard, the cavalier was split in half. and there was so much debris, it littered a tenth of a mile of the road. >> reporter: two others were taken to the hospital. back at the scene, a state police crash team is piecing together what happened. >> and they're looking to see if perhaps alcohol and/or speed were contributing factors to this crash. >> reporter: and just a few miles away, loved ones try to understand why. >> they were the greatest kids. i loved them dearly. and they were wonderful to me. they always hug ask kiss me. yes, she said, i love you, nanny. >> even more devastating, she said the victims had no other siblings. right now, police are still trying to determine which one was behind the wheel. reporting live at state headquarters, weijia jiang, wjz eyewitness news. >> very sad story. police say the two other people injured in the crash are in stable condition. and we have more breaking news right now. firefighters on the scene of a destructive house fire in harford county. sky eye chopper 13 is over that fire. and captain mike perry has more for us. mike? >> reporter: hello, denise. we're in the aberdeen area of harford county. this is just off of stephanie road. it's called montral road, where a single family home caught fire. about 40 minutes ago, firefighters arrived to find heavy smoke and flames coming from the single family home. they had to use foam equipment in order to put out the fire. you can see the white stuff on the roof. that is the foam used to put it out. now, it's not clear at this point whether there were any injuries. to anyone inside the residence. but as you can see, there was extensive damage. iewntdzs from ab -- units from abingdon, aberdeen, and joppatowne, have responded to put out this fire. and those units remain on the scene. back to you on tv hill. well, tonight, maryland is one step closer to legalizing same-sex marriage. a committee signed off on the bill, sending it to the floor of the full senate. wjz is live. political reporter pat warren has more on the questions today. >> reporter: that's right, denise. most of the questions that were raised, center around the religious protections outlined in the bill. >> reporter: the house of delegates on friday, passed the same-sex marriage bill crafted by governor martin o'malley, to include religious organizations. questions about those were raised in senate committee today. >> wonder if the law goes into effect. and has been in effect for two or three years. and then there is a court case, with regard to religious protections. and the religious protections in the bill were struck down. >> i'm convinced that all of the religious conscience protection provisions that we've got in here are sea worthy. they solid. -- they're solid. >> reporter: but it's also argued they don't go far enough. >> i think on the floor, you'll see amendments that deal with broader religious protections. for people's personal, moral and religious beliefs. >> reporter: but don't expect amendments to pass. since changing the bill would send it to the house of delegates. >> if we start amending it. some people would like this to be an instant regress. and just to have this go on forever. it's time to call to question for the rights of tens of thousands of our constituents in the state. >> reporter: the judicial proceedings committee voted the bill, 7-4, to go to the floor of the senate. and that could take place as early as tomorrow. reporting live, i'm pat warren. back to you. >> the senate passed a same-sex marriage bill last year. and there is no indication that any vote has changed. for the first time, the dow jones crossed the 14,000 level. it topped that. analysts say this could influence investors to pump more money back into the stock market. now, here's a look at the closing numbers. the dow finished up 15 points, just a shade below 13,000. s&p gains about a point. and nasdaq is down 3. our string of mild february evenings roll along. a live look outside now. how is the rest of the week shaping up? bob is in the first warning weather center with the updated conditions. >> reporter: tonight is going to be about 10, 12 degrees warmer than it was last night. and tomorrow, about 10 to 12 degrees warmer than it was today. take a look at temperatures right now. still in the upper 40s. 48 here in washington. and 43 in oakland. ocean city at 46. tomorrow, the winds go back to the southwest. even warmer air headed our way. there could be a shower in some spots tomorrow night. that's because even warmer air is moving in. i think thursday, some locations could get close to the 70-degree mark in this region. denise? >> unbelievable. thank you, bob. well, grief counselors were on hand at parkville middle school. today as students try to come to grips with the sudden death of a 13-year-old classmate, killed after tumbling out of a car. wjz is at that school. derek valcourt has a message to friends of michael trulock. >> as you can imagine, an extremely tough day for students and teachers here. this victim, an extremely popular 8th grader. >> reporter: 13-year-old michael trulock is being remembered by his friends for how he lived. >> he was like the nicest person. like he was best friends with everybody. >> reporter: but it's how he died that has stunned his family and those who knew him through school. saturday, he and friends were hanging out in rockville park. drinking four loko, a fruit- filled beverage, loaded with alcohol. the drink made him so sick that he called for a ride home. he opened the door while the car was moving so he could vomit. that's when he fell onto harford road and was run over. >> by 13, this isn't something they should have to go through. and they don't know how to deal with it. >> over the last few days, hundreds of kids have stopped by, adding their own tributes to this makeshift memorial, here near the accident scene along harford road. many parents choosing to use this tragedy as a teachable moment for their kids. >> i was telling my son and their friends. i said, this is very sad. but maybe this is a sign that he's telling each and every boy and girl not to touch alcohol. >> reporter: laura reese said her sons were close with michael. >> right now, my kids are going through a hard time with this. >> reporter: she's washing -- warning the kids about the dangers of alcohol. a lesson michael trulock says all parents need to teach. >> it's sad. really sad. and i don't want to see another student go through this. >> reporter: they urged parents to talk to their kids about this tragedy. we're live in parkville, derek valcourt, wjz eyewitness news. >> thank you very much, derek. michael trulock's family will be taking visitors from 2:00 to 4:00. and a prayer service will be held thursday at 11:00 a.m. st. ursula's church. we're learning more tonight about a new group heading up the baltimore grand prix. the contract being considered by the council of estimates calls for the finances to be kept private. this was requested by down force racing, which was selected to run the race for the next five years. still to come tonight on eyewitness news. ♪ [ music ] oh, yeah. crescent city celebration will take you to this year's mard draw party. and what it means for new orleans. cancer patients. the action being taken to save lives. i'm mike schuh, anne arundel county council chambers. the slip of a tongue or racial slur? hear from the councilman and you decide. when eyewitness news continues. and a spectacular rest of the week. don't miss the updated first warping forecast coming up. warning forecast coming up. ,,,, we want to protect the house. right. but... home security systems can be really expensive. so to save money, we actually just adopted a rescue panther. i think i'm goin-... shhh! we find that we don't need to sleep that much. there's an easier way to save. a racial slur, directed at asians in county council in annapolis. could affect who is appointed to county council. reports that there is pressure for a more diverse council. >> reporter: here in anne arundel county, there are only six councilman in office. the first chair is empty. after the council booted daryl jones, who reported for tax evasion. 102 times, this council has tried to vote in his successor. today, the 103rd and 4th, continue the 3-3 tie, between michael wagner and former marine peter smith. now it is being scrutinized. after an appointment last week, when he used this ethnic slur, while interviewing a candidate. it's defined by mcmillan dictionary as a very offensive word for someone from asia. >> flak jackets and web gear because we thought the [ bleep ] were coming across. >> he apologized that night. >> i knew i needed to apologize if i offended anybody. >> reporter: but what he said has civil rights activists taking a look at the council, noticing it is all white. >> for the first time initivity years-- in 50 years, there are no women, african americans, lat oinos on the -- latinos on the council. >> i'm not looking at diversity so much as the best candidate. >> it's pretty sad. >> we get paid as leaders to make decisions, especially in the military. and at times, we're always looking for the 100% solution. and i think in this incident, sometimes a 70% solution is the better option. >> reporter: they will have the next to tweaks -- weeks weeks to lobby their councilman. in annapolis, mike schuh, wjz eyewitness news. back to you on tv hill. >> that vote will be held in council chambers, march 5th, at 7:00 p.m. police in frederick are looking for a suspect behind a clever theft. police say the suspect stole a car from a repair shop. then rammed it into an atm machine in an attempt to break inside. no word if the suspect did get away with any cash. new orleans is covered in purple, green and gold tonight. as the annual mardi gras cell wraigz rose -- celebration rose. >> i said, happy thanksgiving. >> it's mardi gras in the french quarter. and the party is just beginning for diane olson. >> it makes my spirit lift up, honey. i feel like a bird. >> reporter: an orleans native moved to florida after hurricane katrina destroyed her home five years ago. but she comes back for the bourbon street celebration every year. >> once it's in your heart, you gotta keep it there. >> an estimated 1 million people are partying in the city. pouring about $3 million into the local economy. >> definitely good times for the city. and brings in extra revenue for all establishments. >> how would you describe actual fat tuesday for someone who has never been here? >> that's impossible. it's like taking a be picture -- a picture of the grand canyon. you can take as many pictures as you want. it's never going to come out the way you're looking at it. >> nothing is too outrageous. [ singing ] >> you're not going to quit your day job, are you? >> no, no. don't even tell them about this. >> the celebration is likely to last well into early morning. but the party officially ends at midnight, when police clear the street. marking the beginning of lent. the period of fasting and repentance before easter. in new orleans, louisiana, bigat shaban, wjz eyewitness news. >> i don't think those are real cops. police officers are expected to clear the streets of the french quarter at midnight. historically, revelers come out once the officers leave. >> that is where it is tonight. >> good time was had by all. that's for sure. looks pretty mild down there. temperatures in the 70s. let's take a look at temperatures here. not quite that warm. but may get that warm. 48 now. south/southwest winds at 7. barometer falling a bit. we'll come back and take a look at a warm and even warmer middle of the week. ,,,,,,,,,,,, here's a live look outside right now. we're running out of words to describe this winter. it's been just fantastic bob. >> that will make you fat. okay. or two or three of those. they are good, though. let's take a look at temps around the region now. 48 degrees. this time of night. that's pretty close to our normal high for the day. 49 in washington. oakland at 43, ocean city at 46. locally, temperatures rending in the 40s. kent island, annapolis. columbia at 48. 49, 23 today. very cold and frosty this morning. with clear skies and light winds. temperatures really took a tumble. the air was really dry. but it warmed up as you can see, above normal. 46, sweat now -- 28 now are the averages. and that came up. and by next week, goes up to 29. and in a week and a half, it goes up to 30. 74 and 8 are the records. there's a big range. 1930. and way back in 1885. right now, it's a south and southwest wind that is going to bring in even milder air tomorrow. probably around 60, 62. this afternoon in richmond. then had four inches of snow this weekend. they were in the mid-50s. tomorrow, they'll be around 70. and even in the low 70s, on thursday. in richmond, which means we might get close to 70 here on thursday. believe it or not. low pressure over the chicago area, moving up toward ontario. took some snow with it. some sprinkles to the north of us and a few snowflakes. it's pretty much gone now as you can see. but we've cleared skies now. and looks like overnight, just a few passing clouds. tomorrow, looks like even milder air coming in. weak front comes through. wind goes back from the south/southwest. maybe a shower tonight as that warmer air begins to move in. and thursday, we'll be firmly entrenched in that warm air until this front gets in here friday. that will bring us a pretty good chance of showers and probably a thundershower or two on friday before it clears out. and it will get colder just in time for the weekend. but pretty much back to normal temperatures. winds tomorrow, gusty ahead of that front at 20 knots and a small craft advisory on the bay. bay temp around 42 now. tonight, just patchy clouds. but milder than last night. 35 by morning. tomorrow, low 60s. at least upper 50s. it's going to be colder by the bay, with the winds off the water. but a nice, mild wednesday and even warmer on thursday. could be a shower or two tomorrow night. but really not that much expected. >> you know, the only people unhappy are the kids who never got a single snow day so far. [ laughter ] they not happy. >> time off. >> not even delays. all right. from top chef to a committee hearing in anapol us. annapolis. celebrity chef, brian valtagio is fighting for a heart to make sure students have full stomachs. >> i made a sorbet, using pineapple. >> reporter: frederick native brian valtagio is a world- renowned chef and finalist on top chef. his passion is at his restaurants, lunch box and volt. and also making sure children don't go hungry. >> nutrition is the most important thing that has to do with starting a child's day at school. >> supporting the governor's 2013 budget that includes an additional $560,000 for school breakfast. right now, under the state run program, 228 schools participate. >> the additional money would bring the total schools receives breakfast to 274. out of 780 schools statewide. >> maryland families are struggling. i know you have difficult economic decisions to make. but maryland families are in fiscal crisis. kids are going to school hungry. >> reporter: supporters say one in five maryland families can't provide enough food for their children. he testified that this sunday is a good start but a drop in the bucket. >> it bothers me that we're in a country that has such great wealth and we can't feed our own children. >> andrea fujii, wjz eyewitness news. >> reporter: now, if the additional school breakfast money is approved, it would help 20,000 more maryland students. >> that would be great. still to come tonight on wjz eyewitness news. controversial policy. why the supreme court is getting ready to take up affirmative action again. hundreds of people rally for disability funding in annapolis. i'm monique griego. coming up, we'll have more on those who are in desperate need of services. also ahead, a quiet maryland community. a shocking murder. why would robert kill his father? >> what the hell did he do? >> should authorities have seen the warning signs. >> you issue with you could >> you issue with you could have -- wish you could ,,,, [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for an incredible price: just $89.99 a month for two years with a two-year agreement. it's an amazing deal, but it's for a limited time only. so don't wait. want to save even more? call right now and we'll add a special bonus: $300 back. unlike cable, fios delivers a 100% fiber-optic network to your home. get america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet, plus the best tv picture quality, and more hd. why keep paying so much for cable? switch to fios for just $89.99 a month for two years with a two-year agreement. save $600 in your first two years. and don't forget your special bonus: $300 back. hurry, offer ends march 3rd. call 1.877.827.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.877.827.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. it's 6:30. mostly clear and 48 degrees. good evening, everyone. and thanks for staying with wjz. here are some of the stories people are talking about tonight. an important update on a story wjz first told you about tonight. a critical shortage on cancer drugs. particularly ones needed to treat childhood leukemia. >> they announced the shortage appears to be over for now. >> reporter: with the lives of thousands of children with leukemia at stake, today, the fda announces a new supplier for the drug metho trexate. it has a low profit for drug companies. they announced new supply lines for the life-saving drugs. >> we are also pleased to announce that hesperra gathered in response to the shortage, ramped up manufacturing, and has received an earlier-than- expected supply of metho trexate that should be in hundreds of hospital treatment centers today and going forward. >> reporter: as wjz reported, metho trexate was one of the drugs that saved the life of brenda frese's son tyler, who battled leukemia. sly and her husband are on a campaign to increase the supply. >> i can't imagine them telling us, there's a drug there that will help save your kid's life. but it's not available. >> reporter: they urged to investigate. maryland elijah cummings. pushing bipartisan legislation to beef up the fda's power to beef up production. >> i wish some of my colleagues would meet some of these little kids with no hair, who have been through treatment and are surviving. but then find out in the middle that there may not be a drug available for them the next day. >> reporter: the fda also announced today, new suppliers for the drug doxil. it treats ovarian cancer. and it has not been available for months. vic? >> okay, mary. thank you. there are more than 250 prescription drugs in short supply or unavailable, in addition wide. -- nationid woo. -- nationwide. the highest court is taking up action on the university court issue. jessica kartalija has more on this controversy. >> reporter: for the first time in nearly a decade, the supreme court will take up the issue of supreme court. a white person from texas is suing because she was denied admission to the school, claiming the policy violated her civil and constitutional rights. a federal appeals court ruled racial considerations can be used in the admissions process. now that decision is being appealed all the way to the supreme court. and could change affirmative action at schools nationwide. >> the last challenge to affirmative action at the high court came in 2003. new information tonight in a deadly crash in prince george's county that could have been much worse. this was the scene in landover, when an out-of-control bmw slammed into a kfc restaurant. the driver died at the scene. two other people were injured. but it is not life-threatening. police say smith was speeding when she lost control. and several teenagers are injured in a crash between an suv and school will bus in howard county. sky eye chopper 13 is over the scene near pebble beach drive. police say the teenagers turned into the bus, striking it in the side. the driver and one passenger suffered serious injuries. the other teen and the suv was not seriously hurt. two others on the bus were not injured. the cause is under investigation. hundreds gathered to show at any support. monique grieg hoe has more on the developmental disabilities day and the need for service. >> reporter: hundreds of people make a call for action to help the developmentally-disabled in downtown annapolis. >> they're not begging for welfare. they're begging for a chance to have life. >> reporter: crystal holman was part of the crowd that marched to lawyers mall. her son suffers from severe autism and spent eight years on the waiting list for service. >> there's no money, no funding. nothing we can do. weigh can't help you. >> reporter: demonstrators hope being vocal will bring desperate attention to the need for funding brian cox says there has been some recent changes in the recent budget and alcohol tax. >> we're here to say, this is progress. don't cut the budget. there's more work to be done. >> reporter: like many here, holman was able to get off the waiting list, thanks to the alcohol tax, which provides $50 million in funding. >> reporter: but others are still in need of services. right now, 6500 are on the waiting list. 1200 are believed to be in critical need. herbert jesse is one of them. he has down's syndrome and autism. >> i want him to be happy, have a job, have a home. maybe get married. all of these things. and these things are not going to happen without community support. >> reporter: and the majority of the money from the alcohol tax went to providing services for people in desperate need of care. >> the governor was recently able to restore $25 million in funding that was previously cut from the budget. time now for a quick look at some stories you'll find in the baltimore sun. the baltimore county council is set to approve legislation to protect transgender people from discrimination. with lent beginning tomorrow, wednesday, a roundup of five ways to prepare fish at home. and is orioles center fielder adam jones ready to step up and become a star this season? for these stories and more, read tomorrow's baltimore sun. and remember to look for the updated forecast from wjz's first warning weather team. a harford county teenager kills his father, levering friends and neighbors with more questions than answers. tonight, wjz investigates the stunning crime and why so many are rushing to the team's defense. >> reporter: late one night, inside this house in bel air, something terrible happened. 16-year-old robert richardson tells police he grabbed a gun and killed his father. and it was no accident. >> he didn't wake up that morning and say, i'm going to blow my father's brains out. that's been coming for a long time. he was terrorized. he was terrified of his father. >> reporter: robert's friends tell me he wore dirty, wornout clothes that didn't fit and was often black and blue. >> he had bruises. >> bruises where? >> on his face. most of the time on his arms. chest. collar bone. just everywhere. >> i just wish i could have done something before. >> you wish you could have prevented it? >> yeah. >> reporter: i recently met with family, friends and neighbors, who started a free robert richardson facebook page to raise money for his defense. >> what was the overriding factor in this particular case that made you particularly want to be involved? >> there is a child that needs somebody's help. and we may be late, but we're here now. >> we know what he did was wrong. we just want him to have a shot at the future. that's why we're all here. >> reporter: few knew rich richardson's father better than his cousin mary jane, on who grew up with him and lives just a few miles awail. >> when you heard that your cousin had been murdered, what was your immediate response? >> my first thought was, what the hell did he do to that child to make him like that? because he was never like that. >> reporter: there is no doubt robert richardson shot and killed has father inside this house. but what many people are asking in this bel air neighborhood was, were there warning signs that could have been missed? and could authorities have acted before it was too late? >> they know there was so many signs that something was wrong in that house. and too many people looked the other way. >> reporter: wjz obtained these documents which show harford county sheriffs responded to the richardsons' house, 16 times, but never for domestic violence. >> of the times we were called to go to that home over the last year, none of that was related to child abuse, neglect, or domestic violence. >> reporter: while police say the young man was in danger, the sheriff's department never suspected abuse. social service each now refuses to tell wjz whether they were involved. >> i felt the boy has been so let down. and no love and no nurturing since his mother died. >> reporter: while rare, children killing parents does happen. tragically, here in cockeysville and towson. each time, people ask, could something have been done to prevent it? >> is this issue bigger than just one child? >> woo are all -- we are all responsible for the children. every one of us. and every single person who looks the other way, is guilty. >> reporter: all the free richardson supporters can focus on now is to see he treats this as a troubled teen. >> justifiable homicide. you're darned right. i believe it. >> richardson is charged as an adult with murder and is being held without bail. so far, the free robert richardson facebook page has raised $4500 for his defense. still to come on wjz eyewitness news. >> i'm alex demetrick. coming up, the maryland national guard's newest planes and why the air force is taking them away. that story as eyewitness news continues. outrage in afghanistan. i'm bob turk. the first warning weather center. more mild air moving our way. exclusive first warning five- day forecast. and wjz 13 is always on. for updates and all the day's news and the updated forecast any time, log onto ,,,, a public relations nightmare for nato. after reportedly burned copies of the koran outside of a military base. more than 2,000 afghans chanted "death to america," outside bagram air force base. they're blaming nato troops for thoughing away copies of the koran, with a pile of trash. nato's top troops says it was a mistake and has ordered an investigation. a second bailout for greece, boosts stocks today. but the rescue package comes with some consequences. european chiefs finalize the deal. the 172 billion dollar bailout slashes more than 20% off the minimum wage. and one in every five government workers will be laid off over the next three years. greece needs the money to avoid going bankrupt next month. >> with the budget ax starting to swing at the pentagon, maryland's air national guard is taking a big hit. the air force is eliminating the cargo planes and possibly jobs as well. >> whether it's delivering a paratrooper or pile of supplies, they are delivering a smaller, twin-engine plane. they start deploying to afghanistan. when they return, the air force is planning to eliminate the aircraft. and the heart of maryland's airlift capability. >> that is a concern for us. >> reporter: because these planes aren't just used in war. they also bring supplies to disaster zones. removing them will save the air force money, but maybe not jobs am. >> you've got the flyers, the pilots. the load masters. 250 to 300 of the somewhere in that region. -- range. >> the sentiment is everybody loves this mission. they love flying. but we understand that we're here to serve the country. and if they take the mission away from us and give us another mission, we'll make that succeed also. >> reporter: that new mission will likely focus on cyber security and intelligence gathering. the guard views that as a plus. but -- >> what that impact is going to be here, though, we don't know yet. >> reporter: whileim pacould is still -- while the impact is still losing planes, what we don't know is what it will do in afghanistan. >> let's worry about what we're going to do for the job. >> when the planes leave maryland for good. al, demetrick, wjz eyewitness news. >> eliminating the cargo planes must still be approved by congress. they will remain with the guard through september when they return from afghanistan. a criminal trial is under way for a crane owner whose rig collapsed in new york city, killing two workers. prosecutors say james loma pinched pennies on a crucial repair. while defense argues that workers' mistakes cause the collapse. it happened two months after another manhattan crane collapse killed seven people. if convicted of manslaughter, loma could face up to 17 years in prison. an iowa mother is charged with getting her 22-month-old child drunk. police say the child would not stop crying and could not keep a steady balance. doctors found the child had been given alcohol and had an alcohol blood level above the state's limit. the toddler's mother is now in jail. scott pelley has a preview of what's coming up tonight on the cbs evening news. the dow crosses 13,000 for the first time in nearly four years. has the economy finally turned the corner? we'll look at the evidence tonight on the cbs evening news. >> thanks, scott. here's a look at tonight's closing numbers from wall street. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,, it is another unseasonably mild february evening. hard to believe the month is coming to an end. and there is no snow on the ground. bog bok -- bob turk has the weather. >> nine years ago, had about two feet left on the ground. nothing like that now. temperatures starting off in the mid- to upper 30s. getting into the upper 50s. ending up around 61 or so in the afternoon, with increasing clowldzs. -- clouds. maybe a shower in the region tomorrow night. again, a chance of a shower thursday, late in the day. 68, 46 on thursday. 66. and they get to 70 on thursday. 66, good chance of showers. maybe a thunderstorm as a cold front comes through on friday night. it will get windy and turn colder for the weekend. 49 on saturday. and mostly sunny. 46. a little chilly is there on sunday. denise? >> all right. thank you, bob. still to come on eyewitness news tonight. going the distance to get better. the orioles reach halfway around the world for talent. >> mark has more on the orioles, well, we're almost at march, when everybody's hopes elevate for the orioles. everybody starts out with a poof of hope. mark is here with the wjz the fan sports report. >> you need a roster and maybe a translator. the orioles open to the -- the door to asia. koji was the first japanese- born player to play for the oryoalts. and the -- orioles. it's our masn on wjz spring training report. lefty pitcher wii young chen is the first taiwanese-born player. and 31-year-old, a veteran of a japanese pro league also expected to be part of the orioles starting rotation. rick adare with working on the new guys. >> i think they're -- their input is going to be as important as anything. we'll have a one-on-one meeting. she goes for the first time. and we'll sit down with him tomorrow and get their input. and their input into what they're doing will really dictate how we direct what we're doing with them. >> off to the side today, brian rockets -- roberts took indoor batting practice. unclear whether he'll be able to play this year. he continues to deal with concussion symptoms. there is college basketball tonight. terps looking at their game against miami as a chance to bounce back from maryland's worst of the season. happened saturday. left the struggling terps frustrated and angry about what has come of their season. the focus now is what is left of their season. four games to go in the regular season. and for senior sean mosely. knowing the end of his career is near, he is left optimistically to think of what is left. >> i think don't leave anything for granted out on the court. just play however, 40 minutes in. and try to overcome the virginia feeling. it's a bad taste and i'm off now. >> there is home cooking at comcast center to give them a chance to improve that bad taste. terps and hurricanes, 8:00 tonight. baltimore's carmelo anthony getting into action. he missed seven games with an injury. anthony scored 11 points. but it ends up a disappointing loss to new jersey. and melo was asked about sharing the ball with lynn. >> there's going to be times when i have the ball and the situation, being a distributor. and trying to be aggressive. but for the most part, i want jeremy having the ball in his hands. >> reporter: he was the next leading scorer with 21 points last night. he has averaged 25 points per game in the 10 games he started. new york plays host with atlanta tomorrow night. college lacrosse today. hopkins taking on delaware. check out hopkins freshman well stanwick. races to the line, earns the possession. and catches delaware napping. has first career goal. heads-up play from the freshman by boys latin. they're still playing. i'll have an update on that, plus maryland basketball highlights tonight at 11:00. >> all right. thank ,,,,,,,, okay, that looks great. were you profitable last month? how much money is in your checking account? have the browns paid you for their addition yet? your finances are scattered all over the place. mm-hmm. what are your monthly expenses? you keep your receipts in plastic baggies? seriously? 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[ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪ don't miss the cbs primetime lineup tonight at 10:00. new episode of the hit drama, unforgettable. and that's it for us tonight. back at 11:00. i'm denise koch. >> thanks for watching ,, >> pelley: tonight, lucky 13. the dow hits 13,000 for the first time in nearly four years. that has economy turned the corner? anthony mason reports. could gas prices stop the recovery? norah o'donnell tells us why prices are rising and what the white house has to say. heart attack is the number one killer of women. but dr. jon lapook tells us they may be missing the warning signs. and dean reynolds with a photographer who finds beauty where most folks would never think to look. >> there's just something about that kind of... again, that hidden beauty. i like to open people's eyes to th that. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: good evening, it has been a long time coming. the stock market returned to a major milestone today. the blue chip index crossed 13,000 for the first time in ne nearly four years. it wound up closing south

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