schools, the level of funding he is proposing means that while school needs grow, the income doesn't. >> yes, it is level funding. most school systems for the first time during this crisis, will now have to make the same tough choices that the rest of government has been making for the last four years. and i know it won't be easy. >> reporter: don't expect that to sit well with anybody. >> i don't think you're going to find one executive in any jurisdiction that doesn't believe that they should get more bucks. >> reporter: senate minority leader nancy jacobs doesn't think the governor's cuts go far enough. >> he mentioned the words, "running in place." we can choose to run in place. i think that's what he's done. he's chosen to run in place. >> he does want a new law for utilities to respond quickly in catastrophe. >> how long do you want to wait in the cold and the dark for deregulated markets to turn the electric back on? >> reporter: the governor is proposing a bill to require a quick response from the utilities. and there's a hearing on that next week. reporting live from annapolis, i'm pat warren. back to you on television hill. >> the governor also wants to adjust pensions and come up with a plan to safeguard horse racing and the preakness. three mta stations get the all-clear after sparks prompt a brief scare. a conductor spotted the sparks this afternoon. service was stopped at the shot tower, johns hopkins, and charles center, while firefighters investigated. no one was hurt. and service is now back to normal. more people dead in egypt, as violence grows more intense on the streets of cairo. wjz has complete coverage. mike hellgren has more as students recover. we begin with joel brown, reporting from wjz on the chaos. protestors on both sides hurled rocks at each other. while army troops and tanks attempted to separate them. for the second day in a row, demonstrators face off with loyalists to the egyptian president. even with all of the violence and sporadic gunfire, 10,000 protestors are standing their ground in cairo's central square. egypt's newly appointed prime minister apologized for wednesday night's violence that left at least six dead and over 800 wounded, as doctors cared for the wounded, many blamed mubarak's ruling party for the attack. >> we need justice. we need to punish those who have committed these atrocities, these crimes against humanity. >> reporter: mubarak has said he will leave at the end of his term in september. but the white house says that is not good enough. >> we pray that the violence in egypt will end and that the rights and aspirations of the egyptian people will be realized. >> reporter: crowds beat reporters and photographers. security forces detained dozens of others. the u.s. evacuated about 2,000 americans from the country and planned to bring 1500 home in the coming days. it may be just in time. protestors are organizing a massive demonstration on friday, calling it mubarak's day of departure. in washington, joel brown, wjz eyewitness news. >> wjz complete coverage continues, live from johns hopkins university. mike hellgren has fresh perspective on the chaos from students who just left egypt. good evening, mike. >> good evening, kai. >> graduate students got back less than 24 hours ago. they had been to egypt before. but they had never seen anything quite like this. >> these images showed the chaos in egypt, the intensity of a revolution. >> these are the ancient egyptian cases. >> reporter: johns hopkins graduate student marilyn frazier and luxor returned where they had been studying when protests grew over the weekend. >> we spent most of the afternoon, on the roof of our hotel, watching people march on the streets. >> we definitely had to go in at one point because they were throwing tear gas. there were molotov cocktails being thrown at government buildings. >> we could see people breaking into buildings, throwing rocks at them. >> when we saw how it had escalated, when we started really feeling, we should probably really get out of here sooner rather than later. >> reporter: they said the scenes now coming out of cairo are far more heated. their egyptian friends were the first to worry about their safety. >> the egyptians were so concerned about us. and i think with the foreigners leaving, now they can focus on addressing their own problems. >> reporter: and they had to keep their families in the u.s. up to date. >> our families were definitely concerned. luckily, we were able to call home and through the internet, when we still had it. >> the journeys home took them to qatar, then london, then on a flight to dulles. >> reporter: both have such a passion for egypt, its history and culture, they can't wait to return and are anxious to see what the future holds for this ancient land. >> it's so anxious. it was definitely that intense, anxious feeling. >> it's good to see change happening. but without knowing what the result is going to be, it's definitely worrisome. >> reporter: wjz has also learned tonight that members of the national guard, from towson, dundalk, white oak, and elkton, will be headed to egypt next month. this was already scheduled before the protests that we're seeing now. reporting live in north baltimore, mike hellgren, wjz eyewitness news. >> all right, mike. thank you. in a television interview today, president hosni mubarak said he is ready to leave office but cannot step down before elections because he fears chaos will ensue if he leaves. caught in the most unusual way. tonight, a burglary suspect is off the streets. and you won't believe how police made the arrests. vic is in the newsroom to explain. >> reporter: you could say the 25-year-old has his cell phone battery to blame. cody wilkins is linked to several burglaries. his latest was allegedly in silver springs. as the homeowners came home, wilkins jumped out a window and fled. but he left his cell phone charging in a pocket. they police used that phone to track him down. >> the suspect is out on bail. 695 in eastern baltimore county. a truck carrying steel coils and a car were involved. it is unclear who hit who. traffic is now back to normal. weather woes continue tonight to the west of us. and it's unclear who are to blame for the deadly oklahoma crash. three people were killed after an suv drove off a snow-covered interstate. the cause is under investigation. in chicago, people there are not just digging out their cars. some people have to dig their ways off streets. the region got a whopping 20 inches off the ground yesterday. here in baltimore, a good amount of our snow is washed away. some ice, though, is still outside. should we expect another winter storm? wjz is live with first warning weather coverage. bob turk and meteorologist tim williams are tracking first warning doppler radar. let's take a look at radar. around here, quiet. and we had a lot of sunshine today. chilly today. take a look at radar. you see nothing going on at all am we're down to 32 degrees. and in fact, take a look at the rest of the temperatures around the region. only getting up to 34. 35 in ocean city. the dew point is low. it will get chilly tonight, with lighter winds. winds now out of the northwest, down quite a bit from earlier. tim has a current look at the wind chills and the possibilities of precipes headed our way, -- precipes headed our way early saturday. >> definitely, the winds have died down saturday. they feel closer to that. but the wind chill, when it's blowing and coming in from the northwest make its feel like the 20s. 16 in oakland. and down in the mid- to upper 20s on the shore. 20 degrees is what it feels like in elkton county in cecil. we were watching the storm develop off the coast. we'll start to see the clouds increase tomorrow. but we're looking at temperatures in the 40-degree range. what comes red -- across here, it's going to be mostly rain. it's going to happen in the wee hours, where the temperatures are the coldest. but we'll see mostly rain out of this system. there's still a lot more systems to come, though. and bob will have complete details in your complete updated first warning forecast. back to you inside. 10 tons and counting. that is the amount of poached stripe bass confiscated t. investigators won't say specifically how they're finding these illegal hauls. but alex demetrick reports, a new high-tech tool may be playing a part. >> reporter: no matter how much horse power, natural resources police have a lot of bay to patrol. finding gill nets anchored to the bottom can seem next to impossible. but this week, that kind of poaching was discovered. >> based on the information that comes to us. >> and this small, gps tracking device may have helped provide that information. hidden in dorchester county. >> haven't seen anything like it. and i'm learning as i go. you know, just kind of trying to figure out what is going on. >> i think that is what this is for, to try to catch us. to try to find out where they were shutting us. >> waterman's association president, larry sims, believes natural resources police are using the devices. >> they had a court order. or if it says -- they will later do it. >> a metal plate is secured here, out of sight. and the device is snapped into place. trackers might be tracking a new surveillance system. police said it wasn't used for the gill net bust. but as for its potential. >> follow the boat lead. >> dean price had not been charged with any crime and wants police to explain why the device was on his boat. meanwhile, whoever is poaching is having an impact. >> they're stealing from other work. we need to break this poaching up. >> alex demetrick, wjz eyewitness news. >> a spokesperson for natural resources police refused to comment on the devices but did tell wjz, court orders had been obtained for the ongoing investigation. still -- uh-huh. it is. still ahead on eyewitness news at 5:00. the man behind the mask. he almost got away with it. you will not believe who is responsible for this las vegas heist. will there be justice for phoenix? the dog that was set on fire and died? a jury is now deciding if the two teens charged with that cruelty are responsible. that's next. i'm ron matz in canton. and if you're a fan of natty boh, there's reason to celebrate. we'll tell you why coming up, here on wjz's eyewitness news. calm over maryland. bob is tracking what is headed our way for the weekend. ,,,,,,, a call for justice for the dog phoenix. now, two teenagers may soon find if they were responsible. suzanne collins is there with they are still out. and the prosecutors say that they will find justice for phoenix if they are found guilty. but one says there is no justice in finding the wrong person guilty of the crime. >> it is a case of animal cruelty that nobody can forget. >> phoenix is not here. and the pictures are so hard to look at. it's something that someplace in my mind is going to stay with me always. >> the question today is did the brothers, travers and tremain johnson actually ignite the dog. no witnesses came forward who actually saw it happen. >> i think this is case is a learning case for the city of baltimore. and i say that in terms of the citizens, in terms of them taking animal abuse seriously. >> reporter: prosecutors asked jurors to connect the dot. a police officer says a grainy video from a police camera puts the twins at the west baltimore corner at the right time. but a woman who identified them running away then says she is motivated by the hefty reward. that grew to $27,000, coming from compassionate people who watched the puppy cling to life for five days before being put to sleep. >> i'm afraid that they might walk. that they might get off. because the baltimore city police did not take this seriously, not until phoenix's death. >> one defense attorney pointed out 41 flaws in the police investigation, like no crime scene being taped off, no evidence being collected until weeks later, and lots of room for mistaken identity. >> reporter: jurors have been deliberating since 1:00. at 4:30, they came back into the courtroom to review that police camera video. they're still there now. kai, back to you. >> suzanne, thank you. the johnson twins face four counts each, all related to animal cruelty and abuse. if you're waiting for someone to get home from work, let's check in on thed radios right now. -- the roads right now. here's kristy breslin. the rush hour is definitely in full swing. as far as the harrisburg expressway goes, plenty of brake lights there. that's from shawon to -- shawon to belfast. traffic is crawling along. the north side outer loop, not much better there. still heavy traffic there, from york road to the jones falls expressway in that direction. almost 30 minutes drive time. that's from liberty road to 795. and at northbound 95, still struggling there from eastern avenue, past the beltway. as far as accidents go, mcdonogh road, at foxfield, and owings mills in rosedale. and also in the city, garrison boulevard, at mondolin avenue. let's take a live look. look at all of the traffic west of beltway road. and here's another look at the congestion there, over on the west side at liberty. this traffic report is brought to you by disney on ice. disney on ice presents princess wishes. including tinkerbell, coming to the first mariner arena, february 9th through the 13th. you can get your tickets online. for the third time, there is a push to offer the children of illegal immigrants who have grown up in maryland, the ability to pay in-state tuition at some colleges and universities. the city of baltimore is supporting the idea. if the words on this paper become law, it would change the lives of the people of this hearing in council chambers. they have grown up in maryland, have graduated from maryland high school, and now they want to go to college. what is standing in the way is their parents. it will cost them a lot more to go to college. in-state tuition is $2700. the out of state is $8300, a cost few illegals can afford. >> i work two jobs in order to save money. and i attend college next semester, since the tuition is too high. as i'm considered an international student, even though i have live maryland immediate for eight years. >> college is not an option. when being charged two times or three times more for international pricing. >> reporter: the city council heard from those supporting the change. >> i think what we're talking about here is leveling the playing field. >> sure. >> for our students who have proven that their parents are paying taxes. >> reporter: but there is strong opposition in annapolis. said the house minority leader, the citizens of maryland do not offer in-state tuition to their fellow americans, why would we offer in-state tuition to people who violate the laws to get here? instead, they voted to let them know it supports in-state tuition for illegal immigrants. >> in two weeks, there will be a hearing. one third are from the baltimore area. mary, back to you. >> thank you. the governor's spokesperson says they will have to study the final legislation to determine if they will support it. finally, some breaking news right now, causing a traffic backup on 295. sky eye chopper 13 over the scene in south baltimore. captain mike perry, above it with more. what's going on, captain mike? >> we have a two vehicle crash in southbound 295, just south of waterview avenue. this is in south baltimore. a little south of camden yards. as you can see, there are several people injured. two vehicles both collided and left the roadway, causing substantial damage. at least one lane remains open here. everything else is closed, as you come out of the city, onto southbound 295. expect delays as police activity continue their investigation. no word on the seriousness of the injuries. back to you on tv hill. >> all right, captain mike. thank you. we'll continue to follow that. a lot of sunshine, chilly, nice winter day. it was dry. >> it was cold, though. >> it was cold out there. take a look at temps right now. we are down to freezing. . the winds have calmed down. come back and take a look at the friday weekend forecast after this. [ male announcer ] verizon believes that no small business should be invisible, so we decided to help a real small business make it easier for customers to find them. my name is elizabeth heinz, we're at isabella's boutique in rockville center, new york. do me a favor, and search for your business. alright. ♪ what did you find? nothing. i mean, if you don't have a website, you're basically invisible. [ male announcer ] 40% of small businesses don't have a website. but with verizon websites powered by intuit, it's so easy you can do it yourself, and so powerful it can make any small business more visible. add photos... and then, we'll hit "publish." i have a website?! you have a website. oh my gosh, i can't believe it was that easy. [ male announcer ] verizon can put your small business on over 100 search sites so customers can find you, with a personalized business e-mail address that connects with your site. visit me at [ male announcer ] small business owners, don't be invisible. call today and get a 6 month free trial of verizon websites powered by intuit, when you sign up for verizon's reliable high-speed internet & phone for business, just $84.99 a month with no term contract required. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities verizon. the hardest working network in business. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. if guests don't come downh with no term contract required. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities to visit our beaches, we don't have an economy. my wife and i manage vacation rental homes here. we were booked up for the entire year and then the oil spill hit. i didn't know what to expect, but bp did what they said they were going to do. i brought my cancellations and bp made up the difference. now the beaches are clean and tourists are coming back and we're looking forward to a great next year. come on down. our gulf coast is open for business. it is a few high clouds down to the south of us. high, cirrus clouds. and during the day tomorrow, they will thicken up. by late tomorrow night, we will get lower and lower. by 1:00, 2:00 in the morning, saturday morning. look for brief periods of wet, snow and sleet. and just rain on and off during the day saturday. it is going to warm up. not going to have any issues to worry about. except it's going to be chilly. 35, ocean city around the baltimore metro. temperatures are at or below the freezing mark. 34, 32 in the city on north and west. any of the melt being we had today, little puddles are going to freeze up like this morning. slick spots. be careful. 34 and 26 today. the average is 42 and 24. the records, 66. 1932. 1961. right now, the winds have come down from earlier. we had wind gusts, 30, 34 miles an hour early today. out of the west/northwest, what a new, cold dry air mass into the region. now, high pressure is over the area right now. cool, chilly, dry conditions. down to the south, an old frontal system, creating shower activity now from texas through portions of colorado. more gulf moisture. it was in the 80s in southern florida. that warm air is riding over this chilly air. across extreme southern north carolina and south carolina. and eventually, that rain will be moving into our region, as warmer air will be flowing in. briefly, early on saturday morning, may see a few wet snowflakes, a little sleet and goes right to rain. to our north will be a little band of rain and snow mixture from about, i'd say, western maryland. northern new york suburban areas. and northern new jersey may see couple of inches of wet snow on saturday. our region, just looking for rain. winds tomorrow, southwest, 5 to 10 knots. and a small craft advisory. bay temp around 33 degrees. so tonight, it will be genuinely cleared. 18 with snow on the ground. light winds. tomorrow, back up to 40. increasing clouds. a little mix to rain, after 1:00 a.m. on saturday morning. most of us, while we're sleep, will be all done. saturday morning, 7:00 to 8:00, light rain and chilly temps. >> bob, thank you. beautiful start to the weekend. >> it's all right. some snow. still ahead on eyewitness news at 5:00. serial killer locked up tonight. he's caught red-handed. what charles manson smuggled behind bars. beat duke week. it's a plan to curtail rioting on the university of maryland campus, after basketball game. did it work? i'm gigi barnett at the university of maryland. coming up, the student its' reaction. -- students' reaction. coming call alejandro. >> it's that time of year. a sneak peek at th,,,,,,,,,,,, it's 5:30, clear and 32 degrees out there. good evening, everybody. and thank you for staying with wjz's eyewitness news. here are some of the stories people are talking about tonight. civility on campus. it's what the university of maryland student government pushed for at last night's game against duke. but did they get it? gigi barnett went to college park today to find out. >> reporter: it's quiet at the university of maryland tonight, just as school leaders wanted. this year, the university took extra steps to avoid this. students rioting, after last year's win over duke. >> i remember trying to get home in all of that. i was like, oh, it's just not worth it. >> reporter: prince george's county police responded, with this video of officers beating one student made national news. but this year, the student government association tries something different. an organized beat-duke week. helping them channel their excitement elsewhere. >> we're creating a place there are -- place for them to come celebrate. we're hoping everyone else comes down to join us. >> reporter: after a blowdown, students notice a change. >> i could get in trouble for doing this. instead of realizing that maybe it's not the best idea. >> we don't want to be viewed as the students that arrive on this. >> the university of maryland spokesman said, they are pleased with the outcome. it was a well-attended event and everyone had a good time. students were safe and responsible. we had no issues whatsoever. >> reporter: and in addition to a pregame prep rally, the studentless also hosted -- students also hosted a pregame prep rally bonfire. more than 200 students attended that. coach gary williams also attended and asked students students to behave themselves this year. police say 30-year-old christian rojas held up a kentucky fried chicken in odenton. then he robbed a quizno's less than two miles away. officers now facing several charges. police arrest a 29-year-old las vegas man in an armed robbery of a posh las vegas resort. surprising ties to a las vegas judge. denise? anthony carlya was arrested and is facing robbery and weapons charges. he is the son of a las vegas municipal court judge. police believe he is the man seen in this surveillance tape, running out of the bellagio casino, following the december heist, of $1.54 million in chips. it took less than three mrnlts for the -- minutes for the robber to get away with the chips. police are not saying if he tried to cash them in. >> he is also responsible for another heist that netted $20,000 in chips. well, one of america's most notorious cult killers, charles manson, is caught with his cell phone behind bars for the second time in two years. prison guards found his contraband phone during a routine search in his cell. they're still investigating how he got the phone and who he may have called. manson is serving life for 17 murders, including actress sharon tate. two teenagers accused in the severe beating of an elderly black fisherman in locust point. tonight, for the first time, one of the teenagers speaks exclusively to eyewitness news. derek valcourt has that story. >> they thought i was racist. i am not a racist. >> reporter: emmanuel miller was just 16 years old when he and his 17-year-old friend zachary watson were arrested and charged as adults in connection with the brutal beating of james privet, an elderly black fisherman near fort arm stead park. he pled guilty and received a 31-year sentence in prison for his role in the beating. >> did you hit him? >> no, i did not hit that man. and neither did my friend zachary watson. calvin beat the man up and told us to get in the car. we just seen what he could do to somebody. so we got in the car. >> reporter: what do you regret about that night? >> i regret getting in the car. i regret hanging out with a guy like that, and not calling for help. i wish i would have ran for help. >> the juvenile system is completely designed to rehabilitate. the adult system is really about punishment. >> reporter: attorney steve silverman helped get miller's case brought into juvenile court. his rehabilitation has been so impressive, a judge has already released him on probation, a very different story from his best friend watson, who though only a few months older, still awaits trial as an adult and could face life in prison. >> if you could see the victim, mr. privet today, what would you say to him? >> i would say i'm sorry for what happened to him. and i would let him know that me and zachary did not take part in the beating. and we are sin sire -- sincerely sorry and i wish we would have gotten help for him. >> friends and family say he is staying out of trouble and looking to go to college. >> a trial date has not yet been set for zachary watson. the impact of a crash left a huge hole in a brick wall. police say a school employee found the car early this morning. the driver and two passengers were pronounced dead at the scene. fortunately, no students were inside the building. investigators are trying to determine what caused the crash. another sign of recovery in the gulf of mexico, following the devastating bp oil spill. government officials have reopened a 4200-square-mile area of federal waters off of louisiana, mississippi, and alabama, to royal red shrimping. the area was closed in november, after a commercial shrimper discovered tar balls in his net. officials say royal red shrimp and other fish in the area are now safe to eat. the deep water horizon oil rig exploded in april 2010, killing 11 men and leading to the worst oil still in u.s. history. the well was capped on july 15th. the internet has run out of addresses. the last few blocks of numerical ip addresses will be distributed today. not to worry, though, there's a new system ready to go that allows for trillions more. ip addresses are numerical labels that route traffic on the internet, sort of like your phone number. verizon begins taking orders for the new apple iphone today. the carrier is offering several plans. voice and unlimited texting starts in a month. sales will open up to everyone else a week from today. time now for a quick look at some of the stories you'll find in tomorrow morning's edition of the baltimore sun. analysis and reaction to governor martin o'malley's state of the state address. hear from a former four seasons member about the jersey boys. and a roundup of area kitchen. remember to look for the updated forecast from wjz's first warning weather team. it's a beer with a rich baltimore history. and if you love a cold natty boh, you'll be celebrating tonight. ron matz has more on the return of mr. boh in all of his glory. >> national beer, national beer -- >> reporter: it's the beer that defines baltimore. >> so iconic. i mean, it's like your grandfather's basement. it's like your stoop in highlandtown. >> reporter: tonight, natty boh is back on tap for the first time in 15 years. they'll be celebrating in canton, with scotty mccusker's mr. boh car right out in front. >> we're going to tap the first k here at not yo mama's, big honor, the s.p. winner allowed me to do that. so we're expecting a lot of people to come down. >> reporter: just look around baltimore today. you'll see mr. boh everywhere. >> reporter: he looks down from brewers hill. not yo mama's is a natty boh shrine. >> my wife wants me to go on that show hoarders because i have so much at home and in my office. it's been a passion to collect all of this stuff. and the restaurant. >> reporter: and tonight, the passion for mr. boh is back in baltimore. >> driving home from a long trip, and you see the natty boh on the brewers hill? it makes you feel good. >> reporter: ron matz, wjz eyewitness news. >> and there is the beautiful sign of natty boh, right there. >> can't miss that. the family of late jerry hoff berger. he is the man who owned the national brewery and once owned the baltimore orioles. kai, i have a story for you tonight. >> yes, what's that? >> sample some natty boh? >> yes. first off the tap. i think that would be fun. don't miss the cbs evening news with katie couric. here's one of the stories they're working on. in a bad winter, enough salt is put on u.s. roadways to fill the louisiana super dome four and a half times. where does all of it come from? i'm seth jones. tonight, we journey deep inside a salt mine, only on the cbs evening news with katie couric. and still to come tonight on wjz's eyewitness news, back to television. new speculation about the future of charlie sheen's career. location, location, location. find out how your child's neighborhood impacts his or her health. bob turk, first warning weather center. a little bit of a wintry mix possible in the works. i'll have the exclusive first warning five-day forecast. first, here's today's report from wall street. we'll be right back. ,,,, cc [ male announcer ] verizon believes that no small business should be invisible, so we decided to help a real small business make it easier for customers to find them. my name is elizabeth heinz, we're at isabella's boutique in rockville center, new york. do me a favor, and search for your business. alright. ♪ what did you find? nothing. i mean, if you don't have a website, you're basically invisible. 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[ male announcer ] verizon can put your small business on over 100 search sites so customers can find you, with a personalized business e-mail address that connects with your site. visit me at [ male announcer ] small business owners, don't be invisible. call today and get a 6 month free trial of verizon websites powered by intuit, when you sign up for verizon's reliable high-speed internet & phone for business, just $84.99 a month with no term contract required. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities verizon. the hardest working network in business. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. below average temperatures return today. we are still better off than most of the midwest. they're still begging out from a brutal storm. dean reynolds reports for wjz on the thousands who are still without power. the entire house is freezing. on chicago's south side, beverly and michael allison are among the half million who lost power on wednesday, just as the outside temperatures plunged into the single digits. now, their only source of warmth are the coats and hats they wore to bed. >> my snow boots. and i have five layers of clothes on. >> oh, my god. >> the frigid temperatures and widespread power outages were lingering elements of the 2,000- mile-long winter storm that brutalized 30 states this week. dumping snow and ice this week along its path from texas to new england. in milwaukee, three senior citizens died while clearing snow. >> the most wonderful man ever. ever. >> reporter: among them, 66- year-old robert knap, who collapsed while shoveling his sidewalk. nationwide, they killed people. freeze caused rolling power blackouts throughout texas, including dallas. host city of the super bowl. we knew trouble was around the corner, especially at intersections with blacked-out traffic lights. in indianapolis, a man was saved just inches from the white river, after wiping out on an ice-covered embankment. motorists in new jersey scraping windshields. and motorists struggling to stay upright. but the hundreds of snowbound cars left stranded has become the symbol of this latest midwinter blast. >> in a news conference today, chicago mayor richard daly defended the decision to close lakeshore drive. he said looking back, he would not have done anything differently. thankfully, it's calm across maryland. but that could change. meteorologist tim williams and bob turk have more. >> it will be chilly in the morning. definitely temperatures in the upper teens to low 20s. and upper 30s, maybe 40 by afternoon. increasing clouds during the afternoon and late, late tomorrow night. early saturday, maybe an hour or two of little snow, sleet, rain mixture. and then, we go to rain. tim has a look at that five-day forecast. tim? >> well, bob mentioned the rain change over into saturday. temperatures will dictate what goes on. we're looking at temperatures saturday, very close to about 40 degrees. five-day forecast looks like this. 40 on saturday. look for a little more sun sunday. 44 and 44 on monday as well. we're looking for another approaching storm. but again, the temperatures will be in the mid- to upper 30s to 40 degrees on tuesday. that's something we'll keep an eye on. that could provide another wintry mix. but again, temperatures if they stay there, will again dictate rain. for your energy saver tip of the day, we're talking about a very serious one, carbon monoxide. we're looking at carbon monoxide being a silent killer. if you start tol feel sick, dizzy, or weak, get to fresh air right away, if you suspect there could be carbon monoxide in play. it could rapidly lead to death. if you think it is carbon monoxide, get medical attention immediately. go to and click on the special section on the home page. back inside. an entire block of apartments goes up in flames. a three-alarm fire sends smoke high in the sky in dallas. firefighters contain the flames to one building in dallas. and many apartments are a loss. he is known as the rico suave bandit. and tonight he's been caught. he went into a jewelry store, posing an as interested buyer and walked away with rare diamond rings. he also pretended to be a hotel employee to gain access to hotel rooms to steal jewelry and cash. charlie sheen is in rehab. but he hopes to turn to tv's comedy by the end of the month. the 45-year-old two and a half men star is seeking treatment, following a 911 call and a hospital stay last week. cbs temporarily halted production of the show. but they said sheen's target projection is to come back and work sometime in february. check in with eyewitness news for all new stories coming up at 6:00. vic has more. frustration. his body dumped in a landfill. now now, this person is upset about the investigation. find out at 6:00. and getting ahead of the game. students at one baltimore city school are getting real world banking experience, without ever leaving campus. i'm andrea fuji. that story ahead on wjz eyewitness news. check in for these stories and all the day's breaking news coming up at 6:00. now, back to you. >> all right, vic. thank you. still to come tonight on eyewitness news. less than two weeks to the start of spring training. and the orioles continue to shop for players. andy macphail sits down with mark viviano next in sports. ,,, 3q copd makes it hard to breathe so i wasn't playing much of a role in my own life. but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now, i've got the leading part. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, vavair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator, working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart ndndition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, take the lead. ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free sports director mark viviano sat down with andy macphail to get the latest on possible player additions. >> there could be more, as andy macphail told me today, he has offers out there. the one that most fans want to know about is vetter an slugger vladimir guerrero. the o's continue to wait for a response from that. it appears they are coming down to playing for the o's for a year, sitting out for a season, or maybe even retiring. just like with any free agent, macphail says they have extended a contract offer to him. some suggest the o's need to up the ante and understand that they need to overpay for players to avoid being outbid in their offers to adam dunn and victor martinez. macphail tells me, he disagrees. >> full disclosure, i am not nor ever will be someone who will say, you know what, i have to do something knowingly stupid to bring a player here. it ain't going to happen. let's get that on the table. and the reason is, if you're paying somebody knowingly, 125 to 130% of retail, in my view, you are limiting your options going into the future. >> reporter: macphail says he has exceeded the salary budget he agreed to with owner peter angelos, and angelos is encouraging macphail to consider new players. too much partying at the super bowl? they have been seen out at the strip clubs in dallas. we'll hear from the accused. that's next in sports. kai? >> in healthwatch tonight, the quality of healthcare your child receives could depend on where you live. a new report shows the kids who live in new england are more likely to be ensured-- insured and get regular checkups than those in the south. healthy children includes iowa, massachusetts and vermont. some of the worst states are florida, texas and nevada. maryland is ranked 16th. a huge audience. advertisers are willing to pay a fortune to reach all of those buyers. as alexis christoforous reports for wjz, the commercials are often more memorable than the game. >> reporter: the goal is to be the ad you're talking about after the super bowl. >> ole. >> reporter: companies are paying a record $3 million for a 30-second spot during the most-watched event on television. >> it's like they said. it's a big rear end. >> excuse me? >> reporter: general motors is back in the game after a two- year absence. >> back up, back up. >> reporter: gm is running five chevy ads. it's even giving away a camaro convertible to the super bowl's mvp. this year, six automakers were lined up to advertise nine different brands. creatures are making cameos. and the chimps are back. >> parked a little close. >> companies are paying ad agencies millions to come up with a memorable super bowl ad. but companies are asking consumers to create their own 30-second spot. >> sorry. they're already gone. >> no, they're not. you left the best spot. >> no, i'm pretty sure. >> six finalists will have theirs during the big game. they're betting an amateur can score them a touchdown with an estimated 100 million viewers. alexis christoforous, wjz eyewitness news. >> okay. well, this year, roseanne barr, justin bieber, and ozzy osborn will all be featured in super bowl ads. >> interesting. with the verizon iphone coming out, i'm looking to see if they will have a big ad. >> i would expect they would be. still ahead on eyewitness news tonight. great expectations and grave consequences. governor o'malley's state of the state address, coming up on eyewitness news. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, coming up tonight on eyewitness news. governor martin o'malley's state of the state address. where he says maryland stands in his vision for the next four years. battle in the streets. anti-and pro government forces clash in egypt. when will the violence end? plans to curtail rioting on the university of maryland's campus, after the basketball game. did it work? i'm gigi barnett, coming up, the students' reaction. chilly night ahead. don't miss the updated first warning forecast. check in for these stories and all the day's breaking news. wjz eyewitness news at 6:00 starts now. state of the state. >> in times such asked as these, marylanders don't make excuses. we make progress. >> reporter: the government says maryland -- governor

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