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hope and daniel continue arguing indistinctly daniel okay . Sure. He just gets kind of jealous, thats all. Does he have reason to be . Oh, come on, im not that flattered. Anyway, manfreds just a showoff. Hes one of lifes eternal flirts. Hmm. Has he played up like this before . Daniel, i mean. A little but, you know, nothing thats not age and gender appropriate. Can you please stop rescuing me . Ill try not to make a habit of it. Maybe you should come work for my dad. Nasty feeling he wouldnt understand my accent. I could be your interpreter. Couldnt afford you. Too old for ambition is that it . Ive seen where it gets you. laughter, chatter in distance they here for me . Afraid so. Come on, this way. overlapping shouting distant bell tolling i had this crazy dream that over here i could i dont know disappear. Sounds very human to me. Oh, boy. You know when youre a long way from home and you do stupid stuff . You want to tell me about it . Some rock. Congratulations. Theyre all set to announce the engagement at jessicas Birthday Party and i dont know anything about him. The night of the murder, daniel says he was with you until 4 00. And my sergeant spoke to the press photographer who took those snaps for the paper. According to him the pair of you slipped out of the nightclub just before midnight. Daniel proposed outside college. He said hed forgotten the ring. He needed to go pick it up. How long was he away, hope . About three hours. Please, dont say anything. Lewis theres no point lying to us, daniel. After you left hope at college what then . Listen, i was getting engaged. Its a big step. I. I just needed some head space. There. Now can you please leave him alone . Lewis where did you go . Daniel home. Got my head straight. What . Drove or. . Walked. Yet to pass his test. Lazy so and so. Thank you, daniel. Mind if we show ourselves out . The last time mullan was seen by his housemate was when . 10 00ish. He dropped hadley in town. Yeah, exactly. He dropped him in town. What does that say to you . Mullan gave him a lift. Right. Spool back three years. Hes sent down for drunken driving. But he gets one more penalty. Yeah, driving license revoked for ten years. So he was driving without a license. Right. That, the dope in his ashtray, the dirty pictures on his walls. The guy was meant to be born again. Somethings not right. I knew it the minute i walked into his room. Get on to hobson. I need to see those dna results. Hathaway wrong corpse. Right corpse, wrong name. Your murder victim is not Steven Mullan. Innocents gonna love this. Come on. Forgive me if im struggling to get my head round this, but the man formerly known as Steven Mullan is in fact. Alex hadley, late of this parish. And he was formally identified by . By his housemate whose name is in fact. Steven mullan. Swapsies, maam. Try to look as if youre enjoying this a little less, would you . Is this your mess . Actually dont answer. Just get it cleared up will you . Before the press start doing cartwheels outside my office. sighs alex hadley. What, if anything, do we know about him . Well, hes a bit of a drifter according to his sister. Son of a highlydecorated naval officer who died when he was a kid. Not much contact with the family. Spent most of the last decade in goa. Innocent is he known to us . Had his wrists slapped last summer for class c drugs possession. Which is how his dna wheedled its way onto the national database. But why on earth if they were living together. . What does the real Steven Mullan say about this . Ill be sure to ask him when i find him. Hathaway he hasnt turned up to work since he falsely identified our corpse. Im keeping his place under surveillance in case he gets homesick. We think hes our killer . Hes certainly acting like one. A motive might help. muttering i mean honestly. No. Let me finish. You tear the life, the soul, the innocence, out of your own belief system, and you sit there like some old relic from a dead empire blathering on about the purpose of faith. This is the bit where i clear my desk out under the cover of darkness. Do you want a hand . Im almost done, thanks. Not much, is it . Three years. One box. Good night and thank you. Im pleased for you. You know that, dont you . laughs no, youre not, james. You are never going to be. Im sorry. Yeah. See ya. See ya. Well, the other night when our leader announced mckendricks promotion your longfaced sergeant. Hes always longfaced. Hathaway has his reasons. He sees his contemporaries rising through the ranks and thinks why not me . laughs what . When we came to say goodbye, do you remember, you and mckendrick airkissing like a couple of tarts in an operetta . Garlic bread notwithstanding . I was just being polite, as i would with any seven. Yeah, but what did hathaway do . Hug . Kiss . Mexican wave . I dont know. I. Nothing. Thats what. Two colleagues worked together for years. Absolutely no bodily contact. Now why would that be, detective . Hed have told me. Wouldnt he . bell buzzing mullans not dead . Lewis thats correct. Well, at least that lets me off the hook. Anyway, i wanted you to hear it from me first. Thanks. quiet clatter oi no cheating ive got eyes in the back of my head. The rest of the family not in . No, ceel took dan and his girlfriend off for a curry. You werent tempted to join them . Hmm. Wed only cramp their style. Lewis by the way, just for the record did you remember your movements in the car . On the night in question . Sorry. Up to my eyes. Lecture first thing. Oh, thank you for your support. My misadventure last night at the union. I wouldnt call it that. Rattenbury now, dont be polite. I was certifiably awful, but i dont mind. Perhaps i need reminding. Of what . Ah, standing in a pool of light. Telling other people how to lead their lives. It all seems somehow soiled. What were they after, any idea . Sir . Mullan and the other fellow, swapping names. Oh, ii dont know yet. Mmhmm. Fresh start perhaps. Clean slate. You know, i almost envy them. What was his real name . Your victim . Alex hadley. Mean anything to you . No. door closes jess . I dont want to play anymore. Oi. Steven mullan . Half the force is out looking for you. It was alexs idea. The swap . Thats right. Why . Why would hadley. . He was going about with this girl. Name . I dont know. Maddy, madeleine. Married to someone else, of course. Anyway, the husband found his texts, and it was game over as far as she was concerned. And then one day in he comes, hands me a beer. Ive got a little confession to make, he says. Hed only gone and got himself a job at the husbands shop. And when the bloke asked his name, he said he was. Steven mullan. Yeah. This shop. Solarium, was it . Yeah. I was out of work at the time, and alex was on at me to swap names. He kept saying what have you got to lose . He swore it would be two weeks he swore it would be two weeks, but he was was too busy enjoying himself messing about with the wife underneath the old ns nose. Why did you put up with it . Did hadley pay you threaten you . Come on. Look at me. Look at what i am. Ive spent the last three years of my life running away from my own shadow. Someone comes along and says start over. New name, new life. Im not going to think twice, am i . I didnt kill him. Itd be a lot more convincing if youd put that thing down. I didnt kill him. No way. I may have given up on the bible but i still try to make every choice the right one. Well, make the right choice now. Come inside with me. Lets get a statement written. No. Well, then, im going to have to arrest you. Please, i d. I dont want to hurt you. One more day. What for . Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow . Story of my life. One more day. One more day for what . He didnt say, but i trusted his sincerity, if that makes any sense. I was so sure that rattenbury was at the heart of this. Have a word with hadleys girlfriend madeleine. Yeah, worth a punt. Or you could run it past inspector mckendrick get the female perspective. What . Well, seems like a bright girl. Not my type, obviously. Whats fiona got to do with anything . Well, you brought her up. No, i didnt. Any sign of mullan this morning . No, ive got all the units out looking for him. grunting oh, come on, darling you can do better than that. I know you can. Please. You know the rules. When youve had enough, you say the password. Gazebo. Gazebo is not the password. What is it then . What is what, dear . The password you know perfectly well what it is. grunts ill get your wheelchair. Oh, for pitys sake. Has she told you . It wasnt mullan who was murdered. You want to stay strapped in that wheelchair for the rest of your life, be my guest. Ceel, thats enough. Go on, stick up for her, like you always do. I hope it makes you feel better about yourself. doorbell rings madeleine cotton . Yeah . Sergeant hathaway, oxford police. Can i come in . Thanks. Going somewhere nice . Yeah, im running late as it is. I know, ill be as quick as i can. Alex hadley. You might know him as Steven Mullan or, well, both. doorbell rings gasps thatll be my taxi. man speaks indistinctly yeah, ill be, um, ill be five minutes, mate, thanks. Mr. Cotton not joining you on your trip . chuckles what, fresh start . Well, theres no crime there. Going far . India. Goa . Thats it. Alex loved goa didnt he . Yeah, his spiritual home. Thats what he used to say. How did you meet, you two . Uh, at the solarium. Okay, so let me get this right. Your husband employed him for, what, 13 weeks . sighs only i found a text on his phone from your phone from two months before that, which means that you two were together from way back. My guess is that your husband found out about it and demanded that you end it. Am i right so far . Yeah. Only it didnt stop, did it . Then alex is killed and youve got to ask yourself what if my husband found out about it and. . No. No. You lose those sunglasses for me, madeleine . Your husband knew alex hadley was your lover. Right or wrong . sighs i dont know. We can protect you. You know that, dont you . door opens youre home early, love. Lewis check out the suntan on that. Go ahead, take a peek. Seven quid an hour you were paying him . For what, to bump and grind on your own electric beach . That must have stung. Once more with feeling, mr. Cotton. Wednesday night, 11 30. Like i said, i was doing an allnighter in the shop. Anyone see you, anyone at all . No. You sure . I already told you. I thought he was gay what with all the highlights. I only found out he was carrying on with maddy after you told us he was dead. I caught her sniveling in the storeroom and i. Gave her a slap, mr. Cotton . If i was you, id get a move on with that alibi. Hathaway and she caught me in her arms long and small therewithal sweetly did me kiss. And softly said, dear heart how like you this . it was no dream i lay broad waking. beeping but all is turnd thorough my gentleness into a strange fashion of forsaking. A lovers rebuke . Pretty much. See, according to the notes, sir thomas wyatt was passionately in love with anne boleyn but she had her hands full with henry viii so poor old wyatt hardly got a lookin. They flee from me that sometime did me seek. Literally flirting with danger wasnt he . Making moves on the kings wife. Do you think madeleine cotton could have sent this to hadley . She denies it. Oh. Do you think marc cottons capable of murder . Though it pains me to say it i actually believe his story. So if maddy didnt send this, who did . Thats interesting what passes for romance. Why no name . Adds to the mystery, i suppose. Hmm, or uncertainty. Sorry . Well, you said that they swapped names. Perhaps whoever sent that genuinely didnt know. Any joy with the wine stain on your jacket, sir . See for yourself. Little tyke. This jackets older than he is. Was that a oneoff or do you and Daniel Rattenbury generally not get on . Well, i cant say ive ever warmed to the child, though why he chose that occasion to throw one of his tantrums. Protective, perhaps, of his girlfriend . Of hope . Yes, perhaps. Does he have cause to be . Well, not on my account, though she is rather beautiful to look at if a man of my age may be allowed to say such things. Well, i suppose he was also very protective of his sister. Oh, hed have her under lock and key, given half the chance. Poor jessica. Everybody seems to forget shes now a young woman. Well, still, daniel must have been very angry after the accident. Driving a truck into the path of a young teenage girl is not an accident. Was he angry, sir . Yes, yes, i suppose he was. Hathaway are we keeping you, sir . Well, yes, as a matter of fact you are. Jessicas 21st flash old bash. Ceciles reliving her glory days. Oh, fudge. Forgot. Well, well, well. Hathaway plus guest. Is this your date for the evening . Oh, yeah, were inseparable. Come on, sir lets go and tuck you into your tux. Im better under my own steam. Thanks all the same. How long . You and her . Me and who . Fiona. Oh, for pitys sake, man. How long have you fancied Fiona Mckendrick . Call a spade a shovel, why dont you . What, you two. Yeah. For a while. Well, we were even trying to work out how on earth i was going to break up with you, sir. You know what shes like fast track and all of that. Office romance doesnt look too hot on the c. V. , does it . So, she went her way i got lumped with you. Chamber Music playing either your fathers had a massive advance for a new book hes kept quiet about or your mothers just inherited a fortune. I know. I only hope your memories are better than the hangover. Who asked you . Oh, daniel, dont throw that fizz at me. Its far too good to waste. This man thinks he can walk all over my family. Not here. Not tonight. Dan . What is wrong with that boy . I knew i should never have come. Hes right. I wouldnt spoil your evening for the world. Well, thank you for coming. Im very sorry. Why dont i walk you out. Hes just an angry young man, manfred. Dont take any notice of him. Canter tom. Hes not welcome here. Hope daniel. Who invited canter . Look, dont worry about it, all right . Just keep yourself together. Its ridiculous. I know its ridiculous but just try and keep yourself together, okay . Okay. Okay. Sorry to go on but is there really nothing youre not telling me . You and that art professor . Oh, give me some credit, will you . Daniel seems to have doubts. I wouldnt read too much into that. Just nerves, i guess. Big night. I suppose these are here on your account . Hope dads, mostly. Exmarines. Your fathers here . Private chopper from london. He should be here before nightfall for the big announcement. Introduce you, if you like. Maybe dad can persuade you to come work for us. chuckles shes trying to tap you up. She made some passing remark. Just being kind. I was quite flattered, to be honest. You reach a point in life, youve got to conclude that basically youre invisible to beautiful women. I know that feeling. String Quartet playing have you noticed the rather large burly gentleman around. . Well, its security because i understand that mr. And mrs. Carl ransome will be arriving shortly. Thats hopes parents. Im incredibly touched. Theyve just flown in from washington. Wheres jess . And i promise you ill make sure. Mum . She knows where we are. Thatd be wonderful. bird chirping gasps, groans is that you . groans grunts help yeah. siren blares thats correct. Bloody man. Tonight was meant to be so perfect. Youre sure you didnt see mullans killer . I could almost touch him. Can this not wait . A man died tonight. Jessica, i need to be clear on this. You think Steven Mullan was coming for you . Coming. Obviously he was planning some sort of an attack the man was insane. What else would he have wanted . Was he coming for you . I was so scared. Andand then your dad came. What, straightaway . No. No, i kept calling he couldnt find me. Where is your husband, mrs. Rattenbury . Do you know, inspector, i have absolutely no idea. Hey. Dad . I know im a rotten father. Dad, are you okay . I love you you know that. I never say it and i should. Obviously, ive only got myself to blame for that. Blame for what . Dad. Whatever it is its not your fault. The point is its still not too late to understand that theres still time. What are you. . To make amends. Lewis what happened to the leader of the free world . Apparently mr. Ransome turned his helicopter round the minute he heard the news. Fair enough. We might have to let maddys jealous husband off the hook. Marc cotton . For this murder, yeah, but. No, no, no, for both. He finally coughed up an alibi for wednesday night. Uniform turned up with this. Battleship potempka . Aka brenda gormley. An ageless beauty of uncertain gender. She confirms that she was with cotton in the solarium between the hours of 11 00 p. M. And 1 00 a. M. 80 quid, full body massage. Very competitive. You think this is what he meant . What . Mullan. Give me one more day, he said. One more day to go after jessica all over again. How could i have got him so wrong . Its left here. beeps phone line rings ringing ceel. Its me. Half my life pummeling christ, and here i am at the end of it chasing redemption. tires squealing crashing number one victim. Stabbed with this. Any print . No, nothing yet, im afraid. In the back. One upward thrust into his lung. Not easy felling a big chap like, um. Steven mullan. Hmm. Moving on to your crash victim. Since when was he my crash victim . Since i had a rifle through his pockets. Here. For you. Crushed under his own windscreen the poor sausage. And, uh. Theres this. sighs where . Where was the collision . The a40. About a mile west of the ring road. X marks the spot. That was the place where mullan ran into your daughter . Hes been nailed to that spot ever since. Daniel whats going on . Cecile im putting an end to it all. I got my man. Second time lucky. sighs it beggars belief. Can you confirm the handwriting . Oh, its toms. Any idea why . You mean apart from the obvious . sighs cecile everyone knows that when that man attacked my daughter no one felt the wound more deeply than tom because i think he believed it was his fault. Mum. Im sorry, darling but its the truth. As he saw it. If he hadnt have set himself up as a target in the first place. And i suppose. He must have seen that. Psychopath following jess into the maze last night. And he must have thought this is it. This is my moment. And for all anyone knows he may just have saved jesss life. Dad couldnt hurt a fly. He wasnt wired that way. Who knows what anyone is really capable of . We didnt find a note for you his family. Often, people want to say goodbye. Did he leave a message here . A text or. Not that im aware of. Oh, we. sighs we found this. I wouldnt read too much into that, inspector. Its a family heirloom. Toms father was a priest in some godforsaken parish up near carlisle. Wellwell, why would he. Oh, something to hang on to, i expect. A lucky charm. weeping banging okay, miss rattenbury, im really going to have to ask you to leave now. Its all right. Leave me alone. Its okay. Leave me alone leave me alone its okay. Hathaway jess. Get you home now. All right . Come on. whimpers are you saying. Apart from the signed confession and the other blind alleys how sure am i that rattenbury is our maze murderer . Basically, yeah. Well, ill tell you this. Mullan died of arterial wounds. All that blood youd expect some of it to end up on the killers clothes splashback but so far the only blood type weve found on tom rattenbury. Is his own. Hathaway so, whats the hypothesis . Rattenbury made a mistake . He killed alex hadley, thinking it was Steven Mullan . Hmm. What . Hadley was murdered around about midnight, right . Now, even if that light was out, theres a street lamp right outside the window. Look. He wouldve seen his victims face as he forced him under. Now, jessica never went near the trial, but her dad was at the court every day. Hed have known what mullan looked like. And he wouldve known it wasnt mullan he was drowning. Tom rattenbury confessed to both killings. All this time, youve been so sure he was our man. Why do you have to go unpicking everything . Im just saying, reasonable doubt hows a jury going to react . door opening hathaway Say Something sensible for pitys sake. Mr. Rattenburys movements wednesday night. The first killing . Yeah. Remember he said he went out for a drive . Then refused to

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