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(scraping) (tapping) so, uh, where's edgar? oh, he didn't stay tonight. kind of a booty call. more like a dine and dash. what'd you do to piss your brother off this time? nothing. i-i just suggested that chelsea's back pain might benefit from breast reduction surgery. you suggested that charlie's fiancée get smaller breasts? yeah. while you're at it, why not try and reinstate prohibition? well, anyway, charlie and i have decided to take a little break from each other, so i'll only be here a couple of days. oh, alan. i know i'm a little old to run home to mom. believe me, if i had money for a hotel, i'd be there right now. well, it's nice to know that my investment in chiropractor school was pesos well spent. hey, you know, i-i think things are starting to look up. i feel like i'm at a real turning point, career-wise. you're an eternal optimist, aren't you, alan? yes. yes, i am. oh, that just breaks my heart. ♪ men. ♪ so, we'd make an incision here... (deeply inhaling) (groans) and here... and one more here. oh, god. then we would remove some fatty tissue, reshape your breast and relocate the nipple. (groaning): oh, not the nipples. i thought you were going to be supportive. i am being supportive. i just didn't know we were going to play mr. potato head with our boobs. they're not our boobs, they're my breasts. hey, if we were to dust 'em for prints right now, who's suspect number one? i take it you're not entirely on board with this. no, no, no, no, i'm trying. i mean, i don't want her to be in pain, but come on, look at those babies. they're perfect. the only way you could improve on 'em is if you could make 'em squirt money. don't worry. they'll still be perfect when i'm done, except that your fiancée will be pain-free. hey, hey, i'm not questioning your abilities, doc. in fact, i've been a big fan of your work for years. i mean, when you make 'em freakishly huge. really? you know my work. oh, yeah. i have an honorary lifetime membership at the pussycat palace. they named a pole after me. uh-huh. you know, maybe it will help if you get a better sense of the end result. yeah. this is chelsea now. that's about right. and this is the size i'm recommending. hmm. you got the one that goes with this? sure. (gibbering) nah, what else you got? ♪ men. ♪ i, uh, i made you a cup of tea. oh, thank you, dear. whatcha doin'? just finishing up some escrow paperwork. inspector found no termite damage. sign here, sweetie, where it says "inspector." is that legal? oh, don't worry about it. there are no termites. the mold killed them. well, i guess you have to cut corners with the real estate market the way it is. true dat. initial here, here, and here. more termite stuff? the less you know the better, dear. listen, i was thinking when we're finished with this, we'd run over to rodeo drive and do a little clothes shopping. oh! rodeo drive. that sounds fun. do they have a sears or a kmart over there? oh, don't worry about it. it's my treat. no, no, no, i'm a grown man. i can't have my mom buying me shirts, slacks, boxer briefs and possibly dress shoes. you're my son, alan. i want nothing more than to see you happy. and not dressed like an unemployed lesbian. now, give me your thumb. you've never been arrested, have you? ♪ men. ♪ berta, these fish sticks are great. thank you. my secret is i take 'em out of the freezer. well, kudos. hey, where's my dad? (sighs) damn it. pay up. thought for sure he'd stay oblivious until monday. well, "obliviously," you were wrong. charlie, can i talk to you for a minute? what's up? let's talk upstairs. sure. here's your cut. no, you didn't do anything wrong. oh, cool. so what's up? you want a quickie? no. i just got a call from the plastic surgeon and they had a cancellation, so they can squeeze me in tomorrow morning. tomorrow? but... that's so soon. why put it off? well, i was hoping we'd have time to go away for a few days. you know, one last fling, just the four of us. you've flung them plenty, charlie. oh, come on, just give me some more time. time for what? time to talk you out of this. you said you were going to support me. yeah, but when do i get my support? what are you talking about? this decision affects both of us. i should get a vote. you're not the one in pain. (cries): then why does it hurt so much? oh, you're just making it worse! ♪ men. ♪ i love my new silk jammies, mom. it's like wearing a baby seal. well, i'm glad you like them, dear. oh, and i thought, tomorrow, i could take you to my hair stylist. get you one of those hip, new spiky looks. oh, that sounds like fun. although i'm only two haircuts away from a free one at the barber college. oh, nonsense. you deserve to be pampered a little bit. i kind of do, don't i? yes, you do. i just have to be careful not to make you too attractive. (chuckles) i don't want to lose my fella to another gal. (chortles) your fella. funny. well, i'm serious. you'll always be my fella. and i'll always be your best gal, right? okay. and i've been thinking, this is a big house. and you and i are clearly not the marrying kind, so... why don't you just move in? here? sure. why not? can't you see how you and me are meant to be? well, we're meant to be mother and son. that's a given. it's how we're livin'. very clever. of course, there is a certain financial imbalance. but i'm sure that we can come up with a plan that meets both of our needs. plan? there's a, there's a plan? of course there's a plan. i mean, i'm a vibrant woman now, alan, but there will come a time when i won't be able to fend for myself and i don't want to pay some stranger to dress me and feed me and carry me to the bath, soap up a wash cloth and give me a good, thorough cleaning. thanks, mom! i'll call you. that should keep him away for a while. ♪ men. ♪ (crying) are you sure you're gonna be okay? i'm fine. would you do me a little favor? what? go like this. for old time's sake. nurse: chelsea? ready for you. oh, god, this is it. take a deep breath, charlie. i will if you will. it's still gonna be me, just a little smaller. i know. i guess the good news is it'll draw more attention to your backside. what? you know, with your breasts smaller, the eye will naturally go to your ample tush. are you saying my ass is too big? no, no, no, i love your ass. i'm just saying with smaller boobs, more people will notice it. are you insane? i don't want people noticing my ass. hey, hey, hey, hey, don't kill the messenger. it's the first law of landscaping. if you trim down the tree, the backyard looks bigger. am i right? damn you, charlie harper. what? tell the doctor i changed my mind. what did i say? where are you going? home. what about your back pain? i'll live with it. are you sure? i live with you, don't i? come on. how about that? thank you, lord. you speaketh through me. captioning sponsored by cbs,warner bros. television and volkswagen. it's what the people want. a local woman accused of defrauding people out of money by pre tending to have cancer. >> i've been pre tending for over three and a half years. and how skateboarders god involved and an interview with the accused. a woman claiming to have terminal cancer admits, clues civil to w j z that she has been lying for years. the state attorney's office charged dinna leone for lying, taking people who tried to help her cope with chemotherapy. >> reporter: i have spoken to her about the case and also several people who, at one point, felt they were dying a dying woman. >> it's a scam that these women fell for on facebook. that's where dina leone, pictured on the right, contacted them. >> she told me that she was dying of cancer. >> then came e-mails and texts asking for money. >> i did not give her the $1,900. i did feel so guilty because i felt like he was not getting her cancer treatment because i could not give it to her. >> the state attorney's office tells wjz that it checked with area hospitals and found no record of cancer treatment. it was all a hoax. she is now charminged with counts of theft over 500, totaling mop than $10,000. >> vicki squires gave leone support and she is really battling breast cancer aren't it's horrible. >> i took my time and i would stop by. i would take her a card, candles and stuff. to think that she had what was good. >> did you really have cancer and where did the money go? >> i've been pre tending to be sick for over three and a half years. i really wanted to take somebody from somebody, i would be rich. i wouldn't be right now and my electric would not be getting cut off. >> she didn't give her money but catered a party for her children at cost. >> i'm very angry. it's not just about the money. it's more about her hurting people and taking advantage of our feelings, making sit here and cry for her. >> one state witness is jennifer lacic, wife of dundalk danny lacic. the couple paid for the leone's family trip to disneyland, her dying wish. she and her father said she lied to cover up being abused. >> she is a victim, not a criminal. >> i bo never take anything from anybody anymore. i do have a criminal record. but i didn't do anything now. >> there is no more sympathy or trust around this table. >> i think she needs to do a lot of time in jail and a lot of years in a hospice center to see cancer patients die. >> she will be back later in court with her he is stranged husband where she will ask for a protective order against him. i spoke to the husband's lawyer who said that these allegations are ludicrous. >> thank you, kelly. baltimore county state attorney's office says it prosecutes fraudulent charity cases about 12 times every year. now to a developing story from union memorial hospital. baltimore police shoot a man just outside the front door. police say the suspect watts stalking a patient at the -- the suspect was stalking a patient at the hospital. officers were waiting for him when he showed up. they tried to take him into custody but he did not cooperate. >> he became resistant, he pulled out a knife. the suspect was tazered. he would not go down. they shot him in the leg once. and he would not stay down. they shot him a second time. >> i don't quit. that was the message from president barack obama tonight as he promised to fight for americans who need the most help. kai jackson reports from capitol hill, one year into office, the president is focused on the economy, jobs and health care. >> reporter: president obama was hoping to use his first state-of-the-union address as to moment to celebrate health care reform. with that bill now stalled in congress, he has to if he cuss on the economy. >> madam speaker, the president of the united states. >> reporter: president obama enters congress for his first state-of-the-union address, one year into the job, the president says that the economy and job creation are at the top of his ajen darchlts people are ought of work. they are hurting. they need our help. and i want a jobs bill on my desk without delay. >> the president spoke bluntly and humorrously about bank bailout. i hated it. you hated it. it was about as popular as a road cam. >> he proposed the money repaid to help small businesses many i'm proposing a tax for small businesses. one that will go to those who create more jobs or raise wages. while we are at it, let's also eliminate all capital gains taxes on all small business investments and provide a tax incentive for all large businesses and shawl businesses to invest in new plants and equipment. >> but republicans say that the plan does not make sense and will not work. >> the partial freeze announced in discretional spend something a laudable stuff but a small one. the circumstances of our time demand that we reconsider and restore the proper limited role of government at every level. >> reporter: the president also addressed the debate over health care saying he will not stop fighting for reform. >> our approach would preserve the right of americans to have insurance to keep their doctor and their plan. it would reduce costs and people yums for millions of families and businesses. >> soon to be baltimore mayor stephanie rollins blake was in attendance for a state of the union address. she was a guest of senator ben cart ton. president obama will be in baltimore this friday. i'm kai jackson reporting from washington. >> as kai mentioned, the president is coming here this friday. he will address house republicans holding a retreat at a hotel in the inner harbor. funeral for senator charles mathias will take place. he died in his chevy chase home on monday. today, governor o'malley i nounsed details of a series of measures he is proposing to monitor sex offenders. the governor wants people convicted of child porn possession or indesent exposure with minors to be required to be registered as a sex offender. this comes as the murder of 11- year-old's girl whose bod way was found on cramps day. a man was attacked and robbed near a light rail station ant two young people who did it have not yet been called. we have the exclusive interview with the victim. >> reporter: this track cutting upped the jfx light rail became the site of a violent attack in broad daylight. next thing i knew, i was on the ground, two people had thrown me on the ground, smashed my head and elbow opt ground. one of them was punching me ant other one was going through my pockets. >> i kind of struggled up as they took off, and i was jelling after time, yelling help. >> reporter: he is urging city to look into installings cameras here. there are none now. the councilwoman said she has already spoken to the police commissioner about it. it was shocking to me. possibly because it was not at midnight. it was around 5:00 p.m. and there was a fair amount of activity there. to me, that was pretty brazen for them to do this, assuming they could get away with it. i didn't hear anything. all of a sudden, boom. >> he was so close to the light rail and many customers use the path, wjz contacted the mta. the mta said it did not happen on its property and will not address security concerns because this has nothing to do with the light rail. the attackers, possibly teenager, remain at large. >> it gives one's pause and i'm saddenned by it and angered by it. unfortunately, it is a surreal experience where i just plain blacked out on what the individual looked like. >> the victim needed tips, had cuts on his elbow and the back of his head. he had been involved in the mount washington community in years. >> reporting from mount washington, mike helgreen. >> if you think you have any information on those suspects, you are asked to call police. >> new at 11 this evening, toyota is expandsing a recall of it cars and trucks by another 1.1 million vehicles. the new recall is to address four mat problems, some of the most popular models are impacted, including the coral ya, matrix and high lander. this is the latest high-profile move by the world as number 1 automaker. yesterday, toyota suspended sales and production of eight models. for more information on the mo did hes affected by the recall, log on to the the buzz in the tech world has risen to a roar as apple takes the wraps off its latest creation. alexis cristoforous reports ceo steve jobs himself took the stage in san francisco to show off the ipad. >> reporter: apple promised its tech loving fans this one will be a game changing. ceo steve jobs unveiled the long awaited tablet. it's called the ipad, starting at about 500 and due to arrive in late march. >> a truly magical and revolutionary product. >> the design is similar to an iphone but larger. it is also an electronic book reader. >> it is so much more intimate than a laptop and so much more capable than a phone. >> i don't know what's different from what's out there. >> mopping consumers most interested, apple will have some tough and cheaper competition. this is barnes and noble's version, the nook and it seems to be off to a strong start. it was sold out around the holidays and even now, orders are backed up until mid- february. >> barnes and noble won't release the sales figures but told us they far exceeded expectations and amazon said that its kindle e reader had become its best selling item. both the kindle and the nook are about half the price of the the ipad. tech companies have come up with various tablets since the 1990s. so job's new version is not the first. he is just hoping it will be the first to succeed. in new york, alexis cristoforous, wjz, eyewitness news. apple plans to begin selling the ipad in two months, after today's announcement, shares of apple rose $2. apple shares more than doubled over the past year partly in anticipation of the ipad. >> the only computer store that has it ow queue waiting for people to come in. john and elizabeth edwards are splitting up after more than 30 years of marijuana miraculous rescue of a girl pulled from the rubble in haiti after more than 15 days. they have gates open. the story when eyewitness news continues. a much colder end to the week and the weekend. i'm bob turk with the complete winter forecast coming up next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it is 27 degrees, mainly clear. the complete first warning forecast coming up. a recovery operation takes place in haiti 15 days after an earthquake did he have deathed that country. this is dramatic video of french rescuers pulling a girl out of a school. the 17-year-old is suffering from dehydration and has a leg injury police in virginia have confirmed the remains found in a farm are that of a woman who attended a concert. today, her parent folk spoke for the first time since the discovery was made. >> our pain has been carved into our heart. this has been an unimaginable horrific journey. >> dan herring ton says he believes that the person who killed her daughter has local knowledge because her remains were found in an area not accessible by public roads. gilbert arenas learned his basketball fate after a meeting with david stern. he was suspended without pay for the rest of the season. arenas pleaded guilty to felony gun charges after an alleged confrontation with teammate javaris crittenton in a confrontation into the locker room. crittenton will also be suspended for the rest of the season. elizabeth edwards is separating from her husband, former vice-presidential candidate john edwards. this comes less than one week after the senator admitted to fatherring a child out of wed lock. his troubles have been highlighted in the news since he admitted to having a an affair. he called the separation an extraordinarily sad event. elizabeth edwards has been battling breast cancer and says she is feeling better. tonight, a community is keeping an eye on the river. susquehanna river. >> now, 17 of the float gates are open so too much water does not build up behind the dam. >> but, you know, we are at the mercy of the river as much as everyone is. >> this is one river dam, not a flood control dam. what whatever water arrives at the dam, they let through the dam. >> they live on a rocky outcrop about five pete above the water line. today, it should hit. toyed is the day, 317,000 cubic

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