Open up your eyes open up your ears get together and make things better by working together its a simple message and it comes from the heart believe in yourself for thats the place to start and i say hey hey what a wonderful kind of day if we could learn to work and play and get along with each other. Hey what a wonderful kind of day hey what a wonderful kind of day. Hey arthur hey, d. W. Hey whoa crash buster, whered you go . Huh . Here i am. gasps is that my foot . Wow, im really flexible francine pull me up thanks. Is everybody here . Yup isnt it great when we do things together as a group . Like when we had that huge snowball fight at the tree house. laughter take that. Go on, take that. indistinct chatter aah laughs oh laughs groans oh francine or that time we all climbed moose mountain. Muffy okay, hold it. Dont move camera beeping camera shutter clicking i saw that buster how about the time we all went river rafting in that giant rubber duck . whooping and screaming oh, no a giant rubber duck . That never happened. Oh, yeah. That was a dream. But in it, we all had a great time whoa here we go again wait wait up you left without me again. laughing and whooping machine dinging the trick is to use your thumb. You get more power that way. Would you shoot already . The bells going to ring any second aah shh hey, did you guys see a marble . Francine arblemoola . Utwoola arblemoola . giggles what did you say . Sorry, i forgot. You dont speak oola. Whats oola . Did i miss something in class . Are we going to have a test on it . Oola is our secret language. Catherine taught it to francine, and francine taught it to me. School Bell Rings cool teach it to us i cant. If i taught it to you, then it wouldnt really be a secret language, would it . Eyeboola girls laughing who wants to learn a secret language, anyway . Yeah. Especially one with a name like oola. It sounds like babytalk. If we had a language it would be much better. It would wouldnt it . doorbell rings hey, george, i got your homework. You feeling any better . A little. Ill probably be back at School Tomorrow or the next day. Sithat tigrea huh . It means, thats great, in the new language buster and i invented. Ill tell you the secret code, but you have to promise not to give it to francine or muffy, okay . Take the last letter of a word and put it in front. If you wind up with two consonants together put an i sound between them. So, radio becomes oradi. Pretty easy, huh . Yeah, i guess. Um. Ankthoo . Oh, wait, thats wrong. Katankoo. No, thats not right, either. Oh im trying to say thank you. That would be kithan uyo. It would . Dont worry. Its kind of hard at first but youll get the hang of it. See you soon kithan uyo. Kithan uyo kithan uyo. Wiho ear uyo yitoda . Kithan uyo george, thats thank you. Buster just said how are you today . You didnt understand, did you . No. Have you been practicing . Yes. For two Straight Days sit oto dihar rifo mihi. sighs ripoo egeorg what . What are you saying . Oh, um its nothing. angrily i dont think i want to learn your language can i join you . I was getting a headache listening to arthur and buster. I know. They keep talking in that horrible gibberish. You should learn oola. Its just like pig latin only you. Francine topsoola what are you doing . I was just about to tell george how to speak. You almost contaminated oola remember oola law . No one who has learned how to speak arthur and busters language can be taught our language. But i didnt learn it. All i can say is thank you. Sorry, george, but rules are rules. Theres nothing i can do. Muffy well let you off with a warning this time but be careful i think youve all gone crackers School Bell Rings come on, arthur over here, arthur look out arthur laughs laughter hey, binky, you want to make up a language with me . A language huh . Okay. Guess what this means. burps oh i want a breath mint . Close it means hand over the raisins. Hey, youre good at this why arent you in one of their groups . I find oola very simplistic, and the arthurbuster dialect has too many irregularities. Oh. Yeah, thats why i dont like them. I mean, theyre not even real languages. Theyre just mixedup letters. Exactly. You know, i bet we could invent something much more interesting. Okay lets each come up with some ideas tonight, and then meet tomorrow at the ice cream shop. Oh, this is harder than i thought. Everything i come up with is too complicated. Hey, i know why dont you just replace every word with wally . Wally, wally, wally . I have no idea what you just said. Neither do i but i like the way it sounds. yawns maybe ill think of something in the morning. Im beat. Why did we have to come all the way to the grammazon jungle . You know the humidity makes me warp monkeys shrieking theres a secret language thats right for me somewhere in here. I know it whoa what are those . How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood . Peter piper picked a peck. Theyre dangerous tonguetwistingtoads i read about them in the guidebook how much wood would. Be careful screams get your slimy tongue off my puppeteer she sells seashells by the seashore. She sells seashells by the seashore. Ooh, that was close. Ill say. Watch out for that gobbledygook liquid bubbling wally, i think weve found it he has come the great george has blessed us with his presence all yay the great george . What about the great wally . Hey, watch the wood, shorty. I just had a polish we are the georginis. We will teach you our sacred language, and you can bring it back to your people. Okay, but i should warn you. Im not so good with languages. I have dyslexia, and, well i get words confused sometimes. Our language has no words. It is a language of gestures and sounds. Behold. All ah. That all means we are happy you have come. Sorry, wally, i think im going to need both hands for this. Hey no, wait what are you. George see . Theres a separate gesture or sound for every word. So theres no spelling involved. Watch. Moo. That means i like ice cream. Itll never work. Now, ive come up with a language based on math. Each letter is given a number from one to 26. And then. What do you mean itll never work . Without an alphabet, youd have to come up with thousands of sounds and gestures. Yeah, but you could build on top of ones you already have. This is i like. But this is i like a lot. Well, its dangerous. What if you want to Say Something while youre riding a bike . So . How much talking do you do on your bike anyway . George, it just looks really silly. Fine ill just find someone else who wants to learn it. door opens and closes laughing ducks quacking oops. crying oh. Buster ajenn rove eher muffy and sue ellen efoola. Ourfoola. Ifoola. Ten, 21, 13, 16. burps speaking separate languages george stop. she just wants the ball you know things were a lot more fun around here when everyone understood each other. Francine george, weve decided youre right. But buster and i dont want to learn oola and francine and muffy wont learn arsterbuthur. Prunella told me you invented your own language. Maybe we could all learn that. All ah. My language really is the best language in the world because anyone can speak it. Anyone at all. Now no one will ever feel left out. Again. I have a better idea. Why dont we all just go back to the way it was. Oh, heres your marble. I was wondering where that went. Anybody up for a game . Yeah. Lets go. Yeah come on, george. What are you waiting for . Uh, nothing. Lets go male interpreter obviously, im deaf and i use sign language. Now, im not speaking these words right now. Theres actually a man standing behind the camera speaking the words for me. He knows sign language and hes translating my sign language into spoken words. This is my school. Its called the Learning Center for deaf children. All the students here are deaf. Female interpreter i would like each of you to come up here and sign your poem. Male interpreter rusty, lifting, digging. Sometimes fun, sometimes boring. Bravo, bravo. The way arthur used language for secret communication in some ways, its kind of cool. But then, other kids are going to be left out. Its kind of like the way i feel when all the kids around me are speaking to me and i dont know what theyre saying. Well, colin is one of my best friends. Tom is one of my best friends, too. This is my sign name. Its the c hand shape. Its also the letter c. And i touch my cheek with that c hand shape to indicate my name colin. Colin. Now im at my horseback riding class. This is my horse, trev. Hes being a really good boy today. Now were at my house. This is my videophone. phone ringing im going to call my friend tom now. Hey, tom, have you finished your homework . Yeah. Oh, well, i havent started mine yet. This is my family. I have a dream that someday the whole world will learn sign language. And that way, all deaf and hearing people could communicate with each other, and wouldnt that make life a lot easier . Kids and now. Another day without being bought. I must say, i am relieved. How can you say that . I long for the adventure of a new world. But what if those who purchase me are uncouth . I shutter at the thought and would rather stay here. I just want whatever girl who buys me to really care about my beautiful culture and heritage. It is my culture and heritage that has the true beauty. Everybody knows that. There can be more than one culture with beauty. But none as ancient as mine. No culture compares to the french not this argument again, you two. Besides, we cant control who buys us. Either they will or they wont care about our cultures and histories. That just adds to the wild adventure. But. door creaking open kids chattering excitedly yay kids cheering im so glad youre into world girl dolls, too, sue e. Francine doesnt care about them at all. I didnt say dolls, i said doll. I only have one world girl pema from tibet. Youre going to die when you see what ive done with my closet. I made it into a true world girl world. Tada gasps yingli is from china. Pyramids are egyptian. Youve arranged this all wrong. World girl isnt about right and wrong. Its about collecting. And what a collection it is this hula skirt doesnt belong on greta. And whats cleopatra doing in a convertible . Dont you read the world girl books . I have hundreds of them in these humidity controlled cases. But do you read them . If you did, you might have some respect for historical accuracy. Sue ellen, are you just jealous because i have so many world girl dolls and you only have puma . Pema. Her names pema. And how could i be jealous when you dont even know the point of world girl . Collecting that is the point. The point is connecting, connecting to cultures. Wheres the fun in that . knock on door francine, miss muffy. Muffy hello . Francine are you watching tv . Your world girl thing is getting totally out of control. Theres a commercial for a world girl world on tv and. World girl world quick, sue ellen turn on the tv its ridiculous. I mean, a whole world devoted to dumb dolls . Announcer with a world girl world opening near you you no longer have to shop by catalog for your favorite doll. Imagine a place created just for you and your world girl where you can bring all her worldly splendors back to your very own home. Come to the grand opening in elwood city this weekend. Sue ellen and muffy that was amazing youre kidding, right . That was disgusting were going to opening day, all three of us. World girl world this weekend i cant wait to visit little tibet i can get pemas yak weaving loom. Ive saved up 15. 15 . Sue ellen 15 wont even pay for a miniature yak hairbrush. See what im talking about . Its all a giant ripoff. No way am i going. Bye. Francine for the last time, you can count me out. I dont play with dolls, remember . World girl isnt about playing. I know, i know its about collecting. But id rather spend my time and money on real things. Ill buy you the world girl of your choice if you come. No, thanks. And after the grand opening, well have a sleepover you, me and sue ellen and well do whatever activity you want. A sleepover . Okay, ill go. But only to prove its a scam to sell useless stuff. Yippee. Ill go tell sue ellen. But theres no way im buying a doll. Never. train whistle tooting mother we had to take a second mortgage to come here. Oh, but its worth it just to see the girls so happy. Did you hear that . This place has duped even the parents. Hurry hurry lines are forming. My goal is to complete my collection of every doll and every accessory by the end of the day. Sue ellen im going to find little tibet, you guys. I got an advance on my allowance so i can buy the yak weaving loom. An advance on your allowance . Oh, brother. Meet at the model un for lunch, okay . 12 30. Excuse me, maam do you have a ticket . Yep, were 124. Only 35 people ahead of us. groans francine okay. Look at this. A stick with two small water buckets 49. 99. Who would pay that . I dont have this yet. Here, bailey. Announcer over p. A. greetings, shoppers. Little antarctica is now open. Come meet our new world girl, svinny and her team of sled dogs. shouting so you can spend even more of your money on more things you didnt even know you wanted we have to split up. You take the cart to the mozambique register while i go to antarctica. Theres going to be a run on svinny dolls, i just know it. And the second you buy up all the antarctic collection theyll open up a whole new continent and. Ah, listen, francine. Youre kind of slowing me down. Why dont you take this and go to the sports hall of fame. Maybe youll like it there. Francine fine. Id like to see what a sham it is. But dont expect me to spend a cent of this. train whistle blowing Babe Didrikson Zaharias. Announcer called by many the greatest female athlete of all time excelled at baseball basketball track and field, and especially golf. crowd exclaims shes the most flexible of the sports world girl series. And, she comes with her own background dossier. Dossier . All world girl dolls have their own books but this one also has a history of golf and the introduction of women into the game. Which was all due to babe. It was . Sure. She was the first to play in the pga. Muffy were a little behind schedule but if we cut across the south pole. Announcer for those of you who own fifi, the french world girl, a new hair salon has just opened on the rive gauche. We have to go to france. Right now. sighs sue ellen discontinued . But pema was my favorite doll. They got rid of the whole country. Now theres no tibet in world girl world. But why . Its a buddhist country. It didnt generate enough accessories. I could get you a turkish rug loom its almost the same thing. sadly no, thanks. train whistle toots muffy francine help thanks. What are you wearing . Uh, im not sure. One minute i was in ancient greece, then somehow i wound up in siberia. Why arent there any benches in this place . Whats this one . I dont have this one. Thats Babe Didrikson Zaharias one of the first female professional golfers. You bought her . I had to get the book she came with. And, well, she looks so cute. Im so happy for you. sighs you look terrible. I just need to get my third wind. Bailey, how many more countries do we have left . Ten, miss muffy. groans ill have to skip lunch. Francine did you find your yak weaving loom . Pema was discontinued. In fact, theyve done away with little tibet altogether. Ill never get that loom now. Theres got to be at least one in this place. On my way to little switzerland, i passed a doll hospital. They might have some leftover accessories. Thats a great idea. Come on. Butbut what about the ten countries i have left . Ill do as many as i can, miss muffy, and meet you in, say, one hour . Muffy okay. relieved sigh over p. A. paging dr. Bauman, in trauma room one. This place is kind of creepy. Francine quick, theres the doctor. Lets see if he has any looms. What is this place . Muffy it doesnt look like any country on the information map. gasps look. Muffy there must be thousands of dolls. And theyre all different. Ludmila, the estonian girl . Wheres estonia . Ive never even heard of it. Sue ellen guys. Look at this. They make them so quickly. One right after another. Muffy how will i keep up . Ill. Ill need more closet space. Closet space . Youll need a whole new house. Its too much. Oh, its just too much. I cant take it anymore. Come on, lets get out of here. The looms not that important. Sue ellen i dont believe it. Youre really going to give away half your collection to charity . Yep. Im only keeping the ones i really, really like. I dont even remember buying this one. Thats pema. And, look, shes holding the yak weaving loom. Its yours. Wait, this loom is green. Hers is supposed to be brown. Are you sure this belongs with pema . Ive never touched that doll. Thats exactly how she was when she came out of the box. See what color it is in the book that came with her. Theyre loaded with information. Yeah, look. Its brown here. They made a mistake. All this time, ive been searching for an accessory that wasnt even accurate. So, lets make it accurate. Tada. One perfect tibetan loom. And it didnt cost me a cent. Check out babes new putting green. Thats amazing francine. You know, ive been thinking. We could charge a fortune for these accessories. In fact, we could even make the dolls ourselves. Well call them universe girls. Theres only one thing to do when muffy gets an idea like that pillow fight giggling sue ellen take that. Muffy dont mess my hair. Hi, im marc brown. I get a lot of letters from you kids asking me what i do when im not writing and illustrating the arthur books. Well, come on, ill show you. The first thing i do every morning is make my bed and then i go for a walk and after that i come home and make my favorite breakfast oatmeal and bananas. And sometimes i doodle. It sort of reminds me of prunella. Captioned by Media Access Groupt visit us online at. You can find arthur books and lots of other books, too at your local library. Wgbh ac. Wgbh. Org. And everybody that you meet has an original point of view and i say hey hey what a wonderful kind of day if we could learn to work and play and get along with each other. Hey what a wonderful kind of day. Hey what a wonderful kind of day. Hey funding for arthur is provivided by. [ female announcer ] fun for everyone makes a family strong. Chuck e. Cheeses proudly supports pbs kids. And by contributions to your pbs station from every week. Thats me martha speaks is proof positive. Do we love llamas, people . Theres nothing like a talking dog. Hello voices wobbling you guys are really irritating. Does irritating mean fun . On your mark, go martha speaks on pbs kids. Wow barking honks martha speaks is funded in part by. Kiddie Academy Child Care Learning Centers. Proud supporter of pbs kids. Providing educationally focused child care preparing children for school and for life. Kiddie academy. The corporation for public broadcasting, by a cooperative agreement from the u. S. Department of educations readytolearn grant by and by martha was an average dog she went. And. And. barking, growls when she ate some alphabet soup then what happenpped was bizarre. On the way to marthas stomach, the letters lost their way. They traveled to her brain and now. Shes got a lot to say now she speaks. How now, brown cow . Martha speaks, yeah, she speaks and speaks and speaks and speaks and speaks. Whats a caboose . When are we eating again . Martha speaks. Hey, joe, what do you know . My names not joe. Shes not always right, but still that martha speaks. Hi there shes got a voice, shes ready to shout martha will tell you what its all about sometimes wrong but seldom in doubt martha will tell you what its all about that dogs unique. Testing, one, two hear her speak martha speaks and speaks and speaks and speaks and. Communicates, enumerates elucidates, exaggerates indicates and explicates bloviates and overstates and. panting . Hyperventilates martha, to reiterate martha speaks martha speaks. Mix in a little more of that. Be sure to stir it. Hello weve concocted an exciting show for you today. Weve combined a perfect mixture of words. Words like blend and separate. And extract. And tea. Tea . Tea isnt one of the words. It isnt . Oops. laughs was that your. . Enjoy the show while i go make another pot of tea. laughing sorry helen come on, mom, lets go whats going on . What are we doing . Helens school had an art competition. And the town librarys putting the winning drawings up in the lobby. So helen wants to stop by the library on the way to school. I want to see if i won. Ooh i bet you did oh, can i come, too . I want to see. chuckles oh, all right. Dont be sad, sweetie. Im sure your drawing was terrific. Youre just saying that cause youre my mom. No, shes not. Youre a wonderful artist. Youre just saying that cause youre my dog. Bye. See you later, sweetie. sighing i cant stand seeing helen so sad. Me neither. You know what im going to do . Im going to bake her a cake. That will cheer her up. Im feeling a little blue myself. I think i might need a cake, too. How about if i let you lick the mixing bowls . Good enough. phone ringing hello . Uhhuh. Yes. Absolutamente. line disconnects mrs. Symons just doubled the number of floral arrangements for her dinner party. Hey, thats great no its terrible. I wont get out of here in time to bake helens cake. You hear that, skits . This is horrible its tragic barks quizzically because if mom cant bake a cake then helen wont be cheered up, and we wont get to lick the mixing bowls. barking theres only one thing to do. Weve got to bake that cake ourselves come on, skits i just had an idea. Ill have the bakery make a cake. Okay, martha . Martha . I know just the kind of cake i want to bake. I saw it in a movie once. Close your eyes and you will get a big surprise no peeking giggling okay, skits. Wheel er in grunting okay you can open your eyes now. Yay yay wow thats the biggest cake ive ever seen in my life. What will we do with the leftovers . Mmm ah come on, skits. Lets get cooking. Oh i forgot. To bake a cake, you need a recipe. barks a recipe. Its like directions for making food. It gives you a list of things you need to make something and tells you what to put in and when. thumping hey a recipe good boy, skits sighing now if only i could read it. Rats groans i know barks excitedly thank goodness helen has this cooking with kids dvd. Hola, kids hola barks today, were going to bake a cake from scratch. From scrah . you mean we just scratch and a cake shows up . And when i say from scratch, i dont mean you just scratch and a cake shows up. Oh. From scratch means making something yourself instead of buying it at a store. Now before we start lets make sure we have all our ingredients. Ingredients . Yes, ingredients. Ingredients are things you need to make something. tv clicking like the ingredients for mud are water and dirt. And the ingredients for cinnamon toast are cinnamon and toast. And the ingredients for cinnamon mud toast are water and dirt and cinnamon and toast. All that talk about mud toast made me hungry. tv clicks for our cake recipe youll need. Okay, the first three ingredients are eggs milk and butter. Ehh how do we get that open . barks way to go, skits barks proudly rats. Good boy, skits careful. Careful. Now. Put the eggs down. sighs whines doorbell rings may we borrow two eggs, please . with mouth full almost there. squeaking barks hey oh bummer. Whew thank goodness mrs. Parkington had two more eggs. splat grunts sighs doorbell rings hi. barks youll have the cake ready by 3 00 . Excelente ill call my dog and tell her to pick it up. Huh . sighing empty. A cup of milk . what will you ask for next . Flour . Oh well. Ah, now that you mention it. Youre sure these are all the ingredients you need . Positive. I memorized the recipe. Three cups of flour oneandahalf cups of sugar, a teaspoon of baking powder threequarters teaspoon of salt two teaspoons of vanilla a cup of milk two sticks of butter, two eggs and two greased cake pans. Mrs. Parkington ill do it. You will just spill it and im all out of eggs. phone ringing thats odd. My dog isnt answering the phone. Oh. Combine the flour, baking powder and salt in a mixing bowl. Thats right. Pour them in and stir well. tv clicks mixing bowls . How are we going to get mixing bowls out of the cupboards . barks excitedly okay. Were supposed to pour all the dry ingredients except the sugar, into a bowl and stir. Hmm. I think this ones sugar. skits barks yeah. skits barks sharply just making sure. Ill pour the flour. groans if only i had thumbs. Lets just mix them here, then well scratch them back into a bowl. tv clicks now that weve combined our dry ingredients, lets put them aside. In a separate bowl, blend the butter in with the sugar. I dont know why she uses a spoon. Its much easier to blend with your paws. Im so sorry, mrs. Parkington. Ill have danny pick up butter eggs and milk on his way home from work. No its no trouble at all. He has to stop at the bakery anyway. Very well. But see that she doesnt make a habit of it. If id known that dog was going to be coming over at all hours asking for groceries ghost or no ghost id have stayed at my greataunt marthas. nervous whimper what on earth is martha doing with butter . Id better finish this order and get home. Martha looking good martha hits play on remote cooking lady now beat the eggs. tv clicks beat the eggs . Gee. I feel bad about hitting them. And i dont mean beat as in hitting something. I mean the kind of beat where you stir something quickly, like this. See how im beating them . Ill try. Oh and be careful not to drop any shell into the batter. Huh . You should break the eggs like this. Uhoh. slurping i like it. Makes it crunchy. Now, pour the dry ingredients into the butter mixture and stir thoroughly. Then, pour your batter into your cake pans. sighs in annoyance again with the pouring. I cant pour. I dont have thumbs. Hey, lets just dump everything onto the floor mix it there, and then scratch it into the cake pans. skits barking in agreement clanging uhhuh. Yes, dear, im heading to the bakery right now. Why is martha borrowing groceries from the neighbors . Huh. And i was worried i couldnt cook. Turn on the oven, set the temperature at 350 degrees and bake for 30 minutes. Turn on the oven . Turn on the oven . Dogs cant turn on ovens martha howie howie wait up thanks for helping us out, howie. Happy to help, martha. Now, we wait 30 minutes and then we take the cake out. skits barks inquisitively actually, no. I dont know how long 30 minutes is. But weve got a bigger problem than that. I cant open the oven. whines in disappointment hey, ive got an idea. And you can absolutely guarantee delivery in 30 minutes . muffled voice murmuring in that case, id like a pizza delivery, please. Martha gee, thanks, pete. Oh and just put the pizza on our bill. Never seen a dog bake before. Oh, oh, oh, its helen shes here whats that smell . Someones been baking. skits barking martha surprise skits panting, barking we baked you a cake, helen. From scratch a cake . From scratch . Martha uhhuh, to cheer helen up. Go on, helen, try it. Oh, martha. I cant eat this. Its, uh. Too special to eat. Uh thats right. Its too special. But you have to. Its a cheeryouup cake. How can you get cheered up if you dont eat it . But i am cheered up. I dont think i could get any more cheery. This is the best present ever. door opening, closing who wants cake . Silly me. I didnt know my dog talked and baked, so i had dad pick up a cake. How about if i eat dads cake and keep yours forever and ever . Well, its a waste of cake, if you ask me. gasps i have a better idea. slurping delicious if i do say so myself. Mom come on, jakey. Ive got to get you cleaned up and ready for bed. Uhoh. mom gasps my rug you have to crack a few eggs to bake a cake. sighs i didnt think that was ever going to come out. I guess we should have blended all those ingredients in bowls and not on the rug. skits barks in confusion blend when you blend something you mix one thing with another. Helen like you blend red paint with yellow paint to make orange paint. Or you blend a spoon with a fork and you get a spork. Or you blend strawberries and yogurt to make a strawberry smoothie. Martha and if you blended skits with a giraffe, youd get a skigaffe. Hey, drop some of that food down here. skits moans oh, come on, if i were a margaffe, id share with you. Aw please. Look grimbles is giving out free samples. Lets get some. You wont like it. How do you know . Uh, it isnt food. Oh bummer. Want a spritz . sniffs what is it . From the way theyre spritzing i think its perfume. Perfume . groans why do people wear that stuff . They like to smell good. If people really wanted to smell good theyd roll in bacon. sniffs i dont think it smells good at all. sniffs, groans neither do i. It smells like dog. sniffs groans in disgust looks like its bath time again. What . I just had one last month. There ought to be some way around bathing. sniffs sighs hey, thats it sniffs groans your dogs are stinkariffic. You should give them a bath. Martha and skits dont get baths. We just use this perfume. One spritz, and they both smell great. sniffs light, fresh with a hint of bacon. I like it. Hey, your bath follow me. If this works, ill never have to bathe again. You want my dad to invent a dog perfume . Yeah, one thats really strong so ill never have to take a bath again. Cant be done. Why not . Perfume stinks. Put stinky perfume on a stinky dog and peeew, stink overload. Theres got to be a way. No, i think marthas on to something. I am . I mean, you bet i am ecologically speaking think how much water would be saved if dogs didnt bathe. This has enormous implications for the planet. See, im not even thinking of me. Im thinking of the planet. Id be happy to concoct a perfume for you. sniffs the sooner the better. Martha concocting sounds hard. Why dont you just make one instead . I am. Concoct means to make something by mixing Different Things together. Martha oh, are you concocting my perfume right now . No im concocting my lunch. sniffs, sighs pea soup want some . groaning in disgust hmm. Very interesting. According to this book, perfumes have five fragrance families. Floral, which means it smells like flowers. blowing barks citrus, which means it smells citrusy like a. Like a lemon or an orange. screaming woodsy. Td timber grunts ow ow, ow, ow og green, which means its fresh, like grass or herbs. Td you need a trim or spicy. arabian music playing like pepper or cinnamon. hoarsely water. Water. sputtering thats not what i meant. Is there a bacon fragrance family . Um, no. Can you concoct one . You might be on to something, my canine companion. Ill have to ponder that, but first things first. Td helen what are we doing . We should be in the lab concocting perfume. We have to find the ingredients first. Perfume has ingredients . Uhhuh, to make perfume, you dont just use one smell. You combine several different smells. stammering combine . Does that mean you mix things together . Yeah. sniffs ew whatever smells we do combine will have to be really strong to cover this up. Smell. Um, thats okay. I believe you. No, really, you have to smell this. No, td sniffs meh. Thanks. Do you like the floral smell . sniffs meh. sniffing but that. Flippin fajitas, that smells good. Martha, garbage is not perfume. Says who . Says everybody but dogs. sniffing screams groans oh great. Now i have to take a bath. Ah, sorry about that, td. Once your dad makes my perfume you can use it, too. Hmm. No, really. Its been nine months three weeks, six days 19 hours and 34 minutes since ive had a bath. Youd never know it would you . What are we standing around here for . Lets get those ingredients. Think martha will like the smell of this grass . I dont know. She tends to eat it not smell it. You guys, come quick i found the perfect ingredient for my perfume its strong its fresh, and it has real sticking power. laughing ooh what an aroma. Bewitching isnt it . Martha we cant put that in a perfume. Hmm . Why not . Because were trying to make you smell better, not worse. Uh, sorry about that, td. chuckles like any of these . sniffing uh, theyre okay. But this shoe. sniffing divine laughs sniffing this is hopeless. Your dogs idea of a great perfume is garbage foot stink and swampy fish goo. Mmm, fish goo. chuckles are you concocting now . No nope. Now that we have the ingredients we have to separate them. Separate . You mean split them up into different groups . Uhhuh. Separating is like sorting. Why are you separating the ingredients . I thought you had to combine them to make perfume. Quite right, my furry friend. But before combining, we extract. And before we extract we separate. Extract . Youre going to extract . I love to extract ouch. How do you extract . Extract means to pull something out of Something Else. Like i just extracted this burr from your foot. And i just extracted a potato chip from helens plate. With perfume, you extract scents from Different Things in different ways. Wood is tough so you use alcohol to extract its scent. But herbs and grasses are more fragile. You extract their fragrances by steaming them. These bottles each contain a separate extract. Well combine them to create the perfect fragrance. But beware. Not all fragrances smell good together. Some scents, when blended really stink. sniffing groans a drop holds a lot of smell. Youre telling me. Where are you going . To take another bath. sniffs sniffing hmm. It needs a drop of something. Why dont you spray your own arm . Because yours already stinks. sniffing add a drop of lavender and two drops of clove. sniffing too much. sniffing hmm, not enough. sniffing sniffing thats it im all sprayed out. Td you cant give up. Its no use. You guys have sprayed me so much, my nose cant keep things separate anymore. Im one big cloud of stink. Im not giving up. Helen, are you crazy . How can you keep going . Smell her. She sleeps in my room. If i dont come up with a perfume soon my nose is going to fall off my face. sniffing groans okay. sneezes whew this perfume is getting to me. Getting to you . sneezes stop spraying me og ive got it the missing ingredient one drop of this, and well have our perfume. I dont think anyones sprayed me there yet. Okay martha, what do you think . sniffing ooh. Yes. Yes whats in there . Extract of bacon. Imperceptible to humans but to a dogs highly sensitive nose. Bow wow precisely. But is it Strong Enough to cover dog stink . Theres only one way to find out. Come here and get a spritz. all sniffing i dont believe it it worked no more dog stink og on behalf of dogs everywhere i thank you. dogs barking martha panting quick helen give me a bath what . Its the bacon. Its driving the other dogs wild. Tell your dad thanks for trying to help us out. Sure. groans what . That perfume, its in my nose. Everything tastes like bacon. Bacon flavored yogurt. Yum want to go to my house and watch courageous collie carlo . Sure sniffing mmm just let me get marthas perfume. gasps oh no maybe it smells different on people. Eh. dogs barking screaming told you that bacon would be a big hit. barking trust me, its a simple matter of combining and separating. First, we combine our strength and knock over the garbage can. barking grunts now, we separate the good stuff from the trash. garbage rustling, clinking good stuff. garbage rustling, clinking oh oh, skits, mmm, you got to try this. Combine that and that. Yum groans i wish i could separate this from its wrapper. clears throat uhoh. Quick, skits, lets separate ourselves from the scene of the crime sighs weve already mixed in that ingredient. It needs a drop more. laughs i dont think so. Oh. Welcome back did you extract all of todays words . Enjoy the clips. A recipe. Its like directions for making food. It gives you a list of things you need to make something and tells you what to put in and when. Ingredients are things you need to make something. Bye. See you next time. Whos that dog . Whos that dog . Dog, dddog, ddog. That dog is casey. Casey works for my dad. My dads a farmer. Shes a farmers helper thats a dog. She catches mice. And rabbits. She scares away birds. casey barks casey learned to not walk in the beds. Sometimes shell work and sometimes shell play. Shes that dog. Dog, dddog, ddog. Announcer hes Curious George. Wooo whoever comes closest to guessing the number of balls gets to keep them all. This calls for some math. Ha ha announcer Curious George, weekdays on pbs kids or watch anytime you want at pbskids. Org martha speaks is funded in part by. Kiddie Academy Child Care Learning Centers. Proud supporter of pbs kids. Providing educationally focused child care preparing children for school and for life. Kiddie academy. The corporation for public broadcasting, by a cooperative agreement from the u. S. Department of educations readytolearn grant by and by to dig up some more fun words and games, visit pbskids. Org or check out your local library for the martha speaks books. Captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org er hi everyone hola wow what are you guys doing . Were trying to figure out who took this carrot. [ominous music] ohh un misterio a mystery well, do you have any clues . Well, we found some fur. Thats a good clue. I found these tiny, muddy footprints. Look they lead over there hey, look. This hoopers favorite book. Oh i think i know who took the carrot. [ominous music] it was hooper hi guys great job you solved the mystery you were able to put together all of the clues to figure out who took the carrot. [ominous music] what is that sound . george chattering excitedly this program was made possible by for more than 90 years stride rites been there. Helping you choose the right shoes. Stride rite is a proud sponsor of Curious George. [ female announcer ] we believe a little bit of curiosity can fuel a lifetime of learning. Abcmouse. Com Early Learning academy, proud sponsor of pbs kids and Curious George. Funding for Curious George is provided by contributions to your pbs station. Ooh. And from you never do know whats around the bend big adventure or a brandnew friend when youre curious like Curious George swing well, every day every day is so glorious glorious george and Everything Everything is so wondrous wondrous theres more to explore when you open the door and meet friends like this, you just cant miss i know youre curious curious and thats marvelous marvelous and thats your reward youll never be bored if you ask yourself what is this . Like curious. Like curious. Curious george. Oh. Captioning sponsored by Nbc Universal narrator few things capture the attention of a curious Little Monkey. I wonder what this could be. excited chatter oh, okay. Oh, its from my mother. Happy birthday. Love, mom. Ah. Aw, thats so sweet. Is today your birthday . It is. And george and i are going to celebrate. Huh . chattering agreement im late for my appointment. Hold on to this for me will you, george . Ill be back at 7 00 and then well celebrate. Oh, uhhuh. Bye, george. Bye. If it was my birthday id have a party. Ooh chattering agreement you want to have a party . gasps uhhuh. Oh. Shh. whispering a Surprise Party . Even better. happy chattering you know how i throw a party . Its as easy as a, b, c, d. All you need is a an apartment, b your buddies, c a cake and d decorations. Ah. Narrator a, b, c, d. That didnt sound hard at all. clock ticking uhoh. The man with the yellow hat would be back at 7 00. George had only four hours to get the party ready. He already had an apartment. Ah uhhuh. And the mans buddies were listed in this book. So that took care of a and b. But george still needed c and d a cake and decorations. You want me to invite the people in his address book . All of them . chattering agreement okay. Seven . Oh, you mean 7 00. Got it. chattering farewell chef pisghetti since you invited me to your party, im gonna give you my special all fruit frozen cake on the house. Just pick a size, giorgio. George hmm . A big party needed a big cake. The big one. Surprise. straining looks like quite a celebration. Is it a birthday . Yep. Say, i could blow that up for you. Itd make a great decoration. Ah. Uhhuh. Just pick a size. Normal, huge or jumbo madness. excited chatter jumbo madness it is. anxious chattering yelling screaming sighs hmm . Hiya, george. Everyones coming. I just had to say yellow hat, and they all said yes. Whew. Oh, ill take that stuff upstairs. Maybe you want to get a stepladder to hang the star . Uhhuh, uhhuh. Hmm. George thought the small ladder looked about right. 5 00. Oh i got to get back to work. Hundley can stay, though. See ya at the party. Bye. grunting oh. grunting george had picked too wide of a cake. Aah. It wouldnt fit in the freezer. Luckily, it was cold out on the balcony. That took care of c cake. Now for d decorations. Aw huh . barking panicked chattering, barking barking george had also picked too big of a poster. grunting and a toosmall ladder. Aah sighs everything was the wrong size too big, too wide, too small. If only he lived in a world where everything was the right size. yawning . George size. sighs contentedly snoring huh . Oh huh . chuckles george had gotten his wish. His apartment was the perfect size for a monkey. Now he just needed the cake and decorations. laughing the mans car was georgesized, too. This was the best. chuckles chatters greeting heya, george. It was a georgesized world, but now the people were too big. chatters farewell so how wide do you want this poster . One, two or three georgeswide . Huh . Not only were things the right size for george, he was the size. Okay let me see. This is, um, this is, um one george, and. humming tune this is, uh, this is two georges, and, of course, this is, um, this is three georges wide. George knew itd be easier to handle a poster that wasnt wider than he was. Man great. How are we gonna nail this to be three georgestall if you forgot the georgestick . We dont need a stick. Theres george. One george two georges, three georges. There, three georgestall. Thanks, george. sputtering pick a cake. Any cake. Hmm. You know, a one georgearm size is perfect for the average freezer. Ah. chatters thank you. cake, decorations. It was all so easy with george measurements. Woman hes a monkey named george got a friend with a hat hes a furry brown fellow and we like him like that. The cake was in the freezer, the poster was on the wall and the star was no trouble at all. George was ready for his guests. knocking aha gasps hello, giorgio. Narrator but not ready for their size. I hope were not too early. chattering guests murmuring chatters hi ah. How you doing there . Yeah. This is going to be some party, huh . George really set all this up . Its really nice. chatters hello chatters okay ah, i see youve got a twogeorgestall apartment. And furniture to match. Very unique. Hey, hey, hey, hes coming hooting nervously chattering nervously george is right. We have to hide. hushed chattering shh. Is there a plant i can hide under . Woman i can see you. Man stig stig hi, everybody. All surprise huh. A party . For me . Uhhuh. Gee, ththanks. wood snapping, crashing chuckles sorry. wood snapping, crashing margaret oh. Me, too. grunts nervously stig uh, uh, how about some music . Narrator a georgesized apartment was fine for Little Monkeys, but not at all good for peoplesized people. screams hoots, screams confused chittering oh. Huh . screams happily this was more like it. Everything was the size it should be. birds squawking and cooing except maybe the cake. ticking screams, hoots nervously 6 00 only an hour left and george had to start over. George wanted to get the sizes right so he decided to measure everything first. chatters okay uhhuh. chattering uhhuh. This time, george ordered the right size cake. Ah. chatters and poster. laughs and chose a better ladder. grunts happily george, are you home . All surprise what is this . To celebrate my birthday . Oh, wow. All my friends, and. My plumber my dentist, my barber . They were in your address book. George put everything together. Aw. chuckling he did . Oh, thank you, george. Narrator maybe it wasnt so bad being a Little Monkey in a big world after all. And there was one thing his arms were always the right size for. Child george is a monkey. He learned how to measure things to get the right size. Girl today, we are measuring stuff. We took a piece of yarn and measured her arm length. Boy were going to see if its the same as her body length. My prediction is that her arm length is going to be shorter than her body length. Prediction means when you take a guess at something. Its kind of like the same length as your body. My prediction was wrong. I thought her arm length was going to be smaller than her body length. We traced ourselves. Girl my mom helped us. Boy we made ourselves out of cardboard. Were going to measure the bench with tias. My prediction is four tias. Both one. Two. Three. Girl it came out to three plus almost a full tia. And her feet are sticking out. laughing narrator george thought professor wisemans beach house was great. This time, it was even greater because george had brought yorbo, the friendliest robot ever. electronic beeps and blips mechanical voice searching. Searching. Searching. Item found. Ah hoots excitedly yorbo is great, yes . chatters yeah narrator yorbos next job was to help george and the man with the yellow hat pack a lunch for the beach. Oh, no. Not. Look out huh . Man oh. Sorry, george. Im listening to an audio book the slimy sea monster from the sea. Its great. And scary. Ooh. Narrator george didnt understand how something could be great and scary. Ah. chattering thanks. Uhhuh electronic beeping now, are you ready for a long hike to the beach . Uhhuh tadah beeping laughing chuckles i hope we dont run into any slimy sea monsters. sighs narrator george couldnt think of a better way to spend the day than exploring the beach with yorbo. whirring beeping whirring beeping keep items in here . Uhhuh man say, george, you want to go swimming . hoots uhhuh, uhhuh uhhuh, uhhuh ooh. Good idea. Sorry, yorbo. Robots cant swim. Could you read the manual again, please . chatters how come . man well, george, if yorbo was made of plastic like your bucket or wood like this chair he could go in the water. But yorbo is made of metal which rusts when it gets wet. And rust is very bad for metal, because it does this. Oh. Uhoh. chitters sadly last monkey in is a rotten turnip hooting george hooting excitedly thunder rumbling i guess a storm is coming. groans correction the storm is here. Quick, george, lets get inside whew. Made it. sputtering groans uh, okay. thunder rumbling grunting narrator george thought it would be fun to sit inside a cozy house and watch a storm with the man and. Yorbo. frantic chattering george, you cant go outside when theres thunder and lightning. chattering oh, yorbo is out there. hooting dont worry. Hell get wet, but well clean and dry him before he has time to rust. As soon as the storm quiets down, well go get him. whimpers softly thunder rumbling hey. How about a game of tictactoe . moans sadly narrator george usually really enjoyed tictactoe but this time, he couldnt get his mind off yorbo. snoring softly birds chirping huh . gasps chattering excitedly gasps chatters huh . george chatters curiously man wow. The storm really did a number on the beach. Dont worry, george. Yorbos a tough little robot. Well find him. sighs calling out hooting chattering under the seaweed . Could be. chattering okay. Narrator but yorbo wasnt under that seaweed. Or any of the seaweed. frustrated groaning sighs okay. So, weve searched on top of the sand and under the seaweed, which means. Yorbo must be buried in the sand. Ah. chatters excitedly uhhuh man im digging a hole looking for a robot humming melody im digging a hole, looking for a robot humming detector beeping oh, wow i found gold whoa or a cd player. Hey, thats mine. I forgot all about it. Oh, wow, wasnt that a great storm . You always find such great stuff after a storm, you know . Ooh. chatters nifty, huh . Its a metal detector. It helps you find buried metal. beeping chatters curiously youre right, george. That could help us find yorbo. Whats a yorbo . Oh, hes a robot who got lost in the storm. Georges favorite toy. Oh, well, then you need this more than i do. chatters excitedly now, the louder it beeps the closer youre getting to metal. Now, when it beeps like crazy . Bingo you have just made a monkey very happy. Narrator using the detector george found lots of metal things. detector beeps rapidly chatters excitedly sighs sadly ringing but none of them was yorbo. detector beeping beeping rapidly beeping stops oh, the batteries are dead. Ill have to recharge them but ill bring this back tomorrow in case youre still looking. Bye now thank you oh, pfft narrator george couldnt wait for tomorrow. He had to find yorbo before he rusted. computer rings thats probably professor wiseman. Maybe she can think of something. Hey, guys hi. I heard there was a storm, so i thought id check in. sighs oh, whats wrong . Well, george cant find his robot. Its buried in the sand. Hmm. Is it made of metal . Uhhuh. You could try using a metal detector. We borrowed one, but it ran out of batteries. Well, metal detectors are easy to make. Huh . Sure first, grab the portable radio from the shelf. Okay. Am fm radio. Check. Next, find the calculator. Uh, bottom drawer on the desk. chatters then, get some tape. Uh, top drawer on the desk. chatters now take the radio and switch it to am. Okay. Then turn the knob all the way to the highest Radio Station number but make sure you get static and not an actual station. Turn up the volume then turn on the calculator and tape it to the radio. chatters fantastic you see, the radio and calculator act as a magnet. When it finds things that would stick to a magnet the radio beeps. chatters excitedly thats amazing. I cant believe you knew that well, how do you think i won first place in my secondgrade science fair . Narrator george was confused. He had already searched half the beach. But which half . If only the beach were smaller. Then george remembered tictactoe. He could break up the beach into smaller sections like a tictactoe board. If george could mark off the squares he searched, then hed know where hed looked and where he needed to look. Ah chatters excitedly hi, george. chatters excitedly you want to make a grid to help you keep track of your search . Uhhuh, uhhuh uhhuh oh, great idea, george. All set let me know if you need anything. chatters okay. narrator if george searched every square then hed be sure to find yorbo. beeping huh . In square number four, george found. A trumpet. In square six, george found. chatters excitedly oh. A front grill to a 57 cadillac. But by square number eight there was still no sign of yorbo. No luck, huh . Uhuh. Narrator yorbo had to be in this last square. He had to. detector beeping slowly beeping rapidly oh, oh, oh chatters excitedly aha chatters excitedly laughs way to go, george you found him musical tones play yorbo is great. Yes . Uhhuh musical tones play chatters goodbye have fun sighs well, i guess this means i can get back to the thrilling conclusion of my book. static crackling, sand rattling oh, well, wait for me yorbo beeping girl geor girl george is a monkey. He used a metal detector to find metal things in the sand. Boing we are cleaning the sandbox. Girl while i was cleaning i found a letter with a magnet on it, right here. And then i saw that if you moved one magnet around, then you can find metal. Were gonna use magnets to find stuff in the sandbox. Girl this is like a metal detector that george used. Jacob just found a nut on a bolt. Its the type of metal that does stick to a magnet. Some kinds of metal dont stick to magnets. Whoa now were fishing with the magnets. Were not catching fish. Were catching metal. Girl jacob caught a paintbrush. The magnet stuck to the metal part. We learned a lot about magnets and metal. Lets imagine were wearing space suits. Whoa oh, cool girl its a lot of fun to imagine things with elmo, being anything you want to be and going anywhere you want to go. Shape ahoy add a bunch of math. Subtraction and some silly song and dance. Elmo elmo the musical girl you get. Elmo the musical elmo the musical this is elmos story. Anything can happen. Announcer weekdays on an allnew season of sesame street, and watch anytime at pbskids. Org. Announcer coming soon to pbs kids, a special submarine adventure. Down submarine announcer on dinosaur train. All ooo the new dinosaur train submarine adventure on pbs kids, monday, february 18, and watch dinosaur train anytime at pbskids. Org. george chattering excitedly this program was made possible by [ female announcer ] at abcmouse. Com we believe that learning and curiosity go hand in hand. Abcmouse. Com Early Learning academy, proud sponsor of pbs kids and Curious George. For more than 90 years stride rites been there. Helping you choose the right shoes. Stride rite is a proud sponsor of Curious George. Funding for Curious George is provided by contributions to your pbs station. Ooh. And from Curious George loves math and numbers. Lets learn about the number two. Another way to say two of something is to say, a pair. For example the man with the yellow hat has two eyes, or a pair of eyes. He also has a pair of hands. Can you find Something Else thats in a pair . Shoes right hes wearing a pair of shoes. You can play more games like this at pbskids. Org. Up next, lets watch the cat in the hat knows a lot about that. Rosa hi. Im miss rosa from pbs kids with martha. Martha from martha speaks. Rosa its easy to help your kids learn anytime, anywhere. Right martha . Martha right. Like at the doctors office. Mom what rhymes with toy . Kid boy. Martha or when youre walking the dog. Mom what letter does that sign start with . Girl s rosa visit pbskids. Org read for more tips and free games like these that make it fun for your child to learn to read. Martha so remember. Martha and rosa anytime is learning time. Hi, there. Dash here ive got a great dancing game for you at pbskids. Org. Lets dance along. Come on its time to dance get on your feet and dance its a dance party dance, dance party its a dance party dashs dance party are you ready . Dance along and see if you can figure out the pattern. Raise your hands over your head wave with your hands, wave move your knees up and down knees up, knees down kick your leg high in the air kick that leg, kick lets start all over and do it again. Do you remember whats first . Raise your hands over your head and wave, wave you can keep on dancing with your favorite pbs kids friends on the computer at pbskids. Org. Thanks for dancing got to dash dashs dance Party Funding for this adventure is brought to you in part by viewers like you, and you, and you, and you. Ha, ha thanks so much youre very kind. Hey what . Come over here, the cat in the hat is about to appear. Hes whizzing over to whisk you away on a fabulous journey today. Hes coming and now hes arrived in the thingamajigger the thing that he drives hes a cat and hes oodles of fun with his hairy helpers thing two and thing one instrumental instrumental its the cat in the hat all of our adventures start like that. Wherever youre going where ever youre at the cat in the hat knows a lot about. He knows a lot about he knows a lot about, he knows a lot about. That laughter twenty three. Twentyfour. Twentyfive wow. A twentyfive scoop hole hmm. How deep down do you think we can go, sally . Were explorers, nick. Its our job to find out were going to need bigger shovels. Hows this one for size . Its the cat the cat in the hat oh no youre in a hole ill rescue you giggles and laughter whoa no, cat were explorers oooh. [laughs] were exploring how deep down we can go. I know a place where you can go deeper than deep its deep. Deep. Deep that must mean a lot of digging no none at all. The deepest place i know is under water. Its the bottom of the swirly whirly ocean cool gasp can you take us there . I can. And well need one of these too a flag . Explorers plant a flag where they go, to show that theyve been there. Well plant this one at the bottom of the swirly whirly ocean like real explorers yes your mother will not mind at all if you do giggles mom huh . Im in the basement can we go plant a flag at the bottom of the swirly whirly ocean . The bottom of the swirly whirly ocean . Sure. Make sure your flags waterproof. We will. [laughing] we can go we can go i know i know to the thingamajigger im going exploring too. Where to fish . Right to the bottom of my bowl its like a whole other world down here laughter and giggles next stop the swirly whirly ocean buckle up [honk] flick the jiggermawhizzer [giggles] [boing] [honk] [pop] isnt this fun . Yahoo here we go, go, go, go on an adventure. The thingamajigger is up and away go, go, go, go on an adventure. Were flying with the cat in the hat today to the bottom of the ocean were going today. To plant our flag the explorer way here we go, go, go, go on an adventure. Go, go, go, go go welcome to the swirly whirly ocean this is going to be fun. It sure is. Pull the subbereblubber [ding ding] dive dive dive yahoo wow, look at all these fish. So many colours. [horn] excuse me. I beg your pardon. Were on our way to the bottom of the ocean. Do you mind whoa, the swirly whirly ocean is really busy. Hey thats a funny looking fish. Hi. Who are you . Im nick. This is sally, cat and fish. Hello. Oh, im aurilia, the angler fish. What are you doing up here at the top of the ocean. Dont you anglers usually live down deep, deep, deep . My mom sent me up here when i was just a little egg. Why did she do that . Because its lovely and warm up here. A great place for fish eggs. It is pretty sunny. Dont you miss your mom . I do thats why im going down deep to join her. Hey,thats where were heading too. To the bottom of the swirly whirly ocean why dont we all go together . What a wonderful idea well be with you in a shake of a cats tail. Lets beat the traffic and take a dip aurilia lead the way. To the bottom of the ocean as deep as we can go i love your er. Dangly thing. [laughs] great, isnt it . None of the other fishes have a dangly thing like me. Hey look why not take a ride in my shellevator cool were going down deep going down deep to the bottom of the ocean where its deeper than deep going down its getting darker. And colder too thats because were so deep in the ocean, the sunlight doesnt reach all the way down here. Yay weve reached the bottom. Its flagplanting time i have a feeling in my whiskers that we havent reached the bottom of the ocean just yet. Youre right. We still have a looong way to go. Look yay we can go waaaay deeper im too cold to go deeper. Hm. Haha not if you wear a bubbly wubbly deep water bubble suit cool youll be nice and warm in these. Woah i cant see anything. Its really dark now wow aurilia look youve got your very own built in night light so thats what my dangly thing does i never noticed that before. Your light shines clearer. Thats because its darker down here. That dangly thing is called a lure. When we go down deep it will be useful for sure. I wish i had my very own night light. But you do press your nightlightamabrighters. [honk] giggle and laughter great now we can all see each other race you to the bottom giggle its extra, super dark now theres no light at all. Except that one mom yahoo huh . Look, the light is getting bigger. Its such a lovely light. So beautiful. Cat . Mom i do love your light. Oh feeding time mmm, yummy. Oh my mom its me aurilia you found me we saw your night light flashing in the dark. laugh most things do they swim right into my mouth giggle mom. Are we at the bottom of the ocean . Oh no. Thats down there dear. Way too deep for us. Too deep for us too. The deeper we go the more water there is on top of us. It must be very heavy. Youre absolutely right if we go any deeper, itll squash my hat flat but were explorers. We have to find the bottom of the swirly whirly ocean. Then we need the thingamajigger youre down in the deep with flag planting to do who better to call than thing one and thing two [buzzer, siren] boy, it sure is dark down here. Bye aurilia. Thank you bye bye now. Hope you reach the bottom ready to go deep, deep, deep . Yeah were going down deep going down deep to the bottom of the ocean where its deeper than deep were going down deep going down deep to the bottom of the ocean where its deeper than deep [thud] yay we made it. To the bottom of the swirly whirly ocean. But how are we going to plant our flag . We cant go outside. No problem be my guest. Thanks cat time to plant our flag. This great moment calls for a few words. [trumpet] excuse me oh i hadnt even started. clears throat to the deepest of places way under the ocean weve travelled today im so full of emotion. Trumpet wait when i finish, you do the music whoopsie. Uhoh. The ocean grows darker the deeper you go, but youre sure to make friends both up top and below now plant the flag trumpet hooray nice flagplanting too bad we wont meet any new friends down here. Thats right. No one else has ever been this deep before. Hello look at that wow its. I dont know what it is but i like it whos that how could i forget darren . Darren the dumbo octopus. He lives deeper than deep. Were glad you like our explorers flag, darren perhaps you could look after it for us . Whoah yeah darren loves the funny, flappy thing hell look after it until the next time we come deep. Deep. Deep oh, boy oh, boy oh, boy laughing bye goodbye thats what i call exploring giggle we had a great time exploring the deep, cat where shall we explore next . Theres always somewhere new to go your mother will not mind at all if we do yay laughter doodoodoo doodoodoo doodoodoo look an american flamingo flamingoes find their food underwater. But when they eat, they do something funny with their heads. So, what do flamingoes do when they eat . Did you say they turn their heads upside down . Thats right thats how they catch food best you got it this time but next time underwater ill stump you for sure giggle race you to the puddle, sally laugh youre on, nick go i bet i can jump all the way over it no way. The puddles too big its huge its giant its [screech] almost gone where did it go . It was here yesterday. You can still see the wet spot yoohoo wait for me ah oh oh why, i never miss a chance to paddle in a puddle its the cat the cat in the hat no doubt about that but my floaty sea horse is a little flat. I dont think youll need it anyway, cat. Our puddles gone and we dont know where. Or why . Hmm. Do you think it has anything to do with the sun . You mean like how the sun dries us off after a swim . Maybe lets take a closer look at that puddle. I have just the thing tada whats that . The micromaboodle it bigifies tiny things so we can see them. See that grasshopper down there . No. No. Ha just wait and see. Wow, i see it now neat oh try it on the puddle. Look, somethings rising up thats water vapour. Vapour is made of tiny bits of water that are so small we cant see them. Water vapour . Are you sure . Sure, im sure im a fish. I know a lot about water. But wheres the vapour going . Ah well. Can we follow it and find out . Yeah can we go, cat . Please . Of course we can well fly up high in the bluey blue sky and find out where the puddle went your mother will not mind at all if you do. giggling mommmmm can we go up in the bluey blue sky to look for a puddle . Youre looking for a puddle in the sky . chuckle sure go ahead. But youll find plenty of water here at bathtime thanks mom giggles we can go we can go we can go we can go i know i know to the thingamajigger buckle up [honk] flick the jiggermawhizzer [giggles] [boing] [honk] [pop] isnt this fun . Yahooooooo here we go, go, go, go on an adventure. The thingamajigger is up and away go, go, go, go on an adventure were flying with the cat in the hat today our puddle is gone and we want to know why so were taking a trip to the blueyblue sky here we go, go, go, go on an adventure. Go, go, go, go, go fasciminating. The vapour from the puddle is still going upup up just remember to watch where youre driving dont worry, fish. Theres nothing up here to crash into. Trust me hey [screams] oh ho ho. What happened . Oh, hi cat elmore how are you . Hi everybody. Were following our puddle puddle . Where . I cant see any water. Neither can we but its there. Oh huh. I dont get it. Well you see. Our puddle turned to vapour and upup it flew we dont know where its going but were going to go there too laugh you guys are quackers. The only thing i see up there is a great big cloud ooh, i hope its a rain cloud. I just loooove rain well im off. Good luck finding your puddle thanks, elmore. Bye bye brr the higher we go the cooler it gets. The water vapour is still around us. And going up, up, up cool were inside a cloud its cold and damp. Like fog, on a foggy day. Ooh, look the water vapour has stopped rising. Youre right the dots are just floating around, now. And they look bigger too. Lets check it out nick. Hit the shrinkmadoodle [honk] neat what are all these little round things . Lets see. slurp refreshalicious. Its water how could it be water . Water doesnt float in the air. Except when its water vapour. But this is different than the water vapour we saw on the screen. These are more like big water drops. Maybe the water vapour turned into water drops . Can it do that . Well, the water in our puddle turned to vapour in the hot sun. But up here, its cold. So maybe. Cold air made the vapour turn back into water . slurp my you are so clever. It sure tastes like water if thats true then this is part of your puddle. And this and this so thats where our puddle went. The tiny drops floated up here to help make a cloud then were in a cloudpuddle a cluddle a ploud . Oh whatever. Who wants to go cloudswimming . Meee oh meee whoa youd best tie it with double knots and bowsies. giggling this is fun look, i can do the back stroke laugh i can do a doggypaddle wow. Come and see this huh . Woah look how high up we are yeah i think this cloud is getting higher. I think its getting colder, too. Hey. Sally. Do the water drops look bigger now . Yeah much bigger. The little drops are bumping together. And theyre joining up to make really big ones sally . Nick . Its getting even foggier in here. Maybe you should come back, while you can still find your way . Okay. Okay. Whoa whoa that was fun yeah great idea, cat. Cat . Uhoh. Cat where are you . Over here about halfway between thisaway and thataway. Huh . Huh . Can you find your way back to the thingamajigger . Of course i can its right over. Ah. No its its humm. Oh dear. Nick . Sally . I think one of us is lost. And unfortunately i think its me dont worry, cat. Well get you back but how . I know how by asking the question what would cat do . hed light our way back with thing one and thing two [whistles] hello [loud noies, horns train whistle] what a noise cat will easily find us now. Cat er cat were over here i hear you. Im on my way whistles over here oh there he is theres cat i followed the sounds and then i saw your lights flashing, like a beacon in the mist. Hooray thanks everyone. Bye bye and fish my goodness, i never knew you could whistle. Oh, im always learning new things. For example, i never knew big water drops could stay up in the air like that. [splash] i guess they cant. What . Hey i think the water drops are turning into rain drops yeah. The rain drops are getting too big to stay up in the air. Ooh, what fun lets follow them. laughing whooooaaa shrieks of delight whoops gotcha shrieks of delight splashdown laughs wait a minute where did this lake come from . This is no lake, sally. Press the bigamaboodle [honk] intake breath its our puddle and its full of water again [quacks] and one very happy duck. cheers finally, we get to splash in our puddle [cheers] [laughing] nick youre getting me wet [laughs] havent you two had enough water for one day . Our puddle adventure was wonderful fun it turned into vapour, warmed by the sun then travelled way up to the bluey blue sky where it turned into clouds, so fluffy and high then the water drops cooled and got bigger and fatter turned into rain, and fell pitterpatter hey. What happened to the pitterpatter . It stopped raining. And the suns coming out i guess our puddles going to dry up again. What so soon . But i havent had a chance to splash yet catabunga laughter giggles and squeals welcome to hat chat. Today were talking to a brownthroated threetoed sloth. Maybe you should wave to our audience. That could take a while. I do things kinda slowly. All i eat are leaves. Leaves dont give me much energy. So why dont you look for other food . Have you seen how slow i am . Besides, i like to stay here, eating leaves. eating sounds do you have a home . No, but ive got these claws. gulp i just hang on tight and sleep right here. yawn so you spend your entire life up here . I come down to go to the bathroom about once a week. Thats a whole days work well. Thanks for talking to us. Im in an african savannah, on a jungle patrol. Surrounded by green at this old water hole. A good place to be at least thats what i think for so many animals come here to drink. The black and white zebras arrive in a crowd so do the monkeys. Who are terribly loud. The elephants plod down their very worn path they drink and they spray. Thats an elephants bath. A Giraffe Braces his legs dipping down for a sip with his extra long tongue flipping over his lip. And theres a small oxpecker perched on his back, eating ticks, eating fleas, its his favourite snack. But all of the animals step to one side when the king of the beasts wants his thirst satisfied. Theyre all shapes and all sizes, with fur skin or feather. An african water hole. Brings the creatures together lo lets imagine were wearing space suits. Whoa oh, cool girl its a lot of fun to imagine things with elmo, being anything you want to be and going anywhere you want to go. Shape ahoy add a bunch of math. Subtraction and some silly song and dance. Elmo elmo the musical girl you get. Elmo the musical elmo the musical this is elmos story. Anything can happen. Announcer weekdays on an allnew season of sesame street, and watch anytime at pbskids. Org. Announcer coming soon to pbs kids, a special submarine adventure. Down submarine announcer on dinosaur train. All ooo the new dinosaur train submarine adventure on pbs kids, monday, february 18, and watch dinosaur train anytime at pbskids. Org. Funding for this adventure is brought to you in part by viewers like you, and you, and you, and you. Ha, ha thanks so much youre very kind. The cat in the hat sure knows a lot about animals. Do you . Tell me, which animal makes this sound . Here we go. [arrrooo] an elephant yes an elephant now which animal makes this sound . [hoo hoo hoo] an owl right. You really do know your animals just like the cat in the hat, and you can play more fun games with him at pbskids. Org. Now lets go on a reading adventure with super why

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