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Ears get together and make things better by working together its a simple message and it comes from the heart believe in yourself for thats the place to start and i say hey hey what a wonderful kind of day if we could learn to work and play and get along with each other. Hey what a wonderful kind of day hey what a wonderful kind of day. Hey arthur hey, d. W. Hey whoa crash okay, this is for the title. Whoever wins this race shall hereby be known as the sled master. Dont forget the sundae. The winner gets a big pig at the sugar bowl with extra everything. Youre on on your mark. Get set. Go creaking buster whoohoo, tree house here i come arthur screams wood crashing did i do it . Who won . Who cares . Look. gasps our tree house arthur it was completely destroyed. Now its just a big pile of wood. But thats impossible. That tree house has been around for years. Its because weve angered them. Were sorry, aliens. Here take arthurs pie as a peace offering. Aliens had nothing to do with it, buster. It just fell because of all the snow. Where are we supposed to hang out now . Muffy my place. Its very conveniently located. Yeah for you. We cant go to someones house. The cool thing about the tree house was that no one owned it. I have a 60inch flatscreen tv with 300 channels. Im there. Remember our first day in the tree house . kids cheering baby cooing sorry, dora winifred, this place is only for big kids. wailing ah, that was a good day. Francine yeah. Im sure going to miss that place. Man so, when will you build a new one . Arthur new one . I couldnt help overhearing your conversation. It seems like you kids need another tree house. You dont understand mister. You can call me frank. Im an architect and ive been hired to design the new art gallery in elwood city. See . Thats going to be a building . Frank well, its just a preliminary sketch but sure, why not . Who says a building has to look like a box . Our tree house was kind of boxy, but it was the best place to hang out in the world. Frank who knows . If you put your heads together, you might dream up something even better. Ask your parents to give me a call if you get any ideas. I could help you design it. Arthur okay, how about this . A castle tree house. Buster nah, castles have been done before. All right. How about a space ship tree house . Buster theyve got Something Like that at the chicken lickin. Arthur fine, lets hear some of your ideas. I dont have any yet. It should be something different, something new, like. Like. Like this. A moldy crust of bread . No, arthur, a moldy pizza crust. Its from the very first pizza my mom and i shared with harry. So . Dont you see . We could have a pizza tree house. It could be shaped like a pie and the windows could look like pepperonis and. Wait. The windows could actually be pepperonis. And if its not raining, you could tear the windows off and eat them. And thered be hot and cold running tomato sauce mmm. And big comfy mozzarella chairs. sighs contentedly laughing thats the most ridiculous idea ive ever heard. Okay, maybe it cant actually be made of pizza, but it could still be shaped like a pie. No way itll look really weird. I dont think so. Im not taking a design for a pizza tree house to frank. Then maybe we should just work on this alone. Arthur it just doesnt make any sense. Whoever heard of a pieshaped house . Hmm. Pieshaped. Why are you writing that down . Im collecting ideas for a design thatll satisfy everyone. So far its got to have an art gallery an Underground Passage to the library and a wrestling arena. Arthur how will you fit a wrestling arena on top of a tree . Details, details. Brain, what features would you like in a new tree house . You dont have to bother designing anything, francine. Ive already done it. What . Yes, i ran into that architect and ive come up with a plan that will benefit all of elwood city. What is it . Sorry, arthur, im not at liberty to discuss the project, but come to the unveiling at the sugar bowl. May i have some toothpicks, mrs. Macgrady . Thank you. Huh . That knowitall well see who has the best design. sighs i need the glue to dry faster. wind whistling sneezes screams okay, well put binkys wrestling arena here and sue ellens pagoda there and georges woodworking shop over to the left right next to wallys sauna. Oh, yeah, and it all has to be pieshaped. groans i cant even see the tree anymore. groaning this is pointless. There are just too many things to include. grunts squeaking huh . That just might work. Can we eat yet . Just a minute. I want this drawing to really capture pizza. There what do you think . Its very. Pizzaish. Oh, its too simple. We should have ordered more toppings. Aw, arthur was right. A pizza tree house is a dumb idea. sighing maybe i should work with calzones. Well, whatever you do, itll have to wait till after dinner. Im starving. Wait stop thats it, thats it dont move, mom. Arthur i couldnt decide on a spaceship or a castle so i combined the two. Its a spacecastle tree house. I bet thats new. Actually, it reminds me of the work of the spanish architect antonio gaudi. It does . Its a compliment, arthur. Gaudi created some of the most inspiring buildings of his generation. Look at his church of the Sagrada Familia in barcelona. Buster awesome arthur thats amazing. What did you come up with, buster . I know it sounds kind of silly, but, well, its a pizza tree house. At first i imagined it as pieshaped, but then i thought why not separate the slices . And you could climb from slice to slice on ladders made of cheese. stick figure burps hmm. Cheese is not the best building material. Oh. I guess the whole idea is pretty ridiculous. No, it isnt. I made a building once that looked just like a pair of binoculars see . A great building can be inspired by anything. The question is, can it be built . I dont think one tree could support all that. Thats why i decided to use ten trees. I couldnt fit everyones wishes into one design so i spread it out. That way, binky can have his wrestling arena. Sue ellen can have her art studio and so on and so on. And they would all be connected by bridges so we could visit each other. clang chuckles meanly i like how you incorporated the surrounding space, but theres no place for you all to hang out together. Isnt that the main purpose of your tree house . Brain theres room for the whole school in my design. coughs presenting the worlds tallest tree house. Kids whoa cool thats not a tree house its built on the ground. True, but it will bring millions of tourists to elwood city and revitalize our sluggish economy. Its a bold vision, brain, but that would cost a fortune to build. Brain i know. I spent three months of allowance on the toothpicks alone. sneezes and then i got a cold waiting for the glue to dry. All your ideas are excellent but i dont think you have your tree house yet. That only leaves one option we hang out at muffys. Or you could go back to the drawing board and try working together this time. hammering frank strong lines a harmonious composition i love it. See, i told you you could come up with something new that you would all like. Francine its pretty much what we had before. We just couldnt improve on the original design. The key is finding a design that reflects your vision, and thats what you did. And we built it ourselves. Well, how can you beat that . Here its a poster of something i designed. If youre ever in spain, you should check it out. Arthur to my friends in elwood city, frank gehry. That was frank gehry . I dont believe it hes one of the greatest architects of our time. This is the museum he designed in bilbao, spain which people from all over the world travel to see. Whoa and you thought my pizza house was far out. Kids and now. My name is chris, and this is my thirdgrade class. Were talking about buildings, and we looked at pictures of very interesting buildings. That looks like a church made out of sand. This one here looks like a cup. Teacher we would like you to go and design your dream building. Want some crayons . Chris we are drawing a picture of a dream building. This is a building for people to skate in. Its an awesome place to skate at. Girl this building is colorful and you can have birthday parties in the middle of it. Kids surprise it has polka dots on it and its very colorful because i want people to remember where it is. This is a building where you go to be a baseball player. It looks like a baseball building because it has a pitcher a baseball and a field. bat cracks; crowd cheering and if you cant really find a place to park, theres a parking lot right here. horns honking it looks like a dog its a place for dogs and more than 100 dogs fit in this building. dogs barking people are teaching the dogs how to talk like humans. Hello. Whats up . This building up here is a place where dogs can get their teeth cleaned. dentists tool whirring this is daycare center. This is where the little kids go and take their nap and this is where they play. This is different because its my idea. And now. Mr. Haney attention, boys and girls. I have an announcement regarding your chorus trip to crown city. Starting today, all plastic garbage should. Wrong announcement. chuckles where is that thing . Ah, singing at bartleby hall it almost makes repeating third grade worth it. Really . Im nervous singing to all those people. Im not talking about the concert im talking about finkelmeyers the place ms. Krasny takes us to afterwards. Its the best deli in crown city the pastrami sandwiches are so big you need to sit on a telephone book to eat them after half of one, you think youll never be able to eat again but when they bring the cheesecake. sighing you make room. dreamily finkelmeyers. Ah here we go. Ms. Krasny will not be able to take you to crown city this year. Oh, the humanity but weve managed to find you a replacement. Both dr. Fugue . yeeha fugue who am i . Dr. Frederique fugue pianist, private tutor musicologist. What is my goal . To make sure youre ready to sing at bartleby hall at 4 00 p. M. This friday. Questions . Dr. Fugue . I have a. in raspy voice a sore throat. May i be excused . No. If you sing from the diaphragm you will not strain your vocal cords. But you may have a flavorless lozenge. Right enough chitchat. Well begin with scales. After me. Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do. Class off key do, re, mi. Stop arthur, fern, muffy and binky, youre flat. Well start again and continue until everyone is on key. Class melodically . Fa, sol, la, ti, do. Good. That time you were all pitchperfect. Remember, a chorus sings as one voice. All it takes is one rotten apple to spoil the bushel. Now, for your homework. Class homework . aw, man screeching as i was saying, for homework you are all to pick a song to sing in class. It will help me decide who will sing the solo. What . but i have the solo part ms. Krasny gave it to me if your singing merits it, perhaps i shall as well. Good day. Francine you had him as piano teacher and survived . Hes strange but he is a good teacher. Binky hes the best. Thats why im not singing. Others what . why not . Because im a lousy singer once dr. Fugue really hears my voice, hell lose all respect for me. Youll miss finkelmeyers think of the pastrami, binky oh, im going on the trip. Ive got it all worked out. Morning bells are ringing ding dang dong inhales ding dang dong. applause and cheering impressive range, francine. If you learn to control your breathing you could become an excellent singer. Does that mean i get the solo . Ill let you know when ive made my decision. Lets begin our song the very appropriate in the good old summertime, which will take a bite out of winter. Has anyone seen binky . Binky here i am did i miss the solo tryouts . Oh, darn lousy watch the battery must have died. From the top plays note class theres a time in each year that we always hold dear good old summertime with the birds and the treeses and sweetscented breezes. class stops singing, binky pretending to sing fugue b flat la fugue c sharp la sharper in higher pitch la breathing deeply class slowly when your days work is over then you are in clover. Tempo tempo this isnt tchaikovskys funeral march, people buster, can you pass the salt in a minor . Here you go. Are you finished with that fish stick in c major . More feeling enunciate give it some. Gusto class you hold her hand and she holds yours and thats a very good sign that shes your tootsiewootsie in the good old summertime. Well, the tempo was good the phrasing was accurate, and the pitch was perfect. But theres one very important thing youre not doing. I knew it was too good to be true youre not having fun. Did you know there are 21 chandeliers in bartleby hall each glittering with hundreds of pieces of crystal . When you take the stage, the chandeliers rise toward the ceiling and dim and resemble stars on a cloudless night. Then there is a silence, which is at once frightening and thrilling, because in seconds it will be filled with your voice. And when the conductor lowers his baton it feels like you are not singing alone, but with the help of all the beautiful voices that ever echoed in that theater. La fugue that, my friends is what you have to look forward to tomorrow. Enjoy it especially you, francine. Theres nothing worse than a glum soloist. Yes bell rings class dismissed. Get a good nights sleep. Binky dr. Fugue . I have something to tell you. Youve been lipsynching all week . But. How did you. . Oldest chorus trick in the book. Used it many times with the whittenpoofs. I just thought, well i might be all right at clarinet, but singing. Contrary to what you might think, you have an excellent voice but its up to you to you use it. Thanks, dr. Fugue. Youre welcome. In a minor. Class shell be comin round the mountain shell be comin round the mountain shell be comin round the mountain when she comes george, fern and jenna you were off key. class complaining hey, its really starting to come down can we have a snowball fight before the concert . And expose your highly cultivated vocal cords to the elements . Not a chance hows the Weather Forecast . Not good. The snow is getting heavier. Fugue fear not. Crown city is a hibernal paradise in a snowstorm. The streets are hushed the cars are snuggled. The road is closed what . brakes squealing blond with sand and a pair of life preservers better fire up the second griddle, remy. We got a busload comin in. Francine but what about the concert . If we stop, well never make it in time youre letting the draft in. Therell be no cases of grippe on my watch. Another coffee if you please. Sadie and i had theater tickets. What a pity. We dont get out much. Its just not fair. We did all that practicing for nothing. I didnt, but i was going to sing anyway. Ill probably never get another chance to perform at bartleby hall. Ah, all that cheesecake. Hey, you think were sad . Check out dr. Fugue. Poor guy. He must be crushed watch ticking right chorus, assemble, please come, come were wasting time. Obviously, the acoustics are not as good as they are at bartleby hall so you should project a little more. Other than that, remember to smile and. Dr. Fugue, what are we doing . Performing, of course. Its 4 00. No way were in a diner ive played humbler venues. kids complaining whistles shrilly i am very proud of this chorus and youve worked too hard not to hear how good youve become. plays single note class theres a time in each year that we always hold dear good old summertime when the birds and the treeses and sweetscented breezes good old summertime in the good old summertime in the good old summertime. solo strolling through a shady lane with your baby mine. Francine and binky you hold her hand and she holds yours and thats a very good sign. Class that shes your tootsiewootsie in the good old summertime. Yeah man bravo cheering and applause waitress a plows coming to clear route 9 so youll be able to get to elwood city. But in the meantime, remy thought you might like some appleberry pie. Well, it may not be finkelmeyers, but. This is amazing this is the best pie ive ever had waitress ill tell remy. He used to be a pastry chef in paris five stars and all that. slurping francine dr. Fugue . I thought i was a good singer a week ago but now i realize i have a lot to learn. Im really looking forward to it. So. Thank you in c sharp class and fugue you hold her hand and she holds yours and thats a very good sign that shes your tootsiewootsie in the good old summertime. Brown when i draw baby kate, i do sort of a miniature version of arthur. I start with an oval for her head. I always do the eyes second. And lets give her a little bit of hair here. Well give her those two little dots for her nostrils. And she smiles a lot. And well add her ears. And theres baby kate. giggling visit us online at pbskidsgo. Org. You can find arthur books and lots of other books, too at your local library. Captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org and everybody that you meet has an original point of view. And i say hey hey what a wonderful kind of day if we could learn to work and play and get along with each other hey what a wonderful kind of day hey captioning is provided by. [ female announcer ] fun for everyone makes a family strong. Chuck e. Cheeses proudly supports pbs kids. And by a ready to Learn Television cooperative agreement from the u. S. Department of education through the public broadcasting service. Broadcasting Service Every week. Thats me martha speaks is proof positive. Do we love llamas, people . Theres nothing like a talking dog. Hello voices wobbling you guys are really irritating. Does irritating mean fun . On your mark, go martha speaks on pbs kids. Wow barking honks martha speaks is funded in part by. Kiddie Academy Child Care learning centers. Proud supporter of pbs kids. Providing educationally focused child care preparing children for school and for life. Kiddie academy. The corporation for public broadcasting, by a cooperative agreement from the u. S. Department of educations readytolearn grant by and by was an average dog she went. And. And. barking, growls when she ate some alphabet soup then what happened was bizarre. On the way to marthas stomach the letters lost their way. They traveled to her brain, and now. Shes got a lot to say now she speaks. How now, brown cow . Martha speaks yeah, she speaks and speaks and speaks and speaks and speaks. Whats a caboose . When are we eating again . Martha speaks. Hey, joe, what do you know . My names not joe. Shes not always right but still that martha speaks. Hi, there. Shes got a voice, shes ready to shout martha will tell you what its all about sometimes wrong but seldom in doubt martha will tell you what its all about that dogs unique. Testing, one, two. Hear her speak martha speaks and speaks and speaks and speaks and. Communicates, enumerates elucidates, exaggerates indicates and explicates bloviates and overstates and. panting hyperventilates martha to reiterate martha speaks. hammer and chisel tapping clinking on rock when youre done, move that over there. Oh, hi im carolina. Welcome to my island. Todays show is all about things like government. A government is a group of people who make rules called laws. But who needs a group when youve got me as a ruler . Watch for all the words having to do with cooperation and voting. Ill see you at the end of the show whoa oops sorry. Its okay. thunder crashing there it is flea island thunder crashing grunts i see it oh, no all screaming thunder booming coughing im drowning im drowning coughs im drowning td carolina . Stand up. Oh. sheepish laugh carolina were shipwrecked what do you mean . I mean our ship wrecked. Oh. Uh. Right. Were stuck well never get off this wretched island truman, calm down. Im sure well get out of here. I dont know how well do that with a wrecked canoe. Oh mi celular my cell is full of water. Its useless stay calm, everyone. Someones bound to come looking for us. How could they . No one knows were here. Hey, trumans right. Dont look at me. Its not my fault. What do you mean, its not your fault . You were the one who said. Youre coming with me on a trip. And you were the one who said. I need your cooperation to keep it top secret. You cant tell anyone. And werent you the one who said. Lets leave from the far side of the lake so no one sees us. And you definitely were the one who said wind whistles, thunder rumbles those arent rain clouds theyre sprinkle clouds truman and now look were stranded and we still dont know why were here. Tds right, carolina. Whats the big secret . Why did you bring us all here . All right, ill tell you. But you have to promise to keep it secret. sighs if anyone found out where we were going or what we were doing the whole mission would be ruined. What mission . It all started last friday at school. It was a perfect day. Friday the end of the week things are goin just fine truman what . You sang a song . Shh this is my story. Ill tell it the way i want. humming happily no more school no more rules dont even need a perfect rhyme humming im totally going to ace this thing. What thing . Science project. What science project . Were just supposed to bring in three kinds of plants. I was just going to pull some weeds out of my backyard. At least until. ¿francia . Youre going to france . My dad is. Hes on a business trip. Hes bringing some plants back. What are you planning to do, pull some weeds out of your backyard . Uh, no duh. thunder crashing i must outdo Tiffany Blatsky thunder booming why do you have to outdo tiffany . Because shes so competitive. She has to win at everything. But. Shh im coming to the good part. Oh, its hopeless. thunder rumbling wait thats it i have a plan thunder booming i decided i would lead a scientific expedition to the most exotic, uh, yet nearby place i could find flea island sinister laughter, dramatic music plays so youre saying were stranded out here, freezing. Hungry. Wet. Alone. Hungry. For a science project . hungry mmhmm. Isnt it brilliant . Aah oh man i knew i couldnt do it on my own. I had to assemble the greatest Scientific Team i could find. Uh. Us . Sure. Martha could use her great sense of smell to lead us to interesting plants. Truman could tell which plants were sciencey enough to get an a, and i could supervise. Well, what about me . What could i do . You could paddle the canoe. Hmm. Well, what do we do now . Itll be getting dark soon im in charge. Ill decide. Why are you in charge . cause im the leader. It was my idea to come out here. Exactly. Exactly youre the one who got us stuck here we shouldve never listened to you. Hey, i didnt make the weather then wed still be. You cant blame me. Martha quiet look, if were going to get out of here we need to cooperate. Yeah carolina. Cooperate. It means we Work Together as a team. Lets just start walking and see if we find someone. I agree. Ill lead the way. No, i will. No, i will hmph hmph im going to spend my entire life stuck here listening to these two argue. Im going this way. Carolililina im coming td wait up carolina dont leave me water bubbling whew hey giggles yuck wait for me bird hooting insects chirping bird hooting gasps martha run all screaming thats it. Im exhausted. I cant go anymore. How can you be tired . We only came, like, ten feet. I had to supervise you three all day. Thats exhausting. Supervise . all you do is boss us around. Thats what supervise means. I had to watch and make sure you got everything done the right way. You had to supervise us . Okay, everyone. It wouldnt hurt to rest for a minute. If we dont find someone soon we could be stuck here a long time. Hey, wait a minute. That might not be so bad. Think about it. We could make our own civilization all new from the ground up. We make the rules. Like what . We could make up our own language. Like cavemen. Ooh, and we can call hot dogs pork bananas. We could call water wet stuff. Wed have our own hideout. Cant you just see it . I can td gasps pirates theyre in range ready . Fire screaming say, its nice up here. Yar no, im the captain, which means i supervise you. td screaming hi. Weve never met any pirates before. You guys want to come visit . Were having pork bananas. Well, if were going to get out of here wed better come to a consensus. Oh brother. Where are we going to find a consensus . Were on an island. A consensus isnt a thing. A consensus means everyone, or almost everyone agrees to something. Like we might have a consensus to find something to eat . Anybody . No . So let me get this straight. We need to cooperate to get off the island. Right no fighting. We Work Together as a team. And if most people agree on something, we have a. A consensus. And when we have a consensus on what to do, then well take action. Thats right. Carolina well be here forever were never getting off this island. Well, whose fault is that . td, truman and carolina arguing look hey, look, everyone td one of the rental boats. It must have come loose in the storm. Hang on, everyone. Got it good work, martha we did it were saved i knew if we cooperated and worked as a team wed have this problem licked. Okay, carolina. Get in, lets go. Hmm, theres something strange. The sun shouldnt be over there. Td okay, but hurry up and get in before it starts raining again. Im telling you, the sun is setting in the wrong direction. The sun cant set in the wrong direction. Tell her, truman. Cant we just go . I dont want to be sick on anyone. Again. Sorry about that. Its okay the rain washed it off. Come on, carolina. Hmm. Then were turned the wrong way or something. Im getting sick again will you listen to me quiet everybody, shh what now . I thought i heard. phone ringing a phone . On flea island . Its over that way what the heck . How did that get there . You know, it was pretty hard to see where we were going in that storm. You dont think. . Is it possible . It couldnt be. Were not on flea island . We were home the whole time . I had a feeling something was wrong. Were still on the far side of the lake. How are we all going to get home . I have an idea. Id like to put in an order please. For delivery. Well, at least we all stuck together as a team. Thats what saved us. Im sorry i got us all into trouble. But you kept us from paddling out to flea island. You knew we were headed in the wrong direction. And the pizza guy is going to deliver us home. With pizza so all is well Mission Accomplished oh. gasps oh, no, i forgot whats the matter . Oh my science project i totally forgot about it i still need to find three kinds of plant life. Hey, wait i know can you make one with pineapple, spinach and broccoli . Ew ew ill eat it. Td it may not taste great but youll have a good story for your science class. Martha ill eat it. Truman we heard you. Martha ill eat it ill eat it how can i put out a paper with a big blank space in the front . Thats not a newspaper. Thats stationery. We just need one more story. Ive got it oh, not another scary cat story. Scary cat . Where . giggling oh, i see. You were just. Okay, no, actually i was going to say i know someone who can help us. Both who . Do you have a story to tell . If so, go to the marthas stories page at pbskids. Org and check out the town crier game. Write up your story. Make a puzzle that includes any words you like. Include the weather. And then print it up. And hurry i have a deadline. Meet up at pbskids. Org. skits barking helen . Arent you done yet . Not yet i want to finish this chapter. You finished now . Nope. How about now . No. Now . groans no, and i never will be if you keep interrupting. Whats so great about reading up there . Why cant you read inside . I like it up here. Its nice and quiet. Usually. Carolina yoohoo anybody home . Where are you going . I thought you hated that tree house. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I need helen to come to the park with me. I dont suppose youd want to use your influence to convince her, would you . Influence . Thats when you try to get someone to say or do what you want. Maybe. If i can influence you to take me to the park, too. sighs if i have to. Hey, cuz. Want to come to the park with me and tiffany . I really want to read my book. But you have to if you dont, ill be stuck with her. Hi alone. Whats wrong with that . I mean i thought you guys were friends. We are but if its just us, things kind of become a competition, and tiffanys got to win, win, win whats this . My cousins silly old tree house. Its so cool. gasps i love, love, love it. Its just darling. Really . I mean, yeah, really. I agree. It really is. But you dont like this place. Shh nervous laugh muffled mumbling skits barking you guys, you know what we should do . We should make the tree house our clubhouse it kind of already is. Thats what ive always said. Havent i always said that . You said i should tear it down. anxious laughing oh itll be so much fun i think so, too. Dont you think so, helen . I guess. Hmm. Of course, a club isnt really a club unless it has a president. gasps correcto ill do it ill do it you . You . Uh, we can have two president s. No no i know well have an election what . An election. Its when people vote on something. Like, well vote on who should be in charge. Do we have to . Both yes tiffany or at least you will. Thats right well campaign and youll vote. Youll decide whos the winner and whos the loser. What . Whatd i miss . nervous groan skits barking whoa barking, panting helen but i dont want to choose thats what voting is helen. You choose who will hold office. Of course, theres usually more than one voter. Exactly. Look at it this way. At least you know your vote will count. sighs great i decide who wins and the loser decides to get mad at me. Martha maybe you wont have to decide. Maybe theyll have forgotten all about the election thing. Buenos dias, clubbie or maybe not. How are you today . Fine. Why are you here . I want to spend time with my little voter. Find out what you think the issues are. Issues . Issues things youre worried about and want to discuss. Like can we paint the clubhouse pink . Thats an issue. Or can boys join . Thats an issue. Can dogs join . That is not an issue. Theres no way a dog can join this club. Hmph. horn honks good morning, voter would you like a ride to school . Dont fall for it helen shes just trying to influence your vote. I am not Public Transportation is one of my election issues. If you choose me i promise you a ride to school every day. Oh, yeah . Well, exercise is one of my election issues. Choose me, and ill walk you to school everyday. Youll have good leadership and good health. Um. I think ill ride my bike. School Bell Rings good morning, class. Please open your books to page 57. Vote for tiffany . Vote for carolina . sighs ew. Vote for tiffany . slurping vote for carolina . Ugh vote for carolina . Yaah how was school today, clubbie . You know, if you ever need help with your homework im here for you. Its on me, voter. There you go, trying to influence my cousins vote again. Am not Good Nutrition is one of my election issues. Youre the one trying to influence votes. Ill help with your homework. Getting good grades is one of my election issues. Uhoh i think were losing our voter. bell rings kids cheering boy ill see you later vote for tiffany . groans dramatic music plays on tv bear growls carlo the dog barks watch out for that grizzly, carlo you could lose a paw carlo barks it could be worse. He could be surrounded by people trying to win his vote. phone ringing hello . Hi. Im with the committee to elect carolina and id like to talk to you about mi candidata, my candidate. Carolina . im watching my favorite tv show. Elections before entertainment mm. Sorry, i got to go. groans im sick of this campaign. sniffing where does it hurt . Is a cam pain, like a tummy pain . No, a campaign is when people do all kinds of things, trying to get you to vote for them. They hand out buttons, they put up posters, they make phone calls. Do they stand in your yard with a cheerleading outfit . Huh . Gimme a t. T gimme an i. I gimme an f and an f and an any what does that spell . Tiffany who should be president . Tiffany whos going to win . Tiffany yay Tiffany Blatsky. The only candidate who will jump through hoops for you. So, hows the election going . Awful carolina and tiffany are so competitive. Theyre constantly campaigning. phone rings hello . Hi. Im with the committee to elect carolina, and. Um, its kind of a bad time carolina were eating. Democracy before dinner. I thought nutrition was one of your issues. No. Thats tiffanys. Oh. Well. My beans are getting cold. I got to go. humming a tune phone rings hello . Hi im with the committee to elect car. helen hangs up sighing those campaigners always call at the worst times. Ill be in my tree house whe its nice and quiet. sighs ah. gasps this campaigning has got to stop its getting crazy theyre messing up everything. My tree house isnt any fun at all anymore. Maybe things will be better after the election. Itll be worse. The loser will be mad at me. I wish i could just elect someone else. Hey maybe you can. whispering heres what were going to do. continues indistinctly mmhmm a debate . yeah. You know, where people talk about something, and. And one person says whats good about it and another says whats bad. We know what debate means. Why do we have to do it . Itll help me to choose who to vote for. Martha will supervise. Shell ask the questions. Your dog is going to lead the debate . Sure. Dogs dont take sides. Unless theres food involved. Ahem. Okay, youll have only five minutes to present your positions on each of the following debate issues. Starting. Now both chuckle nervously, gulp would you feed a dog from the table . Uh. Uh. Hmm. Where do you stand on the dog sleeping on your bed issue . Well, uh. Mm. ticking cats for them or against them . Walking in the park would you choose this as a Club Activity . gasps quietly ooh. ticking whats your feeling about baths . both chuckle nervously ticking and finally would you let a dog be a member of the club . No hmm. Any chance i can influence you to change your mind . Do you think it would influence helen to vote for me . loud whisper it might then yes, dogs can be in the club. I have no debate with that. I agree with carolina. Dogs should be allowed in the club okay, then, helen and i are ready to cast our votes. Our . Youre voting . You said i could be in the club. Okay, we have a consensus. both gasp and the winner is. Me martha yay whoohoo helen yay what . youre kidding whoohoo all right yeah way to go, martha this countrys going to the dogs laughing yeah and im all for it helen its 3 00 time for my president ial biscuit. At 3 15, i want my president ial belly rub. At 3 25, my president ial walk followed by another president ial biscuit. Can you hear me up there . Yes. And weve got to get a president ial elevator for this tree house. Are these issues open for debate . I mean can we vote on it . Uh. No. Whens the next election . Ive got to vote you out of office. Oh. Really . Yyoud do that . Nah. laughs martha barking thats our show. Did you catch all thats our show. Did you catch all the words loud clinking about government and. What is that noise . Here are the words again. No. A campaign is when people do all kinds of things trying to get you to vote for them. They hand out buttons, they put up posters. Issues things youre worried about and want to discuss. Like, can we paint e clubhouse pink . both laughing carolina td see you next time. Bye come back here whos that dog . Whos that dog . Dog, dddog, ddog. That dog is casey. Casey works for my dad. My dads a farmer. Shes a farmers helper thats a dog. She catches mice. And rabbits. She scares away birds. casey barks casey learned to not walk in the beds. Sometimes shell work and sometimes shell play. Shes that dog. Dog, dddog, ddog. Announcer look whos coming your way every weekday. Hot diggity wonderific isnt that amazing . Perfect [ruff ruff ruff] announcer catch all your pbs kids friends weekdays and anytime you want at pbskids. Org. Martha speaks is funded in part by. Kiddie Academy Child Care learning centers. Proud supporter of pbs kids. Providing educationally focused child care preparing children for school and for life. Kiddie academy. The corporation for public broadcasting, by a cooperative agreement from the u. S. Department of educations readytolearn grant by and by to dig up some more fun words and games, visit pbskids. Org or check out your local library for the martha speaks books. Captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org rosa hi. Im miss rosa from pbs kids with martha. Martha from martha speaks. Rosa its easy to help your kids learn anytime, anywhere. Right martha . Martha right. Like at the doctors office. Mom what rhymes with toy . Kid boy. Martha or when youre walking the dog. Mom what letter does that sign start with . Girl s rosa visit pbskids. Org read for more tips and free games like these that make it fun for your child to learn to read. Martha so remember. Martha and rosa anytime is learning time. Hi, there. Dash here ive got a great dancing game for you at pbskids. Org. Lets dance along. Come on, its time to dance get on your feet and dance its a dance party dance, dance party its a dance party dashs dance party lets count in spanish and english clap 4 times 1, 2, 3, 4 uno, dos, tres, cuatro stomp 4 times 1, 2, 3, 4 uno, dos, tres, cuatro clap 4 times uno, dos, tres, cuatro 1, 2 3, 4 stomp 4 times uno, dos, tres cuatro 1, 2, 3, 4 adios, amigos you can keep on dancing with your favorite pbs kids friends on the computer at pbskids. Org. Thanks for dancing got to dash dashs dance party george chattering excitedly this program was made possible by for more than 90 years stride rites been there. Helping you choose the right shoes. Stride rite is a proud sponsor of Curious George. [ female announcer ] we believe a little bit of curiosity can fuel a lifetime of learning. Abcmouse. Com Early Learning academy, proud sponsor of pbs kids and Curious George. Funding for Curious George is provided by contributions to your pbs station. Ooh. And from lively drum intro you never do know whats around the bend big adventure or a brandnew friend when youre curious like Curious George swing well, every day every day is so glorious glorious george and Everything Everything is so wondrous wondrous theres more to explore when you open the door and meet friends like this, you just cant miss i know youre curious curious and thats marvelous marvelous and thats your reward youll never be bored if you ask yourself what is this . Like curious. Like curious. Curious george. Oh. Captioning sponsored by Nbc Universal narrator it had been raining in the country a lot. Rainy days were great for vegetables. And pigs. tractor sputtering, mr. Renkins grunting but not for tractors. sighs im going to need a tow truck. allie sighs i wish we had something fun to do, huh, george . Uhhuh. Bill whoa whoa. grunts my toss is way off since i sprained my thumb. Ah. chatters a question thumbwrestling injury. sighs i really miss it. Sorry about your paper. Its okay. gasps hey, thats something fun to do. We could get the paper down. hooting quietly first we have to build an elevator. Ah. Oh. Whoa. Bill crazy, huh . An artist next town over made a giant sculpture of his dog. Hey that would be fun. Lets do that. Lets make a ginormous sculpture. Ooh, hahahaha. I wish i could make a ginormous sculpture, but ive got this bum thumb. Hmm. Oh, you can stupervise. Uhhuh, uhhuh. Cool. So. What should we make . Hmm. Hmm. chattering thoughtfully suddenly, george saw the perfect thing. chatters hey chattering my thumb . Oh, yeah, my thumb. Great idea. Its easy, its still, and. Its a great thumb. But how are we supposed to make it if we cant see it . chatters thoughtfully aha i guess we could sculpt my left thumb, but my right thumb looks better. I know, follow me. Whoa having a sprained thumb also makes it hard to steer. hooting bill you can use these pictures. Heres me and my thumb at a Fishing Tournament last year. This is us eating watermelon. And here we are showing my mom how much we like her spaghetti. Good times. Narrator now that they knew what to sculpt they needed something to sculpt with. Fortunately, george had some clay. grunting unfortunately, he didnt have enough. Oh. Hey, just checking to see how my thumb is com. hoots anxiously aah you call that a ginormous sculpture . Oh, we got work to do. A ginormous sculpture needs a ginormous amount of clay. Oh. Thats all youve got . Uhhuh. Hmm, maybe we could use Something Else to make our sculpture. chatters a question lunchtime. Anyone for Peanut Butter sandwiches . Uh, yes. Yes. hooting happily here, the mud will stick to the cardboard instead of your feet. I already knew that. chattering grunting, lips smacking no, cant eat. Ive got to clean up and call a tow truck. lips smacking talking indistinctly with mouth full both mumbling hmm . Whatever we use. gulps . Has to be soft and squishable. Like clay. gulps hey, Peanut Butter is squishable. Do you have any more . My grandparents make their own. Wow. Whoa. Ooh. frustrated grunting but Peanut Butter was too sticky. Oops, uh, messy. pigs snorting george giggling laughs i guess we need Something Else. They needed something squishable like clay but not stickable like Peanut Butter. pigs snorting and then george saw something that might help his sculpture take shape. Aha. chattering shaving cream. It was squishable and nonstickable. But after a while, it was nothing but dripable. sighs sadly snorting sorry, were all out of Peanut Butter, mr. Pig, but i could make you a nice mud pie. Would you like that . snorting i can only make one, though, cause i have to get back to building our ginormous sculpture. And then george realized they had the perfect stuff for sculpting right underfoot. chatters hey, yeah chattering enthusiastically are you kidding . Big kids like me dont make mud pies. gasps youre right, george. We can use mud to make our sculpture. Yeah. Why didnt i think of that . Hmm, youre pretty smart for a city kid. chuckles mumbling the mud worked great. mumbling but the trouble with the towering tall thumb was it got tippy. grunting frustrated chattering hmm. hooting excitedly unless you already started with a tower. Allie whoops. But the mud fell off the tower. Oh. Here, the mud will stick to the cardboard instead of your feet. Aha george decided to fill those empty spaces with cardboard. hooting grunting now were cooking. What happened . groans oh. But his filler got floppy when wet. George needed to wrap his tower with something mud didnt turn to mush. gibbering like mesh. Hey, aha chickens clucking they were finally ready to build their sculpture. Or not. Too runny. Hmm. Ah. Aha. Oops, too thick. Look, it works. Ah. chuckles wow. Narrator once allie perfected her mud recipe their gianormous sculpture really started shaping up. Looking good uhhuh uh, the tractor is in really deep. Ive never seen this much mud in my life. muttering how did. . Im telling you, it was buried. sighs engine starting i wonder where all that mud went. Cool i like it. Uhhuh yeah, it looks great. Oops. We look awful. Ill get a hose so you can wash up. laughter bill there. All better. I want to show grandma and grandpa. Hey. chattering questioningly nah, i just want to spend some time with my thumb. Oh. giggles and chatters so thats where all that mud went. Thats a good lookin thumb. Yup, shes a beauty. Your thumb is going to be famous, bill. People are going to come from all over the world just the see it yeah. Uhhuh well, if you say so. bus approaching what on earth . Excuse me. Were looking for the giant sculpture of the. Thumb . no. Dog. We dont have a dog, but we have this. Thats some thumb. Yup, im pretty proud of it. And its an original work of. Mud. Weve been driving around all afternoon looking for that giant dog. But theres no better statue then the one that you can find. We should have packed a lunch. Im hungry. Me, too. overlapping chatter man weve got to get some food somewhere. Woman im starving ah man oh, thank you Peanut Butter. Mmm, mmm. Mmm, mmm. This day went from being boring to way better. Uhhuh bill yeah. Its a great thumb. Kid george and allie used mud to make a big thumb. We are using mud to make little houses. Boy were making a structure of what we want to make, and then put mud over it. Well, the structure is supposed to hold up the mud and keep it in that place. Girl i used a lot of dirt and only a little water to make thick mud. Kid i have a rough surface and im going to smoothen it. Thats a rough surface but if you put the mud on, then it will look like a flat surface. Kid heres my finished mud house. Were finishing up this little cottage. Kid we tried to make walls out of paper and mud. I clumped some mud up. Kid the mud didnt stay on the paper. We got the idea of a piece of paper on the ground, then some mud, and we dragged it all the way and put it on the cottage. Kid the mud walls are staying up perfectly. Theres nothing more funner than mud camera shutter clicking narrator george loved having his photo taken. Especially with the man with the yellow hat. giggling camera shutter clicking ooh. Long face. Aaaah. camera shutter clicks laughs silly face . Uhhuh, uhhuh. camera shutter clicks chattering excitedly whirring, beep oh. Uhhuh. Uhhuh. Another masterpiece for the fridge. Mm. Too bad i cant use this in my passport. Oh. Ready for that line . Narrator george came prepared. He had his bouncyyo. Ah. Narrator part bouncy ball part yoyo all fun. George, say cheese. giggles man wow nice camera, betsy thanks. Theres a kids Photography Contest tonight, and im entering. I just need one more shot. Hmm. Hey, george, maybe you can help. Do something fun, will you . Oh. giggles and chatters oh, thats it. Hold it snapping perfect want to see . Uhhuh, uhhuh. Man thats great thanks. Want to try it, george . Uhhuh. You just point the lens at something, look through here, and when youre ready to take a picture, push this button. Ah. george giggles laughs wow, george, youre a natural yeah. Want to come to my house and see how it looks printed out . Uhhuh. Man oh, and miss all the fun youll have waiting in line . Huh . laughs ah. laughs have fun. See you later. Betsy okay. First, i hook up the camera to the computer with this cable. Uhhuh. And copy the photos onto the computer. Ooh. betsy sighs ah. giggles then i get rid of the photos on the camera so theres room for new pictures next time i want to use it. Oh then i click on the photos i want to print, and the printer does the rest. whirring what do you think . I call it out of sight shapes, because theres a shape hiding in each picture. Ah, uhhuh. Huh . This ones a triangle. Three sides and three corners. A triangle. Oh. My other photos have a square, a circle and a curve. Ah. Betsy . Better hurry if you want a new outfit for tonight. grunts shopping ick be right there hey, a bouncyyo aha dont mess with my photos while im away, okay, steve . scoffs who needs your old photos . Weve got a bouncyyo. Oh. Right. Okay. Bye now, lets see what this baby can do. Ah. chattering george, relax. Im not some little kid. When you get to be my age, youre a bouncyyo master. gasps panicked chattering grunts sighs whoa oh gasps beep george gasps and chatters dont touch anything george i got it. computer trills oh. Oh, no george grunts and whines oh, no oh, no yelling george panting hooting ah. Ah. Ah. What are we going to do . Oh. Ah. chatters excitedly ah aha huh . mouse clicks uhhuh. Huh . Oh, i get it. We take new pictures for betsy print them out and were all good. Uhhuh chatters ah, we got lots of time. The photo thing isnt till 4 00. We just have to make sure we dont run into. Betsy . grunts george . That was weird. Ugh. Its gonna be tough taking pictures with aunt margaret and betsy shopping all around here. chatters okay, new plan. You take pictures; ill take care of betsy. chatters hi, betsy. Hi, aunt margaret. Oh, hey i thought i saw george. Uh. What . Aunt margaret, let me take betsy shopping. I love shopping oh, really . Uh, sure. Plus, i know what all the cool kids wear. See ya. Well, okay. Steve, the shoe stores right there. I know a shortcut. George had to hurry. He needed four photos with four shapes by 4 00. The first snapshot was a snap. All george had to do was wait for the shape to show up. all grunting grunting ah. shutter clicks a triangle. Three sides. Three corners. Aha george . Uh, lets buy you a dress. But what about george . Uh, george doesnt wear dresses. The next shape was easy to get around to as well. It was a picture of a circle. Oh. Mmhmm. Aha ooh. shutter clicks uhhuh. Now george only had to find two hidden shapes. But first, he had to hide himself. quiet chattering thats some hat, betsy but youre not wearing it right. Betsy steve i cant see anything of course you cant. Youve got a hat over your eyes, silly girl hmm. Those looked like the cans in betsys photo. Huh. He had the cans. But where was the square . george groans and then suddenly, everything lined up. It was a square. Four corners four sides all of them the same. excited shout now the only picture george needed was a picture of himself. And a curve. groans how was george going to take a picture of. George . Ah chattering quietly shutter clicks chatters uhhuh, uhhuh, uhhuh. laughs george hooked up the camera just like betsy had done. Then clicked his photos. And pressed print. door creaks open gasps wait you need a new hairdo bedoobedoo. Ahem. chatters quietly what . Steve im sorry, betsy. We didnt mean to mess up your photos. It just happened. So thats what youve been up to. Uhhuh. You didnt really mess them up. george chatters quietly george steve ah, phew they were there all the time . A good photographer always saves her work. If anything happens to her pictures, she can print new ones. Betsy these are really good, george steve hey, look george ooh. Steve your shadow. There you are again. Youre in every picture betsy hey you should enter the contest, too uhhuh . Definitely. But they need a title. gasps i have the perfect title for georges photos man for her outofsight pictures about outofsight shapes, our next award goes to. Betsy applause and our final award goes to george for his imaginative entry photos of a monkey taking photos of a monkey. chatters george really liked taking pictures, but not as much as he liked having his picture taken with his friends. Boy george waited for the firefighters to form a triangle so he could take a picture. We are making shapes, too. Today were gonna make shapes out of our bodies. Boy but before we do that, were gonna plan them on a paper. Because if we dont plan it out, then people wont know what were gonna do. The shape that i am making is an oval. It is kind of a circle but its a little bit bigger. Tasha turn on your sides. Both facing that way. Its so hard girl their legs werent long enough to reach the others, so we had to push them in. laughter you have to get up high to actually see the shape. Boy yeah, its really looking like a star. Boy 2 i made a human body. Boy i need someone whos flexible so that they can make the head. Im gonna be the head. Its kind of like art and sculpting. Its really fun, really interesting and really cool. Announcer coming to pbs kids, a World Premiere event blowfish blowout earth to kratt brothers. Come in, kratt brothers. Announcer two brothers. Yes whoohoo this is fun way underwater. Waah shark whoa way, way, way over their heads its a rip current were getting sucked into it wild kratts lost at sea premieres monday, january 21 on pbs kids, or watch wild kratts anytime at pbskids. Org. S kids its the cat in the hat knows a lot about that. Awesome announcer buckle up. And blast off to amazing places. Its the cat in the hat knows a lot about that, weekdays on pbs kids or anytime at pbskids. Org. george chattering excitedly this program was made possible by [ female announcer ] at abcmouse. Com we believe that learning and curiosity go hand in hand. Abcmouse. Com Early Learning academy, proud sponsor of pbs kids and Curious George. For more than 90 years stride rites been there. Helping you choose the right shoes. Stride rite is a proud sponsor of Curious George. Funding for Curious George is provided by contributions to your pbs station. Ooh. And from hola Curious George loves experimenting with sound. Lets play a game. Which instrument sounds like this . [tapping] a drum right now which instrument makes this sound. [horn playing] a trumpet great job you can play more games like this with Curious George at pbskids. Org. And now. [trumpet playing] its the cat in the hat knows a lot about that next. Stocks fell on worries that china might. Announcer the new pbs for ipad app. Youll never know what youll find. [dog barks] announcer available now in the app store. Hi. Its me, hooper. Can you guess where i am today . Where is he going . What will he do . Where in the world is hooper . Heres a clue to where i am. Its a place where you can come and see lots of animals, but its not a farm. Heres another hint. People called zoologists make sure the animals are cared for here. Now heres the last clue from Curious George. Now thats a great clue the animals here are really special and can come from all over the world. Ok, so im at a place where you can come to see animals, and where people called zoologists take care of them and where the animals come from all over the world. So did you guess where i am . You guessed it im at the zoo [trumpeting] ha ha funding for this adventure is brought to you in part by viewers like you, and you, and you, and you. Ha, ha thanks so much youre very kind. Hey what . Come over here, the cat in the hat is about to appear. Hes whizzing over to whisk you away on a fabulous journey today. Hes coming and now hes arrived in the thingamajigger the thing that he drives hes a cat and hes oodles of fun with his hairy helpers thing two and thing one instrumental instrumental its the cat in the hat all of our adventures start like that. Wherever youre going where ever youre at the cat in the hat knows a lot about. He knows a lot about he knows a lot about, he knows a lot about. That laughter eeeeeya huugh i cant reach it sally jump higher, nick. Higher ugh ugh laughing effort grunts well never reach our balloon, sally. Mind if i jump in . Its the cat the cat in the hat. Its your lucky day. I happen to know a lot about jumping. You do . Oh yes, im on my way to jumpalaroo right now to give this prize to the worlds best jumper. Maybe the best jumper in the world can teach us to jump higher. So we can get our balloon back then why dont you come too . Your mother will not mind at all if you do mom can we go to jumpalaroo to learn to jump higher . Jumpalaroo laughs okay you jump right along and have fun. We can go we can go we can go we can go i know i know to the thingamajigger laughing away we go laughing to jumpalaroo you know, fish are great jumpers. Tada they always make a big splash giggles buckle up honk flick the jiggermawhizzer giggles boing honk pop laughs isnt this fun yahoo here we go, go, go go on an adventure. The thingamajigger is up and away go, go, go, go on an adventure. Were flying with the cat in the hat today well learn from the best, how to jump up real high. Well jump and well jump till we reach the sky. Here we go, go, go go on an adventure. Go, go , go, go go welcome to jumpalaroo hold onto your socks. This joint is jumpin why, jumpalaroo is jumping at all . Whoa what . Notjumping itsthe jumpiestplacearound. Okay okay. You dont need to jump up and down about it nice to meet you. Why, a pleasure im pretty sure. Were looking for the best jumper in the world to help us jump higher. Youve come to the right place. Jumpings a great thing to do. I love it. Jump, jump jump phew we cant jump as high as a kangaroo. When you want to jump high like a grey kangaroo. Who better to help than thing one and thing two . whistles hey guys tada boing, boing, boing yee, yee yee wahoo what are those . Theyre gogojumpers. Theyll give you the extra bounce you need set to kangaroo weee weeee weee weee weee weee oh aahaha yaha look at me whoohoo jump,jump,jump as high as can be jump,jumpjump just like me laughing jump,jump,jump as high as can be jump,jumpjump hee, hee hee ah. Ahhaha ha maybe, i should give myself the prize for best jumper giggles whoaaaaa oof owww. Maybe not you guys are great jumpers. How do you jump so high . It must be those feet whoa you must wear size one hundred and eleven shoes laughing my big feet help push me up. And strong legs and a long tail for balance and youve got. The best jumper in jumpalaroo giggles i was going to say, a pretty good jumper but not the best. Who jumps better than you . The jumping twins gary and barry. Are they kangaroos too . Nope. Take a look for yourself guys. Theyre jumping this way. laughing gary and barry are grasshoppers theyre better jumpers than kangaroos . Ohh, we have to meet them to the thingamajigger arent we too big to talk to grasshoppers . Yes press the shrinkamadoodle. sigh i had to ask i can jump higher than you. No, i can jump higher than you. No, i can because i have stronger legs than you do. No, i have stronger legs than you do wow, grasshoppers are better jumpers than kangaroos. Theyre going way up in the air. Excuse me. May we have a word . Sure can. Im gary and im barry were looking for the best jumper in jumpalaroo. Thats me thats me no its me why dont you both jump together and well see who jumps highest . Okay okay whos jumping highest . Theyre jumping so high i cant tell. Ive got what you need gogo jumpers gogo jumpers hold on hold on. Those gogo jumpers are still set for kangaroo jumps. If you want to jump as high as gary and barry, dial them up to grasshopper weeeeeeee now youre jumping im higher than you no, im higher than you youre both the best jumpers in jumpalaroo who jumped higher . Yeah, yeah. Who jumped higher . Barry. Oh no, well gary. I dont. Er. Ya know. I cant pick youre both so good. Well i know who the best jumper is. Yeah me no not you. Fred. Oh yeah, fred. I guess he is a little better. Whos fred . You know fred. Fred, the flea. Youll find fred on a bird or a dog or maybe that dingo over there thanks, barry. Er, gary. Sorry to buzz unannounced. Were looking for fred the flea. Have you seen him . Ughuh. Yes hes on my back. Could you ask him to hop onto someone else. Hes making me itchy hugh well ask him for you mr dingo. Lets go. Wait, we need to go even smaller to find the best jumper. If we get any smaller were going to disappear press the shrinkamadoodle. Again honk wow, were so small that the dingos hair looks like trees. How will we find fred . Dont worry. Hell find us. Woopeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee oh boy, oh boy oh boy, visitors i love meeting new people. laughs well, were very happy to meet you. Do you know anything about jumping . Jumping . I love to jump whoppeeeeeeeeeeee barry and gary were right fred can jump much higher than a grasshopper whoppeeeeeeeeeeee jumping onto passersby lets me get around piggyback style it helps to have super springy legs, but you still have to jump right. Can you show us how . Can i . Sure first, i curl up like a ball, then i push with my legs and spring up with everything ive got. Aaah whoppeeeeeeeeeeee curl. Push. Spring thats my best jump ever i want to jump like a flea too laughs jump,jumpjump as high as can be jump,jump,jump, just like a flea jump,jump,jump as high as can be jump,jump,jump just like a flea laughing were sure to reach our balloon if we jump like fred whoa nothing jumps better than a flea. Whoa whoa and nothing scratches an itch better than a dingo time for me to hop off. Bye, fred. Byebyeeeeeeee thanks for teaching us how to jump time for us to hop to it too. To the thingamajigger we forgot to give fred his medal thats okay. I have an idea so it wont go to waste. We had a great time in jumpalaroo. With grasshoppers flea, and a grey kangaroo. Each ones a great jumper who can jump really high. We picked up some tips, now lets give them a try. Okay sally think like a kangaroo. With your big feet ready to push up and with all the strength in my strong grasshopper legs. Now, curl up like a flea and. Jump whoa i did it i jumped really high. Great jump sally. So we wont lose it again i wish fred was here to see yeah, i wonder where he hopped to. I think i know. Ugh aaaah on me ow. Someone scratch. laughing hi everybody. Ive got a doozy of a question about giraffes sniff oooohhhh. How does a giraffe clean its nose . With its tongue . Thats right a giraffes tongue is so long it can stick it inside its own nose how did you know that . You got it this time but next time ill stump you for sure unhappy laugh eeeeuuuuuu laughing every time we get near he flies away nick. Yeah. Hes just too quick for us, sally. Well never know how to colour in the butterfly wings if we cant see it up close. Hm. Ill get close to him this time. Ooof. No. Its no good. Were way too slow too slow . Its the cat. The cat in the hat youre not too slow. Youre too fast too fast . If you move fast youll scare it away. You need to be really, really slow to get near a butterfly. Wow you did it cat ah ha choo oh going slow is really hard to do. Oh it is but i do know a slowpoke who might show you how. Really . You do . A sloth called onslow. A sloth . Whats a sloth . A sloth is a creature whos slower than slow. He lives in the forest of gogo largo. Can we gogo visit him . Yeah your mother will not mind at all if you do. Mom can we visit gogo largo and learn how to go slow . Go slow . Thatll be the first time you guys have ever been slow. laughs hmmm sure, go ahead. We can go we can go we can go we can go i know i know. To the thingamajigger whats the big hurry . We want to learn how to go slow. Youre going fast so you can go slow . Thats right fish are you ready . Yes we are. Are you steady . Yes we are. Are you sure youre ready to explore . Yes we are then buckle up honk flick the jiggermawhizzer giggles boing honk pop giggles isnt this fun . yahooooo here we go, go, go go on an adventure. The thingamajigger is up and away go, go, go, go on an adventure. Were flying with the cat in the hat today were off to the forest of gogolargo. To visit a sloth and learn to go slow here we go, go, go go on an adventure. Go, go , go, go go were here were here but wheres onslow . Let me check his address. Hmmm. Seven hundredth and fortysixth tree from the left. One, two, three four, five. mumbles . Seven hundred and fortysix. This is his tree. I dont see anything. Except for that green ball. Green ball you say . Thats not a green ball. Take a look . Is that onslow . It is cool hes all green can i see . Um. Where is he . The green covering his fur makes him hard to see amongst all those leaves. Oh i see him now. But hes not green. Theres green stuff sticking to his brown fur. That would be algae. Algeeeee . Algae is green stuff, that grows on trees and rocks. Onslow is so slow it even grows on him cool hey onslow hello onslow look sally another butterfly lets draw that one instead good idea chuckle hey dont fly around laughing we just want to see your wings. laughing slow down youre going too fast. Onslow sorry we woke you up my friend. Hows it going . Slow. Hey there little feller. Hey. There goes our butterfly he sat on your head onslow. Yep. Thats because i move so slow he didnt get startled. Wow can you show us how to do that . We want to be slow, like you wait there and ill climb down. yawns sigh isnt he down yet . yawning well, huh. Why dont we meet onslow half way, huh . Well have more time to hang out together. When you said hang out you really meant it giggle onslow, why do you move so slowly . Well if i move slowly then i dont need to eat so much. Do you just eat leaves . Every meal. We want to move slowly to get close to butterflies. Thatll work. How about you guys have a race . But racing is fast. I think he means a slow race chewing yep. Cats got it right. yawns remember, this is a slow race. Last one to cross the finish lines the winner on your marks get set. Go slow laughing and theyre off nick takes an early lead but sally is going nowhere fast. You cant catch me im trying not to. Remember . Oh yeah. I forgot. laughing woo hoo this race might be the slowest race ever out of the way, slowpokes youre holding up traffic hi ya, speedy. Hows it going, onslow . Slow as usual. What a race youve got to be going slow if a tortoise is passing you laughing i won a race . Wow sorry, speedy, but you came in last. I did . Nick and sally were waaaaaaay slower than you slowest wins. Way to go, slow look the butterfly nows our chance to get a closer look. Remember go slow or youll scare it away. gasps ohhh nearly there. But you need to go even slower. gasps i have an idea. Wait right there. This is going to take forever waiting for a sloth with nothing to do . Why not whistle for things one and two. whistles tada weee they cant help cat. The things do nothing slow not so fast. These ancient exercises are guaranteed to slow anyone down. Thats my kind of workout can we try . Its working. giggling hey come back. Oh no well never move slow enough to see a butterfly wing here i am. Thanks for waiting. They say good things come to those who wait, and sloths. Are definitely good things when your world gets too fast theres a trick all sloths know, slow down dont be speedy, just go with the flow. When you slow things right down, the world comes to you. Its really quite easy just do as i do i can go slow. How slow can you go . I can go slow. How slow can you go . I can go slow. How slow can you go . I can go slow. How slow can you go . I can go slow. I can go slow. Slow slow slowwwwwwwww. snores zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Onslows fast asleep. Hes been very busy for a sloth. Bye onslow. Bye bye, onslow. Bye. We had quite an adventure in gogo largo, where onslow the sloth showed us how to go. Slow. Just being with him has slowed us right down. For the king of the slowpokes, a sloth takes the crown. What took you so long . You cant hurry when youre going slow. giggling are you sure this will work . Remember what onslow said. Slow down. And the world comes to you. Hello, little butterfly can we look at your wings . Wow wow beeeeeeeeeeeautiful its the best butterfly drawing i ever saw onslow was right by slowing down we did get close enough to see its beautiful wings how about another slow race . Sure i can slow race all day come on, cat no thanks. I think ill be like onslow and hang for a while. laughing aaah how sweet to be a sloth sighs welcome to hat chat today we are interviewing our friend the the canada goose. Welcome, canada goose i really love your nice long black neck. Thank you thats how you can tell im a canada goose, eh does that mean you only live in canada . Oh, no. We live all over north america. In summer, most of us stay in canada but in winter most of us fly south where its warmer and we can find food easier. Why do you fly in that really cool vshape . Its easier to fly if someone else gets the air moving in front of you. But isnt it hard to hear each other up there . It is thats why we have such a nice loud honk i can see youre all eager to get back on your trip. Thanks for the interview thats a wrap with our friend the canada goose. Youre welcome bye there see you in the spring the busy bee flies fast and low flower to flower watch her go landing on the plants below she helps to make the flowers. Grow. And everywhere she lands, buzzing to and fro the busy bee is moving spreading pollen as she goes everywhere she lands buzzing to and fro the busy bee is helping all the plants and flowers grow in the Flowers Center there is a little wick the pollen coats the surface, its fluffy and its thick when the bee gets closer, its body makes it stick when it moves from plant to plant, ahh thats what does the trick buzzing instrumental and everywhere she lands buzzing to and fro the busy bee is moving spreading pollen as she goes the busy bee is helping all the plants and flowers grow announcer coming to pbs kids, a World Premiere event blowfish blowout earth to kratt brothers. Come in, kratt brothers. Announcer two brothers. Yes whoohoo this is fun way underwater. Waah shark whoa way, way, way over their heads its a rip current were getting sucked into it wild kratts lost at sea premieres monday, january 21 on pbs kids, or watch wild kratts anytime at pbskids. Org. S kids its the cat in the hat knows a lot about that. Awesome announcer buckle up. And blast off to amazing places. Its the cat in the hat knows a lot about that, weekdays on pbs kids or anytime at pbskids. Org. Funding for this adventure is brought to you in part by viewers like you, and you, and you, and you. Ha, ha thanks so much youre very kind

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