Transcripts For WJLA Washington Business Report 20150412

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A power figure on the c. Ndscape foyears. When it comes to new and emerging business, he is on the cutting edge of whatever is next. From Cable Television to the latest in ondeman t technolology, mamark walsh has made his fortune by predicting what theext thg will be, jumping in with both feet. He had so much to share with us when we set him to talk with him that we are starting with the first partf a oneonone interview with mark walsh. Welcome to washington business report. If you are at a Cocktail Party d someone says mark walsh, what do you do . What is the answer you give them . Mark i tell people i connect the dots. The technology of the internet to the notforprofit world commercial world, government world, and educational world. That is my shtick that connects e dots. Rebecca what is interesting to me about your resume is it cannot be printed on two pages and the best source i have found for trying too sum you up was your own description of yourself on linkedin. It is also the funniniest profile i have ever read becausese you put it all out there. It is not i did this or that. It is i had a blast in these years. Mark linkedin is an amazing new platform, as you know. Rebecca you are using it in a way y most people dont. Mark i figured why not try to be enttaining. These get so dry. The opening paragraphs arson torian are centaurian. Rebecca your with a company i think will be a household name it is an app cled homesnap. Mark i was brought in by the local venture fund. My old colleaguethat iwill in the 1990s. Rebecca they know a good ththing when they see it. Mark steve case saw homesnap at sxsw about three years ago and that the founders and said i wanto put some money in. Rerevolution has continuedo inst through multiple levels. Homesnap i it is shazamm for houses. On your mobile device, you can take a picture of any house and it tellsls you everything about the housuse. E. Rebecca it is iredible. I dont even know where i am standing. I dont know which street i am on. I see aa house. I got addict to it when i was hoyou take a picture and homesnap tells you what street you are standing on, not so impressive with g. P. S. Today, but what the value of the house is, how many bedrooms. Mark it has everything. Rebebecca howow does it work . Mark it is magic. It uses a lot of meters in the phone. It knows even what angle the phone is tilted and where you are. Once it identifies the house you are snapping it pulls down all the data from the multiple Listing Service if the house is for sale and shows you that in a very friendly way. If the house is not for sale, it brings down tax data and other syndicated sources to bring g you about tell you about the house and its history. It is a darn goopiece of technology. We are excited about it. Rebecca it is addictive. Mark we were thinking we could name it home snoop. Everybody takes a picture of their neighbors house. Rebecca lets figure out where you started. You started on my side of the chr. You were a local television anchor. He jumped from that to a big title at h. B. O. What was the title and what led toto the jump . Mark you missed important chapter. I went to Harvard Business school and got a degree. I am not bragging. Im just saying we tend not to go from clarksburg, west virginia. Rebecca that is what i am missing. I forgot about Harvard Business school in the middle. Mark i applied to Business School and got in. Went for two years and then applied to the network to be a business reporter. H. B. O. Hired me. Speaking of resumes and funny stuff on it, the reason i got a a job at h. B. O. On my rese i had the fact that at baltimore i ea eaned cages in the baltimore zoo. The h. B. O. Guy came to the interview at school. Hes beenen the entire time asking me about cleaning cages, what it was like. He goes back to new york and says i met a guy who shoveled craft literally crap literally and i know he can succeed here. Rebecca what did you learn at h. B. O. And what leled you to the next j . Mark i learned s Subscription Marketing is tough great. The subscription business is a fantastic model. Economically, it is very reliab. You can use suppressors to be markrketers to other people. You get references from subscribers. I love the subscription business. Entertainmt is a great subscription model because people want to be entertained. Very rarelely do we feelel overeertained. From h. B. O. In 1982 netflix today, is the same line of people buying subscriptions to services that are entertaining. And cable, you get a l lot but use little. With h. B. O. , you get one channel and lots of great movies. I love the business of subscription. I did a lot of marketing and buness development. It was a fantastic four years. After that, i got the entrepreneurial bug. I started a Marketing Company to market to Cable Companies. The Cable Companies were monopolies. They were very bad marketers. Monopolists tend to be bad marketers because they dont eat to market their services. My partner and i staed a compy called stataxwalsh. We were doing direct marketing and database alysis for cable systems. It was a great experience. Rebecca it led to other things later. Mark that is where i got the bug with the internet. In 1985, i logogged on to dow jones news retrieval, one of the first Online Services. I booked a flight to california. This is really cool. On a computer green screen with text. I did not realize they wer charging the 80 an hour to connect. I we to lunch, came back, my papartner said didnt you log off . I saw the possibilities. When i got into what is now the internet, i joined the General Electric Online Service that competed with aol. It was early. Rebecca they did not know what they w were doing. They hired a team they hoped would know. Did you know what you were doing . Mark i didid know the Online Business well. Jack and i had a lot of conversations about where this was going to go. I said this was going to be a big misses business. He said i am not sure. I had a big title at g. E. , i was president. I could slave away or seven miles away in vienna, virginia is the leader in a category called america online. I had known steve ce. I knew all the guys there. I go over there. Steve calls me and says, on over xocome on over. I did a bunch of stuff including is this to business, which was in its infancy in 1987. We would log on and buy something. The idea of busisinesses interacting and transacting with each other was new. As commute occccasions got faster andevices got more prevalent on desktops, as the closed communities opened up, businesses were acting like consumers. They were buying things and paying bills online. And then j jumped to a Company Called vertical net which was Mentor Capital backed. Aol had 20 people when i joined an almt 2000 at our peak. Week took we took the company public. It was a fascinating experience. I learned a lot about shareholdeder expectations. Never r disappoint shareholders. Rebecca we still have a lot to learn from mark walsh. It is clear he has the ability to be ahead of the curve. We d decided we will keep you hanging until next week for part two o of t interview as he shares his next big project and why he thinks it is something you should be passionate about and more on what he has learnedd in business. Still to come today, the debate over taxes and what it means for you. That is in the roundtable. Nexttt2wut3n ad bt qgfp tt2wut3n3n ad a qwj4 tt2wut3n ad bm qea8 tt4wut3n ad dztq j < tt4wut3n ad entq e tt4wut3n ad gzt tt4wut3n ad hnt 3,h tt4wut3n ad iztq ye0 tt4wut3n ad jntq k5p tt4wut3n ad lzt sx, having it all . How about making it work. By getting the most out of what matters to you. Its called maxximizing. And we help you do it, everyday. At t. J. Maxx with brands you love at prices that work for you. Maxx family. Maxx home. Keep your standards high and your spending low. Maxx what matters most to you. Maxx life at t. J. Maxx. Rebecca welcome back. It itime for truth telling or lessons on better heing the truth what comes to your performance in the workplace. We all have triggers that can block our ability to really hear androcess performance evaluations. Our expert is here to say, be not afraid. There are key steps you can take to becoming a real pro at positively processing even the most negate feedback. Ry abbajajay, this is something we all need to h hear, bosses and employees, both sides need to be better at receiving feedback and processing it fairly you say there are three main triggers. Lets start with number e. Truth triggers. That is when someone is telling you something and yoare not hearing it because you are saying youou are wrong. Mary that is the first trigger. It blocks our cognive ability to hear the feedback. We might get feedback. The first trigger r is, you ar wrong. That blocks us from hearing it. The e key is there may be a golden nuet of truth in that. When someone gives you feedback you think is wrong or is not helplpful, you still should dig g in and listen. Rebecca whether it is wrong or not,t is the perception and it blocking e relationship. Mamary that is right. You are gettg feedback on the impact you have had on somebody. You still need to be aware there is a Golden Nugget in there about your impact. Listen, even if it is not true, listen t to the feedback. Rebecca listen first and thenen explain. One of the most effective meetings i had was with boss i workedith on c capitol hill. It became clear had an i issue with me we did not originally ha. When i finally got the crew to go to him a say it is clear you are upset with me, and i thought it was because of my rsonality. It turned out something had happened that he heard about and it was wrong. It had n happened. Once we got to talking about it, it cleared up everything. Mary that is right. When some of his ging youu think it is wrong, ask them to tell you more. Often times they may not have all thenformation. Thats very different from being defensive. You dont want to just say you are wrong. You have to dig it out of them and d listen and be thoughtful. Thenou cantart to te i downwn. Rebecca t there are two in a rerelationship. The sececond trigger, relationship triggers. This is when you say i cannot hear the feedback fromom you because i dont respect yoyou, i dont think you are a person in a power position to evaluluate me. How do you deal with that . Mary when you get the relationshship trigger, that starts ourmotional charrin churn. It is hard thear things when youre emotional. It is portant to separate the whwho from the what. Rebecca peoeople may have bosses that are younger than them and think cannot respect you because you are younger. Mary you have to separate e the who from the what. Dig into the what. Get some d details. You have to realizet also might be about the relationship. Dont brining the relationship into it yet. Separate these two pieces. Rebebecca thirdidentity trigger. Your feedback threatens who i am. Explain n this. Mary lets sasay i give you feedback. Rebecca, you talk too fast inin the interview, which iove. Lets say in your mind, your identity is wrapped up with being a great interviewer. Sometimes we get feedback that hurts who we think we are what we hold near and dear about ourselves. Then we start to escalate or spiral up or down. That is when we may catastroph eyes the feedback or bloit out of proportion. Rebecca they may be wrong. Theyey may have an opinion. Mary or maybe you spoke to ickly one time. Rebecca it is blocking their view of what they think you ca accomplish. Mary we e all know people th when you give them feedback, they shut down. Rebecca or like me, cryry. I am a cryer, i hate it because i defensive. Mary compartmentalize it. Is not abobout you. It is about one behavior. Rebecca you have feedback tips th go o beyond this like sayingg thank you no matter what you heard. This can be part two of feedback. Mary we e can lk about ging it too. Rebecca thank you. The roundtable is next. We have the inside scoop on Big Decisions being made that will imimpact your business and while it whileallet. Stay tuned for more of this weeks washington business report. Rebecca elcome back. It is time for the roundtable. Th was a busy week in business news. Here to break it down a are two of our favorite experts. Welcome back to you both. Robert mccartney there is an impoant deadline on nday. Theres a lot ofof bickering over it, the maryland budget. You have been writing ababout it and talking to busins leadaders. You say larry hogagan has already been a change agent. Robert he has changed the framework for the debate i in annapolis about spending and tataxes. There is no diussion this year about raising taxes. He is putting essure on the democratic Led Legislature to reduce taxes. I dt know how much success hee will have even if he succeeds with everything on the table. They will be small tax increases affecting just a few people. But he will get braggingights and could s say he made a difference in annapolis. Rebecca y sayt is a discussion we have not had for a long time. You say hictics are differt from bob ehrlich. You say hes trng to be more bipaisan a and needs to be. Robert he e was inititially. And for most of the session, he has been reaching out to people. Therhave been flashes of tulance that have irritated the democrats. But he has been trying to reach out and build bridges and not get in squalid them best squabbles the way bob ehrlich did when he was governor. Thgs have gotten worse in the last days as we approach the in game endme as theyey are jockeying for position over what the budget is going to look like and over school politician policies, especially charters and a a possible grant for corporions that donate to private, including releligious schools. S. Rebebecca what do you think the chances are of getting significant tax cutin this budget . Robert significant, no chance. The democrats will not go along with that. The real queuestion is whetherou can get something that will allow hogan to save some face. The democrats are lookingng for restorg as much money as they can for school now there is a big new debate over whether or r not to cut the annual contrtributn to the pension fund. The d democrats want to cut that free up money for s schoolsls and other priorities. Hogan does not want do that. Rebecca he promised to improve the scols in maryland beyond where theyre now. Now he is holding School Funding hostage. Is getting contentious. It wilill be interting to watch. If they dontt pass the budget on monday, they probably will get the 10dday extension. Doug you have been writing about something not contentious this past week. That is the legacy of jim clark the c. E. O. Who took over at a small construcon company a and grgrew it into one of the biggest in the wororld. He built fedex field, nanationals stadium. D. C. He built everything. Rebecca my friend said he gets the most reviews for puttinghe dunkin donututs in thehe bethesda metro o statioion. He also gave s so much back to the community. The was a selfmadee billionaire. He did not like a lot ofof media attention. Dodoug he was notoriously press shy. When i interviewed him in 2006 he boasted it was only the fourth interview in his career. I believe e it w the last in his career. Rebecca i never got one even though i admdmired him. There are so m many ththings he contributed. He built the clark school of engineering at the university of maryland. What you t think his biggest legacy will l be . Doug the biggest legacy i think is his impact on washingtons environment. Everything hisis company has built, Clark Construction things are everywhere. They did every project y could want to build in wasngto he used to say if it is in our backyard, we want it, we want to build it. He was also a great philanthropist. Many of the Great Developers in this city are. He gave to a lot of caus, but he gave quietly. Otr than the u university maryryland, he gave quietly. As part of his legegacy. Rebea one contentntious issue you have 1 15 secondsds. What is going on . Robert here is a divisi of opinion among the jurisdictionsns over what t kind of geneneral manager the e metrtransit system should get. Rebecca we talked to the mayor. What do you want tsee . Rorobert i want to see everybody me together and ree on somebody who can fix both safety and finances, and they can all support inincreased funding to expand the system in the long run. Rebecca i agree. He will be right back. Rebecca a quick p quiuiz. Boston may not want e olympics. Should washingtonesubmit for the olympics . Robert y yes, as long as we build suppt from the public first. Doug yes it wod be great for the economy and regional cooperation. Rebea i say no, i donlike rejection twice. Thanks for joining us. Tt2wut3n ad bt qgfp tt2wutd ad a qwj4 tt2wut3n ad bm qea8 tt4wut3n ad dztq j < tt4wut3n ad entq e tt4wut3n ad gzt tt4wut3n ad hnt 3,h tt4wut3n ad iztq ye0 tt4wut3n ad jntq k5p tt4wut3n ad lzt sx, this week on Government Matters as the chief information officer, under statute iis m my responsibility to deliver patents and trademarks data for global enforcement. Morris Cyber Security plays in increasing role at the trademark office. Christ in the end, the goal is to make inks easier for federal users in the long run. Morris trusted Internet Connections could go mobile. There are many different users of crucial information on usapspending. Gov. Morris the treasury depament try to make the site were friendly, but not everyone is happy about the redesign from abc 7 and news channel nine, this i

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