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Hillary clintons run for the white house. And americas economy. That is our cover story thisis week. If you look at how the american economys doing compared to most other big economies in the world, including a lot of the developing economies, like the brits, the people we thought would lift up up into the 21st century, were doing quite well. We have more than regained the jobs that we lost in the recession. There was a big crash, and usually those take a decade to get over. So we got jobs back more quickly. Back to one of the shortterm things you mentioned. The Federal Reserve. They just decided no the to raise Interest Rates, and in doing so cited factors that arent in their dual mandate. Talked about china, talked about the stronr dollar. Were they right to look at all of these additional conditions and right in their choice not to raise Interest Rates . I think so. I think that in a world where america looks like aood news story compared to the current problems in china and t slow growth in russia and the uncertainty caused by the massive move of thehe refugees, into the European Union i think they didnt want to take a chance on not only slowing growth in the United States but having a bad impact on the rest the world. Can we talk a little bit about the political season . Yoyou mentioned it is that timef year, it is the season so to speak. Hillary was on meet the press and talked about the drdrip, dr, drip coming from email servers. How do you feel about this, with your spouse of 40 years . It shrike republicans employed against me with whitewater. They look a the field. Who do we not want to run against . And then they dribble out stuff and they attack. For the first time in american history, ever, this is the eighth Congressional Committee all chaired by republicans to look into benghazi. The first seven, said she didnt do anything wrong, but im glad it happened in 2015 instead of 2016, and i believe it will burn itself out. I just trust the american people. I think maybe its just because im a goofy, happy grandfather now. But, you know, my life turned out pretty well. Just trusting the innate sense of fairness and decency of the american voters. Lets talk about one of the somebody else mentioned. Joe biden. Written at least, thinks you are the canniest politician of his lifetime. What do you think about joe biden . Oh, hes been a friend of mine, of mine and hillarys for a long time. My first enkwounter with senator biden was way back in 1980s, when the 1980s, chaerm chairman of the Judiciary Committee and file testimony opposing the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Robert bork, because he was my law professor in law school bp so id known him a very long time. I like him. Weve always been friends. I didnt stop liking him when he and hillary ran against each other in 2008 and if he runs again, i wont stop liking him then. Donald trump was interviewed and talked about nafta. You put in place. Bad for country and if elected he would dismantle it. Is he right . No. Look, trurch and i have been friendly for years. Hes just the george h. W. Bush negotiated nafta. We tried to enforce the trade laws. Keep in mind, in most of the year i was president we gained manufacturing jobs in america. Our trade deficit got bigger, because we growing so much faster than the rest of the world. If i hadad not signed that bill think what would have happened. No one ever has to go back in time and say, what was it like then . If i had walked away from that it would have been devastating to mexicos economy. We would have had probably another million Illegal Immigrants coming into america. Something mr. Trump says he doesnt like. And we would have been literally despised by all of our neighbors south of the border and people would say america is running away from this. Everything wab it, did it wor out all right . Was every skin made about whether or not to bring a trade action right under me or my successors . Probably not. My thanks to president bill clinton. A look at what is making news as we head into a new week on the money. A disappointing jobs report for the month of september. The economy created just 142,000 new jobs last month. Well below expectations for 200,000 jobs. Perhaps even more concerning, the numbers for the previous two moss revised lower as well. That means this isnt just a oneoff disappointing number. Unemployment held steady at 5. 1 . A closely watched numbe that plays into the feds decision if and when to raise rates. The weak number sent stocks lower on friday, after wrapping up their worst quarter in four years early in the week. Though the markets finished on an up note friday. Auto sales continued in the fast lane. Chrysler up nearly 14 . Ford 23 . Gm almost 13 and toyota 16 , an annual sales rate of 18. 7 million, and thats the best in a decade. And if youre looking to buy an apple tv or google grope cast on amazon. Com, move fast. Amazon says it will no longer allow the sales of the devices which compete with its streaming service prime video. Those saleless no longer be aloud starting october 29th. Up next, were on the money. How does netflix know what movies youll like, or even know what contacts you should make . Meet the small tech startup behind the broad startup of big data. Later, a big decision you can only make once. When should you start collecting your Social Security ji well help you navigate the tricky waters of retirement. As e were head to a break, look how the stock market ended the week. Have you ever wondered how netflix instantly recommends movies or how uber determines to surge pricing in realtime . In thanks in foort Unusual Software with an unusual name. The sovt wear apache kafka analyzing billions of pieces of data and utess it to give prices instantly. Logging into linkedin you see former colleagues and classmates you might want to network with thanks to cover ta. Its free to youve, known as open Source Software meaning anyone can thwnthrowed or modify it. Even Big Companies need help figuring out the best way to analyze data in retime. The founders of confluent created apache kofka. Making big bess every day. Cofounder of the Software Startup company confluent, jay kreps and neha narkhede. They join us onset. Thank you both for being here. Thanks for hing us. Thank you. What is the software you created, jay . How does it work . We created the software and made it link in and used it to take care of realtime streams of data increasingly a part of never business. When we were at linkedin we had software to handle big data but slowly. Collect it and put it in something, which is kind of what it sounds like. A place to put your data and it sits there. You never look at it again. Yeah. Maybe run a report every day, that kind of thing. Increasingly Companies React to data much more in realtime. Data gets used in a way more like a Central Nervous system, and we didnt have a wayay to d Something Like that, and to solve that problem we built kafka and put it into actual production add linkedin, scaled it in to handle over a trillion messages a day and allowed linkedin to link to what was happens. Open sourced it and put it out in the world. People not familiar, neha, with open source, think of it as lenox and red hat using lenox to expand and put things on top of that software. Thats right. Available software, it does a great job of creating essentially better software. You can have lots of different people operating on the system and making improvements and changing or fixing it . Exactly. Has of the best engineers to solve some of the hardest problems in computer spns because it is readily available, companies adopt. It creates a lot of value for everyone involved in the community. Yeah, and that sounds like a very utopian and best way of developing software but brings to the question, how do you make money on that . What this produces ends up being like an engine. Technically difficult, but most people dont really want to buy an engine. You dont want to the buy an engine. You want to buy a car. A more put together product. But you want to have a highkwaulhigh highquality engine. Kafka is like that engine. Technically difficult to make, hundreds of people collaborate on to make it as good as it is. Confluent put that together with Everything Else you need to kind of put it into production in your company. Right . How to hook it up to the systems you, run it as a production data system, and then we provide support for all of that so the people can depend on this for their core data s. That sub description based system . You dont pay a lot up front but pay for the support to keep it running . Exactly how it woworks. Offer the platform. That whole car around the engine, and our customers pay us a subscription on that, giving access to all the stuff we make as well as all the open source bits and then, you know, the people who made it are kind of there to pick up the function should anything go wrong. What of the common uses . Mentioned linkedin. Walmart is using it. What is walmart using it for . Costco, across the number of Different Industries from financial services, Consumer Technology to largescale websites. Your news feed is powered by kafka. Netflix movie recommendations. Whats more, Credit Card Companies are using to do detect and prevent fraud within seconds. Wow. Okay. Its all really good uses. Jay, one thing though, open source, you think about who your competitor. A situation where any kid with a computer can compete against you . We created this software, a thinking around turning data from something that kind of sits to something living and breathing and actually reacting. Something we can do and all of the i. T. We built a about that d the kirreally helps us differentiate the product. People want to work with the company that made it. So you actually started to see an emergence of a bunch of Successful Companies in this big data space and elsewhere as well with an open source model. Thank you both for being here. A pleasure. Thank you very much. Up next, we are on the money. It has to last you a lifetime. How do you know if you should collect Social Security sooner or later . Jarngsd late the digital revolution reaches every corner of the world. One thing young people say they want in their life. Social security is one of the most important sources of income youll have in retirement, but would you be willing to give up 30 of it . If you decide to collect benefits early your monthly check could be reduced by that much. Senior personal finance colonjos with more. Sharon epperson. Hi. Last year claiming benefits at the age of 62, the earliest you can collect but only your full Social Security benefefit if yo wait until youre full retirement age. Thats 66 or 67, depending whe you were born. Thisth week i sat down with aar president jeanine enish. A huge upside to delayed gratification. Delay t to , they can increase their Social Security by 8 per year. Its a big number. That is a huge number. Ve big number indeed and could potentially incyrease your Monthly Payment by hundreds of dollars, tens of thousands of dollars, over your lifetime, becky. Wow. I knew there was a penalty. I didnt realize how big of a penalty it actually was. You just wonder when people start claiming for this, when they start gng into this, who should wait . How realistic . How do you figure it out . People say its not really a penalty. A lot of debate on this. At 62, take it. Its my money. I deserve to take it. They dont consider how much more money if they waited to full retirement age. Single woman, 62 collects at 62, get 1,200 perhaps as a retirement benefit. Waited to full retenement age, it could be 1,600. Waits to70, as much as 2,1 opinion, maybe a little more than that. Whats the difference if youre single making the decision or married . Does your spouses decision van impact on you . It certainly can. There you thousands of different strategies married couples can be part of. They needo know there are spousal benefits that can be a really important factor for a lot of spouses. If youre 62, can claim at early as that as an individual, wait until later but you could do that. Look at worth your spouse sllgts for benefits, to blame es supposal benefits. Do you get penalized if your spouse goes ahead and retires early but you wait and hold off . Is that a way of hedging your bets . One of your checks depends whos the higher earning spouse, lower earning spouse. A lot of different strategies. Interesting that a lot of people dont realize when you get divorced. Yif you get divorced, you are able, maybed ten years, to then have the spousal benefits as well. Widows as well are able to access spousal benefits earlier than the earliest retirement age of 60. Biggest thing, confusing. Make sure youre aware of what youre entitled to and get your head around it before you make a decision . Absolutely. Look at the lifetime ben fritz from Social Security, it can move the needle significantly. As much as 230,000 to 700,000 over your lifetime, depending on how much you earn. So its a significant amount. A lot of resources are out there, becky, people should be aware of to figure this out. Because it is veryer complex an it can be very confusing, and the Social Security add min installation, say government websites are no good . No. They have a lot of great information is. Go to ssa. Gov. Figure out your full retirement age. Is it 66 is 67 . Anden money engines a good tool. 0 xeeshl security planner and aarp. Great resource pop Social Security. Main thing, figure o your potential benefits now while working, figure out how much you need to save on your own. Wn thats part of are it and how long you need to work. Sharon, thank you. Up next on the money, a look at the news for the week ahead. At the digital age goes global, the chairman has a blunt warning for thecountry. Surprising words from a tech titan when we come right back. For more on our show and guests go to were your website. Otm nbcuni. Com. Here are stories coming up. Monday, ism nonmanufacturing index for september. Measure how the Services Sector of the economy is doing and its important, by far its the largest portion of our economy. Alson monday, the u. S. Supreme court starts a new term. Im loving it beginning tuesday. Thats when mcdonalds starts serving breakfast all day. And on wednesday, we get the Consumer Credit report for the month of august. Thursday, minutes from last months Federal Reserve open Market Committee meeting also released. And on friday, this years Nobel Peace Prize winner is announced. At the Clinton Global Initiative i also spoke to a panel of some of the most innovative leaders from big companipa and international organizatioions h they are going small and going fast in the digital revolution. This digital age will change every persons life in the world at a much faster pace, and to give an example, youre going from 1,000 connections to the internet in 1984 to 14 billion today, to 500 billion in 15 years. It will completely change every model of business, every government, every city, every home, and if carried out the right way, you will see it bring the power of job creation, health care and education to every citizen in every part of the world. A question ill throw out to the panel. Who is most responsible for making sure the economy works for most people . Is it the government . Is it the private sector . I think were seeing a shift towards especially as Technology Companies start to own more and more of your data, they also have to have a responsibility to be using this in a positive way. I think most importantly we have the ability now to actually hear from people. We started a program called you report which now has 1. 7 million young people around the world, and we ask them, whats the one thing you would like to tell World Leaders that you need in your life . What did they say . One thing you would want. Overwhelmily, education. Its scary, because as this transition takes place you have to reeducate the whole world. What theyre thinking about in india. Retrain the skills force. Redo the Education System where government lead verse to work with business and others and try different ways to get the skill sets. Young people note were not training them for the future. As the destruction happens, social unrest if we dont do a better onon education, that requires model thinking. For corporate, longterm thinking beyond the Quarterly Earnings call. Yes. John, you made the point a couple times that youre impressed by what indias doing now. You didnt sound as optimistic about what the United States is doing. Where do we stand . Were behind. Our businesses are remarkably effective and moving rapidly. Doesnt maybe if its air b b, walmart, apple, theyre changing. They know if they dont theyll be left behind. We need to move faster and hold ourselves accountable. We have to say with the Information Age we clearly led both on the business created the we created it all. My thanks to the Clinton Global Initiative panel and of course president clinton. Thats the show for today. Im becky quick. Thank you so much for joining me. Next week, would you believe a 40 tuition cut . Well tell you which colleges are putting education on sale and why. Each week keepright here. Were on the money. Have a great one and ill see you next weekend. Good morning, america. Happening right now catastrophic flooding. Relentless rains. Smashing records. South carolina the hardest hit. And the water was up above my waist. Rescuers and residents boating through the streets. Neighborhoods submerged. Theres more rain on the way. Our rob marciano right there in the thick of it. The new Hillary Clinton . I wish you could be president. Me, too. Her snl appearance showing off her funny side. Is this the new strategy . Will it work with voters . Basketball sex scandal. Allegations rocking the Prestigious Program at the university of louisville. It almost got me sick to my stomach. Were escorts hired to have sex with top recruits . What the university is saying this morning. A nohitter for the second time

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