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95 is shut down in both directions. Stay with abc seven and wjla. Com for updates on this. Athan the other top story justice has been found. He will never walk out again. Justice, one and a half years after a brutal murder. In killer will spend an life prison after stabbing his neighbors to death and hopping on a cruise ship. Alison this case haunted the rockville neighborhood, and tom roussey has the victims family. Tom . Tom earlier today at superior courthouse in montgomery county, the judge told the defendant, i dont know what dark part of your soul blade you to do this, that he made sure that he would never be up to do this aga tragedy will never see the light of day. [no audio] tom what happened in the courthouse earlier today was a very long hearing for the judge. What he decided on, eachife sentences, one for of the murders. They were the neighbors of the defendant. Morning, may, 2015, he broke into their house and killed them. Although he robbed a few items, prosecutors say he intended to kill them because he attacked when they were in their bed. The couple was sleeping when he attacked. The judge in rockville handed down the mas possible. Maryland does not have the death penalty, so that was the most he could hand down. The family was happy with the decision from the judge. They say although this does not bring their parents back, their parents were wonderful people and at least now there has been justice. Live in rockville, tom roussey, abc 7 news. Alison a horrible story. Tom, thank you. A federal grand jury has indicted a d. C. Public School Employee on a drug charge. Rita gray is accused of conspiring to import five kilograms of cocaine into the u. S. The cps suspended her last week and she is now awaiting extradition to florida. Jonathan a police chase comes in alexandria. A woman stole a d. C. Housing car and drove away on 395. The woman has not been named at this hour. Out what triggered this bizarre chain of events. Alison an update in one of our big stories from last week. The Governors Office is confirming that Prince Georges County liquor Board Chairman charlesasa trawls caldwell is stepping down. He was involved in a Traffic Accident after the mgm casino open. He was taken into custody and accused of dui. Disrupted in the road holmes, neighbors near the Georgia Avenue metro station said they are dealing with rumbling and noises during the day and they can feel their house move. Now they are searching for solutions. Tim barber joins us with what they are saying. We are here near the Georgia Avenue metro station. The folks on the east side of the road say they cannot hear anything about this. The folks on the west side of the road say they hear it first thing in the morning when they wake up and when they go to bed at night. Earthquake. Tim she is talking about the metro green line, which shakes her house every few minutes. Neighbors, dozens of voiced their concerns to officials at a community meeting. A spokesperson said that metro is looking into the issue and the source of the reported noise and vibration has not been determined. This person is not concerned that his house will fall apart and depreciate, but he has felt the difference. Earlier in the year i could feel it very faintly in the basement. Over the summer i can feel it on the second floor. For he has lived here several years without problems, and that is how they want it. We want answers and hopefully they can fix it. Tim some residents believe the green lines new part of the problem, but mature has not confirmed that. We will let you know what we find out. Live in northwest washington, tim barber, abc 7 news. Jonathan developing now, workers at big airports set to god on strike. Atdreds of contract workers Dulles Airport and reagan are protesting wages. This is mostly made up of wheelchair attendants and baggage handlers. Forced to havere second jobs just to make ends meet. The report says passengers will not be disrupted by this. Stay with abc seven and wjla. Com for continuing coverage. Steve the temperatures right now in the lower 40s inside the beltway, a little colder to the north and west. If you think that it feels cold right now, wait until you see whats on the way the next couple days. A few showers around woodstock and warrenton, mixing in with wet snowflakes. If you have yet to see shower activity more overnight. The bus stop forecast, chilly start, but sunshine peeking through. The clouds increase in the afternoon. The timing of the cold front, the strongest cold front so far this season, and it promises to bring windchill factors in the Single Digits. When it will arrive, how long it will last, and looking ahead to christmas week travel coming up. Jonathan a touching neighborhood troops into a woman who was struck and killed by a car. She was a married mother of four in del ray. Several restaurants and businesses stepped up in a rally for rose. 100 of sales of special menu items will be going to her children. We has a neighborhood need to do what we can to make sure that her children are taken care of. Jonathan businesses are also doing a raffle to try to raise money for her family. Alison new developments , all charges dropped against the man,ed comet pizza gun what more serious federal charges can now be filed. Edgar welch is accused of firing the shots inside of comet pingpong after reading fake news reports about child sex trafficking. A say that edgar tried to recruit others to try to free the alleged child sex slaves. Jonathan the u. N. Is calling the situation in aleppo, syria, a complete meltdown of humanity. Today, a ceasefire and evacuation agreement were reached. The city is under control of syria, and many are fleeing, but have nowhere to go. It had been previously held by violent rebels for months with dozens of civilians murdered. Alison president obama has signed his final bill into law, and it was an emotional moment. The largest healthcare reform since the Affordable Care act. Remembering his mother who died of cancer, the president called this bill signing bittersweet. President obama its not always easy to remember. But being able to honor tse who weve lost in this way and to know that we may be able to families from feeling that same loss, that makes it a good day. Alison the law passed congress with nearly unanimous support. It includes a billion dollars to opioid and drug and action and to fund the cancer moon shot be led by Vice President biden. Jonathan a growing list of cabinet nominees for donald trump. Exxonected, he nominated mobil ceo rex secretary of state. He will also reportedly nominate former Texas Governor rick perry as energy secretary. The president elect also had an interesting day at trump towers. That is kanye west in the tower. So was ray lewis and former nfl star jim brown, who had a chance to meet with trump. Bill gates was there as well. An interesting day at trump towers. Alison more than a year after the cargo leaking of ship, newly released transcripts have audio from the ship i stayed a recorder, and some of the messages include a man saying, im a gone are. The ship im a goner. The ship sank, killing all 32 crewmembers. It was the longest transcript ever produced by the ntsb. Jonathan mounting questions after an unarmed elderly man was shot to death by the police in california. Call about a man with a gun in bakersfield and shot the 73yearold seven times. Then the officer found out he was not even armed. He suffers from dementia and was walking in the middle of the night. His family says its possible the police may have mistook his crucifix that he often held in his hand as a weapon. Sad news in the entertainment hicke hastor alan t died at the age of 69. He was best known for his role in growing pains but was also a producer and musician. Alison as many get ready to do holiday cooking, millions of popular Food Processors are being recalled because of a hidden danger. What you need to know is next. And the latest chapter in the star wars tsonga hits theaters this weekend. We are giving away tickets early screening. Call us right now, the seventh color will win. 7035287334. The screening will be held tomorrow at the Silver Spring regal majestic. Good luck. Did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet thats 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. Say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. And add phone and tv for only 34. 90 more a month. Comcast business. Built for business. Jonathan fighting back against d. C. s ward seven, interim police chief Peter Newsham joined mayor muriel bowser. They answered questions about security. Mayor bowser says the crime rate recently has gone down. Alison Arlington County is working late into the night, cracking down on predatory towing. Board members are expected to vote at any time. Jay korff has been following the story all night. Jay, what changes could happen here . Jay there are a number of things. Heated debate going backandforth in the hearing room. The resin other screen over here where you can see the action. It is a huge controversy in arlington. Not enough spaces and a lot of complaints about predatory towing. Tonight they are expected to pass a series of reforms. The big controversy is requiring towing companies to get a Business Owner or employee to sign off on whether a car should or should not get towed. , theowing Companies Chamber of commerce, and some businesses are strongly opposed to this, saying that it would be onerous and would cause a burden. We are strongly opposed to the addition of a second authorization requirement for illegally parked vehicles on private property. As we have acknowledged, parking is scarce in arlington. Stakeholderss that can work together, but the answer. Stress should certainly Public Advocates and a number of residents and some Board Members strongly support this second firmsure, the towing think they should toe vehicles, but under the proposal they would have to get permission from the business. That is the big controversy. Your many other issues that appear to have the support there are many other issues that appear to have the support, including increasing fines for a night, weekend, holiday towing, the towing of Public Safety vehicles. There is a huge controversy and they are debating long into the night in arlington. Back to you in the studios. Alison 7 on your side with a consumer alert tonight. Impactingrecall millions of homes. The middle of some cuisinart Food Processors can break off and wind up in your food. Dozens have been injured, many have cuts to the mouth or broken teeth. The concern is blaze with four rivets and a beige Plastic Center hub. Cuisinart is offering free replacements. To read about the specific models impact, go to wjla. Com. Jonathan a shouting match inside of a high hearing for bill cosby. The judge had to scold lawyers on both sides. The arguments were weather to identify the women who have of sexual assault. His trial starts next june. This is the first time cosby will face criminal charges, although he has faced accusations for more than a dozen women. Alison stormwatch 7 is tracking the coldest air of the season. Tonight, there are Winter Weather alerts and more than a dozen states. A mixture hundreds of crashes across the midwest. In minnesota, people braved singledigit temperatures and a shipills to watch covered in ice coming off like superior. Now it is cold enough to make snow at ski resorts in the poconos, opening for the season. Steve and that cold weather will make its way to us by thursday. That means good snowmaking conditions to the west, around the dmv. 35 overnight, partly cloudy skies, may see some isolated showers. Waking up tomorrow morning, just near freezing around the capital beltway. A little colder to the north and west. The temperatures in the middle 20s. Tomorrow morning, sunglasses early on. The temperatures will be about 40 degrees midmorning. In the Late Afternoon to the early evening, the clouds will begin to increase. Highs near 45 degrees. Enjoy it. Tomorrow, take advantage of it. Thursday you will not want to be outside, at least not for extended times. 7, wakest, stormwatch up temperatures and conditions mostly clear. Through the midday, clouds began to increase as this cold front advances from the west. The this moves out, floodgates open for the cold air coming in from the northwest. The wind will increase. Wind gusts early thursday morning around 25 to 35 miles per hour. That will give us windchill factors in the Single Digits and teens. The actual air temperatures only near 20. 5 to 38 thursday. Thursday. A little warmer friday, the wind not as strong. By the weekend, we starto warm up. Looking for a little wintry mix. The windchill factors. Cold them it will be walking to the metro stop by 7 a. M. It will be cold walking to the measure stop or walking the dog. Outlook, blustery, supercold thursday, about 26 degrees. 27, 20 eight degrees friday, not as much wind. Looking for a winter mix early saturday. Sunday near 60. We cool down monday and tuesday. Moving into Christmas Travel week, it looks ok up and down the east coast. Right now forecasting a green christmas inside the beltway. Jonathan can you figure out with these emojis are . If you consider yourself an expert, good. These little pictures can turn into a job. A Company Wants you to pay you a couple he wants to pay you to figure these things out. Redid you say 97 . 97 yes. You know, that reminds me of geicos 97 Customer Satisfaction rating. 97 . Helped by geicos fast and friendly claims service. Huh. Oh yeah, baby. Geicos as fast and friendly as it gets. Woo geico. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. Alison congratulations to john wolf of spotsylvania, Winning Tickets to the advance screening of rogue one. The next chance is tomorrow morning on good morning washington. Jonathan a london firm is looking to hire the worlds first emoji translator. There is even in all my test which more than 100 people have taken. There is no word on the exact salary of this gig. The first assignment, a client wants to translate his diary into emojis for his kids. Are we going to stop communicating with words and just use pictures . Alison i could make some extra money. Up, coming sherman is not a fan of thursday night foot wall. And the capitals try to win he gets a lot of compliments. He wears his army hat, walks around with his army shirt looking all nice. And then people just say, thank you for serving our country and im like, thats my dad. Male vo no one deserves a warmer welcome home. Thats why were hiring 10,000 members of the military community by the end of 2017. Im very proud of him. Male vo comcast. And now the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers. Erin the capitals in new york tonight trying to make it five straight wins as they take on the islanders. The third. The wrister puts the caps up 32. Fastforward, late in the game, goal gamee second two of his career, the caps win 42. Across the pond, the play of the day. Final minutes of the game, arsenal looking to tie it up. Makes the diving stop. The followup shot was denied by the defense. Quick reflexes. Nfls thursday night games have taken a lot of heat this ason. Many say the quality of play is not up to par with the games on sunday and monday. Another voice has chimed in on his displeasure, richard sherman. The never shy cornerback from the seahawks expressed his thoughts. We played, got home 1 00 in the morning monday, then you have to play again. Congratulations, nfl, you did it again. But theyve been doing it all season. I guess we are the last ones to get it. Erin wow. And dont forget abc 7 will carry the monday night football game. Panthers at the redskins. How else do you think he gets around so fast . Take the reins this holiday and get the mercedesbenz youve always wanted during the winter event. A month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Steve keep calm, it will be cold around here. Tomorrow will be 43. Thursday, windchill factors in the Single Digits and teens. Not as windy friday. Jonathan jimmy kimmel is next. Alison have a good nig lend him a helping hand. Put a little love in your heart. Take a good look around. And if youre lookin down, put a little love in your heart. Put a little love in your heart. In your heart. avo the subaru share the love event is happening now and will have given ninety Million Dollars to help real people like these. Did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet thats 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. And add phone and tv for only 34. 90 more a month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. Dicky from hollywood, its Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight from mr. Robot, rami malek. Espns samantha ponder. And music from gucci mane featuring travis scott. And now, lets play it this way heres jimmy kimmel [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome, hi. Im jimmy, im the host of the show. Thank you for watching. Thanks for coming. Very nice. Im glad

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