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The latest that we know about possible viewing of information by susan rice under president obama . Sen. Graham im going to ask the people who did the collection did susan rice ever request of you or your organization the unmasking of somebody caught up in incidental collection, particularly a trump person . If she did, then i want her to come in and say why she requested that and what she did with it. Sharyl nine out of ten times, the i. R. S. Seized money that americans had obtained legally. Robert johnson the i. R. S. Was basically trolling through peoples Bank Statements rather than going to that person and saying, hey, you know whats going on here, is there some sort of explanation . Instead, they would just seize the entire bank account and then they would hold it. Sharyl welcome to full measure. Im sharyl attkisson. Next week, french voters go to the polls in the first round of a president ial election. One candidate, Marine Le Pen, is drawing much of the attention and concern. Shes campaigning in a style, and on the issues, that brought President Trump to the white house. Her Campaign Promise is to put france first. And that is what is worrying much of the rest of europe. We sent scott thuman to examine the political rise of the populist le pen. Scott the star power on this stage in france, with all the fireworks and frenzy, is a woman positioning to become the countrys next president and the symbol of a movement hardly limited to this jampacked arena. Marine le pen we choose our nation. Its all together, all united. Thats how we will confront the challenges of globalization, of islamism, and of terrorism. Thats the only way to be great again, to be free, and the way to happiness. So my friends, faced with a fundamental choice, the only useful vote is the vote that leads to concrete change. Scott 48yearold Marine Le Pen is drawing these boisterous crowds not just by speaking but, equally, by listening. Her supporters, often chanting a loosely translated, this is our home, feel theyve been forgotten by the current body politic. And its le pen who has them feeling enthusiasm for the first time in a long time. Scott do you think the french have been losing their culture, youve been losing that . Pierre martin yes, yes. Scott and youre trying to regain it is what youre saying . Pierre martin the brightness of france all over the world is shut down. You know . All over the world. Scott in a nation where many are desperately clinging to a fleeting french way of life, a society of sidewalk cafes and romantic nostalgia, le pen and the National Front are making nationalism the primary goal. For many french, the changes from the outside dont sit well. Marine le pen we destroyed national borders. Now we are forced to build new ones inside our country. You, ladies and gentlemen, as individuals, have experienced it because now you need fences around your house. Armored doors, keys, passwords, alarm systems. Walls that we dont have outside anymore to protect us collectively, we now have to build them inside to protect us individually. The border is a way to protect us as a nation. So as a nation, we can live peacefully. Scott this populist movement may sound familiar to many americans. Though le pens preferences go beyond closing borders. Shed like to see any outward religious expressions outlawed, from burkas to yarmulkes, and is pushing for frances own version of something seen recently in scott if she were to become president , if she wins, what is the first thing you want her to do . Pierre martin frexit. Scott frexit . Pierre martin frexit. Scott the French Version of brexit, get out . Pierre martin yes, because all the candidates says we are to make france great again, like trump. And here, we are fighting for our job. You know . Scott getting out would mean a withdrawal from the 28member European Union to gain independence when it comes to currency, trade, and border control. It could also threaten the future of the e. U. Scott Marine Le Pen paints a pretty dark picture of the future sometimes, doesnt she . Nonna mayer well, thats her idea. If you play on the fears of voters, the idea is we are the only party that offers the protection. She has framed globalization as a triple threat. They are going to steal your job, all these immigrants its a cultural threat there are threats for our values, our french culture, and identity. And its a political threat our decisions now are not taken by the national government. Its the end of the sovereign nation state, so thats how she paints the future. And what she says is but if you vote for us, that will stop. We are going to close the borders, and we will go back to the golden age as france was before. Scott nonna mayer has been studying le pen and her surging National Front Political Party for years. She says for many voters, it has become a last resort. Scott shes seen as a real hero by many, isnt she . Nonna mayer it depends on what you call a hero. But at least she, in a world where theres distrust in the Political Class, shes maybe the last one to say, we can do it. she promises something. She said, look, you t theyve governed together and theyve failed. Why dont you try us . scott but getting to the big stage, and the lead in early polls, hasnt been easy. The n. F. s success meant le pen would kick out the partys founder, who also happens to be her father. Jean marie le pen. The two no longer speak. Shes more aligned with her niece, the also highly polarizing politician, marion marchel le pen, who we interviewed last year in paris. Marion marchel le pen i would remind you that france is europes leading exporter of isis soldiers, which underlines a malaise. Dont bury your head in the sand. The areas with the higher immigration rates are the areas with the strongest insecurities. This immigration policy has failed. Scott the recent spate of terror attacks in paris and across europe, and the sometimes chaotic environment brought by an influx of refugees, has created a perfect storm from which le pen so eloquently strikes a chord with the fed up french voters. Marine le pen the democratic uprising of people is happening, in the u. S. And Great Britain and italy, in india, and eventually, everywhere in the world. Patriots are speaking the same language. Scott she promotes the idea of closed borders. You think thats a good idea . Many problems with borders because many immigrants come in france. Scott and you want to stop that . Yes. We want it to stop. Scott you want to close the borders . Yes. Scott you would like out of the European Union . Yes. I would. I would go against, i would say no, we dont want to stay. Scott le pen supporters say while a loss would be disappointing, it wouldnt necessarily be disastrous because they say the ideas of the National Front are contagious and will continue to grow well beyond this election. Sebastien chenu the National Front has already lost a lot of battles in the past. We know what losing means, and number every year. Our biggest challenge is to change voting habits. The intellectual battle, we already won. Scott we have a phrase sometimes used in washington when people want to get rid of the current government. They say, throw the bums out. Nonna mayer we have the same expression in france. They say sortie le sorto out with the in and thats a strong drive in the support for the front national. But you see, its not enough. Today in france, you have Something Like 79 of the citizens consider that the Political Class doesnt care what people like me think. You have three out of four who consider that the Political Class is corrupt. So, there is the temptation to say, out with them all scott despite, according to pollsters, difficult odds for le pen and her party, her supporters believe change is not only in the air, it is now inevitable. So, this election in france could foretell ballotcasting across the rest of europe and if populism is truly to take hold or has hit its own wall. Nonna mayer 58 a few weeks ago in the polls say her party is seen as a danger for democracy, and thats the first flaw. And the second flaw, but maybe for trump its the same, is that the idea shes not really capable of being a president of the republic. Marine le pen to those who say that france has had her time, i say the time coming is her time. Time of her great return. Lets return to being proud proud of our history, proud of what we are, proud of the france were going to leave to our children. Sharyl fascinating. What did you hear . Scott we ran across a number of people who support and plan to vote for le pen. They say they have friends who feel the same way but wont voice that publicly for fear of being criticized. I remember hearing similar places like selma, north carolina, and wisconsin from donald trump supporters. Le pen is leading in the polls but they are tightening. Sharyl ahead on full measure are some playing politics with National Security . One senior senator thinks so and sharyl h Obama Associates obtained information to use against trump associates. Names normally strictly masked for privacy reasons. I recently spoke with republican senator Lindsey Graham who is on the judiciary committee. What is your comment on the latest we know about possible viewing of information by susan rice under president obama . If there were incidental context, not surveillance, between Trump Officials and andeign agents officials, did susan rice have access to that information . What did she do with it . I do not know if that is a crime or not but i am uncomfortable with it. I dont know if she did it. I will ask the people who did the collection, did susan rice request from you the names of people from the trump team caught up collection, and did you provide her with names . If she did, call her in and say, why did you do it and what did you with the information . Sharyl if this was done to trump at a time when nobody thought he would win, does it raise the question whether it was done to other candidates . Wrecks yes. Why should they listen to a conversation between somebody running for president and a Foreign Agent unless you believe that person has committed a crime . If im talking to a foreign leader as a senator, its one thing to be monitoring the person im talking to for intelligence gathering, its another thing to listen to my conversation. Theres a separation of powers issue here. As a member of the legislative branch of government, i dont want the executive branch of government collecting my conversations even if theyre incidental because i dont want them to know what im talking about. This is really scary to me. I understand incidental collection is part of the process. But when you have government officials like myself, the trump team, i think you should cut the machine off. Sharyl i had a highranking intelligence official who worked under president obama tell me that the incidental collection is used as an excuse, that sometimes bad actors have wanted to collect intel on somebody so they find somebody around them as a way to collect intel on them without putting their name on a fisa application for example. Sen. Graham well, that would be going around the warrant process. A fisa warrant allows you to follow particular people, their Foreign Agents. You can do it on an american, but youve got to go and get a warrant from a court. So the bottom line about incidental collection, i could see how you could manipulate the system. If theres any indication that people set up incidental collection to avoid the fisa warrant process, that would be a devastating story. I dont know if that exists or not, but id be willing to talk to anybody who believes it did. Sharyl when will we see hearings on this . Sen. Graham hopefully in may. Brennan. They should have awareness of what was collected. I want to talk to the people who collected the information and ask them a simple question. Did susan rice ever request of you or your organization the unmasking of somebody caught up in incidental collection, particularly a trump person . If she did, then i want her to come in and say why she requested that, why, what she did with it. Sharyl susan rice or anybody else. Sen. Graham or anybody else. Sharyl that asks for that. Sen. Graham and i can say about susan rice and ben rhodes, i have no idea what they did here. Im not going to prejudge. But i do know during benghazi, which youre well aware of, that she started the storyline of a protest caused by a video. It was always a terrorist attack on day one. They manipulated the information, i think for political reasons. So, when it comes to susan rice and ben rhodes, verify, dont trust. Sharyl ben rhodes was president obamas deputy National Security advisor. In an interview with msnbc earlier this month, susan rice said it wasnt unusual for her u. S. Citizens caught in intel surveillance. But she said it was for context, not political reasons and that she, didnt leak nothing to nobody. Sharyl coming up on full measure. With tax day nearly here, well investigate how the government can legally empty your bank account when youve committed no crim sharyl a new development in the story i first heard working six years ago. In the murder of Border Patrol agent brian terry has finally been arrested in mexico. Heraclio osorioarellanes will be extradited to the u. S. Terry was murdered in arizona by Illegal Immigrants armed with weapons the feds secretly allowed to be trafficked to drug cartels. Atf agent john dodson publicly blew the whistle on the government operation in an interview with me in 2011. At least 69 deaths have been linked to criminals who used weapons trafficked in the fast and furious case, but the government will not release the full Accounting Congress has asked for. Tax day is tuesday, for some the most dreaded day on the american calendar. Today, we follow the money and a new report by the Treasury Department Inspector General calling out the i. R. S. For seizing millions of dollars from americans who havent done anything wrong. We recently got details from Robert Johnson, an attorney with the libertarian Civil Liberties law firm institute for justic. Robert johnson the ultimate takeaway here is that civil forfeiture allows the government to take peoples property based on the suspicion of criminal wrongdoing, but without actually having to prove to a court that somebody did something wrong. And that takes the presumption of innocence and it turns it on its head. Sharyl a federal law meant to help prevent Money Laundering and crime forces banks to report anyone making cash deposits greater than 10,000. And its a crime for citizens to break down those deposits into smaller amounts simply to avoid the reporting requirements. But the institute for justices Robert Johnson says the i. R. S. Is also seizing perfectly legal cash. Robert johnson the problem is that this law has been applied to all kinds of innocent Small Business owners who arent trying to hide anything from the government. They just happen to be depositing cash in the bank in amounts under 10,000. Sharyl the Treasury Department Inspector General looked at a sampling of cases and found that nine out of 10 times, the i. R. S. Seized money that americans had obtained legally. The i. G. Also found the government pursued cases based solely on patterns of cash deposits without looking for associated criminal activity. Robert johnson the i. R. S. Was basically trolling through peoples Bank Statements looking for cases where they could find a pattern of under 10,000 deposits. And then when they found that pattern, rather than going to the person and saying, hey, you know whats going on here, is there some sort of explanation instead, they would just seize the entire bank account and then they would hold it. You know, the first time these people realize theyre even potentially violating the law is when someone from the i. R. S. Shows up and tells them that entire bank account. I think what this really shows is nobody is safe from this kind of abuse of civil forfeiture, and we all are potentially at risk for being targeted. Sharyl the i. R. S. Has agreed to make a number of changes recommended by the Inspector General, including seizing peoples cash only when there is evidence of criminal activity. Robert johnson in america, people are supposed to be presumed innocent. But under civil forfeiture, youre presumed guilty. And then, you have to prove your own innocence in order to get your property back. And thats wrong. Its unamerican. Its unconstitutional, and it has to end. Sharyl the i. R. S. Has invited more than 1800 people impacted by the questionable seizures to petition to have their money returned. Next on full measure. Its the city of romance, with a few new concerns. Sharyl reporting from paris this week, scott thuman was struck by the beauty of the city and the new realities. He spoke with some americans in pulse. This weeks air andusic fills the the joie de vivre or joy of living makes the city of lights, the city of love. Its eiffel tower, museums of priceless art, the river seine, and sidewalk cafes are an international draw and what lured the williams and ostrowskis from florida. Although, the laissezfaire lifestyle has been lessened a bit for these visitors. We were a little uneasy. The day we actually came from london to paris was the day of the attacks in london. And when we got off the train, we learned about them. It is in my mind. When i do or hear something, whenever we hear motorcycles, we kind of look. I dont know why or what it is, maybe all the movies weve seen in the past, but when we hear motorcycles, we kind of look to see what it is. And when were sitting in a cafe, kind of watching stuff that happened here in the past. Scott that past of the paris attacks has some very present reminders. Heavily armed police walk the beat around the citys most iconic sights and where tourists are hard pressed not to notice. We see the armed guards. It actually makes you feel a little safer because you know theyre there to protect you. Scott the arc de triomphe, a tribute to former wars won, hosts an odd clash of old and new, as those in longretired uniforms stand feet away from ones worn reflecting the current state of concern. The blau family is here from california. As americans, we have a false sense of security. Especially those that travelled before 9 11. We certainly thought about it with our discussions of this trip. But once youre here, i mean youre constantly aware of your surroundings. And, no, its a lovely city. Scott even the french clash over the relaxed cest la vie mindset. Scott do you worry at all or no . No, im not worried at all. I am. Scott though its an exaggeration to say fear dominates the mindset in france. After all, paris is a strolling and shopping haven. Scott done some damage . Yeah, she has look at the bags. Scott and so, they choose to concern themselves with another type of international conflict. Being from los angeles too, were hoping to get the olympics. And france is the only country thats left, so its between france and the u. S. Scott so, youre doing a little lobbying . Well, you know, ive got my fingers crossed. Well see. Sharyl next week, our engagement in afghanistan. It is not just about fighting islamic terrorism. It also involves paying ghost soldiers with your tax when you dollars. Say ghosts, what are you referring to . John sopko what were talking about are policemen, afghan policemen, afghan military, afghan civil servants, who dont exist or they have multiple Identity Cards and were paying their salaries. Sharyl the incredible story of wasted u. S. Tax dollars. Next week. That is all for this week. Thanks for watching. Until next time, we will be searching for more stories that hold powers accountable. Francis rose. Today on the weekend addition of Government Matters, the Trump Administration rolls out a shakeup of the executive branch. This is something that goes much deeper than the structure of government. The senior of office of management and budget details the plan to reform the government and cut the workforce. And our federal beat round table covers a story from every angle. Government matters starts right now. Thanks for watching the Weekend Edition of Government Matters featuring the latest topics that matter to the business of government like technology, defense, workforce, security, and

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